









1. Where is probably Tom’s mobile phone?

A. In his home. B. In the classroom. C. On his way to school.

2. What does the man decide to do?

A. Do plenty of sports.

B. Work hard at physics.

C. Do many maths exercises.

3. Why does the woman like Yang Guang?

A. He has a lot of fans.

B. He is a good singer.

C. He is physically disabled.

4. What time is it now?

A. 8: B. 8: C. 9:

5. How did the man get to the theater?

A. By car. B. By bike. C. On foot.




6. Who was in the house that was on fire?

A. A little boy. B. A little girl. C. An old lady.

7. Where is the man now?

A. At home. B. In his office. C. In a hospital.


8. What happened when the man was 16?

A. He was seriously ill.

B. He took a trip to Tibet.

C. He got a driving license.

9. How many years has the man been driving?

A. For three years. B. For seven years. C. For ten years.


10. What was the woman doing yesterday evening?

A. Seeing the film. B. Buying clothes. C. Reading an article.

11. What does the man think of the film?

A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Thrilling.

12. What will the woman do?

A. Find some articles about the film.

B. Ask the man to tell her about the film.

C. See the film when it is shown again.


13. Which place does Sally prefer to go to?

A. The London Eye. B. The London Zoo. C. Covent Gardens.

14. What is Billy interested in?

A. Operas. B. Boats. C. Animals.

15. What does the man suggest the woman do in London?

A. Do some shopping. B. Find a job. C. Visit her friend.

16. What is the probable relationship between the two


A. Brother and sister. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and



17. What is Andy’s job?

A. To look for theme parks.

B. To take tourists to travel.

C. To write a guidebook.

18. Where should people go if they like adventure rides?

A. To Magic Kingdom in Florida.

B. To Cedar Point in Ohio.

C. To the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

19. What does the speaker say about the Wizarding World of

Harry Potter?

A. Famous. B. Special. C. Big.

20. What can people do in the Wizarding World of Harry


A. Buy magic sweets and things.

B. See some free magic shows.

C. Meet some actors in the film.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





The BC Book Prizes, established in 1985, celebrate the

achievements of British Columbia writers and publishers.

The seven Prizes are presented annually at the Lieutenant

Governor’s BC Book Prizes Gala in the spring, with the winner

of The Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence

being announced beforehand at the annual BC Book Prizes

Soiree (an evening party).

The Prizes are administered and awarded by members of a

non-profit society who represent all aspects of the publishing

and writing community.

General Criteria

 The book must have an ISBN (International Standard Book


 The book must have a print run of at least 350 copies.

 The book must be at least 48 pages long unless it is a

children’s picture book in which case it must be at least 24

pages long.

 The book must show in print that it was published in the

appropriate eligible (具备条件的) year.

 The main language of the book must be English.

 Three copies of the submitted book must be provided for

the judges for each prize category entered.

 Submissions must be made using the BC Book Prizes

Official Entry Form.

Expectations of finalists and winners

 The publishers of finalist book will be expected to

participate in the shared cost of print ads placed in BC

newspapers announcing the finalists. Cost per book is $100.

 All publishers, authors and illustrators are invited to attend

the Soiree, which is a free event.

 Tickets to the Lieutenant Governor’s BC Book Prizes Gala

are not provided to finalists, so must be paid for by the

authors/illustrators or their publishers.

21. What can we learn about the BC Book Prizes?

A. They are sponsored by a non-profit society.

B. There are seven members in its administration team.

C. The winners of the prizes will receive a cash prize.

D. They are presented at an evening party twice a year.

22. Which of the following books could be accepted for


A. A novel written in French. B. A book published in any year.

C. A children’s book with 48 pages. D. A picture book to be


23. What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To attract more ads in BC newspapers.

B. To introduce the BC Book Prizes to readers.

C. To encourage people’s interest in reading.

D. To celebrate the achievements of writers.


When I saw my 10-year-old avoiding the dirty plate in the

sink or my 8-year-old feeling uncomfortable about the wet sand

in her hands, I’m reminded of a time when I was unwilling to

get my hands a little dirty.

My parents owned a 500-acre farm in Montana to raise

animals, such as cows, sheep, horses and so on. It was during the

time of new life (a newborn lamb or a calf) that my favorite

childhood memory took place. One exceptionally cold day, I was

checking on the sheep with my mother when she spied a ewe (母羊) in trouble. The poor thing was trying to deliver her baby lamb

and needed our help. My mother calmly held the ewe’s head

and instructed me to grab hold of the two protruding(突出)legs.

