中考英语真题分项汇编 -完形填空 考点2 生活哲理类(全国通用)


专题15 完形填空

考点2 生活哲理类(15小题)



My day began when I saw my six-year-old son

Jonathan doing something in the garden by my

azalea bush (杜鹃花丛). By the time I got

____1____ , I found he’d broken it! It was my


“ Can I take this to school? ” he asked,

smiling. Though a bit unhappy, I nodded. Then I

turned back to the broken bush and ____2____ it

as if to say silently, “ I’m sorry. ” Later I

pruned (修剪) it with great care.

The rest of the day, I was busy doing endless

housework. Time had passed by fast ____3____ I

realized it was already 3:00. Leaving the

clothes in the washing machine, I hurriedly got

to school to ____4____ Jonathan. When I got

there, the teacher told me she wanted to talk

about Jonathan.

What now? I thought.

I had prepared myself for the worst, ____5____

the teacher’s words greatly surprised me.

“ Did you know Jonathan brought ____6____ to

school today? ” she asked. I nodded, thinking

about my favorite bush.“ See that little

girl? ” the teacher ___7___ . I saw a bright-eyed child busily drawing a picture with

crayons. I ____8____ again.

“ Well, her parents are separated and she has

been ____9____ these days. I did all I could to

comfort (安慰) her, but nothing ____10____ .

This morning I watched your son walk over to

____11____ with some pretty pink flowers and

say, ‘ This is for you ’ . ”

I felt my heart full of ____12____ for what my

son had done. Holding Jonathan’s hand, I said,

“ Thank you, you’ve ____13____ my day. ”

I was warmed by the ____14____ Jonathan showed

to the little girl and I made up my mind to pass

it on. Later that evening when my husband came

back home from a tiring workday, I picked some

pink azaleas and ____15____ them to him. “ This

is for you, ” I said.

1. A. off B. out C. up

B. pulled

D. on

C. touched2. A. dropped

D. kicked

3. A. after B. since C. before D. once

4. A. pick up B. look for C. take care

of D. catch up with

5. A. and B. as C. or D. but

6. A. clothes B. pictures C. crayons D. flowers

7. A. laughed B. continued C. doubted D. shouted

8. A. nodded B. turned C. smiled D. thought

9. A. sad B. tired C. bored D. angry

10. A. lasted B. appeared C. worked D. remained

11. A. him B. her C. them D. you

12. A. trust B. courage C. interest D. pride

13. A. recorded B. made C. missed D. stolen

14. A. kindness B. magic C. value

D. humor

C. handed D. sent 15. A. threw B. lent

【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D

6. D 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. B

12. D 13. B 14. A 15. C





off从……离开;out离开,向外;up向上;on在……上;根据“I saw my six-year-old son Jonathan

doing something in the garden by my azalea bush

(杜鹃花丛). By the time I found he’d

broken it! It was my favorite!”可知,当作者从屋里出来的时候,get out“出去”,故选B。



dropped丢;pulled拉,拽;touched触摸;kicked踢;根据“it as if to say silently, “ I’m

sorry. ” ”可知,作者摸着那棵被折断的植物,故选C。



after在……之后;since自从;before在……之前;once一旦;根据“Time had passed I

realized it was already 3:00.”可知,主句是过去完成时,从句是一般过去时,此处应用before引导时间状语从句,强调主从句动作发生的先后顺序,故选C。



pick up开车去接;look for寻;take care of照顾;catch up with赶上;根据“Can I take this to

school?”以及“I hurriedly got to school to”可知,是去学校接儿子,故选A。






clothes衣服;pictures图片;crayons蜡笔;flowers花;根据“Jonathan doing something in the garden

by my azalea bush”可知,是带花去学校,故选D。



laughed大笑;continued继续;doubted怀疑;shouted喊叫;根据“Did you know Jonathan

school today”以及“Well, her

parents ”可知,老师继续说着,故选B。



nodded点头;turned转向;smiled微笑;thought认为;根据“I nodded”及“again”可知,此处指的是“再次点头”,故选A。



sad伤心的;tired疲惫的;bored厌烦的;angry生气的;根据“her parents are separated”可知,父母分开了,女孩很伤心,故选A。



lasted持续;appeared出现;worked奏效;remained留下;根据“I did all I could to comfort (安慰)

her, but nothing”可知,老师尽可能地安慰女孩但没有效果,故选C。


句意:今天早上,我看到你的儿子带着一些漂亮的粉红花朵走向她,说,‘这是给你的。’ ”







