



U4 第一课时Section A (1a-1c)


Homework, class , sleep , time, friend, advice, problem .




1. How many __________ (tomato) do you need?

2. I have __________(too many, too much) homework to do

today .

3. My parents allow me __________( hang out ) with my friends.

4. I got __________(介词填空)a fight with my best friend.

5. Why don’t you __________(go) to sleep ear lier this evening?

点拨升华too muc h. “太多”。1)修饰动词,放在动词之后。不要吃太多。Don’t eat ______ _______

2)修饰不可数名词。妈妈有太多家务要做。Mom has ______ do.

. “允许,准许”。_______ housework to

1)allow sb to do sth. “允许某人做某事”。Do your parents

allow you _________ (play) computer games?

2) allowing doing sth. “允许做某事”他们不允许在这里吸烟。They don’t allow ________ (smoke) here.

3) be allowed to do sth. “被允许做某事”我不被允许外出待到很晚。I am not allowed _______ (stay) out late.

into a fight with sb. 和某人打/吵一架。

4. 向别人发出邀请,请求,建议,或征求某人的意见的表达方式:

1).Why don’t you do something? /Why not do something?

“ 你为什么不做某事呢?”

2). How /what about doing sth.?(about是个介词,可跟名词或动名词)“…怎么样?”

e.g. How about getting her a book? 买本书送给她怎么样?

3). You’d better (not) do something.“你最好(不)做某事”

4). Would you like to do sth…?:“你想要做……?”

5), Let’s do sth…?

6). What should I do …?( should表示请求、征询对方意见)

e.g.: What should I get my dad for his birthday? 我该送给爸爸什么作为他的生日礼物呢?


1.上周汤姆和比尔打了一架。Tom ______ _______ ______ _______

______ with Bill last week.

not forget about it? (改为同义句)______ _______ ______

forget about it?______ _______ forgetting about it?

3What’s the matter with your bike?(改为同义句)______

_______ with your bike?

has some free time to do things she likes. (改为否定句)

She ____ ______ _____ free time to do things she likes.


—_______? I’m really tired because I studied until midnight

last night.

A. What did you do

B. What’s matter

C. Why did you study late

D. What’s wrong

2. ________ go to sleep earlier this evening?

A. How about

B. Why don’t

C. Why don’t you

D. What about

3. I couldn’t hear you clearly because there were _______

people in the room.

A. too many

B. too much

C. much too

D. many too

4. I don’t have _______ money to buy the shoes. It’s to o


A. enough money

B. enough money

C. much too money

D. many money

5. My parents don’t allow me _________ out with my friends.

A. hang

B. hanging

C. to hang

D. hanged

U4 第二课时Section A( 2a—2d)



1. 给他写一封信______________________

2. 给他打电话_______________

3. 擅长做… ______________________

4. 谈论______________________

5. 在电话中______________________

6. 跟某人吵/打架_____________________

7. 浏览______________________

8. 归还______________________

9. 生某人的气_____________________

10. 忘掉______________________11.解决;算出

____________________12. 它不是什么大事。___________________ 点拨升华

1.be good at doing…“善于;擅长;在…方面做得好”(= do

well in)be good for. “对…有益处”。be good to “对…好/和善”。be good with… “与…相处的好”。

例:1)徐悲鸿擅长画马。Xu Beihong was _______ horses.

2)多喝水对你有好处。Drinking more water you.

3)她对他的邻居很和善。She is very her .

4)我和这些孩子相处得很好。I ________ very the children.

2. find sb doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事

例:我进来的时候发现他正在打电话。I found him _________

(call) when I came in.

sth back to sb.= return sth to sb. 把某物还给某人。


Remember the book me when you finish reading it.

4. It’s not a big deal.它不是什么大事。

【解析】big deal 为习语,用于口语,意为“什么大不了的事;重要的事;要人” It’s no big deal! 没什么大不了的!

5. surprise sb. 使某人吃惊例:这个消息使我们都很吃惊。The

news surprised all of us.

6. work out的用法:1) “起效果” I hope things work out .2)

“算出” He can work out the math problem by himself.


1. My mother has too _______ (many) housework to do


2. Mr. Zhao has no free time _______ (do) things he likes.

3. I can’t find my book. What should I _______ (do)?

4. I found him _______ (read) a book just now.

5. He is good at _______ (swim).


1. I don’t do well in writing letters. (改为同义句) I’m _______

_______ _______ writing letters.

2. 我认为我们可以通过电话谈一下。I think we can have a talk

_______ _______ _______.

3. 你应该给他写一封信。You should _______ _______a letter.

