



Unit 1 Hello again!

and point.

Stella: Hello again! We’re the Star Family.

I’m Stella Star and I’m eight.

This is my brother, Simon. He’s seven,

and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four.

Simon: This is my grandmother.

She’s Grandma Star.

Grandma: Hello.

Simon: This is my grandfather.

He’s Grandpa Star.

Simon: Grandpa, say hello.

Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody.

Mrs Star: And we’re Mr and Mrs Star.

Simon: What’s your name? How old are you?

2. Listen, point and repeat.

Stella Simon Suzy Mr Star Mrs star Grandma Star Grandpa

Star 3. Listen and answer.

Trevor: Hello! I’m Trevor.

Look at number four. Who’s he?

Look at number one. Who’s she?

Look at number eight. Who’s he?

Look at number three. Who’s she?

Look at number six. Who’s she?

Look at number two. Who’s he?

Look at number nine. Who’s she?

Look at number ten. Who’s he?

Look at number five. Who’s she?

Look at number seven. Who’s he?

(Answer: 4 Mr Star, 1 Suzy, 8 Monty, 3 Stella, 6 Grandma Star,

2 Simon, 9 Marie, 10 Maskman, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Grandpa Star)

5. Listen and point. Chant.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

6. Point, ask and answer.

What’s this? the letter b.

7. Ask and answer.

Can you spell purple? P-u-r-p-l-e.

9. Say it with Monty.

MONTY: Adam ant


MONTY: A sad cat in a black bag


A sad cat in a black bag

to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

ALL FOUR TOYS: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ...

MARIE: Let's play a game. What's this

colour? B-l-u-e.

MASKMAN: I know. It's blue. My car's blue.


MASKMAN: Now, it's my turn. What's this

word? F-o-u-r.

MONTY: I know. That's four. Here are four pencils! My turn.

MONTY: What's this, Trevor? P-u-r-p-l-e.

TREVOR: Er. Is it a pencil? Pencils are my favourite food.

MARIE: No, Trevor. It's purple. Your hair's purple. MASKMAN: OK,

Trevor. It's your turn.

TREVOR: Er ... What's this? T-h-r-e-e.

MONTY: Three. I've only got three pencils!

MONTY: Where's the red pencil?

MARIE: Are pencils your favourite food, Trevor? TREVOR: Er,

yes, they are. Sorry, Monty.

12. Listen and say the number.

MONTY: What's this, Trevor? P-u-r-p-l-e.

ALL FOUR TOYS: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ...

MARIE: Are pencils your favourite food, Trevor? MASKMAN:

I know. It's blue. My car's blue. Look! MONTY: I know. That's four.

Here are four pencils! My turn. TREVOR: Er ... What's this? T-h-r-e-e.

Unit 2 Back to school!

and point.

STELLA: Hello, Alex. Hello, Lenny. How are you?

ALEX AND LENNY: Fine, thanks.

MEERA: Is this your classroom, Simon?


MEERA: Who's that on the board?

SIMON: That's my favourite toy, Maskman.

Look at my Maskman ruler.

LENNY: That's nice. My ruler's on my desk.

STELLA: Are your school books in the bookcase? SIMON: No,

they're in the cupboard.

Our teacher's here now.


, point and repeat.

board bookcase cupboard desk ruler teacher

and point. Chant.

School, school. This is the Numbers School.

Eleven desks,Twelve erasers,

Thirteen rulers, Fourteen cupboards,

Fifteen classrooms, Sixteen teachers,

Seventeen pens, Eighteen boards,

Nineteen pencils, Twenty tables.

School, school. This is the Numbers School.

and point.

MEERA: This is my classroom. How many desks are there?

There are a lot of desks. That's my desk next to the bookcase.

There's a long pink ruler on it. There are a lot of books in the

bookcase. There's a big whiteboard on the wall. There's a

computer, but there isn't a television.

, point and repeat.

There’s a long pink ruler on her desk.

There are a lot of boos in the bookcase.

There’s a big whiteboard on the wall.

There’s a computer in the classroom, but there isn’t a


and point. Sing.

