

Man, this is weird. 老兄,这好畸形哦

Ever realize Cap'n Crunch's eyebrows are on his hat? 你知不知道 脆脆上尉的眉毛长在帽子上?

That's what's weird? 那叫畸型?

The man's been captain of a cereal for 40 years. 乔伊,那傢伙 当了四十年早餐片的上尉

What? 怎样?

The spoon! You licked and you put. 汤匙,你舔完放回去

You licked and you put. 你舔完放回去

Yeah, so? 所以呢?

Don't you see how gross that is? It's like you using my toothbrush! 你看不出那很恶心吗?


You used my toothbrush? 你用我的牙刷?

Only because I used the red one to unclog the drain. 那是因为 我用红的那只去通排水孔嘛

Mine is the red one! 红是我的

Oh, God! Can open. Worms everywhere! 一发就不可收拾了

Why can't we use the 为什么牙刷不能共用…

... but we can use the same soap? …肥皂就可以共用?

Because soap is soap. It's self-cleaning. 因为肥皂是肥皂,会自我清洁

The next time 好吧,下一次你洗澡的时候…

...think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash. …想想我什么最后洗


...think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash. The One Where Joey Moves Out

...think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash. 六人行 第2季 第16集


Look at you fancy lads! 瞧你们打扮的

What's the occasion? 有什么大事?

You know that guy on my show that's in a coma? 知道我节目里 那个演昏迷不醒的?

He's having a brunch. 他要请我吃饭

Ready when you are. 就等你了 好的

I can't believe you're actually getting tattoos. 真不敢相信 你们真的要去刺青了

You guys are getting tattoos? 你们要去刺青?

But you cannot tell Ross because I wanna surprise him. 对,不能告诉罗斯 我要给他一个惊喜

Wow, this is wild! What are you gonna get? 好狂野哦,你们要刺什么?

I'm getting a lily. 我要刺一朵百合

For my mom, because her name's Lily. 因为我妈就叫百合

That's lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch? 真幸运 她要是叫大污点怎么办?

-Where you getting it? -On my shoulder. 那你们要刺哪里? 我想在我肩上

What? 什么?

What's on your shoulder? 什么在你肩上?

A chip. 重担

-A tattoo. I'm getting a tattoo. -A tattoo? 是刺青,我要去刺青啦 刺青?

Why? Why would you wanna do that? 你为什么要那么做?

You don't think they're kind of cool? 你不觉得那酷吗?

No. Sorry, I don't. 不,抱歉,我不觉得

Why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? 怎么会有人


What if it doesn't come out right? 万一要是刺得不好呢?

It's like having a bad haircut all the time. 那不是变成永远在 “我头发剪丑了”吗?

Why is everyone staring at me? 大家为什么都瞪着我?

Sign this card for Dad. Richard will be here soon. 罗斯,过来签给爸的生日卡 理查随时会到

Richard's going to the party too? 理查也要去参加派对?

He's my parents' best friend. He has to go. 他是我父母最好的朋友 他必须去

So is today the day you'll tell them about you two? 那你打算 今天告诉他们你们的事吗?

Yeah, for my dad's birthday, I decided to give him a stroke. 对,我爸的生日 我决定送他中风

No, I think you should tell them. 不,你应该告诉他们

I don't know how serious he is. Until I do, I won't say anything. 我还不知道他对我有多认真


I don't think Mom and Dad would mind. 我不知道,我想他们不会介意

Remember when you were 9 and Richard was 30, 记得你九岁


... "God, I hope they get together." …“天啊 真希望他们在一起”

Shall we? 好了,进去吧

Okay, wait. 等等

You know what? 你知道吗?

Ross, let's switch places. You get in the middle. 罗斯,我们换位置 你来站中间

This looks like we're trying to cover something up. 不,这看起来像 我们想隐瞒什么

You could come in straddling him, they still wouldn't believe it. 摩妮卡,就算你骑着他进去


We're here! 我们来了

-Hi, kids! -The children! 孩子们 是孩子们

-Happy birthday, Dad. -Thank you. 生日快乐,爸爸 谢谢

Happy birthday! 生日快乐

So you kids thanked Dr. Burke for the ride? 你们谢过柏大夫 载你们来了吗?

