





section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each

with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is

the best answer.

It’s , and I’m in Hong Kong for the first time, sitting in a bar in the

Lan Kwai Fong district. I’m waiting for two girls I met on the Internet to show up and

take me to their apartment, so my friend Harry and I can stay there for free for a few

nights. Having been on flights for the past 24 hours, I am worn out and nervous when

they don’t arrive on time. But my faith is restored when I hear a thick Chinese

accent asking, “Are you Cody?” Even though Jess and Jin are as much strangers to me

as anyone else in the bar, I trust them. It seems as natural as being set up by a mutual

friend, and, in a sense, that is exactly what is happening. I first learned about

last fall from my mom’s friend, who was planning on hosting

travelers in her home to add a Utile excitement to life after her oldest son went to

college. She recommended I use it for an upcoming trip to Europe. That’s how I

became one of the millions of surfers who search hosts’ profiles and send requests—typically as much as a week or as little as a day before arriving in the hosts’ city—to

sleep on those people’s couches or on their floor or in a spare bedroom.

CouchSurfing requests are not always accepted, as my friend and I learned about

seven hours before arriving at the bar in Hong Kong. During our stay in Tokyo, I

found out via e-mail that the requests I had submitted that morning to two potential

hosts had both been politely declined. One host, had relatives visiting, and the other,

was in Macau for the weekend. So, I quickly joined the forum “Last Minute

Couch Requests: Hong Kong” and posted a message, which Jess saw. She got in touch

with her friend Jin, who had room in her apartment to accommodate two guests. Jess

sent us an e-mail, which we received after landing in Hong Kong, offering directions

to a meeting place and a phone number. Harry and I could have dug through Jess’s list

of friends to read up on Jin, but instead we trusted that Jess would not lead us

astray(走上邪路). After the girls get to the bar, the four of us go to a rooftop bar,

then a club, and finally head back to Jin’s apartment. Over the next three days, the

girls teach us how to use the public-transportation system and give us directions to

popular tourist destinations. To outsiders like, say, my parents, it may be hard to

understand why Jin would agree to have two strangers stay at her place, or why we

are even trying to couch-surf when hostels are cheap and plentiful in this part of the

world. It is because couch surfing isn’t just a means of accommodation; it is an

entirely new way to travel. You get to see the world through local residents, not hotel

gatekeepers or guidebooks. You get to step outside your comfort zones. But what is

most profound about the whole experience is the trust that naturally exists. Jin, for

instance, gives us a key to her place upon arrival, a common CouchSurfing custom

that helps explain why sociologists at Stanford University are now studying the site

and its ability to efficiently create trust. While cultural enrichment and adventure

are almost a CouchSurfing guarantee, comfort is not. Jin’s guest mattress is not quite a

quarter of an inch thick, the shower is too complicated for Harry or me to figure out,

and the apartment is an eighth-floor walk-up. But it’s a tradeoff surfers like me are

happy to make.

1. Which of the following is true about the friend of the author’s mother?

A.She got much help from for her last trip.

B.She needed company to distract her from missing her son.

C.She became a member of last autumn.

D.She decided to accommodate travelers in her home for free.


解析:根据第1段第2句可知CouchSurfing.com上的屋主提供的住宿是免费的,再结合第3段第1句提到的关于作者妈妈的朋友的细节可以推断D正确。本题最具干扰性的是B,原文只提到了作者妈妈的朋友在儿子去上大学后,想给生活增添点excitement,但由原文无法得知她是因为“思念儿子”才这么做的,答题时不要凭主观判断。 知识模块:阅读

2. Why did the author have to post a message on “Last Minute Couch Requests:

Hong Kong”?

A.Two potential Tokyo hosts had declined his requests.

B.He had been rejected by two potential Hong Kong hosts.

C.He had stayed in Tokyo for too long a time.

D.His previous request had been sent out too late.


解析:第6段第1句开头的So表明原因在上一段提及。第5段最后两句表明有可能向作者提供住宿的两位potential hosts都婉拒了作者的借宿要求,故应选B。A和C都提到了Tokyo,但Tokyo只是作者待过的地方,在那里,作者通过查到他在香港的住宿请求被拒绝,可见,A中的Tokyo hosts说法错误;C、D没有原文依据。 知识模块:阅读

3. The author didn’t examine the reliability of Jin because

A.he had no way of contacting her.

