




, take place



It happens that I am free today.恰好今天我没有事。

take place指事先安排或策划好而后发生,没有“偶然”的意思。

, have to

must表示说话人的主观看法;而have to则表示客观需要。mustn't意为“不可以;不允许”;don't have to意为“不必”。如:

(1)My father had to work when he was ten years old。

(2)The play is not interesting.I really must go now。

, reach , get to


reach为及物动词。They reached Tianjin yesterday。昨天他们到达天津。


get to常用于口语,可代替前二者。

e , because of



We stayed at home because it rained.因为下雨,我们呆在家。

because of是短语介词,后面接名词性词语。

We stayed at home because of the rain.因为下雨,我们呆在家。

front of, in the front of

in front of„意思是“在„„前面”,指甲物在乙物之前,两者互不包括;其反义词是behind(在„„的后面)。如:He walked in fount of

me。他走在我的前面。There are some flowers in fount of the


in the front of 意思是“在某一空间内的前部”,即甲物在乙物的范围之内;其反义词是at the back of„(在„„范围内的后部)。如:There

is a big desk and a blackboard in the fount of our classroom。我们的教室前边有一张大桌子和一块黑板。

Our teacher stands in the fount of the classroom。我们的老师站在教室前

, see , watch


look是看的过程。I looked , but saw nothing.我看了,但什么也没看见。

see是看的结果。see a film看电影;see a play看戏(话剧)。

watch是看移动的事物或定晴地看。watch a football match看足球比赛。watch TV看电视。

me;sometimes;some time;some times

sometime是副词,可与过去时或将来时连用,表示“(在过去)某个时候”或“(在将来)某个时候”。如: I saw him sometime in May。

some time多数情况下作名词短语,意为“一些时间;一些时候”;它还可以作副词词组,用来表示一个未肯定的时刻,此时它可与sometime互换。如: I'll be away for some time。

sometimes是一个表示时间频率的副词,意为“有时候”。如:Sometimes I help my mother with the housework。

some times是“几次、几倍”之意。如:They have been there

several times。

long, how often, how far, how soon

how long意为“多久、多长时间”,主要是对一段时间进行提问,答语通常是(for)three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种


How long do you stay in Beijing every year? 每年你在北京住多久?

how often意为“多久„„次、是否经常”,用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是always,usually,often,sometimes,once/twice a day/month等。

How often do you get to school very early? 你多久早到校一次?

how far意为“多远”,对距离提问时用。How far is that? 那有多远?

how soon意为“还要多久”,是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,常用在一般将来时态的句子中,其答语通常是“in + 一段时间”。

-How soon can you finish the work? 还要多久你能完成这项工作?

-In half an hour.半小时后。

with,agree to,agree on


agree with 后面常接表示人或意见(看法)的名词作宾语。agree

with 还有“适合”、“符合”的含义。如:The climate here doesn't

agree with him。他不适合这里的气候。

agree to 后面一般接表示提议、办法、计划之类的名词作宾语。

agree on就„达成一致的意见。

, cross, crossing, through, past

(1)cross 意为“横过,穿过”为动词,相当于walk(go,run)across

Look both ways before you cross the road。

(2)across意为“横过,穿过”为介词,不作动词,不能作谓语,常放在动词之后,如:go across

He walked across the field。

(3)through 是介词,含有“从„中间穿越”之意,表示四周含有


The ball went through the window。


Will you be going past my house on your way home?


All the cars should stop before the zebra crossing。,in,with


I don't want to talk about it on the phone。


Can you speak it in English?


Don't write it with a red pen。


at, on, in三者都可以表示“在„„的时候”。


I get up at six o'clock in the morning.我早晨六点起床。


on Wednesday , on Sunday morning , on May I , on a cold

morning in 1936


in September , in the morning , in the afternoon

, a few;little , a littl


·few, a few是可数的,little, a little是不可数的。

·a few, a little含肯定意味,few, little含否定意味。

(1)They have a little ink, don't they? 他们有一点墨水,是吗?

(2)They have little ink, do they? 他们几乎没有墨水,是吗?

(3)She has a few Chinese friends, doesn't she? 他有几位中国


(4)She has few Chinese friends, does she?他几乎没有几位中国朋友,是开吗

(5)She has a little dog。她有一只小狗。

„ until, until

not „ until 直到„才„(主句动词是短暂性动词)

(1)He didn't go to bed until his mother came back。

until 一直到„(主句中使用延续性动词)

