


Offshore IPO Legal Service Agreement






After friendly negotiation, Party A agrees to engage Party B to act as the PRC legal counsel of the Sponsor of Party A's parent company established overseas (hereinafter

referred to as “Pre-Listing Company”, the Pre-Listing Company and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies are hereinafter referred to as “Pre-Listing Group”,) for the application of initial public offering of shares of the Pre-Listing Group (hereinafter referred to as this "IPO project") in the Stock Exchange of

Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Hong Kong Stock Exchange"). Party

B agrees to accept the appointment of Party A. In accordance with the Lawyers Law

of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "PRC" and for the purpose of this Agreement, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region), Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations of the PRC, Party A and Party B hereby enter into this Agreement under the terms and conditions set forth as below:

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Clause 1 Legal Service


In view of the proposed application of the Pre-Listing Company for listing of its shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Party A agrees to engage Party B as the PRC legal counsel of the Sponsor of this IPO Project on behalf of the Sponsor, and Party B agrees to accept Party A's engagement to provide the legal services as per this Agreement. Party B accepts the appointment of Party

A and the Sponsor's entrustment and agrees to designate lawyers to provide the Sponsor of this IPO project with the legal services under in this Agreement.


For the avoidance of ambiguity, Party A hereby engages Party B as the Sponsor's legal counsel on behalf of Sponsor, and Party A knows that Party B's responsibility is to

provide relevant legal services in this IPO project for the benefit of the Sponsor.


Clause 2 Designated Lawyers


Party B agrees to designate experienced and professional lawyers to establish a legal service team to provide legal services for the Sponsor of this IPO project.


Depending on the work required by this IPO project, Party B may add other practicing lawyers or paralegals with the experience required by Party A or other expertise

to assist in providing legal services under this Agreement.

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Clause 3 Scope of Legal Service


Legal Due Diligence


Assist the Sponsor in reviewing the legal due diligence report of the PRC subsidiaries and affiliates of Pre-Listing Group, provide consulting services, and provide relevant opinions and advice;


As per request of the Sponsor, carry out investigations within a restricted scope (including but not limited to conducting online public searches) concerning the legal status and asset rights and interests of (i) affiliated companies and potentially competitive enterprises under the definition of the Securities Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter "Listing Rules"), and (ii) PRC domestic companies of the Pre-Listing Group to be included in the listing scope and the related parties;


Assist in reviewing the solutions and implementation proposed by the Pre-Listing Company's lawyers and to make relevant comments and recommendations, regarding the major violations/mistakes/non-compliance issues of the Pre-Listing Group found in due diligence;

3.1.4.应保荐人要求,协助保荐人进行实地考察,参与尽职调查访谈及制作访谈纪要,完成工商、税务及其他政府部门备案资料的调取和审阅工作等,如需要,协助第3页 / 共15页


As per the request of the Sponsor, assist the Sponsor to conduct on-the-spot investigations, participate in due diligence site visit and interviews, complete the collection and review of the filing materials of industry and business department, tax department and other government departments, etc., and, if necessary, assist the

Sponsor to communicate and interview with the relevant government departments

on the PRC legal issues of this IPO project; and assist PRC legal counsel of Party A in

preparing confirmation letters concerning relevant government departments.


As per the request of the Sponsor, assist other intermediary institutions and Sponsors of the Pre-Listing Company to communicate with the relevant competent authorities or government departments.


Pre-IPO restructuring (if applicable)


Assist Party A and the Sponsor in reviewing the restructuring memo or plans and provide advice on its feasibility, on the basis of due diligence on Party A.


Legal documents, prospectus and other listing documents


Review and revise the legal opinions and other material legal documents of this IPO

project drafted by the lawyers of the Pre-Listing Company.


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Participate in the drafting, review and revision of the PRC legal documents in connection with this IPO project and the content in prospectus related to PRC laws and regulations, as designated by the Sponsor;


Update and revise the contents of the prospectus in relation to PRC laws from time to time, in accordance with the recommendations and requirements of the Sponsor,

Party A or the competent authorities;


Assist the Sponsor in preparing other related PRC legal documents to be submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange;


As per the Sponsor's request, review the legal opinion issued by the legal counsel of

the Pre-Listing Company and propose suggestion of the amendment;


Issue legal opinion within the following scope:


There is no any material conduct discovered in violation of laws and regulations through legal due diligence, or any of such violation has been disclosed in prospectus or other listing documents;


The regulatory overview paragraph of the prospectus has fully disclosed significant

PRC laws and regulations relating to the company's business;


The disclosure of PRC related content in the prospectus can be verified.