Actually, Mom, I think Monica thanked him for the both of us. 妈,事实上


So you kids take the train in? 你们搭火车来吗?

No, Richard Burke gave them a ride. 不,柏理查载他们来的

Speaking 谈到他呀…

... I hear he's got some 20-year-old twinkie in the city. …听说 他在城里有个二十岁的幼齿

Finger cramp! Oh, God! 手指抽筋,抱歉

Sorry. Here, let me get that, Mom. 来,让我来,妈

So Richard's shopping in the junior section? 理查在青少年部“购物”

Are we still on that? 还在讲那个吗?

You just know she's got the lQ of a napkin. 想也知道她的智商一定超低

She's probably not even pretty. 说不定连漂亮都谈不上

Just young enough so that everything is still pointing up. 只是够年轻 所以一切都还没下垂

Can you believe this place? 你相信这个地方吗?

I know. This is a great apartment. 我知道,这个公寓很棒

In the bathroom there's mirrors on both sides of you. 我刚去过浴室 两边墙上都有镜子

When you're in there, it's like peeing with the Rockettes. 尿尿的时候


Well, there's my fantasy come true. 我的梦想实现了

Seriously. 不,说真的

We were just saying, great apartment! 我们正在赞美你的公寓,老兄

Thanks. You want it? 谢了,你要吗?

I'm moving to a bigger place. 我要搬去一个更大的

You should take this one. 你真的应该租下来

Can you see me in a place like this? 你看我会住这种地方吗?

Why not? You hate park views and high ceilings? 有何不可呢?你讨厌公园景观


Come on, I'll show you the kitchen. 来吧,我带你去看厨房

That's all right, I saw a kitchen this morning. 不用了,兄弟 我今早在电视上…

On TV. …看过一个厨房

Stop talking. Okay! 不要再说了

-Come on, tell us! -ls she really 20? 来嘛,告诉我们 对,她真只有二十?

I am not telling you guys anything. 你们休想逼我说什么

Come on, it's my birthday. Let me live vicariously! 来嘛,理查,今天是我生日


Dad, you really don't want to do that. 爸,你真的不会想那样做

What's a little midlife crisis between friends? 跟朋友分享一下 你的中年危机嘛

Would you let it go? 杰克,你别说了,好吗?

I know what you're going through. When I turned 50, I got the Porsche. 我了解你在做什么


You got your own little speedster. 你有自己的小“加速器”

-Seriously, it's not like that. -Tell you what. 各位,说真的,不是像那样 这样吧

Maybe one of these weekends you can borrow the car and I could 或许个周末


Dad, I beg you not to finish that sentence! 爸,我求你不要说完那个句子

What? I'm kidding! 怎么?我在逗他

You know I'd never let him touch the Porsche. 我才不会让他碰我的保时捷

Okay, Rach. 阿秋

Which lily? This lily or that lily? 哪一朵百合? 这一朵或那一朵?

-Well, l -I like this lily. 我… 我喜欢这朵

It's more open and that's like my mom. 开得比较大,就像我妈

She had a more open, giving spirit. 她有比较开放给予的精神

Foghorn Leghorn! 雾号麦杆

Blonde girl? You're in room two. 金发的,你去第二间

Not-so-blonde girl, you're with me. 没那么金的,你跟我来

Here we go! 走吧

You're not going. 你不进去?

Is this because of what Ross said? 怎么了?是因为罗斯的话吗?

-Well, yeah, maybe. -I don't believe this. 是啦,或许 我真不敢相信

Is this how this relationship works? Ross equals boss? 你们的关系这样维持吗? 罗斯是老板?

Come on, what is this, 1922? 少来了 现在是1922年吗?

What's 1922? 1922年有什么?

Just, you know, a long time ago. 只是很久以前嘛

When men used to tell women what to do a lot. 当时是女人很多事 得听男人的时代

Then there was suffrage, which was a good thing. But it sounds horrible. 然后还有投票权


Do you want this tattoo? 你到底要不要刺?

Yes, I do. It's just that Ross 我要啊,只是罗斯他…

Is your boyfriend the boss of you? 你男友是你的老板吗?

Who is the boss of you? 那好,谁是你的老板?

You? 你?

You are the boss of you! 不,你是你的老板

You march in there and get that tattoo on your hip! 你现在给我进去 把那颗红心刺上去

Go! 去

How you doing? 你怎么了?