recorded记录;made制作;missed想念;stolen偷;儿子的表现让作者很开心,make one’s day“让某人很开心”,故选B。






threw扔;lent借出;handed递;sent发送;根据“when my husband came back home from a tiring

workday, I picked some pink azaleas”可知,此处说的是把花递给了丈夫,故选C。



Claire had always been a perfectionist. No

matter what she did, whether it was organizing

____16____ own birthday party or working on a

science project, everything had to be done

____17____ to the last detail (细节). If her

work did not turn out well, she would get very

____18____ for days.

When Claire heard about the singing ____19____

organized by the community centre, she was very

excited to ____20____ it. Claire made up her

mind to win the first prize. She had never come

in second before in any of the competitions she

joined. “It must be a ____21____ experience!”

she thought. As usual, Claire made sure she was

well prepared. Not only did she spend long time

choosing a ____22____, she also put in a lot of

effort to sing each note correctly.

At the beginning of her performance, Claire

was doing perfectly fine. ____23____, when she

got to the chorus(副歌), for some reason, she

could not ____24____ a whole line of the lyrics.

Not knowing what to do, Claire just passed over

that ____25____ completely. She was very upset

with herself and nearly cried. “What a silly

____26____ I made!” she thought. In the prize-giving ceremony, when one of the judges

announced that she had taken the second place.

Claire burst into tears on stage.

Claire’s mother comforted her ____27____ the

ceremony. She said, “It’s perfectly all right

to make mistakes. That’s ____28____ we learn.”

Claire had never thought of it that way. She

dried her tears and agreed. “Maybe it is not

that bad to ____29____.” Back home, she put up

the plaque (奖牌) on the wall in her room. It

would ____30____ her how mistakes could help her

to learn and improve.

16. A. his B. our

17. A. quickly

D. normally

B. bored C. upsetC. her D. their

B. perfectly C. patiently18. A. excited

D. serious

19. A. competition

D. team

B. club C. festival20. A. take part in

pride in

B. talk about C. take

D. think about

B. different C. wonderful21. A. strange

D. common

22. A. dress B. book

23. A. Instead

C. tape D. song

B. However C. Finally

D. Besides

B. understand C. 24. A. create

explain D. remember

25. A. line B. text

26. A. decision

27. A. by

D. plan

B. before

C. word D. page

B. mistake C. choiceC. after

C. what

C. try

C. offer

D. during

D. why

D. lose

D. find

28. A. how B. where

29. A. ask B. show

30. A. get B. remind

【答案】16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20.

A 21. C 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. A

26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. B






“No matter what she did,”可知,组织她自己的生日派对,故选C。



quickly快速地;perfectly完美地;patiently耐心地;normally正常地。根据“Claire had always been

a perfectionist”可知,她是一个完美主义,所以要求任何事都很完美,故选B。






competition比赛;club俱乐部;festival节日;team队。根据“ She had never come in second before

in any of the competitions she joined”可知,社区要举办唱歌比赛,故选A。



take part in参加;talk about谈论;take pride in以……为傲;think about考虑。根据“Claire made

up her mind to win the first prize”可知,决定参加这个唱歌比赛,故选A。



strange奇怪的;different不同的;wonderful精彩的;common普通的。根据“Claire made up her mind

to win the first prize. She had never come in

second before in any of the competitions she








Instead代替;However然而;Finally最终;Besides并且。“At the beginning of her performance,

Claire was doing perfectly fine”与“when she

got to the chorus(副歌), for some reason”是转折关系,故选B。



create创造;understand理解;explain解释;remember记得。根据“Not knowing what to do,

Claire just passed over that ”可知,不记得歌词了,所以直接跳过这句,故选D。



line歌词;text文本;word单词;page页。根据“for some reason, she could not…a whole line

of the lyrics”可知,不记得这句歌词了,所以直接跳过这一句,故选A。




划。根据“Not knowing what to do, Claire just

passed over that … completely.”可知,她直接跨过那句歌词,这是一个很愚蠢的错误,故选B。



by到……为止;before在……之前;after在……之后;during在……期间。根据“Claire’s mother

comforted her … the ceremony”可知,在颁奖典礼之后安慰她,故选C。



how怎样;where哪里;what什么;why为什么。根据“It’s perfectly all right to make mistakes”可知,犯错误很正常,这也是我们学习的一种方式,故选A。






get得到;remind提醒;offer提供;find到。根据“It would … her how mistakes could help her to

learn and improve”可知,这个第二名是用来提醒她从错误中吸取教训,故选B。



Andy was throwing an empty box when a woman

and her daughter ran over.

“You smell ___31___!”Andy said to the woman.

