

Visiting Guangzhou University TownParticipants:

1. Mr. Chen, Director of the International Office, Guangdong Higher Education Department

2. Mr. Johnson, representative of the British Council, London3. InterpreterScenario:

You have been asked to interpret on behalf of Guangdong Higher Education Department,

who is receiving a guest from the British Council in the UK on a trip to the newly-established

Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center (Guangzhou University Town) …


Johnson: I have heard a lot about the Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center when I

visited some of the local universities on my current trip. I must say it looks quite impressive, Mr.

Chen. I’m particularly happy with the fact that the University Town is surrounded by the Pearl

River. It seems that it is on an island, isn’t it? //

陈主任:您说的对!大学城位于广州市中心区以南20公里处的小谷围岛上。小谷围岛,3年前在广州市民中还是一个寂寂无闻的珠江水系岛屿, 2001 年3月,这个岛及其南岸地区43.3平方公里土地,被正式确定为广州大学城规划用地。//2003年10月工程开始,而2004年8月,广州大学城的一期工程就顺利完成了,从8月底开始,广州10所高校的3.8万学生和4000多名教师陆续进入大学城里各自的校区并正常开学。//

Johnson: I can’t believe the whole University Town was completed in only 10 months! This

is another illustrating example of the speed of development in China. You have worked so many

wonders here. I went to Cambridge University in England. My university is also know as a

‘University Town’, but that is a much smaller university town compared with yours. How many

universities are located here in Guangzhou University Town? //


Johnson: I suppose so. Combining the universities of liberal arts and natural sciences, the

University Town surely can surely create a broad and comprehensive education system. I think

that is definitely good news to the students. // To build such a large-scale university town, the local

government must have invested a lot into the project. Such great achievements could not have

been obtained without government support. //


Johnson: That sounds amazing! Mr. Chen, I’m wondering why the Guangzhou Municipal

Government decided to undertake such a great project. You see, I have visited Sun Yat-Sen

University, South China University of Technology and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

They all look quite large, with well-designed campuses and school buildings. So what made the

local government decide to devote so much to building the University Town? //


Johnson: I see. I think you have made a very wise decision. It is not always easy for any

government to truly identify their problems and come to terms with them. The Guangdong and

Guangzhou Governments have certainly had the courage to tackle the problem of higher education.

The increase in the enrollment rate is very impressive. My prediction is that Guangdong Province

will not only remain an economic power, but will also become a major province with advanced

higher education in the near future. //

陈主任:谢谢您的热情预言!不过,目前大学城存在的问题也不少。二期工程还在进行,图书馆、运动场大都缺乏,宿舍上网甚至供水还不正常。整个大学城显得过于空旷,离市区4 0分钟至1小时的车程让学生感觉非常不便,教师来一趟也不太容易。//

Johnson: That’s not surprising, Mr. Chen. Such a large project may be very complicated for

everybody. Anyway, well begun, half done. I believe with your great endeavours, things will

become better and better. //


Johnson: As I said before, people in Guangdong have worked many wonders. There are

more to be done. I wish you the best of luck! //Key Words:

中山大学:Sun Yat-Sen University

华南理工大学:South China University of Technology,

广州大学:Guangzhou University

广州中医药大学:Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine华南师范大学:South China Normal University

广东外语外贸大学:Guangdong University of Foreign Studies广东工业大学:Guangdong University of Technology广州美术学院:Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts星海音乐学院:Xinghai Conservatory of Music

广东药学院:Guangdong Pharmaceutical University毛入学率:gross enrolment rate

Visiting the China Hi-Tech FairParticipants:

1. A guide of the China Hi-Tech Fair2. An overseas visitor to the China Hi-Tech Fair3. Interpreter


You have been asked to interpret on behalf of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government,

who is receiving a government official from the United States to the state-level China Hi-Tech



Visitor: This convention and exhibition centre looks great! I can easily imagine the scale of

the Hi-Tech Fair. When did the Fair get started? //


Visitor: I’m really impressed that so many ministries and departments joined in sponsoring

the Fair. No wonder it has been such a great success. It seems to me that the Fair has got the whole

