

Workplace English

(From Workplace English & Office Talk, LiveABC)

Teacher : Grace

Dahan Institute of Technology

Sep. 12, 2011

Company Hierarchy (公司階層)


中文職稱 英文職稱 英文職稱縮寫



Vice Chairman




Vice President


Chief Executive Officer CEO


General Manager GM


Vice General Manager


Chief Financial Officer CFO


Chief Information Officer C IO


Chief Knowledge Officer CKO


Chief Operating Officer COO


Chief Technology Officer CTO




Special Assistant


Factory Chief


Factory Sub-Chief




Vice Director


Junior Manager


# Resume (履歷表) 填寫姓名、身高、生日、住址、年齡、教育背景、工作經驗等等。

# Cover letter (求職信)一種聲明(statement),通常寫你在哪裡看到這個工作,為什麼你要這個工作,你有經驗適合這份工作,希望有機會可以和他們面談。

應徵作業員是不需要寫cover letter (除非公司要求)。

# Autobiography (Professional biography)

My name is X X X . There are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He

teaches chemistry in senior high school. My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in the

university. I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the

entrance exam.

I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the

E- books to read. Reading E- books is fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because

of the advanced technology and the vivid animations.

I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the

subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future.

Unit One

Looking for a Job

 Before looking for a job


Where can you find a job ad?


What do you need to prepare when you look for a job?


What qualities are attractive / unattractive to employers?


What steps does an employer take when hiring someone?

 Possible sources for job ad.

□ newspaper

□ job board

Click (v) the places where job ads can be found

□ coupon

□ flyers

□ headhunter □ the Internet

□ company Web sites

 According to Jerry’s description, complete his resume.

My name is Jerry Smith, I live at 140 Main Street, Columbus, Ohio 45708. My

phone number is (740) 555-3416. I graduated from Dayton University in 2001. I

majored in Business Administration. I have worked as a sales representative at

NBT Electronics for nearly three years. During my senior year of college, I had a

part-time job as a clerk at J&C music store. I am good at creating spreadsheets

and making Web pages, and I can speak French fluently.

Jerry Smith 140 Main Street

Columbus, Ohio 45708 (740) 555-3416


Position applied for: Sales Representative


July 2001 to present

Position: Sales representative, NBT Electronics, Columbus, Ohio

﹡Sell cutting-edge technology to individual and corporate clients

Aug 2000 to June 2001

Position: Clerk (part-time) J&C music store, Dayton, Ohio

﹡Set up multimedia displays, stocked merchandise (商品庫存)


1997 to 2001 Dayton University Dayton, Ohio

Bachelor of Business Administration

Summary of skills

Computer : creating spreadsheets (試算表) and making Web pages

Language : French (advanced)

(Key words : Main street, 555-3416, Sales representative, NBT Electronics, Clerk, 2001,

Business Administration, making Web pages, French)


A: Cover Letters : Complete the following letter with the words provided

A. bachelor’s degree B. position C. cover letter D. in response to E. serving as F. reach

Robert J. Chen

4F, No. 25, Keelung Road, Sec. 2

Taipei, Taiwan


August 17

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing in response to your advertisement, placed on Aug. 14th on your web site. Your company,

FastTEK MIS, was offering an entry-level position as a systems engineer. I believe I am qualified for

this job.

I just graduated this June, with a bachelor’s degree in MIS from San Diego State University. As you

can see from my grades, I took my studies seriously. I also gained valuable work experience serving

as a computer lab assistant.

I am enclosing my resume and professional biography with this cover letter. Please note that I have

detailed my certificates as well as education. I process the right skills to do this job. Furthermore, I

am ready to start and open to learning new things.

Should FastTEK MIS find my qualifications meet its requirements, you can reach me at either



Robert J. Chen



Professional biography

B: Resumes : Fill in the blanks with the words in the following resumes.

A. Work experience B. Education C. Objective D. Computer skills E. Reference

Robert J. Chen

4F, No. 25, Keelung Road, Sec. 2

Taipei, Taiwan




Position as an MIS engineer at a leading company with opportunities for advancement.


