


量杯 measuring cup


量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinder 量筒 graduated

flask/measuring cylinder 坩埚 crucible 坩埚钳 crucible clamp |

坩埚 crucible pot, melting pot 试管 test tube 试管架 test tube

holder 漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel 烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask 塞子 stopper 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle_| 滴定管burette 玻璃活塞 stopcock 冷凝器 condenser 试剂瓶 reage

nt bottles 玻棒 glass rod 搅拌棒 stirring rod 蒸馏烧瓶 distilling

flask 碘量瓶 iodine flask

表面皿 watch glass

蒸发皿 evaporating dish

容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask

移液管(one-mark) pipette

刻度移液管 graduated pipettes 称量瓶 weighing bottle 吸液管pipette


天平 balance/scale

分析天平 an alytical bala nee

台秤 platform balanee

游码 crossbeams and sliding weights 酒精灯 alcohol burner

酒精喷灯 blast alcohol burner

搅拌装置 stirri ng device 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb 研磨钵

mortar 研磨棒pestle 玛瑙研钵 agate mortar

瓷器 porcelain

白纟田口瓶 flint glass solution bottle with stopper 滴瓶 dropping bottle

小滴管 dropper

药匙 lab spoon

蒸馏装置 distilling apparatus

蒸发器 evaporator

升降台lab jack

铁架台 iron support

万冃能夹 extension clamp

蝴蝶夹 double-buret clamp

双顶丝 clamp regular holder

止水夹 flatjaw pinchcock

圆形漏斗架 cast-iron ring

移液管架pipet rack

试管架tube rack

沸石 boiling stone

橡胶管 rubber tubing

镊子 forceps

剪刀 scissor

坩埚钳 crucible tong

打孑L器 stopper borer 石棉网 asbestos-free wire gauze 电炉丝 wire coil for

heater 脱脂棉 absorbent cottonph ph 试纸 universal ph indicator paper 滤纸

filter paper 称量纸 weighing paper 擦镜纸 wiper for lens 秒表 stopwatch 量杯

glass graduates with scale 白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with glass stopcock

棕滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock

白滴定管或) flint glass burette for alkali


棕滴定管 (碱) brow n glass burette for alkali

比重瓶 specific gravity bottle


mercury-filled thermometer

ph 计 ph meter

折光仪 refractometer

真空泵 vacuum pump 冷、热浴bath

离心机 centrifuge

口罩 respirator

防毒面具 respirator、gasmask

磁力搅拌器 magnetic stirrer

电动搅拌器 power basic stirrer 烘箱oven

闪点仪 flash point tester



微波炉电热套heating mantle

Agi ng Property Tester 老化性能测定仪

Ami no Acid An alyzer 氨基酸组成分析仪

An alyzer for Cli nic Medici ne Concen tratio n 临床药物浓度仪

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Atomic Emissi on Spectrometer



