


Lesson Nine

The Most Dangerous Game



to brighten, stamina, stake, to sip, businesslike, deplorable,

clear-headed, to snap, to plunge, to spur, flight, futile, inevitably,

rude, to execute, intricate, lore, dodge, crotch, zealous,

deliberately, uncanny, precariously, intent, stalk, agility, to dress,

savagely, to wrench, viciously, to plant, mark, lean, leash, springy,

to hit, to tumble, dead, to regard, expanse, hoarse, to furnish,



to raise one’s eyebrows, to rest with, to keep/hold one’s

nerve, to get/take a grip on oneself, to take stock of, to strike off,

after a fashion, to press on/ahead, to dig in, to give way, to strain

one’s eyes/ears, to make out, at bay


不定冠词+名词+of +不定冠词+名词,so +形容词+不定冠词+名词+as,sth. comes to sb.


Most Dangerous Game. [the title]

game: n. wild animals, birds, and fish that are hunted for food,

esp. as a sport 猎物

For example:

a head of game 一头猎物

The jungle abounds with wild game. 热带丛林里有很多野兽出没。

general raised his eyebrows. [Para. 2]

raise one’s eyebrows: to show surprise, doubt, disapproval

etc. by moving one’s eyebrows upwards 扬起眉毛(表示惊讶、怀疑、不赞同等)

For example:

Eyebrows were raised at the couple’s surprising arrest.

l Zaroff’s face suddenly brightened. [Para. 3]

brighten (up): vi. to become happier or more excited 变得欢快

For example:


Her face brightened up as she read her boyfriend’s email.

choice rests entirely with you. [Para. 6]

rest with: if a decision or responsibility rests with sb., they

have the duty or authority to take that decision or responsibility


For example:

Now it rests with the medical committee to make the


nodded toward the corner to where the giant stood, his

thick arms crossed on his hogshead

of a chest. [Para. 7]


句中“where the giant stood”是名词从句,做介词“to”的宾语。独立结构“his thick arms crossed on his hogshead of a chest”修饰“stood”,起解释说明作用。“His hogshead of a chest”可以理解为“his chest was as big and thick as a barrel”。

[典型句式] “a hogshead of a chest”: 在“不定冠词+名词+of


For example:

He lived a poem of a life. 他过着诗一般的生活。

I don’t think your tyrant of a father will allow you to come

back after midnight.


6.Y our brain against mine. Y our woodcraft against mine. Y

our strength and stamina against

mine. [Para. 11]

woodcraft: n. knowledge of forests and how to live in them

by building camps, finding food, etc. 丛林生活能力

stamina: n. physical or mental strength that lets you continue

doing sth. for a long time without getting tired; endurance,

power to persist or persevere 体力,耐力,毅力

For example:

I no longer have the stamina to work all night.

Y ou need stamina to be a long-distance runner. 做长跑运动员,你得有耐力。

r chess! And the stake is not without value, eh?

[Para. 11]

Outdoor chess! 意为:It is just like outdoor chess! ;而双重否定“not without value”具有加强语气的作用。

stake: n. an amount of money that you risk losing when you

try to guess the result of a race or competition 赌注,输赢

For example:


sipped his wine, and then in a businesslike air, he went

on. [Para. 13]

sip: vi./vt. to drink in small amounts 小口地喝

For example:


He poured himself a glass of wine and sipped at it with



( drink既指酒类,也指其它饮料,指其它饮料时前面应加soft-;hard drink则指酒类,相当于alcohol或strong drink(烧酒)。



wine是指果汁经发酵而制成的酒,多指葡萄酒。如white wine,red wine等。



businesslike:adj. serious and effective in the way you deal

with things; efficient 有条不紊的;效率高的;严肃认真的

For example:

He approaches the issue in a businesslike way.

deplorable part of it was the Lazarus followed him.

[Para. 13]

deplorable:. very bad, unpleasant, and shocking;

disgraceful 极糟的;可悲的

For example:

The orphans were living in most deplorable conditions.

