



1 4毫米锁闭 check 4mm opening of a switch point

2 矮型信号机 dwarf signal

3 安全电路 vital circuit

4 安全接点 safety contact

5 按钮 push-in button

6 按钮表示 button indication

7 半自动闭塞机 semi-automatic block machine

8 半自动闭塞联系电路 liaison circuit with semi-automatic blocks

9 半自动化驼峰系统 semi-automatic hump yard system

10 保护区段 overlap protection block section

11 备电源 stand-by power source

12 被控点 controlled point

13 闭路式轨道电路 close type track circuit

14 闭塞分区 block section

15 闭塞机 block instrument

16 臂板接触器 contacts operated by semaphore

17 臂板转极器 pole changer operated by semaphore

18 变压器箱 transformer box

19 标准分路灵敏度 standard shunting sensitivity

20 表示 indication

21 表示灯 indication lamp

22 表示灯电源 power source for indication lamp

23 表示电路 indication circuit

24 表示对象 indicated object

25 表示杆 indication rod

26 表示连接杆 connecting rod for indication

27 表示盘 indicating panel

28 表示器 indicator

29 表示周期 indication cycle

30 并联式轨道电路 multiply connected track circuit

31 并置信号点 double signal location

32 不对称脉冲轨道电路 asymmetrical impulse track circuit

33 不限时人工解锁 manual non-time release

34 材质不良 bad material

35 操纵台 operating console

36 侧撞 conering

37 测长 distance-to-coupling measurement

38 测试环线 test loop

39 测速 speed measurement

40 测重 weight sensing

41 测阻 rollability measurement

42 插接不良 plug-in trouble

43 岔中绝缘 insulated joint within a turnout

44 场间联系电路 liaison circuit between yards

45 车档表示器 buffer stop indicator

46 车辆存在监测器 presence monitor

47 车辆加速器 car accelerator

48 车轮传感器 wheel detector

49 车门自动控制 automatic train door control

50 车站控制 station master control

51 出站信号机 starting signal

52 储风罐 air reservoir

53 储酸室 acid store room

54 传动系统 driving system

55 传输继电器 transmitting relay

56 串联式轨道电路 serially connected track circuit

57 磁路系统 magnetic circuit

58 从属信号机 dependent signal

59 错溜 miseroute

60 错误办理 wrong handling

错误关闭信号 false stopping of a signal

62 错误解锁 false release

63 错误开放信号 wrong clearing of a signal

64 错误锁闭 false locking

65 错误显示 wrong indication

66 大功率转辙机 heavy duty switch machine

67 大站电气集中联锁 relay interlocking for large station

68 带柄道岔表示器 switch indicator with level

69 带动道岔 switch with follow up movement

70 单独操纵继电式电气集 individual level type all-relay interlocking

71 单独操纵作业 manual operation

72 单断 single break

73 单轨条式轨道电路 single rail track circuit

74 单频感应器 single frequency inductor

75 单线臂板信号机 single wire semaphore signal

76 单线继电半自动闭塞 single track all-relay semi-automatic block


77 单向自动闭塞 single-directional running automatic block

78 单置信号点 single signal location

79 弹力继电器 spring-type relay

80 导管调整器 pipe compensator

81 导线导轮 wire carrier

82 导线调整器 wire compensator

83 导线反正扣 wire-adjusting screw

84 导线立轮 vertical wheel

85 导线平轮 horizontal wheel

86 导线平轮组 horizontal wheel assembly

87 导线装置 wire installation

88 导向安全 failure to the safe side

89 到发线出岔电路 protection circuit with switch lying in receiving-

90 道岔表示 switch indication

91 道岔表示电源 power source for switch indication

92 道岔表示器 switch indicator

93 道岔错误表示 false indication of a switch

94 道岔定位表示 switch normal indication

95 道岔动作电源 power source for switch operation

96 道岔反位表示 switch reverse indication

97 道岔封锁 switch closed up

98 道岔控制电路 switch control circuit

99 道岔控制电源 power source for switch control

100 道岔密贴 switch point closure

101 道岔启动 switch starting

102 道岔区段 section with a switch or switches

103 道岔人工解锁 manual release of a locked switch

104 道岔失去表示 loss of indication of a switch

105 道岔顺序启动 sequential starting of switches

106 道岔顺序转换 sequential transiting of switches

107 道岔锁闭表示 switch locked indication

108 道岔握柄 switch lever

109 道岔中途转换 switch thrown under moving cars

110 道口接近区段 approach section of a highway level crossing

111 道口闪光信号 highway level crossing flashing signal