(2)I study hard until it is midnight every day。

, pay, cost, take

(1) „ on sth.某人花了„(时间、金钱)在某事上。

I spend ten yuan on the book。

(2)spend(in)doing sth.某人花了„(时间、金钱)做某事。

She spent two hours in drawing the house。

(3) „for „sth.某人为某物花了„钱。

I paid 50 yuan for the clothes。

(4) sb.„ 某物花了某人„钱。

It cost us five dollars。

(5)It takes/took sb.„ to do sth.花了某人„(时间、金钱)做某事。

It takes us ten minutes to brush my teeth every day。

much, too many, much too

too much + 不可数名词 too many + 可数名词 much too + 形容词、副词

(1)There is too much milk in the basket。

(2)She ate too many biscuits yesterday morning。

(3)He runs much too quickly。

(4)The chair is much too expensive。

, in

(1)After+时间段 表达过去一段时间以后,常用于过去时态的句子;

I received the letter after two days.我是两天以后收到这封信的。

(2)After+时间点 表示将来一段时间以后,用于将来时态的句子。

He will arrive after four o'clock。

(3)in+时间段 以现在为起点,表示将来一段时间以后,常用于将来时态的句子。

You will receive the letter in three days.你三天以后将收到这封信。

, before

(1)ago立足于现在,表示从现在起,若干时间之前;ago 通常与一般过去时连用,不能与完成时连用;

I met him three years ago。(距今)三年前,我遇到他。


I had met him three years before。(距当时)三年前我见到他一次。

, lonely


Though I am alone, I am not lonely。虽然我孤独一人,但我并不感到寂寞。


He was taken to a lonely house.他被带到一个荒无人烟的房子内。

, either , too , as well

also用于肯定句.You study English and I also study it。你学英语,我也学。

either用于否定句,并放在句尾;You don't study English and I

don't study it either。你不学英语,我也不学。

too和as well 用于肯定句,放在句尾,多用于口语。例如:

You are a student and I am a student, too.你是学生,我也是。

You know the way and I know it as well.你知道路,我也知道。































































TheoldmantookpartintheLongMarch。这位老人参加过长征。 , have , wear , put on


have 表示穿戴的状态。He had a straw hat on.他戴了一顶草帽。


She likes to wear the light green dress.她喜欢穿浅绿的衣服。

put on表示穿戴的动作.You'd better put on your overcoat

before going out。出门之前你最好穿上大衣。

dress既表动作也表状态。The mother is dressing her baby.母亲正给她的婴儿穿衣服。

care of, look after

take care意为“注意”,“当心”,“留心”。可以单独使用,也可以跟不定式或that从句。Take care!The ice is thin。当心!冰很薄。

take care of意为“照顾”,“照料”,侧重于负有责任这一层意思,后面的宾语从句可以是人,也可以是某物,比较口语化。Please

take care of my house。请照看一下我的家。

look after 一般情况下可替换take care of,在意思上强调看管或照料,其宾语可以是物,但多数情况下是人或动物。Will you look

after my dog?请照看一下我的狗好吗?



但在下列几种情况下,不可用if 代替whether。

1)当whether 与or not连成词组时。

I don't know whether or not they will come for our help。我不知道他们是否来帮助我们。

2)whether 用在不定式前面时。

She hasn't decided whether to go or not。她还没有决定去还是不去。

3)whether引导的从句放在句首时。Whether this is true or

not,I can't say。这是不是真的,我不说(或我说不准)

,either„or, neither, neither„nor, both „and


There are many shops on either side of the street.街道两边有许多商店。


If you don't go there, I won't, either.如果你不去那里,我也不去。


。连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的“就近原则”。Either you

or I am going there tomorrow。明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。

neither作主语,表示“两者中没有一个”。Neither of them

likes football.他们俩都不喜欢足球。

。表示“既不„„也不„„”。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。


Neither dad nor mum is at home today.今天父母都不在家。

若将。句型变为肯定句,只需把。改为and.。即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如: Both

dad and mum are at home today.今天父母都在家。

,have ,have

have 作“使某人做某事”解,have 后作宾语补足的不定

式通常不带 to。

have sb./ 与 have 的意思大致相同,只是现在分词作宾补强调动作在进行,而不定式作宾补只表示发生了某件事。试比较下面两个句子:The boss had his workers working all day long。那老板让工人们整天(不停地)干活。The boss had his workers work

fourteen hours a day。那老板让工人们一天干14小时的活。在 have

结构中,have 如被否定,往往作“允许”、“容忍”解。如:I won't have you saying such things。我不允许你讲这样的话。

have 作“(有意识地)让别人替自己做某事”解,过去分词表示的动作赏由别人完成,宾语是过去分词所表示地动作的承受者。还可批无意识的被动行为,have 作“受到、遭受”解。如:I had my

pen stolen。我的钢笔被人偷了。

,hear of,hear from

hear 和hear of 都可解作“听说”,hear 后面接宾语从句。hear


I heard him just now。我刚才听到了他说话。

I heard him singing in the next room。我听见他在隔壁房间里唱歌。

hear of后面接名词,代词或动名词。I have heard of him。我听人提到过他。

hear from意为“收到„„的信”,“得到„„消息”。例如:

How often do you hear from your father?你每隔多久收到你父亲的信?

