人教版高中英语必修四(Book 4 Unit 2)


人教版高中英语必修四(Book 4

Unit 2)

Unit 2 Working the land


1. struggle v.挣扎;努力;拼搏;斗争 n. (为争取自由、政治权利等而进行的)斗争,奋斗


struggle with与……斗争

struggle for 为争取……而斗争

struggle against与……斗争;为反对……而斗争

struggle to do sth. (=make great efforts to do sth.) 努力做某事

struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来

She struggled to keep back the tears. 她努力忍住泪水。

It was a hard struggle to get my work done on time.为使工作按时完成,







The working people have never stopped their struggle

_______________unfair treatment.

A. against B. for C. from D. to

解析:选A。struggle against意为"同……作斗争";struggle for意为"为了……而斗争"。



We should help those who are still struggling for independence .


They had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties


1. Although he was terribly injured, he didn’t give up _______________ (求生的努力).

2. I saw the shopkeeper_______________ (与那窃贼搏斗起来了).

3. We must _______________ (与困难作斗争).

4. Don’t_______________ (努力控制你的感情).

答案: struggle for life le with the thief

le against / with difficulties le to control your feelings

2. expand v.扩大;扩展;增加;增长;(使)膨胀;阐述;使变大



expand on 阐述;详谈

He is thinking of expanding his business. 他在正考虑扩大他的生意。

In ten years the city's population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该市人口增加了百分之十二。


expansion n. 展开;膨胀;扩展

expansive adj. 广阔的;易膨胀的

易混辨析 expand/extend/spread/stretch

expand 意为"展开,扩大",不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。

extend 意为"伸出,延伸",指空间范围的扩大,以及长度,宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。

spread 意为"传播;蔓延;铺开"。一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息)等。

stretch 意为"伸展(身体等),拉长;连绵",一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长。


①The fire soon _______________to the nearby houses.

②The tourist season _______________from May till October.

③A balloon _______________when it is blown up.

④The cat _______________out in front of the fire.

答案:①spread ②extends ③expands ④stretched

3. equip vt. & vi. 配备;装备


equip sb./sth. with 用……武装某人;用……装备某物

equip sb./sth. for 为……而武装某人;为……而装备某物

a piece of office equipment 一件办公设备

They equipped themselves for the expedition. 他们为远征准备装备。

A good education should equip you for life. 良好的教育能使你受用终生。


All classes of this school are _______________with modern _______________.

A. equipped; equipment B. equipped; equipments

C. equipping; equipments D. equipping; equipment

解析:选A。equip ...with ...意为"用……装备……",被动形式为be equipped



①The soldiers were well _______________(装备) weapons.

②This library _______________(为……而装备) atomic research.

③Our classroom_______________ (装备有) a computer and a tape


(2) ①equipped with ② is equipped for ③ is equipped with

4. regret vt.& vi. 后悔;遗憾 n. 遗憾;懊悔


regret doing= regret having done=regret to have done 后悔做了某事

regret to do遗憾将要做某事

regret to say/tell/inform 遗憾地说/告诉/通知

much to one's regret 深感遗憾

with regret 遗憾地

Tom regretted telling his parents the thing. 汤姆后悔告诉了父母那件事。

I regretted to tell you you hadn't passed the driving test. 我很遗憾地告诉你你没有通过驾驶考试。

He told me with regret that he couldn't come to the party. 他很抱歉地对我说他不能参加这个聚会了。

He gave up teaching in 1998, much to his students' regret.他于1998年放弃了教学,这使他的学生很遗憾。


They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted _______________them.

A. to be not able to help B. not being able to help

C. being not able to help D. not be able to help

解析:选B。考查regret doing这一结构的用法。本空表达对过去发生的事情感到遗憾,同时还考查了动名词的否定形式 not doing。


①I now regret_______________ (leave) school so young.

②I regret _______________(inform) you that your contract will not be



_______________(我非常抱歉), I am unable to accept your invitation.

(2)①leaving②to inform

(3)Much to my regret/To my great regret


1. 我很遗憾地告诉你,你没通过考试。

I regret to tell you that you failed / didn’t pass the test.