112 道口室外音响器 highway level crossing out door audible device

113 道口信号机 highway level crossing signal

114 道口信号控制盘 highway level crossing signal control panel

115 道口遮断信号 highway level crossing obstruction signal

116 道渣电阻 ballast resistance

117 灯光转移 to transfer of lighting indication

118 灯丝断丝 filament burn-out

119 灯丝断丝报警 alarm for burnout of filaments

120 敌对信号 conflicting signal

121 地面感应器 wayside inductor

122 地面设备 wayside equipment

123 地中电缆盒 underground cable terminal box

124 第二接近区段 second approach section

125 第二离去区段 second departure section

126 第一接近区段 first approach section

127 第一离去区段 first departure section

128 电动臂板电锁器联锁 interlocking by electric locks with electric


129 电动臂板信号机 electric semaphore signal

130 电动传送设备 electric motor operated conveyer

131 电话闭塞 telephone block system

132 电机集中联锁 electro-mechanical interlocking

133 电空传送设备 electropneumatic conveyer

134 电码轨道电路 coded track circuit

135 电码自动闭塞 automatic block with coded track circuit

136 电气路牌闭塞 electric tablet block system

137 电气路牌机 electric tablet instrument

138 电气路签闭塞 electric staff system

139 电气路签机 electric staff instrument

140 电气锁闭 electric locking

141 电压过低 voltage below level

142 电压自动调整器 automatic voltage regulator

143 电液转辙机 electrohydraulic switch machine

144 电源端子 terminals for power supplies

145 电源转换屏 power switching over panel

146 调车表示器 shunting indicator

147 调车表示器电路 shunting indicator circuit

148 调车区电气集中联锁 interlocking for shunting area

149 调车线始端减速器 tangent retarder

150 调车信号机 shunting signal

151 调度集中分机 field equipment of ctc

152 调度集中总机 control office equipment of ctc

153 调度控制 dispatchers control

154 调频轨道电路 frequency modulated track circuit

155 叠加轨道电路 overlap track circuit

156 定点停车 stopping a train at a target point

157 定反位锁闭 normal and reverse locking

158 定期维修 periodical maintenance

159 定位接点 normal contact

160 定位锁闭 normal locking

161 动程 stroke

162 动接点 contact heel

163 动态长度 distance-to-go

164 动作杆 throw rod

165 动作连接杆 operating rod for driving a switch

166 对向重叠进路 route with overlapped section in the opposite dire

167 额定值 rated value

168 扼流变压器 impedance transformer

169 二次参数 secondary parameter

170 二显示自动闭塞 two-aspect automatic block

171 发车表示器 departure indicator

172 发车表示器电路 departure indicator circuit

173 发车进路信号机 route signal for departure

174 发车线路表示器 departure track indicator

175 发车信号 departure signal

176 反位接点 reverse contact

177 反位锁闭 reverse locking

178 反装 left-handed machine

179 方向电源 directional traffic power source

180 方向转接器 directional switch

181 防护变压器 protective transformer

182 防护道岔 protective turnout

183 防护区段 protected section

184 防止重复 prevention for repetitive clear of a signal

185 妨害故障 hindrance fault

186 非安全电路 non-vital circuit

187 非机械化驼峰设备 unmechanized hump yard equipment

188 非集中道岔 locally operated switch

189 非进路调车 to hold route for shunting

190 非进路调车电路 circuit to hold a route for shunting

191 非联锁道岔 non-interlocked switch

192 非联锁区 non-interlocking area

193 非自复式按钮 stick button

194 分割区段 cut section

195 分路 shunt

196 分路道岔 branching turnout

197 分路灵敏度 shunting sensitivity

198 分线盘 distributing terminal board

199 分线盘端子 terminals on distributing board

200 分向电缆盒 cable branching terminal box

201 风管路调压设备 air pipeline pressure governor

202 风压调整器 manometer regulator

203 封锁 close up

204 峰下减速器 master retarder

205 浮充供电 floating charge power supply

206 复示信号 repeating signal

207 复示信号机 repeating signal

208 干线供电 main linely connected power supply

209 杆上电缆盒 cable terminal box on a post

210 感应式机车信号 inductive cab signaling

211 钢轨绝缘 rail insulation

212 钢轨绝缘不良 bad rail insulation

213 钢轨引接线 track lead

214 高柱信号机 high signal

215 工作电流 working current

216 工作值 working value

217 共用箱 cab signal box

218 股道空闲 track clear