Issue consent letter for the disclosure in the prospectus of the name of Party B and the opinions provided;

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Issue a confirmation letter confirming that there will be no material changes to the expert opinions contained in the prospectus in accordance with the Hong Kong Stock

Exchange Guidance Letter, HKEx-GL60-13;

3.3.9.使保荐人可就上市申请取得乙方为提供有关上市申请服务的所有相关纪录,即有权:To enable the Sponsor to obtain all relevant records of Party B's services for the listing application, i.e. the right to:

(a) 接洽乙方;

To contact Party B;

(b) 查阅乙方起草的报告、报告草拟本(书面及口头)及其聘用条款;

To consult and review the reports, the draft reports (written and oral) drafted by Party B and terms of engagement;

(c) 查阅乙方获提供或所倚赖的数据;

To consult and review the data provided or relied upon by Party B;

(d) 查阅乙方提供予香港联交所或证券及期货事务监察委员会(“证监会”)的资料;及

To consult and review the information provided by Party B to the Hong Kong Stock

Exchange or the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC"); and

(e) 查阅(i)拟上市公司或其代理与乙方;及(ii)乙方与香港联交所或证监会之间的所有通信。

To access to all communications between (i) the Pre-Listing Company or its agents and Party B, and (ii) Party B and the Hong Kong Stock

Exchange or SFC.


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Assist other intermediaries in jointly making plans and timetables for the issuance of shares and listings abroad and to carry out the work in accordance with the timetable; provide PRC legal opinions and advice to the Sponsor regarding Party A's overseas listing plans;


Provide appropriate assistance to the Sponsor and issue relevant consent letters and confirmation letters in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules.


Other legal work related to this IPO project


As per request of Party A or the Sponsor, participate in the intermediary coordination meetings related to the listing (including but not limited to attending on-site meetings, conference calls, etc.), participate in discussions and provide professional advice together with other intermediary agencies engaged by Party A or the Pre-Listing Group;


Provide legal advice and legal solutions to the legal issues that may be involved in this proposed IPO project;


Assist the Pre-Listing Company and Sponsor in responding to feedback questions from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the SFC and other authorities;


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As per the request of the Sponsor, issue a written confirmation of the independence

of Party B in respect of the Hong Kong Listing Rules and attend the expert due diligence interviews relevant to Party B arranged by the Sponsor and/or complete the due diligence questionnaires of Party B as an expert;


Provide legal services for other legal matters related to this IPO project.


Clause 4 Rights and Obligations of Party A


Party A has the right to request Party B to provide legal services as agreed in this Agreement.

4.2.有义务及时、真实、准确、完整地向乙方提供与本次IPO项目有关的全部文件背景材料。Party A has the obligation to provide Party B with all background materials related to this IPO project in a timely, truthful and complete manner.


Party A has the obligation to provide all necessary working conditions for the designated lawyers of Party B.


Party A has the obligation to pay legal service fees to Party B as per Clause 6 of this



Party A shall not require Party B or the designated lawyers to violate the professional ethics and practicing disciplines of lawyers.


Clause 5 Rights and Obligations of Party B


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Party B shall provide professional legal advice, suggestions and other legal services to Party A and the Sponsor in accordance with the laws regarding this IPO project.


Party B has the right to interview relevant personnel and collect relevant materials as per the needs of the work.


Upon the invitation, Party B shall participate the meetings held by Party A or the Sponsor.


Party B shall has the right to receive legal service fees as per this Agreement.


Party B shall have other rights as per laws and this Agreement.


Party B shall abide by the professional ethics and ethics, and practice the law in compliance with laws and shall not exceed the scope of authorization to carry out any acts that will harm the interests of Party A or the Pre-Listing Group.

5.7.严守甲方及拟上市集团相关单位的商业秘密。在本协议终止后,乙方对甲方或拟上市集团的商业秘密的保密义务继续有效,直至该信息成为公开信息。Party B shall strictly keep the trade secrets of Party A and Pre-Listing Group. Upon termination of this Agreement, Party B's obligation to keep confidential the trade secrets of Party A or the Pre-Listing Group shall remain valid until such information becomes public information.


Clause 6 Legal Service Fees


Legal Service Fees


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Through friendly negotiation, both parties hereby agree as follows on the fees and payment of legal services hereunder:

6.1.1.乙方为甲方本次IPO项目提供法律服务应收取的法律服务费共计人民币(大写) 元(¥ )(不含增值税,增值税率为6%,下同)。

The legal service fees receivable by Party B for providing legal services for this IPO Project shall be RMB (excluding VAT, and the value-added tax rate is 6%; the same hereinafter).


Travel expenses, accommodation expenses and other expenses incurred by Party B's designated lawyers for providing the legal service shall be borne by Party A, and Party A shall reimburse Party B in the form of invoice after confirmation by both parties, or Party A shall make the payment directly for the expenses.


The payment of the legal service fees


Party A agrees to pay the aforementioned legal service fees and the corresponding 6% value-added tax to Party B in installments as per the following progress:

6.2.1.在本协议生效之日起 日内,由甲方向乙方支付人民币(大写) 元(¥ );

Within days upon the effective date of this Agreement, Party A shall pay RMB to Party B;

6.2.2.在本次IPO项目上报香港联交所并被成功受理之日起 日内,由甲方向乙方支付人民币(大写) 元(¥ );

Within days after this IPO Project is submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and successfully accepted, Party A shall pay RMB to Party B;

6.2.3.在通过香港联交所聆讯之日起 日内,由甲方向乙方支付人民币(大写) 元(¥ );

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Within days after passing the hearing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Party A shall pay RMB to Party B;

6.2.4.于上市之日起 日内,支付人民币(大写) 元(¥ )。

Within days from the date of listing, the payment shall be RMB .

