



1. This is my s________ ,Ann.

2. What’s that in E__________?

3. A_____ these your brothers?

4. Jack h______ a TV.

5. Let’s play s_________.

6. My sister and I like p_______ tennis.

7. How m_____ are these shoes? Twenty yuan.

8. Please have a l_____ at this shop.

9. My ball is on the f______ under the table.

10. Do you n______ bags for school?

11. ----W_____ is the ruler? ----On the desk.

12. My father and mother are my p_________. I’m their d_________.

13. We have shirts in all c________ at $20 each.

14. The red shorts on s_______ are very cheap.

15. I was b_______ in June 15th.

16. When is your b_________, Nick? It’s June 15th.

17. We have an Are F_________ each year.

18. Our English speech c_________ is on May 3rd.

19. O__________ 1st is our National Day.

20. Do you want to go to a m________?

21. My grandfather thinks Beijing O______ is very i________. He likes it very much.

22. You can l_________ a lot about Chinese h_________.

23. My f_________ fruit is banana.

24. I can’t speak J___________.

25. We want two good m____________ for our band.

26. T_______ for your help.

27. S__________ is the last day of a week.

28. School s__________ at 7:30 in the morning.

29. I don’t like thrillers because they’re s_________.

30. Jack Chen is a great a__________ movie star.

31. Titanic is very s___________. Many people like it.

32. My c________ study in No. 1 Middle School.

33. The n________ month of the year is S___________.

34. C__________ make people laugh.

35. Can you play the t___________?

36. My brother often g______ to bed at a__________ ten o’clock.

37. Are you f_______ this afternoon?

38. His favorite s___________ is P.E..

39. I have eight classes on W___________.

40. I have no classes on w_________.

41. J_________ 1st is New Year’s Day.

42. How do you s________ pen?

43. Are those your pencil s____________?

44. Tom has a great sports c_____________.

45. I think this movie is very e____________.

46. We want a lot of v__________ and fruit.

47. The teacher has a q __________ to ask us.

48. “What’s your f_______ name?” “Mike.”

49. Sam is sitting n______ to the window.

50. We like ice cream for d__________.

51. Jack plays sports every day, so he is very h_______.

52. Jane t_________ her mother is at home now.

53. My father is very s_______ with me.

54. What do you o_______ do?

55. We are b_____ with work, so I have no time to play.

56. Jennifer’s e-mail a________ is jennifer@.

57. Can you sing or d________?

58. Thank you. You’re w____________.

59. I’m very s________ I’m late.

60. We will play football. J_______ us soon, please.

61. Do you like ball s________?

62. Don’t worry. Let me h_______ you.

63. Playing baseball is not very easy. It’s d___________.

64. Tennis is an e_________ in the Olympic Games.

65. A_______ comes after July.

66. Mary works very long h______, so she is very t_______ .

67. The hat is not big. It’s s_________.

mother’s favorite c is blue.

ai is my favorite c .

first day of the week is S_______.

71. My favorite subject is C .

72. W_______ do you like English? B is interesting.

is very t after the P.E.

a f time to eat breakfast!

75. When do you u get up?

76. He t the No.3 bus to the school.

are b with my study.

t does your sister get up?

s at 9:00.

doesn’t know my telephone n .

81.I like music b at school.

j the art club.

she have any brothers and s_______?

father is always s with me.

85.P.E is interesting ,but it can make me t

86. T is the fifth day of a week.

b her teeth every day.

Hongji is a great m .

are really f to me.

en like eating h in KFC.

91.I don’t like b , but I like oranges.

h is collecting the balls.

are 60 minutes in an h .

workers usually w eight hours a day.

95.L to music can make us relaxing.

w to me and tell me about your day.

97. He u gets up at six in the morning.

you like m or Chinese at school?

should eat h food.

100. Tom often h milk for breakfast.

101. Nice to m____ you.

102. My name is Smith David. My l___ name is Smith.

103. Her name is Jenny. She is a g___.

104. His name is Jim. He is a b___.

105. Three is before f___.

106. Let’s a_____ this question.

107. 790-2966 is her p____ number.