There are pencils in the classroom,

Yes, there are.

There's a cupboard on the pencils, yes there is.

There's a ruler on the cupboard,

There's a bookcase on the ruler,

There's a teacher on the bookcase, yes there is.

There's a teacher on the bookcase, yes there is.

There are pencils in the classroom,

Yes, there are.

There's a cupboard on the pencils, yes there is. There's a ruler

on the cupboard,

There's a bookcase on the ruler,

There's a teacher on the bookcase, yes there is. There's a

teacher on the bookcase, yes there is. There are pencils in the

classroom, yes there are. There's a cupboard on the pencils, yes

there is. There's a ruler on the cupboard,

There's a bookcase on the ruler,

There's a teacher on the bookcase, yes there is. There's a

teacher on the bookcase, yes there is. There are pencils in the

classroom, yes there are. There's a cupboard on the pencils, yes

there is. There's a ruler on the cupboard,

There's a bookcase on the ruler,

There's a teacher on the bookcase, yes there is. There's a

teacher on the bookcase, yes there is.

9. Say it with Monty.

MONTY: Ingrid insect

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Ingrid insect

MONTY: Six big pink fish sitting in the kitchen. MONTY, BOY

AND GIRL: Six big pink fish sitting in the kitchen.

11. Listen to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

MARIE: OK, everybody.

This bag is for school. Let's look.


MARIE: Hmm. Is there a ruler?

MASKMAN: Yes, there is. It's a 'Maskman' ruler.

MONTY: Look, Marie. Here's an eraser.

MARIE: Good! Can you put it in the bag, please,


MONTY: Now there's an eraser in the bag, Marie.

MARIE: Good! Thank you, Monty.

MARIE: Now, how many pencils are there?

MASKMAN: There are 9, 10, 11 pencils.

MONTY: 11 pencils! Where's the pencil? Trevor!

TREVOR: Sorry. Here you are. Pencils are my

favourite food.

and say 'yes' or 'no’.

MARIE: OK, everybody. This book is for 's look.

MASKMAN: Yes, there is. It's a 'Maskman' ruler.

MONTY: Look, Marie. Here's a pencil.

MARIE: Good! Thank you, Trevor.

MASKMAN: There are 9, 10, 11 pencils.

TREVOR: Sorry. Here you are. Erasers are my favourite food.

Unit 3 Play time!

and point.

Suzy: Ooh, kites! Can we look at them, Dad?

Mr Star: OK, Suzy. Where are they?

Suzy: Over there! Next to the lorries.

Simon: Look at these robots!

Stella: Ugh! They’re ugly!

Alex: I like this big yellow watch.

Meera:Look at this camera. It’s orange, my favourite colour.

Stella:Hum! … Look! Computer games! I love computer

games! Simon: Great! Is there a Maskman Playbox?

Stella:Yes, there is, and there’s a ‘Can you spell…?’ game.

Meera, Alex, Simon: Ugh! Stella!

, point and repeat.

Camera watch kite robot lorry computer game

, point and say the numbers.

These are dolls.

This is a robot.

This is a train.

This is a camera.

These are lorries.

This is a watch.

This is a computer game.

This is a kite.

These are balls.

and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ .

There are two big red lorries.

There’s a beautiful pink and purple kite.

There’s a Maskman computer game.

There’s an ugly robot with green eyes.

There’s a small orange camera.

There’s a clean orange ball.

There are two small white balls.

There are three happy dolls.

There are two big yellow watches.

There’s a long brown train.

and point .

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive,

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Monty:Look at Suzy’s kite! It’s beautiful. It’s pink

and purple with a long tail.

Maskman: And it’s big, and it can fly.

I can fly too. What’s that, Marie?

Marie:It’s a ‘Can you spell…?’ computer game.

Monty: Whose is it? Is it Suzy’s?

Marie: No, it isn’’s S tella’s.

Monty: What’s that under the table?

Maskman: It’s Simon’s basketball.

Monty: No, not that. What’s that new toy next to the ball?

Marie: It’s a big robot. It’s‘Metal Mouth’.

