


/question/ 土耳其历史

Bosphorus river, topkapi palace, diverse architecture, grand bazaar, blue mosque

Amzing sights

Is characterized not only by being one of the largest worship buildings in the world, but also by-in its 1500 years history-

having served three purposes: as a church, as a mosque and as a museum.

 It’s a great monument. One of the best historical sites in the world with its fantastic history.

 For 1000 years, it was the largest church in the world.

The main dome was unfortunately under construction= Renovating works everywhere = There are restoration

works ongoing and scaffolding may be in certain places.

Mosaics 马赛克 (It's such a pity that many of them were disfigured because when the Ottomans turned the church

into a mosque, they disfigured these mosaics.)

The history of the building is fascinating and the impact it had on the architecture of Mosques was unexpected. Seeing both the

influence of Christianity and Islam in one place is unusual. It has a cost associated with it but well worth the cost. It is usually busy

but inside it is so massive that once you get inside the crowds don't really impact you.

Despite becoming a museum, both the Islamic and the preexisting Christian aspects were preserved. It is truly a melting pot for two

different religions. The ceiling is Majestic due to the nice drawings and the giant Chandeliers that are hanging from it.

Impression of Istanbul (CCTV)

We start in Istanbul, the only city in the world with a foot in two different continents. It's been an extremely

significant city throughout history, and today.

Heavy traffic, the continual bustle and movement of crowds, the beautiful seaside and an unchanging skyline

of numerous domes and minarets for thousands of years, that is Istanbul.

Standing between Asia and Europe, Istanbul is Turkey's largest city, and the hub of the country's business

and cultural life.

Situated on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, and bordered to the north by the Black Sea, Istanbul's

strategic position made it the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. And today, the precious

relics of those past glorious days give this forward-moving and modern city a strong sense of historical

significance. And it's also a mirror of Turkey.

Mehmet Olcel, culture and Information Counselor of Turkish Embassy to China, said: "Istanbul is the place

where you can observe all of Turkey."

With a landscape dotted with more than 2,800 mosques within the city, some 98 percent of Turkey's people

believe in Islam. And in this seaside city, the tolerant atmosphere allows people to go about their lives with

Religious beliefs are respected, as are individual rights.

Tour Guide Umut Seferoglu said: "I pray everyday for five times, and after the praying, I get my T-shirt, and

Islamic life and modern life "

This is a normal Friday. At this mosque built during the 18th-century, men from different corners of the city

gather here to pray, facing in the direction of Mecca. For many Turkish Muslims, praying five times a day is

a part of their standard routine. Twenty minutes later, prayers have ended. Everyone goes back to their

normal lives, and the bustling market nearby breaks the silence.

Reporter Feng Shu said: "Located at the meeting point of Asia and Europe, Istanbul has

become an commercial center between the two continents. Originally built in 15th century

with only 15-20 shops, this Grand Bazaar has become a real shopping heaven with 4,400

shops. Well, of course, my favorite place in Turkey."

Shopping in Istanbul is a time-honored delight. In the labyrinth of 65 streets and passages

in this Kapali Carsi-covered bazaar, a plethora of goods are available, enough to suit nearly

every taste. There's a wide selection of jewelry, from traditional to modern styles, while

the carpet shops display eye-catching wares with vivid colors and intricate designs. At the

same time, Turkish arts and crafts, including hand-painted ceramic plates and

hand-crafted copperware, are all popular choices for souvenirs and gifts.

And for sellers, getting a space this bazaar means steady and booming business.

A seller said: "This bazaar is much better, more famous than other shops."

A tour guide said: "This bazaar has a mystical atmosphere."

With Istanbul an important commercial city, the Grand Bazaar is not the only option for

Another attractive, covered bazaar of a different sort is the Misir Carsisi, or the

Spice Market, located at the entrance of Golden Horn. At this market, built in the

17th-century, the air is filled with the enticing aromas of cinnamon, caraway, mint and

countless other spices and herbs.

Despite the different choices, the two bazaars share something in common -- most of the

dealers are international. English, Japanese, and even Chinese and more are at their

command. For travellers without any knowledge of the Turkish language, it's a good place

to find yourself.

Geographically, Istanbul is flanked by a range of high hills to the east to the Bosphorus


Because of this unique location, most of Istanbul's streets are on sharp slopes. They're so

steep, you have to be careful not to fall down when climbing up.