219 股道占用 track occupied

220 故障-安全 fail-safe

221 故障办理 emergency treatment after failure

222 故障复原 restoration after a failure

223 故障积累 failure accumulation

224 故障升级 progression of failure

225 故障修 corrective maintenance

226 光带 light strip

227 光带式表示 stript indication light

228 光点式表示 spotted indication light

229 轨道变压器箱 track transformer box

230 轨道变阻器 track rheostat

231 轨道电抗器 track reactor

232 轨道电路电码化 coding of continuous track circuit

233 轨道电路调整状态 regulated state of a track circuit

234 轨道电路分割 cut-section of a track circuit

235 轨道电路分路状态 shunted state of a track circuit

236 轨道电路蓄电现象 track storage effect

237 轨道接触器 track treadle

238 轨道生电现象 track galvanic effect

239 轨道受电变压器 track relay transformer

240 轨道送电变压器 track transformer feed end

241 焊接式钢轨接续线 welded bond

242 后接点 back contact

243 后圈 back coil

244 后退信号 backing signal

245 环状供电 looply connected power supply

246 缓动继电器 slow-acting relay

247 缓放继电器 slow release relay

248 缓放时间 slow release time

249 缓吸继电器 slow pick-up relay

250 缓吸时间 slow pick-up time

251 汇流条 bus-bar

252 混合电源 ac-battery power source

253 混合供电制 ac-battery power supply system

254 机车感应器 locomotive inductor

255 机车接近通知 approaching announcing in cab

256 机车设备 locomotive equipment

257 机车信号测试区段 cab signaling testing section

258 机车信号作用点 cab signaling inducter location

259 机务段联系电路 liaison circuit with a locodepot

260 机械臂板信号机 mechanically operated semaphore signal

261 机械化驼峰设备 mechanized hump yard equipment

262 机械集中联锁 mechanical interlocking

263 机械锁闭 mechanical locking

264 基本进路 basic route

265 基本联锁电路 fundamental interlocking circuit

266 极性检查电路 polarity checking circuit

267 集中道岔 centrally operated switch

268 集中电源 centrally connected power source

269 集中供电 centrally connected power supply

270 挤岔报警 alarm for a trailed switch

271 挤切 dissectible

272 挤切销 dissectible pin

273 挤脱 trailable

274 计划修 planned maintenance

275 计轴自动闭塞 automatic block with axle counter

276 继电并联传递网路 successively worked parallel relay network

277 继电并联网路 parallel relay network

278 继电串联网路 series relay network

279 继电器防震架 shock absorber base for relays

280 继电器控制电源 power source for relay control

281 继电器灵敏度 relay sensitivity

282 继电器释放 relay released

283 继电器吸起 relay energized

284 继电器箱 relay case

285 继电式电气集中联锁 all-relay interlocking

286 加封 sealing

287 加速推送信号 humping fast signal

288 尖端杆 front rod of a point

289 监督对象 surveillanced object

290 减速器工作状态 retarder in working state

291 减速器缓解状态 retarder released

292 减速器接近限界 clearance of a retarder

293 减速器制动状态 retarder in closed state

294 减速推送信号 humping slow signal

295 减速信号 restriction signal

296 检修不良 not well inspected and repaired

297 交流电源屏 ac power supply panel

298 交流二元二位继电器 ac two element two position relay

299 交流供电制 ac power supply system

300 交流计数电码轨道电路 ac counting coded track circuit

301 交流计数电码自动闭塞 automatic block with ac counting code track ci

302 交流继电器 ac relay

303 交直流继电器 ac-dc relay

304 较大限制信号 more restrictive signal

305 较大允许信号 more favorable signal

306 接车进路信号机 route signal for receiving

307 接车信号 receiving signal

308 接触不良 bad contact

309 接地报警 grounding alarm

310 接点闭合 contact closed

311 接点断开 contact open

312 接点系统 contact system

313 接点压力 contact pressure

314 接发车进路信号机 route signal for receiving-departure

315 接杆 pipe jaw

316 接近表示 approach indication

317 接近发码 coding during train approaching

318 接近连续式机车信号 approach continuous cab signaling

319 接近区段 approach section

320 接近锁闭 approach locking

321 接收线圈 receiving coil

322 解除闭塞 block cleared

323 解锁按钮盘 manual release button panel

324 解锁电路 release circuit

325 解锁进路 released route

326 解锁力 releasing force

327 尽头信号机 signal for stub-end track

328 近程监督分区 directly surveillanced subsection

329 近程网路 directly surveillanced network

