

Unit 5Save the endangered animals


1. in the wild 在野生环境中 2. at birth 出生时

3. on one’s own 独自 4. close to 几乎;接近

5. bee/ be good at 擅长 6. heard of 听说

7. at least 至少; 起码 10. cut down 砍倒

11. give birth to 生孩子,产仔 12. learn about 知悉,了解

13. a kind of 一种 14. between…and… 在…和…之间

15. feel sorry about 为…感到遗憾 16. at least 至少

17. in memory of 纪念 18. fly away 飞离

19. fall asleep 入睡 20. The number of … ……的数目

21. protect sb./ sth. from/ against 保护某人或某物免受……


1. It is not difficult for them to climb trees.

2. They are strong enough to protect themselves.

3. It is cruel of them to do so.

4. A giant panda can eat as much as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day.

5. They need to eat a lot to stay healthy, so they spend more than 12 hours a day eating.

6. The rest of its body is white.


1. endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的;有生命危险的---endanger v. 危与;使遭到危险---danger n. 危险---dangerous adj. 危险的---dangerously adv. 危险地

2. weight n. 重量 --- weigh v. 重--- heavy adj. 重的〔=weighty〕

3. behaviour n. 行为--- behave v. 表现

4. protect v. 保护---protective adj. 防护的--- protection n. 保护

5. appearance n. 外貌--- appear v. 显得;似乎---disappear v. 消失

6. west n. 西方---western adj. 西方的

7. health n. 健康---healthy adj. 健康的

8. cruel adj. 残忍的--- cruelly adv. 残忍地---cruelty n. 残忍

9. produce v. 生产--- product n. 产品--- production n. 产量

10. sleep v. 睡觉---sleepy adj. 困倦的---- asleep adj. 睡着的

11. suggest v. 建议---suggestion n. 建议

12. organization n. 组织--- organize v. 组织---- organizer n. 组织者


1. Theof the giant elephant is 500kg.

2. I am glad that your at school has improved.

3. He is old enough himself.

4. Many wild animals are in .

5. Factories are trying tomoreto meet the needs of the customers.

7. There are someto protect animals in the world.

6. It’s veryto play in the noisy street.

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疑问代词或副词如what/ who/ whom/ which/ where/ when/ how后接不定式〔即to +V原〕.该结构常用作动词know/ tell/ ask/ teach等的宾语

[原文呈现] Talk about how to save an endangered animal.

e.g Could you please teach me how to make dumplings?

He asked me where to park his car.


1. ---Which dress do you like best, Madam?

---Sorry, I can’t decidenow.

A. to buy which one B. buy which one

C. which one to buy D. which I should buy it

2. Please tell usnext.

A. how to do B. what to do C. what to do it D. how I to do it


1) population 常与定冠词the连用,做主语时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式.当主语表示"人口的百分之几,几分之几"时,谓语动词用复数形式.

e.g The world’s population is increasing faster and faster.

About seventy percent of the population in our city are workers.

2> 表示人口的"多"或"少",不用much或little,而要用large或small.

e.g The population of Chongqing is large.

3〕表达"某地/某一范围内有多少人口"时,用have / has a population of

e.g. China has a population of more than 1.3 billion.


---What’s population of Shenzhen?

---Shenzhen haspopulation of 1.2 million.

A. /; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the

考点3:rest 意为"剩余部分"; the rest of…… 意为"……的剩余部分"

注意:the rest of 后接不可数名词或可数名词单数作主语时,谓语动词用单数;


[原文呈现]The rest of its body is white.

e.g. They’ll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.

[拓展]1> rest 做名词,意为"休息"

e.g We stopped to have a rest.

2> rest 做动词,意为"休息,使休息"

e.g They rested for half an hour.


1. The rest of the boys ____ watching TV.

2. The rest of the money ____ stolen.

,,,was ,was

考点4:the number of与 a number of

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[原文呈现]the total number of animals in an area……

the number of 意为"……的数量",做主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式;

a number of 意为"大量,许多", 后可接可数名词复数,做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式.

e.g. A number of tourists are travelling to the Great Wall.

The number of cities is increasing quickly.

[中考]Therea number of books on the shelf, and the number of them60.

A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are

考点5. on one’s own 独立地,自主地=by oneself

[原文呈现]Pandas like to live on their own.

e.g. She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play this piece of music on her own.


1〕of one’s own 意为"属于某人自己的"

e.g. I have no house of my own.

