Unit10 Text 1 Love and Resentment


Unit 10



Love and Resentment

Barbara Bick1

Pre-reading questions

1. How is a lunatic patient generally regarded?

2. How do you think lunatic patients should be cared for in our society?

1. I straightened up from my weeding as the frenzied mutterings of anger

reached me from the house .My muscles tightened .The screams were so muffled

I could barely hear them.”Get away from me ,you filthy slut .Leave me alone.

2. I moved cautiously through the overgrown bushes ,up against the bathroom

window,straining to catch the exact words. I want to understand my

daughter .”Shut up !Shut up !You always do everything wrong .Incompetent

bitch ….” The flushing toilet drowned out the rest .I moved away quickly ,shaken

once again by her wild mes she frightens me when she is clearly

out of control .But this time I was reassured ; she didn’t want me to hear .I bent to

my weeding as she opened the screen door

sat down .Her face was calm

and impassive .

3. “Can I help you ,mother?”She asked as she lighted her umpteenth cigarette of

the morning and was shaken by her usual barking cough.

4. “Sure .Why don’t you pull up some of the weeds between the bricks on the


5. “Oh ,that’s too hard ,”she said and she settled deeper into the deck chair3.

6. “Damn it,Kathy ,why is everything too hard for you ?Go ahead ,get the stool

and do what you can .”I snapped at her .

7. Damn it yourself ,I said to myself .Why did I bring her up here ? Why, Why,

Why ?Yesterday had been had hurled accusation after accusation at

me .“Why don’nt you always say I’m crazy?”she had yelled.”Don’t you

EVERtell me I’m a paranoid schizophrenic ’s all you ever do-call me

crazy and I’m not.”

8. “Kathy,”my voice quieter and quieter as hers rose in crescendo,”I have never

called you ,Kathy, keep your voice ,stop it .Stop it right


9. I shook away that memory and rose laboriously .I had just come to the island

and so I was eager to clean up my burgeoning garden after a winter’s

is the fourth year I have had this tiny treasure of a house .It was to be my retreat

from the harassing city ,the social and political commitments I take on each

year,the needs of family and friends.

10. For three summers I have brought my 40-year-old daughter to the island to

spend two weeks with me .Surely ,I can live for two weeks with the tension and

outbursts.4Her life is so limited and mine is so full.A short span of days ,really,for

me to take care of her ;to give her some joy. I have so many days ,just for

me ,after she goes back to the city.

11. But I can’t .I resent the tension.i lost .I loste patience .Sometimes I hate

her .What is wrong with me ?I am so strong and healthy;she is vulnerable and

ill .It is always my choice to have her I count the days until she is gone

and there are moments when I think ,no ,not another summer.5

Why do this to

myself ?Most of the time I know that these weeks are too important to her ;I

cannot take them away.

12. She doesn’t sleep I came up


,I discussed the sleeping problem

with her psychiatrist so that he could prescribe some medication .I couldn’t bring

myself to tell him that I am afraid to be deep in sleep while she is awake .She is

not physically violent . In all the 24 years of her illness ,she has attacked me only

three times .But they remain with me .7

Each time ,her adrenaline-induced

strength had overwhelmed me. And no matter how intimate one is with this

illness,the primordial fear of madness lurks deep within .The medication the

doctor suggested doesn’t work and my bedroom here is an open room without a

door to lock .So ,I sleep lightly these nights .I sense the lights blazing

downstairs.I listen to her cough as she smokes and mutters through the long

hours . I try to imagine—out of my own healthy body—what it is like to be


13. Physically,she always feels antipsychotic medication has many

unpleasant side effects .More than that ,she has no empathy with her own body,

cannot take care of eats badly,drinks coffee constantly,smokes

incessantly ,does no exercise She has perpetual headaches and frequent


14. For years she suffered from Crohn’s disease8

,a deep inflammation of the

colon ,leaving her little or no control of her bowels .She has been plagued and

humiliated by accidents in public .People have responded to this affliction by

yelling at her ,calling her filthy .She has silently accepted the appellation ,taken it

winthin her .”Filthy bitch !” she yells at herself .”Go away!”