China behind it! //


Visitor: That sounds so remarkable! What is the Fair mainly about?//


Visitor: I think the China Hi-Tech Fair is the most internationalized grand fair I have ever

visited. Please tell me something about the venue of the Hi-Tech Fair. You said this is the place

where the Fourth Hi-Tech Fair was held. What about the previous sessions?//


Visitor: Very impressive! I guess the Fair was transferred to this new construction because of

its expansion in scale?//



Visitor: I believe the Hi-Tech Fair and this marvelous convention and exhibition centre will

surely enhance each other. I would certainly love to come back and see an even more successful

fair in the near future.//

Key Words:

中国国际高新技术成果交易会:the China Hi-Tech Fair

国务院:the State Council

信息产业部:Ministry of Information Industry

国家发展和改革委员会:the National Development and Reform Commission

中国科学院:Chinese Academy of Sciences中国工程院:Chinese Academy of Engineering

成果交易:achievement transactions

不落幕的交易:year-round business matching services朗讯:Lucent


综合服务区:comprehensive service area

一站式服务:one-stop services

报关:customs applications

商品检验检疫:commodity inspection and quarantine

Key to Exercise

Scenario: Visiting Guangzhou University Town

Mr. Chen: Mr. Johnson, now we have entered the Guangzhou Higher Education Mega

Center, also known as the Guangzhou University Town. It is positioned as the first-class higher

learning institution park in the whole nation, the center for advanced talents cultivation, scientific

research and academic exchanges in South China and a new urban area in line with the market

economic system in the 21st century as well as Guangzhou’s position as an internationalized

regional center. //


Mr. Chen: Exactly! The Guangzhou University Town lies on Xiaoguwei Island 20

kilometers south to the center of urban Guangzhou. 3 years ago, Xiaoguwei Island was nothing

more than an island in the Pearl River, unknown to the general public of Guangzhou. In March,

2001, this island, together with the 43.3 square kilometers of land on its south bank became the

land planned for the Guangzhou University Town.// Construction started here in October 2003 and

only 10 months later, in August, 2004, the first stage of the construction project was completed.

After the end of August that year, more than 38,000 students and 4000 teachers from 10 higher

learning institutions moved by groups into their respective campuses in the University Town and

started the new academic year. //


Mr. Chen: The Guangzhou University Town is home to ten major higher learning institutions

in Guangdong Province, namely Sun Yat-Sen University, South China University of Technology,

Guangzhou University, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, South China

Normal University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong University of

Technology, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Xinghai Conservatory of Music, and Guangdong

Pharmaceutical University. Within the University Town, high degrees of teaching and information

resource sharing can be achieved. //


Mr. Chen: In recent years, it has been a fashion throughout China to build university towns.

In the construction of the Guangzhou University Town, we not only have drawn from the

successful experiences of elsewhere, but have also learned from not so successful examples. The

Guangzhou Municipal Government has made huge investment of up to 32 billion yuan. With such

a large investment, 18 square kilometers of construction site in the first stage of the project and

over 2,300,000 square kilometers of campus and urban facilities under construction, the

construction of the University Town is equal to that of a medium size city. //


Mr. Chen: That’s a good question! The main reason for building such a university town is

that higher education in Guangdong Province has achieved great leaps forward in recent years.

Since China’s reform and opening-up, Guangdong has created many miracles in its economic and

social development. However, the province still lags behind in terms of the proportion of

university students in the total population. // Take 2002 as an example, gross enrolment rate of

higher learning institutions was just 15.3% in Guangdong, only 0.3% over the national average

and much lower than 25% in Jiangsu Province and 20% in Zhejiang Province. This is certainly not

in conformity with Guangdong’s position as a major economic power in China. // In the past few

years, our province has attached great importance to the development of higher education. In 2003,

gross enrolment rate of higher learning institutions increased to 17.5%. and in 2004, with the

completion of the University Town, this figure was close to 20%, which was set as the goal for