10.“I must keep my nerve. I must keep my nerve,” he said

through tight teeth. [Para. 15]

keep/hold one’s nerve: to be able to remain calm and think

clearly in a difficult situation 保持镇定

For example:

He kept his nerve under very trying circumstances. 他在非常艰难的情况下保持镇定。

[注] 该词组的反义词组“lose one’s nerve”(失去镇定)更常见。

had not been entirely clear-headed when the chateau

gates snapped shut behind him. [Para.


clear-headed: adj. able to think in a sensible and calm way;

not confused 头脑清醒的;理智的For example:

Though very seriously ill, she was clear-headed enough to

give instructions.

snap:vi./vt. to quickly move sth., for example, a light switch

or sth. else that makes a short sound, or to be moved quickly in

this way (使)发出脆裂声

For example:

The policeman snapped the handcuffs around her wrist.

He took his gold watch out of his waistcoat pocket and

snapped it open.


had plunged along, spurred on by a sharp feeling of

panic. [Para. 16]

plunge: vi. to move, fall, or be thrown suddenly forwards or

downwards 猛地向前(或向下)冲For example:

His car had plunged off the mountain road in heavy rain.

Both the climbers had plunged to their deaths. 两名登山者都跌落丧生。

spur (on): vt. to encourage sb. or make them want to do sth.


固定搭配:be spurred (on) to do sth.

For example:

The coach spurred the team to greater efforts.

His misfortunes spurred him on to write.

now he had got a grip on himself, had stopped, and

was taking stock of himself and the

situation. [Para. 16]

get/take a grip on oneself: to make an effort to control

one’s emotions or behavior 控制自己For example:

Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself!

take stock of: to spend some time thinking about the

situation you are in before you decide what to do next 了解、判断、估量(形势等)

It was time to stand back and take stock of his career.

saw that straight flight was futile; inevitably it would

bring him face to face with the sea.

[Para. 17]

flight: n. the act of running away or trying to escape from sb.

or sth. 逃跑

For example:

Suddenly the herd of antelope took (to) flight.

The government troops put the rebels to flight.

inevitably:adv. used for saying that sth. is certain to happen

and cannot be avoided; undoubtedly 不可避免地,必然地;确定无疑地

For example:

Inevitably, reports of the failure were soon appearing in the


15.“I’ll give him a trail to follow,” muttered Rainsford, and

he struck off from the rude paths he

had been following into the trackless wilderness. [Para. 18]

strike off: to go in a particular direction in a way that shows

energy or determination 朝某一方向行进

For example:

They struck off across the desert without supplies.

rude: . made or designed in a simple basic way; crude


For example: a rude hut 简陋的小屋

executed a series of intricate loops; he doubled on his

trail again and again, recalling all

the lore of the fox hunt, and all the dodges of the fox. [Para.


execute: . to perform a difficult action or movement 做;完成

For example:

The skater’s routine was perfectly executed.

intricate: adj. very complicated and difficult to understand or

learn 纷乱的,错综复杂的

For example:


lore:n. knowledge or information about a subject, for

example nature or magic, that is not written down but is passed

from person to person (口头传下来的)知识,学问;传说

For example:

He certainly had no intention of allowing the old lore

concerning medical herbs to die out.

dodge: n. tricks or ways used to avoid being caught 躲闪技巧

For example:

He keeps his money overseas as a tax dodge.

found him legweary, with hands and face lashed by

the branches, on a thickly wooded

ridge. [Para. 18]


此句前半部分可以理解为:When night fell, he was too tired to


如:The carpet killed his footsteps. 他走在地毯上,没有脚步声。

Business took him to London every week. 他每周去伦敦出差。

thickly wooded: if an area is thickly wooded, there are a lot

of trees there close together 林木茂密的

ridge:n. a long area of high land, esp. at the top of a

mountain 山脊

18.A big tree with a thick trunk and outspread branches was

near by, and, taking care to leave not

the slightest mark, he climbed up into the crotch, and,

stretching out on one of the broad limbs, after a fashion, rested.

[Para. 18]


此句中,两个现在分词短语“taking care to leave not the

slightest mark”和“stretching out on one of the broad limbs”分别做“climbed up into the crotch”和“rested”的方式状语。

crotch: n. a forked place, as where a tree trunk divides into

two branches (树的)丫杈,枝杈

after a fashion: not very much, not very well, or not very

effectively 勉强凑合,马马虎虎

For example:


so zealous a hunter as General Zaroff could not trace

him there, he told himself; …

[Para. 18]


此句意为:Even a fanatic hunter such as General Zaroff could

not follow him there, he told himself.