B.he couldn’t find any other hosts.

C.he had much confidence in Jess.

D.he knew about Jess well enough.


解析:第6段最后一句中指出作者本可以通过Jess的好友名单去了解Jin的情况,但他们相信Jess不会把他们“引入歧途”(would not lead us astray),该句表明作者对Jess非常信任,C意思符合,故为答案。A和D均与原文内容相悖;B并非原因所在。 知识模块:阅读

4. According to the passage, CouchSurfing provides travelers with all the

following EXCEPT

A.comfortable accommodation.

B.adventurous experiences.

C.exotic culture.

D.a sense of trust.


解析:最后一段第1句中的comfort is not及该段的介绍表明沙发客的住宿条件并非都是舒适的,故A为答案。由该句中的cultural enrichment及adventure可排除B、C;由倒数第2段的to efficiently createtrust可知,通过“沙发客式旅行”可以产生人与人之间的“信任感”.故排除D。 知识模块:阅读

5. The author is most likely to feel that his CouchSurfing experiences are



C.filled with uncertainty.



解析:全文最后一句表明,虽然作者认为住宿并不舒适,但这样的体验优点还是比缺点多,而该句中的happy表明作者觉得这样的体验很快乐,是值得的,故应选B。本题最具干扰性的是C,第1段的worn out,nervous,第5段描述的经历都显示作者的行程有“不确定”的因素,但filled with却言过其实。而且从全文基调来看,作者对CouchSurfing的旅行方式持肯定的态度,C却是否定的态度,不符合全文的感情彩。 知识模块:阅读

David Fajgenbaum remembers the exact date: July 17, 2003. It was a warm

evening in Washington, D.C., and the 18-year-old freshman had just finished his first

football practice at Georgetown University. “It was awesome,” the former quarter

back recalls. He called his parents to let them know how well things were going.

David’s dad, an orthopedic(整形手术的)surgeon, was oddly subdued. Finally, in a

soft voice, he said, “Son, your mom has brain cancer.” “I went from being

happier than I’d ever been to total shock,” says David. Rushing home, he announced

he was dropping out of college to support his mother through her illness. But Anna

Marie Fajgenbaum, just 52 years old and diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, was

insistent that her son return to Georgetown. David threw himself into his studies

and grew increasingly isolated. “I felt I was the only person on campus with a sick

parent. When everyone’s sitting around laughing and talking, you don’t bring up your

mother’s latest MRI(磁共振)or say you’ve been crying.” One October evening

when David was home visiting, Anna Marie woke up weeping. She was worried about

David and his two sisters. “Mom, I’m going to be okay,” David assured her. Then, out

of the blue, he said,” And I’m going to help other kids cope with loss.” A smile spread

across his mother’s face. He decided on a support group called Ailing Mothers and

Fathers—based on his mom’s initials, AMF. When Anna Marie died later that

month, David started hearing from friends who’d never even known his mom was

sick. Some had gone through the same experience. “The mother of one of my best

friends had also died of a brain tumor,” says David. “How did we not know that?

Because we didn’t talk about it.” He invited five students who’d lost relatives or

friends to his D.C. apartment to talk. They decided to meet every other week, to share

what they were going through and how they were coping. But they did more than talk.

They also raised money: They participated in the Iron man 10K for cancer research,

walked to battle ALS, and ran to defeat lung cancer. David learned that nearly

half of college students had lost a loved one within the previous two years. And every

one of them has a story to tell. Julie George, who heads the Georgetown chapter,

found out her dad had ALS during her freshman year. “I went to my first AMF

meeting and felt like a huge weight had been lifted. It gave me a place to talk about

the concerns for my family, the things that don’t come up over pizza in the common

room or by a keg in someone’s backyard.” David graduated from Georgetown last

year and is studying public health at the University of Oxford. Now 23, he plans to

become an oncologist(肿瘤专家)and will attend medical school at the University of

Pennsylvania in the fall. The National Students of Ailing Mothers and Fathers

Support Network has 2,000 participants on 23 campuses. “This organization,” says

David, “is about one thing: being there for one another. And every time I see those

initials—AMF—I see my mom, and I know I am honoring her by helping others. She

would have liked that.”

6. According to the first paragraph, David’ Fajgenbaum called home because

A.his first football practice was marvelous.

B.his first football practice was dreadful.

