


Unit12. Life is full of the unexpected


Section A.

is full of the unexpected. 生活充满了意外。(标题)

【解析1】be full of = be filled with充满,装满

①Our life is ______________chances, but there are also a lot of


②The box is_______________(装满) books.

( ) ③On hearing the news, her heart was _____ gratitude.

A. filled of B. full with C. filled with

D. fill with

【2013莱芜】77. If you read a lot, your life will be full

________ pleasure.

A. by B. of C. for

D. With

【2014辽宁丹东】—Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full of .

—So she is. because she takes a lot of exercise every day.

A. knowledge B. courage C. change D. energy

【 解析2】 unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的

the unexpected “意外的事情”“出乎意料的事”。

the +adj.表示一类人或事物。




the homeless (无家可归者) the disabled(残疾人)

The old should be taken good care of by the government.老年人应该被政府好好照顾

It will not be unexpected if Tom comes late again, because he is always like this.


【2014甘肃白银】 The girl is greatly interested in the song. The lyrics of it ___

her thoughts

and feelings.

A. express B. discuss C. expect D. imagine

2. By the time I got up, my brother ______already ______ in the shower. (1b)


3. By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 当我出来时,公共汽车已经离开了。 (1b)

【解析】 by the time 在……以前,指从过去的某一点到从句所示的时间为止,常引导表


By the time I got up, he had already left. 当我起床时,他已经离开了。

①By the time I ________(walk) into the classroom, the

teacher __________(start) ________(teach) already.

② By the time I got outside , the bus _________already



( )③____ the time I heard the noise ,it had already gone.

A. By B. When C. At

( ) By the time of last term, we ______ all the lessons.

A. finished B. have finished C. had finished D. will finish

【2013甘肃兰州】I overslept this morning. By the time I got to

the train station, the train ________ (leave).

【2013山东枣庄】By the time I locked the door, I realized I

___my keys at home.

A. had repaired B. had changed C. had

forgotten D. had left

【拓展】by now 表示“到现在为止”,通常与现在完成时连用。

By now I have collected 200 dolls. 到现在为止,我已收集了二百个布娃娃。

4. When I got to school, I realized I _____ my backpack at home.(1b)


【 解析】leave sth. +地点“把某物忘在某处”


I left my book on the desk. 我把书忘在了桌 子上。

I forgot my umbrella yesterday .我昨天忘了带伞。

【辨析】leave 与forget的用法:

(1) leave “ 遗留,落下,忘记带”,侧重指把某物或某人留在某个地方,后常跟地点状语;

(2)forget “ 忘记”,侧重指忘记某件事情,后常跟to do (忘了要去做)或doing




♦leave → left → left v 离开

(1)leave sth +地点 把某物遗忘在某地

(2)leave for +地点 离开去某地

(3) leave a message 留言 ask for leave 请假 leave school (中学) 毕业

(4)leave one by oneself=leave sb alone 把某人单独留下

【注意】英语中表示“把某物遗忘在某处”常用 leave + 地点


Unluckily, I left my book at home 不幸的是,我把书忘在家里了。

【延伸】动词leave 的第三人称单数形式为leaves;


【2013江苏无锡】I didn’t realize I ___________(leave) the key at home until I

got to my car. So I had to go back.

【2013甘肃兰州】I overslept this morning. By the time I got to the train station,

the train ________ (leave).

【2011广西贵港】—Lin Kai, hand in your homework, please.

—Oh, sorry. I _____ it at home this morning.

A. was leaving B. has left C. will leave D. left

【2013山东枣庄】By the time I locked the door, I realized I ___my keys at home.

A. had repaired B. had changed C. had forgotten D. had left

【2013齐齐哈尔】-I’m sorry, Mr. Li. I _____ my English homework at home.

-Don’t forget ________ it to school tomorrow.


A. left, to bring B. forgot, to take C. lost, to bring

forget→forgot→forgotten v忘记

(1) forget sth 忘记某事(不能跟地点状语连用)

He forgot his grandfather’s name.

(2) forget to do sth 忘记去做某事(未做)

Don’t forget__________(post) the letter for me on your way home.