330 进路表 route sheet

331 进路表示器 route indicator

332 进路表示器电路 route indicator circuit

333 进路操纵作业 semi-automatic operation by route

334 进路储存器 route storaging devices

335 进路电路 route selecting circuit

336 进路分段解锁 sectional release of a locked route

337 进路继电式电气集中联 route type all-relay interlocking

338 进路解锁 route release

339 进路人工解锁 manual route release

340 进路锁闭 route locking

341 进路锁闭表示 route locking indication

342 进路信号机 route signal

343 进路一次解锁 route release at once

344 进行信号 proceed signal

345 进站信号机 home signal

346 警惕按钮 acknowledgment button

347 警惕手柄 acknowledgment lever

348 静态长度 car space

349 局部电源 locally supplied power source

350 局部控制 local control

351 局部控制电路 local control circuit

352 局部控制盘 local control panel

353 绝对信号 absolute signal

354 绝缘不良 bad insulation

355 开路式轨道电路 open type track circuit

356 开通 put into operation

357 可调拐肘 adjustable crank

358 空气压缩机室 air compressor room

359 控制点 controlling point

360 控制对象 controlled object

361 控制盘 control panel

362 控制台单元 control desk element

363 控制台室 control room

364 控制周期 control cycle

365 快动继电器 quick-acting relay

366 快速转辙机 quick-acting switch machine

367 快吸继电器 quick pick-up relay

368 拉钮 pull-out button

369 雷达测速器 radar speedometer

370 雷电干扰 lightning interference

371 离去表示 departure indication

372 离去区段 departure section

373 励磁电路 energizing circuit

374 连接杆 pipe link

375 连续式轨道电路 continuous track circuit

376 联锁表 interlocking table

377 联锁道岔 interlocked switch

378 联锁区 interlocking area

379 联锁图表 interlocking chart and table

380 联锁箱 point detector

381 联锁箱联锁 interlocking by point detector

382 联系电路 liaison circuit

383 两点检查 released by checking two sections

384 列车运行控制系统 train operation control system

385 列车自动调速 automatic train speed regulation

386 列车自动限速 automatic train speed restriction

387 邻线干扰 interference from neighboring line

388 零层端子 terminals of layer 0 of a relay rack

389 溜放进路自动控制 automatic switching control of humping yard by rou

390 溜放速度自动控制 automatic rolling down speed control

391 漏解锁 missing release

392 漏锁闭 missing locking

393 路牌 tablet

394 路牌携带器 tablet pouch

395 路牌自动授收机 automatic tablet exchanger

396 路签 train staff

397 路签携带器 staff pouch

398 路签自动授收机 automatic staff exchanger

399 乱显示 false indication

400 轮修 alternative maintenance

401 脉冲继电器 impulse relay

402 脉冲式轨道电路 pulse track circuit

403 密贴调整杆 adjustable switch operating rod

404 灭火花电路 spark extinguishing circuit

405 摩擦电流 frictional working current

406 摩擦联结器 frictional clutch

407 目标打靶控制 target shooting

408 内燃牵引干扰 diesel traction interference

409 排列进路 route setting

410 偏极继电器 polar biased relay

411 票据传送设备 classification list conveyer system

412 破封 break a seal

413 牵纵拐肘 escapement

414 前接点 front contact

415 前圈 front coil

416 强电干扰 high voltage interference

417 桥梁通知设备 bridge announciating device

418 桥梁遮断信号 bridge obstruction signal

419 切断音响按钮 button for cut-off an audible signal

420 侵入限界绝缘 insulated joint located within the clearance limit

421 区段锁闭 section locking

422 区段遥控 remote control for a section

423 区段占用表示 section occupancy indication

424 区间封锁 section closed up

425 区间空闲 section cleared

426 区间联系电路 liaison circuit with block signaling

427 取消闭塞 to cancel a block

428 取消进路 to cancel a route

429 去禁溜线信号 shunting signal to prohibitive humping line

430 热力继电器 thermal relay

431 人工分路 manual shunt

432 人工解锁 manual release

433 人工解锁表示 manual release indication

434 人为故障 human failure

435 容许信号 permissive signal

436 熔断器断丝 fuse burn-out

437 熔断器断丝报警 fuse break alarm

438 塞钉式钢轨接续线 plug bond

439 三点检查 released by checking three sections

440 三显示自动闭塞 three-aspect automatic block

441 闪光电源 flashing power source

442 设备停用 equipment out-of use

443 失去联锁 loss of interlocking