The woman said, “I just want you to ___32___

me the box. It’s how my daughter and I survive

(生存)” “But it’s just trash (垃圾),” said


“One person’s trash is another person’s

___33___,” the woman said, reaching out her

hand, “Can I have it?”

“___34___ you want it, just take it out of

the trash bin by yourself,” Andy replied

___35___. Then he threw the box and walked

towards his mother’s car. The woman didn’t say

anything and took the box.

Andy told his mother about the dirty woman.

His mother said in a ___36___ voice, “Andy, not

everyone has good ___37___. Your father left us

when you were two years old. We lived a hard

life. I couldn’t find a ___38___, so we had to

live on the streets. One day, I met a lady and

she ___39___ me to make money by recycling

boxes. I ____40____ her suggestion and our life

changed after that.”

Hearing this, Andy got out of the car and

____41____ to the lady. “I am sorry for what I

did. You’re right. One person’s trash is

another person’s treasure.” Then his mother

came over and was ____42____ to find the woman

was just the lady who helped them out of trouble

a few years ago. She said to the woman with

____43____,” You did so much for us. It’s my

turn to ____44____ you. I would like you and

your daughter to come and stay with us.” The

girl and her mother were moved to tears.

There are always some people who give us

unexpected ____45____. So wherever we are, be

kind to people around us.

31. A. sweet B. nice

32. A. buy B. give

C. terrible D. smoky

C. show D. lend

D. treasure

C. Before33. A. pride B. support C. power

34. A. Though B. Unless

D. If

35. A. impolitely B. gladly

D. hopefully

36. A. funny B. soft C. cold

37. A. luck B. fame C. nature

38. A. reason B. dream


39. A. allowed B. advised

D. sent

40. A. checked B. questioned

followed D. forgot

41. A. climbed B. rushed


42. A. surprised B. afraid

D. worried

43. A. fear B. interest C. sadness

44. A. teach B. understand

C. nervouslyD. strange

D. behavior

C. job

C. neededC. rode D.

C. relaxedD. joy

C. praiseD.


D. help

B. pleasure C. warmth45. A. success

D. pride

【答案】31. C 32. B 33. D 34. D 35.

A 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. C

41. B 42. A 43. D 44. D 45. C





sweet甜蜜的;nice好的;terrible糟糕的;smoky烟雾弥漫的。根据“Andy told his mother about the

dirty woman.”可知,女士靠捡垃圾生活,身上很脏,所以味道不好闻,故选C。




just want me the box. It’s how my

daughter and I survive (生存)”可知,女士想让安




pride骄傲;support支持;power力量;treasure宝贝,财富。根据后文“One person’s trash is

another person’s treasure.”可知,对于靠此谋生的女士来说,这是宝贝、是财富。故选D。



Though虽然;Unless除非;Before在……之前;If如果。“you want it”是“just take it out of the

trash bin by yourself”的肯定条件,用if引导条件状语从句,故选D。



impolitely不礼貌地;gladly高兴地;nervously紧张地;hopefully有希望地。根据安迪的做法和“I am

sorry for what I did.”可知,安迪是不礼貌的,故选A。



funny滑稽的;soft柔软的,轻柔的;cold寒冷的;strange奇怪的。根据“His mother said in




luck运气;fame名声;nature自然;behavior行为。根据“Your father left us when you were two

years old. We lived a hard life.”可知,父亲早逝、生活艰苦,这都是不幸的,故选A。



reason原因;dream梦想;job工作;hobby爱好。根据“I couldn’t , so we had to live on

the streets”可知,不到工作,所以只好露宿街头,故选C。



allowed允许;advised建议;needed需要;sent发送。根据“her suggestion”可知,女士给出建议,故




checked检查;questioned质疑;followed跟随,听从;forgot忘记。根据“the woman was just the

lady who helped them out of trouble a few years




climbed爬;rushed匆忙赶去;rode骑;jumped跳。根据“Hearing this, Andy got out of the car

the lady.”可知,安迪冲过去向女士道歉,故选B。



surprised惊讶的;afraid害怕的;relaxed放松的;worried担心的。根据“Then his mother came over

find the woman was just the lady

who helped them out of trouble a few years





fear害怕;interest兴趣;sadness悲伤;joy乐趣。根据“You did so much for us.”可知,对之前帮助过自己的人说话,应该是高兴地说,故选D。



teach教;understand理解;praise赞扬;help帮助。根据“ I would like you and your daughter to

come and stay ”可知,母亲要帮助那位女士,故选D。



success成功;pleasure乐趣;warmth温暖;pride骄傲。根据“There are always some people who give

So wherever we are, be kind to

people around us.”可知,总有人表现出善意,给我们意想不到的温暖。故选C。




Matt loved science, and he wanted to be the

Science Star of the week. Now he was presenting

his experiment in Mrs. Perry’s class.

