荷兰 中英文对照

2023年12月21日发(作者:guess what是什么意思)

Hello! Every one, today I want introduce a country name is Holland. (Ming please

shows the Holland on the map), the national flag of Holland is on the black board,

looks like Yali’s uniform!

您好!每个人,今天我要介绍一个国家的名字是荷兰。 (明请显示在地图上的荷兰),荷兰的国旗上的小黑板上,看起来海亚的统一!

Well Holland is in west Europe, the complete name of Holland is The Kingdom of the

Netherlands. The Netherlanders speaks Dutch Holland is a developed country .The

capital of Holland is Amsterdam, but the government and international court is in

the Hague.

荷兰在西欧,荷兰的完整名称是“荷兰王国。 Netherlanders讲荷兰荷兰是一个发达的国家。荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹,但政府和国际法庭在海牙。

Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard is the most famous person in Holland. She is the queen

of Holland; she is a successful woman I think.


There are 12 provinces in Holland, they are Groningen, Friesland , Drenthe ,

Overijssel , Gelderland , Utrecht, north Brabant , north Holland , south Holland,

Zeeland , Limburg and so on.









8.北荷兰省(Noord Holland) - 西北部

9.南荷兰省(Zuid Holland) - 中部偏西

10.泽兰省(Zeeland) - 西南部

11.北布拉邦省(Noord Brabant) - 南部

12.林堡省(Limburg) - 东南部,延伸到比利时。

The national day of Holland is on April 30th, we also call it queen’s birthday.

Because this day is for commemorating late queen Juliana. On that day, you take any

thing in orange the symbol, you will get praise, and you can do shopping everywhere!


And from July 9th to 11th is North Sea Jazz Festival; it’s famous in the world!

There are many outstanding musician joining it! This festival begins in the Hague!


People: With over 16.5 million people and a population density of 488 people per

km2, the Netherlands is the most densely populated country of the European Union

and one of the mostly densely populated countries in the world. The total size of

the Netherlands is 41,500 km2. Amsterdam is the capital, but the government resides

in The Hague. More than 40% of the total population live in the Randstad, the

agglomeration of the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.


Language: The official language is Dutch. The population of the province of Friesland

has a choice between Dutch and Frisian, the only officially recognised regional

language. The Netherlands also include the regional languages of West Low German

and Limburgs. Inother parts of the Netherlands, people often speak a dialect besides

Standard Dutch. Many Dutch people also speak German and English.


Landscape: Water dominates the Dutch landscape. Three big European rivers (Rhine,

Meuse and Scheldt) reach the ocean via the Netherlands and create an important delta.

26% of the Netherlands is under sea level. During a age-long battle against the water,

the Dutch constructed a water system consisting of dykes, polders and weirs. However,

the Netherlands offers more variation than the familiar green, flat polder landscape

with black and white cows.

景观:水占主导地位的荷兰景观。 (莱茵河,马斯河和斯海尔德河)欧洲三大河流达到通过荷兰海洋和创建的一个重要的三角洲。 26%的荷兰海平面下。在对水的年龄长的战斗,荷兰人建造堤防,低地和堰水系统组成。然而,荷兰提供多熟悉的绿,黑白奶牛的单位圩田景观的变化。

Economy: The Netherlands is known as a politically stable country with a sound

financial policy. The Netherlands is one of the most open economies in the world

and is one of the world’s top 5 biggest exporters.


Three quarters of the professional population work in the tertiary sector, one

quarter in the industrial sector and only 4 percent in agriculture. Despite these

figure, the Netherlands are a big exporter of agricultural and horticultural

products. Some big Dutch companies are: Shell, Unilever, Akzo Nobel, Philips, Aegon,

ING Group, Rabobank, Heineken, TNT and Randstad.



Sports: The most popular sports in the Netherlands are football, hockey, tennis,

cycling, golf, volleyball, korfball, handball, swimming and ice-skating. Dutch

football and speed skating especially enjoy a worldwide reputation.


Orange is related to the Dutch Royal Family and represents the national identity

of the Netherlands. That’s why Dutch fans dress up in orange. During some sport

events the whole country turns orange and people become infected with what we like

to call the ‘orange fever’.


National anthem: The Dutch National anthem is ‘Het Wilhelmus’, which consists of

15 stanzas about Prince William of Nassau, the Prince of Orange. The anthem is still

played at official occasions, but most Dutch people will mainly recognise it because

it is played during international football competitions.

国歌:荷兰的国歌是“HET Wilhelmus”,它由15节左右拿骚,奥兰治亲王威廉王子。国歌在正式场合中发挥,但大多数荷兰人民将主要是承认它,因为它是在国际足球比赛中发挥。

Social ways: The Dutch are creative, open minded and pragmatic. They are also rather

direct, honest and open in their dealings with others. The Dutch are known for their

tolerant attitudes towards topics such as abortion, euthanasia and (soft) drug use.