[典型句式]so +形容词+不定冠词+名词+as 意为“如此……的一个……”,相当于such +不定冠词+形容词+名词+as

For example:

I have never met so greedy a lawyer as him. 我从未遇到过他这么贪婪的律师。

zealous:adj. fml. extremely enthusiastic about sth. 热心的,热情的;积极的

For example:

a zealous preacher 热心的传道士


20.V ery deliberately he blew a smoke ring into the air, and

then turned and walked carelessly

away. [Para. 21]

deliberately:adv. done or said in a slow careful way (言行)不慌不忙地,慢条斯理地

For example:

With this, he stood up and left deliberately. 说完这句话,他站起身不慌不忙地走了。

general could follow a trail through the woods at

night; he could follow an extremely

difficult trail; he must have uncanny powers; only by the

merest chance had the Cossack failed to see his quarry. [Para. 22]


句中“only by the merest chance had the Cossack failed to

see his quarry”是倒装句。“only”修饰状语置于句首时,句子须部分倒装。

uncanny: adj. strange and mysterious 奇怪的,神秘的,不寻


For example:


hundred yards away he stopped where a huge dead

tree leaned precariously on a smaller,

living one. [Para. 26]

precariously: adv. not in a safe way or position and likely to

fall 不牢靠地,不稳定地

For example:

The gigantic steel beams rested precariously, one on top of

the other.

ing the trail with the sureness of a bloodhound

came the general. [Para. 27]




intent was the Cossack on his stalking that he was

upon the thing Rainsford had made

before he saw it. [Para. 27]

intent: adj. concentrating hard on sth. 专心的

For example:

He was so intent on his bodybuilding magazine that he

didn’t notice me come in.

stalk:vt. to follow a person or animal quietly in order to catch

and attack or kill them 悄悄地跟踪,尾随

For example:

a tiger stalking its prey 一只悄悄跟踪猎物的老虎

He had continued stalking her despite a warning from the


sensed the danger and leaped back with the agility of

an ape. [Para. 27]

agility: n. the ability to move quickly and easily 灵活,敏捷

For example:

With surprising agility, Karl darted across the road.

26.I’m going now to have my wound dressed. [Para. 28]

dress:vt. to clean, treat, and cover a wound 包扎

For example:

Clean the area thoroughly before dressing the wound.

came, then darkness, and still he pressed on. [Para.


press on/ahead: to continue doing sth., esp. working, in a

determined way 奋进,(不顾苦难)继续进行

For example:

We’ll talk about your suggestion later; now let’s just press


They pressed ahead with the plan regardless of objections.

ground grew softer; the vegetation denser; and

insects bit him savagely. [Para. 29]


句中“the vegetation denser”因与前句结构相同,省略了系动词grew。

vegetation:n. fml. plants and trees 植物,植被

For example:


savagely: adv. violently and severely 凶猛地,猛烈地

For example:

He was savagely attacked and beaten.

tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously

at his foot as if it were a giant leech.

[Para. 29]

wrench:vi./vt. to twist and pull sth. roughly from the place

where it is being held 猛扭,猛拧For example:

He wrenched the door open. 他拧动把手,打开了门。

The guard wrenched the knife from the attacker’s hands.

viciously: adv. cruelly or fiercely 凶残地,猛烈地

For example:


had dug himself in in France when a second’s delay

meant death. [Para. 30]

dig in: if soldiers dig in or dig themselves in, they dig

trenches where they can wait for an attack 挖洞躲藏,挖壕据守

For example:

The troops dug in along the defensive line.

he planted in the bottom of the pit with the points

sticking up. [Para. 30]



plant: . to put sth. firmly in or on sth. else 牢牢安置,重重放置

For example:

He came up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. 他走上前在她脸上重重地亲了一口。Henry planted himself in the seat next

to me. 亨利一屁股坐在我旁边的座位上。

he felt an impulse to cry out with joy, for he heard

the sharp scream of pain as the cover

of the pit gave way and the pointed stakes found their mark.

[Para. 31]

give way: to break because of too much weight or pressure


For example:

The bridge threatened to give way as the floodwaters rose.

mark:n. the place that you try to hit 目标,靶

For example:

His third shot found its mark.