I'm a twinkie! 我是个幼齿

Really? I'm a hero. 真的?我是英雄

This is so hard. 这好难哦

Yeah, I know. I hate it too. 是呀,我知道,我也讨厌这样

Look, maybe we should just tell them. 听着,或许我们应该说出来

Maybe we should just tell your parents first. 或许我们应该先告诉你父母

My parents are dead. 我父母死了

God, you are so lucky! 你真幸运

I mean Well, you know what I mean. 不,我是说… 你懂我意思

Just hang in there, okay? 忍耐一下,好吗?

Okay, I'll go out first, all right? 我先出去,好吗?

Judy! Going to the bathroom. Good for you! 茱蒂,上洗手间呀,有你的

Thank you, Richard. I appreciate the support. 谢谢,理查,很感激你的支持

Honey. 蜜糖

Seen my Harmon Kille brew bat? Bob doesn't believe I have one.

你有没有看到我的奇哈蒙球棒 老鲍不相信我有

I have no idea. 我不知道

Did you know Richard has a twinkie in the city? 你知道 理查在城里有个幼齿吗?

I know. He's a new man. It's like a scene from Cocoon. 我知道,他像个全新的男人


I just never would have pictured Richard with a bimbo. 我怎么也无法幻想


He told Johnny Shapiro that she's quite a girl. 显然他告诉沙强尼 那个女孩不错

He told Johnny that he thinks he's falling in love with her. 事实上,他告诉强尼


-Really? -I've never seen him this happy. 真的? 告诉你,我没见他这么快乐过

So, 杰克…

...ever think about trading me in for a younger model? …你有没有想过


Of course not. 当然没有

With you, it's like I've got two 25-year-olds. 你不就等于两个二五佳人?

Oh, Jack, stop! 杰克,住手

Come on! 来嘛

It's my birthday! 今天是我生日

Can we drop this? 别说了,好吗?

I am not interested in the guy's apartment. 我对那傢伙的公寓没兴趣

Oh, please. I saw the way you were checking out his moldings. 拜托,我看到你


You want it. 你想要

Why would I want another apartment? 我干嘛要另外一个房子?

I've already got an apartment that I love. 我已经有个我爱的房子了

It wouldn't kill you to say it once in a while. 是嘛,偶尔这样说说又不会死

All right. You want the truth? I'm thinking about it. 好吧,想听实话吗? 我的确在考虑

-What? -I'm sorry. 什么? 抱歉

I'm 28. I've never 我今年28了 从没自己住过…

...and I'm at a place where I got …而我终于赚到足够的钱…

...that I don't need a roommate. …可以让我不再需要室友

I don't need a roommate either. 我也不需要室友啊

I can afford to live here by myself. 自己住这里我也负担得起

I may have to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware. 我或许一个礼拜


Why are you getting so bent out of shape? 你老兄火气干嘛那么大

We didn't agree to live together forever. 我们又没说要永远住在一起

We're not Bert and Ernie. 我们又不是连体婴

You know what? 知道吗?

If this is the way 如果你这样觉得…

...then maybe you should take it. …那或许你应该搬去

-That's how I feel. -Then maybe you should take it! 我是那样觉得 那或许你应该搬去

Maybe I will! 那或许我会

-Fine with me! -Great! 那好 很好

You can spend more quality time with your 你就有多点时间


...the spoons! …你的汤匙

Whose drink can I freshen? 谁还要加点饮料?

Almost time for cake! 快要切蛋糕了

Mon, are you okay? 摩妮卡?你还好吗?

You remember that video I found of Mom and Dad? 记得我发现 爸妈的那卷录影带吗?

Well, I just caught the live show. 我刚看了现场秀

-Hey, there. -What? 嗨 怎样?

Nothing. I just heard something nice about you. 没什么 我刚听到你的好话

Really? 真的?

-Your son isn't seeing anyone, is he? -Not that I know of. 你儿子现在没女朋友吧?


I was thinking, why doesn't he give Monica a call? 我是在想… 他何不打个电话给摩妮卡?

That's an idea. 那…是个主意

Well, actually, I'm already seeing someone. 事实上,我已经有男友了

Oh? 是吗?