I hesitated, and must have had quite a look of panic on my

young face. The slimy little things were definitely not something

I wanted to touch. But I worked up my courage and wrapped my

fingers around them. I can still recall the feel of unexpectedly

weak legs and their sharp little hooves as if it happened yesterday.

My heart pounded in fear and excitement as I pulled with all

my strength. The lamb was delivered safely, and I’d never seen

anything so beautiful.

I was no stranger to seeing farm animals being born, but to

have a hand in it was something I treasured then and will treasure

forever. I remember feeling excited with delight to see “my lamb”

being licked clean by her mother, and I’m sure everyone got

very tired of hearing me tell and retell my heroic story. Looking

back, I’m so glad that I didn’t refuse to get my hands dirty. If

I had, the wonderful moment and the precious memory would

have been lost.

24. What impressed the writer most during her childhood?

A. Her dirty little hands. B. Her parents’ large farm.

C. Helping deliver a baby lamb. D. Raising animals on the


25. How did the author feel when she was asked to help a

ewe deliver her baby?

A. Some sympathy. B. Rather frightened.

C. Quite astonished. D. Highly delighted.

26. What point does the author try to make in the last


A. It is not unusual to see a new life coming into the world.

B. It is not easy to make up and tell a heroic story in daily life.

C. Memories formed during childhood are worth valuing all

life long.

D. You need to get your hands dirty to experience something


27. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Valuable Life Lesson B. A Tidy and Clean Child

C. A Ewe Delivering her Baby D. A Beautiful Newborn Lamb


Michael Phelps has broken a 2,000-year-old Olympic record

by winning more individual titles than Leonidas of Rhodes. Who

was this athlete whose record (12 individual titles) has taken 2000

years to beat?

Phelps has a total of 22 Olympic gold medals, but in terms

of individual titles he has only just passed the greatest athlete of

the ancient world. Leonidas of Rhodes competed in four

Olympiads in 164 BC, 160 BC, 156 BC and 152 BC and in each of

these he won three different foot races.

The three events at which he won were the stadion, a

sprint(短跑) of roughly 200m; the diaulos, which was twice the

distance of the stadion; and the race in armour(盔甲).

Unlike most races, the race in armour required competitors

to wear heavy armour, possibly including a helmet, a breastplate,

shin armour and a shield made from bronze and wood.

“He broke through the distinction between sprinters and

endurance(耐力) athletes,” says Paul Cartledge, professor of

classics at the University of Cambridge. The race in armour had

not previously been considered suitable for sprinters. “They

were running in armour, the temperature would be 40℃. You can

imagine how it would be in that race. It required completely

different muscles and gymnastic skills.”

“There is very little biographical information about

Leonidas, and no images of him survive,” says Cartledge. But his

name — coming from the Greek word for lion - suggests he was

a man of distinction. After his death, “he was respected as a local

god in Rhodes,” says Swaddling, the director of a museum. He

was also venerated in ancient Greek literature. Pausanias

described him as “the most famous runner”. In the 3rd Century,

Philostratus the Athenian wrote in his Gymnastikos that

Leonidas's achievement proved that not all received wisdom

about athletic training and body types was true.

A statue of him in Rhodes displayed the legend: “He had

the speed of a God.” Quite a reputation for Phelps to live up to.

28. How many individual titles has Phelps won in the


A. 22. B. 13. C. 12. D. 9.

29. What can be inferred from the text?

A. The conditions of race in armour were unpleasant.

B. Leonidas was a swimmer with speed and endurance.

C. Leonidas didn’t have his picture drawn in his day.

D. Phelps owed his success to the influence of Leonidas.

30. The underlined word “venerated” is closest in meaning

to ______.

A. accepted B. collected C. shaped D. honoured

31. What question does the author mainly discuss?

A. Who was Philostratus the Athenian? B. Who is Michael


C. Who was Leonidas of Rhodes? D. Who is Paul Cartledge?


In the 1500’s when the Spanish moved into what later was

to become the southwestern United States, they came across the

ancestors of the modern-day Pueblo, Hopi, and Zuni peoples.

