


provide free tutoring 提供免费

sb is available 某人有空

for the entire year 一整年

be aware of sth 意识到

first-year student/freshman 大一新生

additional support 额外的帮助

get extra help 获得额外的帮助

take notes 做笔记

wind up doing sth 结果…

have a hard time doing sth 做什么很困难

work with people who have the same interest 跟有相同兴趣的人一起

recommend v 推荐

recommendable adj 值得推荐的

get access to information 获得信息

from other’s people’s point of view 从别人的角度

provide free tutoring 提供免费辅导

sth is available可获得的, 有空的

for the entire year 一整年

be aware of 意识到

first-year student 大一学生

take notes 做笔记

wind up 结束

have a hard time doing sth 做某事有困难

get access to information 获得信息

other people’s point of view 别人的观点

be familiar with 熟悉

be conscious of 意识到

pervious experience 之前的经验

be exposed to 被暴露于…

recall 回忆

tend to 趋向,有…的倾向

do an experiment 做一个实验

a short period of time 短时间

make it difficult for sb to do sth 使某人做某事很难

in dim light 在微弱的灯光下

in the next step of the experiment 在实验的下一个步骤

show the image 展示图片

for sure 毫无疑问

How’s it going? 一切怎样?

apply for the passport 申请护照

What are you gonna do? 你准备怎么办?

fulfill the class requirement in a different way 用另一种方式满足课程要求

do a little research 做一些研究

miss out a great trip 错过一个很棒的旅行

go directly to someplace 直接去某地

pay extra 付额外的钱

look into sth 观察某事

It’s so last-minute. 这太紧急了!

attend a field trip 参加实地考察旅行

There is an easy way to solve the problem. 有一个更简单的办法来解决这个问题

let sb feel disappointed/ disappoint sb/ let sb down 让某人失望

prevent sb from doing sth 防止某人做某事

It can prevent the insect from landing on the leave. 防止昆虫降落在叶子上。

There is no necessary for sb to do sth. 没有必要做某事

keep one’s promise/words 信守诺言

break/eat one’s words 食言

bump into sb 撞见某人

for a whole day 一整天

ride bike to the state park 骑单车去国家公园

If you had less time you wouldn’t be able to do that. 如果你没有足够的时间就无法做那个事情了。

It doesn’t seem practical to me. 这对我而言是不切实际的。

That’s not gonna work. 那没有用。

The only catch is that… 唯一的缺点是…

Other students don't have this problem, the reason why some students have the

problem is that… 其他学生没有这个问题,为什么有的学生有这个问题是因为。。。

I see your point. 我懂你的点。

The route is out-of-date. 这个路线过时了!

stay up late at night 深夜迟迟不睡…

shorten the borrowing period 缩短租借时间

for longer periods of time 长时间

student ID card 学生证

It’s night time by time when we get back. 我们回来都到晚上了。

enter/get into campus buildings 进入校园建筑

cover one’s shift 替某人顶班

band rehearsal 乐队彩排

find someone to replace her 人代替她

talk to the band leader and ask for a leave 跟乐队的头儿请个假

It may ruin the performance. 这也许会毁了这场表演。

parking lots 停车场

when classes are in session 上课

It will create inconvenience. 这会制造不便。

I’m all for it. 我全力支持!

a bunch of friends 一朋友

the reason why… is that… 为什么会…是因为…

My daughter had a friend over to our house. 我女儿邀请了一个朋友来家里。

get into an argument 争吵

get upset 伤心

She realized her action was inappropriate. 她意识到自己的行为是不合适的。

bother to do sth 费心去做某事

She felt a lot of worry and stress about how well she would do. 关于她能否做好这件事情,她有很多担忧和压力。

apologize to sb 像某人道歉

feel anxious about sth 对某事感到担忧

wait for sb 等待某人

We were supposed to meet like 15 minutes ago. 我们本应该15分钟前见面。

sb hasn’t shown up 某人未出现

on one’s way over to someplace 某人在去某地的路上

be late for the movie 看电影迟到

have the ability to do sth 有能力做…

That did cross my mind. 我确实想到了那一点!

