



题型有:1. PART 1

PART 1 (20 points, 10 minutes)

SECTION 2 (10 points)Listen to the following short statements and then

choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement. There are 10

questions in this section, 1 points for each question. You will hear the recording only


听力原文:In general, most states permit children to hunt or use a gun when an

adult is with them.

1. Under what circumstance do most states permit children to hunt or use a


A.When an adult is with them.

B.When they learn how to fire.

C.When they know about gun knowledge.

D.When an adult allows them.



听力原文:American movies, video games and language create a culture of gun


2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the statement you’ve just


A.American movies, video games and language refuse gun violence.

B.American movies, video games and language spread gun violence.

C.American movies, video games and language dislike gun violence.

D.American movies, video games and language avoid gun violence.


解析:“create a culture of gun violence”指的是构造了这种支暴力文化,即传播了支暴力,而非拒绝(refuse)、讨厌(dislike)或者避免(avoid)支暴力,故B为正确选项。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Technology has made the justice system much more accessible with

the flood of information, free tools and more choices in the legal market.

3. What aspect of technology is NOT mentioned to make the justice system

much more accessible?

A.Flood of information.

B.Free tools.

C.Theoretical knowledge.

D.More choices.


解析:这是个细节题,A、B、D选项均为提及的几个方面,C项的理论知识并没有提及,故C为正确选项。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:There are now more than 600 law blogs across Canada.

4. How many law blogs are there across Canada?

A.More than 6000.

B.More than 600.

C.More than 500.

D.More than 1600.


解析:本题考查的是数字的听辨能力,故B为正确选项。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Lawyers need to stand out online more than ever.

5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the statement you’ve just


A.Lawyers need work more time online than ever.

B.Lawyers face up to more challenges online than ever.

C.Lawyers need turn away from the Internet more than ever.

D.Lawyers need more chances to be online than ever.


解析:“stand out”有“站出来、坚持到底”的意思,这里指的是律师需要前所未有的花更多时间在线上,所以A为正确选项。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:The majority of those who died today were children.

6. Which of the following is true according to the statement?

A.Most of the victims were adults.

B.Only a few of the victims were adults.

C.Most of the victims were children.

D.Only a few of the victims were children.


解析:“maiority”指的是大多数,the majority of与most是同义替换,故C为正确选项。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Teenagers who switch off the TV and sit down to family meals are

less likely to suffer eating disorders.

7. Who are likely to suffer eating disorders according to what you’ve just


A.Teenagers who watch TV and sit down to family meals.

B.Teenagers who watch TV and do not sit down to family meals.

C.Teenagers who do not watch TV while having family meals.

D.Teenagers who watch TV while having family meals.




听力原文:Today, the railroad system is still an important part of the US’s

transportation system but it plays a much smaller part than it once did.

8. Which of the following is true about the railroad system today in the US?

A.It is less important than it once did.

B.It is as important as it once did.

C.It is not important to the nation’s transportation system as the high way.

D.It is more important than it once did.


解析:原文的意思是“今天的铁路系统仍然是美国交通系统中的一个重要部分,但其重要性已经不如从前”,由于没有提及公路,因此正确选项为A。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Many historians and scholars believe the Emancipation Proclamation

is one of the greatest documents in human freedom. It is as important in American

history as the Declaration of Independence.

9. What is true about the Emancipation Proclamation?

A.A document about human freedom.

B.A document about American history.

C.It is more important than the Declaration of Independence.

D.It is less important than the Declaration of Independence.


解析:原文的意思是“很多历史学家和学者都认为《解放黑奴宣言》是关于人类自由中最伟大的文献之一,在美国历史中,与《独立宣言》的地位同样重要”,因此正确选项为A。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:More than 75% of England’s adult population go to pubs, visiting the

pub more than once a week. Pubs are used by people of all ages, classes, occupations,

and education levels.

10. What can be inferred from the statement?

A.Males are more likely to go to pubs in England compared with females.

B.People who enjoy better education are less likely to go to pubs in England.

C.All English people like to go to the pubs.

D.About three quarters of the adult population like to go to the pubs.


解析:原文的意思是“75%以上的英国成年人会光顾酒吧,每周会去一次以上。所有不同年龄层次、阶层、职业和教育背景的人都会去酒吧”,本题需要注意百分数和分数之间的转换,75%即3/4,因此正确选项为D。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:A recent study reveals that people are more likely to get hired if they

look well-groomed, that good-looking people make about 12% more money than less

appealing folks.

11. What does the study reveal?

A.Less appealing people tend to have more opportunities in employment.

B.Less appealing people tend to make more money.

C.It is easier for good-looking people to get hired and make more money.

D.Good-looking people tend to make less money.


解析:原文的大意是“长相漂亮、打扮精致的人更容易获得工作机会,赚更多的钱”。据此,正确选项为C。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:During the Harlem Renaissance, African-American literature, art and

music grew quickly in New York City. Langston Hughes was one of the writers of the

Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s.

12. What do we know about Langston Hughes?

A.He is an African-American musician in the Harlem Renaissance.

B.He is a leading singer in the Harlem Renaissance.

C.He is not a leading artist in the Harlem Renaissance.

D.He is an African-American writer in the Harlem Renaissance.


解析:根据原文“Langston Hughes was one of the writers of the Harlem

Renaissance of the 1920s”,Langston Hughes是美国著名黑人小说家、诗人和戏剧家,所以D选项正确。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:The Statue of Liberty has served as the guardian of New York Harbor

for more than a century. Today the monument continues to present a beautiful sight on

the New York skyline.

13. What is true about The Statue of Liberty?

A.It is a symbol of New York in Central Park.