2> with one’s own 意为"用某人自己的",own后接名词

e.g. Please do experiments with your own ideas.

考点6:stay 连系动词,意为"保持〔某种状态〕"

[原文呈现]They need to eat a lot to stay healthy……

[拓展]连系动词be, bee, get, turn, look, keep, seem等词的后面,说明主语的特征、状态或身份,后接形容词

e.g. The food is delicious.

The story is very interesting.

[中考]He laughs , but he appears not .

A. happy; happy B. happily; happily C. happy; happily D. happily; happy

考点7. enough "足够地"作副词, 修饰形容词或副词.

enough "足够地"作形容词,修饰名词

[中考]They have and to travel around the world.

A. enough time; rich enough B. enough money; enough rich

C. money enough; strong enough D. time enough; rich enough

考点8:cut down "砍到"

[原文呈现]People are cutting down forests, so the pandas are losing their homes.

[拓展] cut away 砍掉 cut back 剪短 cut off 砍下 cut up 切碎

考点9:between 与 among

[原文呈现]the part of body between the arms and the necks

between…and… 在…和…之间 〔两者之间〕

among 〔三者或三者以上之间〕

[中考]1. Liming standstwo desks.

2. A monkey standslots of boys.

考点10:instead与instead of <=in place of >

[原文呈现]Instead, you can move your eyes quickly over the text to find the information you need.

[中考]I will read newspapersseeing a film.

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A. instead B. instead of C. and D. in the place of

考点11:look after 照顾,照看=take care of

[原文呈现]It look after endangered animals.

[拓展]look at 看 look for 寻 look like 看起来像 look up 查询

[中考]Linda, I have to go shopping now. Pleaseyour little sister at home.

A. look for B. look like C. look after D. look up

考点12: feel sorry about = be sorry for "为……感到遗憾"

[原文呈现]I feel sorry about it.

[中考]Yesterday I didn’t take part in the dancing petition, so I felt sorry about it.

= Yesterday I didn’t take part in the dancing petition, so I it.

考点13:must, have to

must: 强调主观看法,没有人称,数和时态的变化.must 引起的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must;否定回答用needn’t.

have to: 强调客观需要.有人称,数和时态的变化,进行句式转换时要借助动词do/does/did.

e.g. We must work hard at our lessons.

You have to wear sports shoes for your P.E. class.

[中考]1. ---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad?

--- No, you, son. You’re free to make your own decision.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

2. Yousmoke. You are only 14 and it isn’t allowed.

A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. needn’t D. won’t

考点14:stop to do/ stop doing remember to do/ remember doing


1. Rememberoff the lights when you leave the classroom.

A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. turned

2. If you don’t feel well, you may just .

A. stop reading B. stopped reading C. stopped to read D. stop to read



1. It is important for us to protect them.

2. It is cruel of them to do so

3. They are strong enough to protect themselves.

It is+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.表示做某事对某人来说很adj.句中的adj.应该是对这件事的评价.这句型可用的形容词仅仅是描述事物,不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价.这类形容词有difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,possible等.


1. 对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险

It’s very_______ ________ children to cross the busy street

2. 对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难

It’s_______ _______ us to finish the work

3. 拥有健康的饮食习惯对我们来说很必要

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It’s ______ _______ us to have healthy eating habits

4. 保护环境对我们来说很重要

It’s_______ ________ us to protect the environment

It is+adj.+of sb.+to do sth.表示某人做某事是adj. 句中的adj.应该是对这个人做这件事的评价,形容词多用形容人的.这句型可用的形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格,品质的,如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等


1. 你离开他是很明智的

It is______ _______ you to leave him.

2. 你能帮我,真好

It’s very_______ ______ you to help me.

3. 你真聪明,解出了这道数学题

It’s_______ _______ you to work out the maths problem.


Of sb.的句型通常都可以转换为不定式作状语的句子,但for sb.句型不可以.如:

1. It’s very nice of you to offer me a seat.

=You are nice to offer me a seat.

2. It is careless of him to lose so many things.

=He is careless to lose so many things.


It’s kind of you to help me.=__________________________.

_________________________. =You are right to do that.

Adj.+enough+ to do足以adj.〔而不〕去做某事.Enough是副词,修饰前面的形容词,表示程度,enough后面的动词不定式表示结果.因此,"形容词+enough+动词不定式"结构可以用 "so..."结构改写.

