Exploration on the Order-orientated Cultivation of Engineering Mast


International Journal of Technology ManagementExploration on the Order-orientated Cultivation of

Engineering Master for Industry Oriented DemandLiu xiaoguang1, Zhang yajing2(1. College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hebei University; 2. Innovative Entrepreneurship Guidance Center, Hebei

University)Abstract: full-time Master of engineering education has developed rapidly in recent years, but in the talent cultivation, professional degree

of master of engineering characteristics is not obvious, there are such problems as backward curriculum system, practice teaching is weak, tutor

guidance effectiveness is not high, thesis and practice related to small. Colleges and universities need to further adjust and optimize the master

of engineering training mode and promote the cooperation between colleges and enterprises, the order-form talent-training model as a handle,

promote the depth of integration of production, study and research, and highlight the characteristics of talent words:

Master of engineering, Order-orientated Cultivation, training mode

1 IntroductionDecember 1984 Graduate Department of the Ministry of

Education issued a “forwarding Tsinghua University, Xi’an Jiao

tong University and other 11 higher engineering colleges about

on the cultivation of master students of engineering type notice”.

After this, some colleges and universities carried out the pilot

work of Engineering Master’s training, beneficial attempt and

exploration has made certain achievements and experience [1].

Since 2009, the Ministry of Education decided to full-time Master

of engineering, the main recruitment of undergraduate, in recent

years, master professional degree education rapid development,

but in the training process, whether it is curriculum system

and the teaching scheme and academic degree distinguish and

professional characteristic is not obvious[2-3]. Colleges and

universities need to further adjust and optimize the training mode

of master of engineering, in order to cultivate applied talents as

the goal, to achieve on-demand training, to adapt to the need of

the development of economy of applied talents, development and

social integration, service to society.2 master talent training orientationMaster of engineering degree and engineering master’s

degree is the same educational level of different types, different

focus. The professional degree of master of engineering focus

in engineering application, mainly for industrial and mining

enterprises and the construction sector, especially state-owned

large and medium-sized enterprises to cultivate application

type, composite type high-level engineering and engineering

management personnel [4].In 2009 the ministry of education about to do a good job

of full-time master’s degree graduate students cultivate several

opinions pointed out that the cultivation of the professional degree

postgraduate goal is to master a professional solid basic theory

and wide in the field of professional knowledge, with strong

technical skills and the ability to solve practical problems, to

undertake professional technical or management work, has the

good professional quality of high-level talents [6-7]. Professional

degree postgraduate education and academic degree graduate

student is different, highlighting the characteristics of professional

degree graduate education, must be in the teachers team building,

personnel training target, training mode, course system, teaching

method, the paper standard etc. aspects, and academic degree

graduate student to be distinguished. Must clear full-time Master

of engineering personnel training objectives, formulate reasonable

positioning of talent, and summarizes the rules of master of

engineering education, based on innovation of training concept,

to explore the training mode, do a good job full-time professional

master degree postgraduate education, improve the training

quality of of engineering education is an essential part of the

graduate education system, which is the main way to transport

the high level application professionals. Positive development

of professional degree graduate education, is the comprehensive

construction of the inevitable requirement of the well-off society

and building a innovation oriented country, but also for the

study of education and national economic construction and

social development of the inevitable choice, the development of

professional degree graduate education to further promote training

mode reform, accelerate the improvement of the system and

mechanism, continuously improve the quality of Education [3].3. Analysis on the status quo of the training of engineering

masterIn order to understand the status quo of the cultivation of full-time Master of engineering, the authors designed a questionnaire,

questionnaire survey related to full-time Master of engineering

curriculum system, practice teaching, teacher guidance, the

graduation papers, for full-time Master of Engineering issued a

total of 300 questionnaires, recycling effective questionnaire 286,

effective rate was 95.3% and on the recovery of the questionnaire

were statistical analysis of data, through the data that the full-time

Master of engineering training patterns that exist in a series of

problems.3.1 Course system backwardMaster of engineering is generally refl ect the curriculum is

unreasonable, the skills of learning specialized courses cannot

meet the job requirements, the professional knowledge and

employment related is not strong. Exposing the professional

— 75 —

Conference Proceedings Citation Indexknowledge is not solid enough in the interview, the weakness

of the ability of practice, so as to miss the opportunity of

employment. 76% of the students think that the practice course is

too little, 20% of the students are not satisfi ed with the curriculum

system. The problems of curriculum system and the satisfaction

of students to the curriculum system are shown in Figure 1 and

Figure 2 1 problems in curriculum systemFigure 2 satisfaction of curriculum systemOver the years, we have always stressed that talent

cultivation to social demand oriented, so as to foster more high-quality talents to adapt to the social development, especially the

master of engineering education is to cultivate high-level technical

personnel, for the industry to transport application talents.

