

2020-2021 学年度第二学期期末试联考


(试卷满分 120 分,考试时间 90 分钟)

一、听力理解(本大题分为 A、B、C、D 四部分,共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分)

A.听单句(本题有 5 个小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)


1. How did Lisa arrive in Nanjing?


2. What does Jason do well in?

B. C.

A. B. C.

3. Where is the key?


4. When does Jane take a taxi to





B. C.

5. How did the boy’s mother buy the robot cleaner?

A. B. C.

B. 听对话(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 每段对话听两遍。

听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。

6. Where is Mary now?

A. She’s on the Great Wall. B. She’s in Beijing. C. She’s in the Summer Palace.

听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。

7. What is the boy going to do tonight?

A. Join in a football game. B. See a movie. C. Watch a football game.

听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。

8. How will they go traveling?

A. By air. B. By car. C. By train.

听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。

9. What’s wrong with Judy?

A. She hurt her foot. B. She hurt her head. C. She has a fever.

听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。

10. How often do they meet in the English club?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a month.

听第六段对话,回答第 11-12 小题。

11. Which meal is the woman having now?

A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. C. Supper.

12. What does the woman order?

A. Tea, salad & a pizza. B. Milk, salad & bread. C. Coffee, salad & a pizza.

听第七段对话,回答第 13-15 小题。

13. Why does Mason want to try sharing one room with others?

A. It can save money. B. He can make more friends. C. Both A &B.

14. Where is he going next time?

A. To Xi’an. B. To Qingdao. C. To London.

15. How many foreign cities has he been?

A. None. B. 20. C. Only one.

C. 听独白(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。每段独白 听两遍。

听第一段独白,完成第 16-20 小题。

16. Jeff’s school begins at .

A. 8:00 am B. 7:50 am C. 8:10 am

17. He usually goes to school .

A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike

18. It was a day yesterday.

A. rainy B. sunny C. windy

19. Mr Green may be his teacher.

A. history B. music C. maths

20. Mr Green handed his jacket to Jeff because .

A. Jeff’s clothes were broken B. Jeff’s clothes were wet C. Jeff’s clothes were lost

听第二段独白,完成第 21-25 小题。

21. Kai is a child actress from .

A. the UK B. the USA C. Africa

22. Kai has already acted in movies and TV shows for years.

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7

23. She likes making things by hand and made a hat for her recently.

A. mother B. grandfather C. grandmother

24. She started playing the in the fourth grade.

A. guitar B. ukulele C. violin

25. She can play kinds of instruments now.

A. two B. three C. four

D. 听填信息(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)

你将听到的是一篇关于介绍学校图书馆规章制度的短文。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信 息卡,并将答案填写在相应位置上。短文听两遍。

Rules of the school library

1. Opening time: from 8 am to (26)


3. Eating and (28)

4. Don’t (29)


2. Each person can borrow at most 5 books at a time and keep them for four



are not allowed here.


before coming here.

5. Bring your library (30)

二、语法选择(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)

阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳


John is thirteen now. He began 31 in a middle school two years

family is in a small village and it’s far away 32 the school. Every day, he gets up

early in the morning. After a quick breakfast, he has to run to school to get there on

time. His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him, but he knows his

mother is always ill and his father spends much money 33 her medicine. If his

father buys him a bike, their life 34 harder than before. So he 35 agree with

his father and keeps running there every day. Now he’s very strong and 36 late for

class and keeps running there every day.

Last week there was 37 sports meeting in their school. John ran faster than

the other boys, and it was 38 for him to win three matches. 39 happy the boy

was! He told 40 grandma about the good news as soon as he got home.

“I broke two school records today, Granny,” called out the boy. She was

surprised and said,“I am sorry to hear that. We have no money to pay for them!”

( ) study s studying

( )

( ) buy

( ) be

( )’t ’t ’t ’t

( )y mes

( )37.A.a D. /

( ) y y ily

( ) a a

( ) f

三.完形填空(本大题共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,共 10 分)



Once upon a time, there lived a strange bird. The bird had _41 heads but only

one stomach. One day, one of the heads saw a fruit on a tree. He picked it and started

42 the fruit. The fruit tasted very nice. He said, “It is one of the most 43

fruits I have ever eaten.” The other head wanted to 44 the fruit, too. But the first

head laughed and 45 to share the fruit with the other head. Later that day, the

second head found another tree. The tree had poisonous(有毒的) fruits. He picked a

poisonous 46 and told the first head, “I will eat it.”

The first head didn't want to die. He felt 47 . He shouted, “Please don't eat

the poisonous fruit. If you eat it, 48 of us will die.” The two heads realized that

they had only one 49 . If they don't want to die, they must learn to get on well

with each other. They must learn to 50 .

