



国务院部委Ministries and Commissions

各司局Departments and Bureau

部长 Minister

副部长 vice-minister

部长助理 Assistant Ministers

办公厅 General Office

财务司 Department of Finance

行政司 Administrative Department

档案司 Bureau of Archives

干部司 Department of Personnel

新闻司 Information Department

离退休干部司 Bureau for Retired Personnel

监察局 Department of Supervision

礼宾司 Protocol Department

政策规划司 Policy Planning Department

外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs

港澳台司 Department of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs

涉外安全事务司 Department of External Security Affairs

西亚北非司 Department of West Asian and North African Affairs

欧洲司 Department of European Affairs


Department of Latin American and Caribbean

军控司 Department of Arms Control


Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs


Department of Consular Affairs

翻译司 Department of Translation and Interpretation

外事管理司 Department of Foreign Affairs Management

干部司 Department of Personnel

行政司 Administrative Department

档案司 Bureau of Archives

国外工作局 Bureau for Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad

新闻司 Information Department

亚洲司 Department of Asian Affairs

非洲司 Department of African Affairs

欧亚司 Department of European-Central Asian Affairs

北美大洋洲司 Department of North American and Oceania Affairs

国际司 Department of International Organizations and Conferences

条约法律司 Department of Treaty and Law

服务中心 Department of Services for Foreign Ministry Home and Overseas Offices

国防部 Ministry of National Defense

国家发展和改革委员会 National Development and Reform Commission

主任 Chairman

副主任 Vice-Chairman

发展规划司 Department of Development Planning

经济运行调节局 Bureau of Economic Operations Adjustment

固定资产投资司 Department of Fixed Assets Investment

地区经济司 Department of Regional Economy

东北振兴司 Department of Northeastern Region Revitalization

基础产业司 Department of Basic Industries

高技术产业司 Department of High-Tech Industry

应对气候变化司 Department of Climate Change

就业和收入分配司 Department of Employment and Income Distribution

价格司 Department of Price

法规司 Department of Laws and Regulations

人事司 Department of Personnel

直属机关党委 The NDRC Party Committee

政策研究室 Department of Policy Studies

国民经济综合司 Department of National Economy

经济体制综合改革司 Department of Economic System Reform

利用外资和投资司 Department of Western Region Development

农村经济司 Department of Rural Economy

能源局 National Energy Administration

产业协调司 Department of Resource Conservation and Environment Protection

资源节约和环境保护司 Department of Resource Conservation and Environment


社会发展司 Department of Social Development

经济贸易司 Department of Trade

财政金融司 Department of Fiscal and Financial Affairs

价格监督检查司 Department of Price Supervision

外事司 Department of International Cooperation


Office of Key Project Inspectors

国家物资储备局 State Bureau of Material Reserve

教育部Ministry of Education

科学技术司 Science & Technology Department

直属高校工作司 National Universities Department

语言文字应用管理司 Languages & Applied Administration Department


International Cooperation & Communication Department

思想政治工作司 Political & Ideological Education Department

师范教育司 Normal School Education Department

发展规划司 Development & Planning Department

财务司 Finance Department

基础教育二司 Elementary Education Department Two

高等教育司 Higher Education Department

民族教育司 Ethical Education Department

社会科学司 Social Science Department

高校学生司 College & University Students Department


Degree Administration & Postgraduate Education Department


Languages & Words Infor. Administration Department

机关党委 Party Membership Committee


China National Commission for UNESCO


Physical, Hygiene & Arts Education Department


Policy and Regulation Department

人事司 Personnel Department


Elementary Education Department One


Vocational & Adult Education Department


Education Supervision Office


Supervision Department

科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology

社会发展科技司 Department of Social Development


Department of High and New Technology Development and Industrialization