原子荧光光谱仪 Atomic Fluoresce nee Spectroscopy

Automatic Titrator 自动滴定仪

Basic Physics基本物理量测定

Biochemical An alyzer 生化分析仪

Biochemicala nalysis 生物技术分析 ____________ |


Blood-gas An alyzer 血气分析仪

Cen trifuge 离心机

Chemilu min esce nceApparatus 化学发光仪

CHN Analysis环境成分分析仪

CO2 In cubators CO2 培养箱

Combustion PropertyTester

Con ductivity Meter 电导仪

Con sta nt Temperature Circulator 恒温循环泵

Direct Curre nt Plasma Emissi on Spectrometer

DNA Seque ncers DNA 测序仪

DNA synthesizer DNA 合成仪



Electrical Property Tester 电性能测定仪

Electro Microscopy 电子显微镜

Electrolytic An alyzer 电解质分析仪

Electr on Energy Disperse Spectroscopy

Electrophoresis 电泳

Electrophoresis System 电泳仪




Electro n Paramag netic Resonan ceSpectrometer

Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 能谱仪

Ferme nter发酵罐

Flow An alytical and Process An alyticalChemistry

Fraction Collector 部分收集器

FreezeDry ing Equipme nt 冻干机

FT-IR Spectrometer 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪


FT-Raman Spectrometer 傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪

Gas Analysis气体分析

Gas Chromatograph 气相谱仪


Gel Permeatio nChromatograph 凝胶渗透谱仪

HighPressure/Performanee Liquid Chromatography

Hybridization Oven 分子杂交仪

ICP-MS ICP-质谱联用仪

In ductive Coupled Plasma Emissi on Spectrometer

In strume nt for Non destructive Testi ng

In verted Microscope 倒置显微镜

高压 /效液相谱仪



In strume nt for Polymerase Cha in Reacti on PCR 仪

Ion Chromatograph 离子谱仪


Isotope X-Ray Fluoresce nee Spectrometer


Mass Spectrometer 质谱仪

Mecha nical Property Tester 机械性能测定仪

Metal/material eleme ntal an alysis 金属 / 材料兀素分析仪

Metallurgical Microscopy 金相显微镜

Microwave In ductive Plasma Emissi on Spectrometer

Nuclear Magn etic Resonance Spectrometer



Optical Microscopy 光学显微镜

Optical PropertyTester 光学性能测定仪

Other/Miscella neous 其他

Particle Size An alyzer 粒度分析仪

PCR Amplifier PCR 仪

Peptide syn thesizer 多肽合成仪

pH Meter pH 计

PhysicalProperty An alysis 物性分析

Polarograph 极谱仪

Protein Seque ncer 氨基酸测序仪

Rheometer 流变仪

Sample Ha ndling 样品处理

Scanning Probe Microscopy FG|8oU 扫描探针显微镜


Seque ncers and Syn thesizers for DNA and Protein DNA

Shaker 摇床 |

Size Exclusio n Chromatograph

Surface Scie nee 表面科学

SurfaceA nalyzer 表面分析仪

Thermal An alyzer 热分析仪

Thermal Physical Property Tester

Ultrahigh Purity Filter 超滤器




Ultra-low Temperature Freezer 超低温冰箱

UltravioletLamp 紫外观察灯

Urine An alyzer 尿液分析仪 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer 紫外-可见光分光光度计

Viscometer 粘度计

Voltammerter 伏安仪

Water Test Kits 水质分析仪

X-Ray Fluoresce nee Spectrometer X 射线荧光光谱仪

X-RayDiffractomer X 射线衍射仪



ala nine (Ala, A) 丙氨酸 vali ne (Val, V) 缬氨酸生物

leuc ine (Leu, L)亮氨酸 isoleuci ne (lle,l)异亮氨酸 proline (Pro, P)脯氨酸 phenylalanine

(Phe, F)苯丙氨酸 tryptopha n (Trp, W)氨酸 methio nine (Met, M)蛋氨酸 glycine (Gly, G)甘氨酸 serine (Ser, S)丝氨酸 threonine (Thr, T)苏氨酸 cyste ine (Cys, C)半胱氨酸 tyrosine

(Tyr, Y)酪氨酸 asparagi nes (As n, N)天冬氨酸 glutamine (Gln, Q)谷氨酰胺 lysine (Lys, K)赖氨酸 arginine (Arg, R)精氨酸 histidi ne (His, H) 组氨酸 aspartic acid (Asp, D)天冬氨酸

glutamic acid (Glu, E)谷氨酸


ade nosine阿糖腺苷 gua nosine鸟嘌呤核苷 cytidine胞二磷胆碱 thymidine胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷 uridine尿嘧啶核甙 deoxy-脱氧


Acetic acid glacial 冰乙酸

Boric acid (H3BO3,61.83) 硼酸

Calcium chloride 2-hydrate (CaCl2.2H2O, 147.02)

D(+) Glucose (180.16)