2. 汤姆后悔把事件的真相告诉了他母亲。

Tom regrets telling / having told / that he has told the truth of the matter

to his mother.

3. 令我感到遗憾的是,三年前我和她失去了联系。

To my regret, I lost touch with her three years ago.

5. reduce vt.减少;缩小;降低;使……陷入某种更糟的状态

He is trying to reduce expenses. 他正试图减少开支。

We must gradually reduce the wage gap. 我们必须逐步缩小工资差距。


reduce sth. to... 减少到……

reduce sth. by... 减少了……

be reduced to 沦落为……

The shopkeeper reduced the price by $10.店主把价格降了10美元。

The poor boy is reduced to begging. 那个可怜的孩子已沦为乞丐。



She reduced her weight by 5 kilos.


The bombs reduced the city to ruins .

6. comment vi.&vt. 表达意见;作出评论 n.[C&U] 评论;议论


comment on/about sth./sb. 对某事/某人进行评论

make comments/no comment on sth./sb. 对某事/某人进行评论/不进行评论

The scandal caused a lot of comment. 这件丑闻遭到很多议论。

"Will you resign, Minister?" "No comment!" "部长,您是要辞职吗?""无可奉告。"


Do you have any comments _______________ (make) on the recent


to make


①Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister

_______________ (发表意见) no decision had yet been made.

②She was asked about the pay increase but _______________ (不进行评论)

on it.

①commented that ②made no comment


7. thanks to 由于;多亏(有时用作反语);因为

Thanks to your help, we were successful. 由于你的帮助,我们成功了。

Thanks to you, I was saved from drowning. 多亏你,我才没被淹死。

Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled. 多亏了这倒霉的天气,比赛被取消了。(反语)



because of,owing to,on account of,due to,as a result of

thanks to, because of, due to和owing to的用法区别:

thanks to有“幸亏;多亏;由于;因为”等意思,它引导的短语,可以表达正面意思(近似原意“感谢”),也可用于讽刺口吻中(近似讽刺口吻的“感谢”)。在句中用作状语时,大多放在句首或句中。

Thanks to your help, I passed the test.幸亏有你的帮助,我测验及格了。

because of“因为;由于”,在句中一般用作状语,可置于句首或句中。

Because of illness, the boy did not go to school.因为生病,这个男孩没有去上学。

due to“由于”,它引导的短语在句中一般用作表语或定语,但在很多场合,可与owing to通用,作状语。

He was injured due to (owing to) a car accident.由于一起汽车事故他受了伤。

owing to“由于;因为”,在句中通常作状语,可置于句首或句中。注意:owing to引导的短语必须是修饰全句的,严格地讲,置于句中时应当用逗号和主句隔开;而because可以修饰主句的一部分,放在句中时无须逗号。

Owing to my absence, they had to put off the class meeting till next week.由于我不在,他们只好将班会推迟到下个星期。


①It was _______________your timely help that we accomplished the task

on time.

A. because B. thank C. thanks to D. as

② _______________the new policy, we are now having a happy life.

A. Thanks to B. Because C. For D. Thanks for

①解析:选C。because 和as 虽然也表示"因为,由于",但后面需接句子,而句中是短语,故应用thanks to。句意为: 幸亏你及时帮忙,我们才按时完成了任务。

②解析:选A。考查近义词辨析。thanks to意为"多亏了";because后应加句子;for 表示补充说明的原因。

8. rid ...of 摆脱;除去

You should rid yourself of that bad habit. 你应该改掉那个坏习惯。


be rid of 摆脱

get rid of 摆脱;除掉;去掉

rid oneself of debt 还清债务

break away from 摆脱;放弃

You must break away from such a bad habit. 你必须改掉这样的坏习惯。

It won't be long before we can be/get rid of the pest altogether.不用太久,我们就能把这种害虫消除干净。


Could you rid yourself of the bad habit of smoking?

Could you get rid of the bad habit of smoking?

