

1. 在中国,喝茶是一种仪式(ritual),一种精致品味(refined taste)的展示。人们在饮茶的同时,也领略着(take delight in)品茶的情趣之意。喝茶聊天是中国人中最流行的打发时间的方式。过去,他们是以进有名的茶馆(teahouse)而开始一天的生活的。中国的茶馆相当于法国的咖啡馆和英国的酒馆。人们到这里不仅是为了喝茶,也是为了议论当地的新闻或对政治话题进行激烈的(furious)争论。

2. 在中国,中小学教育需要花费12年的时间来完成,分为小学、初中和高中三个阶段。小学教育持续5年或6年。在初中阶段,大多数学生上3年制初中,极少数上4年制。几乎98%的学生在前一种学校入学。在小学和初中的9年教育属于义务教育。普通高中教育持续3年时间,在整个义务教育阶段,学生要求在每学期末参加期末考试。

3. 旅游业是最近二十年来在世界各地迅速发展的一个经济部门,现在正引起中国公众愈来愈大的注意。许多人给报社写信,就促进中国的旅游业的发展提出了种种建议。人们的看法是,发展旅游业将有助于促进中国人民和其他国家人们之间的相互了解,增进友谊,并将有利于文化、科学、技术方面的交流,还会有助于为中国的伟大事业积累资金。

4. 剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境,特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜是红,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。

5. 过去的七年,中国的房地产(real estate)业经历前所未有的高速增长。对于那些月薪较低却渴望在大城市拥有一套属于自己的体面、舒适的栖身之所的人来说,高昂的房价是他们无法承受的负担。鉴于这一状况,政府近来采取了一系列的措施来防止房价过快增长,包括提高利率及增加房产税等。目前,这些措施在部分城市已经取得了初步的成效。

6. 如今,越来越多的大学生抱怨很难到好工作。造成这一现象的原因如下:首先,大学生把在校的大多数时间都用在了专业学科学习上,只有当他们开始工作的时候,才意识到自己缺乏必要的职业培训。其次,大学生之间的竞争也越来越激烈,这导致任何一名大学生到工作的机会都变小了。因此,强烈建议大学生在课余时间做一兼职工作,以积累相关的工作经验。

7. 旅游业是现代发展最快的产业之一。的确,旅游业的增长率通常超过全球经济的增长率。旅游业发展成为一个大规模的产业,依靠的是快速廉价的现代化交通工具。例如,国际旅游业发展最快的时期正是航空运输业的发展时期。



8. 中国园林可分为御花园和私家花园两大类。前者多见于北方,后者则居地南方,尤以苏州、无锡和南京等地为甚。南方私家花园中的溪、桥、山、亭(pavilion),小巧玲珑,布局精明,尽显其自然美,令人赏心悦目。园内的小溪虽占地不多,却同小桥与石屿相得益彰,浑然一体。石头与假山是中国南方园林的特。巨大的石头可自成一景,而较小的石块则堆积成假山,为园林增添无比魅力。

9. 上海是中国重要的经济、金融、贸易、科技、信息和文化中心。作为一座历史文化名城,上海以她独特的风韵吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。上海同时也是美食家的乐园(cherished paradise gourmets),尤其是上海的本帮菜(local cuisine),特别受到海外人士的青睐。最引人入胜的建筑当属黄浦江畔的东方明珠塔。登上观光层,或俯视浦江对岸的外滩(Bund)万国建筑博览,或举目鸟瞰全市,无限风光,尽收眼底,令人心旷神怡(endless soothing


10. 最近在高校毕业生择业问题上出现一种倾向,这就是毕业生越来越青睐在公司工作。很少人愿意到研究单位。在崇尚物质的社会(materialistic society)里,这是一个不可避免的问题。因为在那里工作要比研究领域里好,工资往往也高。这些情况不仅严重影响青年人的择业观,而且还影响了教育。许多教师哀叹,现在纯为了学知识而学习的人越来越少了。

11. 中国的传统节庆膳食是节日必不可少的伴侣。例如,我国的端午节(the Dragon Boat

Festival)是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟,吃粽子(zongzi)。中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满(completeness),象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节(the Mid-autumn Festival)的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。春节是中国的农历新年(the

Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday),除了常见的家禽(poultry)和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统食物,如饺子和年糕。

12. 北京有无数的胡同(hutong)、平民百姓在胡同里的生活给古都北京带来了无穷的魅力。北京的胡同不仅仅是平民百姓的生活环境,而且还是一门建筑艺术。通常,胡同内有一个大杂院(courtyard complex),房间够4到10个家庭的差不多20口人住。所以,胡同里的生活充满了友善和人情味。如今,随着社会和经济的飞速发展,很多胡同被新的高楼大厦所取代。但愿胡同可以保留下来。

13. 现在大学生的学习压力相当重。除了大四他们开始工作了,其余的学生总是忙于学习,而不愿参加校园团体和俱乐部,不愿参加体育锻炼和其他课外活动,不愿与他们的朋友玩玩,不愿关心和学习没有关系的事。他们学习太紧张,几乎没有时间好好品尝生活,干些其他事,成为一个全面发展的人。读大学使他们失去太多的个人幸福和健康。


1. Tea drinking in China is a ritual and a demonstration of the refined taste. While drinking tea,

people also take delight in he essence of tea itself. Chatting over a pot of tea is a very popular way

of pastime among Chinese. In the past, they would start the day with a visit to a well-known

teahouse. Chinese teahouses would be the equivalent of French cafes and English pubs. People

come here not just for tea, but also to discuss local news or to have furious political debates.