41. A. two

42. A. eating

43. A. terrible

44. A. catch

45. A. accepted

46. A. flower

47. A. afraid

48. A. all

49. A. head

50. A. die

B. three

B. drinking

B. expensive

B. taste

B. refused

B. leaf

B. happy

B. both

B. stomach

B. laugh

C. four

C. throwing

C. beautiful

C. pick

C. hoped

C. fruit

C. pleased

C. neither

C. mouth

C. cry

D. five

D. planting

D. delicious

D. clean

D. agreed

D. tree

D. relaxed

D. none

D. neck

D. share

四.阅读理解 (本大题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)


Many people wrote to the manager of the cinema and said that some women saw

films with their hats on and blocked(遮挡)their view(视线). They wanted the

manager to put up a notice asking the women to take off their hats when they saw


The manager said that it wouldn’t be polite to ask the women to take their hats

off and that they would protect their rights to wear their hats. But the next day , the

following words were on the screen before the film was on.

“Thinking about the health of the women of old age, this cinema allows(允许)

old women to wear hats when seeing films.”

All the women took their hats off after they saw this notice.

( ) people wrote to the manager because some women didn’t

A. keep silent B. take their places C. take their hats off

( )52. The people asked the manager .

A. to stop women wearing their hats when seeing films.

B. not to allow women to see films

C. to put up a notice when a film was over

( )53. The manager didn’t do what he was asked to because

A. he didn’t think about the people’s advice

B. he thought it was impolite(不礼貌的)to do that

C. he had given the women a promise

( )54. The words on the screen meant that

A. all the old women could wear their hats

B. wearing hats was useful to people’s health

C. some old women’s hats could block other’s health

( ) they saw the notice, all the women took their hats off because

A. It was too hot in the cinema.

B. They wanted to be healthy

C. None of the women thought she was old.


Fast walking is the exercise between walking and race walking. A study shows that

fast walking has become the most popular exercise in China and many people walk

more than 5,000 steps a day. The results of the study are from QQ users. About 37%

of the people choose fast walking as their favorite exercise; over 23% choose running

and more than 14% choose riding bikes. Fast walking and running are easy, cost little

and work well, so they are popular. And many people would rather do exercise in

nature than go to gyms (健身房). It's best to walk fast for at least 10 minutes at one

time and walk up to 6,000 steps every day.

The study also shows that people in Guiyang, Guizhou love sports most. On

average(平均), everyone there walks 5,941 steps every day. It seems that people in

places with better environment and air are more willing to(更愿意) do sports.

( )56. Many people in China walk more than

A. 6,000

C. 5,000

steps a day.

B. 5,941

D. 10,000

as their favorite exercise. ( )57. Over 23% of the Chinese people choose

( )58. Many people prefer to do exercise

A. at home

C. in the gym

( )59. The writer probably agrees that



B. in nature

D. in the park

A. people living in big cities are more willing to do sports

B. fast walking is not difficult, costs little and works well

C. it's bad for people to walk fast for more than 10 minutes at one time

D. most people like riding bikes according to the survey (调查)

( )60. We can read this passage in the column (栏目)

A. Mum's Kitchen

C. Health & Sports

of a newspaper.

B. Music Today

D. Food & Health





提示: 把选择题答案填涂在答题卡上

(选择 E 填涂 AB, 选择 F 填涂 AC, 选择 G 填涂 AD)

( )61. Jane likes shopping

online. She bought an-iPhone

last week. She would like to

find a new way to pay online.

( ) 62. John goes to work by

subway every day. His

company is about half a

kilometer from the station. So

he wants to find a way to solve


( ) 63. Linda has just bought

a car. She wants to drive to

visit her parents in Shenzhen.

She is afraid she will get lost in

the city. Now she is looking for

an app to help her.

( ) 64. Tom is busy

preparing for the English

exam. He has trouble in

learning all the words. He

wants to find a way to help

him remember the new words.

A. Baicizhan This app tells you how many English words

you need to learn every day. It can also be fun. The learning

is like playing a guessing game. And you can practice

remembering the new words in different ways.

B. Douban FM A radio app like Douban FM might be the

right music app for you. You can use the button to mark the

songs you like. Those marked with a heart will be kept.

C. Apple Pay It came to China on Feb 18th, 2016. People

who have cards from 19 banks can use it with Apple

products, like iPhone or Apple Watch.

D. Moment Camera Many people like this app because of

its continuous shooting and different-sized frames(边框).

The photos are clear and the app is easy to use.

E. Flipboard It's one of the hottest news apps. Open the

app, choose whatever interests you, and click the

“+"button. You’ll have your own magazine with news,

articles and information.

F. Mobike It is a bike-sharing app. It's a good way of

solving the "last mile" problem. Download this app and you

can find the nearest bike. You don't need to walk for a long

way to the place you would like to go.