Maskman: Metal Mouth? Hmm, yes. It’s an ugly robot.

Monty: Whose is it?

Maskman: It’s Simon’s.

Metal Mouth: My name is Metal Mouth. My name is Metal


Monty: Ooh, look! It can walk and talk.

Maskman: Yes, but it’s can’t fly. I can fly.

, point and repeat.

Look at Suzy’s kite.

Whose is the computer game?

It’s Stella’s computer game.

It’s Simon’s robot.

and point. Sing.

Whose is this jacket? Whose is this jacket? What? That black


Yes, this black jacket. Whose is this jacket? It's John's. Oh!

Whose are these shoes? Whose are these shoes? What?

Those blue shoes? Yes, these blue shoes. Whose are these shoes?

They're Sheila's. Oh!

Whose is this skirt? Whose is this skirt? What? That purple


Yes, this purple skirt.

Whose is this skirt?

It's Sue's.


Whose are these trousers?

Whose are these trousers?

What? Those brown trousers?

Yes, these brown trousers.

Whose are these trousers?

They're Tom's.


it with Monty.

MONTY: Wendy whale

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Wendy whale MONTY: Where's the

woman with the white watch? MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Where's

the woman with the white watch?

to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

TREVOR: Whose is this robot?

MASKMAN: It's Simon's.

TREVOR: Hello. What's your name?

ROBOT: My name is Metal mouth.

TREVOR: Oh. Can you walk, Metal mouth? ROBOT: I can walk

and I can talk.

MASKMAN: Well, I can walk. I can talk, and I can spell. U-g-l-y.

TREVOR: I know! I know! It's ugly!

MASKMAN: Yes, it is ... and it can't fly.

MARIE: Maskman! Say 'sorry', please.


MONTY: It's OK, Maskman. You're a superhero and you're

Simon's favourite toy.

Unit 4 At home!

and point.

STELLA: Can I play, Suzy?


STELLA: Where's my bedroom?

SUZY: It's there, next to the bathroom.


SUZY: Put this blue mat on the floor next to

your bed.

STELLA: Can I have a phone in my bedroom?

SUZY: No, you can't. The phone's in the living

room next to the sofa.

STELLA: Can I have a lamp, please?

SUZY: OK. You can put the lamp on the table next to your


STELLA: Thanks, Suzy. Where can I put the armchair?

SUZY: Put it in the living room under the clock.

STELLA: Is there a mirror in my bedroom?

SUZY: A mirror in your bedroom? No, there isn't. There are

three mirrors. One in the bathroom, one in my bedroom and one

in Simon's bedroom.


, point and repeat.

mat lamp clock phone mirror sofa

and point. Chant.

There's a mirror in the bathroom,

And a phone in the hall.

A sofa in the living room,

A clock on the wall.

There's a lamp on the table,

And a mat next to the bed.

There's a boat in the bath,

And the boat is red.

and correct.

There’s a girl sitting on the sofa.

(No, there isn’t. Ther e’s a boy sitting on the sofa.)

There’s a mirror in the living room.

(No, there isn’’s a mirror in the bathroom.) There’s

a phone in the bedroom.

(No, there isn’’s a phone in the hall.) There’s a

boat on the bed.

(No, there isn’t. Th ere’s a boat in the bath.) There’s a

sofa in the hall.

(No, there isn’’s a sofa in the living room.) There’s

a lamp under the window.

(No, there isn’’s a lamp on the table.) There’s a

clock next to the bath.

(No, there isn’’s a clock on the wall.) There’s a boy

sitting on the bed.

(No, there isn’’s a girl sitting on the bed.)

and point.

GRANDPA: Simon! Stella! Can you take your clothes to your

bedrooms, please?


GRANDPA: Whose T-shirt is that?

STELLA: Which T-shirt?

GRANDPA: The yellow one.

STELLA: It's Suzy's.

SIMON: No, it isn't. It's mine!

STELLA: No, Simon. That T-shirt's very small. Yours is the big

yellow one over there. SIMON: Oh! Yes!

GRANDPA: OK. Are those blue socks yours, Simon?