“Let me show you ____46____ to keep an egg in

the middle of the glass.” Matt dropped an egg

into salt water. But it fell to the bottom.

“Look, Matt’s blushing!” Coco shouted.

Matt, covered ____47____ red face with hands.

That evening he ____48____

The Book of

Wonderful Science Experiments. When it came to

the last page, he smiled. “This is the right

experiment ____49____ me! It’s impossible to

fail this time.”

The next day in front of his class, Matt

spread small pieces of paper onto the desk and

rubbed a spoon with cloth. “The spoon will lift

up the paper.” He raised the spoon, but

____50____ happened. The paper lay still.

“Matt’s blushing again!” Emily pointed out.

Matt was ____51____ and ran back to his seat

with his red face.

“Becoming the Science Star seems so

____52____,” Matt thought. That night he

couldn’t sleep, “I have to make it, but the

only thing I could do right was blushing.” …

Suddenly, a ____53____ came to his mind.

The following morning, Matt appeared before

the class again, ____54____ his Mickey Mouse


“Mouse ears on the head are your

____55____?” Someone laughed and Matt’s face


“No, watch my ____56____! Blushing is my

experiment,” Matt answered. Everyone quieted


Matt continued, “When you feel stressed, your

blood vessels in the face open wide and fill the

skin with blood, ____57____ you blush.” He

showed a picture of blood vessels. “I’ve

____58____ many times to control blushing, but

now I know it’s a normal part of being human.

So the best thing to do is to ____59____ it.”

The class cheered and Matt’s red face lit up

the whole classroom.

“Matt is the Science Star of the week,” Mrs.

Perry announced. Matt walked ____60____ back to

his seat. What a perfect day!

46. A. how B. where

47. A. my B. your

C. why

C. his

D. when

D. her

48. A. handed in

waited for D. put away

49. A. for B. with

50. A. something

everything D. nothing

B. looked through C.

C. against D. like

B. anything C.

51. A. happy B. nervous C. calm

52. A. difficult

D. safe

B. number

B. common

D. bored

C. natural53. A. question


54. A. passing

C. plan D.

B. throwing C. wearingD. repairing

C. painting D. 55. A. play B. song


56. A. hands B. face

57. A. whether

D. but

C. teeth

B. so

D. back

C. unless58. A. tried B. advised C. guessed D. cried

59. A. finish


60. A. secretly

B. strangely C. proudlyB. change C. hide D.

D. worriedly

【答案】46. A 47. C 48. B 49. A 50.

D 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. C 55. D

56. B 57. B 58. A 59. D 60. C





how如何;where在哪里;why为什么;when何时。根据“Matt dropped an egg into salt water.”可知是展示如何把鸡蛋放在玻璃杯中间。故选A。






handed in上交;looked through浏览;waited for等待;put away收起来。根据“When it came to the

last page”可知他浏览了这本书。故选B。



for就……而言;with和;against反对;like像。根据“the right experiment ... me”可知是对我来说是正确的实验,用for符合语境。故选A。



something某事;anything任何事物;everything一切;nothing没有什么。根据“The paper lay




happy快乐的;nervous紧张的;calm冷静的;bored无聊的。根据“with his red face”可知Matt红着脸,很紧张。故选B。



difficult困难的;common普通的;natural自然的;safe安全的。根据“Matt’s blushing again!”结合上文内容可知Matt两次实验都失败了,成为科学之星很难。故选A。



question问题;number数字;plan计划;mistake错误。根据“The following morning, Matt appeared

before the class again, ... his Mickey Mouse




passing经过;throwing扔;wearing穿,戴;repairing修理。根据“Mouse ears on the head”可知戴着米老鼠耳朵。故选C。




验。根据“No, watch my ...! Blushing is my




hands手;face脸;teeth牙齿;back背部。根据“your blood vessels in the face open wide”可知是让看脸。故选B。



whether是否;so所以;unless除非;but但是。空前“When you feel stressed, your blood vessels in

the face open wide and fill the skin with




tried尝试;advised建议;guessed猜测;cried哭。根据“many times to control blushing”可知是多次尝试控制脸红。故选A。



finish完成;change改变;hide隐藏;accept接受。根据“but now I know it’s a normal part of

being human”可知知道脸红是人类正常的一部分,最好接受它。故选D。



secretly秘密地;strangely奇怪地;proudly骄傲地;worriedly担忧地。根据“Matt is the Science

Star of the week”可知成为科学之星,Matt很骄傲。故选C。


Lots of junior high school students enjoy

sports. My classmates and I had a lot of

____61____ at our school’s yearly sports

meeting last week.