15. I lie awake ,my throat tight and aching as I remember the years when her

illness was more active ,filled with agonizing hallucinations that most of

us ,during a lifetime ,experience for only seconds in our worst ,most searing


16. She had been a normal ,beautiful child. The changes began in high

school .Kathy started a diary when she was 16 years old .She wrote :” This

morning I feel as though someone took a file and sandpaper and scratched off all

my epidermis . I feel raw and sore and ugly and dirty and loathsome . I also have

a headache and coffee makes it worse . I escape thru dreams and the pressure of

returning reality gives me a headache .

17. Something inside me is going thru this funny ,alien state, a sense of being at

the mercy of some strange force ,and this pathetic scarecrow figure inside me at

the mercy of other forces. My stomach is empty and gnawing and uneasy as if

anything could fall in and break the superstructure I hold up with all my force.”

18. Kathy did go off to college .The trauma of her breakdown there was

followed by the deadening travail of the long search for a psychiatric solution .

Then ,a decade of daily life in the huge psychiatric hospital ,the “crazy house” as

she always callled it .In those years, she has never been able to draw a deep

breath full of good life .

19. The daughter I would have had – were it not for this evil illness – exists in

embryo in the dauhter I do have .9

After an outburst ,she will come and tell me

quietly :” I am sorry ,mother .I don’t want to fight with you .”

20. “Thank you ,”she will say :”for giving me a good day .”

21. To admit the truth , sometimes I trigger her outburst .Like Tuesday ,when I

came upon her pouring coffee straight from the jar,half filling her cup with the

powder and splattering grains over the counter. I ordered her , peremptorily :”Get

a spoon ,Kathy . Don’t you do things normally once in a while !”

22. She whirled and ,in a shrill tone ,screamed :”I am sick of you always telling

me what to do . I am an adult and I don’t need you to tell me when to go to bed

and when to get up .” Hysteria building up ,she shouted :”You drive everyone to

the edge of hemophiliac absurdity !”Magnetic waves of burning energy rushed

from her ,hit me and I lashed back ,”Get out of this house ,Kathy .RIGHT

NOW,get out !”

23. Later ,in the evening ,she almost whispers to me :”I ’ve washed my

hair ,done my nails ,and I ’ve cleaned up the dinner dishes . I feel much better

now .” And I feel sad and ashamed. I know her greatest wish is to livre with me

all of the time ,to have me take care of her ,cook her good meals every day as I do

these two weeeks on the island .

24. That I will not do . I must live my own life .But I will give her the small

chunks of time :the island for two weeks in summer ;at home with me at

Christmas ;a trip to Florida to see her grandparents . I will also allow myself to

resent it sometimes .Like my daughter ,like all other human beings ,I am not spun

of one thread . I love and hate the same person . I am responsible and

irresponsible . I will do the best I can with the worst I have to live with.

1,383 words


resentment colon

weeding humiliate

muffled affliction

filthy appellation

slut hallucination

overgrown searing

bitch file

flush sandpaper

outburst scratch

impassive epidermis

paranoid raw

schizophrenic loathsome

crescendo alien

laboriously pathetic

burgeon scarecrow

harassing gnawing

commitment fall in

tension superstructure

span travail

medication embryo

adrenaline trigger

primordial splatter

lurk grain

blaze peremptorily

antipsychotic whirl

empathy shrill

incessantly hemophiliac

perpetual chunks

inflammation spin


1. About the author Barbara Bick (1941- ) is a peace activist ,feminist,and

writer as well as an advocate for the mentally ill in Washington,D.C. Currently ,she is

writing a book titled The Riddle of the Demon Mother .Her essay Love and

Resentment first appeared in The New York Times.

2. screen door (Paragraph2) a door made of fine netting which is on the outside of

the main door of the house .It is used to keep the insects out when the main door is


3. deck chair (Paragraph5) a simple chair with a folding frame ,and a piece of

canvas as the seat and back .Deck chairs are usually used on the beach ,on the ship or

in the garden.

4. Surely, I can live for two weeks with the tension and outbursts.(Paragraph10)

Although my daughter creates such mental and emotional strain with her

uncontrollable fits of temper, I can still stand it for the two weeks each year we come

to the island as we have for the past three years.

5. But I count the days until she is gone and there are moments when I

think ,no ,not another summer.(Paragraph11) During the two weeks , I always

look forward to the day when she will go back to the city ,and thinking of the ordeal ,I

sometimes even make up my mind not to take her to the island with me again.

6… I came up ,(Paragraph12) …I came to the island .

7. But they remain with me . (Paragraph12) But these attacks have never

escaped from my memories.