SIMON: No, they aren't mine. They're Dad's.

GRANDPA: What now? Oh, yes! Whose black trousers are


SIMON AND STELLA: They're yours, Grandpa.

GRANDPA: Oh, yes! That's right, they are.

, point and repeat.

GRANDPA: Whose T-shirt is that?

SIMON: It's mine!

GRANDPA: Whose black trousers are those?

STELLA AND SIMON: They're yours, Grandpa.

and point. Sing.

Look at this! Look at this!

Whose are these shoes?

Whose are these shoes?

Stella! Are they yours? Stella!

Are they yours?

No, they aren't mine!

No, they aren't mine!

Hmm. Which shoes are Simon's?

Which shoes are Simon's?

Which, which, which, which?

Which shoes are Simon's?

The grey ones are his.

The grey ones are his.

Hmm. Which shoes are Suzy's?

Which shoes are Suzy's?

Which, which, which, which?

Which shoes are Suzy's?

The red ones are hers. The red ones are hers.

SO! Whose shoes are those? Whose shoes are those?

Whose, whose, whose, whose?

Whose shoes are those?

Those are Grandpa's. Those are Grandpa's.



it with Monty.

MONTY: Ellie elephant


Ellie elephant

MONTY: Seven pets in seven beds.

Ten elephants with big heads.

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Seven pets in seven beds.

Ten elephants with big heads.

to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

MASKMAN: Let's play hide and seek.

MARIE: Trevor, close your eyes and count to 20.

TREVOR: ... 17, 18, 19, 20. I'm coming.

TREVOR: Where are they? Whose is that tail? Ha

ha! I can see you, Monty. You're under the


MONTY: OK. Well done, Trevor.

MONTY: Look. Whose feet are those? Come out, Maskman.

We can see you next to the bookcase.

MASKMAN: Now, where's Marie?

MONTY: Marie's in the cupboard. Look! That's her hair.

MASKMAN: Eeeek! What's that?

MONTY: It's a toy horse.

MARIE: I win!

Unit 5 Meet my family

and point.

STELLA: Look, Lenny's with Frank's mum and dad.

SIMON: Who's Frank?

STELLA: Frank's Lenny's baby cousin.

MEERA: Oh, how old is he?

STELLA: He's one.

SIMON: How many cousins have you got, Meera?

MEERA: Six: four boys and two girls. How many cousins have

you got?

SIMON: None, but we've got a baby. Her name's Suzy.

SUZY: I'm not a baby. I'm a big girl! Grandpa! Simon says I'm

a baby.

GRANDPA: Simon, as you're a big boy, you can fly Suzy's kite

with her. Here you are! SIMON: Puph! Thank you.

, point and repeat.

mummy daddy grandma grandpa cousin baby

, point and answer.

He’s Lenny’s daddy. What’s his name? (Nick)

She’s Frank’s cousin. What’s her name?(May)

He’s Kim’s brother. What’s his name? (Ben)

She’s Lenny’s sister. What’s her name? (May)

She’s Frank’s mummy. What’s her name? (Lucy)

He’s May’s cousin. What’s his name? (Frank)

He’s Frank’s grandpa. What’s his name? (Nelson)

She’s Sam’s grandma. What’s her name? (Anna)

5. Listen and say the numbers. Lenny’s hitting the ball.(16)

The dog’s getting the ball. (19)

The boy’s mother is cleaning his mouth. (14) The baby’s

sleeping. (11)

Simon’s throwing the ball. (15)

The girl’s kicking the football. (18)

Frank’s mum and dad are talking. (12) Meera’s catching

the ball. (17)

Grandpa’s flying a kite. (13)

The cat’s jumping. (20)

and point. Sing.

My grandpa isn't walking,

He's flying my favourite kite.

My grandma's cleaning the table,

It's beautiful and white.

My father's playing baseball,

He can catch and he can hit.

My cousin's got the ball now,

And now he's throwing it.

My baby sister's sleeping,

She is very small.

My brother isn't jumping,

He's kicking his football. Hey!