注意:hear from的主语是“人”,而不是“信”。


初中英语短语大全 1.a bit(of)有一点

2.a few(表示肯定)一些;几个3.a kind of 一种;一类4.a little

少量;少许5.a lot of 许多,大量6.a number of 大量;许多7.a pair

of 一双,一副8.a piece of 一张,一块,一根

ing to 根据,按照

all 毕竟,终究

and again 反复地,再三地

to do sth.同意做某事

with sth.赞同,同意某人的看法 kinds of 各种各样的 over the world 遍及全世界

right 行了,好吧,(病)好了

the time 一直

year round 终年;一年到头

at(in)a place 到达某地

long as 只要

soon as 一…就… well as 也;又

……as possible 尽可能……

…as 和……一样

usual 通常,平常地

for 要,要求;请求 first 首先 last 最后

least 至少

once 马上,立刻

the age of 在……岁的时候 the end of 在……尽头

the moment 此时;现在 the same time 同时

times 有时;偶尔 able to 能够…… afraid of sth.害怕 angry with 生……的气

bad for 对……有害

different from 与……不同 famous for 以……著名 full of 充满,装满

good at 擅长;在……方面做得好 good for 对……有好处 interested in 对……感兴趣 late for 迟到

made from/of 用……制成的 strict with 对……严格要求 used for 用来做…… to 属于 proud of 骄


used to sth习惯于

……and 两个都,既……又

accident 偶然

down 损坏

air(bus, train, ship)乘飞机


the way 顺便说/ring 打电话给

for 喜欢,照顾(病人)

up with 赶上

…into 把……变成,转换成 to 靠近;接近 back 回来

down 落,下来

/be from 来自 in 进来 on 加油,过来 out 出来;出版;发表 true 实现

up 上来;上升,抬头

up with 提出;想出(主意、回答等)

e…with 与…..相比

t to 连接,相连

up 齐根割掉,切碎

in line 插队 with 处理;应付 on 视…..而定;决定于/try one`s best 尽力

some reading(shopping)阅读(买东西)

well in 在……方面做得好 up 穿上盛装

other 互相;相互…or… 或者…或者 oneself 过得愉快 if/though 即使,尽管

to face 面对面

asleep 入睡 into 落入;陷入

ill 患病,病倒

away 遥远的 from 远离

like doing 想要……;感觉要………with 用……填充 in 填充

out 查明,发现,了解 example 例如

…to… 从……到……

now/then on 从现在/那时开始 along/on with


into trouble 陷进困难 back 反回;回来,回家

in 进放;收获,达到

off 下车 on 上车;过活 together 团聚 up 起床

away 赠送;分发

out 分发

up 放弃

by 走过;经过,过去

fishing(shopping, skating)去钓鱼(买东


for a walk 去散步

over 仔细检查复习

to bed 上床睡觉 to school 去上学 to

sleep 入睡 abroad 出国 up 成长;长大

in 交给

out 分发

a cold / catch a cold 患感冒 a fever 发烧 a good rest 好好休息

a good time 玩得高兴,过得快乐 a

headache 头疼 a lesson/take a class 上课 a look

看一看 a test/an exam 考试 fun with 玩得开心 to 不得不

from 收到……的来信 of 听说

sb with sth.帮助某人做某事

……out 帮助某人解决困难

yourself to…… 请随便吃……

on 请稍等(别挂电话)ds of 好几百;许许多多 a hurry 快点

a minute 很快,马上

common 共同,共有

danger 处在危险中 fact 实际上;其实 front

of 在……前面

public 当众,公开

the end 终于,最后 the future 将来

the last few years 在过去的几年中

the middle of 在……中间

d of 代替,而不是

now 现在,刚才

让某人一直做某事 into sb.与……相撞 at/on 敲击 on 以后;随后 at 嘲笑

to 导致,导向

…by oneself 自学 from 向……学习 for 启程去…… to 听…… after 照顾,照看 at 看…… for 寻

forward to 盼望

like 看起来像 out 留神,当心

through 浏览,看穿


of 大量,许多 a living 谋生 a

mistake 犯错误 a noise 吵闹

a telephone call 打电话 faces 做鬼脸

friends with 与……交朋友

money 赚钱

up of 由……组成,构成 sth.使某人做某事 than 超过,多于

r……nor 既不……也不……

to 紧靠……的旁边;贴近 longer 不再,已不…any more 不再 at all 根本不,全然不

only…but also 不但……而且……

so……as 不像,不如

…until/till 直到……才 course 当然 foot 走路,步行

show 展出,在上演(放映)