These ancestors, known variously as the basket makers, the

Anasazi, or the Ancient ones, had lived in the area for at least

2,000 years. They were an advanced agricultural people who used

irrigation to help grow their crops.

The Anasazi lived in houses constructed of adobe (土砖) and

wood. Anasazi houses were originally built in holes and were

entered from the roof. But around the year 700 A.D., the Anasazi

began to build their homes above ground and join them together

into groups of multistoried large buildings, which the Spanish

called pueblos or villages. Separate rooms under the ground in

these pueblos – known as kivas – were set aside for religious

ceremonies. Each kiva had a hole that was believed to lead to the

underworld. The largest pueblos had five stories and more than

800 rooms.

The Anasazi family was matrilinear (母系遗传). The holy

objects of the family were under the control of the oldest female,

but the actual ceremonies were conducted by her brother, or son.

Women owned the rooms in the pueblo and the crops, once they

were harvested. While still growing, crops belonged to the men,

who, in contrast to most other Native American groups, planted

them. The women made baskets and pottery; the men made

cloth and jewelry.

Each village had two chiefs. The village chief dealt with land

disputes (争议) and religious affairs. The war chief led the men in

fighting during occasional conflicts that broke out with

neighboring villages and directed the men in community

building projects. The solid political and social organization of

the Anasazi made it almost impossible for other groups to

conquer them.

32. What do we know about the Anasazi people?

A. They were good at growing crops. B. They were

immigrants from Spain.

C. They stored their crops in caves. D. They had battles

against the Spanish.

33. What does the underlined word "they"(Paragraph 3) refer


A. Women. B. Pueblos. C. Rooms. D. Crops.

34. What can be concluded from the text?

A. The Anasazi benefited from trade with the Spanish.

B. The division of labor in Anasazi society was clear.

C. The Spanish caused harm to Anasazi society.

D. Constant conflicts existed in Anasazi society.

35. What can best describe the Anasazi?

A. Aggressive. B. Honesty. C. United. D. Selfish.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


How to Become a Scientist

Here is some advice for students who think they might like

to become scientists.

36. ______ One of the most important things you can do to

become a good scientist is practice watching everything carefully.

Find a comfortable chair and put it in the middle of your garden

or a park. Sit in the chair for thirty minutes or an hour. Watch the

insects that fly past or land on the plants. Look at the shapes of

leaves and branches. Listen to the sounds of insects. 37. ______

Use a microscope to look closely at interesting objects.

Learn everything you can about a topic that interests you.

Suppose you’d like to explore flowers by using a microscope.

Go to the library and check out some flower books. See what you

can find on the Internet. Pick some flowers and carefully taken

them apart. 38. ______ The more you know about flowers from

reading about them and observing them, the more you’ll

understand when you look at them with a microscope.

Ask for help from a knowledgeable person. After you’ve

learned everything you can on your own, ask someone else to

help with questions you still have. Maybe there’s someone at a

nearby school or museum who knows about insects, spiders, or

something else you’d like to learn about. 39. ______

Find a scientist to talk to or find a place where scientific

research is being done. If you still want to learn more, you can

find a scientist to talk to at a nearby university, or research station.

40. ______ Explain what you’re interested in. Ask if you can

schedule a time to visit. Most scientists are happy to talk to

students who share their passion for science.

A. Become an observer.

B. You may go seek answers from him.

C. Write a letter or an e-mail message to the scientist.

D. Research your questions using the Internet or library.

E. See if you can find a sight or sound that surprises you.

F. Use a microscope to see how everything fits together.

G. Being a scientist is time-consuming and mentally



第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One afternoon I’d been driving down the freeway when I

spotted what looked like a stalled (熄火的) car. I 41 that other cars

had slowed in order to briefly look at the stalled car. I decided to

42 behind the car and find out what was going on. Suddenly, a(n)

43 woman steps out, and she appears to be in pain. I approached

the woman asking if I can 44 . She said, “Please call my husband.

I am trying to get to the 45 . I am about to give birth!” 46 as I

was, I said, “We have no 47 for that. Quick! Get in my car and I

will 48 you.”

I tried to drive both quickly and steadily 49 my passenger

would not move around a lot. I also tried offering a 50 talk on the

way, like “Everything’s going to be ok.” and “We’re almost

there.” 51 , we met no obstacle all the way and arrived at the

hospital in no time. It seemed a bit 52 to answer the staff’s

questions about her since we’d just met a few minutes before

and I knew 53 about her outside of her name.