John is strong enough to carry the box.

=John is so strong that he can carry the box.


1. 他足够大以至于能完成这项任务. He is________ ________ ________ finish this task.

2. 他足够聪明可以顺利地做一名领导者. He is_______ _______ _______ be a leader.

3. It is difficult enough________ _______ _______ this problem.

4. He is rich enough_______ _______ this new car.

5. She is pretty enough_______ _______ the gentlemen.

总结:+adj.+enough+to do sth.

.+enough+not to do



用介词for, of填空

1. It’s bad ____ you to smoke.

2. It is nice______ you to give me such advice.

3. It is important ______ me to protect wildlife.

4. It’s polite_______ you to keep quiet when you’re eating.

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5. It was generous______ her to lend me so much money.

6. It is easy______ me to answer this question.

7. It is difficult______ me to work out this problem.

8. It’s clever______ her not to take the gift.

9. It is unnecessary _______ me to sweep the floor.

10. It is happy______ me to help others.


1. 我的邻居很好,我不在家的时候帮我照顾我的小狗

________ kind_________ my neighbour to care for my little dog.

2. 大家共同预防事故的发生是必要的

It’s necessary ____________ us to prevent accidents_______ ________.

3. 新体育馆足够大,能容纳3,000个观众

The new stadium is_______ _______ ________ hold 3,000 spectators.

4. 他太忙了,不能为孩子们准备晚餐

He is________ _______ ________ prepare the dinner for the children.

5. 他跑得太快了,没人能追上他

He ran______ fast_______ no one could catch up with him.



1. The pandas like eating b______ very much.

2. The p_______ of our city is about 460,000.

3. We should f______ difficulty bravely.

4. China is an A______ country.

5. A number of w______ animals are in danger.


1.对我们来说保护熊猫很重要.It is important for us ______ _______ the pandas.

2.大卫年龄不够大,不能够去上学.David is not old ______ _______ go to school.

3.我一天花费超过两个小时做家庭作业.I ______ more than two hours a day _______ my homework.

4.它们有3000只在野生环境中.There are 3,000 of them ______ ______ _______.

5.我们学校有接近2000名学生.Our school has ______ ______ 2,000 students.


1.______ is really hard _______ them to climb such a high mountain.

A. This, to B. It, to C. This, for D. It, for

2. She’s not strong enough _____ walking up mountains.

go B. going C. go D. went

3.-Would you please show me the way _____ the bank? -Yes, go straight ahead. It’s across from a school.

4. Do you know the girl ______ long hair?

5. Now the number of Chinese people working Africa ______ more than one million.

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6. Thanks for your invitation, but I’m so sorry I can’t go. I need to ______ my baby at home.

away off care of out of

7.-Dad, why must I stop ______ puter games? -For your health, my boy.

play playing g

8.-______ the population of China? -It’s about 1.3 billion.

’s many is much is is

9.-Can I borrow your ruler, please? -Yes, you ______. But you must return it to me before lunchtime.


10.-How do you like the concert given? -Exciting, ______ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well.


11.I find ____ hard to learn English well.








请以"Saving Tigers"为题,为某中学生英文报专栏写一篇80词左右的征文稿,内容要点如下:











Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me __1 _ a question. But many times I

have asked myself. I have __2__ a whole variety of reasons. __3__ important reason is that I want

to be a better man.

Many things make human beings different __4__ or better than or even superior to animals.

One of the most important things is __5__ . If I fail to receive higher education, my education

__6__. As I want to be a fully __7__ man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good

colleges and universities are supposed to __8__. I know one can get educated in many ways, but

colleges and universities are __9__ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only

- 7 - / 10

when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and __10__ fit into society.

1. A. quite B. so C. such D. another

2. A. e up with B. agreed with

C. been fed up with D. got on well with

3. A. Most

4. A. to

B. The most C. More

B. around

D. Much

D. from

D. science

C. between

5. A. education

6. A. finished

7. A. develop

8. A. improve

9. A. between

10. A. can good

B. weather C. temperature

B. don’t finish C. will not finish D. has finished

B. developed C. developing

D. experience

B. graduate C. hear

B. among

D. provide

D. outside C. inside

B. may better C. be able to better D. be able to best


London used to be a foggy city, but it isn’t any more. In London, some of the pollution came

from the factories, but a lot of it came from coal1 people used it in their house2 warm

during the winter. By the 1950s, London’s air pollution became so 3 that the government

decided to do something to clean up the air. A new rule was made. It is said that 4 could burn

coal in British cities. Just a few years5 the air became much cleaner.