Etiquette & Special Occasions 礼仪和特殊场合

The following are a number of pointers to help you understand the Dutch way of life.以下是一个指针,以帮助您了解荷兰的生活的方式。Etiquette礼仪 Getting acquainted: When

meeting family, friends and acquaintances it is common that everyone gives each other three

kisses on alternating cheeks. Men in general shake each other’s hand. 熟悉:当满足家庭,朋友和熟人,这是共同的,每个人都提供了相互交替的脸颊三个吻。一般男人动摇对方的手。

Conversation: The Dutch are known for being straightforward (which is sometimes experienced as

rudeness) and there isn’t a single topic that cannot be discussed in a informal setting. The only

thing that is not done is to ask a Dutch acquaintance how much he or she earns. 对话:荷兰简单(有时粗鲁经历),而且不是一个单一的主题,不能在一个非正式场合讨论。不这样做的唯一的事情就是要问一个荷兰的熟人有多大,他或她的收入。 Doing Business: The

no-nonsense culture means there’s not much room for chitchatting. You shake hands, introduce

yourself and talk business. Often you’re immediately called by your surname or first name, even if

you’re the managing director. 经商:没有废话的文化,意味着有很大的空间侃大山。你握手,介绍自己,并洽谈业务。通常,你马上叫您的姓氏或名字,即使你的常务董事。 It

is not done to start negotiations all over again after a contract has been signed. To the Dutch a

contract means the end of the negotiations: agreed is agreed. Spoken agreemenys, invitations and

promises are often taken literally. 不这样做从头再来的谈判后,合同已经签署。荷兰的一个合同是指在谈判结束:同意是同意。口语agreemenys,邀请和承诺,往往从字面上理解。

Presents: In Holland, it is a costum to bring along a present, not only to a birthday, but also when

you’re invited for dinner to someone’s house. This could be a book, flowers, chocolates or bottle

of wine. If you receive a present, you’re expected to unwrap it straight away. 礼物:在荷兰,它是一个costum带动,不仅生日礼物,而且当你邀请到别人的家吃晚饭。这可能是一书,鲜花,巧克力或一瓶葡萄酒。如果您收到一份礼物,你马上解开它。 Food: Food doesn’t play

a very important role in the Dutch culture. Breakfasts are often skipped, lunch is a simple meal of

bread, dairy products and fruit, and dinner is mostly potatoes, vegetables and a piece of meat.

Coffee and tea are enjoyed throughout the day. 粮食类:不打荷兰文化中的一个非常重要的作用。经常跳过早餐,午餐是一个简单的饭菜,面包,乳制品和水果,晚餐主要是土豆,蔬菜和一块肉。咖啡和茶,享受了一整天。 Dinner is usually between 18.00 and 19.

Restaurants often close their kitchen around nine o’clock. 晚餐通常是18.00至19.00时餐馆往往接近九点钟左右他们的厨房。

Special Occasions特殊场合

Birthday: Most people celebrate their birthday with family and friends. The birthday boy or girl

receives presents, while guests enjoy cake and drinks. A fiftieth birthday is always celebrated with

a big party. Men whose fiftieth birthday it is are called Abraham, while women are referred to as

Sarah on their fiftieth, in reference to the Bible characters of the same name. 生日:大多数人与家人和朋友庆祝自己的生日。生日男孩还是女孩收到礼物,而客人享用蛋糕和饮料。一个始终与一个大党庆祝五十寿辰。这是被称为亚伯拉罕,而女性则简称为莎拉在其五十参考同名的圣经人物,男性的五十寿辰。 Marriage: A civil ceremony is required to get married. A

marriage in the church is traditional. Guests are often divided in ‘daytime’ and ‘evening’ guests.

The latter are only invited for the party or reception. The Netherlands was the first country to

permit gay marriage. 婚姻状况:结婚,是一个民间仪式。婚姻是在教会的传统。客人通常分为“白天”和“晚上的客人。后者是只邀请党或接收。荷兰是第一个允许同性婚姻的国家。

Birth of a Child: When a child is born you are served a biscuit rusk topped with blue or pink

aniseed comfits, called ‘mice’. The Dutch often place a wooden or inflatable stork in the front

garden to announce to the world that a child has been born. 一个孩子的出生:当一个孩子出生时,你担任一个饼干腊斯克配上蓝或粉红的大料糖衣果仁,所谓的“老鼠”。荷兰经常放置在一个木制或充气前花园鹳宣布的世界,一个孩子已经出生。Funeral: Typical to the

character of the Dutch, a funeral isn’t seen as something to make a big fuss about. Although

custom funeral services are gaining popularity, the traditional funeral is most common. 葬礼:葬礼典型荷兰人的性格,不是东西大做文章。虽然自定义殡仪服务日益普及,传统的葬礼是最常见的。 Dutch Cuisine 荷兰美食 The Dutch don’t have a specific

cuisine. You can find a regular meal of potatoes, vegetables and meat just as easily as a

proper Indian, Chinese, Surinam, Turkish, Italian or Mediterranean meal. We simply like



