中考英语阅读训练White Fang (selection)《白牙》(选段)


White Fang (selection)《白牙》(选段)

Part A


"Stop that! ”he shouted.

Beauty continued kicking White Fang while Cherokee kept holding on. Scott was very angry. He shouted at Beauty and

knocked him down. All the men stopped shouting. They knew the dog fight was over and there would be a fight between two


Beauty stood up and shouted at Scott to mind his own business. Scott knocked him down again. Beauty was not a brave

man so he did not try to fight Scott.

Scott had heard about White Fang. He knew he was one of the best lead sled dogs that could be trained to pull sleds in the


“I’ll buy that dog from you,” he told Beauty, “A hundred and fifty dollars.”

“He’s worth more than that to me,” Beauty shouted.

“I want three hundred dollars.”

“You’ll take one hundred and fifty,” Scott said. He bent down and tried to separate the two dogs, but the bulldog still held

on. Scott shouted at Tom Keenan to help him.

“I don’t know how to separate them,” Keenan said, “This has never happened before.”

Scott asked Matt for his gun. He began to push part of the gun into the bulldog’s mouth as he tried to open it.

“Don’t break his teeth,” Keenan shouted.

Scott paid no attention to him. At last, he got the bulldog to open its mouth. Matt came forward and pulled White Fang

away. The wolf-dog was now almost dead from his wounds and loss of blood.

1. Why did Scott buy White Fang?

A. Because he won the fight. B. Because he was one of the best lead sled dogs around.

C. Because he did not know. D. Because he was the best bulldog around.

2. How was White Fang after the fight?

A. He looked like he would have a fight again. B. He was far from death.

C. He looked like a bulldog. D. He was almost dead.

3. What does the underlined word “sled” mean?

A. 雪橇 B. 滑雪板 C. 雪人 D. 小车

4. Who is White Fang’s new god?

A. Beauty. B. Keenan. C. Scott. D. Matt.


Scott locked White Fang in one of the rooms of their hut, and then he and Matt went down to the ___1___ where a boat

was waiting. Scott got into the boat, and Matt helped carry his bags. The two men stood ___2___ for a few minutes. Then Scott

looked around. White Fang was on the boat, looking at ___3___ .

“ ___4___ did he get out?” Scott asked.

“I locked the ___5___ ,” Matt said, “There’s no way he could get out.” “Come here,” Scott told White Fang. The dog

___6___ slowly toward Scott. “There’s ___7___ on his nose.” Scott said, “Do you know what he did, Matt? He leapt lat the

window, broke the glass with his head, and pushed himself through the ___8___ glass.”

“He ___9___ want to be with you very much,” Matt said.

Scott looked at White Fang for a long time, and then said, “I’m taking him with me. I know I’m going to have ___10___ ,

but I can’t leave him ___11___ .”

“I think you’re mad,” Matt said, “Write to me, and ___12___ me know how you’re doing.”

White Fang was not happy on the journey to San Francisco. He was very ___13___ when they arrived in the city. There

was so much ___14___ and so many people. He did not know how to behave. He ___15___ knew that he must take care of his

god and of his god’s things.

1. A. field B. forest C. street D. river

2. A. speaking B. talking C. thinking D. watching

3. A. him B. her C. you D. them

4. A. How B. Why C. When D. How long

5. A. boat. B. box C. door D. cage

6. A. climbed B moved C. ran D. rushed

7. A. blood B. grass C. mud D. ink

8. A. old B. bad C. new D. broken

9. A. can B. may C. must D. should

10. A. fun B. time C. money D. problems

11. A. away B. behind C. for D. over

12. A. let B. help C. make D. tell

13. A. afraid B. happy C. sure D. surprised

14. A. sound B. noise C. voiced D. whisper

15. A. also B. maybe C. only D. still


One day, the little gray wolf noticed that his father stopped coming in and out of the wall of light. The she-wolf knew One

Eye was dead, but she could not explain it to the little gray wolf.”

When his mother left the cave to hunt for meat, the little wolf did not go to the wall of light. He did not want to be

punished. Still, the little wolf was getting older. He was very curious. He wanted to be a good little wolf, but he also wanted to

see what was on the other side of the wall of light. ___1___ He began to walk to the wall. As he walked to the wall, it seemed to

move. He kept walking and walking. His little nose did not hit the wall. He was confused. The light got brighter and brighter.


He looked everywhere. It was wonderful and exciting. Part of him wanted to go back, but he walked to the outside of the

cave. The light was so bright, it made his eyes hurt. After living in a small cave, there was not so much space! He felt dizzy.


The little wolf had never seen these things before. He was afraid. Soon, he was excited by the new things that he saw, and

he forgot to be afraid. He saw things that were close to him and things that were far away. ___4___ His little body rolled and

rolled. He hit his nose on the ground, and he began to cry. Because the inside of the cave was flat, he did not understand how

the ground could not be flat sometimes. He was very afraid now.