Bachelor’s degree in management information systems

San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

Work Experience

Computer lab assistant, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

 Helped students to get started on computers.

 Served as teacher’s assistant during IT classes.

Data entry specialist, Qualcomm Corp., San Diego, CA

 Used Microsoft Excel to track and analyze data

Intern, Optimus Technology, Taichung, Taiwan

 Assisted managers in monitoring sales data

Computer Skills


Microsoft systems --- Window XP, Windows Vista

Programming language --- C++, Java, SQL

Software --- Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Photoshop

CPC (Computer Programming Certificate)

Available upon request

C. Professional Biography : Fill in the blanks with the words provided.

A. interning B. graduate C. provided D. fluent E. valuable

Robert J. Chen

Professional Biography

My name is Robert J. Chen and I’m a graduate of San Diego State University. I am a

business-minded person and have great interest in using data analysis to help companies make

decisions. As a critical thinker, I’m often coming up with new ways to solve problems.

I decided to pursue a position in management information systems after gaining valuable

exposure to the industry during college. While interning at Optimus Technology, I was able to

see firsthand what I had studied in MIS courses. I also joined the SDSU MIS Club, which helped

me to find out more about the field.

In my free time, I maintain my own Web site. The site included samples of my school work.

It also provided some of my personal philosophies about how to use MIS to do business more


My fluent English ability will make me a strong contributor to a global company. I look

forward to working with a team of enthusiastic MIS professionals.

Reading comprehension:

1. What does critical mean in the context of the passage?

A. The author often complains about things.

B. The author thinks about things carefully.

C. The author hardly thinks about things.

D. The author seldom gives his opinions.

2. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. Robert has his own Web site.

B. Robert studies in the United States.

C. Robert is interested in saving time.

D. Robert can barely speak English.


1. 履歷表: resume 2. 求職信: cover letter 3. 實習生: intern

4. 推薦人: reference 5. 有價值的: valuable 6. 聲譽好的: reputable

7. MIS: management information system 8. 科技: technology

9. 自傳: professional biography 10. 晉升: advancement

11. 助理: assistant 12. 專員: specialist 13. 資格: qualification

14. 廣告: advertisement 15. 證書: certificate 16. 教育: education

17. 職位: position 18. 報告: report 19. 低階的: entry-level

20. 資料分析: data analysis

 Get ready:

Unit Two

Job Interview

1. What are the most frequently asked questions in a job interview?

2. How should you prepare for a job interview?

3. How do you normally introduce yourself?

4. What kinds of questions should you ask in a job interview?

 An interviewer may ask

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What do you know about our company?

3. What can you offer(提供) to our company? Why should we hire(僱用) you?

4. What made you come looking for a job at our company?

5. Why are you leaving your present job?

6. Describe an ideal working environment?

7. If I spoke to your previous supervisor, what would he or she say about you?

8. What are your weak/strong points?

9. What makes a good boss or leader?

10. What compensation (報酬) would you expect if we offer this position to you?

 An interviewee may ask

1. Do you need a copy of my resume (履歷表)?

2. What qualifications are you looking for in the person who will fill this job?

3. How much travel is involved (包含)?

4. What would you expect me to accomplish (完成) in this job?.

5. What future opportunities might be available for a person who is successful in this position?

6. If I am offered this position, how soon will you need by response?

7. What are the benefits(福利) of working for this company?

 Tips for interviewees

1. 準時:提早抵達已熟悉現場狀況,達到情緒穩定的效果。

2. 保持微笑:給對方留下良好的印象。

3. 確保自己的目的及意志力:自己對於應徵公司有何種貢獻能力及應徵職缺。

4. 採取積極主動說明,避免批評與抱怨。

5. 敘述時避免冗長、低俗的用詞。有些場合使用專有名詞效果不錯。

6. 使用具體的數據加以說明。

7. 提問題:針對職務的具體內容或公司狀況。

8. 向主考官表達謝意。 如:Thank you for your time.