9. would rather宁愿,宁可

I'd rather you didn't. (常用来委婉拒绝别人)我希望你不要。

He would rather stay at home watching TV. 他宁愿待在家里看电视。

I'd rather not go there. 我宁愿不去那里。

I'd rather you came tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天来而不是今天来。

I'd rather have made a telephone call to him yesterday. 我昨天本想给他打个电话的。



would rather+从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,用动词的过去时表示。

would rather have done 本想做……(而实际上未做)


①—Shall we go skating or stay at home?

—Which _______________do yourself?

A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you


②I'd rather _______________the basketball match last night. Otherwise, I

would have finished my paperwork by now.

A. not have watched B. not watch C. hadn't watch D. haven't watch

①解析:选B。考查would rather do sth.这一结构的用法。而do, will和should都不能与rather 搭配。would rather (not) do sth.意为"宁愿(不愿意)做某事"。

②解析:选A。would rather not have done意为"本不想做……(实际却做了)"。后一句句意为:否则我现在已经完成了我的文件。 所以前句表示"本不想看球赛却看了",故选A。

10. lead to 通向;导致;造成(后果)

注意:lead to中的to为介词,该短语后可跟名词或动名词。

The car accident led to his being killed. 那次车祸导致他死亡。

All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 吃太多糖会导致健康问题。

His carelessness led to his failure. 他的粗心导致了他的失败。


result in 导致

result from 由……导致


The students in the university are all _______________taking courses a


A. sticking to B. leading to C. turning to D. referring to

解析:选B。考查动词短语辨析。stick to 坚持; lead to 导致,引起;通往;turn

to求助,转向,查阅;refer to 指的是;谈论,查阅。由句意"大学生都在学习课程,以取得学位"可知,答案为B。

11. build up 逐步建立;逐渐增强;加强;树立;积累

The company has built up a fine reputation. 该公司已建立起良好的信誉。

You must build up your strength after your illness. 你在病后必须要增强体力。



We should encourage the children to build up their confidence .


I'm very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up.


1. Every morning David spends 45 minutes doing physical exercises to

build up his health.


2. He has built up a good business over the years.


12. focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于……;对(某事或做某事)予以注意;使聚焦于;使直射于

He focused his mind on his lessons. 他把心思集中在功课上。

Today we're going to focus on the question of homeless people. 今天,


A near-sighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects. 近视的人看不清远处的物体。


focus one's attention on sth.= center/concentrate/fix one's attention

on sth. 集中注意力于……



In my opinion, schools should focus attention on teaching.


He focused his camera on the huge building in the distance.


13. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to

grow rice that has a high output. 1974年,他成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。

不定式放在表示次序的词the first, the last, the best以及the only, the

very, the right等词后面, 且这些词与动词不定式有逻辑上的主谓关系,结构为:the first/last/best/only/very/right ...+n. + to do sth.表示"第一个/最后一个/最好的一个/唯一的/恰好的/合适的……做某事的人/物"。

He is always the first to come and the last to leave. 他总是第一个来并且最后一个离开。

The last man to leave the sinking ship was the captain. 最后一个离开正在下沉的船的那个人是船长。


He is the last person to _______________Mary's birthday party.

A. to invite B. to be invited C. invited D. being invited

解析:选B。考查不定式作定语的用法。当名词前面有序数词或last, next等词修饰时,名词后面多用不定式作定语。如New Zealand was the first nation

in modern times to allow women to vote. 新西兰成为现代史上第一个允许妇女有选举权的国家。

14. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as

large as before.



(1)倍数+ 比较级(bigger, longer, wider, higher, etc.) + ;

(2)倍数+ the + 名词(size, length, wider,height, etc.) + of...;

(3)倍数+ what从句;