Guangdong’s higher education development plan for 2005. // Higher learning institutions

throughout the province admitted 278,000 students, 50,000 more than 2003. To solve the ensuing

problems brought about by this sharp increase of higher education scale, we realized that

constructing the University Town is our best option. //



Mr. Chen: I really appreciate your prediction. However, at present, the University Town still

faces some problems. For example, with the second stage of construction underway, libraries and

sports facilities are mostly lacking. Some dormitories still has irregular Internet connecting

services and even water supplies. The whole University Town seems quite deserted. Since it is 40

minutes’ to an hour’s bus ride away from downtown Guangzhou, students and teachers find it

quite inconvenient to travel into and out of the University Town. //


Mr. Chen: I totally agree with you, Mr. Johnson. We are working hard to solve these

problems. In terms of transportation, we have already started 12 bus lines within the island and 12

bus lines linking the island with the outside. // The second stage of construction, which involves

up to 2,800,000 square meters, was started in early July, 2004 and is expected to have been

completed by the end of 2005. At that time, the University Town will further accommodate

140,000 to 150,000 students. The construction projects of stadiums, gymnasiums and cultural

facilities of various higher learning institutions is scheduled to start in early 2005 and complete

and the end of the year. //


Scenario: Visiting the China Hi-Tech FairGuide: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the China Hi-Tech Fair! We are here right now in

Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre, where the Fair has been held since 2004. //


Guide: The China Hi-Tech Fair, also known as CHTF was first held in 1999. Approved by

the State Council of the People's Republic of China, CHTF is jointly hosted by Ministry of

Commerce, Ministry of Science and Technology of PRC, Ministry of Information Industry of PRC,

the National Development and Reform Commission of PRC, Ministry of Education, Chinese

Academy of Sciences and Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, and co-hosted by Ministry

of Agriculture of PRC and Chinese Academy of Engineering. This state-level internationalized fair

is held annually in autumn in Shenzhen.//


Guide: You are right! The Fair has been very successful. The first session of CHTF was held

in October 1999. It concluded 1030 transactions with a transaction volume of USD 6.494 billion.

CHTF emphasizes achievement transactions, and the transaction level has increased year by year.

Total transactions in the fourth session reached USD 12.16 billion.//


Guide: The CHTF consists of four primary activities: the commercialization of technological

innovation, specialized shows, the China Hi-Tech Forum and year-round business matching

services. //Since its very first session, the CHTF has won tremendous support from governments

of all levels in China. All Chinese provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under

the Central Government, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have all organized delegations

to the Fair.// Meanwhile, each session of CHTF attracted people from several dozens countries

around the globe here to conduct exhibition, transaction and business talks. Governments of about

20 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Russia

organized official delegations.// Over 40 well-known multi-national corporations, such as

Microsoft, Lucent, IBM, Cisco, Intel and Siemens exhibited their state-of-the-art technologies and

products at CHTF. Science and technological experts, business leaders as well as high-ranking

government officials from various countries delivered speeches at the China Hi-Tech Forum.//


Guide: From 1999 to 2003, the CHTF was held in CHTF Exhibition Center, which is

situated in the central area of Shenzhen City. The total display area is 36,000 square meters.

Which includes 9 Display Halls (A, B1, B2, B3, C, D, E, F1 and F2). The display halls are

equipped with an advanced computerized networking system, advertisement display system and

fire protection system. A variety of conference rooms and meeting rooms cover a total area of

1,800 square meters.//


Guide: That’s part of the reason. The Fair is now located here also because of the more

advanced functions of the new construction. Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center is a

hyper exhibition and conference building with a total area of 110,000 square meters and

international standards. It can hold 5,500 international standard booths and consists of 9

independent exhibition halls that can be flexibly combined into areas of between 7,500-30,000

square meters.// The Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center has a variety of conference halls

that accommodate from 40 to 800 people and a multi-functional hall that can hold 3,000 people. In

addition, it has Chinese and Western style dining halls that can hold between 700 and 2,100 people.

The Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center is the only one in China that can be reached

directly by subway.// The comprehensive service area provides one-stop services including

customs applications, commodity inspection and quarantine, transport, tax, banking, printing, post

and telecommunications, tourism and ticketing. It is a multi-functional modern environment,

which integrates exhibition, conference, commerce, performance, entertainment, dining and other

activities in a single modernized location.//

参观者: 我相信高交会和这座一流的会展中心一定会互相促进。在不久的将来,我希望能够再次来这里参观,看到高交会更上一层楼。//

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标签:大学城   中国   广州   高新技术   建设   中心   成果   广东
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