



汽车英语作文 篇1

Private cars have become an important aspect of people‘s

life in many parts of our country, especially in large cities such as

Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. While they bring much

convenience to people, they are also widely criticized. There are

some arguments for owning private cars. In the first place, cars

allow people to move around freely, which greatly improves our

living standard. We can easily drive cars for sightseeing on

weekends. In the second place, cars are a comfortable way to

travel, especially in bad weather. Last but not least, the car

industry can boost economy by creating many job opportunities

in production of steel, rubber, glass and so on. However, there are

also many good arguments against cars. First of all, they pollute

the environment by emitting harmful gases and giving out loud

noises. In addition, cars cause a large number of traffic accidents,

which bring great misery to the victims‘ families. As far as I am

concerned, we should limit the number of private cars by

providing better mass transportation and better service for the

people. Everyone should sacrifice his or her own interest for the

common good of the society.




汽车英语作文 篇2

Nowadays,it is generally acknowledged that the automobiles

make our life argue that they play an essential

role in our modern life andwe can not live well without

drive their cars to go to work which saves

more time and energy.


But some otherpeople believe that a great many of problems

can be brought by the of all, much tail gas

released by cars harm pollutes the fresh airgravely. Secondly, too

many cars result the roads in blocked. Finally, fastdriving makes

people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents.


As far as Iconcerned, it is no doubt that vehicles contribute

to our economic developmentexceedingly. But if we overuse it,

many undesirable consequences can be surelycaused, which

contains highway accidents, air pollution and so on. So at

thismoment, we must take measures to avoid these happen.


汽车英语作文 篇3

Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled

“Cars: Should we Love them or Hate them?” In the essay, you

should (1)desCRIbe the picture (2)interpret its meaning (3)give

your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about

200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET2. (20 points)

Cars: Should we Love them or Hate them?

In the picture, there are some statistics showing the cars

number in China from 1980 to 20xx. From the statistics, we can

see that the number of cars has increased drastically since the

turn of the millennium.

The statistics indicate that there is a higher and higher

demand for cars nowadays. Ten years ago, the car was a real

luxury for most of the people in China. Owning a car seemed to

be a dream too far away to realize. However, this luxury is now

becoming somewhat of a necessity to many people. From this

phenomenon, a conclusion can be reached that the living

standards of the people have improved by a big margin. Cars

make our life more convenient. However, good dreams may

sometimes turn to be nightmares. Many problems accompany

the increasing numbers of cars. There are more and more

accidents which can bring disaster to many families. The city

traffic is in chaos and traffic jams have become a part of our daily

life. Air pollution and noise pollution caused by cars do harm to

our health. People who loved cars so much before have begun to

hate these annoying machines.

In fact, all things have dual characters. What we should do is

to reduce the influence of the negative one to the minimum. It is

true that cars have brought a lot of problems to our life. However,

many measures can be taken to tackle them. More roads and

overpasses can be built. Some improvements can be made to

reduce the volume of the exhaust air. I believe that everybody will

love cars one day in the future.

汽车英语作文 篇4

Too many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our

world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption,

cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities.

All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into

the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease

and even death. One possible solution is to design and develop

clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses

begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much

carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take decades for the new

models of clean cars completely replace the traditional ones.

Another solution is to develop modern public transportation

systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol

rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and

convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. And

the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly. On the

whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts

from the government, the public and the environmentalists.

汽车英语作文 篇5

From the graph, we can see that there were two peaks in

accidents in 20xx。 One was in March with the number of

accidents 35。 The other was in August with the number of

accidents 42, which was the highest point on the distribution

line。 From August, the number of car accidents decreased till

it reached the lowest point of the year in December。 The two

peaks occurred in spring and summer, the two seasons which

had most of the year’s rain。 Driving tends to be more

dangerous on rainy days。 Maybe the weather is the most

important reason for car accidents。 Be careful, when you drive

a car on rainy days.

汽车英语作文 篇6

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write

a composition on the topic: Private Cars’ Effect on Our Life. You

should write at least 150 words and base your composition on

the outline (given in Chinese) below:




Private Cars’ Effect on Our Life Along with the economic

growth, private cars have penetrated into a wealth of citizens’

lives because of its convenience features. Undoubtedly, the

widespread use of cars promotes the social productivity and

enhances the economic development. But we are supposed to

weigh strengths and weaknesses of the popularity of cars. With

the growing prevalence of vehicles, a host of problems have


To begin with, car emissions are having an immeasurable

effect on the world’s climate. Solid scientific evidence can

confirm this harm. Secondly, because the car depends so heavily

on fossil fuels, it is a major source of carbon dioxide that causes

global warming. Additionally, soaring ownership of cars puts

tremendous pressure on the limited capacity of current transport

system. There is a heavy urban traffic flow with frequent traffic

jam. These harmful side effects of autos burden our society with

unacceptable costs to human health, the environment, and our


So we must reverse this rising trend and promote the mass

transportation. Our heavy reliance on private cars must be


汽车英语作文 篇7

Car Pollution

Each year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads

as millions of new cars are produced. One out of six Americans

works at making cars, driving trucks, building roads or filling up

gas. Americans couldnt live without cars!

Most Americans would find it hard to imagine life without a

car. However, some have realized the serious problem of air

pollution caused by cars. The polluted air becomes poisonous

and dangerous to health.

One way to get rid of the polluted air is to make a car without

pollution. But to build a clean car is easier said than done.

Progress in this field is slow.

Another way is to replace car engines with something else.

Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars.

Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical

model for us.

To prevent the world from being polluted by cars, we have to

make some changes in our lives. Americans, for example, have to

cut down on the number of their total are encouraged

to use bicycles, which are thought to help keep the air clean.