重大专项办公室 Major Special Project Office


Department of Policy, Regulations and Reform

国际合作司(港澳台办公室)Department of International Cooperation

农村科技司 Department of Rural S & T

基础研究司 Department of Basic Research

科研条件与财务司 Department of Facilities and Financial Support

工业和信息化部Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

规划司 Department of Planning

产业政策司 Department of Industrial Policies

运行监测协调局 Performance Inspection & Coordination Bureau

安全生产司 Department of Work Safety

装备工业司 Department of Equipment Industry


Department of Civil-Military Integration Promotion

通信发展司 Department of Communications Development

通信保障局 Bureau of Communications Security

信息化推进司 Department of Informatization Promotion


International Cooperation Department

科技司 Department of Science & Technology

中小企业司 Department of Medium & Small Enterprises

节能与综合利用司 Department of Energy Conservation and Resources utilization


Department of Raw Material Industry

消费品工业司 Department of Consumer Goods Industry

电子信息司Department of Telecommunication

软件服务司 Department of Software Service Industry

电信管理局 Bureau of Telecommunication Administration

无线电管理局 (国际无线电办公室)Bureau of Radio

信息安全协调局 Department of Information Security Coordination

人事教育司 Human Resources & Education Department

驻部监察局 Supervision Bureau

国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission

经济发展司 Department of Economic Development

教育科技司 Department of Education, Science & Technology

文化宣传司 Department of Culture & Publicity

国际交流司 Department of International Communication

公安部Ministry of Public Security

交通部公安局Public Security Bureau of Ministry of Transport

国家林业局森林公安局Security Bureau of Ministry of Forest

法制局Legal System Bureau

装备财务局Equipment & Finance Bureau

网络安全保卫局Network Security Bureau

消防局Fire Bureau

警务督察局Police Censorship Bureau

宣传局Bureau for Publicity

治安管理局Order Control Bureau

刑事侦查局Criminal Investigation Department

监所管理局Prison Administration Bureau

民航总局公安局Public Security Bureau of Civil Aviation Administration

交通管理局Transport Administration Bureau

国际合作局International Cooperation Bureau

禁毒局Narcotics Control Bureau

铁道部公安局Public Security Bureau of Ministry of Railway

纪检监察局Discipline Inspection & Supervision Bureau

人事训练局Department of Human Resources

经济犯罪侦察局Economic Crime Investigation Bureau

边防管理局Border Control Department

出入境管理局Bureau of Exit and Entry

Ministry of State Security

监察部Ministry of Supervision

民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs

规划财务司Department of Planning and Finance

社会福利和慈善事业促进司Department of Social Welfare and Charity Promotion

基层政权和社区建设司Department of Social Administration at the Grass-root Level

优抚安置司Management of Retired Military Personnel

政策法规司Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations

国际合作司Department of International Cooperation

社会事务司Department of Social Affairs

区划地名司Department of Administration Regions' Planning & Naming

社会救助司Department of Social Relief

救灾司Department of Disaster Relief

民间组织管理局Management of Non-governmental Organizations

司法部Ministry of Justice

计财装备厅Department of Finance and Equipment

司法鉴定管理局Bureau of Judicial Forensic Administration

基层工作指导司Department of Guidance of the Grass-root

法制宣传司Department of Legal Publicity

监狱管理局Bureau of Prison Administration


司法协助外事司Department of Judicial Assistance and Foreign Affairs

法制司The Legislative Affairs Department

国家司法考试司Department of National Judicial Examination

法律援助工作司Department of Legal Aid

律师公证工作指导司Department of Guidance of the Work of Lawyers and Public Notaries

劳动教养管理局Bureau of Re-education-through-labor

政治部Political Department

财政部Ministry of Finance

企业司Department of Enterprises

国际司Department of International Affairs

会计司Department of Accounting

国家农业综合开发办公室Office of National Agricultural Comprehensive Development

经济建设司Department of Economic Construction

条法司Department of Treaty and Law

关税司Department of Customs

国库司Department of Exchequer

