


1. 回答对方感谢(Thanks)

—Thank you!

—It’s a pleasure./My pleasure./Don’t mention it./That’s all right./You are welcome.

2. 回答对方道歉(Apologies)


—Never mind./It doesn’t matter./It’s all right./Forget it./That’s all right.

3. 回答对方请求

—//Would you mind

—1)Yes, please./Sure./Certainly./Of course./Please do./Of course, you can./Go ahead,


—2)I am sorry; it’s not allowed./I’m afraid not./You’d better not./I’d rather you didn’t.

4. 回答对方提供帮助

—Would you like me

—1)Yes, please./That’s very kind of you./Thank you. That would be nice./Thank you

for your help.

—2)No, thanks./Thank you all the same./It’s very kind of you, but I can manage it


5. 表示同意和不同意

—1)Sure./certainly./Exactly./Absolutely./That’s correct./Of course./

All right.(好的)/I agree./I can’t agree more./That’s a good idea./Yes, I think so./

That’s exactly what I was thinking./That’s just how I see it.

—2)No way./Of course not./I’m afraid I don’t agree./I don’t think so./Well, it

depends./Well, I am not sure about it.

6. 几个常见的短语:

1. So do I. “So+助动词+主语”表述前面一种表肯定意义的情况也适合后面的另一个人,意为“某人也一样”。

2. So I do. “So+主语+助动词”表示认可,意为“... 的确如此”

3. What if? 译为“万一...怎么办/如果...怎么样?”

4. So what?=What of it? 译为“那又怎样?”

5. What for? 译为“为什么?”

6. Why borther? 译为“何必麻烦?”

7. It’s up to you. 译为“由你决定”

8. It’s a deal. 译为“就这么定了,一言为定,成交!”

9. It all depends. 译为“视情况而定吧。看情况。”

10. I could’t agree more. 译为“我再同意不过了。我非常同意。”

11. What’s up? 译为“怎么了?”

12. How come? 译为“怎么会?”

13. Go ahead. 译为“去吧,继续吧,做吧,走吧,开始吧”

14. No wonder. 译为“难怪”

15. No doubt. 译为“毫无疑问”

16. Why not? 译为“好呀”(表示赞成对方的提议)

17. It doesn’t matter. 译为“没关系”

18. It’s none of your business. 译为“不关你的事”


1.He will have to ____ of his opponent's criticisms of a wild ambition, ____ driving

him to be crazy.

A.face the music; one

C.walk on eggshell; who




考查固定用法。句意:他将不得不勇于面对对手对他野心勃勃的批评,这种批评使他发疯。face the music勇于面对困难,接受应得的惩罚面对现实;cry for

the moon异想天开,痴心妄想;walk on eggshell正处于危险境地,如履薄冰。D. wake a sleeping dog招惹是非。自麻烦。分析句子可知,第二个空后driving

him to be crazy是非谓语动词作定语,所以不是从句,不能用who,或which,可知,C和D错误。本句的的第二个空与前面的a wild ambition是同位语关系,是单数,所以不能ones,因此只有A项正确。句中的face the music of…为固定用法,意为“勇于面对困难,接受应得的惩罚,面对现实”。故选A项。

2.—Why are you going to the court?

—________! I’ve been charged with parking my car in the wrong place.

A.It’s ridiculous

C.Tell me about it


B.You don’t say

D.Leave me alone

B.cry for the moon; ones

D.wake a sleeping dog; which





3.—I can't remember those grammar rules!

—__________. Practice more.

A.It's hard to say

C.I'm afraid not






4.---What bad luck! I had a cut in salary yesterday.

--- _____. I warned you not to be late repeatedly but you ignored it.

A.By all means

C.Luck you




D。解析:A. By all means

一定;务必B. Never mind

没关系C. Luck you

祝你好运D. You deserve it你应得的。——太倒霉了!我昨天被扣工资了。——你自的。我多次警告过你不要迟到,但你忽视了它。

5.–Guess what! Alice has failed in the exam.

– ____? She is second to none in English in our class.

A.How is it



B.How come C.What D.What is it

B.Never mind

D.You deserve it

B.You're not alone

D.It's up to you


试题分析:考查答案意思,How come意思“怎么会…”,How is it意思“如此情况”,What意思“什么”,What is it意思“它是什么”,由后面的句子She is second

to none in English in our class意思,可以知道选B



6.—So kind of you to give a ride to the station.