2. In China, primary and secondary education takes 12 years to complete, divided into primary,

junior secondary and senior secondary stages. Primary education lasts either five or six years. At

junior secondary stage, most have three-year schooling with a tiny part of four-year. Almost 98

percent of students are enrolled in the former schools. The nine-year schooling in primary and

junior secondary schools belongs to compulsory education. General senior secondary education

lasts for three years. Throughout the whole process of compulsory education, students are required

to take final examinations at the end of each semester.

3. Tourism, a fast developing economic sector over the last two decades in all parts of the world, is

now receiving increasing attention among he Chinese public. Many people have written to the

press, making suggestions for the promotion of tourism in China. It is believed that the

development of tourism will help promote mutual understanding and friendship between the

people of China and other countries, and facilities in the field of culture, science and technology.

Moreover, it will help accumulate for China’s great cause.

4. Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a

history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing

Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and

wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms

in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red,

which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world

and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.

5. In the past seven years, China’s real estate industry has developed in a record high speed. For

those who earn less but are eager to own a decent and comfortable place of their own in a big city,

the high housing price is a heavy burden that they cannot afford. For this reason, the government

has taken a series of measures to prevent the housing price from rising too fast, including raising

interest rates and increasing taxes on real estate etc. Presently, these measures have achieved

initial effects in some cities.

6. nowadays, more and more university students complain about having great difficulties in

finding a good job. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: First, college students

spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and it is only when they start

looking for a job that they realize they lack necessary job training. Second, competition

among graduates has become more and more fierce. And this results in a decreased chance for

any individual graduate to find a job. Therefore, it is highly suggested that college students

should do some part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant working experience.

7. The tourist industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in modern times. Indeed, the

growth rate of tourism has generally exceeded the growth rate for the worldwide economy. The

development of tourism as a mass industry depends on modern means of rapid and inexpensive

transportation. For example, the greatest growth in international tourism has paralleled the growth

of air transportation.

Tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels, restaurants, and taxi drivers, among others, but also

many commercial establishments and even the manufacturers of tourist commodities. The tourist

industry is not a single entity, but one that consists of many different kinds of enterprises that offer

different services to the traveler, including transportation, accommodations, catering, guiding and


8. Chinese gardens can be divided into two major categories, namely, imperial and private gardens.

The former are seen mostly in northern China, while the latter are easily found in the south,

especially in Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing. The streams, bridges, hills and pavilions of a private

Chinese garden are small and delicate, cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye, exhibiting a

natural beauty of their own. Streams in these gardens usually cover limited space, but are in

perfect match with bridges and stones to yield a uniformed effect. Rocks and artificial hills are

special features of southern Chinese gardens. Large stones form sceneries of their own, while

smaller ones are gathered to create artificial hills, contributing to the charm of the gardens.

9. Shanghai is China’s important center of economy, finance, trade, science and technology,

information and culture. As a noted historic and cultural city, Shanghai attracts millions of tourists

from home and abroad with its unique charm. Shanghai is also a cherished paradise gourmets; its

local cuisine enjoys particularity among overseas visitors. The most attractive work of architecture

is no other than the Oriental Pearl Tower standing by the bank of the Huangpu River. Mounting

the observation floor and looking around, you’ll admire the view of the famous Bund lined up

with a dazzling exhibition of international architecture across the Huangpu River and charming

skyline of the city in the distance, taking delight in the endless soothing vistas that you’ll find

difficult to turn away from.

10. A recent phenomenon in the choice of careers on the part of college graduates is the increasing

trend towards big companies. Few are interested in research fields. This is an unavoidable problem

in a materialistic society where tempting salaries and fringe benefits are offered by big companies.

All this has not only seriously influenced young people’s view on the choice of careers but on

education as well. Many college teachers deplore that fewer and fewer students these days acquire

knowledge only for its own sake.

11. Traditional Chinese holiday meals are indispensable on some festivals. For example, the

Dragon Boat Festival is a day established in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan and people

usually hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, or rice dumpling on that day. The Mid-autumn

Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. The round moon is a symbol for completeness

and family reunion. The special food of the day is Yuebing, a round cake known as the mooncake.

The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday. Besides the poultry and meat, people

cook traditional food according to regional customs, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and

niangao, or the “new year cake”.

12. In Beijing, there are numerous hutongs. The life of common people in hutong brings endless

charm to the ancient capital, Beijing. The hutong in Beijing is not only the living environment of

common people but also a kind of architecture. Usually, there is a courtyard complex inside

hutong, with rooms shared by 4 to 10 families of about 20 people. Therefore, life in hutongs is full

of friendliness and genuine humanity. Nowadays, with rapid social and economic development,

many hutongs are replaced by new tall buildings. I hope hutongs can be preserved.

13. College students now bear heavy academic pressure. You will find them---- except seniors

who are beginning to look for a job--- always too busy in studies to join campus organizations too

busy to take part in sports and other extracurricular activities too busy to share the interests of

their friends and too busy to pay attention to anything that is not connected with their studies.

They study so hard that they have hardly had time to savor life and to pursue other interests to

grow as well-rounded people. The pursuit of college education costs them too much personal

happiness and health.


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