 Steps for a successful job interview

1. Learn more about the job: Prepare for potential interview questions.

2. Get ready:

A. Dress appropriately.

B. Arrive early at the location for the interview.

C. Don’t do anything that might break your concentration.

D. Eat a light meal before the interview.

3. Make a good impression during the interview

A. Make a positive and professional first impression by greeting the interviewer politely.

B. Listen to each question carefully and do not interrupt.

C. Reinforce your professionalism and your ability by speaking clearly.

4. Make the most out of the interview

A. Review your behavior and responses (use what you learn in future interviews)

B. Write a follow-up letter to thank the interviewer and express your interest in the position.

Departments of Dahan Institute of Technology:

 College of Industry (工業類)

Department of Computer and Communication Engineering (電通系)

Department of Civil Engineering and Resource Management (土環系)

Department of Mechanical Engineering (機械系)

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (資訊系)

Department of Environmental Resources Management (環管系)

 College of Management (管理類)

Department of Business Administration (企管系)

Department of Logistics Management (物流系)

Department of Information Management (資管系)

Department of Finance and Banking (財金系)

Department of Finance and Taxation (財稅系)

Department of International Business (國企系)

 College of Tourism (觀光類)

Department of Jewelry Technology (珠寶設計系)

Department of Tourism Management (觀光 系)

Department of Leisure Business Management (休閒系)

Department of Recreational Sports Management (休運系)

 Center of General Education

● Introducing Oneself

1. Name (last name first name nickname)

2. Birthday (Month-day-year)

3. Birthplace (country, city, famous scenery, specialty)

4. Family tree (members, who is the closest to you)

5. Favorite subjects (English, programming, Information managing, …)

6. Hobby (swimming, jogging, reading……..)

7. Ambition (engineer, programmer, counselor, singer, guide, coach..…)

For example :

Let me introduce myself

My name is ________, my English name is ________. I’d like to call me ______.

I was born on March 9, 1990. I come from ______ where is a beautiful place. The famous scenic

spots (風景區) are _____________________. The tasty specialties (名產) are ___________.

It is _____ family (I have a ____ family). There are ____ persons in my family. The members are

_______. I’m the youngest and beloved by my parents. My father is working as _______, and my

mother is a ______. I’m a student studying in Dahan Institute of Technology. My favorite subject is

____ which I usually spend _____ every day.

In my free time, I like to ___________ because it is good to my health.

 Personality

























11. friendly 友善的

12. efficient 有效率的

13. sincere 誠心的

14. enthusiastic 熱心的

15. aggressive 積極的

16. flexible 有彈性的

17. responsible 負責任的

18. sociable 社交的

9. active 主動的 19. well-organized 有組織的

10. creative 有創意的 20. cooperative 合作的

p. 24 Preparing for interview.

1. Could you introduce yourself?

 My educational background qualifies me for this position.

 I have a lot of experience doing this sort of thing.

2. What is your major in college?

 I major in marketing.

3. How do you become interested in this field?

 The field gives me a chance to use both my technical and interpersonal skills.

 I was attracted to this field because I am passionate about creating impressive buildings

4. Why do you work at this company?

 Your company has been a leader in the field for some time now.

 Your company provides the best products/services.

5. What makes you the right person for this job?

 I would do my best to make my department more successful.

 I would bring new ideas to my team and the company.

6. Can you work on weekends?

 I certainly can. I am available to work nights, weekends, and whenever I am needed.

 Questions

1. What is your greatest strength?

Ans: I am motivated, hard-working and efficient. I also know how to get things done.

2. Why did you leave your job?

Ans: My current job is rather routine, and I have been seeking an opportunity

where I can utilize my skills in a proactive environment.

3. What can you offer to this position?

Ans: I can offer my business skills and experience, which are essential in closing

deals that favor us.

4. What makes you think that you could be successful in this job?

Ans: I will be able to utilize my strength in sales engineering and business skills that I have built

up over the years in order to meet customer requirements and build long-term partnerships.