Breakfast and lunch are simple meals of bread, fruit and dairy products. Supper is usually a

warm meal between 6 and 7 o’clock. Keep in mind that most kitchens in restaurants tend to

close between 9 and 10 o’clock. 早餐和午餐,简餐的面包,水果和奶制品。晚餐通常是6


Typical Dutch Dishes典型的荷兰菜 These are the Dutch dishes,

sweets and bread spreads you should definitely try, while visiting Holland: 这是荷兰的菜,糖果和面包价差,你一定要尝试,而来访的荷兰 Snert: pea soup with sausages; a

winter dish to help you reenergize. Snert:豌豆汤,香肠,一个冬天的菜,以帮助您恢复活力。 Stamppot: another winter dish with vegetables, potatoes and meat mashed

together in one stew. There are varieties with kale, sauerkraut, onions, carrots, sausages and

bacon. The final touch is an indentation in the middle of the stew that is filled with gravy.

Stamppot:另一个冬季蔬菜,土豆和肉一起炖在一个泥菜。有甘蓝菜,酸菜,洋葱,胡萝卜,香肠和熏肉的品种。最后一步是在中间的,是充满肉汁炖压痕。 Poffertjes: a kind

of mini pancakes, but thicker and sweeter. Often served with sugar and butter. This dish is

especially popular with children.

Poffertjes:一个小煎饼,但较厚,更甜。通常糖和黄油供应。这道菜,尤其是儿童的喜爱。 Patatje met: It’s not the fries that are special, but

what comes along with it. The Dutch prefer mayonnaise with their French fries instead of


Patatje满足:“这不是薯条,是特殊的,但什么来与它一起。荷兰人喜欢蛋黄酱代替番茄酱的薯条。 Bitterballen: the best snack when sitting on a terrace with a drink.

Small fried balls of beef ragout. The bigger brother of ‘bitterballen’ is a kroket, which is sold

at any snack corner.


“bitterballen”大哥哥,是一个kroket,这是在任何小吃角落出售。 Haring: the

most popular fish in Holland is herring. Eat it on a bun with onions or pickles, or choose to do

it the original way and have a bite while holding the fish in the air by its tail. 哈林:在荷兰最受欢迎的鱼是青鱼。与葱或咸菜馍吃,或选择做它的原始的方式,而持有它的尾巴在空中的鱼,一咬牙。 Liquorice: Dutch liquorice is available both sweet and salty and in

a wide range of shapes and flavors. Nowhere in the world do they eat as much liquorice as in

the Netherlands.

甘草:荷兰甘草甜和咸的和广泛的形状和口味。无论在世界上,他们吃在荷兰高达甘草。 Hagelslag: chocolate sprinkles on a sandwich is enjoyed by young and

old. Hagelslag:巧克力洒在三明治所享有的年轻人和老年人。 Muisjes: aniseed

comfits eaten as a bread topping and available with a pink, blue or white outer layer of sugar.

It is a Dutch custom to eat rusk with aniseed comfits to celebrate the birth of a baby Muisjes:大料糖衣果仁,吃面包摘心,用粉红,蓝或白的外层糖。这是一个荷兰的习俗,吃大料糖衣果仁腊斯克庆祝婴儿出生 Stroopwafel: a treacle waffle is a typical Dutch

treat. This flat waffle is best enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea. Stroopwafel:一个糖浆华夫饼是一个典型的荷兰对待。这平坦的华夫饼是最好的享受,一杯咖啡或茶。

Progressive Holland进荷兰 The Netherlands has attracted and welcomed people

from the four corners of the earth for centuries. This has given the Netherlands a reputation

for being a tolerant country that respects each individual. The open-minded character of the

Dutch is also found in politics, although the liberal atmosphere has lost some of its popularity

over the last few years.

荷兰吸引和欢迎的人从地球的四个角落世纪。这给荷兰是一个宽容的国家,尊重每一个人的声誉。荷兰豁达的性格也发现在政治,自由的气氛虽然已经失去了一些过去的几年里,其受欢迎程度。 The liberal way of thinking in the Netherlands has

led to a few special rights being acquired and progressive laws being passed. Being a

trendsetter, however, often also means you get criticized.


