




a. China abolish English as a compulsory subject in postgraduate entrance examinations。

b。 China make military training compulsory for all college students。

c. All major corporations operating in China should be required to offer student internships。

1。 Culture

a. THW require study of the traditional style Chinese writing。

b。 TH opposes the private ownership of artifacts deemed to be national treasures.

c。 THBT Shanzhai culture is bad for China。

2. Education

a. THW base teachers? pay on their students? performance.

b. THW make community service compulsory for all college students。

c。 THBT Chinese compulsory education should be extended to 12 years

3。 Economy

a. TH supports a new international trading currency.

b. THB that China should stop buying US debt.

c。 China should issue consumption vouchers to stimulate the economy。

4。 Global climate change

a. Developed nations should accept global warming refugees

b. Those affected by global climate change should have the right to sue major carbon-emitting nations。

c。 China should cap its carbon emissions。

5。 East Asia

a。 Immediate elections are in Thailand抯 best interest。

b。 ASEAN should expel Myanmar

c. Direct negotiations between the US and North Korea are preferable to the Six-Party Talks.

6。 Family & Population

a。 THBT women should be allowed to sell their eggs

b. TH would require the father抯 consent for abortions.

c。 China should legalize marriage between homosexuals。

7。 Crime & Punishment

a. Criminals sentenced to life imprisonment without parole should be allowed to choose death instead.

b。 China should establish a national DNA database of all citizens for the purposes of criminal investigations。

c。 This house would make parents liable for their children抯 crimes.

8。 Governing & Government

a. THW make one-year military service a qualification for public servants。

b. TH would require government officials to make full financial disclosure to the public.

c。 THW make all NPC representatives full—time, professional legislators。

Octofinals: Medical service

a. China should ban hymen reconstruction surgeries.

b. China should legalize physician—assisted suicide。

c. The World Health Organization (WHO) should have the authority to quarantine in times of health crises。

Quarterfinals: Judiciary

a. China should apply capital punishment only to homicide cases。

b。 China should fully establish a jury-by-peers system.

c。 Judges should be elected.

Semifinals: International Issues



a. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should admit Iran as a full member.

b. The United Nations should take control of Jerusalem。

c。 NATO should fully withdraw from Afghanistan before 2012.


a。 The USA should stop promoting democracy as part of their foreign policy.

b. Pre—emptive strikes on Somalia to curb piracy are justified。

c. This house supports Spain抯 criminal prosecution of members of the Bush administration.


The PRC should ban the production, sale and consumption of all tobacco products.

The Charter of FLTRP Cup National English Debating Competition

The British Parliamentary format

1. The Teams

Four teams of two debaters participate in each British Parliamentary debate round。 The teams

supporting the motion are referred to as the ”Proposition.” The teams arguing against the motion

are known as the "Opposition" teams. Two teams represent the Proposition: the Opening Proposition

and the Closing Proposition. Two teams represent the Opposition: the Opening Opposition and

the Closing Opposition. Each of these teams competes against all other teams in the round and

will be ranked 1st through 4th at the conclusion of the debate。

Opening Proposition

Closing Proposition

2。 Speaker Order

Each speaker will present a single speech in the order prescribed below。

Opening Opposition

Closing Opposition


Common Titles for Speaker


7 minutes

Opening Proposition Team, ”Prime Minister” or “Leader of the

1st speaker


Opening Opposition Team, "Leader of the Opposition”

1st speaker

7 minutes

Opening Proposition Team, ”Deputy Prime Minister" or "Deputy Leader 7 minutes

2nd speaker

of the Proposition”

7 minutes

Opening Opposition Team, "Deputy Leader of the Opposition”

2nd speaker

Closing Proposition Team, "Member of the Proposition” "

1st speaker

Closing Opposition Team, "Member of the Opposition”

1st speaker

7 minutes

7 minutes


Closing Proposition Team, ”Proposition Whip"

2nd speaker

Closing Opposition Team, ”Opposition Whip”

2nd speaker

3. Speech timing

Each speech will be 7 minutes. Points of Information are allowed after the first minute and before thelast minute

of all speeches。

Timing of the speech begins when the speaker begins speaking; all material—including

acknowledgements,introductions, etc.—will be timed。 A time keeper will provide a series of signals during

each speech as follows:

7 minutes

7 minutes







Single ring of a bell (POIs allowed)

Single ring of a bell (POIs no longer allowed)

Double ring of a bell (Conclusion of speaking time)

Continuous ringing (Conclusion of grace period)

Once the double ring has sounded, speakers have a 15-second ‘grace period', during which they should conclude

their remarks. The grace period is not a time for new matter to be introduced, and any new matter offered in

the grace period may be discounted by the adjudicators. Speakers continuing after this ‘grace period’ may be

penalized by the adjudication panel.