C.he got the news of her mother’s brain cancer.

D.he was worried about his mother’s health.


解析:第1段第3句中的awesome(极好的)和第4句中的how well things were

going表明David打电话回家是因为有好消息,就是前两句提到的橄榄球练习进展得很好,marvelous与awesome意思相近,故应选A。awesome是wonderful的意思,dreadful与之意思相反,这样即可排除B;C是David打电话后才得知的情况,并非是驱使他打电话回家的原因;D也不是他打电话的原因。 知识模块:阅读

7. After knowing that his mother had been diagnosed with brain cancer, David

A.was forced to drop out of school.

B.was distracted from his studies.

C.felt detached from his fellow students.

D.tried to hide it from his classmates.


解析:C是对第3段第1句中的grew increasingly isolated的近义改写,故为本题答案。第2段第1句提到David宣布要辍学,但实际上他母亲坚持让他回学校,第3段开头的threw himself into his study表明他并没有辍学,故A不正确;B与threw himself into his study相悖;D中的tried to hide“设法隐瞒”也原文无根据。 知识模块:阅读

8. David established AMF to help other kids cope with the loss of




D.the beloved.


解析:从第4段可知David在母亲去世之后创办了AMF,第6段第1句提到AMF邀请曾失去了亲人或朋友的学生参加,由此细节可以推断,AMF是为了帮助其他人应对丧失亲人或朋友之痛,故应选D。C稍具干扰性,虽然这个组织的全名是Ailing Mothers and Fathers,但是根据第6段第1句即可将该选项排除。该选项所包括的内容范围过窄。 知识模块:阅读

9. Which of the following statements about Julie George can NOT be inferred

from the passage?

A.She is in charge of the Georgetown branch of AMF.

B.She is one of the first members of AMF.

C.She was convinced of AMF’s helpfulness.

D.She was much aggrieved by her father’s disease.


解析:原文没有提及AMF的“首批成员”的相关内容,故B缺乏原文依据,符合本题题意。第7段最后一句中的who heads the Georgetown chapter与A同义:根据第8段中的felt like a huge weight had beenlifted可确定C和D的说法都是正确的,不可选。 知识模块:阅读

10. When talking with others “by a keg in someone’s backyard,” ______ topics

are usually avoided.






解析:第8段最后一句中的the things就是指在AMF会议上谈论的对家人的担忧这些事情。这就是在后院喝啤酒时通常不会说到的话题,相同的意思在第3段也有提及,这都表明在轻松愉快的场合,人们不会提起令人不愉快的话题(如父母的疾病),故应选C。 知识模块:阅读

A small success at last in my battle to hold back the tide of mice flooding

my kitchen for months, crapping and snacking, even though, I promise you, every

surface is tidily cleaned night and day, and not the smallest crumb of food left

anywhere, ever, except in the humane trap, which has been packed with chocolate

cake, peanut butter and cheese for ages, but ignored—until last Tuesday, when guess

what? I wake up and find three mice all in it together. Three! This is physically

impossible. The trap is meant to snap closed after each mouse. They must have rushed

together, holding paws. And they were extra small. Probably babies. Somewhere, in a

deserted nest in my house, a mother mouse is bereft(伤心的)and weeping. But I have

to toughen up about this mouse business. Even if they do have little ears and noses, I

can’t let them play and wee(撒尿)all over the breadboard. Luckily, I had a plan in

place in case the trap ever caught any mice. I had a small animal travelling box ready

for them, with a cotton-wool bed, sesame seed snack and water. So I tipped them into

it and drove them to a distant park. I daren’t say where. I hoped they’d stick together

for support, but they all ran away in different directions. It’s just one worry after

another. “Don’t be so serious,” said Fielding indifferently. “Get a cat. It’ll chew

them up in no time.” What a heartless pig. Unlike my friend Elisa, who rang late that

night in a panic. She had just seen a little mouse in distress, racing wildly about the

Jubilee line platform, all alone, unable to get down to the rails, where its friends lived,

because of those silly new barriers at the platform edge. I managed to calm her by

pointing out that mice usually do go out alone, and three together was almost unheard

of. Until my trap. So this is another cautionary tale. Never allow your child to

keep pet rodents(啮齿动物), as Elisa and I did. It only leads to emotional confusion in

later life.

11. Mice have been flooding the author’s kitchen

A.because the kitchen is dirty and untidy.