【2014河北中考】33. Don’t forget ______ thanks when other people help you.

A. accept B. to accept C. say D. to say

(3) forget doing sth 忘记做过某事(已做)

【记】I never forget to take umbrella with me, but today I lelt my umbrella in

that shop.

( ) ① –I’m sorry I _____ my homework.

— That’s all right. Don’t forget _____ it to school tomorrow.

A. forget; to take B. left; to take C. forget; to bring D. left ; to


( ) ②I _______ to tell him the news that Tom was ill.

A. left B. leave C. forget D. forgot

【2013江苏常州】I believe that an important moment like this should _______

(not forget).

【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】24.-I’m sorry, Mr. Li. I _____ my English

homework at home.

-Don’t forget it to school tomorrow.

A. left, to bring B. forgot, to take C. lost, to bring


【2014浙江宁波】33. —I’m sorry about last night. It was my fault .


it way head


【2014鄂州】3— He has to stay in Thailand for one more week because his

passport and ID

card were stolen.

— ___________________.

A. Forget it B. It doesn’t matter C. I’m sorry to hear that D.


【2014四川达州】25. —I’m sorry I ________ my exercise book at home this


—It doesn’t mater. Don’t forget ________ it here this


A. left; to take B. forgot; bringing C. left; to bring D.

forgot; to bring

5. A: What happened? 发生了什么? (1c)

B: I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the



【解析】oversleep =sleep late v 睡过头

sleep → slept → slept


( ) ① –What happened ?

— I _____.

A. oversleep B. oversleeped C. overslept



My alarm clock didn’t go off, so I____.


A. oversleep B. overslept C. oversleeping

( )I ___ this morning and missed the early bus.

A. overslept B. slept C. held D. caught

I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpack. (2b)


【解析】leave 在此处做及物动词,“留下”。


I left my homework at home this morning.我今天早晨把作业忘在家里了。

(1)leave 用作及物动词,其用法有


The Greens will leave Beijing for London next week. 格林一家下星期离开北京去伦敦。

②表“剩下” How much time is there left? 还剩下多少时间?


Mary left school last year and she is working in a shop now.


(2)leave 也用作不及物动词,意为“去,出发”。如:

It's time for us to leave.我们该走了


( ) -- Boys and girls! Please ____ your compositions after class.

-- Oh, my God! I ____ it at home.

A. hand in; forgot B. hand in; left C. hand out; forgot D. hand out; lef



7..By the time I_____(get) back to school, the bell____(ring). (2b)

【解析】get back to school 意为“回到学校”

【解析】(1)get back to 后接表地点的名词,意为 “ 回到某地”;

(2) get back to 后面接人,可引申为“回复某人的信件,,电话”等;

(3)get back 还可表示“ 回来,返回,拿回,取回”等含义。

【2014广东佛山】We lost the way in the forest, and we didn’t know .

we get back B. when did we get back C. how we could get


8. My alarm clock didn’t go off! 我的闹钟没响。(2d)

【解析】go off 发出响声, (闹钟)闹响

The alarm went off just now. 刚才警钟响了


go over 复习 go away 离开

go by (时间)过去 go for a walk 出去散步

go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming


( ) I was late today because my alarm clock didn’t____

A. run off B. go off C. give out D. give up

【拓展】⑴ go by “(时间)过去;消逝”。

Time goes by second by second. 时间一秒秒地消逝。

⑵ go on “继续”。

Please go on working. 请继续工作。


( )

—Why were you late this morning?

—My alarm clock didn’t _____, so I overslept.

A. go by B. go on C. go off D. go down

I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.(2d)

【解析】 rush out 冲出去,冲出……

Henry rushed out the room and disappeared in the rain.亨利冲出房间,消失在了雨中。

Julia rushed out and didn’t return.朱丽叶冲了出去,再没回来。

’s day saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.


【解析】 give sb. a lift =give sb. a ride / give a ride to sb. “捎某人一程”,

( ) The poor old woman was standing in the middle of the road and asked someone

to ___.