行政政法司Department of Administration and Politics

国务院农村综合改革办公室Office of Countryside Comprehensive Reform by the State


社会保障司Department of Social Security

金融司Department of Finance

对外财经交流办公室Office of External Financing Exchange

监督检查司Department of Supervision and Inspection

人事教育司Department of Personnel and Education

农业司Department of Agriculture

综合司Comprehensive Department

税政司Department of Taxation

预算司Department of Budget

国防司Department of National Defense

科教文司Department of Education, Science, and Culture

人力资源和社会保障部Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

人才流动开发司Department of Talent Mobility and Development

农村社会保险司Department of Rural Social Security

工伤保险司Department of Occupational Injury Insurance

养老保险司Department of Pension Insurance

培训就业司Department of Training and Employment

国际合作司Department of International Cooperation

专业技术人员管理司Administrative Department of Technological Professional

工资福利与离退休司Department of Salary, Benefits and Retirement

失业保险司Department of Unemployment Insurance

医疗保险司Department of Medical Insurance

工资司Wages Department

法制司Legal Affairs Department

国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources

执法监察司Department of Law Enforcement and Supervision

矿产资源储备司Department of Minerals Resources Reserves

矿产开发管理司Department of Minerals Exploitation Administration

耕地保护司Department of Farmland Protection


国家土地总监督办公室Office of Land Supervision


国际合作与科技司Department of International Cooperation & Science and Technology

地质勘查司Department of Geological Perambulation

土地利用管理司Department of Geological Environment

地籍管理司Department of Land Ownership Administration

环境保护部Ministry of Environmental Protection

环境影响评估管理司Department of Environmental Impact Assessment

污染控制司Department of Pollution Control

行政体制与人事司Department of Human Resources Management and Institutional Affairs


环境监察司Bureau of Environmental Supervision

核安全管理司Department of Nuclear Safety Management

自然生态保护司Department of Nature and Ecology Conservation

科技标准司Department of Science, Technology and Standards

住房和城乡建设部Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

住房公积金监管司Department of Housing Provident Fund Supervision and Administration

工程质量安全监管司Department of Policy Quality and Security Supervision and


城市建设司Department of Urban Construction

房地产市场监管司Department of Real Estate Market Supervision

住房保障司Department of Housing Security

建筑节能和科技司Department of S&T and Energy Saving on Buildings

村镇建设司Department of Village and Township Construction

建筑市场监管司Department of Construction Market Supervision and Administration

标准定额司Department of Standard Quota

城乡规划司Department of Urban-Rural Plan

住房改革与发展司(研究室)Department of Housing Reform and Development (Research



交通运输部Ministry of Transport

道路运输司Department of Road Transportation

公路局Department of Finance

搜救中心Rescue Centre

国际合作司Department of International Cooperation

安全监督司Department of Security Supervision

水运司Department of Water Transport

人事劳动司Department of Human Resources and Labor

综合规划司Department of Comprehensive Planning

纪检组监察司Supervision Bureau

铁道部Ministry of Railways

部纪律监察委员会Discipline Inspection Commission

公安局Public Security Bureau

安全监察司Department of Construction and Administration

建设管理司Department of Construction and Administration

铁路总工会Railway Workers' Union

全国铁道团委Communist Youth League Commission

政治部宣传部Department of Politics and Publicity

运输司Transport Bureau


劳动和卫生司Department of Labor and Health


水利部Ministry of Water Resources

直属机关党委The MWR Committee

安全监督司Department of Security Supervision

水土保持司Department of Water and Soil Conservation

国际合作与科技司Department of International Cooperation, Science & Technology

水资源司(全国节约用水办公室)Department of Water Resources Management

农村水电及电气化发展司Bureau of Rural Hydropower and Electrification Development

中央纪委监察部驻部纪检组监察局Bureau of Discipline Supervision and Investigation

国家防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室The Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief


