



The benefits of charitable activities reflected in many

business, in the traditional way of advertising is not

effective in the past, charitable donations can be used as a way

to attract favorable attention, but also acts as the business of

doing good will of the public that can greatly enhance the

public's trust in a the people, the charity can improve

people's standard of living, but also be able to form a friendly

social in all, charity activities, embodies the

human-to-human Languages of the spirit of love, friendship,

humanity is the concentrated expression of good feelings, to

improve people's moral quality and maintain social harmony and

stability have significant meaning I really think a person living on

the earth should do something helpful and useful to ?

The reason is e nobody can foresee tomorrow, if

you do not give your hand to others today, maybe tomorrow

when you are in trouble, similarly, nobody will help you

r, vice ore, if you are able to help others

in trouble, please do not hesitate, just do it!With charity from

everyone of us, the world can be brighter and more beautiful.I'm

very glad to have this chance to organize a charity show, so that

i can raise money for the people in need.I have to do a lot of

things before the charity show.I should decide who will be

present and donate money in this charity show and then get in

touch with them.i have to ask the TV stations for help.i hope that

they can help to advertise for the can attract many people

to come and do good.i can invite someone to give a speech and

introduce this activity in the some singers will make

duties of all of them are to call on people to

help the one in need and donate as much as the

show i will make a summary about if i was asked to organize

another charity show,i can be helped from this summary.I hope

this charity show will be a success.


Hello, the topic of my presentation is

y is held to be the ultimate perfection of human

spirit, because it is said to both glorify and reflect the nature of

ing to Aquinas, charity is an absolute requirement for

happiness, which he holds as man's last y has two

parts: love of God and love of man, which includes both love of

one's neighbor and one's y develops constantly in

China, whether official or NGO, even primary school students

actively participate Chinese not only focus on who is

more rich, also pay more attention to who is more willing to give

ys, there are many charitable organizations in

,China Charity Federation, China Disabled Persons

Federation, China Youth Development Foundation, China

Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, Chinese Red Cross

Foundation, China Environmental Protection is

more, many celebrities also set up some charities to help

, Yao Foundation which was established by Yao

Foundation will focus on education, promote

adolescent health and welfare and other social charity

Jet Li established the One Foundation which focus

on disaster relief, child Yapeng and Wang Fei established

the Smile angel Foundation which target for poor families with

cleft lip and palate not only1

donate money , also take part in lots of charitable activities,

active help the people in y is not just the rich

people's action, it is related to everyone of picture shows

that On March 25, during the visit to Tanzania China's “first lady”

Peng Liyuan and Tanzania first lady Salma went to women's

we know,On June 3, 2011, Peng Liyuan was hired

as a goodwill ambassador for the fight against TB and AIDS by

the world health we give money, we all want

to know where the money is used of the donations are

used in the worst-hit areas and poor course, some

donations are also used to help the disabled or protect the

depends on the nature of different

recent years, the charity in China has received widely

ally, when Guo Meimei event happened,

people were more cautious to donate led to the

decrease of the donations from

6.3 billion in 2010 to 830 million in ly, even One

Foundation was being April 22, Anti-CNN broke

the news that Jet Li grafted donation up to 300

ately, the news was proved to be to solve

the charitable trust crisis ?

1:Open and transparent

First of all, be in strict accordance with the donor's intention

to implement orientation of , make scientific

budget, ensure the execution of , the supervision

procedure should be transparent, release to the donor after the


Government supervision

News supervision

Public scrutiny

In the end, I want to say: Everyone should dedicate a

people can donate money, some people can put into

a famous saying goes:As long as everyone sacrifices a

little love, the world will be so remember:Do not

donate for a you for your attention!!


Hello, the topic of my presentation is

y is held to be the ultimate perfection of human

spirit, because it is said to both glorify and reflect the nature of

ing to Aquinas, charity is an absolute requirement for

happiness, which he holds as man's last y has two

parts: love of God and love of man, which includes both love of

one's neighbor and one's y develops constantly in

China, whether official or NGO, even primary school students

actively participate Chinese not only focus on who is

more rich, also pay more attention to who is more willing to give

ys, there are many charitable organizations in

,China Charity Federation, China Disabled Persons

Federation, China Youth Development Foundation, China

Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, Chinese Red Cross

Foundation, China Environmental Protection is

more, many celebrities also set up some charities to help

, Yao Foundation which was established by Yao

Foundation will focus on education, promote

adolescent health and welfare and other social charity

Jet Li established the One Foundation which focus

on disaster relief, child Yapeng and Wang Fei established

the Smile angel Foundation which target for poor families with

cleft lip and palate not only

donate money , also take part in lots of charitable activities,

active help the people in y is not just the rich

people's action, it is related to everyone of picture shows

that On March 25, during the visit to Tanzania China's “first lady”

Peng Liyuan and Tanzania first lady Salma went to women's

we know,On June 3, 2011, Peng Liyuan was hired

as a goodwill ambassador for the fight against TB and AIDS by

the world health we give money, we all want

to know where the money is used of the donations are

used in the worst-hit areas and poor course, some

donations are also used to help the disabled or protect the

depends on the nature of different

recent years, the charity in China has received widely

ally, when Guo Meimei event happened,

people were more cautious to donate led to the

decrease of the donations from 6.3 billion in 2010 to 830 million

in ly, even One Foundation was being

April 22, Anti-CNN broke the news that Jet Li grafted donation

up to 300 ately, the news was proved to be

to solve the charitable trust crisis ? 1:Open and


First of all, be in strict accordance with the donor's intention

to implement orientation of , make scientific

budget, ensure the execution of , the supervision

procedure should be transparent, release to the donor after the

audit.2:Supervision Government supervision News supervision

Public scrutiny In the end, I want to say: Everyone should

dedicate a people can donate money, some people

can put into a famous saying goes:As long as everyone

sacrifices a little love, the world will be so remember:Do not donate for a you for your attention!!