444 施工妨碍 construction interference

445 事故照明 emergency lighting

446 释放时间 drop away time

447 释放值 release value

448 手柄 handle

449 手动调压 manual voltage regulation

450 受电端 receiving end

451 枢纽遥控 remote control of a junction terminal

452 双断 double break

453 双轨条式轨道电路 double rail track circuit

454 双面调车信号机 signal for shunting forward and backward

455 双频感应器 double frequency inductor

456 双线臂板信号机 double wire semaphore signal

457 双线继电半自动闭塞 double track all-relay semi-automatic block


458 双向自动闭塞 double-direction running automatic block

459 双重控制 dual control

460 水分离器 water separator

461 水鹤表示器 water crane indicator

462 顺向重叠进路 route with overlapped section in the same directio

463 瞬时分路 instantaneous shunt

464 瞬时分路不良 instantaneous loss of shunting

465 死区段 dead section

466 四点检查 released by checking four sections

467 四显示自动闭塞 four-aspect automatic block

468 送电端 feed end

469 送受分开电路 sending and receiving separated circuit

470 速差制信号 speed signaling

471 隧道通知设备 tunnel announciating device

472 隧道遮断信号 tunnel obstruction signal

473 锁闭电路 locking circuit

474 锁闭杆 locking rod

475 锁闭力 locking force

476 锁闭系统 locking system

477 条件电源 conditional power source

478 条件电源屏 conditional power supply panel

479 跳线 jumper

480 铁道信号 railway signaling

481 听觉信号 audible signal

482 停车信号 stop signal

483 停电 power failure

484 通过按钮电路 through button circuit

485 通过信号 through signal

486 通过信号机 block signal

487 同意按钮盘 agreement button panel

488 推峰速度自动控制 automatic control for humping speed

489 推送小车辆 propelling trolley

490 推送信号 start humping signal

491 脱轨表示器 derail indicator

492 脱线修 off line maintenance

493 驼峰电气集中 electric interlocking for hump yard

494 驼峰复示信号机 humping signal repeater

495 驼峰机车遥控 remote control of hump engines

496 驼峰机械修理室 hump mechanics repair room

497 驼峰溜放控制系统 humping control system

498 驼峰信号机 hump signal

499 晚点表示 delaying time indication

500 微机-继电式电气集中? microcomputer-relay interlocking

501 微机联锁 microcomputer interlocking

502 维修不良 not well maintained

503 无岔区段 section without a switch

504 无极继电器 neutral relay

505 误用故障 misuse fault

506 吸起时间 pick-up time

507 吸起值 pick-up value

508 下峰信号 down hump trimming signal

509 下坡道防护电路 protection circuit for approaching heavy down grad

510 显示距离 range of a signal

511 线路点 field location

512 线路区段 track section

513 线路占用表示 track occupancy indication

514 线路遮断表示器 track obstruction indicator

515 线出站信号机 group starting signal

516 线束减速器 group retarder

517 线头脱落 wire lead drop out

518 限界检查器 clearance treadle

519 限时人工解锁 manual time release

520 相敏轨道电路 phase detecting track circuit

521 小站电气集中联锁 relay interlocking for small station

522 信号大修 signal overhaul repair

523 信号点 signal location

524 信号复示器 signal repeater

525 信号故障 signal fault

526 信号关闭 signal at stop

527 信号关闭表示 stop signal indication

528 信号机点灯电路 signal lighting circuit

529 信号机点灯电源 signal lighting power source

530 信号机后方 in rear of a signal

531 信号机前方 in advance of a signal

532 信号集中修 signal centralized maintenance

533 信号检修 signal inspection

534 信号开放 signal at clear

535 信号开放表示 cleared signal indication

536 信号控制电路 signal control circuit

537 信号桥 signal bridge

538 信号托架 signal bracket

539 信号握柄 signal lever

540 信号无效标 signal out of order sign

541 信号选别器 signal slot

542 信号整治 signal renovation

543 信号中修 signal intermediate repair

544 行车记录设备 train movement recording equipment

545 行车信号机 train signal

546 蓄电池供电 storage battery power supply

547 蓄电池室 battery room

548 选路 route selection

549 选路制信号 route signaling

550 循环检查制 cyclic scanning system

551 咽喉信号机 signal in throat section

552 遥控区段 remotely controlled section

553 遥信区段 remotely surveillanced section

554 夜间信号 night signal

555 一次参数 primary parameter

556 一次电池供电 primary cell power supply