A.It doesn’t matter

C.Don’t mention it




考查情景交际中的日常用语。It doesn’t matter.没关系;Never mind.不要紧;Don’t mention it.别客气;My pleasure我的荣幸。根据上文“捎我去车站,你真是太好了。”,D项最符合语境。



7.—What do you think about the band’s singer?

—I think she’s great. ________

—I agree.

A.I’m with you on that.

C.Let’s get going.




考查习语和情景交际。句意:——你觉得这个乐队的歌手怎么样?——我觉得她特别棒,她的确挺了不起的。——我同意。I’m with you on that我同意你的这个观点。It’s up to you.由你决定。Let’s get going.让我们出发吧。She’s really got

B.It’s up to you.

D.She’s really got something.

B.Never mind

D.My pleasure


8.I’ll soon have to throw away the printer, for it’s beyond repair and it’s _________.

A.a Herculean task

C.a sacred cow




考查固定结构。A. a Herculean task一项极为艰巨的工作;

B. on its last legs奄奄一息,过时;

C. a sacred cow


D. over the moon欣喜若狂。我很快就会把打印机扔掉,因为它已经无法修理了,并且也已经过时。根据句意可知答案为B。

9.—Tom, how was your weekend?

—Very disappointing! The heavy rain threw on our plan for a picnic.

A.a black sleep

C.a wet blanket




考查固定结构。A. a black sleep

害之马;B. a top dog优胜者,主要人物;


a wet blanket


D. a green hand一个新手。-汤姆,你周末过得怎么样?-非常令人失望!大雨给我们野餐的计划蒙上了一层冷水。也就是很扫兴,故选C。

10.—He must be crazy to spend all that money on a car.

—Yes, he’s !

A.out of his mind

C.playing games




考查情景交际及习惯用语。句意:---他一定是疯了,把所有的钱都花在汽车上了。---是的,他是疯了!A. out of his mind发疯的;B. a wet blanket扫兴的人或物;C. playing games玩游戏;D. a green finger园艺能手。由“be crazy和Yes”可B.a wet blanket

D.a green finger

B.a top dog

D.a green hand

B.on its last legs

D.over the moon

知,out of his mind“发疯的”符合句意。故选A。

11.—What does the stuff on your T-shirt mean?

—It’s nothing. Just something _________.

A.as clear as day

C.under my nose




考查习语辨析。句意:——你T恤上的东西是什么意思?——没什么。不过是即兴而为的东西。A. as clear as day一清二楚的;。B. off the top of one’s head不假思索地,即兴地;C. under one’s nose在某人鼻子底下,公然;D. beyond

one’s wildest dreams超越梦想。根据空前It’s nothing.可知,此处指“不过是即兴而为的东西。”故选B。

12.—— _________that students are interested in should be encouraged.

—— _________. Sometimes we should make it clear what is not allowed.


I can’t agree more

C.Not all;

I can’t agree




考查部分否定和情景交际。句意为:不是学生们感兴趣的每一件事都应该被鼓励。——的确如此。有时我们应该弄清楚什么是不允许的。Not everything是部分否定,表示“不是每一件事都……”,Exactly表示对对方观点的肯定,故选D。

13.(2015届福建省福州三中高三10月月考)Lizzie was _____ to see her friend

off at the airport.

A.a little more than sad

C.sad more than a little





在机场送别朋友时感到非常难过。a little more


表示“多一点点;略多于”,more than a little + adj.

表示“十分;非常”。由句B.more than a little sad

D.a little more sad than


That’s for sure

D.Not everything;


B.off the top of my head

D.beyond my wildest dreams

意可知 Lizzie

非常难过,所以使用 more than a little + adj.


14.---I will not come here tomorrow.

--- _____________to me, because I don’t care.

A.It doesn’t make any difference

C.It doesn’t make no difference




试题分析:句意:——我明天不会来这。——没什么大不了,因为我不在乎。makes a difference起作用;有影响;有差别.根据句意,排除BD,而C答案本身结构错误。故选A。考点:考查短语make a difference及情景交际。


15.----Mum, we’ve searched at least 5 stores, but still cannot find one that suits my


----Be patient, dear. ____________ .