Unit Three

The first Day of Work

Office supplies

business card 名片

computer 電腦

cell phone 手機

staple 訂書針

tape 膠帶

ruler 尺

table lamp 桌燈

monitor 螢幕

tray 文件盒

stapler 訂書機

folder 資料夾

envelope 信封

pen 鋼筆

scissors 剪刀

desk calendar 桌曆

keyboard 鍵盤

files 文件夾

picture frame 相框mouse 滑鼠

shelf 書架

bookend 書靠

scanner 掃描器

telephone 電話

glue stick口紅膠

headphone 戴式耳機

paper cutter 裁紙機

puncher 打孔機

utility knife 美工刀

calculator 計算機

printer 印表機

eraser 橡皮擦

glue 膠水

sealer 封口機

whiteout 立可白(帶)

notepaper 便紙

fax machine 傳真機

paper clip 迴紋針

writing brush 毛筆

flash 隨身碟

notebook 筆記型電腦 projector 投影機

seal / stamp 印章

twin adhesive 雙面膠 shredder 碎紙機

highlighter 螢光筆

floppy / disk 磁碟

ball-point pen 原子筆 holder 筆筒

copier 複印機

post-it (notes) 利可貼 memo pad 記事備忘紙 CD 光碟

pinhole plotter 打卡機

laminator film 護貝膠膜

binding machine 裝訂機

alcohol marking pen 奇異筆video telephone 視訊電話

looseleaf paper活頁紙

laminator 護貝機

magazine rack 雜誌架

pencil sharpener 削筆機

digital camera 數位相機

staple puller 訂書針拉拔器

copy machine / (coin) photo copier影印機

correction pen, correction tape修正筆 / 帶

marker 書籤 / 標籤 / 麥克筆

broadcasting system 廣播系統

Knowing the colleagues and the new environment 認識新同事和熟悉新環境

 Will there be an orientation for newcomers? 請問有新進員工訓練嗎?

 Do I need to clock in and clock out?

 What are the company’s working hours?

 What day is payday?

 Where can I get some office supplies?

 How do I log on to the Internet?

 What do I do if I get sick?

 What time do we normally take lunch?








Introducing the colleagues and the new environment 介紹新同事和新環境

 I’ll show you around the office. 我帶你認識辦公室

 Don’t forget to clock in and clock out. 上下班時間不要忘記打卡

 Our office hours are from to 我們的工作時間是從早上九點到下午六點

 We get paid on the fifth of every month. 每個月的第五天是發薪日

 You can apply for office supplies at the receptionist’s desk. 你可以到接待室申請文具用品

 You need to get a password first. 首先你需要申請一個密碼

 You have to fill out a request form if you want a day off. 如果你要請假得先填寫請假表單

 Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:30 . 午餐(休)時間從十二點到下午一點三十分


1. get + pp (get started, get married, get prepared, get paid)

2. help out :


( help…….with + N )





settle in :

(幫助...)適應(或習慣於)新環境等 I try to settle in in my new job.

settle down 安頓 I want to get married and settle down.

look + adj look like + n.

run out of : be short of


7. sign for


8. start +

動名詞 (不定詞)

Exercise: Matching

A. Yes, I have more than ten years of experience. 我有十年以上的經驗。

B. There are many restaurants nearby. 附近有很多餐廳。

C. I’m familiar with word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation applications.


D. Yes, you do. You need to go to personnel to get a swipe card.


E. It’s over there, next to accounting. 在那邊,會計部門旁邊。

F. I am very responsible and always have a smile on my face.


G. I can work late from time to time. 我時常工作到很晚才下班。

H. We get our salaries at the end of the month. 我們月底領薪。


1. Could you please briefly describe yourself?

______A_______ 2. Do you have experience in the auto industry?

______C_______ 3. How would you describe your computer skills?

______G_______ 4. Are you willing to work overtime?

______B_______ 5. Where do you all eat lunch?

______H_______ 6. What day do we get paid?

______D_______ 7. Do we need to clock in and clock out?

______E_______ 8. Do you know where the personnel department is?

Unit Four

Answering the Phone

 Before you call

Prepare well you call

Plan what you want to say

Prepare answers to possible questions

Send an e-mail before the call, if necessary

Have all information available

 Cellular phone/mobile phone

 Calls: a local call, a long distance call,

a conference call 電話會議 ,

a video conference 視訊會議

 Making the call --- identifying yourself

Hello, this is …. 我是

My name is …

This is … speaking

Hi, Bob. It’s John here.

