

国际贸易(International Trade)名词翻译

第一章 全球中的贸易

1.进口 import 2.出口 export 3.商品贸易 merchandise goods

4.服务出口 service exports 5.移民 migration

6.对外直接投资 foreign direct investment 7.贸易差额 trade balance

8.贸易顺差 trade surplus 9.贸易逆差 trade deficit

10.双边贸易差额 bilateral trade balance

11.国内生产总值 gross domestic product

12.进口关税 import tariffs 13.进口配额 import quotas

14.贸易壁垒 trade barriers 15. 逆纵向 reverse—vertical

16.横向 horizontal 17.纵向 vertical

第二章 贸易与技术 李嘉图模型

17.技术 technolony 18.资源 resources 19.外包 outsourcing

20.邻接性 proximity 21.李嘉图模型 Ricardian model

22.贸易模式 trade pattern 23.自由贸易区 free-trade area

24.自然资源 natural resources 25.劳动力资源 labor resources

25.资本 capital 26.生产要素 factors of production

27.绝对优势 absolute advantage 28.比较优势 comparative advantage

29.边际劳动产出 marginal product of labor

30.生产可能性边界 production possibilities frontier

31.机会成本 opportunity cost 32.无差异曲线 indifference curve

33.效用 utility 34.相对价格 relative price

34.国际贸易均衡 international trade equilibrium

35.世界价格线 world price line 36.贸易所得 gains from trade

37.出口供给曲线 export supply curve

38.进口需求曲线 import demand curve

39.贸易条件 terms of trade

第三章 特定要素模型中的贸易得失

40.特定要素模型 specific-factors model 41.收益递减 diminishing


42.自给自足 autarky 43.贸易禁运 embargo 44.实际工资 real wage

45.贸易调整救济 Trade Adjustment Assistance

46.服务 services

47.资本租金 rental on capital 48.地租 rental on land

49.名义保护系数 nominal protection coefficient


第五章 国家间的劳动力与资本流动

50.雷布钦斯定理 Rybczynski theorem

51.要素价格不敏感性 factor price insensitivity

52.实际增加值 real value-added

53.充分移民条件下的均衡 equilibrium with full migration

第六章 规模收益递增与不完全竞争

54.差异性产品 differentiated 55.不完全竞争 imperfect competition

56.垄断竞争 monopolistic competition

57.规模收益递增 increasing returns to scale

58.规模经济 economies of scale 59.产业内贸易 intra-industry trade

60.引力方程 gravity equation

61.区域性贸易协定 regional trade agreements 62.倾销 dumping

63.双头垄断 duopoly 64.边际收入 marginal revenue

65.边际成本 marginal cost 66.垄断利润 monopoly profits

67.自由贸易协定 free-trade agreements

68.产业内贸易指数 index of intra-industry

69.边界效应 border effects 70.关税 tariff 71.配额 quotas

72.价格歧视 price discrimination

73.反倾销税 antidumping duty

74.歧视性垄断 discriminating monopoly

75.相互倾销 reciprocal dumping

第七章 产品与服务外包

76.外包 foreign outsourcing 77.商业服务 business services

78.离岸 offshoring 79.价值链 value chain

80.技能偏向型技术变迁 skill-biased technological change

81.工资总额 total wage payments

82.等产量线 isoquants

第八章 完全竞争条件下的进口关税与配额

83.贸易政策 trade policy 84.倾销 dumping

85.出口补贴 export subsidies 86.保障条款 safeguard provision

87.免责条款 escape clause 88.关税同盟 customs unions

89.消费者剩余 consumer surpius 90.生产者剩余 producer surplus

91.小国 small country 92.无谓损失 deadweight loss

93.生产损失(效率损失) production loss 94.消费损失 sumption loss

95.争端解决程序 dispute settlement procedure

96.关税战 tariff war 97.大国 large country

98.贸易条件 terms of trade 99.贸易条件利得 terms-of-trade gain

100.最优关税 optimal tariff 101.多种纤维协定 Multifibre Arrangement

102.等效进口关税 equivalent import tariff

103.配额租 quota rents 104.配额许可证 quota licenses

105.寻租 rent seeking 106.“自愿”出口限制 “voluntary” export


107.“自愿”限制协议 “voluntary” restraint agreement

第九章 不完全竞争条件下的进口关税与配额

108.幼稚产业 infant industry 109.市场势力 market power

110.边际收益 marginal revenue 111.外部性 externality

112.知识外溢 knowledge spillover 113.市场失灵 market failure

114.反补贴税 countervailing duty 115.保障性关税 safeguard tariff

第十章 农业与高科技产业的出口补贴

116.出口补贴 export subsidy

117.共同农业政策 Common Agricultural Policy

118.间接补贴 indirect subsidies

119.国内农业支持 domestic farm supports

120.生产补贴 production subsidy 121.瞄准原理 targeting principle

122.外部性 externality 123.战略优势 strategic advantage

124.双头垄断 duopoly 125.博弈论 game theory

126.支付矩阵 payoff matrix 127.纳什均衡 Nash equilibrium

128.先动者优势 first mover advantage

第十一章 国际协定:贸易、劳工与环境

129.多边协定 multilateral agreement

130.最惠国原则 most favored nation principle

131.囚徒困境 prisoner’s dilemma

132.特惠贸易协定 preferential trade agreements

133.原产地规则 rules of orign

134.贸易创造 trade creation 135.贸易转移 trade diversion

136.劳工标准 labor standards 137.最低生活工资 living wage

138.多边贸易协定 multilateral environment agreements

139.公地悲剧 tragedy for the commons

140.公共财产 common property

141.《京都议定书》 《Kyoto Protocol》

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标签:贸易   出口   损失   生产   边际
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