There is always something, right? 人生总有不如意对吧?

far away from… 离…很远

ask for a leave 请假

attend the band rehearsal 参加乐队彩排

have time clash/ time conflict/ scheduling conflict 时间冲突

reach/appeal to new customers 吸引新客户

used to 过去常常

have a large customer base 庞大的客户基础

be more likely to do 很有可能…

get (have) access to the Internet 连接网络

There is no Internet connection. 没有网络连接。

install the Internet 装网

block out the noise 阻挡噪音

focus on/concentrate on/ keep one’s mind on/keep one’s eyes on the ball/ keep

concentration/ keep focused/

repair shop 维修店

write the paper 写论文;hand in the paper 交论文;get the paper done/finish

the paper 完成论文

miss/fail the deadline 错过截止日期

ask for deadline extension 要求延长截止日期

at the beginning of next week 下周初

meet one’s her demand 满足某人的要求

ask sb to do sth 要求某人某事

turn sb for help 向某人求助

He dresses casually in T-shirt, jeans and sneaker. 他穿得很休闲,比如T恤,牛仔裤和运动鞋。

His coworkers prefer to dress up a little bit. 他的同事喜欢稍微打扮一下。

formal clothes 正装 casually clothes 休闲装

make friends with sb 与…交朋友

get together on weekend 周末聚在一起

It takes sb sometime to do sth. 某人花了…时间做某事

walk over to the dinning hall 走到食堂去

It's a safe assumption. 这是一个合理的假设。

inform sb 通知某人

primary source of food 食物的主要来源

be late for the class 上课迟到

clear the air 澄清误会

make full use of 利用

maximize the efficiency of doing sth 最大化做…的效率

I am not sure what to do. 我不知道要做什么

use the money on sth 把钱花在…

It’s going to put strain on the university’s budget. 这会给学校的预算带来压力。

regular salary 固定薪水

What a mess! 好混乱啊!

My flight was delayed several hours cause of the bad weather. 由于天气原因,我的航班被延迟了好几个小时

You must be exhausted. ( burned out, worn out )你肯定累坏了吧!

I hardly got any sleep. 我几乎没怎么睡。

question-and-answer session 问答环节

reschedule the exam 重新安排考试时间

put sth off/ postpone sth 推迟某事

I’ve got a lot of other stuff coming up. 我马上有得忙了!

give the presentation 做展示介绍

grab a cup of coffee 喝杯咖啡(强调时间紧急,随便喝一杯)

go through the notes 浏览笔记

I wouldn’t be as quick or sharp as I normally am. 我没有平时那么反应迅速和灵敏。

be required to do sth 被要求某事

develop independence 培养独立性

They don't have anywhere else they can go./ They have no place to go. 他们无地可去。

a bunch of times 好几次

keep the volume down 把音量降低

orchestra 管弦乐队

make a reservation 预订

resolve the problem 解决这个问题

make up for 弥补

persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事

watch an advertisement on television 在电视上看广告

admit to sb that…向某人承认某事

shop for sth 买…

spend money on sth 花钱买…

extra cost 额外的花销

in the long run 长远,终究

narrow down to one choice 缩小到一个选择

They come with a special lifetime warranty. 他们提供一个特殊的终身保修

remember the line 记台词

interview the director采访导演

it’s expensive for sb to do sth 做某事很贵

choose the cast 选角

it turns out that… 原来…

get a bad cold 感冒了

I could wait until she feels better. 我可以等她感觉好点。

make sense讲得通,有意义

lead actor 主演

come out 出版,发表

it’s no trouble for sb to do sth 某人做某事没问题

break down 分解;发生故障

take the exam 考试

write the paper 写论文

attend the review class 上复习课

prefer A to B 喜欢A超过B

listen to music 听音乐

first draft 初稿(论文)

final draft 终稿(论文)

miss the deadline/due day 错过截止日期

run out of time 没时间了

ask for deadline extension 要求延长截止日期

It's his fault. 这是他的错。

I am in a tough spot. 我陷入了困境。

do one’s best 尽某人最大的努力

deal with sth 处理某事

get good grade 获得好的分数

during the day/in the daytime 在白天

in the mid-night 在半夜

in the evening/ at night 在晚上

the other way around 从相反方向

feel homesick 想家

find a part time job 兼职工作

perform well in study 学习表现好

socialize with friends 跟朋友社交

grow mature and independent 变得成熟和独立

automobile=car 汽车

put effort to 努力

It’s a sure thing that…

repair shop 维修店

call back to sb 回电话给某人

fix the computer 修电脑

the end of the semester 学期结束

I can't keep my mind on my work. 我无法专注学习。

at the beginning of next week 下周的开始

have enough time to do sth 有足够时间做某事

meet one’s demand 满足某人需求

get in touch with sb 与某人联系

keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系

prefer A to B 喜欢A超过喜欢B

It’s true that… 确实如此…

improve the quality 改善质量

renovate the dormitory 翻新宿舍

electronic book 电子书

one-time expense 一次性的花费

the rising cost of sth …日益增长的价格

effective study aid 有效地学习辅助

compare to … 跟…比较

the latest version 最新版本

move toward 走向,前往

encounter obstacle 遇到障碍

scheduling conflict 时间冲突

I don't see the point of sth. 我觉得某事没有意义。

have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难

meet the requirement for sth 满足某事的需求

I’ve never had that kind of trouble.