The bottom of the hill was covered with soft grass. When the little wolf stopped rolling, he stopped crying. Then he got up

and cleaned himself. He looked around again. He was very curious about everything. He looked closely at all of the plants and

flowers around him. He saw a squirrel on the ground. When he walked to it, the squirrel saw him. The squirrel was scared, so it

ran away. This gave the little wolf some courage and confidence. He then saw a bird and ran to it. ___5___ This hurt the wolf,

and he cried again.

He cried so loud that the bird flew away.

A. Suddenly, he fell down a hill.

B. One day, the little wolf could not control himself anymore.

C. He ate the bird.

D. Suddenly, there was bright light everywhere.

E. He looked at the trees, the sky, and the mountains.

F. Soon he learnt that the world had things that stayed in one place, and other things that moved.

G. The bird was very angry and hit the little wolf’s nose.

四、根据短文内容, 用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空, 使短文完整

White Fang began hunting for his own food, but he was not good at ___1___ (hunt) yet. He still needed food from

___2___ (he) mother. One day, his mother brought home a lynx kitten. He was eating it, when he ___3___ (hear) a great noise

from the mouth of the cave. The kitten’s mother followed the she-wolf to the cave. The she-wolf and the she-lynx started

___4___ (fight). The lynx cut with her claws and ___5___ (tooth), the she-wolf with her teeth. The next moment, the two

mothers ___6___ (stop), and before they rushed together again, White Fang joined in, biting the lynx’s legs. It was not a big

bite, but it was enough ___7___ (give) his mother the chance she needed. At last the lynx was dead, but the she-wolf was

___8___ (bad) hurt. She lay (躺) by the dead animal’s side for a day and a night without ___9___ (move).

Since then, White Fang learned what life was about. It was about meat. There was no life without meat. Animal had to eat

other ___10___ (animal) to survive. The law was: EAT OR BE EATEN. It was a hard life, but the cub was happy. He felt very

much alive.

Part B


He was the only gray cub (狼息) of the she-wolf. The other cubs had red in their hair. He was gray like his father. He was

the strongest cub. He showed more anger than his brothers and sisters. He made more noises.

He was a carnivorous animal. He came of a breed of meat-killers and meat-eaters. His father and mother lived wholly

upon meat. In his first months of life, he lived on mother’s milk, which was transformed directly from meat. And now, at a

month old, when his eyes had been open for but a week, he was beginning himself to eat meat.

There came a time when there was no meat. For many days the cubs did not eat. They were too weak and tired to play.

One-Eye, the cub’s father, was killed in the fight over food. Even the she-wolf left the cave to find meat, but there was nothing.

One by one, the cubs died. Only the she-wolf and the gray cub were left.

One day the gray cub ran out of the cave to hunt for his own food. He met a weasel (黄鼠狼) of his size. The rat-like

animal ran at him and bit his throat. He was nearly dead when the she-wolf arrived just in time to kill and eat it.

The gray cub was not good at hunting yet, and still needed food from his mother. One day, the she-wolf brought him a lynx

(猞猁) kitten. While eating, he heard great noise. The kitten’s mother had followed the she-wolf here. The she-wolf and the

she-lynx started to fight, and they would fight to the death. ______ The bite was enough to give the she-wolf the chance she

needed. The lynx was dead, but the she-wolf was badly hurt. For a week, she did not move. The gray cub had to find food for

both of them.

Without his mother to take care of him, he learnt what life was about. Without meat there was no life. Animals had to eat

other animals to survive. The law was: EAT OR BE EATEN.

1. What does the underlined word “carnivorous” mean?

A. Meat-eating. B. Grass-eating. C. Proud. D. Dangerous.

2. Which of the following can prove the law of meat?

A. The gray cub was the strongest cub. B. The gray cub made more noises.

C. The she-lynx fought against the she-wolf. D. The gray cub was gray like his father, One-Eye.

3. Which sentence should go in the ______ in Paragraph 5?

A. Wolves live only on meat. B. He ran forward and bit one of her legs.

C. Soon he was losing a lot of blood. D. He could not stop the lynx from biting him.

4. After reading the passage, we can infer (推断) ______ .

A. the cub’s brothers and sisters died from a fight against each other

B. one-Eye, the father died from a fight for meat

C. life was easy for the she-wolf and the gray cub

D. the she-wolf came in time to kill and eat the weasel


White Fang soon learned about men. He learned to get out of their way and to come when they ___1___ . The alternative

was a club on his back or a stone in his face. Some days White Fang went to the edge of the ___2___ . He stood and ___3___ to

something calling him from far away.

He learned about the other dogs, too. He learned that some dogs ate lots and some were ___4___ , But the biggest problem

in White Fang’s life was Lip-lip.

He was larger, older and ___5___ and he ___6___ White Fang. Lip-lip ___7___ him whenever he could. White Fang

learned to avoid him and the other puppies. He didn’t play but he 8everything about the camp ___9___ . And he became a

clever thief because it was ___10___ for him to get his share of the food.