The bullet missed its mark, embedding itself in a tree.

daybreak Rainsford was awakened by a sound that

made him know that he had new things

to learn about fear. [Para. 36]


此句意为:At dawn Rainsford was awakened by the baying of

the hounds that made him even more terrified than before.

idea that held a wild chance came to him and,

tightening his belt, he headed away from the

swamp. [Para. 34]

[典型句式] sth. comes to sb.: 某人想起或记起……

For example:

The idea came to me while I was on vacation.


Her name will come to me in a minute.


It came to her that it was foolish to expect him to help.


ing his eyes, he saw the lean figure of the general;

just ahead of him he made out

another figure; it was the giant Ivan; Rainsford knew that he

must be holding the pack in leash.

[Para. 35]

strain one’s eyes/ears: to try very hard to see or hear sth. 使劲看(或听)

For example:


lean:adj. thin and looking physically fit and healthy 瘦的,结实的,精干的

For example:

He was lean, tall, and muscular.

make out: to see, hear, or understand sb. or sth. with difficulty

(吃力地)看到,听到,理解For example:



leash: n.a piece of rope, leather etc. fastened to a dog’s

collar in order to control it; lead 拴狗颈的皮带(绳子、链条等)

For example:

All dogs must be kept on a leash / in leash while on the

beaches. 沙滩上所有狗都必须用链子牵着。

caught hold of a springy young sapling and to it he

fastened his hunting knife, with the

blade pointed down the trail; with a bit of wild grapevine he

tied back the sapling. [Para. 36] 句子结构分析:

本句中,为了前后文连贯,介词短语“to it”提前;独立结构“with the blade pointed down the trail”起补充说明作用。

springy:adj. sth. that is springy quickly returns to its shape

after you press it or walk on it 有弹性的

For example:

a springy mattress 有弹性的床垫

I took off my shoes and felt the springy grass beneath my

bare feet.

hounds raised their voices as they hit the fresh scent.

[Para. 36]


此句意为:The dogs barked even more violently as they

suddenly smelled their prey Rainsford again.

ord had hardly tumbled to the ground when the

pack took up the cry again. [Para. 38] tumble:vi. to fall down

quickly and suddenly, esp. with a rolling movement 摔下,滚下,掉下

For example:


39.A blue gap showed between the trees dead ahead. [Para.


此句意为:Rainsford had a glimpse of the sea between the

trees straight ahead.

dead: adv. directly or exactly 恰好,正好

For example:



some minutes he stood regarding the blue green

expanse of water. [Para. 39]


regard: . to look at sb. or sth., in a particular way 注视,打量,凝视

For example:


expanse: n. a large area of land, water, or sky (天、地、水面的)广阔,辽阔;大片

For example:

a wide expanse of blue sky 辽阔的蓝天

expanses of the desert 广袤的沙漠

slight annoyances kept him from perfect enjoyment.

[Para. 39]


此句意为:He didn’t enjoy complete satisfaction because of

two small annoyances.

annoyance:n. sth. that makes you slightly angry (一丝)不快,烦恼

For example:

Smoking is a tremendous annoyance to non-smokers. 吸烟让不吸烟的人很烦恼。

I like to stay up late most nights, much to the annoyance of

my girlfriend.


42.“I am still a beast at bay,” he said, in a low hoarse voice,

“Get ready, General Zaroff.” [Para.


at bay: with escape cut off; cornered 被困住的;被逼入困境的

For example:

A frightened animal at bay may turn violent.

The government hopes to keep inflation at bay. (keep sth at


hoarse: adj. sb. who is hoarse or has a hoarse voice speaks in

a low rough voice, usually because their throat is sore (嗓音)嘶哑的,沙哑的

For example:

Y ou sound very hoarse. Do you have a cold? 你嗓子听上去哑了,你感冒了?

He had shouted himself hoarse in his frenzied efforts to

attract attention.

of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. [Para. 45]


此句意为:One of us—that is, the one who loses—is to be

thrown to the dogs and eaten up by them.

furnish: . to supply or provide sth. 供应,提供

For example:

Basic equipment will be furnished to all new recruits.

The landlady’s evidence may have furnished the police with

a v ital clue.

repast:. a meal 餐;佳肴美食

For example:

The repast being ended, all advanced to a farm called Mill


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