6.3.乙方应于以上约定的各付款时间节点及时开具合法有效的增值税专用发票,甲方于收到乙方发票后 个工作日付款;如因乙方未按时向甲方提供符合约定的发票,导致甲方延迟付款的,甲方无需按照第6.5款约定承担违约责任。

Party B shall issue a legitimate and valid VAT special invoice at the time of payment

specified above, and Party A shall make payment within working days upon receipt of the invoice from Party B; If Party B fails to provide Party A with the agreed invoices on time, which causes Party A to delay the payment, Party A shall not be liable for breach of contract in accordance with clause 6.5.


名称: 律师事务所



The designated bank account of Party B is as follows:

Name: Law Firm


Opening Bank:


If Party A delays the payment of the above legal service fees to Party B, it shall pay the delayed fees to Party B at the rate of 4/10000 per day.


Clause 7 Practice Responsibility and the Limitation

7.1.乙方及其经办律师应严格履行法定职责,遵循勤勉尽责和诚实信用原则,本着“以事实为根据、以法律为准绳”的基本原则,进行充分核查验证,保证其所出具的第11页 / 共15页


Party B and its lawyers shall strictly perform legal responsibility, carry out their duties diligently and adhere to the principle of good faith, in line with the basic principle of "facts and laws as the criterion", ensure full verification and ensure the legal opinions issued by the recognition of the fact being true, accurate and complete. Party B

shall ensure conclusive opinion is legal and accurate, and there are no falsified description, misleading statements or material omissions, and shall assume the corresponding legal responsibility.


Party B will do its best to provide qualified and efficient legal services. However, Party A confirms that Party B does not assume any express or implied commitment or guarantee for this IPO Project of Party A; and, Party A agrees that it will not bring forward any demand for compensation or compensation to Party B for the failure of this IPO Project or unsatisfaction due to Party A's own reason or any reason not attributable to Party B's, unless such result is due to Party B's fraud, intentional misconduct or gross negligence.


Party B shall not be liable for any losses, claims, damages or debts incurred by Party

A as a result of any amendments, negligence or suggestions proposed or made by Party A's underwriters, accountants or other consultants.


第12页 / 共15页

If Party A suffers any loss or damage due to this IPO Project and Party B is legally liable for such loss or damage due to its intention or negligence, Party A shall have the

right to claim compensation from Party B, but the total amount of compensation shall not exceed the legal service fees that Party B shall receive and has received.

7.5.未经乙方事前书面同意,甲方不得向公众或任何第三方披露或引述乙方的任何建议或意见,除非(i)适用法律或规则要求甲方、拟上市集团或保荐人披露或引述,或(ii) 向拟上市集团的董事、高级职员和参与本次IPO项目的雇员或专业团队披露,且他们知悉有关建议或意见对于拟上市集团或履行他们身为拟上市集团的董事、高级职员和雇员或IPO专业团队与发行有关的职务而言属合理必要。

Without the prior written consent of Party B, Party A shall not disclose any advice or opinion of Party B to the public or to any third party, or quote from such advice or opinion, unless (i) applicable laws or rules require Party A, Pre-Listing Group or the Sponsor to make the disclosure or quoting, or (ii) the disclosure is made to the directors, senior staff and employees of Pre-Listing Group or professional teams participating in this IPO Project, and the knowledge of such information is reasonably necessary in light of their positions.


In the process of providing legal services for this IPO project, Party B shall have the right to claim compensation from Party A for any loss or damage suffered by Party B

as a result of the punishment imposed by CSRC and/or Hong Kong Stock Exchange due to the untrue, inaccurate, incomplete and illegal materials, documents and information provided by Party A to Party B.


Clause 8 Applicable Laws and Dispute Resolution


This Agreement is governed by the laws of the PRC.

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8.2.由本协议引起、与本协议有关或在履行本协议过程中发生的任何争议,均应提交 仲裁委员会按照该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方当事人均有约束力。

Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to Arbitration Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance

with the effective Commission’s arbitration rules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.


If either Party breaches this Agreement, the breaching party shall fully and promptly compensate the non-breaching party for any and all losses, including all reasonable expenses (including but not limited to arbitration fee, attorney fee, notary fee, travel expenses, etc.) caused by the non-breaching party.


Clause 9 Miscellaneous


The term of legal service stipulated in Clause 3 of this Agreement shall start from the date when both Party A and Party B seal the contract and shall end when Party A completes this IPO project.


This Agreement is made in quadruplicate, with each Party holding two copies with the same legal effect.


(The following is intentionally left blank)


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Party A: [ ] Co., Ltd. (official seal)


Party B:[ ] Law Office (official seal)

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标签:乙方   甲方   法律   上市   提供   保荐人   有关
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