A. give him a ride B. give her a ride C. enjoy a ride D. accept a


( ) Tom drove by and gave me a _____ on the way home.

A. flight B. Run C. walk D. lift

11. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.(3a)


【解析】be about to 忙于;即将做某事。


( ) Hurry up, Tom! The train is _____ to start.


A. about B. with C. for D. At

12.I went to my favorite coffee place even though it was two blocks east from my



【解析1】 even though 即使, 虽然, 尽管, 用于引导让步状语从句。

( ) I don’t like vegetables ____ they are good for my health.

A. because B. even though C. after all D. so that

【2014浙江丽水】____ Frank left school at 16, he still become a successful


A. Ever since B. In fact C. After all D. Even


【拓展】even if / even though/ though 三者都可以引导让步状语从句。

Even if =even though“即使、纵然”引出的从句叙述的是假设或把握很大的事情

though “虽然”,引出的从句叙述的是事实。

I will try even if I may fail. 即使失败,我也要尝试一下。

Though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还继续工作。

[注] though 和but 不能同时出现在句中。

【2014江苏无锡4】On those foggy days,you could hardly see anything around

you ___ it was

at noon.


【2014河北】Eric arrived on time, ______ it was the rush hour.


A. although B. because C. while D. unless

【2014南京】______ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her


A. Because B. If C. Until D.


【解析2】 block n. 街区

I was waiting in line with other office workers, I heard a loud sound.


【解析】wait in line with 意为“与……排队等候”。

stand in line 站成一排cut in line 插队

【解析2】sound n “声音;声响”。

【辨析】sound, voice 与 noise

sound 含义广泛,指一切可以听到的声音,包括有意听到的和无意听到的。

At midnight he heard a strange sound. 半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。

voice 指说话及唱歌的声音,多用于指人的嗓音。

The girl has a beautiful voice.这个女孩有美丽的嗓音

noise 特指噪音和吵闹声。The noise of traffic kept me awake.交通的噪音使我睡不着。

【2014烟台】—Would you mind not_____ noise? Alice is sleeping.

—Sorry, I didn’t know. I________ she was awake.

A. make, think B. making, thought C. making, think D.

make, thought

【2014甘肃白银】The boy didn’t sleep well last night because of the ______ from


the factory.

A. voice B. noise C. music D.


14. We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.



【解析1】 stare v. 盯着看, 凝视

(表示看得比较仔细,有时候也带有吃惊的意味去看,常与at, into连用。)

Don’t stare at me like that.别那样盯着我看。

【解析2】in disbelief 不相信 ,疑惑, 怀疑

Tamara stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head. 塔玛拉一边狐疑地盯着他看,一边摇着头。

She looked at him in disbelief. 她全然不信地看着他。


1)prep (表示位置)在…正上方;高于”。(与 below相对)

The moon is now above the trees.月亮正位于树梢上。

2)prep 表示在地位、级别、能力、资历、重要性等方面“超过”

He is above me in every way. 他各个方面都比我强。

3) adv. “在上面; (级别、数目等)更高; 更大;更多;在上文”。

See the examples given above.见上述例子。

) Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature

normally stays ____ zero.


A. up B. down C. above D. below




1)above 着重指:在……上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below.

The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。

2)over 表盖在……上面,或铺在……上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under.

Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。

3). on 含有与表面相接触的意思。

The book is on the desk.

【2014扬州1】—This problem is far ______ me, I’m afraid I can’t work it out.

—Don’t worry, we will help you.

A. beyond B. beside C. behind D. Between

【2014湖北鄂州1】 — She sold her treasures to cure her mother’s illness, even

though it

was her own wishes.

— It’s so kind _____ her.

A. against; of B. above; of C. on; for D. for; for

【解析4】burn v. 着火,燃烧(burnt, burnt / burned, burned)

burning adj. 着火的;燃烧的

He was trapped in a burning house. 他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。

( ) Teachers are often compared to _____ candles.