4. 他正在浏览今天的报纸。He is _______ _______ toda y’s


5. 你应该早点儿起床以便你能够吃上早餐。You should get up

earlier _______ _______ you could have breakfast.


()1. With the teacher’s help, Lucy _______ the math

problem in the end.

A. took out

B. got out

C. sold out

D. worked out

()2. The teacher told my father _______ last night.

A. call him up

B. to call him up

C. called him up

D. to call up him

()3. —I think drinking milk every morning is good _______

our health. —Yes. I agree _______ you.

A. to; to

B. with; to

C. at; with

D. for; with

()4. I hope things _______. A. give away B. give out C. put

off D. work out

()5. —Why don’t you buy a CD for her? — _______.

A. You are welcome.

B. That’s too boring

C. Thanks a lot

D. That’s all right.

U4 第三课时SectionA( 3a—4c)


1. 与某人和睦相处_______________

2. 感到孤独________________

3. 主动提供帮助_____________________


5. 坐下来______________________

6. 下次______________________

7. 频繁;反复______________________ 8. 同意某人______________________

9. 害怕______________________ 10. not … any



1. get on with sb. (= get along with sb)与某人和睦相处/关系良好get on/ along well with sb.与某人相处很好。

例:她不能和她妹妹和睦相处。She can’t ______ ______ ______

her sister.

, 动词,“争吵;争论”。(名词为argument)

1) argue with sb 与某人争论(吵)=have an argument with sb例:她经常与她妈妈争吵。She often _____

______ her mom.

2) argue about sth 因某事争论。例:不要再为这件事争论了。Don’t ______ ______ this ma tter any more.

3) argue with sb about/on sth. 因某事与某人争论(吵)

例:这个男孩因为作业与他妈妈争吵起来。The boy argued

______ his mother ______ his homework. on. “关系,联系”

the relation between mother and child 母亲与子女的关系

have relations with sb. 与某人有关系

4. communicate动词,“交流”。名词为communication

communicate with sb 和某人交流


is tired, let me go instead.

2)“反而”。例:他从不学习,反而整天玩电脑游戏。He never

studies. ______, he plays computer games all day.

3) instead of“代替;而不是” 例:他将去北京而不是上海。He

will go to Beijing ______ ______ Shanghai.

6 offer“主动提出;自愿给与;提供”。

1) offer to do sth. 主动/自愿干某事例:他主动提出做家务。He

offers ______ ______ chores.

2) offer sb sth= offer sth to sb. 给某人提供某物例:She offered

me a job. = She offered a job ______ me. 【注意】区别与provide的用法。provide sb with sth. = provide sth for sb.

The school provided food ______ the students.

= The school provided the students ______ food.

7. be afraid of doing sth. “害怕做某事”(侧重于“担心/害怕某事发生”)

例:她害怕犯错误。She ______ ______ ______ ______ mistakes.

be afraid to do sth. “不敢或害怕做某事” (侧重于“不敢做”)例:他不敢游泳。He is ______ ______ ______. 课后练习一、完成句子。

1. 他总是拒绝回答老师的问题。He always refuses ______ ______

the teacher’s questions.

2. 你应该主动向他道歉。You should offer ______ ______ ______

______ him.

3. 吉姆借了我的书还没还给我。Jim ______ my book, but he

didn’t ______ it ______ me.

4. You have these feelings, this is normal. (合并成一句) It’s

normal ______ you ______ have these feeling.

5. At home I feel lonely and worried all the time. (改为同义句)

At home I ______ feel lonely and ______.

6. Can you explain to me how to do this math problem? (改为同义句)

Can you ______ it ______ to me how to do this math problem?


()1. He never does his homework himself, he just ______ his

brother’s. A. writes B. takes C. reads D. copies ()2. Why don’t

you sit down and communicate ______ your brother? A. with B.

about C. for D. to

()3. This evening we won’t go to the party. We’ll go to

the movies ______. A. too B. also C. either D. instead ()4. —How

are you ______ with your parents? — Very well.

A. getting on

B. getting off

C. getting to

D. getting into

()5. Li Lei argued ______ Liu Ming ______ the seat.