着你的批评。 Drugs: All drugs are forbidden in the Netherlands. It is illegal to produce,

possess, sell, import and export drugs. However, the government has designed a strict and

controlled drug policy that tolerates smoking small amounts of cannabis. 药品:所有的药物都禁止在荷兰。它是非法生产,拥有,销售,进口和出口。然而,政府设计了一套严格和受管制药物的政策,容许吸烟少量的。 Coffeeshops: Coffeeshops may only sell

soft drugs and no more than five grams of cannabis per person per day. Coffeeshops have

strict laws that control the amount of admitted soft drugs and the conditions in which it is sold

and used.

咖啡店:咖啡店可能只能卖软性和每人每天不超过五克。咖啡店有严格的法律控制承认的软性和条件,它是销售和使用量。 Homosexuality: Throughout

the years the gay community has received more and more rights and respect. These days, a

vast majority of the Dutch population supports tolerance and equal rights for homosexuals.

同性恋:多年以来,同性恋社区已经收到了越来越多的权利和尊重。这些天来,一个荷兰人口的绝大多数支持同性恋者的宽容和平等的权利。 Same-Sex Marriage: In 2001, the

Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.

同性婚姻:在2001年,荷兰是世界上第一个同性婚姻合法化的国家。 Adoption by Homosexuals:

In 2009, the adoption of children by lesbian or gay couples was made possible.


Prostitution: In 2000, prostitution was officially acknowledged as a legal

profession. From that year on, prostitution became a legal trade and prostitutes

had to start paying taxes. :在2000年,被正式作为法律界的承认。从当年起,成为合法贸易和开始纳税。 Gay and Lesbian Travelers同性恋游客

The Netherlands demonstrates its tolerant and progressive character when it comes down to

homosexuality. In 2001, the Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize

same-sex marriages. Until this day, a vast majority of Dutch society supports tolerance and

equal rights for homosexuals.荷兰演示时把它归结为同性恋的宽容和进步性。在2001年,荷兰是世界上第一个同性婚姻合法化的国家。直到这一天,绝大多数的荷兰社会支持同性恋者的宽容和平等的权利。 1

荷兰和荷兰是一个相同的地方? 2.26%的荷兰海平面下?3. 坐落在海牙的国际法庭是国际法院(和平宫)和“国际刑事法院呢? 4.荷兰仍然有大约一千个老式的工作风车? 5.荷兰是世界第三大出口农产品,只能由美国和法国之后,尽管荷兰人口只有4%在农业部门工作? 6.荷兰不低于29000公里的自行车道呢? and,第十二届省,回收的须德海(“南海”)于1986年? 8.荷兰是世界上最高的人吗? 9.阿姆斯特丹是完全建立桩? 10.荷兰始终有一个联合政府,所以它是一个妥协的国家呢? 11.每荷兰的人拥有一辆自行车,有许多自行车的两倍,有车? 12凡高凡高博物馆和Kröller米勒博物馆的藏品是世界上最大的的吗? 13荷兰已在世界上博物馆最集中的? 14荷兰是欧洲共同体的六个创始成员之一? 15阿姆斯特丹的运河,Schokland前岛,周围阿姆斯特丹的防御工事,Kinderdijk Elshout,Beemster圩田,瓦登岛,东风的风车Wouda蒸汽抽水站和里特维尔德- Schröderhuis都是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录“? 16在荷兰的最高点是在Vaals,高于海平面323米,也是荷兰,德国和比利时的满足点呢? 17阿姆斯特丹是资本,但政府在海牙? 18大多数荷兰人民讲一门外语以及荷兰? 19鹿特丹是世界上最大的港口之一?

20 Nieuwerkerk AAN巢穴IJssel是6.76米,低于海平面,这是在荷兰的最低

点? 21阿姆斯特丹有超过1200的桥梁吗? 22荷兰王位的继承人,王子威廉亚历山大,在水资源管理的个人利益? 23当你到达Schiphol机场,你是四米,低于海平面? 24荷兰已超过4400公里的通航河流,运河和湖泊?

25 你可以看到如何荷兰对海上发动战争泽兰Deltapark Neeltje Jans? 26荷兰说“一般法,即足够的疯狂”,适合像手套荷兰? 27圣尼古拉斯在12月5日前夕,是荷兰的一个传统节日? 28有没有在其中更多的liqorice是消耗比在荷兰的世界的国家:32万公斤,每年? 29荷兰的3%由国家公园?

在荷兰,14岁或以上的人必须携带原件及有效身份证明? 30荷兰约1.5万头奶牛,它们共同生产10亿升牛奶? 31平均而言,荷兰吃14.3公斤,每人每年的奶酪? 32每年出口500万公斤的奶酪? 33荷兰1048风车和108水车? 34在荷兰的工厂代表对水的年龄长的争斗? 35许多荷兰人吃只用他们手中的洋葱生鲱?

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标签:荷兰   国家   世界   婚姻
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