A. burnt B. is burning C. burns D. burning


⑴ burn away烧掉


Half of the candle had burnt away. 蜡烛已烧掉一半了。

⑵ burn down 渐渐烧完

The room grew colder as the fire burnt down. 随着炉火逐渐减弱,屋里越来越冷。

15. I felt lucky to be alive.我感到很幸运能活下来。(3a)

辨析:alive, living, live与lively



的,还出气的 物 宾补



活着, 尚在人间, 健指人或物



活着的,活生生的 指物,不指人 定语


活泼的,活跃,充满可指人,也可定语、表语或宾生气的 指物 补

( ) 1. Jin Yong is one of the greatest and oldest writer. He is

still .

A. living; alive B. living; living C. alive; living


( )2.

—Is his grandmother still ?—Yes, she is 102 years old!

A. live B. living C. alive D. lively

16. But by the time I got to the airport, my plane to New Zealand had already taken


【2014山东威海】 my surprise , my brother can speak English_____.

tly ly

D. alive;


by the time I got to the airport, my plane to New Zealand had already taken



【解析1】 airport n. 机场

【解析2】take off 脱掉; 起飞

take off 在此句中意为“起飞”,off 在此为副词表示“离开;走开”。

take off 后不能直接加宾语,故它没有被动语态

take off 也有“脱下”之意, 此时 off 为介词,后可直接跟宾语。

Take off your 's hot outside.脱下你的外套,外面炎热。

【2014河南中考】This bus doesn’t go to the rain station. I’m afraid you’ll have

to ____ at

the library and take the A52.

A. take off B. put off C. get off D. turn off

【2014浙江宁波】As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to ____

early to

get there in time.

off off off off

18. The other planes were full so I had to wait till the next day. (3a)


【解析】till 意为“到,直到”,相当于until.

⑴ 用于肯定句时, 主句的动词只用延续性的,它所表示的动作一直延续到till或until表示的时间为止,意为“直到……为止”。

She watched TV till her mother came back. 她看电视直到她母亲回来。


⑵ 用于否定句时,主句的动词一般是非延续性的,也可以是延续性的,它所表示的动作直到till或until所表示的时间才发生,意为“直到…(才)”。

She didn’t watch TV till her mother came back. 直到她母亲回来她才(开始)看电视。

( ) I didn’t believe he could drive ____ he told me.

A. once B. while C. since D. till

( )--Mark, you look so tired.

--Oh, I worked ____ it was 12 o’clock last night.

A. unless B. after C. till D. as

【2014威海2】We’re leaving tomorrow. We will be away _______ next Friday.

A. from B. until C. on D. since

【2014江苏扬州】4. - The air pollution is terrible.

- It will be worse ________ we take action to protect the environment.

A. if B. unless C. until D. when

bad luck had unexpectedly turned into a good thing. (3a)


【解析】 turn into 变成

Section B

1. 【解析】fool (1) n. 傻子 呆子 (2) v. 愚弄 欺骗

→foolish adj. 愚蠢的


on April Fool’s Day 愚人节 make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人

He is a fool. 他是一个呆子。(名词)

We can’t fool our teach. 我们不能欺骗我们的教师。(动词)

①What do you do on April_________(Fool) Day?

②I was _________(fool) enough to believe what he told me.

2. 【解析】embarrass v 使尴尬→embarrassed adj. 尴尬的(用来修饰人)(1a)

→embarrassing adj. 令人难堪的((修饰物)

①I was _______________(embarrass) when the boy asked me the question.

( )

②She was ____when they kept telling her how clever she was.

A. embarrass B. embarrassed C. embarrassing

【2011湖北·武汉】 40. - I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by


- Oh, dear, you must be very _____ at the ball!

A. embarrassed B. satisfied C. tired D.


3. Last Friday night, my friend invited me to his birthday party (1b)

【解析】invite v → invitation n邀请

(1) invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事

【2014吉林】27. Let’s call up Jim and invite ______to play football.

A. he B. him C. his

(2)invite sb. to +地点 邀请某人去某地

①We invited him _______(join) us to practice speaking English.

②He invited a lot of friends _________(come) to his birthday party.


( )③I’d invite her ________ dinner at my house tomorrow.