557 一送多受 single feeding and multiple receiving track circui

558 油压动力室 hydraulic pressure engine room

559 有极继电器 polarized relay

560 迂回进路 detour route

561 预办闭塞 preworking a block

562 预防维修 preventive maintenance

563 预告标 warning signs for approaching a station

564 预告信号 approaching signal

565 预告信号机 distant signal

566 预排进路 presetting of a route

567 远程监督分区 relayed surveillanced subsection

568 远程网路 relayed surveillanced network

569 钥匙路签 staff with a key

570 允许预推信号 permissive prehumping signal

571 运行图描绘仪 train diagram plotter

572 在线修 on line maintenance

573 占线表示 occupancy indication

574 站场型网路 geographical circuitry

575 站间联系电路 liaison circuit between stations

576 站界标 station limit sign

577 站内道口联系电路 liaison circuit with highway crossings within the

578 照查锁闭 check locking

579 遮断信号 obstruction signal

580 遮断信号按钮 obstruction signal button

581 遮断信号机 obstruction signal

582 遮断预告信号机 approach obstruction signal

583 整流继电器 rectifier relay

584 整流器供电 rectifier power supply

585 正常动作继电器 normal acting relay

586 正装 right-handed machine

587 直角拐肘 right angle crank

588 直流电源屏 dc power supply panel

589 直流供电制 dc power supply system

590 直流轨道电路 dc track circuit

591 直流继电器 dc relay

592 中继站 repeater station

593 中间电缆盒 intermediate cable terminal box

594 中途返回 midway return operation

595 中心控制 centrallized control

596 终端电缆盒 cable terminal box

597 重叠区段 overlap section

598 重复检查 repeated checking

599 重力继电器 gravitation type relay

600 昼间信号 day signal

601 昼夜通用信号 signal for day and night

602 主灯丝断丝报警 alarm for burnout of a main filament

603 主电源 main power source

604 主体信号机 main signal

605 注意信号 caution signal

606 转换时间 transfer time

607 转换锁闭器 switch-and-lock mechanism

608 转极时间 pole-changing time

609 转极值 pole-changing value

610 转向杆 deflecting bar

611 转辙机安装装置 switch machine installation

612 转辙锁闭器 plunger lock

613 追钩 catch up

614 自闭电路 self-stick circuit

615 自动闭塞联系电路 liaison circuit with automatic blocks

616 自动操纵作业 automatic operation

617 自动抄车号 automatic car identification

618 自动点灯 automatic lighting

619 自动调压 automatic voltage regulation

620 自动化驼峰系统 automatic hump yard system

621 自动缓解 false release by itself

622 自动开闭器 switch circuit controller

623 自动栏木 automatic operated barrier

624 自动通过按钮电路 automatically through button circuit

625 自动限时解锁 automatic time release

626 自动转接 automatic switching over

627 自复式按钮 nonstick button

628 综合架 composite rack

629 总出站信号机 advance starting signal

630 组合 unit block

631 组合端子 terminals of a unit block

632 组合柜 modular block rack

633 组合继电器 combination relay

634 组合架 unit block assembly rack

635 组合式电气集中联锁 unit-block type relay interlocking

636 组合式信号机构 modular type signal mechanism

637 组匣 modular block

638 组匣端子 terminals of a modular block

639 组匣柜 modular block rack

640 组匣式电气集中联锁 modular type relay interlocking

641 最大限制信号 most restrictive signal

642 最大允许信号 most favorable signal


1 通信信号 communication and signal

2 信号工程 signal engineering

3 信号设计 signal design

4 信号 signal

5 信号理论 signal theory

6 信号系统 signalling system

7 信号配线 signal wiring

8 信号电路 signal circuit

9 点灯电路 lighting circuit

10 报警电路 warning circuit

11 接口电路 interface circuit

12 测试电路 testiing circuit

13 方向电路 directional circuit

14 电路设计 circuit design

15 电路分析 circuit analysis

16 延续进路 succesive route;succesisve route

17 信号楼 signal box;signal tower

18 控制中心 control center

19 继电器室 relay house;relay room

20 电源室 power supply roon;power supply room

21 区间 section

22 信号施工 signal construction

23 信号厂 signal shop

24 工厂化施工 industrial construction

25 电缆接续 cable connecting

26 电缆敷设 cable laying

27 电缆敷设机 cable laying machine

28 铁路信号 ;铁道信号 railway signalling

29 固定信号 fixed signal

30 移动信号 movable signal

31 视觉信号 vision signal;visual signal