4。Speaker Roles

Each speaker has a role and each speech has a specific purpose。 The descriptions of speaker roles listed below

are suggestive and are not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. For reasons that vary from debate to debate,

speakers may sometimes need to fulfill roles not mentioned here and speeches may be constructed to serve other

purposes as long as Proposition speakers affirm the motion and Opposition speakers oppose it.

All speakers, except the final speakers for the Proposition and Opposition (Proposition and Opposition Whips),

should introduce new material。 All debaters should refute the opposing teams’ arguments, except the Prime



Role and Responsibility

”Prime Minister" or ”Leader of the The first speaker's responsibility


is to present a case supporting the

motion。 The primary role of Opening

Proposition team, initiated in this

speech, is to establish the

foundation for meaningful debate on

the motion.

“Leader of the Opposition"

The Opening Opposition’s primary

team role is to counter the first

Proposition team's case through


direct or indirect refutation and/or

provide substantive arguments

against the motion。

”Deputy Prime Minister”

This speaker should refute the

Leader of the Opposition's speech,

and further develop the Opening

Proposition team's case。

”Deputy Leader of the Opposition" T

his speaker supports his or her

teammate, answering objections from

the other side and introducing

additional arguments or support。

"Member of the Proposition"

This speaker should support the

position developed by the Opening

Proposition team by introducing an

extension. A successful extension

will develop a distinct argument

identity for the Closing Proposition

team while supporting the Opening

Proposition team. The Member of the

Proposition may also refute the

arguments made by the Deputy Leader

of the Opposition。

”Member of the Opposition”

This speaker should support the

position developed by the Opening

Opposition team and must also

introduce an extension。 As with

the Member Proposition, the Member

Opposition’s extension will be most

successful if it establishes a

unique argument identity that

distinguishes the Closing from the

Opening Opposition while continuing

the general direction of argument

initiated by the Opening Opposition。

The Member Opposition may also

directly or indirectly refute the

arguments of the Member Proposition.

"Proposition Whip”

This speaker summarizes the

Proposition’s arguments and

summarizes the refutation of the


Opposition side. With the

exception of refuting the Member

Opposition’s extension, the

speaker should not introduce

positive (new) matter.

"Opposition Whip"

This speaker summarizes opposition

to the extension and makes reply to

each team's position in the debate。

This speaker should not introduce

positive (new) matter。

5 。The Motions

A single motion will be announced thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the debate and will be presented to

all debaters simultaneously in a general assembly。 A different motion will be used for each round。

Motions typically focus on current issues or timeless controversies and are phrased in a way that is intended

to be specific and unambiguous.

and content of debates

British Parliamentary debating is a contest of ideas in which the Proposition teams are responsible for providing

reasons why the motion is true and the Opposition teams are responsible for providing reasons why the motion

is not true or why the Proposition has failed to prove the motion true. All teams have a responsibility to

refute, either directly or indirectly, arguments presented by the opposing side.

Motions are written in plain language。 The debaters-particularly the Opening Proposition team-should respect

the meaning and focus of the motion。 While the Opening Proposition team may clarify the meaning of terms in

the motion, they should not attempt to alter the meaning of the motion。 The Leader of the Proposition should

provide any clarification of terms at the beginning of his or her speech.