But this change does not come easily. A large number of

workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory cioses

down. Thus the problem of air pollution would become less

important than that of unemployment. Although cars have led us

to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.

汽车英语作文 篇8

It was snowing heavily on Monday morning. Li Hua was at

the bus stop, waiting for Bus No.601 to go to school. After a while,

a bus came and she got on it.

There were many passengers in the were talking

and some were looking out of the windows. Suddenly the bus

stopped. The driver turned around and said, "Sorry. The bus has

broken down. Please get off and help push the bus."When they

heard this, Li Hua and the other passengers got off the

worked hard together, pushing the bus slowly forward. Soon the

bus was running again.

All the passengers were smiling and the sun was shining.





汽车英语作文 篇9

A Bus or a Can?

“Good heavens!”I always sigh with relief when I get off Bus

No. 65.

There are many stories of sadness and sorrows about Bus No.

65, which I take every day on my way to school.

It is usual for me to wait for over ten minutes at the bus stop

without seeing a bus coming during the rush hour. This causes

more and more people to gather. Among them are those rushing

to work, peasants going to the railway station with heavy

luggage and students going to school with schoolbags on their


When finally a bus arrives, people will force their way into it

when it is still moving. The doors open, men try hard to be the

first to get on. They don't even wait for the passengers on the

bus to get off!

In a while, the bus is filled again. It is so full that the

conductor has difficulty closing the doors. A few people are

forced to step off. Even so, the doors still can not close fast. So

some warm-hearted men have to push hard on the backs of the

few who are only half in and kick the doors close.

Sometimes it is impossible for you to buy a ticket, for if you

try toturn around it will cause complaints from others. I often feel

as if I were so tightly tied that I were almost out of breath.

Complaints, cries, angry curses① and quarrels soon fill my ears.

“I'm almost breathless!” an old lady murmurs.

“My handbag! Where is it? ”shouts someone.

“Move a bit, can't you? You're stepping on my

toe!”another cries angrily.

“Why on earth do you push your elbow ② against my

stomach?”still another protests③.

“Those villagers! Throw them out! See how many big bags

they carry with them!”Many shout in one voice.

Babies let out screams of frights and sufferings.

Although I am so used do quarrels that I am almost not

caring about them, yet I very much wish I could turn my ears

away from these noises. I can't help wondering whether I am

one of the sardines ④ packed tightly in a can.

When at last I am pushed on the bus by the gate of my school,

I am often troubled by such a question,“When will all my

sufferings of taking Bus No. 65 end?”

汽车英语作文 篇10

City traffic is a big problem in some cities in the world,

especially in big cities. To solve the problem, someone are in

favor of developing buses as means of city traffic. Others are in

favor of the subway. Between them,which is the better choice?


It is easier to take buses as means of city traffic than the

subway trains because buses don't need special roads. But buses

have also many disadvantages, some of which are very serious.

They may cause louder noise and more traffic accidents. Buses

give rise to serious air pollution and traffic jam. In order to stop

what buses cause, a large amount of hand must be used to widen

the roads. On the contrary, the subway train is of more

advantages. Except the difficulty and high cost of building the

subway, it is superior to the buses in many aspects.


Taking the advantages and disadvantages together into

consideration,I would be in favor of developing the subway

train as soon as possible.


汽车英语作文 篇11

Car and Air Pollution

Cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. All

the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into

the atmosphere, causing disease and even death.

One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars

and clean fuels. But it may take decades for the new models to

completely replace the traditional ones.

Another solution is to develop modern public transportation

systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol

rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and

convenient enough, most people will not drive private cars. On

the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the co-efforts

from the government and the public. This problem will be solved

only with the help of science and technology.

汽车英语作文 篇12

Cars and Pollution

In nowadays,as the increasing of people’s living level,more

and more families buy cars for the convenience of living


However, Too many cars have created a lot of serious

problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast

fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air

pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge

amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are

very harmful, causing disease and even death.

One possible solution is to invent and develop clean cars and

clean fuels. In the world, buses in some cities are driven by

electricity, while others begin to use natural gas, which does not

give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol. But it may take

decades for the new models of clean cars to completely replace

the traditional ones.

Another solution is to develop modern public transportation

systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol

rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and

convenient enough, most people will not private cars. And the

total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.

汽车英语作文 篇13

Car and Air Pollution

Too many cars have caused a lot of serious problems in our

world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumption,

cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities.

One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars

and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to

run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon

dioxide as petrol. Another solution is to develop modern public

transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the

price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are

efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy

private cars. Thus, the total number of cars in big cities will reduce


On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the

collective efforts from the government, the public and the


汽车英语作文 篇14

Traffic jam is a growing problem in our cities and it is

becoming more and more serious as the city’s a

result of traffic growing,the city’s pollution is growing,

in some point,we can say it is a big soruce of pollution in cities.

The Cars play an important role in modern society. But they

are also responsible for a good part of air pollution in big

carbon dioxide is the outcome of transportation and it

seriously cause the greenhouse effect.

As we know,the sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide are also

making by this two kinds of gas play more important

role in city people, especially children and elderly

people, with breathing problems, polluted air can be very

harmful, sometimes even fatal.

In a word ,when you enjoy all the conveniences that the city

has to offer, you are paying a price also because the city is more

polluted and we have to say traffic is a big source

of pollution in cities.

汽车英语作文 篇15

In general, there are two way of traveling, private cars and

public transportation. Chinese people should regard public

transportation as their first traveling opinion.

First, there are so many people living in this countries that

make it so crowded. If each chinese people own a car, there will

be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you


Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from cars.

Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat,

which lead to great pollution and result in green house effect.


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