It was pretty ____62____ for me because I took

part in the 800-meter race for the first time.

____63____ I practiced running hard every day, I

was still nervous on the day of the meeting.

My arms were shaking and my heart was beating

____64____ when I stood at the starting line.

____65____ the endless runway (跑道), I felt

like a boat fighting against the wind and rain.

I ____66____ myself that simply joining in was a

victory (胜利) itself. I started to calm down(冷静).

Just then, the starting gun ____67____ and all

the runners rushed out like tigers running down

a hill. By the time I finished the first lap

(圈), I had used up almost all my ____68____.

But I had to keep running for the last 100

meters. I ____69____ I couldn’t breathe.

Looking at the runners in front of me, as they

got closer to the finishing line, I really

wanted to _____70_____ running and sit down. But

I reminded myself that it must be a victory to

keep going and it filled me _____71_____

strength (力量) again. With my remaining

strength, I desperately (拼命地) _____72_____ to

the end of the finishing line.

I _____73_____ in seventh place. This might

have been a _____74_____ achievement to other

people, but it made me feel excited and

_____75_____. I have tried all my best.

61. A. fun B. trouble C. worries D. problems

62. A. easy B. boring

63. A. As B. Though

C. special D. fair

C. Then D. After

64. A. slowly B. quietly

D. quickly

65. A. Making B. Facing

D. Breaking

66. A. returned B. researched

remembered D. reminded

67. A. went off B. went on

D. went down

68. A. education B. energy

experience D. expression

69. A. saw B. heard C. felt

70. A. stop B. keep C. start

71. A. of B. in C. with

72. A. ran B. swam C. lifted

73. A. set up B. used up

D. ended up

74. A. great B. terrible C. amazing

C. clearlyC. TakingC. went upC.

D. smelt

D. remain

D. under

D. turned

C. ate upD. small


75. A. anxious

D. personal

B. proud C. nervous【答案】61. A 62. C 63. B 64. D 65.

B 66. D 67. A 68. B 69. C 70. A

71. C 72. A 73. D 74. D 75. B





fun乐趣;trouble麻烦;worries担心;problems问题。根据“My classmates and I had a at

our school’s yearly sports meeting last week.”和后文介绍可知,玩得很开心,have a lot of fun“玩得开心”,故选A。




公平的。根据“because I took part in the 800-meter race for the first time”可知,第一次参加800米,所以是特别的,故选C。






slowly缓慢地;quietly安静地;clearly清晰地;quickly迅速地。根据“My arms were shaking and my

heart when I stood at the starting




Making制作;Facing面对;Taking拿;Breaking打破。根据“...the endless runway (跑道), I felt

like a boat fighting against the wind and




returned归还;researched研究;remembered记住;reminded提醒。根据“I...myself that simply

joining in was a victory (胜利) itself.”可知,作者提醒自己重在参与,故选D。



went off响;went on继续;went up上升;went down下降。根据“Just then, the and

all the runners rushed out like tigers running

down a hill.”可知,响出发,故选A。



education教育;energy能量;experience经验;expression表达。根据“By the time I finished the

first lap (圈), I had used up almost ”可知,跑步耗费了自己的能量,故选B。



saw看见;heard听见;felt感觉;smelt闻。根据“I...I couldn’t breathe.”可知,感觉自己不能呼吸了,故选C。



stop停止;keep保持;start开始;remain维持。根据“I really unning and sit down.”可知,想停下来坐下,故选A。






ran跑;swam游泳;lifted举起;turned转身。根据“I desperately (拼命地)...to the end of the

finishing line.”和前文可知,是跑步比赛,所以是跑向终点,故选A。



set up建立;used up用光;ate up吃光;ended up结束。根据“I...in seventh place.”可知,最后得了第七名,故选D。



great好的;terrible糟糕的;amazing惊人的;small小的。根据“This might have achievement

to other people”可知,第七名的成绩不算特别好,所以对他人来说,这只是一个小成就,故选D。



anxious紧张的;proud骄傲的;nervous紧张的;personal个人的。根据“but it made me feel

I have tried all my best.”可知,作者尽了全力,所以为自己感到骄傲,故选B。

本文发布于:2024-09-21 17:35:20,感谢您对本站的认可!



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