A. with; about

B. about; with

C. with; for

D. about; for

()6. I’m afraid ______ in front of lots of people. A. of

speaking B. speaks C. speak D. for speaking

U4 第四课时Section B( 1a—1e)


1. 做运动_________________

2. 和朋友一起闲逛_________________

3. 和某人说话____________________


5. 玩电脑游戏_________________


7. 看电影______________________ 8.和某人打/吵一架______________________

9. 和某人竞争______________________10.有足够的空闲时______________________

点拨升华1. talk to sb.和某人讲话/说话,相当于have a talk with

sb. talk with sb和某人交谈

talk about sth谈论某事例:我们应该多跟父母交流。We should

______ ______ parents a lot.

2. pressure “压,压力”,不可数名词。eg. high blood

pressure 高血压“压迫,强迫”,under pressure压力之下under

(the) pressure of在…的压力之下put pressure on sb.向某人施压

例:父母经常给他们的孩子太多压力。Parents often give their

children too much _______.

/doc/ pete. 动词,“竞争,参加比赛”。名词为competition(竞争),competitor(竞争者)形容词为competitive 课后练习一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。

1. You shouldn’t c______ others’ homework.

2. How many m______ are there in your family?

3. I s______ time alone at home yesterday.

4. Many students have too much p______ now.

5. Did Jack w______ the movies last night?


1. 他每天做运动来保持健康。He ______ ______ every day to keep


2.塞姆喜欢和朋友们一起在公园闲逛。Sam likes to ______ ______

______ his friends in the park.

3. 你不应该和你的弟弟打架。You shouldn’t ______ ______

______ with your brother.

4. 他们总是相互竞争。They always ______ ______ each other.

5. 不要给孩子们太多的压力。Don’t give children ______ ______



()1. I think you should have a ______ with your parents. A.

say B. speak C. tell D. talk

()2. Now many children are under the ______ of their

parents’. A. care B. worry C. pressure D. fight ()3. ______ he

exercises every day, ______ he is very healthy.

A. Because; so

B. Though; but

C. Because; /

D. Though; /

()4. The teacher says very loudly ______ all the students can

hear him.

A. so that

B. because

C. since

D. when

()5. Jane borrows my dictionary without ______. A. asking

B. ask C. to ask D. asks

U4 第五课时Section B( 2a—3b)


1. 上课______________________

2. 使用网络______________________

3. 如今______________________


5. 删除;删去______________________


7.在某人看来______________________ 8.为某人考虑______________________

9. 课外活动______________________10.调低______________________

点拨升华1. cut out 删除;删去,动副短语,当代词作宾语时,代词置于中间。

关于cut的短语还有cut up____________________ cut

down_______________ cut off________________________ 2. successful形容词,“成功的,有成就的”副词为successfully 名词为success, 动词为succeed

例:1)他是一个成功的商人。He is a ______________


2)失败是成功之母。Failure is the mother of _________.

3)他成功地到了一份新工作。He found a new job


3. It’s time for homework It’s time for sb to do sth.该是某人做某事的时候了例:该是你上学的时候了。_______________________

4. continue动词,“持续,继续” continue to do sth.

/continue doing sth继续做某事。

例:他希望能继续帮助其他人。He hopes to continue _________

__________ others.

5. compare动词,“比较;比作” compare …with ... 把……与……作比较/对比compare. … to …把……比作……例:1) 我们常把儿童比作花朵。We often ______ children ______ flowers.

2) 不要把我跟别人比较。Don’t ______ me ______ others.

5 push动词,基本意思是“推动;移动;按”,所对应的反义词是“pull(拉)”

比喻意思是“逼迫某人做某事;敦促” push sb to do sth 敦促某人做某事


1. 现在许多学生都上课外补习班。Now a lot of students ______

after-school ______.

2. 你应该把它删去。You should ______ ______ ______.

3. 孩子们应该有时间放松并为自己考虑。Children should have

time ______ ______ and _____ ______ themselves.

4. What do you think of after-school activities? (改为同义句)

What’s your ______ ______ after-school activities?

5. I don’t think kids should play computer games until late

at night. (同义句)

In my ______, kids _______ play computer games until late at



()1. ______ are a typical American family. A. Whites B. The

White C. White D. The Whites ()2. It’s time ______ us ______

sporte. A. for; play B. for; playing C. for; to pay D. to; to play ()3. They continued ______ after having a short rest. A. walk B.

walking C. to walk D. B and C ()4. Some parents are always

comparing their children ______ other children. A. to B. with C. as

D. for

()5. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for child’s


A. develop

B. development

C. opinion

D. independent

()6. People shouldn’t ______ their kids so hard. A. compare

B. argue C. fight D. push

()7. They _____ come back home ______ it was very late. A.

don’t; until B. didn’t; until C. won’t; till D. won’t; until

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