However, in practice, the master of engineering personnel training

and market demand derailment, professional curriculum lagging

phenomenon is widespread.3.2 Weakness of practical teachingPractice teaching is an important link to improve students’

practical ability, which plays an important role in the training of

engineering master, and it is an important core part of Engineering

Master’s training. However, through the survey found that there

are still a series of problems in practical teaching, 76% of students

believe that the effectiveness of the practice is not enough, 56%

of the students are not satisfied with the practice teaching. The

problems of practical teaching and the satisfaction degree of

students to practice teaching are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4

practical operation ability is one of the main abilities that

the employer considers. Especially in the engineering profession,

only through long-term practice of activities, in order to improve

the students’ professional knowledge application ability and

practice ability, otherwise can only be an armchair strategist. Often

— 76 —enterprises to recruit interns, but due to the arrangement of the

course, students can not go to corporate internships. Does not pay

attention to the student’s practical ability training, is the school

engineering master personnel training mode short board, causes

the student to go to the enterprise practice the urgent demand and

the school curriculum system confl ict and the 3 problems in practical teachingFigure 4 students’ satisfaction with practice teachingFigure 5 student mentor guidance3.3 Instructors guide the effectiveness is not highAt present, some colleges and universities for the master of

Engineering with dual tutorial system, that is, the school mentor

and business mentor combination, but the dual tutorial system

does not play its due effect, the actual effect is not high. Survey

shows that students are mainly to accept the guidance of the

school tutor, and the school teacher contact more closely, 76% of

the school instructors often or occasionally give students guidance.

The off campus tutor is not really involved in the guidance of

students, 68% of the students are very little guidance or guidance,

as shown in fi gure 5. Visible dual tutorial system becomes a mere

formality, and did not play the role of tutor guidance for students.3.4 Degree thesis and practice related to smallDegree thesis is the final link of Engineering Master’s

training, and it is also the Inspection of ability to apply the

International Journal of Technology Managementknowledge and skills during the period of the master’s degree.

It is a summary and generalization of the graduate education.

Degree thesis fully refl ects the students” mastery of knowledge in

the fi eld of expertise and systematic, refl ects the ability of students

to use professional knowledge and its extension to solve practical

problems. According to the quality of the thesis to measure

whether students reach the training objectives of engineering

master, whether they have the ability to undertake independent

and professional related thesis must and practice link has close relationship, Only

the topic of this paper comes from the practice of the enterprise

and applied to the practice, students will pay attention to the

practice lin, by writing the dissertation, enhances the student

to solve the practical problems of skills. Survey shows that

41% of the students’ papers selected from the instructors of the

longitudinal topic, only 11% of the students selected topics from

the enterprise practice. As shown in fi gure 6 source of thesis topicsMentor longitudinal topics more focus on scientific and

technological innovation, more suitable for academic master.

According to the training objectives of the master of engineering,

enterprise practice is more suitable for engineering master,

through the completion of related papers, to enhance the ability

of students to solve practical problems. Students’ thesis topics

should also be related to the practice of students, training students’

practical ability.4 Innovative full-time Master of engineering training mode4.1 To the market as the guide, adjust the professional

structureAccording to the different disciplines, the establishment

of personnel training quality evaluation system and evaluation

system, the evaluation should include teaching staff,

administrators, students, graduate students and employers held

seminars, through seminars, on-site inspection, questionnaire

and other methods, the quality of Education (the goal of talent

cultivation, the employment of graduates the situation, curriculum

system, teachers’ qualifi cation and experience, learning resources

and so on) quality and Research (laboratory and equipment,

library and information technology cooperation, etc.) for scientifi c

evaluation and analysis, guided by the market, to evaluate the

degree of fi t of the professional and social needs of each subject.

