


铁路运输 railway transportation;

railway traffic 铁路运输管理 railway transport administration

铁路运营 railway operation

铁路运输组织 railway traffic organization

铁路运输质量管理 quality control of railway transportation

铁路旅客运输规程 regulations for railway passenger traffic

铁路货物运输规程 regulations for railway freight traffic

铁路重载运输 railway heavy haul traffic

铁路高速运输 railway high speed traffic

铁路保险运输 insured rail traffic

铁路保价运输 value insured rail traffic

铁路军事运输 railway military service

铁路旅客运输 railway passenger traffic

铁路客运组织 railway passenger traffic organization

行李 luggage;

baggage 包裹 parcel

行李房 luggage office; baggage office

售票处 booking office; ticket; office

候车室 waiting room; waiting hall

高架火车厅 overhead waiting hall

问讯处 information office; inquiry office

客流 passenger flow

直通客流 through passenger flow

管内客流 local passenger flow

市郊客流 suburban passenger flow 客流量 passenger flow volume

客流调查 passenger flow investigation

客流图 passenger flow diagram

旅客发送人数 number of passenger despatched;

number of passengers originated

旅客到达人数 number of passengers arrived

旅客运送人数 number of passengers transported

旅客最高聚集人数 maximum number of passengers in peak hours

车票 ticket

客票 passenger ticket

加快票 fast extra ticket

特快加快票 express extra ticket

卧铺票 berth ticket

站台票 platform ticket

减价票 reduced-fare ticket

学生票 student ticket

小孩票 child ticket

残废军人票 disabled army man ticket

国际联运旅客车票 passenger ticket for international through traffic

册页客票;联票 coupon ticket

代用票 substituting ticket

定期票 periodical ticlet

公用乘车证 service pass

行李票 luggage ticket; baggage ticket

车票有效期 ticket availability

行李包裹托运 consigning of luggages and parcels

行李包裹承运 acceptance of luggages and parcels

行李包裹交付 delivery of luggages and parcels

旅客换乘 passenger transference

变更径路 route diversion

错乘 takeng wrong train

漏乘 missing a train

越站乘车 overtaking the station

旅客列车乘务组 passenger train crew

旅客列车乘务制度 crew working system of passenger train

旅客列车轮乘制 crew pooling system of passenger train

旅客列车包乘制 assigning crew system of passenger train

旅客列车包车制 responsibility crew system of passenger train

列车员 train attendant

列车长 train conductor

乘警 train police

客运密度 passenger traffic density

旅客列车直达速度 through speed of passenger train

旅客列车车底周转时间 turnround time of passenger train set

列车车底需要数 number of passenger train set required

客车平均日车公里 average car-kilometers per car-day

列车平均载客人数 average number of passengers carried per train

列车客座利用率 percentage of passenger seats utilization per train

客车客座利用率 percentage of passenger seats utilization per car

铁路货物运输 railway freight traffic

铁路货运组织 railway freight traffic organization

综合性货运站 general freight station; general goods station

专业性货运站 specialized freight station

零担货物中转站 less-than-carload freight transshipment station;

part-load transshipment station

营业站 operating station

非营业站 non-operating station

货场 freight yard; goods yard

尽头式货场 stub-end type freight yard

通过式货场 through-type freight yard 混合式货场 mixed-type freight


装卸线 loading and unloading track 轨道衡线 weight bridge track

货区 freight area; goods area

场库 storage yard and warehouse

堆货场 storage yard

货物站台 freight platform; goods platform

货棚 freight shed; goods shed

仓库 warehouse

货位 freight section; goods section

企业自备车 private car

月度货物运输计划 monthly freight traffic plan

旬间装车计划 ten day car loading plan

要车计划表 car planned requisition list

日要车计划表 daily car requisition plan

货物品类 goods category

计划内运输 planned freight traffic

计划外运输 out-of-plan freight traffic; unplanned freight traffic

直达运输 through traffic

成组装车 car loading by groups

合理运输 rational traffic 对流运输 cross-haul traffic

过远运输 excessively long-distance traffic

重复运输 repeated traffic

迂回运输 round about traffic; circuitous traffic

无效运输 ineffective traffic

整车货物 car load freight

零担货物 less-than-carload freight

大宗货物 mass freight

散装货物 bulk freight

堆装货物 stack-loading freight

成件包装货物 packed freight

鲜活货物 fresh and live freight

罐装货物 tank car freight

易燃货物 inflammable freight

易冻货物 freezable freight

轻质货物 light and bulk freight

重质货物 heavy freight

整车分卸 car load freight unloaded at two or more stations

一批货物 consignment

货物运到期限 freight transit period

货物运单 consignment note

货票 way bill; freight invoice

货车装载清单 car loading list

货物托运 consigning of freight

货物承运 acceptance of freight

货物交付 dilivery of freight

货主 owner of freight; consignor; consignee

货物发送作业 freight operation at originated station

货物到达作业 freight operation at destination station

货物途中作业 freight operation en route 货物标记 freight label

运输条件 traffic condition

运输限制 traffic limitation; traffic restriction

货车施封 car seal

货物换装整理 transhipment and rearrangement of goods

货物运输变更 traffic diversion

货源 freight traffic source

货流 freight flow

货流量 freight flow volume

货流图 freight flow diagram

货物发送吨数 tonnage of freight despatched

货物到达吨数 tonnage of freight arrived

货物运送吨数 tonnage of freight tranaported

计费吨公里 tonne-kilometers charged

运营吨公里 tonne-kilometers operated

货运密度 density of freight traffic

货车标记载重量 marked loading capacity of car

货车静载重 static load of car

货车动载重 dynamic load of car

货车载重量利用率 coefficient of utilization for car loading capacity

货车日产量 serviceable work-done per day

超限货物 out-of-gauge freight

超限货物等级 classification of out-of-gauge freight

超限货物检查架 examining rack for out-of-gauge freight

阔大货物 exceptional dimension freight 超常货物 exceptional length


货物转向架 freight turning rack

货物转向架支距 distance between centers of freight turning rack

跨装 straddle

车钩缓冲停止器 device for stopping buffer action

游车 idle car

货物重心的横向位移 lateral shift for center of gravity of goods

货物重心的纵向位移 longitudinal shift for center of gravity of goods

集重货物 concentrated weight goods

重车重心 center of gravity for car loaded

重车重心高 center height of gravity for car loaded

危险货物 dangerous freight; dangerous goods

易腐货物 perishable freight

冻结货物 frozen freight

冷却货物 cooled freight

加冰所 re-icing point

本文发布于:2024-09-21 17:58:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:货物   运输   铁路   旅客   旅客列车   人数   客流   货车
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