

Teaching Plan





Unit 1 Do It Yourself Students

Text A:Save Money,Have Fun:The Time

Joys of Doing It Yourself allotment


1. Knowledge aim: words and expressions marked CET 4/6 in page5-6;

2. Ability aim:

Listening skill: Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the words

or expressions you ‘ve heard

Reading skill: Be able to locate key information in a text as soon as

possible by skimming and scanning.

Writing skill: Be able to write a Video-based Writing and a letter of

Resignation with correct format

Translating skill: Be able to interpret a long Chinese conversation in

English expressions independently.

3. Ideological aim: 1) Know some basic knowledge about DIY

2) Be aware that “DIY” :the reasons,the items,the

places where people can get help

3) Some people like,some people reluctant


Skimming and scanning skills


The format of writing a a letter of Resignation



predict the missing content of a listening material with the help of the



Structural study of complicated sentences in text A and B


Task-based teaching method


Audio-visual method

Communication method


blackboard, multi-media, PPT


Teaching I. Words and Expressions & Warm-up Listening ( 1 period)Procedure Ⅱ. Text A:Global Reading & Structure ( 1 period)

Ⅲ. Text A:Detailed Reading (2 periods)

IV. Language Focus &Reading in Depth ( 1 period)

Ⅴ.Text B: Global Reading & Language Difficulties ( 1 period)

VI. Translation of the Passage ( 1 period)

VII. Skill Development: Grammar & Practical/Video-Based Writing ( 1 period)


8 periods

Unit 1 Text A Save Money,Have Fun:The Joys of Doing It Yourself

2 periods (90 minutes)

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Words and Expressions & Warm-up ( 1 period)

i. Words and Expressions (20 mins)

Step 1: About 4 students are asked to read the words and expressions to find out the unfamiliar or

wrong pronunciations.

Step 2: The teacher makes explanation on unfamiliar pronunciations and corrects the wrong

pronunciations and then asks Ss to read the words and expressions after him/her three times.

ii. Warm-up Listening (25 mins)

Step 1: Read the listening material to 1)get the main idea ; 2) predict the words and the part of

speech of the words missed in the blank according to the context.

Step 2: First listening and check

Step 3: Second listening and check

Step 4: Third listening and check

Step 5: Make Explanation of the material and some of the missing words.

Ⅱ. Text A:Global Reading ( 1 period)

Step 1: First reading:Read the text and answer the following questions. (10 mins)

1. Why did the writer and her husband renovate the house themselves although they knew little

about DIY?

2. According to the poll mentioned ,why are almost half of the people quite afaid of DIY?

3. What might happen if a person doesn’t realize how long his DIY job would take?

4. What are the two areas that people without training should aviod at all costs?

According to Sylvia Marshall, what if things are messed up?

Step 2: Second reading:

(10 mins)

1) Read the text again and fulfill the following tasks:Complete the summary of the text by

selecting the FIVE answer choices that mention the most important points in it and put them in the

right other choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not

included in the text or are minor points

2) Give the chances to understand the details of the text

3) Practice using some keywords in the text

Step 3: Reading and Interpreting (10 mins)

Work in pairs Read the sentences from the text and answer the questions

1. What does the writer mean by saying”we learned mainly through trial and error”?


What does “DIY bug”mean in the sentence?


Did Marshall really burn her business suit?

Step 4:Structure of text A (15mins)

Paras. 1-2:Our decision to DIY in order to save money.

Paras.3-4:the reasons why more people choose DIY.

Paras.5-9:advice for people who want to take up DIY.