(4)倍数+ the +名词 + that从句。

I'm not going out with a man who's twice as old as me.我不愿意和一个年纪比我大一倍的男人一起参加社交活动。

We got three times as many people as expected. 来的人超过我们预料人数的两倍。

You're not half as clever as you think you are. 你可不像自己想像的一半那么聪明。


Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it


much twice as as much as

as twice as twice much as

【答案与解析】B 句意为“彼得的夹克衫看上去与杰克的相同,但价格却是他的两倍”。表达倍数用“倍数词+ as +原级+ as”结构。

解析:选C。考查倍数表达法。表达倍数的结构应该是:A+ be+倍数+as+ adj.+

as +B。as... as中间是形容词或副词的原级,而不可以是比较级或最高级。

15. This also keeps the air, soil, water and crops free from chemicals.这还可以让空气、土壤、水以及农作物不受化学物质的污染。

keep ...free from 无……的;免于……;摆脱……(常用作表语、后置定语或补语)


be free to do sth. 自由地做,随意地做

set sb. free 释放某人

get/give sth. for free免费得到/赠送

a smokeˉfree room/area无烟室/区

free of charge免费



Keep the table free from dirty by putting a cover over it.

16. Although he is one of China’s most famous scientists, Yuan Longping

considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research.



②Although 引导让步状语从句,主句是由for连接的并列句。for在此是连词,表示“因为”。



Although her parents didn’t agree, Mary still decided to go to Paris, for

it was her dream.

17. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just

like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for

the past five decades.

【分析】 本句是一个主从复合句。his sunburnt face ... Chinese farmers是主句。for whom he has struggled for the past five decades是非限制性定语从句,修饰Chinese farmers。



The program will surely be enjoyed by the children,for whom it is


18. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without

expanding the area of the fields.



②句子的主干是Yuan Longping searched for a way,to increase rice

harvests作定语修饰way,without expanding the area of the fields在句中作方式状语。



Mike decided to find a way to solve the problem by himself without

telling his father the truth.

19. These increased harvests mean that 22% of the world’s people are

fed from just 7% of the farmland in the world.


① 本句是一个主从复合句。

② 主句是These increased harvests mean,increased为过去分词作定语,修饰harvests;that引导的是宾语从句。

③ “分数或百分数+ of +复数可数名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;“分数或百分数+ of +不可数名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。从句的主语为22% of the world’s people,故谓语用are。







Reading aloud is very important for us to learn a foreign language.

Going to bed early and getting up early is considered to be a good habit.

★动词-ing形式常用于“It is / was + 名词/形容词... +动词-ing形式”句型中。其中,常用此句型的名词有no use, no good, fun等;形容词有useless, nice,

good, interesting等。如:。如:

It’s no use asking me what I don’t know.

It was useless speaking.



★有些动词(短语)后只能跟动词-ing形式作宾语,而不能跟动词不定式作宾语。常见的有:enjoy, admit, imagine, finish, advise, allow, permit, escape,

avoid, appreciate, suggest, keep, practise, consider, mind, give up, look

forward to, put off, get used to, insist on等。如:

I want to travel because I enjoy meeting people and seeing new places.

Dana admitted feeling hurt by what I had said.

She imagined herself sitting in her favourite armchair back home.

Have you finished reading that magazine?

Why don’t you give up smoking?

We’re so much looking forward to meeting you.

★有些动词后既可跟动词-ing形式作宾语,也可跟动词不定式作宾语, 且后接以上两种形式作宾语时意义上没有什么区别。常见的有:begin, start, continue,

love, prefer, like, hate等。如:

I began reading / to read this novel last month and I still haven’t finished


Everyone in the class started laughing / to laugh.

Sally wanted to continue working / to work after she was married.

We all love talking / to talk about ourselves.

★有些动词(短语)后既可跟动词-ing形式作宾语,也可跟动词不定式作宾语,但用法和意义都有所不同。常见的有:remember, forget, stop, regret, try,

mean, go on等。如:

He took a long look at the girl and finally remembered seeing her at a

party somewhere.

Remember to call me when you arrive!

Stop shouting — you’re giving me a headache!

We should stop to get a drink of water.

He went on working until he was 91.