8. Crohn’s disease (Paragraph14) sometimes called regional enteritis, a chronic

inflammation of the intestines resulting from an extreme reaction of the immune

system. The disease is found mainly in Europe ,North American ,and Australia . And

it was named , an American doctor.克罗恩氏病,节段性回肠炎,局限性肠(结肠)炎

9. The daughter I would have had –were it ot for this evil illness—exists in embryo

in the daughter I do have .(Paragraph19) Although the evil illness has made my

daughter a very different person ,she still displays,in the most basic

form ,characteristics.

Text comprehension

1. The author harbours all the following feelings towards her sick daughter


and care

onal resentment and fear

- reproach and guilt

nt hate

,according to the text ,whether the following statements are ture or false.

1. I moved up against the bathroom window in the hope of catching what my

daughter was exactly saying so as to know her better though I was sometimes

frightened by her wild outbursts.

2. I bought the house on the island three years ago for the sake of my sick daughter .

3. Although she has attacked me only three times during the 24 years of her

illness ,they struck me to the quick.

4. I am kept awake tonight by the thought of the terrifying illusions which normal

people experience only briefly in their worst dreams , but plague my daughter

nearly all the time .

5. Kathy began to feel the mental changes when she graduated from high school .

the following questions.

1. What does the author’s house on the island signify to her ?

2. Describe the way the author feels about her daughter’s illness .What can you infer

from it ?

3. Why does the author sleep lightly ,sensing the lights blazing downstairs?

4. What happened to Kathy at college?

5. Why does the author sometimes reproach herself for Kathy’s outbursts?

6. In what way does Kathy console the author once her sporadic hysteria ends ?How

does the author respond ?Why ?

7. Why does the author conclude she is responsible and irresponsible?

n in your own words the following sentences taken from the text .

1. The screams were so muffled I could barely hear them.

2. My voice quieter and quieter as hers rose in crescendo .

3. No matter how intimate one is with this illness ,the primordial fear of madness

lurks deep winthin.

4. She has no empathy with her own body .

5. T he daughter I would have had – were it not for this evil illness – exists in

embryo in the daughter I do have .

6. I will do the best I can with the worst I have to live with.

Writing strategies

This text is a piece of lively ,concrete and vivid narration .The writer describes

her daughter’s illness and behacior as well as the mixed feelings she has for her . Her

traumatic experiences are presented through some typical events and

examples ,flashbacks ,muffled mutterings ,infuriated utterances ,and dialogues. The

writer ‘s inner thoughts are also revealed ,sometimes through utterances she seems to

be making to herself .Moreover ,in order to make her narration more vivid and

impressive ,the writer employs various rhetorical devises ,particularly metaphor ,in

proper places .

The following three questions are worth discussing :

⑴ In which paragraphs can we find the flashbacks?

⑵Can you find those sentences that seem to be spoken by the author to herself to

disclose the agonizing state of her mind ?

⑶ Point out some typical examples of metaphor or metaphorical expressions used in

the narration .

Language work

I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own work .

1. I moved cautiously …straining to catch the exact words.

2. The flushing toilet drowned out the rest .

3. I shook away that memory and rose laboriously .

4. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I am afraid to be deep in sleep while she

is awake .

5. Sometimes inside me is going thru this funny ,alien state ,a sense of being at the

mercy of som strange force…

6. Like Tuesday ,when I came upon her pouring coffee straight from the jar…

in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate

froms and note the difference of meaning between them .


1. She cherished a deep _____________ towards her employers for having denied

her a promotion.

2. Success is a motivator ;regular failure only fuels fear and _______________.

3. Never had she seen him so tense,so quick to take _______________as he had

been in recent weeks.

4. Reporters and photographers alike took great _____________at the rude way the

star behaved during her interview.


1. _____________,among other qualities,can be the most harmful to students taking


2. The town’s oldest temple is collapsing due to years of _____________.

3. The _____________that large cities like New York have received over the past

years is tremendous.

4. The accident resulted from faulty car brakes ,and the driver was accused of



1. Sunshine and rest are good ______________for convalesscents.

2. You could begin to think about a cure that would not require lifelong


3. If your doctor determines that you have high blood pressure, you may be placed

on ______________.