108. H___ name is Tony.

109. H___ name is Linda.

110. What’s y___ telephone number?

111. E______ me, Jenny. Is this your pencil case?

112. How do you s___ ruler? R-U-L-E-R.

113. This is my book and t___ is your book.

114. What’s this? It’s a set of k___.

115. Is this a b_______? Yes, it is.

116. What’s that in E______? It’s a watch.

117. Is this your computer g____? No, it isn’t.

118. Is that his dictionary in the lost and f____ case?

119. My name is Wu Dong. Please c___ 653-7056.

120. What’s her s____ ID card number?

121. This girl is my s____. That boy is my b_____.

122. These are my f_____ and those are my teachers.

123. Is Tom your s____? Yes, he is.

124. This is my mother’s brother. H__ is my uncle.

125. She is my aunt’s daughter. She is my c_____.

126. Mary’s grandfather has two sons, her father and her u______.

127. This is the p____ of my family.

128. The old woman(妇女) is my g __________ .

129. The man(男人) is my f______.

130. The two people are my p______. I love them

131. Are the boy’s CDs under the b____?

132. Your soccer ball is on the f_____.

133. W____ are her keys? They’re on the dresser.

134. Where’s the plant? It’s on the t____.

135. Please take these t_____ to your father.

136. Can you b____ these books to my r____?

137. I n____ a hat. I want to buy one.

138. Where’s your mother? I don’t k____.

139. His video t_____ are in the drawer.

140. Is his bag in the d____?

141. She h___ a red pencil and a pen.

142. I don’t have m____ friends.

143. My mother likes to w____ TV in the evening.

144. She doesn’t like soccer games. She thinks it’s b_____.

145. Let’s play tennis. That s______ good.

146. Michael Jordan plays b________ well.

147. I think swimming is d_______.

148. Do you play v________? Yes, I do.

149. Do you have a ping-pong b____? No, I don’t.

150. Does he have a great s______ collection? No, he doesn’t.

151. We all like c______. It is a kind of meat(肉).

152. The running s____ is my uncle.

153. Does Tom like salad? Yes, he d____.

154. Helen d_____ like broccoli. She l____ carrots.

155. Do you like t_______? Yes, I like them a lot.

156. Do you and your friends like F_____ fries? Yes, we do.

157. I like a_____. I don’t like o_______.

158. My parents like to eat f______ and v_________.

159. My grandfather eats lots of h______ food every day.

160. For b_______, she likes an egg and hamburger

161. How m____ are the socks? They’re two d______.

162. These are my p____ and those are my brother’s s_____.

163. Thank you! You’re w________.

164. What c____ is this shirt? It’s green.

165. Is this skirt l____ or s____?

166. Can I h____ a look at you new hat?

167. This is your s_______. H___ you are.

168. I can’t find my watch. I want to b___ a new one.

169. Thanks for your h____.

170. Look at the picture. What can you s___ in it?

171. Today is J_______ 3rd. It’s my birthday.

172. Please come to my birthday p_____ at six-thirty this evening.

ber ninth is a f_______ in China.