wait to the last minute 等到最后一刻

set up/make an appointment 预约

rain forest 热带雨林

make contribution to/contribute to 做贡献

the deciding factor 决定因素

appeal to consumer 吸引消费者

rush order 紧急订单

take turn to do sth 轮流做某事

make the container as user-friendly as possible 使得这个容器更容易使用

condiment 调味品(ketchup 番茄酱;mustard 芥末;mayonnaise 蛋黄酱)

screw off the lid 拧开盖子

scoop out (用勺子)舀出来

None of the bookstore has the book in stock. 没有一个书店有这本书的库存。

cardboard box 纸盒;metal box 金属盒子

appealing 吸引人的;appeal to consumer 吸引客户

go away 走开; walk away 走开 离开

hold a concert 开演唱会

break into small pieces 分解成小块

break down 发生故障;分解

take root 生根,扎根

on top of sth 在…顶部

in search of 寻,寻求

over time/as time passes 随着时间推移

I don’t want any distraction. 我不想有任何干扰。

give sb a ride 载某人一程

Have you thought about taking public transportation? 你想过乘坐公共交通吗?

But you’ve got to make some choice. 但是你总要做出选择。

It’ll be a shame to miss it. 错过很可惜。

scheduling conflict 时间冲突

review class 复习课

cover the shift 顶班

give/deliver a speech 演讲

As far as the first reason goes. 说到第一个原因。

take a trip 旅行

look out the window 看窗外

He hasn’t seen his friend for a long time. 他很久没见到他的朋友了。

cover v 采访、报导

up-to-date adj 最新;out-of-date adj 过时的

make room for… 给…让出地方

keep track of sth 追踪

carry around 随身携带

take place 发生,举行

get together on weekend 周末聚在一起

dress up 打扮得漂漂亮亮的

change the schedule 改变时间表

That sounds good! 那听上去不错!

Students will offer unique and valuable insight. 学生可以提供独特的、有价值的见解。

Every time I’ve been there… 每次我去那里的时候…

be good at sth 擅长某事

When I was first shown around the campus. 当我第一次参观校园的事后。

first-hand knowledge 第一手的知识

sb has doubt about sth 某人对某事表示怀疑

fall in love with sth 爱上…

fix up 修好

remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事

Did you finish your paper? 你完成论文了吗?

give a reminder 提示

sth get canceled at the last minute 某事在最后一刻被取消

I haven’t thought of that. 我没想过那个。

Everyone checks e-mail at least once a day. 每个人每天至少查看一次邮件。

raise hand to answer the question 举手回答问题

have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难

call out the answer 大声喊出来答案

When does the play open? 戏剧什么时候开演?

remember the line 记台词

supporting role 配角

What can you do at this point?

minor role 小角

hurt one’s feeling 伤害某人的感情

What on earth is the university thinking? 学校究竟在想什么?

energy-efficient 能源有效的

You’re probably right. 你也许是对的。

There’re some really basic improvements they can make that’ll make a huge

difference in the long term. 他们可以做一些基本的改善,而从长远来看,可以获得巨大的不同。

start a business 创业,做生意

I know how tough it is to make a new business succeed. 我知道让一个新的商业成功是很艰难的。

everyone has heard about … 每个人都听说过…

reduce the noise 减少噪音

It’s a waste of money to do sth. 做某事很浪费钱。

be familiar with sth 熟悉…

prefer A to B 喜欢A超过喜欢B

get ready to do sth 准备好做某事

It can strengthen people’s awareness of environmental protection. 加强人们的环保意识。

a few days ago 几天前 a few days later 几天后

You are running out of time. 你没时间了。

ask the professor for deadline extension 要求教授延长截止日期

take some responsibility for sth 为某事负责

I don’t think it’s a good idea. 我觉得这不是个好主意。

I guess it can be kind of disruptive. 我觉得这很打扰人的。

It will interfere with everyone’s concentration. 这会干扰人们的注意力。

at the end of the semester 在学期末

it’s not appropriate to do sth… 做某事不合适

prepare for exam 准备考试;do review 复习

make career decision 做职业决定

when he graduated 当他毕业的时候

gain confidence 获得自信

quit the job 辞职

move off campus 搬到校外

take one’s place 取代某人

The thing is, I am concerned about… 问题是,我很担心…

go to sleep 睡觉

study schedule 学习计划

It is convenient to live on campus. 住学校很方便。

I have to let them know by the end of the week. 我必须在这周末之前告知他们。

It would definitely be economical with everyone splitting the rent. 每个人分摊房租很经济实惠的。

over time=as time passes=gradually随着时间的过去;渐渐的

blend in 融入;混合

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