A. have B. to have C. having D. had

( ) She was very pleased because we invited ____ to stay with us at ___ house.

A. she; we ; our C. her; ours D. hers; us

【2014黄冈】—Claudia, are you going to Jeff’s birthday party on Saturday?

—Unless I______ .

A. will be invited B. am invited C. was inviting D. invited

【2014威海4】—Tom! I looked for you everywhere at the party last night.

—Oh, I _______ to the party.

A. am invited B. was invited C. am not invited D. wasn’t


other kids showed up (1d)

【解析】show up 出席

【短语】:on show =on display 展览

show off 炫耀 show sb. around 带某人参观

show sb. sth=show sth to sb 向某人展示某物

( )①Why didn’t you show ___at the meeting yesterday? We kept waiting for a long


A. up B. around C. off D. on

( )

②He didn’t show _______ until the meeting was over.

A. on B. out C. in D. up

【2013湖北宜昌】33. —It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate



—Sure. We should try to _______ all the food that we’ve


A. give up B. eat up C. turn up D. show up

5. April Fool’s Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around

the world.


【解析】take place “发生;进行;举行;产生”。

【辨析】:happen 与take place


不及物动词,没有被动语态sth happen to sb 意为“ 某人发生某事”。


happen to do sth 意为‘‘碰巧做某事’’。



1“发生”, 也无被动语态,指经过安排或计划地发生。

2“举行”The sports meeting will take place in our school

【小试牛刀】用happen和take place填空。

1. When will the basketball match between Class 3 and Class 4 _____?

2. I ____ to have read the article when he asked me about it.

3. When will the ceremony _____?

4. That accident _____ at the corner.

【2014扬州4】—Could you tell me _______? —In August, 2014.

A. where will the Youth Olympic Games take place

B. when will the Youth Olympic Games take place


C. where the Youth Olympic Games will take place

D. when the Youth Olympic Games will take place

【2014淮安1】12. The 18th Jiangsu Provincial Games will ______ in September.

Many students want to be volunteers.

A. take place B. take part C. take action D. take care

【2014四川泸州】7. Can you tell me what happened him just now?

A. with B. for C. to D. at

【2014山东菏泽】Look, so many people are running out of the station. I wonder

what ____.

A. is happened happening happening D. had happened

6. It happens on April 1st every year and is a day when many people play all kinds of

tricks and jokes on each other. 愚人节是每年的四月一日,在这一天,人们互相捉弄开各种玩笑。(2b)

【解析】play tricks on sb. “捉弄某人”,

play jokes on sb.“对某人开玩笑 ”

( ) It's impolite to laugh at, stare at or play _____on disabled people

A. fun B. jokes C. tricks D. parts

【连接】laugh at 嘲笑make fun of 取笑;使……开玩笑

7. Many people ran to their local supermarkets to buy buy as much as spaghetti

as they could. 很多人跑到当地的超市抢购尽可能多的意大利面条。(2b)

【解析】as +形容词/副词的原级+ as sb. can / could 意为“尽可能地……”,在句中作状语。

as +形容词/副词的原级+ as sb. can / could = as + 形容词/副词原级+ as



We must do everything as possible. = We must do everything as well as we can.



1). 我已经把书尽可能多地给你送来了。

I have sent you ___ ____ ____ ____ ____.

2). 这只猫想要尽快吃掉这些食物。

The cat wants to eat out the food __ __ __ __

8. By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the

country had been sold out(2b)当人们意识到这是个时,全国所有的意大利面都销售一空了

【解析】sell out 卖光 (用物作主语时,常用于被动语态 be sold out)

The next day the bookshops sold out. 第二天书店就卖断了货。

【拓展】out 构成的短语:

give out 分发 hand out 分发 work out 得出结果 run out of 用完

go out 出去 find out 查明 look out 当心 take out 拿出

( ) — Do you have Nokia E72 mobiles?

— Sorry, they have been ____ . You may come next time.

