英语人教版九年级全册Unit 12 SectionB



九下Unit12 Life is full of unexpected.

Section B 1 (1a-2e)



















1. 教师带领学生回顾Section A的部分内容,复习学过的单词和短语。

2. 教师情学生出示上节课的课后作业,检查学生对已一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时的掌握情况,对于学生出错的地方进行补充讲解。


Step1、1. check the homewok..


2. Exercise


A. Why were you late?

B. My bike broke down halfway.

C. I usually get to school on time.

D. Have you ever been late for school?

E. He said I shouldn’t stay up so late at night.

F. I rushed to the bus shop without breakfast.

G. By I got to the school, the class had been on 15 minutes.

A: Can I ask you some questions, Lisa?

B: Sure.

A: (1) _________

B: Yes, I have. But only once last term.

A: (2) _________

B: I stayed up watching the football match the evening before, so I

overslept the next morning.

A: What did you do after you got up?

B: (3) _________ But unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bus

had already left.

A: Poor guy! And then?

B: So I started walking. Luckily, my uncle drove by and gave me a ride.

A: But you didn’t make it in the end, did you?

B: No, I didn’t. (4) _________

A: What did your teacher say?

B: (5) _________

A: Yes, he is right. Thanks for your answering.

B: It’s my pleasure.

Keys: 1—5 D A F G E

Step2. Lead in


2.. Finish 1a. Put these words in the correct columns in the chart.

Some words can go in more than one column.

fool invite

costume embarrassed

go off call

get dressed empty

show up realize

change clock

tired stay up


(people, place,


Fool fool embarrassed


(action words)


(description words)

2. Tell Ss nouns are probably about people, things, places. Verbs are

about action words. Description words are probably adjectives.

3. Share the answers with others in class.

4. Ask Ss make sentences with the words in 1a.

Keys: fool costume change clock

. go off. get dressed. show up. realize.

embarrassed tired empty

Step3 . Work in pairs.

1b Tell your partner something that happened to you recently. Use

two or more words in 1a.

Last Friday, my friend invited me to his birthday party…..(使用展台)

Step 4. Presentation

Ask the students what they know about April Fool’s Day.

What did you do on Last April Fool’s Day?

Step 5. Listening


1. 1c Dave, Nick and Joe are talking about April Fool’s Day. Listen and

write each person’s name under the correct picture.

a: No name b: Joe c: Nick d: Dave .

2. Listen to the tape for the second time and finish 1d.

1d Listen again. Who says each of the phrases below? Write D for

Dave, N for Nick and J for Joe.

1) ______ a costume party


______ my alarm went off

3) ______ stayed up all night

4) ______ was tired

5) ______ was really embarrassed

6) ______ the other kids showed up

Keys: D N J J D N

Step 6. Group work


1e Tell April Fool’s Day stories in your group. Use the information in

1c and 1d.

e.g. A: What happened to Dave on April Fool’s Day?

B: Well, a friend invited him to a costume party, ….

Step 7. Work in pairs.

Work on 2a.

2a discuss with your good friends or your partner.

Have you ever played jokes on others, especially on Aril Fool’s Day?

Have you ever been fooled by others? Tell your story to your partner.

Step 8

. First read the passage match each paragraph

With the main idea.

Paragraph 1 The most famous trick played

Paragraph 2 Examples of funny stories that happened on April

Fool’s Day.

Paragraph 3 An introduction to April Fool’s Day

Paragraph 4 A sad story that happened on April Fool’s Day

Second. Work on 2c. Let Ss read the passage carefully, and answer

these questions.

1) Why did the supermarkets run out of spaghetti one April Fool’s


2) What did the TV show say the special water could do?

3) Why did the TV star’s joke have a bad ending?

4) When did Orson Wells tell people about aliens from Mars landing

on the earth?

5) Why did so many people believe Orson Wells?

6) Which of these stories is the most believable? Which is the least



7) Would you be fooled by any of these stories?


1) A reporter announced that there would be no more spaghetti as

spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti.

2) It was said that the special water would help people lose weight.

3) He lost both his girlfriend and his show.

4) It was in October 1938.

5) Orson Welles made it sound so real that hundreds of people

believed the story.

6) I think the story of a famous movie star is the most believable. The

story of aliens from Mars is the least believable. Because the movie

star is living with people. People never see any aliens on the earth.


Language points

1. Explain the new words in this period:

1. fool

n. 傻瓜;愚人;受骗者

e.g. People always think I'm a fool, and I dare say they're right.


vt. 愚弄,欺骗;

e.g. He was fooled by his friend on April Fool’s Day.


2. The other kids showed up.

show up 露面,到场;(使)看得见;

e.g. We waited until five o'clock, but he did not show up.


assed adj. 局促不安的; 为难的; 尴尬的; 窘迫的 ,

e.g. He looked a bit embarrassed. 他看起来有点尴尬。

embarrassing adj. 使人尴尬的,令人为难的

e.g. That was an embarrassing situation for me. 那种情形让我难堪。

4. sell out 卖完;售完;出售

e.g. The next day the bookshops sold out. 第二天书店就卖断了货。

take out put out work out

5. discovery n. 发现,发觉;(剧情的)发展;被发现的事物;

e.g. He knows that he had made a real discovery.


6. marry v. “嫁,娶,结婚”

e.g. Henry didn’t marry until he was over fifty.亨利直到过了50岁才结婚。

⑴ marry sb. 表示“嫁给某人” 、 “娶了某人”或“和某人结婚”

⑵ get/be married to sb.

e.g. John is going to marry Jane. 约翰要和简结婚了。

7. Many April Fool’s jokes may end up being not very funny.

end up (doing sth.)(以…)结束; 最终成为; 最后处于

e.g. Every time she tried to argue with her husband, she ended up

crying her eyes out. 每回她试着和她丈夫争辩,她总是以流泪结束。

end up sth. 表示“结束某事”。

e.g. The scientist ended up his speech at last. 那个科学家最后结束了演讲。

end up with sth. (以…)结束

e.g. The students began with speaking English, but ended up with

speaking Chinese.

同学们以说英语开始, 却以说汉语结束。

4. Work on 2d. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs

on brackets.

2d Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1) After the spaghetti story __________(appear) in the news,

everyone _______

(rush) to the supermarkets.

2) By the time people ________ (find out) the story was not true, all

the spaghetti

in the supermarkets _______________ (disappear).

3) By the time the day ______ (end), more than 10,000 people

_________ (call) the TV station to ask about the special water.

4) By the time the show _____ (end), the TV star ________ (lose) his

girl friend.

5) By the time police officers ____ (tell) the country that the story was

a hoax, many people ____________ (run away) from their


Keys: appeared rushed

found out had disappeared

ended had called

ended had lost

told had run away

Step9 Homework.

1. 2e.

Tell your funny story from 2a to the class. The class will vote for:

a. the funniest joke

b. the most embarrassing joke

c. the most creative joke

a short passage about the information in 1c and

A: What’s your story?


B: Last year, on the first day of school, my sister put a piece of

paper on my back that said “Please say hello”. All morning at

















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