4. The best _____________ for overweight individuals is careful dieting.


1. Not being a British citizen ,and belonging to a country that has not been part of

the British Empire since 1776, Reagan was not entitled to use the


2. These bullies never used her real ______________, but simply referred to her

with a(n) _______________.

3. She’s never had any drug problems or done anything to give jazz a bad


4. The _____________of “aunt ” and “uncle” for the older slaves were not only

common among the blacks ,but the whites also addressed them in the same way.

in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the

box ,using its appropriate from.

primordial hallucination impassive harass

resentment peremptorily loathsome empathy

incessantly lurk affliction trauma

1. _____________is common in patients who suffered damages to the brain .

2. There are two main problems which ________________ people’s hearing.

3. Having begun my life in a children’s home ,I have the greatest _____________with

the little ones.

4. Some people need to confront a _____________past ,but others find it better to

leave it alone .

5 .A new survey found that 50% of women had experienced some from of sexual

______________in their working lives .

6 .He’s large and languid ,meeting each inquiry with a(n) ____________countenance.

7. From the very first days of the reforms ,the parliament kept on a(n)

_____________drumbeat of rotest.

8. I deeply ____________ those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply

personal grief.

a sentence of your own for each of the given words with meanings other

than those used in the text .You can change the part of speech of these words .

1. advocate___________________________________________________________

2. strain_____________________________________________________________

3. move_____________________________________________________________

4. prescribe__________________________________________________________

5. gnaw_____________________________________________________________

6. grain______________________________________________________________

er each of the following sentences,uing”a factive abstract noun + an

apposive clause”.

1. You may have dozed off during my lecture, but that does not exempt you from

writing this paper.

2. You went to sleep during the movie , and this fact suggests that you should go to

bed earlier.

3. You excuse yourself by saying that the children keep disturbing you ,but I can’t

accept that.

4. I know that I can always call upon you for support , and that is a great comfort for

me .

5. People suspect that smoking is a major cause of cancer :this rests on a large

amount of evidence.

6. When scientists argued that cigarette smoking might increase one’s chances of

developing lung cancer , this was not well received by some smokers.

7. It is believed that no one is infallible , and this is well—founded .

8. It has long been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder ,and I do agree

with it.

9. She got greatly shocked when she realized that it was ture that they had spent all

their money.

10. Columbus reported that there was a king in the south who owned great quantities

of gold , and this lured many explorers to the search for E1 Dorado.

VI. Put a word in each blank that is appropriate for the context.

A 1996 survey of more than 21,000 children between the ages of 4 and 15 seen

by nearly 400 clinicians found that 9% of the children suffered from either attention

deficit disorder or hyperactivity disorder , which was close to the 7% prevalence

found in other studies .

Overall, the 1996 survey found that nearly 19% of children had mental or

behavioral ⑴____________.

“Psychosocial problems are the most common chronic condition for pediatric

visits , eclipsing asthma and heart disease .(2)_____________ , they are among the

most disabling of pediatric conditions , with mental health symptoms accounting

(3)_______________ fully one-third of all school days missed by adolescents,” Kathy

Kelleher of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine wrote in the report .

Similarly ,studies have shown a (4) ______________ prevalence of mental

disorders , especially depression , among U.S. adults . Since the 1996 survey there has

been an explosion in the use of antidepressants ,primarily by (5) ______________,and

drugs like Ritalin , to combat hyperactivity in children .

McInerny said that many people have been helped by the drugs , but agreed with

the recent criticisms that they have been over-prescribed for children—(6)

_____________since the drug’s long-term effects were still unclear .

Their research pointed ,instead , to a growing (7)______________for parent

training , family support and specialty mental health care.

For general physicians , patients’ mental problems were (8)_____________the

most time-consuming and frustraiting to (9)_______________ with , suggesting the

need for more active partnerships with mental health exports . Depressed patients are

(10)________________ to suffer more physical health problems , the report added.


I. Translate each of the following sentences into English ,uing the words or

expressions given in the brackets.

1. 当前不景气的汽车市场可能引发生产商之间新一轮的价格战。(trigger)

2. 支持者的欢呼声几乎淹没了示威者的抗议。(drown out )

3. 许多历史性建筑因人为破坏和气候影响已近破落。(at the mercy of)

4. 飞速上涨的房价快把渴望购买新房的工薪阶层逼到了绝望的边缘。(drive

someone to the edge of)

5. 在你父亲到另一份工作之前,我们都要勒紧裤袋。(tighten)

6. 那家公司至今没能摆脱它的老传统的束缚。(shake away)

7. 他们意识到,在压倒性军事优势面前,抵抗意味着自杀。(overwhelm)

8. 把狗叫式发声当做先锋派歌唱是一种误解。(barking)

ate the following into Chinese.