In the majority of cases, the clarification provided by the Opening Proposition team will serve as an adequate

foundation for the rest of the debate。 Should the Opening Proposition fail to make clear the focus of the

debate, or if the interpretation offered by the Opening Proposition team completely inhibits meaningful debate

or completely misinterprets the meaning the motion, the Opening Opposition may offer clarification of the terms

of the motion。 No teams beyond the Opening Proposition and Opening Opposition may substantially modify the

terms of the motion。

7。 Preparation

All debates shall commence 30 minutes after the motion has been announced。 Debaters may consult any written

materials during the preparation time。 Except for the designated CASIO electronic dictionary, no access to

other electronic media or electronic storage or retrieval devices is permitted after motions have been released.

Printed and prepared materials may be accessed during a debate.

Debaters may confer with their debate partner during preparation time。 Debaters may also confer with one tutor

from their university during the preparation time。Debaters may not confer with any other individuals (i。e.: coaches, other debaters, trainers, adjudicators, etc。) during the preparation time.

The Opening Proposition shall have the right to prepare in the debating venue。 All other teams must prepare

in separate locations.

Teams must arrive at their chamber within five minutes of the time of commencement of debate。 Teams failing

to arrive in time will forfeit the debate, at the discretion of the Chair of the panel.


8。 Points of Information

Debaters may request a point of information (either verbally or by rising) at any time after the first minute,

and before the last minute, of any speech.

The debater holding the floor may accept or refuse any points of information within this time. If accepted, the

debater making the request has fifteen seconds to make a statement or ask a question。 During the point of

information, the speaking time of the floor debater continues。 Management of Points of Information—for both

the debaters offering and answering Points of Information—will be considered in the adjudicators’ ranking of

teams and assignment of individual speaker points。

No other parliamentary points such as points of order or points of personal privilege are allowed。

Competition Administration

1。 Structure of the competition

The Competition shall be run in two main phases: phase one, known as the ‘Preliminary’ rounds and phase two,

known as the ‘Elimination’ rounds. There shall be one mock round, eight Preliminary rounds and four Elimination

rounds. All teams entered in the Competition shall participate in the Preliminary rounds. Only the top 32

teams will participate in the Elimination rounds.

2。The Mock Round

The mock round will be held as part of the training for the FLTRP Cup. The pairing of the mock round will be

random and the results of the mock round will not count for the Preliminary or Elimination rounds。

g the Preliminary Rounds

If the total number of teams entered in the Competition is not divisible by four, or during the Competition

the withdrawal of teams results in a total number of teams not divisible by four, the tournament administrators

shall employ “swing teams” to fill vacant slots。 The swing teams shall be ranked in each round relative

to the teams against whom they compete (i。e。: if a swing team is the best team in a round they should be

ranked 1st) but will be ineligible to advance to the Elimination rounds.

The first round of the Competition will be paired randomly。

At the conclusion of each preliminary round (except for the last round) teams shall be ranked in order of their

aggregate team points accumulated by the team; from highest aggregate to lowest。

The teams should then be divided up into pools of teams with the same amount of aggregate team points, with pools

being ranked from highest aggregate to lowest。

If any pool (the “Upper Pool") consists of an amount of teams equivalent to a number that is not divisible

by four, then teams from the pool ranking immediately below that pool (the “Lower Pool”) may be promoted

to the Upper Pool so that the Upper Pool consists of a number of teams that is divisible by four。 The team

selected for promotion must be selected randomly from the Lower Pool. If promotion of a team to the Upper Pool

results in a number of teams in the Lower Pool not divisible by four, each consecutive pool should be adjusted

in the same fashion until all pools have a number of teams divisible by four。

Once the pools have been adjusted, the pools are paired into debates of four teams in such a way that equalizes

the team positions in which each team will debate. The pairing should promote, to the greatest extent possible,

equality of distribution of team positions over the Preliminary rounds。

Preliminary rounds 1—6 shall be “open adjudication," with oral adjudications given by the adjudication panel

following each debate. Preliminary rounds 7 & 8 shall be “closed,” with no oral adjudication (including

any disclosure of the results of the round) permitted。

3. Selection of teams for the Elimination Rounds

At the conclusion of the Preliminary rounds, the teams shall be ranked in order according to 1) their aggregate

team points from the eight preliminary rounds; 2) their aggregate team scores, as determined by combining


the individual speaker scores for each team member; 3) head—to—head matches between two teams tied for a

rank; and 4) preponderance of first place rankings. If, after these tie—breakers are applied, a tie still

exists, the rankings of the tied teams shall be determined by drawing lots. The top thirty—two (32) teams

ranked by this method shall be selected to compete in the Elimination rounds.