Then one day White Fang had his ___11___ taste of revenge. Lip-lip was chasing him and White Fang ran ___12___ to

where his mother was tied up. Lip-lip ___13___ . White Fang knew his mother hated Lip-lip, too. Soon Lip-lip was so excited

that he ran right into Kiche. She ___14___ him with her fangs. He was able to escape because Kiche was still tied up. But then

White Fang bit and chased him. For the first time, with the help of his mother, White Fang ___15___ to hurt Lip-lip. Revenge

(复仇) was good.

1. A. called B. kicked C. played D. chased

2. A. house B. building C. forest D. room

3. A. looked B. listened C. saw D. smelt

4. A. dangerous B. kind C. big D. small

5. A. shorter B. taller C. longer D. stronger

6. A. liked B. hated C. loved D. called

7. A. kissed B. hugged C. attacked D. abused

8. A. ate B. listened C. learned D. read

9. A. above B. instead C. a little D. neither

10. A. difficult B. easy C. lucky D. hungry

11. A. first B. last C. biggest D. smallest

12. A. farther and farther B. bigger and bigger C. closer and closer D. harder and harder

13. A. followed B. played C. stopped D avoided

14. A. quarrelled B. ran C. stopped D. bit

15. A. failed B. managed C. beat D. learned


The family nursed White Fang, and White Fang won the one in ten thousand chance. ___1___

Then came the day when the last bandage (细带) and blaster cast (石膏) were taken off. It was a special day of celebration.

All the family was there.

White Fang tried to stand up, but fell down from weakness. ___2___ . He felt he was failing his gods. So he made a big

effort, and stood there swaying on his four legs.

“The Blessed Wolf,” shouted the women.

“He’ll have to learn to walk again,” said the surgeon, “So he can start now. It won’t hurt him. Take him outside.”

He went outside like a king, with all the family around him. He was very weak. ___3___ . Then he got up again and

walked. His legs felt slowly stronger.

When he reached the stable, there lay Collie, with six fat little puppies playing around her. White Fang looked at them, and

Collie snarled a warning at him. He was careful to keep his distance.

One of the women picked Collie up. One of her puppies was in front of him. White Fang watched it curiously. ___4___ .

White Fang didn’t know why, but his own tongue went out and licked the puppy’s face.

All the family clapped and cheered. He was surprised, and looked at them in a puzzled way. The other puppies all came

over to him, and he allowed them to climb and tumble all over him. ___5___ .

A. He lay, with half-shut patient eyes, half-asleep in the sun.

B. He must be nursed like a sick child.

C. His muscles had lost their strength from lying for so long.

D. He was lying on his side.

E. Then their noses touched, and he felt a warm little tongue.

F. Wrapped in plaster casts and bandages, he lay, sleeping long hours for several weeks.

G. When he reached the grass he lay down and rested for a while.

四、根据短文内容, 用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空, 使短文完整

White Fang ___1___ (slow) got better and during this time, he did not let anyone near him. Scott wanted to kill him,

because his teeth hurt Matt’s hand. But Matt said, “Let’s ___2___ (give) him more time.” Scott agreed.

A few days later, Scott tried to touch White Fang. He, too, got badly bitten. Instead of ___3___ (get) angry with the dog,

however, he walked slowly toward White Fang, holding another piece of meat. When he was quite near the dog, he ___4___

(drop) the meat on the ground and walked away from it. White Fang looked at him and moved toward the meat, expecting Scott

___5___ (hit) him. When Scott did not move, White Fang moved closer to the meat. He still expected Scott to hit him, but Scott

did not move. The meat ___6___ (eat) up. The next day, Scott held the meat in his hand when he offered it to White Fang. The

dog would not take it, so Scott left it on the ground. The same thing happened for many days. ___7___ (Final), White Fang was

not afraid of Scott and took a piece of meat from his hand. Scott let White Fang do this several ___8___ (time). Then, he

walked up to him without any meat in his hand. He putout his hand and touched White Fang. The wolf in White Fang wanted

___9___ (bite) the hand, but the dog in him wanted to obey the man. White Fang barked, but he did not bite.

Every day, Scott touched the dog. White Fang began to like being touched. He began to like this god who gave him meat,

touched him gently, and never beat him. As the days passed, White Fang began to love Scott. Even when Scott went away, he

stopped eating. He lay quietly, without ___10___ (move).

White Fang (selection)


Part A


1-4 BDAC


1-5 DBDAC 6-10 BADCD 11-15 BAABC




1. hunting 2. his 3. heard 4. to fight 5. teeth 6. stopped 7. to give 8. badly 9. moving 10. animals

Part B


1-4 ACBB


1-5 ACBAD 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 ACADB




1. slowly 2. give 3. getting 4. dropped 5. to hit 6. was eaten 7. Finally 8. times 9. to bite 10. moving

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