sale 出售

one’s way to… 在去……的路上

the phone 通过电话交谈

time 准时

a week 每周一次

up 开戾,开创,开辟

of style 不时髦的,过时的 and over again 反复,多次重复

attention to 注意

for 付款 up 捡起;拾起 to 指向 off 推迟

on 穿上,戴上;上演

out 扑灭,关,熄

up 挂起;举起;贴(广告等) than 而不,非 …as 把……当作 away 立即,马上

away 逃跑,跑开 out of 用完 out 卖完

off 动身;起程,使火爆发

up 建立,创立

late 睡过头;起得晚

far 到目前为止…that 如此……以致

… on sth.在……花费……

away from 与……保持距离

up 熬夜;不睡觉

doing sth.停止做某事

to dosth 停下来做某事

…from doing… 阻止…做… as 例如

a bus/train 乘公共汽车/火车

a shower 洗澡、沐浴

a vacation 去渡假

a walk 去散步

away 拿走 care of 照看;照顾 it

easy 从容;轻松;不要紧 off 起飞;脱衣服

out 取出 part in 参加 place 发生

about 讨论;讨论;议论 to 幸亏,由于 day after tomorrow 后天 day before yesterday 昨天 more…, the more..越……,就越……

number of …… 的数量 same as与…… 一样 about 考虑;认为,想到 of 思考,考虑

nds of 数以千计的;许许多多 be honest 老实说

one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是………to…太……

而不能 on 试穿 one’s best 尽力

down 调节(收音机等)使音量变小

off 关掉 on 打开

up 到过,开大(声音)

to do sth.过去经常做某事;


and down 上上下下

up 用完,用光,耗尽

for 等待

up 醒来

the help of 在……的帮助下 on 从事;忙于

out 产生结果;发展;解决 about 担心 down 写下;记下 to sb 写信给某人

1.a big headache令人头痛的事情2.a fraction of 一部分3.a

matter of concern 焦点

4.a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是


nt in富于

t for 解释


to增加(add up to)

all 毕竟,究竟


of time / schedule提前

of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)


at once 突然,同时

but 几乎;除了...都

of a sudden 突然

over again 再一次,重新

over 遍及

right 令人满意的;可以

the same 仍然,照样的 the time 一直,始终

with /about sth.生气,愤怒

s about/for忧虑,担心ng but 根本不

from 除...外(有/无)

to 吸引,申诉,请求

able to适用于


riate for/to适当,合适

imate to近似,接近



the clock夜以继日

a matter of fact 实际上

a result(of)因此,由于

a rule 通常,照例

be concerned 就...而

far as 远至,到...程度

follows 如下

for 至于,关于

good as 和...几乎一样

if 好像,防腐

regards 关于,至于

to 至于,关于

usual 像平常一样,照例

well as 除...外(也),即...又

well 同样,也,还

d of羞愧,害臊

from 除...外(还有)

for the moon异想天开

a loss 茫然,不知所措

a time 一次,每次

all costs 不惜一切代价

all events 不管怎样,无论如何 all times 随时,总是 all 丝毫(不),一点也不 any rate 无论如何,至少 best


first sight 乍一看,初看起来 first 最初,起先 hand

在手边,在附近 heart 内心里,本质上 home 在家,在国内 intervals 不时,每隔... large 大多数,未被捕获的 last


least 至少

length 最终,终于

most 至多,不超过

no time 从不,决不

one time 曾经,一度;同时

present 目前,现在 someone's disposal 任...处理

the cost of 以...为代价 the mercy of 任凭...摆布

the moment 此刻,目前

this rate 照此速度

times 有时,间或


and forth 来回地,反复地

of 在...后面 up后备,支援 of几乎没有,缺乏 able to do能够 around差不多

available to sb.可用,可供 bound to一定

capable of doing能够

concerned with 关心…,涉足… dying to渴望

fed up with受够了be tired in hospital 住院

in season 上市的/in peak season旺季

in the mood to do sth.想做

pressed for time时间不够

tied up with忙于

under the weather 身体不好


(tell,order)sb.(not)to dosth.请求(要求;命令)某人(不)做某事


doing正在做某事 some doing做做某事 doing去做




Would you ?你介意做某事吗?

you for doing感谢你做某事[介词后用动名词]


busy doing忙于做某事with


(refuse)to do决定(拒绝)做某事


make do制作某物为了干什么


to do停下来去做某事doing停止做某事 on

working 继续做工作go on with one's workwork on

keep(on)workingdon't stop workingcontinue working

go on to work(原先不在工作)

made to do被迫做某事[被动语态后用“to do”]

be made by sb.被某人制造be made in some place在某地制造be made of sth.用什么质料制造be made from sth.用什么原料制造be made up of sth.由什么组成(enjoy,be keen


would like to do想要做某事want to do;would be interested

to takes time to do sth.做某事花费某人多少时间

late for(come late to)......迟到

(get)interested in对(开始)......感兴趣

pleased with对......感到满意 full of充满......be filled

with装满......e on对......动手术(be)ready for为......作准备get 把......准备好 带领某人参

观......show sb.把......给某人看 friendly to对......友好It's

very friendly of you!(你)真好啊! thankful to sb.对......感激 gone(been)to去了(去过)......have been in一直在......nds of不......;两者都不