Paras10-12:the example of Sylvia Marshall

Blackboard Design:

Key words:

1. tile 2. amateur 3. landscape 4. leaflet 5. current 6. fuse

7. blunder 8. ditch 9. plaster 10. beat oneself up






2 periods (90 minutes)

Teaching procedures:

Ⅲ. Text A: Detailed Reading

Language & Culture points:

para1-2 (15 mins)

Paragraph 1

1) renovation— renovating or being renovated

e.g. The property needs extensive renovations. 这处房产需要进行大规模整修。

renovate: repair a building or old furniture so that it is in good condition again

e.g. The hotel has been renovated and redecorated.这个酒店被翻新并重新装修了。

Paragraph 2

2) trial and error:process of solving a problem by trying various solutions and learning from

one’s failures

e.g. He learned technical skills by trial and error.他通过不断的摸索来掌握技能。

3) Amateur: does an activity just for pleasure,not for money

d in as a pastime

e.g. Jerry is an amateur who dances because he likes it.杰里是个业余跳舞爱好者,它跳舞


4)carpentry : n . the skill or work of a carpenter

e.g. I set our to learn carpentry at the age of 20. 我20岁时开始学木工。

Para3-4 (15 mins)

Paragraph 3

5)Respondent: n. sb. Who answers questions,esp. In a survey

e.g. In the survey the scale was not presented directly to the respondent.在这一调查中,调查比例并未直接展示给调查对象。

Paragraph 4

6)Leaflet: n. a small book or piece of paper advertising giving in formation on a particular


e.g. He picked up a leaflet about care of the teeth.他拿起一张关于保护牙齿的宣传单。

7)Fabulous: a. extremely good or impressive

e.g. Jane is a fabulous cook.简的烹饪技术堪称一绝。

Para5-9 (20 mins)

Paragraph 5

8)be/come down to: to be caused by a particular person or thing

e.g. She claimed her problems were down to the medi.她声称她的问题是媒体造成的。

Paragraph 6

9)only to (find): use to indicate sth. That happens immediately afterwards, esp. Sth. That causes

surprise, disappointment, relief, etc.

e.g. I arrived at the shop only to find I’d left all my money at home. 我到了商店发现钱全都落在家里了。

10)wind up:(of a person) to finally arrive in a place; to end up

e.g. If we say the wrong thing, we could wind up in court.我们说错话就可能卷入一场官司。

Paragraph 8

11)One of the biggest obstacles to DIY is the potential for damage that could end with you

paying a professional vast sums to sort out a disaster you’ve created.

One of the biggest difficulties is some people fear that their lack of skills and practical

knowledge may cause damage in DIY process. As a result, they will have to call in professionals

to do the repair work, which may cost even more.

Paragraph 9

12) at all costs: regardless of the cost involved

e.g. We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs. 我们决心不惜任何代价保卫祖国。

Para10-12 (15 mins)

Paragraph 10

13)ditch: v. to stop having sth. Because you no longer want it

n. a long narrow hole dug at the side of a field, road, etc. To hold or remove unwanted


e.g. The car went skidding off the road into a ditch. 汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。

Paragraph 12

14) Also don’t beat yourself up if things go wrong because they will.

Beat one self up: to blame oneself too much for sth.

e.g. If you do your best and you lose, you can’t beat yourself up about it.


15)plaster:v. to put a wet, usually sticky substance all over a surface so that it is thickly

substance all over a surface so that it is thickly covered

e.g. These rough places on the wall could be plastered over.


Blackboard Design:

Language & Culture explanations: para1-2 :

Renovation: -tion

Trial: testing the ability,quality

para 3-4:

Wind up: to end up

Landscape: n.风景,山水画

para 5-9:

Be /come down to current:adj.现在的,当前的 without doing sth

Earth :n.地球 v.接地线

para 10-12

End up doing hands-on Beat oneself up plaster

P7-8 The exercises of Text A (25 mins)


语法基础比较薄弱,在讲解课文中涉及到的定语从句,If 引导的条件状语从句大家掌握不够好,以后应增加一些语法知识点的讲解。

2 periods (90 minutes)

IV. Language Focus &Reading in Depth (1 period)

i. Language focus (20mins)

A. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

Step 1: Make clear the meaning and part of speech of the words listed.