4. Pairing of Elimination Rounds

There shall be four elimination rounds: Octofinals, Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Finals。 Each Elimination

round shall be paired by “folding" the bracket of the top 32 teams as determined by their aggregate team

points。 For example, the first Octofinal round would be comprised of the teams ranked 1st, 16th, 17th and

32nd. The second Quarterfinal round would be comprised of the teams ranked 2nd, 15th, 18th and 31st, and

so on.

5。 Advancement of teams through elimination rounds

At the conclusion of each Elimination round debate (with the exception of the Final round), the adjudication

panel shall select two of the four teams to advance to the next Elimination round. Those teams assume the highest

rankings available in their room (i。e.: for the purposes of ranking, the two teams to emerge from the first

Octofinal round will be ranked 1st and 16th, regardless of their ranking prior to the Octofinal round)。

For the Final round, the adjudication panel shall select one Championship team。 All other teams in the Final

round will be designated “Finalists。”

6 .Access to debates

In preliminary rounds, observers may watch a debate round with the consent of the teams participating in the

round。 Similarly, those interested in photographing or recording video of the preliminary rounds must obtain

the consent of the debaters participating in the round。

Elimination rounds are open to all observers subject to the restrictions of the tournament administration and

the constraints of the debating venue。

7. Tabulation staff

A tabulation staff shall be appointed and shall be responsible for the pairing and scheduling of the tournament

according to the provisions spelled out in the Charter.


1. The Adjudication staff

In general, the Chief Adjudicator is responsible for monitoring the quality and efficacy of adjudication at the

competition。 Specifically, the Chief Adjudicator will participate in the training of adjudicators, administer

and mark the adjudication test, rank adjudicators, oversee the placement of adjudicators into panels, oversee

on—going evaluation of the adjudicators in the pool, identify the pool of Elimination Round adjudicators and

Chair the Final Round.

The Chief Adjudicator may select a number of Deputy Chief Adjudicators to assist with these responsibilities。

The adjudication pool may be comprised of guest adjudicators, independent adjudicators, and others as deemed

qualified by the Adjudication staff.

The tutor from each university must serve as an adjudicator for the competition.

2。 The role of the adjudicators

Prior to the competition, adjudicators should be ranked as either “Chairs," “Panelists” or “Trainees。”

Each debate should be adjudicated by at least one “Chair" level adjudicator。 Ideally, each debate will be

adjudicated by a panel comprised of one “Chair” and two “Panelist” level adjudicators.

Each Preliminary round will be judged by panel comprised of an odd number of adjudicators, typically 3. Each


Elimination round will be judged by a panel of adjudicators comprised of an odd number of adjudicators, typically

5。 Each panel will have a designated Chair. Panels may include Trainee adjudicators who will participate

in the deliberation of the debate but will not have their decision recorded。

Following each round, the debaters will be dismissed and the each adjudicator must confer upon and discuss the

debate with the other adjudicators to determine the rankings of the teams and determine the individual speaker

marks。 The panel will attempt to reach consensus in their adjudication。 Should the panel be unable to reach

consensus, the will of the majority of adjudicators on the panel will prevail。

3. The role of the Chair

The Chair will be responsible for administering the round (calling the house to order, acknowledging the speakers,

maintaining order, etc.). Following the debate, the Chair should facilitate the panel’s deliberation to

promote participation and input from the other panelists。

Following the deliberation, the Chair should complete the ballot provided by the tournament administrators,

noting particularly that the ballot accurately reflects the will of the panel with regard to team rankings and

speaker scores。 The ballot should be returned to the tournament staff prior to the oral adjudication。 Once

the ballot has been delivered, the Chair should invite the debaters back into the venue and provide an oral

adjudication to the teams。

Ranking teams in Preliminary Rounds

Following each Preliminary round and as a result of the adjudication panel’s consideration, teams should be

ranked from 1st place to 4th place。 Ties in rank are not permitted。

Teams automatically may receive 4th when they fail to arrive at the debate more than five minutes after the scheduled

time for debate。 Teams automatically may receive 4th place where the adjudicators unanimously agree that the