既......又......;或者......或者......不但......而且...... good at擅长于......do 学得好

good for;be helpful to对......有益be bad for;be harmful to对......有害 about(over)考虑(仔细考虑)think of想念;想到

out the problem算出习题answer the question回答问题

with(/ ,the)玩东西(打球,奏乐器)

...from从某人那里借进......把......借出去给某人借......(一段时间)37.(not)as(so)...as...(不)象......一样(such)...这样......以致于......(单词);so that(从句)为了so (不定式)in (不定式)

night;in the day(time)在夜里(白天)

on the night of在(某天)夜里

medicine for治......的药's something wrong


's wrong with you?你怎么啦?What's the matter with


English(say it in English)说英语(用英语说它)

a 为......带口信给

leave a message for给......留口信give a message to给......口信's the ?......天气怎么样?

How is ?

front of在......前面♀in the front of在......前部♀ a

good time玩得高兴,过得愉快

have a great(lovely)dayenjoy oneselfenjoy one's timeenjoy

成千个......two thousand两千个.........既......又......;两者都.既不......也

every minute of it

with sth.同意某人关于......agree to sth.同意什么(different)kinds of各种 soon as possible尽快地as soon

as home;in在家

at Tom's;in Tom's home在汤姆家 the moment(now)此刻(现在)at the moment(at that time)那时刻(当时) able

to;manage to能(办到某事)be able to;can会(做某事) covered

with被......覆盖 famous for以......出名 proud of为......自豪 the way顺便说in this way用这种方法on one's way(to)在......路上get in the way挡道,妨碍 to do过去常做 be used

to doing习惯于be used to do被用来为了 time to


once for a while;now and then断断续

续;时而, friends with与......交朋友 sth.为某事表扬某人't do;wasn't able to do没做;没能(办到)failed

to do

are going to have [两个“进行”]

There is going to be died two years ago.[两个“死”]

He has been dead for two bought a bike a month


He has had this bike for a came to Shanghai

last year.[


He has been in Shanghai since last left Shanghai

last week.[两个“离开”]

He has been away from Shanghai since last

borrowed this book three days ago.[两个“借”]

He has kept this book for three did you

go...?[ 两个“什么地方”]What place did ?

long did ?[两个“多少时间”]

How much time did ? one's own[两个“属于自己”]

belong to sb.(宾格)

hour and a half[两个“一个半小时”]

one and a half e;take the place of(动词)[几个“代替”]

instead of;in place of(介词词组)instead(副词)

a bus(动词词组)[两个“乘车”]

by bus;in a bus(介词词组)

Games [两个“举行”]

the Games [两个“发生”]

This to...[两个“必须”]must

't have to do[四个“不必”]

don't need to doneedn't dodon't need any help

it out(副词词组)[两个 it 的位子]

go over it(介词词组)

well[两个“很好地照顾”]take good care of

t [两个“保护......免受”]keep

...,will you? ,will you? ,shall we? [几句特殊的反意疑问句]I don't think , is it? We , didn't we?

, aren't I? We', hadn't we? you take me

to the zoo, Mum?带去[三个“带”]

Would you please bring me some water?带来

He used to carry a bag in his hand.带着

sth.[三个“帮助”]help do

(Just)a moment.[几个电话用语“等一下”]

Wait(just)a on;Hold the off[几个“匆忙离开”]

leave quickly

go away in a hurry(hurriedly)

part in(join in;go in for)参加(活动)[几个“参加”]



enter for(报名)参加take进行(考测) is a doctor, too(as



He is also a doctor.(肯定)He is not a doctor, either.(否定)So


Neither(Nor)is(has;does)he.(否定) yet.还没有。[几个“not”]

any more(any longer)再也不......at all根本不......but不是......而是until直到......才;once more再次[几种 “再”]

again and again再三over and over


on [跟名词]pay(the money)for sb....it takes

time to do I...?No, you needn't.你不必要......[几对情态动词问答]

Would you like me ?No, you needn't.你不必要......Must

I...?No, you needn't.你不必要......I'm afraid you must.恐怕你有必要......?No, you mustn't(can't).你不应该(你不能)......No, you

may not.你不可以......I'm sorry you can't.很遗憾你不能......I'm afraid

you can't.恐怕你不能......ch[几个“许多”]

(可数)lots of(a lot of)(不可数)quite a fewhuge amounts ofa

large number ofa great deal must have had supper.必定;肯定[表示猜测]

Probably he's had may be at home.可能He's

possibly at s(Maybe)he's can't be in the room.不可能

He's impossibly in the to do sth.希望做某事 prefer

do sth.宁愿某人做某事 汉语的“建议某人做某事”,英语可说成suggest doing sth.建议做某事begin to do sth / begin doing sth.开始做 has lived here since 1988.[点用“since”;段用“for”]