第四篇:雅思作文- 慈善

作文 Some people prefer to provide help and support for

those in their local community who need prefer to give

money to national and international charitable

s both views and give your own


Background – theme – view

Charity organization


When people suffer some natural disasters and are

confronted with difficulties, they may expect the aid from others,

especially charity r, there is an opinion that

charity organizations should help people of their own country

instead of giving aid to whoever in my perspective,

the aid should be given to those in need regardless of their

l disasters, war or social turmoil, all these

factors may render people fall into poverty and rise

of charity organizations is associated with the emergence of

these relieve people from great sufferings and

give people in need hope of r, there is an opinion

that aid from charities should only be given to people living in

their countries while others think that charity should benefit all

people.I tend to believe the latter is of more 1:

why we should give help to those in great needs? What is the

responsibility of charity organizations?

To help those in great needs is a reflection of moral

obligation/duty for human beings.(意义)And this practice of

helping others will have numerous/many positive effects

involving/including promoting economic development and

enhancing social harmony.(影响和作用)Meanwhile, the aid from

charity organizations may cover a wide range of people and may

be more r, there are some disadvantages of

charity money donated by charity

organizations may be taken away by local officials and cannot

reach those who are really in ’s more, charity

organizations tend to give aid to those areas which are frequently

reported by the will cause regional imbalance or even

regional 2: whether aid from charities should only

be given to local people?

As for those who advocate that aid for charity organization

should be given to people living in their own country, I hold

conservative is no denying that it is more effective

for charity organizations to give aid to local r, how


ensure fairness/equality among different peoples is the

priority for distribution of resources and aid is an

objective reflection of human virtues.(反证)If every individual or

every organization just focus on their own interest, the world will

become indifferent and conclusion, charity

organization should give aid to people who are in great need

without considering their social background, their nationality and

something r, the aid should be supervised and

monitored by some independent organizations for fear of

corruption or embezzlement./ However, the aid should be

controlled or supervised by some dependent organizations so

that it can reach the targeted people.★★While some people

claim that assistance should be given first to those who need it

the most, no matter what their geographical locations are, others

argue that it is better for charity organizations to focus on

helping local people who are my way of

thinking, both arguments have their own reasons, which will be

discussed in detail as the one hand, there is no

denying that giving people help from an international point of

view is the most one thing, different charitable

organizations from different countries can use their specialties to

achieve the optimum another, not every unfortunate

person needs help in the same poor people of many

Third World nations are in the most urgent need of basic

necessities, such as food, water, housing and medical

ore, giving priority to those individuals when

organizing charitable activities shows the real spirit of

the other hand, it is often true that

concentrating on helping local people is the best is

mainly because every country has only limited social and

financial is simply impossible for any country to keep

providing aid to poor people all over the ularly in

those African societies, their governments are hardly capable of

getting their own citizens out of er, as every

donor likes to see how their money is spent, it is wise to focus

charitable events on the local area to show them the

conclusion, it seems that the two different approaches have their

own , it is suggested that when it comes to

charity, rich countries should try to reach out to the neediest

people in the world, whereas the first priority of poor countries

should be dealing with their own problems, especially their

socially and economically disadvantaged citizens.独家点评

这是一道关于做慈善的不同方式的探讨题,其实正反双方的辩论焦点就落在international 上面。主体段应从两种不同的视角去看,分别阐述各自的立场及理由,而这也是Discuss both sides题型最难的地方。该范文的论点展开依靠了大量的形容词最高级:the

most efficient, the optimum results, the most urgent need, the

best policy等等。而在最后结尾段,我们巧妙地把两者结合起来,指出富国应该采取international的慈善方式,而穷国则必须遵从local的慈善路线。Intro: You can begin with a quotation “ To have

enough to share;to know the joy of giving;to thrill with all the

sweets of life-is living”

Para 1: Advantages of direct help 1.A person remains directly

in touch with the needy can see how your money is being

used – no mediators and so no chances of corruption er,

charity begins at home Para 2: Advantages of joining national

and international organisation work on a larger platform –

for global issues – larger platform is a must activities can

be better spread through a larger feel part of a

global sion: Help in any form is s on

the condition of the country.★As a result of the development of

world economy, people’s donation to charity organizations is at

an unprecedented level, which has brought attention to an

ongoing debate concerning whether charity organizations

should only assist people in their own the

proponents’ mind, charity organizations should keep the

majority of their aid in the lly, it is domestic

donations that compose the major proportion of the income of

the charity organization;therefore, the money should be spent

mostly on poor people within the addition, the

assistance from other countries may spark off unnecessary

tensions and misunderstandings due to the political, social and

cultural is commonly held that volunteers without

sufficient preparation may violate customs of local

nts of charity organizations giving only aid

domestically, however, contend that the assistance be open to

the people in need no matter where they are start with,

it is the functionality of charity organizations to render help to

those who are in great need, regardless of their

ise, it may be considered to go breach of the

purposes they are established is more, not only can

international charity assistance enhance the friendship of two

nations, but also help eliminate the conflicts and

misunderstanding, thereby stimulating the cultural exchanges

between the last place, a surplus of resources,

including food, clothing and medicine, are produced in

developed countries every ng them to the

impoverished people in developing countries is more reasonable

than just throwing them l, I tend to believe that

charity should not be constrained in one’s own is

highly recommended that charity organizations help people

alleviate poverty, disease and illiteracy at an international level.
























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