team or one member of a team has harassed another debater on the basis of religion, sex, race, color, nationality,

sexual orientation or disability。 In any case, the debate should continue to provide all teams in the round

the opportunity to earn a rank。

Teams should be ranked on the basis of their




Matter refers to the content and substance of a team’s arguments. Matter includes arguments and reasoning,

evidence, examples, case studies, facts, statistics and any other material that a team uses to further the

case. Matter includes both positive (or substantive) material and refutation (arguments specifically aimed

to counter the arguments of the opposing team(s))。

Matter should be relevant, logical and consistent。 It should relate to the issues of the debate: positive

material should support the case being presented and refutation should engage the material presented by the

opposing team(s)。 Arguments should be developed logically in order to be clear and well reasoned and therefore

plausible. The conclusion of all arguments should support the member’s case. Members should ensure that the

matter they present is consistent within their speech, their team and the remainder of the members on their

side of the debate. All members should present positive matter (except the final two members in the debate)

and all members should engage in refutation (except the first member in the debate). The Government Whip may

choose to present positive matter if it is relevant to refuting the Member of the Opposition's extension.

Manner refers to the strategy and presentation of a team’s arguments。 Manner includes elements such as argument

choice, speech structure, vocal and physical delivery, use of POIs, and so forth。

Manner should enhance the team’s effort to prove or disprove the motion and should be compelling。 To enhance

their effort, the team should appropriately prioritize and apportion time to the dynamic issues of the debate,

present their arguments in an order that is clear and logical, engage the arguments of the opposing side through

direct or indirect refutation。 Compelling manner is that which presents the material in a way that demonstrates

a concern for vocal and physical presentation. Compelling teams deliver arguments with appropriate levels of

passion, present their material in a way that attends to appropriate vocal and physical delivery, and avoid


behaviors that detract from the force and effectiveness of their arguments.

This description of matter and manner is necessarily incomplete。 The adjudication panel should assess the

totality of each team’s efforts (including, but not limited to, matter and manner) to achieve a just and fair


Participants in FLTRP CUP must be aware that they will experience many different debating styles from the different

universities and experience levels represented therein. There is no single ‘correct’ or ‘right’ style to

adopt in this competition.

ing speaker scores

After the adjudicators have agreed upon the ranking for each team, the panel should determine the speaker scores

for each debater. Individual speaker scores should be assigned as follows, where a score of 75 would reflect

an average effort at the tournament.



Excellent to flawless。 The standard of speech you would


expect to see from a speaker at the Grand Final level

of the tournament. This speaker has many strengths and

few, if any, weaknesses。

Above average to very good. The standard you would


expect to see from a speaker at the semi finals level

or in contention to make to the finals. This speaker has

clear strengths and some minor weaknesses.


Average. The speaker has strengths and weaknesses and

roughly equal proportions。

Poor to below average。 The team has clear problems and

some minor strengths.

Very poor. This speaker has fundamental weaknesses and

few, if any, strengths.



The aggregate of the two team members’ individual speaker scores will comprise their team's team score. Each

team must receive a team score appropriate to their rank in the debate; no “low point wins" may be assigned。For example, if the 2nd place team in the round is assigned an aggregate team score of 170 points, the 1st place

team must receive at least 171 aggregate points. Ties in team scores are not permitted。

2。 Deliberations

The deliberations of the adjudication panel shall be closed; only the members of the adjudication panel and

the timer may remain in the room for the panel’s deliberation。

Trainee adjudicators may participate in the deliberation but shall not have their opinion recorded.

All notes made of the round or the deliberation are the sole property of the adjudicators。 The adjudicators

may not be compelled to make available their notes of the round or the deliberation.

Adjudicators should confer in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect。 The panel’s deliberations should

not exceed 15 minutes.

3 .Oral Adjudication

Following the adjudication panel's deliberation and after the ballot has been returned to the tournament staff,


the Chair should offer the teams an oral adjudication that reveals the teams’ rankings, the reason for the

panel's decision and comments and suggestions for improvement. Team points should not be revealed during an

oral adjudication。

Other panelists may participate in the oral adjudication at their discretion and as time permits. The oral

adjudication should not exceed 10 minutes。

Debaters must not harass the adjudicators following the verbal adjudication。

Debaters may approach an adjudicator for further clarification following the oral adjudication; these inquiries

must at all times be polite and non-confrontational。

Oral adjudications shall be offered only in the Mock round and Preliminary rounds 1-6.