Step 2:Read the 8 sentences and decide the part of speech of the missing words in the blank.

Step 3:Select the proper words and fill the blanks.

internal ditch fabulous renovate

plaster amateur blunder instinct

1) The police __________ badly by arresting the wrong man.

2) The house was severely destroyed, so the couple spent thousands of dollars ______ it.

3) The pilot was forced to ____the jet plane in the Gulf because of the hijacking.

4) Unlike the Satellite, it has no __________ battery,though it will accept external batteries made

for the IPad.

5) The basis for training relies on the dog’s natural ________ to hunt.

6) The _______ was beginning to fall from the walls.

7) During each war the monopoly(垄断的)capitalists amassed_________ wealth.

8) At college he studied English and did _______ boxing.

in the blanks with the expressions given the form where necessary.

down to call in beat up

wind up trial and error at all costs

’t ____ yourself __ over something that you have no control over.

decided to _____ a doctor because the child was not any better.

tely, he said, the issue came ______ a dispute between the two countries.

4.I always said he would ______ in jail.

is a process of ___________. You can learn as much from failure as you can from

success. Maybe more.

bridge must be repaired within three days _________.


Along the way of DIY, I’ve made a lot of blunders, but they are only a small price to pay for the

fun and fulfillment I have experienced. From my own DIY experiences and from researching the

lives of other DIYers, I’ve discovered two benefits from having the courage to screwing up:

The first one is that DIY means a deeper connection to the things which keeps us alive and well.

Our daily survival depends on seemingly magical inventions that provide our food, water,

clothing, transportation and so on. But you can make your world a little more mixed-up by sewing

your own clothes, raising chickens, and doing other activities that put you in touch with the

processes of life.

However, the things you make reflect your personality and have a special meaning. You share a

connection with them every time you use them, and you appreciate them in a different way than

you appreciate store-bought things. This is how gifts of hand-made preserves, blankets and

furniture are so cherished.

The second benefit is that DIY is a path to freedom. A number of DIYers I’ve met have succeeded

in turning their passion for making things from a hobby into a business. In this era of economical

uncertainty, DIYers have learned not to rely as much for governments and corporations to take

care of them. They seek a more direct way to support themselves by becoming producers of

high-quality, short-run products. Even you have no desire to become a full-time maker, DIY can

provide a certain degree of freedom from depending on others.

ii. Reading in depth (25mins)

Step 1:Make clear the meaning and part of speech of the words below

A. decorating B. fusing C. ditching D. resign

E. recession F. amateur G. plague H. neglected

I. blunder J. renovations K. potential

rous N. obstacle O. fabulous

Many people who are traditionally afraid of DIY are becoming enthusiastic about it. My husband

and I are of no exception. Initially, we feared DIY like the 1. ________ and planned to invite

experts to renovate our new house. But after we did the sums, we chose to do the 2.

____________ by ourselves. It is the 3. __________ that made us take up DIY; however, for many

others, saving money is not the main factor and 4. ___________ their own house represents a

different life-style and a 5. _________ success and adds value to their lives.

DIY becomes increasingly popular nowadays, yet that doesn’t mean there is no 6.

_________ to it. The doers often make errors or cause 7. _________ damages, and they need more

learning and practice. Many people turn to specialist magazines, television programs or the

Internet for help, taking advantage of the useful information and advice.

There are some areas to avoid without training, for example gas and electrics, but some

people tend to bite off more than they can chew and eventually 8. ________ into an extremely

dangerous situation. One of the most 9. ___________ occasions is that a DIYer tried to install

light fittings, but unfortunately he 10. __________ earthing them first, causing an electric shock

eventually. Therefore, if you encounter any DIY task in these areas, never ever hesitate to turn to

the professionals for help.