B.because there are crumbs of food in the kitchen.

C.because of a reason that is not discussed in the passage.

D.because of the chocolate cake, peanut butter and cheese.


解析:文章从头到尾都没有提到为什么作者的厨房老鼠泛滥。故应选C。A与第1段中的every surfaceis tidily cleaned的内容相反;B与其后的not the smallest

crumb of food left anywhere相反:D提到的是作者放在老鼠夹上诱捕老鼠的食物,但老鼠对这些食物视而不见,可见,D也不可能是导致厨房老鼠泛滥的原因。 知


12. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?

A.The author has decided to ignore the mice.

B.The author has forgotten about the food in the trap.

C.The mice were ignorant of the location of the trap.

D.The mice had ignored the food in the trap.


解析:第1段说到虽然作者把厨房打扫得非常干净,且放置了放满食物的捕鼠夹,但老鼠从不“光顾”(ignored),注意ignored后面省略了by the mice,故应选D。该段开头的at last以及对厨房清洁情况的描述表明作者一直在与老鼠斗争,故A不正确;该段中的for ages容易让人误认为食物放在老鼠夹里很久了,以至于都被作者遗忘了,实际上作者提到for ages只是为了说明食物和老鼠夹放在那里很久了,却没有抓到老鼠,故B不正确;C中的ignorant虽然与原文中的ignore属于同族词。但ignorant是“不知道,无知”的意思,而ignore是指原本“知道”但“故意忽略”,可见两者并非同义词,故C也不正确。 知识模块:阅读

13. By saying “This is physically impossible”, the author means that

A.more mice could have been trapped.

B.fewer mice could have been trapped.

C.the trap should have been improved.

D.the trap should have been removed.


解析:第1段最后两句和第2段第2句表明,老鼠夹的设计本来只能一次抓一只老鼠(meant to snap closedafter each mouse),而这一次老鼠夹里却有三只老鼠,因此,作者才说This is physically impossible.由此可见,本题应选B。 知识模块:阅读

14. What happened to the three mice at last?

A.They were buried.

B.They were released.

C.They appeared to be worried.

D.They found their way home.


解析:根据第3段倒数第2句中的they all ran away in different directions可知,在公园里,作者把老鼠都给放了,故本题应选B。本题最具干扰性的是C,第3段最后一句中的worry是指让作者觉得担心的事,作者担心老鼠那么小,不知能不能好好活着,由此可见,C(老鼠看起来很担心)是错误的说法。 知识模块:阅读

15. The author’s friend Elisa was “in a panic” because

A.she was worried about a mouse in trouble.

B.she had never seen so many mice before.

C.she was afraid of mice.

D.she lost her pet mouse.


解析:第4段提到了作者的两个朋友:Fielding和Elisa。其中Fielding表示应将老鼠杀死,而Elisa则相反,该段接下来的内容表明Elisa为在站台上迷路的小老鼠感到担心。明白了这一段的内容,就容易选出正确答案A。 知识模块:阅读

The 21st century ushered in what was supposed to be paperless living. The

data of our lives was to be recorded in digital clouds. We were told to click the option

for paperless statements, unsubscribe to unwanted catalogues and keep a shredder(碎纸机)nearby at all times. So how are we doing? “We have a bigger need for paper

management than before because we have more access to information than ever

before,” says Chris Plantan, creative director for Russell & Hazel, maker of stylish

office accessories. Plantan says there are lots of files and lots of piles out there.

For many, organizing papers is another chore that inspires delay. You don’t need to be

a regular viewer of the A&E cable program “Hoarders” to know that many of us hide

our papers in shopping bags instead of filing cabinets. Filing doesn’t make it onto the

to-do lists of many over-scheduled people these days. “It ranks at the bottom of

the list, along with having a tooth pulled,” says Melissa Sorensen, a professional

organizer based in Woodbridge. She says paper management is one of her toughest

assignments. “People are restricted by fear, worried about what will happen if they

throw something out,” Sorensen says. “Eighty-five percent of the things you file, you

never retrieve again.” Those who do have files often suffer from another issue:

figuring out where they put stuff. “I ask people, ‘If you even have it, will you be able

to find it?’” says Susan Kousek, a Reston-based professional organizer. Holly

Bohn founded See Jane Work, an online source for creative office products, to make

the task of staying organized a bit more fun. “Despite technological advances, paper

management is a problem because we are exposed to paper,” Bohn says. “Our lives

are so busy and complex that we can’t make decisions.” She believes each person has

to create her own system to accommodate both boring paperwork and sentimental

mementos. Her products, geared toward multi-tasking women, offer a bit of glamour.