15 minutes later her 54 came, out of breath. Upon seeing me,

he thanked me and handed me a $100 bill. At that moment I'd

55 the SMILE card in my glove box. I walked out and 56 with it to

the room where the woman had been settled. I told her that it

happened that I had something 57 happen to me when my

second child was born and we had a good laugh over the 58 .

On the way out I'd asked a 59 to give the couple an envelope

with the SMILE card. Its 60 included the $100 bill with a note that

read “Baby’s college fund.” Whew! What a day.

41. A. expected B. noticed C. admitted D. knew

42. A. pull up B. pull in C. speed up D. join in

43. A. lazy B. single C. injured D. pregnant

44. A. help B. stop C. leave D. pass

45. A. office B. car C. hospital D. store

46. A. Excited B. Puzzled C. Shocked D. Disappointed

47. A. excuse B. time C. need D. money

48. A. treat B. call C. send D. take

49. A. in case B. so that C. even if D. as though

50. A. positive B. direct C. ridiculous D. negative

51. A. Naturally B. Undoubtedly C. Eventually D. Fortunately

52. A. complex B. vital C. difficult D. easy

53. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

54. A. friend B. husband C. mother D. child

55. A. bought B. made C. forgotten D. remembered

56. A. posted B. designed C. returned D. brought

57. A. controversial B. crazy C. strange D. similar

58. A. child B. disaster C. story D. news

59. A. assistant B. nurse C. waitress D. policeman

60. A. objects B. projects C. themes D. contents



用0.5 毫米黑笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。

第三部分 英语知识运用



A company in the USA is paying its workers to sleep more.

Staff at the insurance company Aetna will get $300 a year 61 (add)

to their salary if they get at least seven hours of sleep a night.

They will get just over a dollar for each night they sleep over

seven hours. The idea behind this plan is employee 62 (perform).

Human resources 63 (official) say workers will work more

effectively if they have slept well. A workforce that is more rested

means the company will perform 64 (well). Staff can either record

their sleep automatically, 65 (use) a wrist monitor, or record by

hand how long they have slept every night.

66 number of studies warn that not sleeping enough can

affect our ability to do our job. The American Academy of Sleep

Medicine said that the average worker in the USA loses 11.3

working days of productivity a year from a lack 67 sleep. This 68

(cost) companies about $2,280 for one worker. It estimates (估计)

that the US economy loses $63.2 billion a year mainly 69 workers

do not sleep more than seven hours a night. A 2015 study by the

Rand Corporation showed that staff members sleeping less than

seven hours per night 70 (find) far less productive than workers

having eight or more hours of sleep.


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I have learnt so much things from my parents. They show me

when to be a tolerant(宽容) person. When children make mistakes,

most parents who are hard with their kids will be very angry. They

say some hurting words, making their children to feel sad.

Besides, my parents are different from them. Every time I make

mistakes, my parents prefer to educate me in a gently way. I’m

so grateful to my parents all that they have done.

Being tolerant of other people’s mistakes are the best way

to solve problems. Your kind act will be greatly appreciating. Be

tolerant of other so that they will be tolerant in turn.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



1. 词数100左右;










1-5 ACBAC 6-10 BCACB 11-15 ACABA 16-20 CCBBA

21-25 ACBCB 26-30 DABAD 31-35 CADBC 36-40 AEFBC

41-45 BADAC 46-50 CBDBA 51-55 DCABD 56-60 CDCBD


61. added 62. performance 63. officials 64. better 65. using

66. A 67. of 68. costs 69. because 70. were found


第一句 much改为many;

第二句 when改为how;

第三句 with改为on; (hard改strict不接受)

第四句 去掉feel前面的to;

第五句 Besides改为However;

第六句 gently改为gentle;

第七句 all前面加for;

第八句 are改为is;

第九句 appreciating改为appreciated;

第十句 other改为others


One possible version

Dear Tom,

I’m delighted that you will come to China as an exchange

student next term. Knowing that you are looking for a host family,

I hope I can have this honor.

I have been learning English for about six years, so I can

communicate with people in fluent English. Besides, I’m

outgoing and warm-hearted. I like making friends and helping

others. We have a large house, where you will live comfortably.

What’s more, my parents are both Chinese teachers, which can

benefit you a lot in learning Chinese.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

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