Go on to do the other exercise when you’ve finished this one.


remember doing sth. 记得做过某事

remember to do sth. 记住去做某事

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事

stop doing sth. 停止做某事

stop to do sth. 停下来(原来的事)去做某事

regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事

regret to do sth. 遗憾地要做某事

try doing sth. 尝试着做某事

try to do sth. 努力做某事

mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

mean to do sth. 打算做某事

go on doing sth. 继续做同一件事

go on to do sth.(做完某事)接着做另一件事


有些动词后常跟动词不定式作宾语。常见的有:afford, agree, choose, decide,

hope, offer, plan, promise, threaten, manage, fail, refuse, seem。如:

They walked because they couldn’t afford to take a taxi.

Helen’s promised to do all she can to help me.

Doctors failed to save the girl’s life.




My job is looking after the children.

Susan’s hobbies are reading and cooking.

One of his bad habits is smoking while having dinner.

Martin’s duty is cleaning the cars.

★一些表示状态、品质等的动词-ing形式具有形容词的性质,也可作表语,表示主语所具有的特征或属性。 这时系动词可以是be, become, get, look, seem,

appear, sound, feel, keep等。如:

Skiing is more exciting than skating.

It’s amazing how often you see drivers using mobile phones.

The speech he gave this morning is inspiring.

The programme for the weekend looks exciting.

The news from the doctors doesn’t seem very encouraging.

The story sounds really interesting.



★动词-ing形式可用在感官动词(如hear, see, watch, find等)或使役动词(如leave, have, keep, get等)后作宾语补足语,表示主动或进行意义。如:

I could hear someone calling my name.

I saw the people entering the theatre, and there were 300 of them.

Ruth doesn’t want to watch her parents arguing.

When we arrived, I found the old man lying on the floor.

Don’t leave the water running while you brush your teeth.

She had me doing all kinds of jobs for her.

My friend kept me talking on the phone for half an hour.

Haven’t you got the computer working yet?


With a native villager acting as our guide, we had no trouble getting


The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet

dog following them.

【拓展】 动词-ing形式也可作主语补足语。如:

John was caught cheating in the last exam.

The man I talked to was seen going upstairs.

The girl was heard singing all the time.




The experiment was an amazing success.

You can find Jennifer in the reading room.

Children in many developing countries can’t get basic medical care.

They quickly moved the sleeping man out of the prison.


The village is made up of 490 families belonging (= who belong) to five


Do you know the woman talking (= who is talking) to Jim?

【拓展】 动词-ing形式的被动式(being done)也可作定语,表示正在发生的被动动作。如:

We must keep the things being discussed a secret.

I knew nothing about the experiment being performed there.




Hearing the news, we all jumped with joy.

Working hard, you’ll certainly make your dream come true.

Seeing nobody at home, he decided to leave them a note.

Weighing almost one hundred kilos, the stone was moved by the boy


Her husband died in 1960, leaving her with five children.

The little girl was lying in bed crying.

★动词-ing形式的一般式所表示的动作常与谓语动作同时发生,其完成式(having done)所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。如:

Following Tom, we started to climb.

Having found a hotel, we began to look for a restaurant.


Not knowing her address, we couldn’t get in touch with her.

Not having got an answer, I decided to write him another letter.

★动词-ing形式作状语,其前往往可以加when, while, if, unless, once, though,

as if等连词,构成“连词+动词-ing形式”结构。如:

John hurt his leg while playing football.

The man turned round from time to time as if searching for someone.

【拓展】 动词-ing形式可以有其独立的逻辑主语,二者构成独立主格结构。如:

The day being fine, we decided to go swimming.

We explored the cave, Mike acting as guide.











Save Our Limited Farmland

It’s a well-known fact that the population of our country is growing

rapidly while farmland is being lost day by ing to the latest

statistics, land suitable for farming only makes up about 10% of the total

land in our still, building factories, roads, railways and

houses uses up a lot of land, especially farmland.

We now here call on all people to save and protect our

er once our farmland is gone, it will be impossible to

get it back.

The Students’ Union

Wednesday, March 19

1.使用了一些高级的词汇和句型,使文章的表达更生动。如according to,make

up,call on等短语,使用的句型有Its a well-known 等等。

2.文章中使用了一些过渡短语,使文章更流畅,如worse still“更糟糕的是”。

本文发布于:2024-09-22 07:20:29,感谢您对本站的认可!



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