32 闪光信号 flashing light signal;flash

signal;flashing signal

33 音响信号 acoustic signal;whistle signal

34 手信号 hand signal

35 防护信号 protecting signal;protection signal

36 机车信号 cab signalling

37 驼峰信号 hump signal;humping signal

38 区间信号 section signaling;wayside signaling

39 行车信号 running signal;train signal

40 调车信号 shunting signal 引导信号

calling-on signal

42 地面信号 trackside signal;ground signal

43 进站信号 home signal

44 车站信号 station signal;signaling at


45 出站信号 starting signal

46 报警信号 alarming signal

47 事故信号 accident signal

48 灯信号 colour light signal

49 信号度 signal colour fidelity

50 信号标志 signal indicator

51 信号显示 signal visibility;signal aspect and


52 道口信号 crossing signal

53 道口自动信号 crossing automatic

signal;automatic level crossing signal

54 道口通知设备 crossing announcing

signal;highway level crossing announcing device

55 道口控制器 crossing controller

56 道口栏木 crossing barrier;cross barrier at

grade crossing

57 道口防护 crossing protection

58 道口遥信遥测设备 remote control

crossing;remote surveillance and telemetering for highway l

59 道口安全 crossing safety

60 道口事故 level crossing accidents

61 轨道电路 track circuit

62 交流轨道电路 circuit;ac track


63 脉冲轨道电路 pulse track circuit

64 无绝缘轨道电路 jointless track circuit

65 阀式轨道电路 value-type track circuit;valve

type track circuit

66 音频轨道电路 audio frequency track circuit

67 极频轨道电路 polar freguency coded track

circuit;polar-frequency pulse track circuit

68 移频轨道电路 frequency shift track

circuit;frequency-shift modulated track circuit

69 长轨道电路 long track circuit

70 轨道电路区段 track circuit district

71 轨道电路测试 track circuit testing

72 轨道传感器 track sensor

73 计轴器 axle counter

74 钢轨阻抗 rail impedance

75 轨道绝缘 ;绝缘节 rail insulation;insulation


76 极性交叉 polar reversal;polar transposition

77 钢轨接续线 rail bond

78 钢轨导接线 ;钢轨接续线 rail bond;rail bond

79 断轨保障 broken rail protection

80 断轨防护 ;断轨保障 broken rail

protection;broken rail protection 轨道占用 track occupied

82 分路效应 shunting effect

83 调整状态 normal state

84 联锁 interlocking

85 集中联锁 centralized interlocking

86 继电集中联锁 relay system interlocking

87 电气集中联锁 electric interlocking

88 电子集中联锁 electronic concentration


89 微机集中联锁 microcomputer-based


90 非集中联锁 non-centralized interlocking

91 电锁器联锁 interlocking with electric

lock;interlocking by electric locks

92 灯电锁器联锁colour light interlocking

system with electriclock;interlocking by electric locks with color


93 臂板电锁器联锁 interlocking system of

semaphore signal;interlocking by electric locks with semaphore

94 联锁设备 interlocking equipment

95 电锁器 electric lock

96 转辙器 switch

97 导管装置 pipe installation

98 锁闭设备 locking device

99 表示设备 indication panel;display board

100 信号表示 signal indication

101 锁闭 locking

102 解锁 release

103 闭塞 blocking;block system

104 人工闭塞 manual block

105 区间闭塞 section block;section blocked

106 半自动闭塞 semi-automatic

block;semi-automatic block system

107 继电半自动闭塞 all-relay semiautomatic

block;all-relay semi-automatic block system

108 自动闭塞 automatic block;automatic block


109 移频自动闭塞 frequency shift modulated

automatic block;automatic block with audio frequency shift modulat

110 脉冲自动闭塞 pulse automatic

block;automatic block with impulse track circuit

111 极频自动闭塞 polar frequency coded

automatic block;automatic block with polar frequency impulse track

112 交流计数自动闭塞 ng code

automatic block

113 计轴闭塞 axle counter permissive block

114 单线闭塞 single line block

115 移动闭塞 movable block

116 无线闭塞 wireless blocking

117 电子闭塞 electronic blocking

118 列车接近通知 train approach announcement

119 区间占用 block occupancy;section occupied

120 区间占用位置检测 location detecting of

occupied section

121 移频机车信号 frequency shift cab signal

122 点式机车信号 intermittent type cab

signalling;intermittent type cab signaling

123 连续式机车信号 continuous cab