174. How old is your sister? She’s fifteen y____ old.

175. Thursday is the f____ day of the week.

176. When is your mother’s birthday? It’s O______ twentieth.

177. Do you have a C_______ speech contest?

178. February is the s______ month of the year.

179. Do you have a basketball g____ at your school?

180. Lucy and Lily like listening to m_____.

181. Do you want to go to a m_____? I want to see a comedy.

182. Do you learn the piano w___ your sister?

183. Who is your f_______ singer(歌手)?

184. What k____ of movies do you like best?

185. He is a student. I am a____ a student.

186. June o____ goes to see Beijing Opera.

187. We don’t have any classes on w________.

188. I think she is a s__________ movie star.

189. Is the new movie b______ or interesting?

190. Jackie Chan is a great a_____. I really like him but my cousin doesn’t.

191. I can d____. I want to join the art club.

192. Can you p___ the guitar? Yes, I can.

193. We want two musicians for our r____ band.

194. Tom can play the p____, but he can’t play it well.

195. Can she s____ French or Chinese?

196. Are you g____ with kids? Can you help them with s_________?

197. May I k___ your name?

198. I can play the violin a l_____. I want to learn about it.

199. I can’t sing o__ dance, but I can play chess.

200. Her e-mail a______ is cindyjones@.

201. What t____ do you get up? I get up at 6 o’clock.

202. I u_____ go to school at 6:30 in the morning.

203. My father w____ in a hotel. He is very busy every day.

204. When does your father get h_____? He g____ h____ at 10:00.

205. Can you write a l_____ in English?

206. What time is it? It’s a_____ 7:15.

207. Our history teacher is funny. We all love to l_____ to her.

208. A____ dinner, I do my h________.

209. He brushes his t____ and has a s_____.

210. Please t___ me about your morning, Mary.

211. My favorite s_______ is science.

212. W___ do you like music? Because it’s relaxing.

213. What’s your mother’s f_______ color?

214. I like biology because it’s i__________.

215. I don’t like h_____ because it’s boring.

216. Our PE teacher is very s____. We don’t like him.

217. M______ is the second day of the week.

218. W_________ comes after Tuesday.

219. My sister doesn’t like math, she thinks it’s d________.

220. Today I’m really busy and I’m very t____.

1. sister

2. English

3. Are

4. has

5. soccer

6. play

7. much

8. look

9. floor

10. need

11. Where

12. Parents,


13. colors

14. sale

15. born

16. birthday

17. Festival

18. Competition

19. October

20. movie

21. Opera,


22. learn, history

23. favorite

24. Japanese

25. musicians

26. Thanks

27. Saturday

28. starts

29. scary

30. action

31. sad

32. cousins

33. ninth,


34. Comedies

35. trumpet

36. goes,


37. free

38. subject

39. Wednesday

40. weekends

41. January

42. spell

43. sharpeners

44. collection

45. exciting

46. vegetables

47. question

48. first

49. next

50. dessert

51. healthy

52. thinks

53. strict

54. often

55. busy

56. address

57. dance

58. welcome

59. sorry

60. Join

61. Sports

62. help

63. difficult

64. event

65. August

66. hours, tired

67. small

68. color

69. city

70. Sunday

71. Chinese

72. Why, Because

73. tired

74. funny

75. usually

76. takes

77. busy

78. time

79. starts

80. number

81. best

82. join

83. sisters

84. strict

85. tired

86. Thursday

87. brushes

88. musician

89. friendly

90. hamburgers

91. bananas

92. hobby

93. hour

94. work

95. Listening

96. write

97. usually

98. math

99. healthy

100. has

101. meet

102. last

103. girl

104. boy

105. four

106. ask

107. phone

108. His

109. Her

110. your

111. Excuse

112. spell

113. that

114. keys

115. book

116. English

117. game

118. found

119. call

120. school

121. sister

122. brother

123. student

124. He

125. cousin

126. uncle

127. photo

128. grandmother

129. father/friend

130. parents/partners

131. bed/book/backpack

132. floor

133. Where

134. Table

135. Things

136. bring, room

137. need

138. know

139. tapes

140. desk/drawer/dresser

141. has

142. many

143. watch

144. boring

145. sounds

146. basketball

147. difficult

148. volleyball

149. ball/bat

150. sports

151. chicken

152. star

153. does

154. doesn’t, likes

155. tomatoes

156. French

157. apples, oranges

158. fruit,


159. healthy

160. breakfast

161. much, dollars

162. pants,


163. welcome

164. color

165. long, short

166. have

167. sweater, Here

168. buy

169. help

170. see

171. January

172. party

173. festival

174. years

175. fifth

176. October

177. Chinese

178. second

179. game

180. music

181. movie

182. with

183. favorite

184. kind

185. also

186. often

187. weekends

188. successful

189. boring

190. actor

191. draw

192. play

193. rock

194. piano

195. speak

196. good,


197. know

198. little

199. or

200. address

201. time

202. usually

203. works

204. home, gets,


205. letter

206. around/about

207. listen

208. After,


209. Teeth, shower

210. Tell

211. Subject

212. Why

213. favorite

214. interesting

215. history

216. strict

217. Monday

218. Wednesday

219. difficult

220. tired



1. What l____ does your father speak? He speaks French.

2. What’s your favorite s______? My f_____ subjects are math and science.

3. Does she have any brothers and s_______?

4. Please write and tell me about y________.

5. W________ does Paul live? He lives in Canada.

6. Can you w_______ a letter to me soon?

7. Where a______ your pen pals from?

8. He i______ going to the movies with his friends.

9. —Where does his pen friend c______ from? —He comes from America.

10. —Is that y_______ new pen pal? —Yes,he is .

11. —Is there a post office in the n__________? —Yes ,there is.

12. Just go s________ and t______ left.

13. Take a walk t_________ the park on Second Avenue.

14. September 1st is the b________ of a new term.

15. There is a b________ over the river.

16. T_______ don’t like him because he is a policeman.

17. She is a w_______, and she works in a restaurant.

18. I have much money w_____ me.

19. I like t _______with people and w________ stories.

20. My work is i________ and exciting.

21. The animals are very d_____________.

22. Zhao Benshan is a good a ________ and we all like him very much

23. Can you l____ your new pen to me ?

24. I hope you have a good t_______ to Hangzhou.

25. —W_______ do you like pandas?

—Because they’re kind of cute.

26. Look!The kids are f_______ kites over there in the open air.

27. I want to be a r___________ and work for a TV station.

28. Many children are p_______ basketball on the playground now.

29. Listen! The girl is s_____ an English song in her room.

30. In summer, people like to s___ at the swimming pool.

In winter , children like to play w______ snow.