She never tells us anything. 这孩子什么事都不讲

Ross, did you know Monica's seeing someone? 罗斯 你知道摩妮卡有男友了吗?

Mom, there are so many people in my life. 妈,我周遭有好多好多人

Some are seeing people and some aren't. 有些人有男朋友,有些人没有

Is that crystal? 那是水晶的吗?

So who's the mystery man? 那个神秘男子是谁?

Well, he's a doctor. 他是个医生

A real doctor? 真正的医生?

No, a doctor of meat. 不,他是研究肉的

Of course he's a real doctor. 他当然是真的医生

And he's handsome. 他很英俊

And he's sweet, and I know you'd like him. 人很好 我知道你会喜欢他

Well, that's wonderful. 那太棒了

Mom, it's okay. 妈,没关系

It is, Judy. 没错,茱蒂

Jack! 杰克

Could you come in here for a moment? 请你进来一下,好吗?

Now! 现在

-Found it! -I'll take that, Dad. 到了 交给我,爸

It seems your daughter and Richard are something of an item. 你女儿跟理查看来似乎是一对

That's impossible. He's got a twinkie in the city. 那不可能,他在城里有个幼齿

I'm the twinkie. 爸,我是那个幼齿

-You're the twinkie? -She's not a twinkie! 你是那个幼齿? 她不是个幼齿

Look, this is the best relationship I've been in 好吧,听着,各位 这是我有过最棒的关系…

Oh, please! A relationship? 拜托,关系?

Yes, a relationship! 对,关系

For your information, I'm crazy about this man. 你们请听好 我为这个男人疯狂

Really? 真的?

Am I supposed to stand here and listen to this on my birthday? 我生日还要站在这里


This is a good thing. You said you've never seen Richard happier. 这是件好事,你自己也说


When did I say that? 我何时说的?

Upstairs in the bathroom, right before you felt up Mom! 楼上的浴室啊,你摸妈之前

Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐

Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐

Happy birthday, dear Jack 祝你生日快乐,杰克

Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐

It looks so good! Oh, I love it. 好漂亮哦,我好喜欢

I know, so do l! I'm so glad you made me do this. 我知道,我也是 菲比,我好高兴你逼我刺

Okay, let me see yours. 让我看你的

Let's see yours again. 再瞧瞧你的

We just saw mine. Let me see yours. 菲比,我的才刚看过 让我看你的

Oh, no! 不…

It's gone! That's so weird. 不见了,好古怪哦

I don't know how, where it went. 不知道去哪里了

You didn't get it? 你没刺?

Why not? 你为什么没刺?

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! 对不起…

How could you do this to me? This was your idea! 菲比,你怎么可以这样对我?


I know! I was gonna get it, but he came in with this needle. 我知道…我本来是要刺的


And did you know they do this with needles? 你知道他们是用针刺的吗?

Really? You don't say? 真的?真的吗?

Because mine was licked on by kittens! 因为我的是猫舔上去的

I'm sorry about what 听着,今天的事我很抱歉…

-Yeah, me too. -I know. 我也是 我知道

Do we need to hug? 我们需要抱一下吗?

No, we're all right. 不,没关系

So I got you something. 我有东西送你

Plastic spoons! 塑胶汤匙

-Great! -Lick away, my man! 太棒了 舔吧,老兄

These will go great in my new place till I get real ones. 这在我的新家会很好用 先应付应付

What? 什么?

I can't use these forever. They're no friend of the environment. 我不能永远用塑胶汤匙


No, I mean what's this about your new place? 不…我是说… 你说什么新家?

I'm moving out, like we talked about. 我要搬出去,像我们谈过的

I didn't think that was serious. 我不知道你是认真的

You know, I thought that was just a fight. 我以为我们只是在吵架

Well, it was 我们是吵架了…

... based on serious stuff, remember? …有根有据的,记得吗?

About how I never lived alone or anything? 关于我从没一个人住过

I think it would be good for me. Help me 我只是想,这对我有好处 帮我成长…

...or whatever. …之类的

Well, there you go. 那就是了

Hey, are you cool with this? 这你没问题吧?