signal;continuous type cab signaling

124 无线机车信号 radio cab signalling

125 机车信号设备 cab signalling equipment;cab

signaling equipment

126 车上信号设备 cab signal device

127 地面信号设备 trackside signal facility

128 感应器 inductor

129 点式自动停车 intermitent type automatic

train stop

130 自动停车装置 automatic stopping

device;automatic train stop equipment

131 列车自动控制 automatic train control

132 列车自动控制系统 automatic train control


133 列车自动控制装置 automatic train control


134 列车自动防护 automatic train protection

135 列车自动防护系统 automatic train protection


136 列车自动运行 automatic train operation

137 列车自动减速 automatic train deceleration

138 列车速度自动监督 automatic train speed


139 超速防护 train overspeed protection

140 测速装置 speedometer

141 列车运行监测 train running monitoring

142 车次表示 train number display;train number


143 车次自动表示 ;车次自动显示 automatic train

number display

144 车辆抄号设备 wagon number checking


145 车辆识别装置 vehicle identifier

146 监视装置 monitor device

147 监视系统 monitor system;supervision system

148 跟踪系统 tracing system

149 卫星监测 satellite monitoring

150 卫星定位 satellite localization

151 列车位置表示 train location

indication;train position indication

152 行车指挥自动化 running command

automation;automation of traffic control

153 调度集中 centralized traffic

control;ctc;centrallized traffic control

154 调度集中装置 centralized traffic contol


155 计算机辅助调度 computer-aided dispatching

156 遥控 remote control

157 遥信装置 remote-signal equipment

158 调度监督 dispatchers

supervision;dispatchers supervision system

159 调度监督设备 dispatchers supervision


160 进路控制 route control

161 进路控制装置 routing control equipment

162 编组站自动化 automation of marshalling


163 自动化编组站 automatic marshalling station

164 自动化驼峰 automatic hump yard

165 驼峰溜放调速 humping governing

166 编组站测速 yard speed measurement

167 编组站测长 yard distance-to-coupling


168 编组站测阻 yard rollability measurement

169 编组站测重 yard weight sensing

170 驼峰机车信号 hump cab signalling

171 驼峰电气集中联锁 electric interlocking for

hump yard

172 车辆加减速器 car accelerator/retarder

173 车辆减速器 car retarder

174 车辆缓行器 ;车辆减速器 wagon

retarder;wagon retarder

175 减速顶 retarder;dowty retarder

176 溜放速度 free rolling speed

177 进路存储器 route storage

178 制动位 retarder location

179 目的制动 objective breaking;target braking

180 自动摘钩设备 automatic uncoupling equipment

181 牵引小车 pushing trolley

182 铁鞋 skate;cast brake shoe

183 信号设备 signal facility;signal device

184 信号机 signal

185 灯信号机 colour light signal;color-light


186 透镜式灯信号机 multi-lens colour light

signal;multi-lenses signal


delay relay

探照式灯信号机 colour searchlight signal

臂板信号机 semaphore signal

信号灯 signal lamp;signal light

信号灯泡 signal light bulb

信号玻璃 signal glass

灯丝转换 filament transfer

信号电缆 signal cable

信号表示器 signal repeater

应答器 transponder

信号继电器 indicating relay

电码继电器 code relay

插入式继电器 plug-in relay;plug-in type

安全型继电器 safety relay

时间继电器 ;延时继电器 time relay;time

电磁继电器 electromagnetic relay

座式继电器 desk type relay;shelf-type relay

轨道继电器 track relay


















204 返还系数 release factor

205 继电器接点 relay contact

206 继电器线圈 relay coil

207 接点 contact point

208 转辙机 switch machine

209 电动转辙机 electric point machine;electric

switch machine

210 电空转辙机 electropneumatic point

machine;electropneumatic switch machine

211 液压转辙机 hydraulic switch machine

212 转辙机部件 switch machine part

213 道岔转换 switch setting;switch in


214 道岔锁闭 switch locking;switch point


215 道岔密贴调整 switch adjustment

216 挤岔 splitting of point tongue;forcing open

of the point

217 信号电源 signal power supply

218 电源屏 power supply panel

219 电源转接屏 power switch board

220 备用电源 stand-by power supply

221 不间断电源 uninterrupted supply

222 电池 battery;cell

223 太阳能电池 solar cell

本文发布于:2024-09-22 12:41:06,感谢您对本站的认可!



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