Now many Chinese cities meet the same kind6 problem with air pollution as London met

forty or fifty years ago. However, this problem is7 for Chinese cities. First, most of the

pollution es from big factories than from coal that people use in their houses. If these factories

are suddenly closed, lots of people would8 their jobs. Second, cleaner fuels are quite expensive. However, the air in many cities is 9 cleaner, because the government and the people are trying to get

things better. For example, the air in Beijing is getting10 .

1.A. because B. but C. so D. and

2. A. keep B. keeping C. kept D. to keep

3. A. worse B. worst C. badly D. bad

4. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody

5. A. before B. ago C. later D. after

6. A. of B. on C. as D. about

7. A. serious B. not serious C. more serious D. most serious

8. A. lost B. lose C. losing D. to lose

9. A. became B. bees C. bee D. being

10. A. clean and cleaner B. cleanerand cleaner

C. more and more clean D. more and more cleaner


- 8 - / 10


Sunshine For All

The Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students are holding a charity show at the school hall of

Beijijg Sunshine Secondary School, Sunny Street, Sunshine Town.

Date: 29 April Time: 7:30pm----9:00pm

We hope to raise money to help poor children go to school.

Ticket price: $20 Donations are wele.

Programme: 7:30pm : Introduction 7:40pm: Songs 8:00pm: Break 8:15pm: Speech

8:30pm: Drama9:00pm: End of the show

Project Hope is an organization that raises money to build schools and buy books for poor students.

We would like to thank the following for their help and support: The teachers at Beijing Sunshine

Secondary School; The Star Shopping Mall for the costumes; Sunshine Advertisement pany for the


1. Where will the charity show be held?

the classroom the meeting room the shopping mall the school hall

2. When will the charity show be hold?

A.7:30pm—9:00pm, 29 April B.7:30am—9:00am, 29 April

C.7:30am—9:00pm, 29 May D.7:30pm—9:00pm, 29 May

do they want to raise money?

build schools. help poor children go to school

buy books for poor students hold charity show

can you do at 8:00pm?

a drama. songs. a rest. to a speech.

do the students want to thank?

ne Advertisement pany for the posters.

B. The Star Shopping Mall for the costumes.

C. The teachers at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School of the above.


The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle,Washington,in the United

was a small coffee shop that roasted its own coffee coffee shop’s business did

well,and by 1981 there were three more Starbucks stores in Seattle.

Things really began to change for the pany in year,Howard Schultz met the three men

who ran<经营> z worked in New York for a pany that made kitchen

noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makersand he was curious about the

z went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did,and he liked what he wanted to bee

part of the 1982,the original<原先的>Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the pany’s head of

- 9 - / 10


In 1983,Schultz travelled to unique atmosphere of the coffee bars there caught his

Schultz, it seemed that Italians spent their daily lives in three places:home,work,and coffee

experience in Italy gave Schultz a new idea for Starbucks back in Seattle.

Schultz created an atmosphere for Starbucks coffee shops that was fortable,and customers

everywhere seemed to like n 1987 and 1992,Starbucks opened 150 new stores—and that

was only the fact,by the year 2000,three new Starbucks stores opened somewhere

around the world every day!

Today,Starbucks has thousands of stores, including stores in twenty-six thing that

helps make Starbucks succeed in cities outside the United States is the way Starbucks works with

local stores and working together with a store already in the city,Starbucks gets an

understanding of customers in the understanding helps Starbucks open stores in the right

locations for their customers.

is the main idea of this passage?

A. How Starbucks has grown B. What Starbucks makes.

C. Starbucks’customers. D. How Starbucks makes its coffee.

is true about Starbucks’first ten years of business?

A. It grew very quickly. B. It was run by Howard Schultz.

C. It made special coffee makers. D. It was a small pany.

is Howard Schultz?

A. A coffee seller in New York.

B. An Italian coffee maker

C. The man who changed the pany.

D. One of the original owners of the pany.

9. How many new Starbucks stores probably opened in the year 2000 around the world?

A. Three. B. About 1095. C. Two thousand. D. Thirty-six.

helps Starbucks succeed in places outside the United States?

A. Opening restaurants in just a few locations each year.

B. Only selling locally produced coffee beans.

C. working with other major coffee-making panies.

D. Learning about local customers.

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