A. given out B. looked out C. sold out D. come out

9. By the end of the day, more than 10,000 people had phoned the TV station to

find out how to get the water. 一天之内有一万多人打电话给电视台,询问如何弄到这种水。(2b)

【解析】find out “出,查明,弄清楚”,后可接名词名词性短语或宾语从


【辨析】find out, look for 与 find

(1)find out 强调经过调查、询问、研究等曲折过程后才能出。如:

Please find out when the train leaves. 请查明火车什么时间离开。

(2)look for 意为“寻”,强调寻的过程。如:

I'm looking for it everywhere.我正在到处它。

(3)find 意为“发现,到”,强调寻的结果。如:

I can't find my pet dog.我不到我的宠物狗。

【易错题】 42. The policemen will go to_________the truth.

A. find B. find out C. decide D. look for

April Fool’s jokes may end up being not very funny.(2b)

【解析】end up (doing sth.)(以…)结束;最终成为;最后处于

I must make good use of my spare time, or I will end up doing nothing.


end up sth. 表示“结束某事”。

The scientist ended up his speech at last.那个科学家最后结束了演讲。

end up with sth. (以……)结束

The students began with speaking English, but ended up with speaking Chinese.


【2014杭州】The boats take different routes, but they all____ in the same place.

up B. clear up C. end up D. make up

11. He asked her to marry him. 他向她求婚。(2b)

【解析2】marry v嫁娶


(1)A marry B. “A 与B结婚”

Bill married Mary on January 1, 1994.

(2) A and B get married = A and B are married A和B结婚

get married 结婚

Kate and Tom get married last year.

(3) marry A to B “ 把A 嫁给B”

She married her daughter to a rich man.

(4) be married to sb 与……结婚

①.My aunt got_____________(marry) last year.

②.When did Sue and Jack___________(结婚).

( )

— Betty, did your son get married in the year 2000.

— Yes , he _____ for about eight years.

A. has married B. has been married C. has got married D. was


that month in 1938, actor Orson Welles announced on his radio program that

aliens from Mars had landed on the earth. 在1938年的那个月,演员奥森.威尔斯在他的广播节目中宣布火星人已经登陆地球。(2b)

【解析1】 land on 意为“着陆;降落于”,反义词组为take off

13. Wells made it sound so real that hundreds of people believed the story, and fear

spread across the whole country. (2b)


【解析】 hundred n 百 hundreds of 数以百的


【2014山东东营】When he arrived at the airport, Lee Minho found that ____

fans were

waiting for him there.

A. hundred

hundreds of

【2014重庆中考B卷】26. Yesterday _______ people came to the town to watch

the car race.

A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D.

hundred of

【2014江苏淮安】5. Sam enjoyed collecting. He has collected over three


A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D.

B. hundreds C. hundred of D.

hundreds of

thousand n 千 thousands of成千上万的

【2014江苏宿迁】Thousands of ________ (visitor) come to my hometown Suqian

every year.

【2014贵州遵义It is very cool in Guizhou in summer, so ___ people come here

for vacation.

A. two thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of

million n 百万 millions of成百万的

【2014黑龙江龙东】28. ________fans would like to go to Brazil to watch the

World Cup.

A. Million of B. Millions of C. Millions

【注】:(1)当hundred/ thousand/million 前面有具体的数字时,用单数形式

(2)当hundred/ thousand/million 后与of 连用时用复数形式,


【口诀】:具体的不加s 也不加of,不具体的加s 也加of

【2013云南中考】— How many people were invited to the meeting?

— About six ____.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

14. How did you feel about this day? 今天你感觉怎么样?(3a)

【解析】How do you feel about…? = What do you think of…?= How do you


“你怎样看待……?” 用于提问对方对某事物的观点

How do you feel about the talk show? 你觉得这个访谈节目怎么样?

【解析2】 “take off ”“起飞”。

Be careful! The plane is going to land on the airport. 小心点!飞机马上要降落于飞机场了


keep off 隔离 drop off 放下,下take off 脱下,(飞机起车 飞

set off 出发,开hurry off 匆匆离turn off 关上,关闭

始 开

【2013福建福州】Remember to_________ _______(关掉)the tap when you are

not using it.

【2013福建泉州】—Mom, it's too hot today.