Step 2: Read the the passage to get the main idea of the passage

Step 3: Select the correct words and fill in the blanks according to the context, as well as the

meaning , pat of speech of the words.(见课本P10)


A. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or expressions given in the



2.正如史蒂夫·乔布斯所指出的,不断摸索一直都是苹果模式的一部分。(trial and error)

3.如果你总是无所事事,最后结果会怎样呢?当然是失败。(wind up)


5.你不要为难自己,毕竟你是个新手。(beat oneself up

this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.

中国人通常在屋子里挂灯笼过元宵(the Lantern Festival)。自制纸灯笼只需要彩硬纸、剪刀和胶水(construction paper, scissors and glue)。首先,将一张长方形的(rectangular) 纸对折,从对折线往开口处,每隔4厘米就剪开一直线。每次不要剪到底,留边约2厘米。然后打开硬纸,将纸卷成圆筒状(cylinder),接着在两条短边上涂好胶水后把它们黏在一起。最后,剪下长12厘米、宽1厘米的一硬纸条做灯笼柄,并把剪好的纸条黏在灯笼上端的内.

Ⅴ. Text B:Digging into the Value of DIY

Global Reading & Language Difficulties (1 period)

i. Global Reading (20 mins)

Step 1:First Reading: Read the text and decide whether each of the following statement is True or


1) I failed in my attempt to repair the toilet tank.

2) Most of my friends and family members don’t understand my delight in repairing.

3) I am now well acquainted with the Arduous prototyping, which I can apply for other purposes.

4) If something is broken in the bathroom, I will have it repaired and pay for it.

5) If you are to avoid failure,you’d better get to know about the task well firstly.

Step 2:Second Reading

Read the text again and choose the best answer for each of the following questions.

of the following statements about the repair work is true?

A. The writer spent about three hours repairing the hot water heater.

B. The writer spent more than two hours repairing the toilet tank.

C. The writer spent two hours repairing the bathroom.

D. The writer spent about four hours repairing the Arduino prototyping.

does the author mean by “Mister Five Thumbs on Each Hand”?

A. He is clumsy.

B. He is ordinary.

C. He is special.

D. He is talented.

ing to the author, what is the biggest reason for him to do the repair work himself?

A. He would find it very easy to do it for the second time.

B. He would learn other skills as well.

C. He would set up a good example to his friends and family.

D. He would stay calm when dealing with something urgent.

of the following statements about the impression mentioned in Paragraph 12 is true?

A. You would become frustrated and believe things would be worse if you fail.

B. You would sigh and do nothing about it if you fail.

C. You would be happy and believe things would become better next time if you fail.

D. You would be sad and ask the repairman for help if you fail.

of the following statements about DIY is true?

A. It will cause irreparable damage to the property in your home.

B. It can be used to help control your bad temper.

C. You will surely look more professional if you stick to DIY.

D. It will be to your advantage to cut back expenses and save time.

ii. Language Focus (25mins)

Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.

suffice flush outlet pursue prone adept sigh emergency

clean the toilet after you’ve used it.

football a good means of releasing for men’s aggression?

could not but look up to the sky and breathe deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed

through his mind.

is inclined to lose his temper when people disagree with him.

was astonishingly good at manipulating the big machine.


DIY repairs are nothing new; they are a part of the American culture. For some, it's about saving

money, for others it's the pride of actually 1. ___________ a job without any professional help.

Cost is the big factor of course. Ask any DIY'er about a project and the first thing they'll tell you is

how much money they 2. _____ by doing it themselves.

These days car repair is slowly going 3. ____ as one of those DIY s. The cost of

the specialty tools is the leading 4. _____. However, it’s not just the cost, it’s the constant change,

updates, and proper procedures that 5. ____ from one vehicle to the next. Years ago, if you had a

couple of screw drivers and a box of 6. ________ you could pretty much take any carburetor (汽化器) apart from any manufacturer. All you needed was a diagram, a rebuild kit and a place to lay

it all 7. ___. Not so today, each manufacturer has theirown software, their own procedures, and

their own 8. ________ “unique” way of “diagramming” all that info.