4. Adjudication in Elimination Rounds

In the Octofinal, Quarterfinal and Semifinal Elimination Rounds, the adjudication panels shall select two teams

from each debate to advance to the next Elimination Round. In the Final Elimination Round, the adjudication

panel shall select a single team as the “Champion” team; all other teams in the Final Round shall be designated

“Finalists" without a ranking。

The Semifinal and Final Round adjudication panels may be comprised, in part, of guest adjudicators。 If guest

adjudicators are used, they should be familiar with the format of debating and the rules of the competition as

expressed in the Charter. In all cases, the number of Chair-level adjudicators should be greater than the number

of guest adjudicators on the adjudication panel。

Grievance Policy

1。 Constitution of the Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee will be comprised of two members: one representative from the International Debate

Education Association and one representative from the FLTRP. The Chief Adjudicator and the Convenor will act

as an

ex officio members of the Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee will be responsible for hearing, investigating and resolving grievances brought by the

participants in the FLTRP Cup.

2. Definition of a Grievance

A grievance is an allegation of a rule violation or a breech of conduct on the part of (a) participant(s),

competitor(s) or judge(s) in the FTLRP Cup. Grievances concern errors in the process of administering or

contesting the round。

Adjudicators’ decisions about substantive issues debated in the round are not subject to the grievance

policy. With the exception of those decisions that are the product of some defect in procedure, the decision

of the adjudicator(s) will not be overturned。

To be valid, a grievance must be filed in writing with the Grievance Committee.

Any matter may be discussed informally with the Chief Adjudicator or the Convenor prior to a participant filing

a grievance.

3. Processing a Grievance

Filing a Grievance

A grievance should be filed as soon as possible after the event that gave rise to the grievance。 In general,

the grievance committee will not consider grievances that address events from a round immediately previous after

the subsequent round has begun.

The written grievance should contain the following information


a。 Name, role (debater, coach, tutor, adjudicator, etc。) and university affiliation of the participant

filing the grievance.

b. Date, time, location and round in which the event that gave rise to the grievance occurred.

c。 Participants who observed or participated in the event that gave rise to the grievance。

d。 A brief description of the event that gave rise to the grievance。

e。 Identification of the section of the FLTRP Cup Charter that allegedly was violated.

f。 The remedy sought by the participant who filed the grievance

Upon receiving a written grievance, the Grievance Committee may interview the grievant(s)。

If the Grievance Committee feels an investigation is warranted, they shall move the grievance to the investigation


If the Grievance Committee feels that no further investigation is warranted, they shall declare the grievance


Investigating a Grievance

The Grievance Committee may interview any participant whom they believe will help them understand the events

that gave rise to the grievance.

Interviews of participants may be conducted in private.

The Grievance Committee may review any documents they believe will help them understand the events that gave

rise to the grievance。

The investigation phase of the grievance processing should be concluded as soon as possible。

Resolving a Grievance

The Grievance Committee has broad discretion when deciding how a grievance will be resolved。

In general, the resolution for a grievance will be focused on preventing the circumstances that caused the

grievance from arising again.

A written notice of the decision of the Grievance Committee shall be provided to the Chief Adjudicator and the

Convener, with copies to the affected participants.

4. Finality of Decision: Any decision of the grievance committee is final and may not be appealed.

Argument is movement

move an audience

advance positions

sway opponents

redirect questioning

follow lines of argument

take logical leaps

retreat from claims

push issues


drive points home

come to conclusions

arrive at a decision

Points of Stasis

Predictable places at which arguments pause

A point of clash between competing arguments.