农村水利司Department of Rural Water Resources

农业部Ministry of Agriculture

农垦局Agricultural Reclamation Bureau

畜牧业司Department of Animal Husbandry

种植业管理司Department of Crop Farming Administration


发展计划司Department of Development and Planning

农村经济体制与经营管理司Department of Rural Economy & Management Administration

渔业局Fishery Bureau

乡镇企业局Bureau of Rural and Township Enterprises

兽医局Veterinary Bureau

农业机械化管理司Department of Agriculture Mechanization Administration

科技教育局Department of Science, Technology & Education


市场与经济信息司Department of Market and Economic Information

产业政策与法规司Department of Industry Policy and Law

商务部Ministry of Commerce

产业损害调查局Bureau of Industry Injury Investigation

世贸局Department of WTO Affairs

西亚非洲司Department of Western Asian and African Affairs

台港澳司Department of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs

对外投资和经济合作司Department of Foreign Investment & Economic Cooperation

市场体系建设司Department of Market System Development

市场运行调节司Department of Market Operation Regulation

对买贸易司Department of Foreign Trade

机电和科技产业司Department of Mechanic, Electronic and High-Tech Industry

进出口公平贸易局Bureau of Fair Trade for Imports and Exports

国际司Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs

亚洲司Department of Asian Affairs

欧洲司Department of European Affairs

美洲大西洋司Department of American and Oceania Affairs

信息化司Department of Information Technology

纪检监察局Bureau of Discipline Supervision & Investigation

援外司Department of Foreign Investment Administration

外国投资管理司Department of Foreign Investment Administration

政策研究司Policy Research Department

市场秩序司Department of Market Supervision

商贸服务管理司Department of Commercial Services Administration

反垄断司Anti-monopoly Bureau

服务贸易司Department of Trade in Services

文化部Ministry of Culture

对外文化联络局(港澳台文化事务司)Bureau of External Cultural Relations

社会文化司Department of Community Culture

文化市场司Department of Culture Markets

文化科技司Department of Culture Industry

非物质文化遗产司Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage

文化产业司Department of Science and Technology for Culture

艺术司Department of Arts

卫生部Ministry of Health

妇幼保健与社区卫生司Department of Maternal and Child Health Care & Community


应急办公室Emergency Office

保健局Bureau of Health Care

疾病预防控制局Disease Prevention and Control Bureau

医政司Department of Medical Administration

卫生监督局Health Supervision Bureau

农村卫生管理司Department of Department of Rural Health Management

卫生政策法规司Department of Health Policy and Regulation

国家人口和计划生育委员会National Population and Family Planning Commission

流动人口服务管理司Department of Migrant Population Administration

中国人民银行People's Bank of China

货币金银局Currency, Gold and Silver Bureau

支付结算司Payment System Department

调查统计局Financial Survey and Statistics Department

货币政策司Monetary Policy Department

反局Anti-Money Laundering Bureau

征信管理局Credit Information System Bureau

内审司Internal Auditing Department

国库司State Treasury Bureau

金融市场司Financial Market Department

金融稳定局Financial Stability Bureau

国家审计署National Audit Office

经济责任审计司 Economic Responsibility Audit Department

固定资产投资审计司Fixed Assets Investment Audit Department

农业与资源环保审计司Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Protection Audit Dept

金融审计司Monetary Audit Department

外资运用审计司Foreign Funds Application Audit Department

社会保障司Social Security Department

企业审计司Enterprise Audit Department

行政事业审计司Non-profit Government Agencies Audit Department

财政审计司Finance Audit Department


总书记The General Secretary

总理 Premier

部长 minister

副部长 vice-minister

部长助理 assistant minister






秘书长secretary general副秘书长deputy secretary general

新闻出版总署 GAPP (General Administration of Press and Publication)


Zero2IPO Research Center 清科研究中心

中国银行 Bank of China; 农业银行 ABC (Agriculture Bank of China); 中国工商银行

ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China); 中国建设银行 CCB (China

Construction Bank); 交通银行 Bank of Communication; 深圳发展银行 Shenzhen

Development Bank

全国人民代表大会 (简称 全国人大) National People's Congress (NPC)

全国人大代表deputy to the National People's Congress

全国人民代表大会主席团 the NPC Presidium

全国人民代表大会常务委员会 the NPC Standing Committee

全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee

九届全国人大四次会议 the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress

九届全国人大五次会议 the Fifth Session of the Ninth NPC

中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 (简称 全国政协)

National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of CPPCC


By-elect members to the Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee


Standing committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC

中国注册会计师协会 Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

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标签:办公室   管理司   国际   国家   发展   管理局
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