31. Everyone is h_________ a good time in the park.

32. We all enjoy w___________ action movies.

33. Li Jie is the c__________ of the football team.

34. Her mother is of medium b_______.

35. —What s______ bowl of noodles would you like? —I’d like a large bowl.

36. Do you like to t________ with people?

37. His grandfather likes telling j________ very much.

38. Our Chinese teacher often t____ us interesting stories.

39. A________ are in the zoo.

40. Her p________ are both farmers.

41. —Where does Ann s______? —She studies at No.14 Middle School.

42. Be q______ in the library,please.

43. I have a J_________ friend, but she can speak Chinese very well.

44. It’s very cold in w_________ and hot in summer.

45. I like summer because it’s s_________ every day .

46. If you want to borrow some books , you can go to the l__________.

47. China is a c________ and Beijing is a city.

48. The students went to summer camp and t______ some photos.

49. He is a policeman. It’s an i______ but dangerous job.

50. Look! The c______ are playing football on the playground.

51. Listen! The birds are s________ in the tree.

52. There is an orange in the basket.

53. Kate and I are doing o____ homework now.

54. —Does she h________ a sister? —Yes ,she does.

55. My father h_____ a new car. He likes it very much.

56. Tony sits b______ Jim and me. We are good friends.

57. Last weekend, we visited the S__________ Palace.

58. —Why do you like pandas? —B_______ they're very cute.

59. —Where’s your pen pal from? —He is from Beijing ,C______.

60. The people in Guangxi are very f.

61. Don’t climb the tall tree. It’s d.

62. Do you like to write an interesting and e______ story?

63. They teach in a middle school, they are t.

64. I like my job, because it's r.

65. In spring, the l_______ on the trees turn green.

66. The post office is on the First A_______.

67. Lucy likes playing the p_______ very much.

68. My parents want to v____ Japan one day.

69. Let’s r_____ the newspaper together .

70. The zoo is very d. I’m afraid to go there alone(独自).

71. Go a ___ the street when the traffic light (灯) is green.

72. Can you write to me s_______?

73. Go down this street and turn r______.

74. The people in the market are very c.

75. We can see many kinds of a_______ in the zoo.

76. Don’t t________ too much in class.

77. I’m very h. I want something to eat.

78. Sometimes we take a walk a_____ dinner.

79. He found a little girl c____ in the corner on his way home.

80. They decided to go there on f________.

81. I didn’t have any money f______ a taxi, so I walked back home.

82. She isn't doing her homework. She's doing some r______.

83. It's seven in the morning. The Blacks are h_____ breakfast.

84. My brother is t__________ a shower now.

85. You should p________ speaking English every day.

86. She enjoys nice w______ about her looks.

87. Do you mind o_______ the window?

88. I was s________ at the bad news.

89. The old woman can’t s___ the idea that old people can't be beautiful.

90. She doesn’t mind what young people t______ of her.

91. He was tired and he didn't want to do a_______ any more.

92. The girl is very shy. She doesn't want to talk w___ others.

93. —What’s the w________ like today? —It’s sunny and hot.

94. —How’s it g_______? —Pretty good.

95. What do you think of the f_____ match?

96. Can you please put my letter in next month’s m_______?

97. He doesn't like talk shows. I don’t like talk shows, e____.

98. She w______ to the library and read a book about history.

99. Sichuan food is very d_________.

100. The things in the supermarket are very e__________.


language 2. subject,favorite s 6. write 7. are 8. is 9. come 10. your 11. near

12. straight,turn 13. through 14. beginning 15. bridge 16. thieves 17. waitress 18. with 19.

talking,writing 20. interesting 21. dangerous 22. actor 23. lend 24. time 25. why 26. flying 27.

reporter 28. playing 29. singing 30. swim,with 31. having 32. watching 33. captain 34. build 35.

size 36. talk 37. jokes 38. tells 39. Animals 40. parents 41. study 42. quiet 43. Japanese 44. winter

45. sunny 46. library 47. country 48. took 49. interesting 50. children 51. singing 52. an 53. our 54.

have 55. has 56. between 57. Summer 58. Because 59. China 60. friendly 61. dangerous 62.

exciting 63. teachers 64. relaxing 65. leaves 66. Avenue 67. ping-pong 68. visit 69. read 70. distant

71. across 72. soon 73. right 74. crowded 75. animals 76. talk 77. hungry 78. after 79. crying 80.

foot 81. for 82. reading 83. having 84. taking 85. practise 86. words 87. opening 88. sad 89. stand

90. think 91. anything 92. with 93. weather 94. going 95. football 96. magazine 97. either 98. went

99. delicious 100. expensive

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