Useful to evaluate opposing arguments

Points of Stasis

2 Types:

PROPOSITIONS: The general point in the debate at which the Proposition’s arguments

clash with the Opposition's

ISSUES: The specific points within the proposition over which the Prop and the Opp



PROPOSITIONS: The general point in the debate at which the Proposition’s arguments clash with

the Oppositions

Propositions identify the relevant territory for the debate (and exclude the irrelevant


Propositions divide the Prop territory from the Opp territory


ISSUES: The specific points within the proposition over which the Prop and the Opp disagree

Issues focus the points of clash within the proposition

Emerge as a result of the arguments advanced by the Prop and Opp sides

May or may not be acknowledged by the teams



“China should ban smoking"


Smoking creates a significant public health hazard


Banning smoking will have significant economic consequences for producers and retailers

Banning smoking infringes on the rights of smokers。

Debating (argumentation) is a contest of efforts to gain ground on particular issues

and, by so doing, on the proposition。

Ground may be gained by advancing (horizontally) against opponents or by expanding

(vertically) against other issues。

Distribution: Horizontal movement within issues

The contest between arguments made (construction) and arguments engaged


Prop: Smoking poses a public health risk

Opp: Smoking poses little public health risk

Expansion: vertical movement between issues

Comparing and contesting the relative importance of issues


Expansion: vertical movement between issues

Comparing and contesting the relative importance of issues (framing)。

Prop: Smokers’ rights are less important than public health

Opp: The economic consequences of this policy far outweigh the minimal

gains in public health, particularly when less intrusive means to

control smoking exist。

The Process of Adjudication

Priorities and Guiding Values


Tabula Rasa:

the “blank slate”

Education: participants should be encouraged to improve and develop

Non-intervention: let the debaters debate, don't make their efforts

irrelevant or do their jobs for them

3 standards and a model

The Standards:

Matter and Manner

Role Fulfillment

Better Debate

The Model:

The movement model

Matter & Manner


3。1.1 Matter is the content of the speech. It is the arguments a debater uses to further his

or her case and persuade the audience。

3。1.2 Matter includes arguments and reasoning, examples, case studies, facts and any other

material that attempts to further the case。

3。1。3 Matter includes positive (or substantive) material and rebuttal (arguments specifically

aimed to refute the arguments of the opposing team(s))。 Matter includes Points of Information。


 4。1.1 Manner is the presentation of the speech. It is the style and structure a member uses to

further his or her case and persuade the audience.

4。1。2 Manner is comprised of many separate elements. Primarily, manner may be assessed by

examining the speakers’ style (delivery) and structure (organization)。

Role Fulfillment

Opening Prop

Clear Model and Case

Refutation and Rebuttal

Opening Opp

Clear team line

Refutation and Rebuttal

Member Speakers (Closing Prop & Opp)



Whip Speakers (Closing Prop & Opp)

Holistic Summary

The “Better Debate" Standard

Who contributed most to (or detracted most from) the quality of this debate?

Guiding principles:

Inquiry: Are the most germane issues interrogated?

Advancement: Does each speech/speaker move the debate forward?

Engagement: Do the debaters test the arguments of the opposing side?

Performance: Who delivers the most compelling oratorical effort?

A model of adjudication


A perspective from which to consider the debate

A framework to guide your consideration of the round

Debate is a contest of ideas:

the best ideas should win

Less Practical Adjudication Models

“Truth of motion” model

Question: at the end of the debate, is the motion true or false?

Risk: the bias of the judge may make the debaters' efforts irrelevant

“Skill of debaters” model

Question: which team did the better job of arguing their position?

Risk: the debaters may be eloquent, but their arguments may be untrue。

The Movement Model

Before the round, the judge thought the motion was:

After the round, the judge thought the motion was:

Opposition wins, because they moved the judge the farthest.

Adjudicating the Debate

Identify the proposition

Identify the issues

Determine the winner of each issues

Determine the importance of each issue


Assess each team's efforts relative to the issues

Report the decision

Steps 1 & 2

Identify the Proposition: What is the question of the motion?

Identify the Issues: Over which specific points do the teams contest the


Steps 3 & 4

Determine the winner of each issue: Which side occupies the most ground for each

issue? (Distribution)

Determine the relative importance of issues: What is the

relative importance of each issue? (Expansion)

Truth: does the argument correspond to fact or reality?


Fidelity (External Consistency)?


Coherence (Internal Consistency)?


Validity: is the argument well-constructed and well—executed?


Effective expression?


Strategically deployed?