B.It was built in this century.

C.It is a beautiful sight today in New York City.

D.It served as the guardian of New York for more than 300 years.


解析:原文的意思是“自由女神像守卫在纽约港一个多世纪,今天,她依然是纽约天际线上的一道亮丽风景”。A选项无法从原文推知,B和D都是信息理解错误,因此正确选项为C。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Folk music researcher Bob Carlin notes the historic importance of

protest songs. He says they help give voice to cultural and social movements.

14. Why does the researcher think protest songs historically important?

A.Because they are reflections of cultural and social movements.

B.Because they are part of cultural and social movements.

C.Because they give help to cultural and social movements.

D.Because they have guidance on cultural and social movements.


解析:解答本题的关键是理解词组“give voice to”(意为“表达、吐露”),因此选择A。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:It is hard to think of anyone that Christmas is more special for than

children. Children know Santa Claus as the one who leaves gifts under the tree on

Christmas Eve.

15. Which of the following is true according to what you’ve just heard?

A.Christmas is more special for children.

B.Christmas is more significant for adults.

C.Santa Claus is the old man with a big belly.

D.Santa Claus leaves gifts under Christmas tree.


解析:根据原文的意思可知,B选项与原文意思相反,C选项无法从原文中获得,D选项是孩子们认为的,并不是真实的,因此正确选项为A。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:The African-American writer Richard Wright’s book Native Son was

a huge success. It strongly influenced public opinion about race issues.

16. What is the book Native Son about?

A.African issue.

B.Racial issue.

C.Gender issue.

D.Cultural issue.


解析:根据原文“It strongly influenced public opinion about race issues and…”,解答本题的关键是抓住词组“race issues”,因此正确选项为B。 知识模块:句


听力原文:”Culture shock” happens to people who have been suddenly placed in

a foreign land.

17. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the statement you’ve just


A.People who live near their homeland may encounter culture shock.

B.People who once lived in a foreign country may encounter culture shock.

C.People who have suddenly been in a foreign land may not encounter culture


D.People who live in a foreign land may encounter culture shock.


解析:原文的意思是“突然置身于异国他乡的人常常会产生‘文化冲击’”,与原句意思最为接近的是C选项。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Pancake Day is a special day celebrated in many countries around the

world. It is celebrated in English-speaking countries like the UK, Ireland, Australia

and Canada.

18. Where is Pancake Day celebrated?

A.The UK and Ireland only.

B.Many countries in the world.

C.UK and Canada only.

D.Australia and Canada only.


解析:原文的大意是“煎饼日在世界上许多国家都是一个特殊的日子,许多英语国家如英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚和加拿大都会庆祝煎饼日”,选项A、C、D都缩小了范围,所以正确选项为B。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Believers in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are found on every

continent, but tend to be concentrated in North and South America, Europe, Australia,

Western Asia and North Africa.

19. Which of the following is the center for the religions mentioned in the


A.Australia and North Asia.

B.North and South America.

C.Western Asia and South Africa.

D.Europe and South Asia.


解析:本题考查的是细节,尤其是对列举信息的听辨和准确记录,对照选项仔细甄别,A、C、D中都有没有提及的地方,所以正确选项为B。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:We don’t have anything to compare with it in the west. My wife likes

that type of painting. Anyway, I must go back to the hotel and pack.

20. What is the speaker’s intention?

A.Asking for the painting.

B.Stopping the talk and going back to hotel.

C.Making comparison of the paintings.

D.Reacting with the offer.


解析:题干要求指出说话人的意图,从最后一句“Anyway,I must go back to

the hotel and pack”可以看出,说话人意在结束对话,离开说话的地方去酒店,因此正确选项为B。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:The United States Surgeon General’s report on nutrition and health

urged Americans to eat less animal fats, such as those found in meat and dairy


21. What does the report urge Americans to do?

A.Adopt vegetarian diets.

B.Eat more animal fats.

C.Eat less meat and dairy products.

D.Eat more vegetables.


解析:根据原文,该报告指出美国人应该减少动物脂肪如肉类、奶制品的摄人。对选项进行比较,可以判断正确选项为C。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Not until the 11th century, when a young lady from Constantinople

brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

22. Which of the following European countries was the fork first introduced to?






解析:原文的意思是“直到11世纪,一位来自君士坦丁堡的女性将餐叉带去意大利,餐叉才在欧洲开始使用”,故正确选项为B。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Many people who have lived in other countries feel that their foreign

experience enables them to understand their own society better.

23. What does the speaker mean?

A.Foreign experience helps people to understand their own society better.

B.People’s foreign experience helps them understand the foreign society.

C.It is easier for people to understand their own society better.

D.It is difficult for people to adapt themselves into the foreign society.


解析:原文的意思是“许多在国外生活过的人认为,国外生活的经历能让他们更好地理解自己本国的社会”,所以正确选项为A。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Come on. Learning Chinese is not rocket science.

24. What does the speaker think of learning Chinese?

A.It’s like rocket science.

B.It’s not science.

C.It’s not that difficult.

D.It’s as difficult as building a rocket.


解析:本题的关键是理解“rocket science”,用于比喻错综复杂、高深莫测的事,此句意思是学汉语并不难,故C为正确选项。 知识模块:句子听辨

听力原文:Spiders scare me stiff.

25. What do I think of spiders?

A.Spiders do not scare me easily.

B.I am extremely scared of spiders.

C.I kind of like spiders.

D.Spiders make me stiff.


解析:原文中的scare stiff意思是“使……极其害怕,使……非常紧张”。原文的意思是“蜘蛛把我吓坏了”,故B为正确答案。 知识模块:句子听辨

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