 Identifying your company/department

Good morning. Dahan Institute of Technology.

General Education Center

 Asking about the purpose

How can I help you?

What can I do for you?

Who would you like to speak to?

 Reason for calling

I’m calling to …

The reason I called is to …

I’m calling about …

 Identifying the caller

I’m sorry, could I have your name (again), please?

Who’s calling, please?

 Asking for connection

I’d like to speak to …

Could/Can/May I talk to ….

Could you put me through to … (轉接….)

Extension 361, please.

 Connecting

One moment, please.

I’ll check if he is in his office.

Just a moment. I’m putting through, now

I’ll connect you now.


 I’m afraid --- the line is busy.

--- he is on other line.

--- he’s in a meeting.

--- he’s out at the moment.

--- she’s out of the office today.

--- he’s on vacation.

 He’ll be back soon/later/this afternoon.

 She won’t be back until this afternoon.

 No connection

Do you want to hold?

Would you like to speak to his colleague?

Can I take a message? (Would you leave a message?)

Would you like him to call you back?

Does she have your (phone) number?

 Don’t worry

I’ll make sure she gets the message.

I’ll tell him you called.

I’ll get him to call you as soon as he gets back to the office.

 Replies and thanks

Thank you very much.

Could I just have your name?

Thank you. Good bye.

PS: About cell phone

antenna 天線

display 螢幕

faceplate 面板

pound key 井字鍵

asterisk key 米字鍵

KK [ˋæstə͵rɪsk]

case 手機套

cell-phone strap/charm 手機吊飾

automatic redial 自動重撥

lithium battery 鋰電池

spare battery 備用電池

Useful sentences

 Making a phone call

Hello. Is Tom there?

I’d like to speak to Patty, please. (May I speak to Patty, please?)

May I ask who’s calling?

This is Perry calling. I need to speak to Paula, please.

Please tell Al that Kelly called.

I’ll be sure to give him the message.

Hello. Please put Mr. Smith on the line.

 Answering the phone

I’m sorry; Jane’s not here right now.

Sorry; Hal just stepped out. You just missed him.

Can I leave a message?

You’re welcome to leave a message.

Who should I tell he called?

It was nice talking with you.

Talk to you later.

Dialogue : Adam has a new job as a receptionist at Live Tech.


Adam : Good afternoon. This is Live Tech. How may I help you?

Caller 1: Hi. Is Sally Jones there?

Adam : I’m sorry; she is out of the office today. Would you like to leave a message?

Caller 1: No. That’s OK. I’ll call back later. Bye.

Adam : Bye. (The phone rings.) Uh-oh. There’s another phone call. Good afternoon. Live Tech.

How may I help you?

Caller 2: Yes. I’d like to order a large pizza.

Adam : I’m sorry. You have the wrong number.

Caller 2: Oh. Sorry about that. Bye.

Adam : Bye bye. (The phone rings.) Wow!It’s busy today. Hello?

Caller 2: Hello. I’d like to order a large pizza.

Adam : Um, didn’t you just call me? Sorry, but you dialed the wrong number again. This isn’t a pizza


Caller 2: Well, why didn’t you tell me that the first time I called you!

Quiz : (A. leave a message B. stepped out C. be sure to D. called E. at the moment)

Bob : Hello. This is Bob calling. Is Grace there ________?

Jane: Hi, Bob. No, I’m sorry. Grace is not here.

Bob : Oh no. Do you know here she went?

Jane : No. She just _____________ a minute ago.

Bob : All right. Can I ______________?

Jane : Sure. What message would you like to leave?

Bob : Please tell her Bob ____________. My number is 555-3480.

Jane : I’ll _______________ let her know that you called.

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