A.The best fish swim near the bottom. B.One’s meat is another man’s poison.

C.A bad workman always blames his tool. D.The lion is not so fierce as he is






16.The man we seized is ; he hasn't said a thing since we began the


A.a double-edged sword

C.a hard nut to crack

B.a needle in a haystack

D.a man of the world

B.It makes much difference

D.It makes a difference




考查情景交际。句意:我们抓住的这个人是一个难以对付的人——从我们开始审问都没有说一句话。A. a double-edged sword双刃剑;B. a needle in a haystack大海捞针;C. a hard nut to crack棘手的问题,难以对付的人;D. a man of the


17.—What a mess! You’re always throwing things about.

—Don’t be ____, Mum. I will tidy it up now.

A.hot under the collar

C.off the top of your head




考查情景对话。句意:——真是一团糟!你总是乱扔东西。——别发火,妈妈。我现在就把它整理好。根据情境,母亲因为儿子乱扔东西而生气,A. hot under

the collar发怒的;

B. on cloud nine非常高兴;C. off the top of your head在你的头顶上;D. down in the dumps垂头丧气,故选A。

18.—Edward, do you mind giving me a ride to the railway station?

— _. I’d be glad to.

A.Yes, I do

C.Never mind




考查交易用语。句意:—爱德华,你介意载我去火车站吗?根据I’d be glad to.(我愿意)可知,此处表示“不介意”。A. Yes, I do是的,我介意;B. Of course

not当然不(介意);C. Never mind没关系;D. Go ahead好吧。故B选项正确。

19.--I went up to speak to him, but he turned away and left.

--Why did he give you ________ ?You are good friends, aren't you?

B.Of course not

D.Go ahead

B.on cloud nine

D.down in the dumps

A.a wet blanket

C.the cold shoulder




B.a cup of tea

D.a tough nut

考查习语。句意:——我走上前去和他说话,但是他转身就走了。——为什么他对你态度冷漠?你们是好朋友,不是吗?A. a wet blanket

扫兴的人或物;B. a cup of tea喜爱的人或物;C. the cold shoulder冷漠;D. a tough nut难对付的人。根据“I went up to speak to him, but he turned away and left”可知此处表示“冷漠”,故C项正确。

20.---She is a wonderful dancer.

--- __________ . She is one of my best students!

A.You got me there

C.You are telling me




考查情景交际。句意:---她是一位出的舞蹈家。---这还用你说。她是我最好的学生之一! got me there你问倒我了; are kidding me你在和我开玩笑。 are telling me表示这还用你说;我早知道了; have my word我向你保证。根据句意选择C。

21.–She was not beautiful; she didn’t ______ her mother, who was a beauty.

–______ She was capable enough to take over her mum’s company.

A.like; That’s not the point.

C.imitate; Funnily enough.




考查动词词义辨析和情景对话。句意:——她并不漂亮;她不像她母亲,她母亲是个美人。——那又怎样?她有足够的能力接管她妈妈的公司。A. like像 ;

That’s not the point.

这不是重点;B. resemble像; So what那又怎样;C. imitate模仿; Funnily enough.说来有趣;D. represent代表 ; You are right about that.


B.resemble; So what?

D.represent; You are right about that.

B.You are kidding me

D.You have my word

22.— How was your evening?

— We went to a Pizza Hut and had ______. We really enjoyed ourselves.

A.a white elephant B.a square meal





考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:——你晚上过得怎么样?——我们去了必胜客,吃了一顿美餐。我们真的玩得很开心。A. a white elephant沉重的负担;B.

a square meal美餐;C. a sacred cow神圣不可侵犯的思想、机构、制度;D. the

salt of the earth非常正派(诚实)的人。分析语境可知,他们去了必胜客(吃东西),又很开心,说明吃了一顿美餐。故选B项。

23.It is important to keep industrial waste from entering the rivers and lakes. If we

do not do so, efforts to protect the environment will ____________.