He has lived here for seven will be back after ten


He will be back in ten has waited for you since I

came here.[“现完”;“一过”]

(“since”译为“既然”时,例外。如:Since all of us are

present, let's begin our meeting.)He has gone to the park.[过去的动作,没有信号,用现在完成时]

will come if it doesn't rain tomorrow.[主“将”;从“现”]

Please teach me English after he leaves.[“命令”;从“现”]

You can go as soon as the class is over.[“情态”;从“现”]

Water is turned into ice when it is made cold enough.[“一现”;从“现”] is in charge of the restaurant.[几个“负责”]

His job is to be in charge of the restaurant is

in the charge of is responsible for the has

the duty of the takes charge of the restaurant.谁有初中英语短语、句子大全?


afford to do sth.负担得起做某事 agree to do sth.同意做某事

arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth.要求做某事 beg to do

sth.请求做某事 care to do sth.想要做某事 choose to do sth.决定做某事 decide to do sth.决定做某事 demand to do sth.要求做某事

determine to do sth.决心做某事 expect to do sth.期待做某事 fear

to do sth.害怕做某事 help to do sth.帮助做某事

learn to do sth.学习做某事 manage to do sth.设法做某事 offer

to do sth.主动提出做某事 plan to do sth.计划做某事 prepare to do

sth.准备做某事 pretend to do sth.假装做某事 promise to do sth.答

应做某事 refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 want to do sth.想要做某事

wish to do sth.希望做某事


aim to do sth.打算做某事 fail to do sth.未能做某事 long to do

sth.渴望做某事 happen to do sth.碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth.犹豫做某事 struggle to do sth.努力做某事

二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词 advise do sth.建议某人做某事 allow do sth.允许某人做某事 ask do sth.请(叫)某人做某事 bear do sth.忍受某人做某事 beg do

sth.请求某人做某事 cause do sth.导致某人做某事 command

do sth.命令某人做某事 drive do sth.驱使某人做某事

elect do sth.选举某人做某事 encourage do sth.鼓励某人做某事 expect do sth.期望某人做某事 forbid do sth.禁止某人做某事 force do sth.强迫某人做某事 get do sth.使(要)某人做某事 hate do sth.讨厌某人做某事 help do

sth.帮助某人做某事 intend do sth.打算要某人做某事 invite

do sth.邀请某人做某事 leave do sth.留下某人做某事 like

do sth.喜欢某人做某事 mean do sth.打算要某人做某事

need do sth.需要某人做某事 oblige do sth.迫使某人做某事 order do sth.命令某人做某事 permit do sth.允许某人做某事 persuade do sth.说服某人做某事

request do sth.要求某人做某事 remind do sth.提醒某人做某事 teach do sth.教某人做某事 tell do sth.告诉某人做某事 train do sth.训练某人做某事 trouble do sth.麻烦某人做某事 want do sth.想要某人做某事 warn do sth.警告某人做某事 wish do sth.希望某人做某事 注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型:

汉语说:“害怕某人做某事”,但英语不说fear do sth.。

汉语说:“原谅某人做某事”,但英语不说excuse [forgive]

do sth.。汉语说:“拒绝某人做某事”,但英语不说refuse

do sth.。

汉语说:“惩罚某人做某事”,但英语不说punish do sth.。

汉语说:“建议某人做某事”,但英语不说suggest [propose]

do sth.。汉语说:“赞成某人做某事”,但英语不说approve

do sth.。

汉语说:“通知某人做某事”,但英语不说inform do sth.。

汉语说:“欢迎某人做某事”,但英语不说welcome do


汉语说:“坚持某人做某事”,但英语不说insist [persist]

do sth.。

汉语说:“希望某人做某事”,但英语不说hope do sth.。

汉语说:“安排某人做某事”,但英语不说arrange do


汉语说:“要求某人做某事”,但英语不说demand do


汉语说:“感谢某人做某事”,但英语不说thank do sth.。


do sth.。

汉语说:“阻止某人做某事”,但英语不说prevent do sth.。

要表示以上意思,可换用其他表达: 汉语的“原谅某人做某事”,英语可说成excuse [forgive] doing sth.。汉语的“希望某人做某事”,英语可说成wish do sth.。