Listen ,son , I am saying this to you as you lie asleep , one little paw crumoled

under your cheek and the blond curls stickly wet on your damp forehead . I have

stolen into your room alone . Just a few moments ago , as I sat reading my paper in

the library , a hot ,stifling wave of remorse swept over me . I could not resist

it .Guiltily , I came to your bedside .These were the thinks I was thinking , son :I had

been cross to you . I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave

your face merely a dad with a towel . I took you to task for not cleaning your shoes . I

called out angrily when I found you had thrown some of your things on the floor.

Topics for discussion

1. Nowadays, there seems to be an increasing incidence of mental diseases . What

social factors might account for such a tendency?

2. Give your comments on Barbara Bick’s way of treating Kathy ,and then have a

discussion about how mentally normal people should treat those with mental


Writing practice

Definition is the method of development used whenever it is necessary to clarify the

meaning of any “fuzzy” or controversial term . In Writing ,and in conversation as

well . we often use words or expressions that are perfectly obvious in meaning to us ,

but less so to our readers or listeners . More often than not , the problem lies with the

word or expression we have used – it may be either abstract or unclear , perhaps

having having many different meanings . The meanings of the words or expressions

are usually conditioned by our experience , thus making it necessary to define them in

oral or written communication.

In writing a definition , we ought to bear in mind the following points:

 Use the etymolgy of a word to clarify its meaning .

 Give examples, state functions , and show effects of the defined term.

 Clarify the definition through the use of contrasts.

 Amplify the definition until the meaning is clear.

Here’s an example of the definition of “Love”

Love is the pitter-patter of the heart , butterflies in the tummy , the invisible

symphonies that swallows dance to on silken twilit evenings ; but most of all , it is

sudden , urgent lunacy. As an example , I offer the night I met Julie . I had saved for

months to go to dinner at Chez Francois . I had the meal planned . Appetizer : oysters

sautéed in olive oil . Main course : lobster steamed in wine with herb sauce .

Vegetable: eggplant stuffed with mushrooms. Wine : a white Macon , which I was just

about to select when I met Julie – the cocktail waitress . I took one look in her eyes

and my appetite went down the tube . I know that’s slang and that I should write

something more elegant , but I actually felt my appetite dropping from my belly down

to my toes – as if it fell down a tube – and , with a little imagination , I thought I even

saw it roll out on the carpet and scurry away like a routed mouse . The rest of the

night I just kept ordering one drink after another so that Julie would come around and

I could talk to her . I ate part of a lobster feeler and then abandoned the carcass to the

vultures ; the eggplant stayed on the plate as if some lobotomized hen had laid it there

by mistake . I never touched a mushroom . All I did was drink , chat with Julie , make

a desperate and inaudible moan to myself ,and get roaringly drunk . $54.89 later and I

ended up eating a McDonald’s hamburger. That’s love , brother , that’s love.

264 words

And by now must be ready to write a paragraph of definition , are’t you ?

Listening exercises

Task : Listen to the talk once . Supply the missing information in the following


Theme: Abuse of antibiotics Resulting in Public Health Crisis

1. Body bacteria :about (1) _________________________of our body weight ;

most of these harmless ; helping to (2)___________________________

2. Disease bacteria : streptococcus can cause (3)________________________,

sinusitis , ear infections and pneumonia.

3. Treatment: serious infections treated with some type of (4)_________________,

not as effective as it used to be.

4. Risk:getting untreatable infection because of (5)____________________spread

by (6)________________________.

5. Trouble: the number of drug-resistant bacteria is growing while

(7)_______________________are decreasing in potency and number .

6. AWARE: an agency called (8)______________________. It targets doctors who

(9)__________________and consumers who routinely demand them , due to the

fact that(10)____________________may be inappropriate.

7. WHO: calls for (11)_____________________to combat drug resistant infections.

8. Collaborative effort :by (12)___________________, the pharmacists, the health

plans ,(13)_____________________, consumer groups , and

(14)_____________________to ensure that the drugs we have today will be

available to fight tomorrow’s infections.

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