( ) 65. Kate likes taking

photos, she wants to have a trip

G. Baidu Map It can provide you with an online map

with her friend next month.

searching service. It covers nearly 400 cities in China. With

She is looking for an app to

the app, you can search the streets, restaurant and so on.

take beautiful photos during

When you want a guide in a new city, it's the best choice.

their trip.

五、短文填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)


Last Saturday afternoon, I went to the shopping center with my little daughter.

While I 66 looking for the parking space, I saw a young woman pushing

her shopping cart(购物车) in front of us.67 cart looked too heavy for

her because it was 68 of food and drinks. She was also carrying three

bags in her hands. She saw us and tried to move to the side so that we could

69 . At that time, the wind blew away two of the food bags and she ran

to catch 70 . I asked if she was OK. "Yes, "she said, "I’ll be out of your way

soon. "She 71 up the two bags but another bag fell off.

I stopped my car and told my daughter to wait for a minute. I ran to the woman

and she said sorry first: She told me those things were for her son's birthday party. I

helped her put the things in her car. She said, "Thank you so much. "I smiled and said

" I am a mother,72 . Many people helped me before. I just want to 73

the kindness to the people around me. "She said thanks again and got in her car.

When I walked to the shopping center 74 my daughter, she took my

hand and looked happy. I think it is the best action I have done and I believe that

children are always watching 75 their parents do.


A ) 回答问题: 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答后面的问题。(10 分)

Now mobile phones become more and more popular. Should the middle school

students be allowed(被允许)to use mobile phones? Different people have different


John:My school is far away from my home. I only go home on weekends. So

my parents bought me a mobile phone to keep in touch(联系)with me. It’s

convenient. I don’t need to look for IC phones any more.

Mary:I think it’s bad for us to use mobile phones in class. But after classes we

can use them. We aren’t kids any more, we know when and where to use it, so

teachers and parents should believe us and let us use mobile phones.

Tony:I often send WeChat messages to my friends by mobile phone. It won’t

cost too much. It’s a good way to talk with my friends when they are not with me.

Andy:I think mobile phone is not only a tool for communication, but also a

symbol of fashion. If you have no mobile phone, it means you are out of fashion. In

other words, it’s cool to have a mobile phone.

Ted:We all know that it’s convenient to have mobile phones. But many students

often use them to play games or watch videos. It’s bad for our study. I don’t think it’s

necessary for students to have a mobile phone.

76. When does John go home?

77. What does Tony often do by using the mobile phone?

78. When does Mary think we can use mobile phones?

79. What does Andy think to have a mobile phone?

80. How many students think they can have a mobile phone?

B ) 书面表达(15 分) 良好的习惯成就美好的未来。作为青少年的我们,应该如何培养良好的习惯呢? 请根据以下内容提示,以 “How to develop good habits”为题写一篇英文短文。

1. 上课认真听讲,做笔记(take notes)每天认真完成作业;

2. 闲暇时多读课外书;

3. 每周至少锻炼 3 至 4 次;

4. 多吃健康食品,少吃垃圾食品;

5. 适当补充一至两点好习惯,并谈谈它们对身心健康的影响。

要求:条理清晰,语句通顺,书写规范整洁,80 词左右;

How to develop good habits

It’s important to have a good habit.


一.听力(每小题 1 分,共 30 分)



26. 8 27. weeks

6-10 BACAB


28. drinking

11-15 CCCBA

29. shout 30. card

二、语法选择(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,10 分)

31—35 BCBAD 36—40 DAABC

三、完形填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,10 分)

41-45 AADBB 46-50 CABBD

四.阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,30 分)

51-55 CABAC



61-65 CFGAD

五.短文填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,15 分)

66 was 67 The

72 too

68 full

73 return

69 pass

74 with

70 them

75 what

71 picked


A)回答问题:(本大题有 5 小题,每小题 2 分,10 分)

only goes home on weekends.

77He often sends WeChat messages to his friends by mobile phone.

thinks we can use them after classes.

79Andy thinks it’s cool to have a mobile phone.

students think they can have a mobile phone.

书面表达:(本题 15 分)

How to develop good habits

It's important to have a good habit. As teenagers, what should we do? In my

opinion, we should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes when necessary.

It is a good habit to finish the homework on time every day. In spare time, we had

better read some books to get more knowledge. Also, we should eat more fresh fruit

and vegetables and less junk food. It's necessary for us to take exercise for three or

four times a week What's more, to get enough sleep, go to bed early and don't stay

up late. Always remember to wash our hands before meals to keep clean. Exercise

is fun and relaxing. It's healthy for the mind and body. Healthy lifestyle helps us get

good grades and live happily.






5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Wednesday, April 27, 2022April 22Wednesday, April 27, 20224/27/2022



8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。20:4820:48:524.27.2022Wednesday, April 27, 2022


本文发布于:2024-09-21 10:55:12,感谢您对本站的认可!



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