advise do sth.。

汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语可说成arrange for do


汉语的“要求某人做某事”,英语可说成demand of do


汉语的“感谢某人做某事”,英语可说成thank doing sth.。


doing sth.。汉语的“阻止某人做某事”,英语可说成prevent

doing sth.。


admit doing sth.承认做某事advise doing sth.建议做某事

allow doing sth.允许做某事appreciate doing sth.感激做某事

avoid doing sth.避免做某事consider doing sth.考虑做某事

delay doing sth.推迟做某事deny doing sth.否认做某事

discuss doing sth.讨论做某事dislike doing sth.不喜欢做某事

enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事escape doing sth.逃脱做某事

excuse doing sth.原谅做某事fancy doing sth.设想做某事

finish doing sth.完成做某事forbid doing sth.禁止做某事

forgive doing sth.原谅做某事give up doing sth.放弃做某事

imagine doing sth.想象做某事keep doing sth.保持做某事

mention doing sth.提及做某事mind doing sth.介意做某事

miss doing sth.错过做某事pardon doing sth.原谅做某事

permit doing sth.允许做某事practice doing sth.练习做某事

prevent doing sth.阻止做某事prohibit doing sth.禁止做某事

put off doing sth.推迟做某事report doing sth.报告做某事

risk doing sth.冒险做某事stop doing sth.停止做某事

understand doing sth.理解做某事

四、接现在分词作宾补的20个常用动词 bring sth.引起某人做某事catch sth.碰上(撞上)某人做某事

discover sth.发现某人做某事feel sth.感觉某人做某事 find sth.碰上(撞上)某人做某事get


have sth.使某人做某事hear sth.听见某人做某事 keep sth.使某人不停地做某事

listen to sth.听某人做某事 look at sth.看着某人做某事notice sth.注意到某人做某事 observe


prevent sth.阻止某人做某事 see sth.看见某

人做某事send sth.使某人(突然)做某事 set sth.使(引起)某人做某事start sth.使某人开始做某事 stop

sth.阻止某人做某事watch sth.观


feel sth.感觉某人做某事have sth.使某人做某事

hear sth.听见某人做某事let sth.让某人做某事

listen to sth.听着某人做某事look at sth.看着某人做某事

make sth.使某人做某事notice sth.注意某人做某事

observe sth.观察某人做某事see sth.看见某人做某事

watch sth.观察某人做某事 察某人做某事


like to do sth / like doing sth.喜欢做某事 love to do sth / love

doing sth.喜欢做某事

hate to do sth / hate doing sth.憎恨做某事

prefer to do sth / prefer doing sth.宁可做某事


start to do sth / start doing sth.开始做某事

continue to do sth / continue doing sth.继续做某事

can’t bear to do sth / can’t bear doing sth.不能忍受做某事

bother to do sth / bother doing sth.麻烦做某事

intend to do sth / intend doing sth.想要做

某事 attempt to do sth / attempt doing sth.试图做某事

cease to do sth / cease doing sth.停止做



(1)remember to do sth.记住要做某事remember doing sth.记住曾做过某事

(2)forget to do sth.忘记要做某事forget doing sth.忘记曾做过


(3)regret to do sth.后悔(遗憾)要做某事regret doing sth.后悔(遗憾)曾做过某事

(4)try to do sth.设法要做某事try doing sth.做某事试试看有何效果(5)mean to do sth.打算做某事mean doing sth.意味着做某事(6)can’t help to do sth.不能帮助做某事can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事(7)go on to do sth.做完某事后接着做另一

事go on doing sth.继续做一直在做的事

注:stop to do sth.与stop doing sth.也不同,前者指停下来去做某事,后者指停止正在做的事,但stop to do sth.中的不定式不是宾语,是目的状语。



TV 看电视

on the phone 在电话上聊天

show 电视节目

a letter 写封信

a book/books 读书;看书

for 等候;等待

about sth./sb.谈论某事(物)/某人

of … ……中的一些;一些……

the first/second/next/last photo 在第一张/第二张/下一张/最后一张照片里

the pool在这个(那个)水池

home 在家

with sb.和某人在一起

this photo 在这张相片里 at/in the library在图书室

do one’s homework thanks for = thank youfor…为某事而感谢







too-two v.改变,改动

altar n.祭坛;圣坛 增:access n.入口


excess v.超过


bear n.熊;vt.承受 n.男爵

barren a.贫瘠的,荒芜的

bee n.大树枝

bow v.点头,鞠躬 n.v.刹车



bred 为breed(v.生育,繁殖)的过去时或过去分词

by n.细胞, 小牢房, 电池

卖, 出售 n.与弦,与音, 心弦

cord n.细绳

v.引用, 引证

sight n.视力, 看见

site n.位置, 场所 a.粗的, 粗劣的 course n.课程, 过程,

路线 ment n.补充

compliment n..称赞, 恭维话 n.果核, 核心

corps n.军, 部队, 团体 lor n.顾问

counselor n.顾问, 律师, 指导教师 n.坝

damn v.咒骂, 诅咒

deer vt.抛弃, 遗弃

dessert n.甜点心

n.露珠, 滴


a.应付的, 欠、/diu / v.死

dye n.染料

et a.谨慎的discrete a..分离的, 不连续的


adj.公正的 fare n 车费;船费 n.花

flour n.面粉 adv.向前方

fourth 第四 n.皮毛

fir n.冷杉;枫木

a n.大猩猩 //ge rui le

guerrilla n.游击队员 n.头发

hare n.野兔 n.大厅

haul v.拖曳 v.治愈

heel n.脚后跟 v.听见

here 这里


heroine n./hai ruo yin/ n.洞

whole 整个的 prep.在 inn n.酒店


aisle n.过道/ai ou/ n.骑士

night n.夜晚 n.节(距离)