I don't wanna leave you high and dry. 我不想让你觉得被遗弃了

I've never been lower or wetter. 不,我也不会觉得更愉快的

I'll be fine. I'll just 我不要紧的 我就把你的房间…

... bedroom into a game room. …改成游戏室之类的好了

Put the foosball table in there. 把足球桌放在里面

Why do you get to keep the table? 那桌子为什么该归你?

I did pay for half of it. 我付了一半的钱

I paid for the other half. 对,我付了另一半

I'll tell you what. I'll play you for it. 这样吧,谁赢谁的

All right, you're on. 好呀,没问题

I can take two minutes out of my day to kick your ass. 我可以抽出时间来痛宰你一顿

Your men will get scored on more times than your sister. 我得的分


Which sister? 哪一个妹妹?

So are you sorry that I told them? 你后悔我告诉他们吗?

No. It's been a long time since your dad and I went running. 不,我跟你爸好久没去跑步了

Did you get it? 你们刺了吗?给我看

-ls Ross here? -He went out for pizza. 罗斯在吗? 不在,他去买披萨

Okay, really quick. 一下就好

That's great! 好漂亮

Very tasteful. 很有品味

Wanna see mine? Wanna see mine? 要看我的吗?…

What? You didn't get one. 什么?你又没刺

Okay. Well then, what is this? 那这是什么?

What are we looking at? 我们在看什么?

That blue freckle? 那颗蓝雀斑?

That's my tattoo. 那是我的刺青

That is not a tattoo. That is a nothing. 那不是刺青,那什么也不是

I got her in 我终于逼她回去再刺…

...he barely touched her with the needle, she screamed and that was it. …针根本都还没碰到她


Okay, hi! 嗨

For your information, this is exactly what I wanted. 这正是我想要听到的

This is a tattoo of the Earth as seen from a great, great distance. 这是个


It's the way my mother sees me from heaven. 我妈从天堂看到我就是这样的

Oh, what a load of crap! 真是狗屁一堆

That is a dot! 那是一个点

Your mother's in heaven going, "Where the hell's my lily, you wuss!" 你妈正在天堂上大叫


That is not a tattoo! This is a tattoo! 菲比,那不是个刺青 这才是个刺青

You got a tattoo? 你去刺青了?

Maybe. 或许

But just a little one. Phoebe got the whole world! 只是个小的啦 菲比刺了全世界

Well, let me see. 让我看看

Well? 怎样?

Well, it' 这非常的…

...sexy. 性感

I wouldn't have thought it would be, 我没想到会这样,但…

...wow! …哇

Really? 真的?

So is it sore? Or can you do stuff? 对,所以会酸痛吗? 你可以活动吗?

I guess. 可以吧

Save us some pizza. 留些披萨给我们

Get it out of the corner! 别窝在角落

Pass it! Pass it! 传球…

Stop talking to your men! 别跟你的人讲话

And the table is mine. 帅,桌子是我的了

Congratulations. 恭喜了

You guys will still come visit me, right? 你们还是会来看我,对吧?

Oh, yeah! You got the big TV. 会呀,你有大荧幕电视

We'll be over there all the time. 我们会常常去的

Except when we are here. 除了在这里时

I know you're just moving uptown, but I'll really miss you. 我知道你只是往北搬


How can you not be across the hall anymore? 你怎会不再是我的 对门芳邻了?

Who's gonna eat all of our food and tie up our phone lines 是呀,谁来吃光我们的东西


Is that my bra? 那是我的胸罩吗?

-What are you doing with my bra? -It's not what you think. 你拿我的胸罩去干嘛?


We used it to fling water balloons off the roof. 我们用那个来在屋顶上弹水球

Remember? Those kids couldn't even get theirs across the street. 记得吗?那些初中生


Yeah, I remember. 是呀,我记得

Let's bring the rest of these down to the truck. 咱们把剩下的搬上卡车

You want 你要我…

...give you a hand with the foosball table? …帮你搬这个足球桌下去吗?

You keep it. You need the practice. 不了,你留着,你需要练习

Thanks. 谢了

So... 所以…

... I guess this is it. …我猜就这样了

Yeah, right. 是呀,对

I guess so. 大概吧

When am I gonna see you? 我不知道我们何时会再见?

I'm guessing tonight at the coffeehouse. 我猜今晚在咖啡馆?

Right. Yeah. Okay. 对呀

本文发布于:2024-09-22 12:34:23,感谢您对本站的认可!



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