—Oh, dear!, Why don't you_________(脱下)your sweater?

16.I’m so glad that I cancel my plan to go to the market. 我如此高兴以至于我取消了去市场的计划。(self Check)


【解析】so … that … “那么(表程度)、如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句。so 后跟形容词/副词,so … that …引导的复合句可转换成简单句。

⑴ 当that从句是否定结构,that从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,可用too …

to …替换。不相同时,可用too … for sb. to do…替换。

The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.

= The boy is too young to go to school. 这个男孩太小了,不能上学。

The suit was so expensive that I could not afford it.

= The suit was too expensive for me to afford. 这衣服太贵,我买不起。

⑵ 当that从句是肯定结构,that从句的主语与主句的不相同时,可用…enough

for sb. to do …替换。相同时,可用…enough to do…替换。

He ran so slowly that I could catch up with him.

= He ran slowly enough for me to catch up with him. 他跑得很慢,我能赶上他。

He ran so fast that he won the race.

= He ran fast enough to win the race. 他跑得很快,赢得了比赛。


1. He is so weak that he could walk for a long time.

=He is ____ weak _____ walk for a long time.

2. The problem is so difficult that I can’t work it out.

=The problem is ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ work it out.

3. The book is so interesting that most students like reading it.

= The book is interesting ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ like reading it.

4. She was so lucky that she got the job.

= She was lucky ____ ____ get the job.


【2014宜宾】 The old man was so_______ the good news that he couldn’t say a


A. interested in B. excited about C. afraid of D.

worried about

( )

— Jack, could you help me ____ when the plane will take off on the


— I’m sorry, my computer doesn’t work.

A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out


1. give ... a lift 捎(某人)一程 disbelief难以置信

2. be full of 充满了

3. by the time到......时候

late for 迟到

5. go off发出响声

6. keep doing sth 一直做......

7. wake up 醒来

8. rush out 冲出

9. stare at sb凝视某人

11. show up 露面

in/ at到达

about to do sth即将做......


in line 排队等候

off 起飞

17. turn into转变成

e party化妆舞会



dressed 穿衣服

up 熬夜

night 整夜

23. Sth happened to sb.某人发生某事

place 发生

a joke on sb.跟某人开玩笑

26. play a trick on sb捉弄某人

... as sb can尽可能.......

28. lose weight减肥

29. end up doing sth结束做某事


31. the luckiest day最幸运的一天

the middle of ...在......中间

that 在那之后

to 通向

35. a 一碗......

... 如此.......一致......

doing sth 错过做某事



Mr. Black told me that he had seen the movie three times.




⑴ 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作。


⑵ 过去完成时的结构是:

肯定由“助动词had(用于各种人称和数) + 过去分词”构成

否定式:had not + 过去分词


⑶ 过去完成时的时间状语:

① 表示过去某一时间可用by, before等构成的短语。

We had finished our homework before 10 o’clock. 我们十点钟之前就完成了作业。

② 可能通过when, before等引导的从句表示。

When I got there, the train had left. 当我到那儿时,火车已经开走了。

③ 过去某一时间通过上下文来表示。

Kate hadn’t studied hard, so she didn’t pass the exam yesterday.



I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. When I got there the bus _____ (go).

2. By the time I got to class, the teacher ____ (start) teaching.


3. We ____ (learn) over 1,000 words by the end of last term.

4. I ____ (clean) the room before he arrived here.

5. His brother ___ (leave) home for a year when he got back.


1.He asked me __ ___ during the summer holidays.

A. where I had been B. where I had gone C. where had I

been D. where had I gone

2. What _ ___ Jane ____ by the time he was sever?

A. did, do B. has, done C did, did.

D. had, done

3. I __ ___ 900 English words by the time I was ten。

A. learned B. was learning C. had learned

D. learnt

4. She ___ ___lived here for ______ years.

A. had, a few B. has, several C. had, a lot of D.

has, a great deal of

5. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I ___ the dinner


A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked

D. was cooked

6. She said she __ ________ the principle already

A .has seen B. saw C. will see


D. had seen


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