not 不


no 不 n..小路;小巷;胡同 lain lie的过去分词

n.女子 made make的过去式 adj.新的 knew know的过去式

n.桶 pale 苍白的 n.与平piece 片,张

adj.平坦的 plane n.飞机 v.祈祷 prey n.牺牲品

n.雨 rein n.缰绳 reign n.王国;领域;统治 右

write v.写

n.戒指 wring v.拧 n.任务 roll v.滚动 n.根

route n.路线 v.航行 sale v.卖

n.景 seen see的过去分词 n.气味;香味

cent 分(钱) n.海 see v.看见

n.缝隙;接合处 seem 好像 v.剪;砍 sheer adj.陡峭的

sow v.播种 sew sow的过去式 单独的 soul n.灵魂

一些 sum 量

n.儿子 sun n.太阳 n.楼梯 stare v.瞪 v.偷

steel n.钢

ht adj.直接的 strait n..海峡 n.套房 sweet adj.

甜的 n.尾巴 tale n.故事;神话 他们的 there 那儿

h 通过 threw throw的过去式 adj.徒劳的;无效的 vein n.静脉 adj.微弱的 week n.一周 --holy

wholly ['həuli] adv.完全地;全部;统统

holy ['həuli] adj.圣洁的,神圣的;至善的;n.神圣的东西


Generate January(原因:Generate 的t 发音很弱)Seem sin(sei en或em)Perfect

profit(po fei te)Ride red

Content contact

(原因:contact 的c 失去爆破)Trick 计谋 track小路 truck汽车 --warn

发音一样,都发[wɔ:n],所以需要结合语境来理解到底是哪个单词。worn: adj.用旧的;疲倦的; v.穿;佩戴;磨损(wear的过去分词)warn: vt.警告,提醒;通知 --cheap chip [tʃip] : vt.削,凿;削成碎片;vi.剥落;碎裂;n.[电子] 芯片;筹码;碎片 cheap [tʃi:p] :

adj.便宜的;小气的;不值钱的(易区分:chip 偏 chai pu,cheap 偏

chei pu)--bottle

boat [bəut] : n.小船;轮船;vi.划船

bottle ['bɔtl] : n.瓶子;一瓶的容量;vt.把…装入瓶中;控制(易区分: bottle 读bao dou)


found [faund]: vt.创立,建立;创办;v.到(find的过去分词)

fund [fʌnd] : n.基金;资金;存款;vt.投资;资助 --pharmacist

farmer ['fɑ:mə] : n.农夫,农民

pharmacist ['fɑ:məsist] : n.药剂师 --dedicate

decade ['dekeid] : n.十年,十年期;十

dedicate ['dedikeit, 'dedikit,-keit] : vt.致力;献身;题献


morality [mə'ræləti, mɔ:-] : n.道德;品行,美德

mortality [mɔ:'tæləti]:n.死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运


Malaysia [mə'leiʒə;mə'leiziə] : n.马来西亚;马来岛

malaria [mə'lεəriə] : n.[内科] 疟疾;瘴气


assess [ə'ses] : vt.评定;估价;对…征税

assassin [ə'sæsin]: n.刺客,暗杀者


bread [bred] : n.面包;生计;vt.在...上洒面包屑

breed [bri:d]: vi.繁殖;饲养;产生;vt.繁殖;饲养;养育,教育;引起;n.[生物] 品种;种类,类型


oppress [ə'pres] :vt.压迫,压抑;使……烦恼;使……感到沉重

appraise [ə'preiz]: vt.评价,鉴定;估价


belt [belt] n.带;腰带;地带;vt.用带子系住;用皮带抽打;vi.猛击

bait [beit] vt.引诱;在…中放诱饵;折磨;n.饵;诱饵;vi.中途休息


optical['ɔptikəl] adj.光学的;眼睛的,[生理]视觉的

optimal ['ɔptiməl] adj.最佳的;最理想的--reel

rail [reil] n.铁轨;扶手;横杆;围栏;vi.抱怨;责骂;vt.铺铁轨;以横木围栏

reel [ri:l, riəl] vi.卷;眩晕;蹒跚地走;退缩;vt.卷;使旋转;n.蹒跚;眩晕;旋转 --aisle

owl [aul] n.猫头鹰;枭;惯于晚上活动的人

aisle [ail] n.通道,走道;侧廊 l--eagle

illegal [i'li:gəl] adj.[法]非法的;违法的;违反规则的 n.非法移民;


eagle ['i:ɡl] n.鹰;鹰状标饰 ple--principal

principle ['prinsəpl] n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉

principal ['prinsəpəl] n.校长;委托人,当事人;资本;主犯 adj.首要的;最重要的

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