A manufacturer level scanner is the 9. ____ scanner for most repairs. These scanners are

almost all Internet-based these days and are 10. ________ updated to insure the latest information

is available. The same is true with a lot of aftermarket scanners, keep in mind, the 11. _______

off-the-shelf scanners can leave you with only 12. _____ information. Not all scanners are the

same. I haven't seen one aftermarket scanner be able to handle all the 13. _______ that a

manufacturer scanner can. Cost vs. quality, or in this case “content” is always an issue. That's 14.

_____ the problem can start, especially for the consumers 15. _____ to do things aftermarket

tools. Most were 16. _______ to answer a certain market need and not be an overall tool to 17.

_______ every function. For example, I have a lot of scanners that will read air bag codes 18. __

just about every manufactured vehicle out there. 19. _______ I only have certain scanners that will

perform the passenger seat presence reset on certain makes and models. 20. _______ the reset the

air bag light will stay on until that procedure is performed.

Blackboard Design:

1. resolve ed y told 5. as a whole

6transferable 8. strew



2 periods (90 minutes)

Development ( 1 period)


Alan and John are talking about the changes John has made in his house. Please interpret it

into English with your partner.











For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.

Step 2: Encourage the students to work out the English equivalence of the above words and

expressions. (20 mins)

Step 3:Translate the passage and then check possible mistakes in spelling and grammar. (25mins)

VII. Video-based Writing ( 1 period)

i. Step 1: Find a Good Script

Step 2: Get Some Funding

Step 3: Find a Crew

Step 4: Get Actors

Step 5: Rent or Borrow Equipment

Step 6: Find Good Locations

Watch the video clip again, and write a composition on the topic “My View on DIY Video

Making”. Base your composition on the outline below.

DIY videos can bring both benefits and risks.

impress, potential, outlet,

insight, valuable, promote,

cultural exchange, diverse,

production value, additionally,

make a record of, post,

privacy, expose, severely

ii. Practical writing (20mins)

Step 1: 结构要点: 辞职信正文部分一般包括以下几个方面的内容






Step 2: Ss are given 10 minutes to write a message (10mins)


Step3:Sample present

Dear Mrs. Lee,

I am sorry to inform you of my decision to resign my current position

as a sales representative. My last day of work will be 23rd September. I will do

my best to hand over my current work.

I enjoy working with the people in the company. They are very

hard-working and I have learnt a lot from them.

Thank you for your help and encouragement. I wish you and the

company a great success.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

iii:Word Meaning

Analyzing Denotative and Connotative

Meaning of Words(语义分析)



The word “…” in line… probably means…

Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word “… ”(Line… ,Paragraph… )?

As used in the line… , the word “… ” refers to…

By saying “…”( ,Paragraph… ), the author means…

The term “…” in paragraph… can be best replaced by…

The author uses the phrase “…” to illustrate…

From the passage, we can infer that the word “…” is…





1. 充分利用被考词或短语的修饰或限定成分判断其含义。这种修饰、限定成分的表现形式多样,可以是定语、其他修饰语、特殊标点符号后面的内容,甚至是该词下属的例子及定义,可以通过这些表达从侧面理解被考单词或短语的含义。

2. 通过所考单词或短语在原文中所在的句子和它前后句子间的逻辑关系判断该词或短语的含义。一般来说,and连接的内容在含义上是接近的或递进的,而or连接的内容在含义上往往相反,但有时or后面的内容也是对前面内容的进一步解释和说明。but前后是反义词,感情彩相反。其他表递进、转折、因果等关系的标志词均可用来帮助判断词义。

3. 利用比较、对比结构和同位语结构。



4. 利用动词短语的结尾介词、副词推断短语的含义。动词短语的含义通常由结尾的介词或副词决定。如,






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