EDTA tetrasodium dihydrate (EDTA-Na4.2H2O,416.20)

Ethanol absolute 无水乙醇

Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt dyhydrate (EDTA-Na2.2H2O,372.24)

Sodium acetate trihydrate (3H2O,136.08) 含三个水分子的乙酸钠

Sodium chloride 氯化钠

Sodium dodecyl sulphate (288.38) 十二烷基硫酸钠

Tris-(hydroxymethyle)-aminomethane (Tris,121.14)

Tryptone 胰蛋白胨

Yeast extract 酵母提取物

Agar 琼脂

Ampicillin 氨苄西林

Potassium acetate 醋酸钾

Isopropanol 异丙醇

Lithium chloride 氯化锂

PEG8000 聚乙二醇 8000


Hydrochloric acid 盐酸

Sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠

Ammonium acetate 醋酸铵

Isoamyl alcohol 异戊醇

Chloroform 氯仿


Materials used in our laboratory: 实验用材料

Rotor 转子

Air filter (Laminar flow cabinet) 空气过滤器

pH meter pH 计

Parafilm 石蜡封口膜

Graduated pipette 带有刻度的吸管

Graduated cylinder 量筒

Sealing equipment 封口设备

Electrophoresis power supply 电泳电源

Thermostatic ciculator

Vacuum pump 真空泵

Vacuum manifold 多头抽真空装置

Eppendorf tube 微量离心管

Inverted microscope 倒置显微镜

Slide 载玻片

Cover glass 盖玻片

Electronic balance 电子天平

Centrifuge 离心机 Centrifuge tube 离心管 Air conditioner 空调机 Flask 烧瓶 Beaker 烧杯

Power supply 电源

Power transformer 电源变压器 Mini-monitor G-M tube Gel system 凝胶系统 Sterilizer 消毒器 Disinfector 消毒剂 Shaker 摇床 Vortexing machine Pipette tip 吸管端 Vacuum line 真空线 Vacuum traps Sterile velvet

Whatman (filter) paper 华特门滤纸

Ultraviolet illumination 紫外灯 Gel tank 电泳槽 Minicell 微细胞

Comb 环磷酰胺 -长春新碱 -甲环亚硝脲 -博来霉素 Teeth of comb

Support tooth

Horizontal agrose gels

Glass plate 玻璃片

Slot 狭槽 Electrical leads 电线 Anode 阳极 Cathode 阴极

Xylene cyanol FF 二甲苯苯胺 FF Laminar flow cabinet 层流柜 Erlenmeyer 三角瓶

Volumetric flask 容量瓶 Cupboard 药柜 Shifting spanner Stapler 吻合器

Rack 饲料架

Gel tray 凝胶板 Toothpick 牙签 Refill 再填 Screw 螺丝钉


Nut, Cap nut 锁紧螺母

Screw driver 旋凿

Socket 齿槽 ,插口

Adapter 转接器

Plug 插头

Electrode 电极

Duplicator, copying machine 复印机

Copy paper 复印纸

Carbon paper 复写纸

Nail 钉,(指 )甲

Hammer 锤

Joint 关节

Timer 计时器

Alarm clock 闹钟

Staple U 形钉

Stapler 吻合器

Globe 眼球 ,球

Coat hanger 衣服挂钩

Thermostatic ciculator 恒温循环仪

Vacuum traps 真空过滤装置 minicell 小电泳槽

Comb 电泳用的梳子

Teeth of comb 梳子齿

Support tooth 以前用过的梳子最两边的齿 ,一搬略高于其他齿 ,起支持作用

Horizontal agrose gels 水平琼脂糖凝胶

Shifting spanner 扳手

Stapler 订书机

staple 订书钉

Rack 试管架

Gel tray 凝胶电泳槽

Toothpick 牙签

Refill 圆珠笔芯

Bolt 插销

Globe 灯泡

本文发布于:2024-09-24 03:20:16,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:分析仪   光谱仪   分析   烧瓶
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