Step 5

Determine each team’s effort relative to each issue: Who did

what to win or rank each issue?

Step 6

Justify and report the decision

Oral Adjudication



Between 10—20 minutes

Delivered by the Chair

Wing adjudicators may contribute at the Chair’s discretion

Should not reveal speaker points


Reveal Rankings

Provide Reason for Rank for each team

Provide constructive criticism

Answer questions

Panel Adjudication

Achieving consensus

Many perspectives can make for better judging

Led to consensus by the Chair

Avoid bullying

Avoid laissez—faire leadership

Active participation by Wing Judges

Critical to quality decisions and adjudicator development

Don’t capitulate; don’t calcify

Isolate the difficult decision

Bench win?

Top or bottom half debate?

Agree on First? Fourth?

Decision between 1st & 2nd? 2nd & 3rd?

Can default to majority decision

Assigning Points


1—100; 75 average

Point inflation strongly opposed

Functional range: 60 - 90

Determining Points

Points are based on consensus

Start with agreement on highest or lowest for best or worst speaker

Individual points totaled for team points

No low—point wins

Example Extension THS corporal punishment in schools

Prime Minister (Education & Leader Opposition (Societal

Personal Safety)



Model: Reinstate corporal


Cycle of Violence

punishment in schools when a student


Violence is Okay

uses violence against another


Power Relationships

student。 c.

Domestic Violence


Ensure Safe Learning



Spare the Rod, Spoil

the Child




Focus on Learning



Student Safety

Member Government (Justice)

Member Opposition (Fight or



Construction (Social Psychology)

A. The Foundation of Modern


Perpetuation of Violence

Society a.


B。 Institutionalization


C。 Responsible Citizenship



Violence becomes second



Instilling Fear


Watson (White Rats)


Shutting Down

Problems of Extensions

Inadequate preparation

Following a difficult Opening Team

Failure to establish an identity

Burnt turf

Knifing / Shifting the debate



Interpret the Motion

Point of Controversy

Team Line



Motion Specific Burdens


Teams in the Debate

Opening Government

1. Prime Minister

3. Deputy Prime Minister

Closing Government

5. Member Government

 Opening Opposition

2. Leader Opposition

4. Deputy Leader Opp

 Closing Opposition


1. Taking a Position

What is your team’s position / stance / theme?


Defense of the status quo

New proposal

Philosophical principle

Flaws of the Opening Proposition’s plan

Relate all arguments back to this position


Picking the ‘Right’ Arguments

When preparing, ask yourself: What are the most important / relevant /

interesting issues?

Frame your arguments around those issues

During the debate, ask yourself: What are the best arguments being made

by Opening Proposition?

Focus your rebuttal around those arguments



Staying Relevant in the Debate

Weight of your case / arguments

Points of Information

Disadvantage of Opening Opposition: you speak first on your bench

So, POIs are *not* optional!

Offer at least 4 per speech in second half

Focus of POIs: your team position / stance / theme. Force the speaker to discuss your

best material!

Basic sentence structure


Opening –

“I am proud to be here to defend the right of children to build

a better future for themselves!”


Outline –

“I will explain why the right to vote is absolutely necessary and

fair in a democratic context. My teammate will discuss economics”


Content –

“Definition.。。 My first argument。。.。 this example shows.。. Yes I

will take your Point。.. our second argument..。in summary。.”


Summary –

“Today I’ve shown you why the right of children to vote is necessary

and fair。 It's the only thing that gives.。.。 and it also。。. “


Closing –

“Any government that cares for it’s people must care for their future。

And we believe the children are the future”



1. Guide judges – show the impact of what you are saying

“This is important because..。”

“My previous speaker developed this, they didn’t respond to it, it’s a problem


“They didn’t show the link between this, and this means。.."

2。 Clear transitions – when moving from one part of your speech to another, indicate

to judges

“Now that I have rebutted their two arguments, I am going to develop my positive


“.。and this proves that it will cause a backlash. Now to my second argument, which


3。 Summarize contributions – use summaries to emphasize your contributions and clear

up messy speeches

“So in my speech I showed you two things, A.。. and B。.。”

“Our team has clearly argued this..。.。 and they still haven’t shown.。。”

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