According to the evaluation result of various disciplines put

forward concrete improvement opinions and suggestions, adjust

the professional structure according to the market orientation. For

the high employment rate and large social demand professional,

the appropriate increase in enrollment plan;For the low

employment rate and small social demand professional, adjust

the enrollment plan, compress the scale of enrollment, the take

less strokes, every other year enrollment or even stop recruit way;

Add some and emerging industry related professional, transport

personnel for the society of the emerging adjusting the professional structure, reasonable allocation

of educational resources and educational goals, to improve the

quality of teaching, in order to do a good job of “order type” talent

training model for teaching preparation.4.2 Industry demand as foothold, reform course systemDeepen to the needs of the industry and employment oriented

education and teaching reform, encourage student workers to

carry out in-depth market research, to understand the requirements

of the employer to the graduates, by graduates of understanding

the social evaluation of the knowledge structure of the students

in our school. Comprehensive analysis of the employing units of

Engineering Master’s comprehensive quality requirements, put

forward the industry demand oriented education and teaching

reform measures, and gradually reduce the engineering master’s

ability to quality and the requirements of the unit. According

to the industry demand, adjust the personnel training programs

and the curriculum system construction, elimination of outdated

textbooks and additional coincide with the needs of the industry

of professional courses, and constantly update the teaching form

and content, force allocation of educational resources, effectively

eliminate structural unemployment, achieve higher education and

social practice, enhance the quality of the education of master of

engineering, cultivating marketable talents.4.3 Set up order class, set up talent training plan and

training targetSchools should be combined with the actual situation,

highlighting the professional characteristics, to strengthen market

research and demand forecast, a wide range of employers to

collect information on demand, the development of student

employment market development program. Adhere to the

“proactive” principle, take “going out, please come in” measures,

on a solid foundation of existing cooperation unit, school

Leadership academy, take the initiative to contact high levels of

the enterprise, site visits and emotional communication. Sign the

“order type” talent training contract with enterprises, set up order

class according to order requirement, equipped with teachers of

school and enterprise, construction of high quality teaching staff.

Making scientifi c and reasonable training plan and training target

according to the demand of the society, promote the depth of the

needs of industry and professional education fusion, according to

the different professional students to develop different courses, to

carry out the teaching characteristics.4.4 Provide internship sites, increase practical aspectsSchools should establish the scientific concept of

— 77 —

Conference Proceedings Citation Indexdevelopment, take the market as the guidance, to quality as the

basis, to practice base as the starting point, promote the depth

of integration of production, study and research, practice and

employment seamless docking, training personnel to meet

the needs of the society. In order class talent training links, in

accordance with the needs of the enterprises, the creation of

practice link, increase students’ internship classes, in the school

and enterprise practical training base construction, really improve

the students’ professional knowledge application ability and

operation ability, strengthen students’ practical ability, effectively

improve the graduates the ability to adapt to society, enhance the

graduates’ competitiveness in the job market, to overcome the

frictional unemployment.4.5 Establish a sound assessment systemEstablish and improve the order class assessment system,

improve students’ enthusiasm, improve the teaching effect of

order class education. According to the order class talent training

standards, it needs refining capacity standards, to develop a

sound assessment system. Order class at the end of the course

of student assessment, combined with the students usually class

performance, ability and achievement, in-depth study students

to use professional knowledge to analyze and solve practical

problems, take the principle of merit based hiring, to show good

consistent with the enterprise’s standard of students, internship

opportunities for enterprises, after the end of internship directly

signed labor contract. Assessment system can make students have

a certain pressure, and thus promote the students in the learning

process more efforts to stimulate students’ learning initiative,

improve learning effi ciency.5 SummariesPromote the cooperation between colleges and enterprises;

the order-form talent-training model as a handle, adjusting and

optimizing the training mode of full time master of engineering is

an important way to improve the quality of full-time engineering

master education. Actively tap alumni resources and social

— 78 —relations and increase outreach efforts, through the enterprise

order, teaching into the way of promoting further cooperation

between school and enterprise, to establish a wide range of

practice base, to practice to promote employment, actively explore

the order training mode, and gradually establish a long-term and

stable practice base and employment base, achieve seamless

employment internship, also is the requirement of the reform of

education and teaching in Colleges and ledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge the support from

the third graduate education teaching reform project of Hebei

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