A.Go down the drain

C.make the headlines




考查习语。句意:防止工业废物进入河流和湖泊是很重要的。如果我们不这样做,保护环境的努力就会付诸东流。A. go down the drain枉费心机;B. suck it

and see试试看;C. make the headlines成为头条新闻;D. smooth the way为……铺平道路。根据“If we do not do so,”可知,如果我们不防止工业废物进入河流和湖泊,保护环境所做的努力就会白费了。故选A。

24.---You know how much I am missing the days before the pandemic.

---School, movies, gatherings, . We'll soon be back on track.

A.no kidding




考查情景交际。句意:——你知道我有多怀念冠状病毒爆发前的日子。——学校,电影,聚会,应有尽有。我们会很快回到正轨的。A. no kidding

别开玩笑B.you name it C.come on D.go for it

B.suck it and see

D.smooth the way

C.a sacred cow D.the salt of the

了;B. you name it

应有尽有,凡是你能想到的都有;C. come on加油,得了吧;D. go for it努力争取。分析句子可知,上文提及说话人想念疫情前的日子

,下文用“School, movies, gatherings,_____.”列举疫情爆发前所过的日子,所以空格处用you name it来表示还未列举的东西。故选B。

25.Asked if he could come to the party that night, ________.

A.nobody said anything

B.they did not get an answer from him

C.nothing was said by him

D.John nodded his head and left the room





考查非谓语动词作状语时,前后主语的一致性。句意:被问到那个晚上他是否能够来宴会,约翰点了他的头,离开了房间。根据前面的状语Asked if he could

come to the party that night可知,主语应是一个人,结合选项可知,D项符合题意。故选D。

26.Bill! Let’s think about this for a moment.

A.Just hold you horses

B.Just kill two birds with one stone

C.Just have butterflies in your stomach

D.Just throw the baby out with the bathwater




考查习语。句意:比尔!让我们好好思考一下这个问题。 hold you horses(慢慢来,别着急); kill two birds with one stone(一石击二鸟);

have butterflies in your stomach(很紧张); throw the baby out with the


27.—I have been considering cancelling the project because it seems hard to go


—But it's too early to________ now. There's still much hope.

A.pick up the pieces

C.go through your paces




考查谚语辨析。句意:——我一直在考虑取消这个项目,因为似乎很难再做下去了。——但是现在认输还为时过早。还有很大的希望。根据There's still much

hope.可知这里意思是“但是现在认输还为时过早。” A. pick up the pieces(跌倒后)重新爬起来;B. throw in the towel认输;C. go through your paces检查你的步伐;D. jump down your throat暴跳如雷,故选B。

28.---Can you help me with my English homework? You're a genius.

---__________, but I'll try to help you. What's your problem?

A.Far from it

C.By all means






句意:--你能帮我做英语作业吗?你是一个天才。--才不是呢!但是我会尽力帮你的。你的问题是什么?A. Far from it


B. You bet

当然;的确;C. By all means

当然可以; D. It's out of question毫无疑问。根据上下语境得知是表示谦虚。故选A。

29.---Peter, you must have received a warm welcome at Jane's birthday party.

---Far from it. I still wonder why it was that she ______.

A.laughed my head off

C.gave me the cold shoulder




考查习惯用语辨析。句意:----彼得,你一定在简的生日聚会上受到了热烈欢迎。----并非如此。我仍然想知道为什么她对我爱搭不理。A. laughed my head offB.talked my year off

D.gave me a black eye

B.You bet

D.It's out of question

B.throw in the towel

D.jump down your throat

笑得是前仰后合;B. talked my year off别再来烦我了;C. gave me the cold

shoulder爱搭不理;D. gave me a black eye打得某人乌眼青。由“Far from it.”可知,gave me the cold shoulder“爱搭不理”符合句意。故C选项正确。

30.---John has just been promoted to general manager of our company.

---_______. He is always devoted to his work.

A.A little bird told me.

C.Good for him.




考查交际用语。A. A little bird told me.我听说的;B. Mind your own business.不要多管闲事;C. Good for him.

很好,真不错;D. There’s no way to tell.我不知道;句意:—John已经被提拔为我们公司的总经理了。—很好,他一直都很认真工作。根据句意可知后者赞同提拔John。故C项正确。

B.Mind your own business.

D.There’s no way to tell.

本文发布于:2024-09-24 17:17:26,感谢您对本站的认可!



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