Solutions don’t have to start with a clumsy metal filing cabinet. Some people are

stackers and save things in fabric-covered stackable boxes. Kevin Sharkey, executive

editorial director of Martha Stewart Living magazine, keeps decorating information in

clear sleeves in color-coded binders. Plantan uses colorful plastic trays to

compartmentalize and organize travel information, greeting cards and bills.

Bohn’s advice is to make your system flexible. Because many people don’t have a

dedicated home office, files should be portable to carry from dining room table to

bedroom. Will virtual living eventually mean the death of filing? “People who have

cookbooks still like to pull out recipes and save them,” says Kim Oser, a Gaithersburg

professional organizer, “just like people who love their GPS still like looking at a


16. Chris Plantan most probably agrees that

A.paperless living will never be realized.

B.paperless living will be realized soon.

C.reality is running counter to paperless living.

D.reality proves the necessity of paperless living.


解析:第2段第2句中的need for paper management和第2段最后一句都表明现在的生活使人必须花更多的精力对纸质文件进行管理,可见现在并不是paperless living,因此,本题应选C。在第2段中,ChrisPlantan并没有对未来是否可以实现paperless living作出评价,因此A和B都没有依据;D与原文相悖。


17. The program “Hoarders” is cited in Paragraph Three to illustrate that

A.people often leave their papers disorganized.

B.paperless living is advocated by many people.

C.people cannot live without paper.

D.many people are good at filing papers.


解析:第3段第2句中的“你并不需要定期观看Hoarders这个节目,也会知道……”(You don’t need tobe…to know that)表明know that后的内容就是这个例子想要说明的问题,该句表明大多数人并不会把文件整理好,并放在规范的档案柜里,而是随意处理,A与此同义,故为答案。该段没有再提到paperlessliving这一话题,papers filing(文件归档)是该段的重点,在三个干扰项中,只有D提到了filing,但该项内容与原文相反。 知识模块:阅读

18. Melissa Sorensen is most likely to hold that most of the files

A.should be put orderly in the cabinets.

B.should be thrown out.

C.can never be found in the future.

D.should be kept for later use.


解析:第4段最后一句中的you never retrieve again意为“你不会再查看”,上一句她说“人们总是不愿意扔掉一些东西,担心以后还有用”,表明Melissa

Sorensen最可能认为这85%的文件就算扔掉了,也不会对以后的生活产生影响,反正人们不会再查看这些文件,故应选B,同时排除D。A不是Melissa Sorensen的观点;C错在can一词,Melissa Sorensen是说人们不会再去查看文件,而不是

说这些文件不能被到。 知识模块:阅读

19. Kim Oser’s opinion is most similar to

A.Kevin Sharkey’s.(Para. 7)

B.Susan Kousek’s.(Para. 5)

C.Melissa Sorensen’s.(Para. 4)

D.Chris Plantan’s.(Para. 2)


解析:最后一段最后两句表明Kim Oser认为文件管理仍是必需的,不会消亡。根据第2段第2句中的a bigger need for paper management可知Chris Plantan也认为现代人仍需文件管理,也就是说,两者都肯定了文件管理的“必要性”,故D为本题答案。其他人说的话虽然也与“文件管理”有关,但他们提到的不是其“必要性”,而是有关文件管理的难题和方法,故均可排除。 知识模块:阅读

20. Which of the following can be served as the best title for the passage?

A.Digital Filing

B.Paperless Living

C.Paper Organizing

D.Information Managing


解析:本文虽然在第1段提到了paperless living,但paperless living并不是本文的重点。此话题只用于引出下文的主题,第2段至最后一段围绕的话题是“文件管理”。“文件管理”在本文中有多种说法,如papermanagement,organizing

papers,filing等,C与此主题的表达最为相近,故为本题答案。A和D虽然都用了与“文件管理”有关的filing和managing等词,但A中的digital和D中的information都不是文章的重点,故需排除。 知识模块:阅读

本文发布于:2024-09-23 02:34:12,感谢您对本站的认可!



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