My grandpa isn't walking,

He's flying my favourite kite.

My grandma's cleaning the table,

It's beautiful and white.

My mother's sitting reading,

Her book is big and grey.

And me? I'm very happy,

I can run and play. I can run and play. I can run and play. I can

run and play.

I can run and play. I can run and play.

it with Monty.

MONTY: Heather the feathered friend

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Heather the feathered friend

MONTY: These are their fathers,

Those are their mothers.

Who's over there?

They're their brothers.


These are their fathers,

Those are their mothers.

Who's over there?

They're their brothers.

to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

TREVOR: Ooh! What's he doing to those

shoes, Marie?

MARIE: He's cleaning them, Trevor.

MONTY: Hello, Trevor! Look at me! I'm driving

Suzy's yellow lorry.

TREVOR: Hello, Maskman. What are you doing?

MASKMAN: I'm flying my helicopter. I'm a superhero.

TREVOR: Hello, Marie. What are you doing?

MARIE: I'm cleaning my shoes.

MONTY: What are you doing, Trevor?

TREVOR: I'm cleaning the doll's house.

MARIE: Oh no!

and say the number.

TREVOR: Hello, Marie. What are you doing?

MASKMAN: I'm flying my helicopter. I'm a superhero.

TREVOR: I'm cleaning the doll's house.

MONTY: Hello, Trevor! Look at me! I'm driving Suzy's yellow


MARIE: Oh! No!

TREVOR: Ooh! What's he doing to those shoes, Marie?

Unit 6 Dinner time

and point.

SIMON: What are you doing, Dad?

MR STAR: I'm making dinner. This evening we've

got bread and water.

STELLA: No, we can't have bread and water for

dinner, Dad. We have bread and milk for breakfast.

SUZY: Hmm. Milk's my favourite drink.

SIMON: Orange juice is my favourite.

SUZY: So, what is for dinner, Daddy?

SIMON: Let's have egg and chips.

STELLA: No, Simon! We have egg and chips at

school for lunch.

SUZY: Let's have chocolate cake!

MR STAR: No, Suzy. Chocolate cake's for tea.

ALL THREE CHILDREN: So, what's for dinner?

MR STAR: Hmm ... for dinner? It's your favourite, it's my

favourite, it's our favourite. This evening we've got ... Dad's Star

dinner! ... Chicken and rice!


, point and repeat.

bread water milk juice chicken eggs chips rice and

point. Sing.

It's morning. It's morning.

We're having breakfast with our mum.

Bread and milk, bread and milk.

It's morning. It's morning.

It's lunchtime. It's lunchtime.

We're having lunch with our friends.

Egg and chips, egg and chips.

It's lunchtime. It's lunchtime.

It's afternoon. It's afternoon.

We're having tea in the garden.

Chocolate cake, chocolate cake.

We're having tea in the afternoon.

It's evening. It's evening.

We're having dinner with mum and dad.

Chicken and rice, chicken and rice.

It's evening. It's evening.

It's evening. It's evening.

and answer.

MR STAR: Come on, everybody. Sit down.

It's dinner time.


SUZY: Can I have some fruit juice, please, Mum?

MRS STAR: Yes, Suzy. Orange juice or apple juice?

SUZY: Orange juice, please.

MRS STAR: Here you are.

SUZY: Thank you.

STELLA: Can I have some brown bread, please?

MRS STAR: Here you are.

STELLA: Thanks.

SIMON: Can I have some egg and chips, please?

MR STAR: No, Simon. I'm sorry. It's chicken and rice for dinner

tonight, but, if you're good, you can have chocolate ice cream


SIMON: Hmm, great! Chocolate ice cream's my favourite.

, point and repeat.

SUZY: Can I have some fruit juice, please, Mum?

MRS STAR: Here you are.

STELLA: Can I have some brown bread, please?

MR STAR: Here you are.

it with Monty.

MONTY: Charlie chicken

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Charlie chicken

MONTY: Chad's in the kitchen.

He's eating chicken and chips.

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Chad's in the kitchen.

He's eating chicken and chips.

to the story.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive.

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

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