Any trip to Istanbul isn't complete without a ferry excursion along the Bosphorus Strait. Along its shores is a

delightfully surprising mixture of the past and present, grand splendor and simple beauty, with imperial

pavilions and palaces standing next to today's small fishing villages.

The Bosphorus Bridge was built in 1973. It's still one of the longest bridges in the world, and spans the water,

linking European and Asian shores by road.

Under the bridge, the once-quiet village of Ortakoy, has been turned into an art gallery, a shopping

destination and a bar street, a favorite place for entertainment for both tourists and locals.

 Church of Hagia Sophia 圣索菲亚大教堂,学名是阿亚索菲亚博物馆(Ayasofya Muzesi),是国家博物馆,它具有曲折的历史,目睹了王朝兴衰,也反映了宗教的博弈、变迁和融合,所谓“东方与西方,过去与未来相结合”;它还占据了几个“唯一”:唯一从6世纪保留至今的古代建筑、唯一一个由教堂改成清真寺的古建筑,又是世界上十大令人向往的教堂之一




土耳其共和国建立以后,1935年大教堂改为国家博物馆,正式向世人开放,伊斯兰教徒迁出。1975年政府拨款进行了全面修复。1980 年8 月土耳其政府将其中一所经堂重新开放,供穆斯林礼拜之用。


 圣·索菲亚教堂建于东罗马皇帝Justinian统治时期(公元532年—— 公元537年),当时拜占庭帝国正处于鼎盛阶段,教堂汇集了罗马时期的智慧结晶,是拜占庭时期的象征,它作为基督教的宫廷教堂,整整持续了9个世纪。公元1453年6月,奥斯曼土耳其苏丹穆罕默德攻入伊斯坦布尔,终于走进了令他朝思暮想的圣索菲亚大教堂。他下令将教堂内所有拜占庭的壁画全部用灰浆遮盖住,所有基督教雕像也被搬出,并将大教堂改为清真寺,还在周围修建了4个高大的尖塔,这就是现在的圣索菲亚大教堂的面貌。


 this is a rapidly modernising country with one foot in Europe and one in the Middle East. It's not all oriental splendour,

mystery, intrigue and whirling dervishes but it is a spicy maelstrom of history knocking up against a pacy present.

Turkey has so much to offer her visitors; breathtaking natural beauties, unique historical and archaeological sites, steadily

improving hotel and tourist infrastructure, a tradition of hospitality and competitive prices. It is not surprising therefore that this

country has recently become one of the world's most popular tourism destinations. Due to Turkey's diverse geography, one can

experience four different climates in any one day.

The rectangular shaped country is washed on three sides by three different seas. Its shores are laced with beaches, bays, coves,

ports, islands and peninsulas. The summers are long, lasting as long as eight months in some areas. Turkey is also blessed with

majestic mountains and valleys, lakes, rivers, waterfalls and grottoes perfect action and sportive activities seekers. Skiing fans,

mountain climbers, trekkers, hickers all enjoy new and unforgettable experiences in Turkey.

But Turkey is, above anything else, a huge open-air museum, a repository of all civilizations nurtured by the soils of Anatolia.

The huge amount of historical and archaeological wealth in Turkey seems more appropriate for an entire continent than a single

country. For centuries, Turkey has been a crossroads of religions, not only of Islam and Christianity, but of many others now

forgotten by history. Many religions devotees can find a site, a shrine, a monument, a tomb or a ruin connected with their faith

or belief.

Turkey is a country that's neither Asian nor European. It may be a cliché, but Turkey connects the East and the West both

literally What words can describe Turkey. You would search in vain for a country where the history and

culture is as impressive as Turkey. The civilizations of the world have left their own distinct marks on these lands. Turkey is

full of intact remains from the Hittites, Romans, Byzantines and Ottomans. They have all had their capitals on this soil. Turkey

is simply beautiful. When you start an expedition to the countryside, or just leave cities for a couple of hours, you will notice a

handsome difference in scenery. Turkey has 7 geographical regions and every region has its own beauty. While Black Sea

dazzles your eyes with thousands of different green tones, you find yourself in a Steinbeck novel on the Eastern Turkey.

Turkey's land mass is 814,578 sq km. The European and Asian sides are divided by the Istanbul Bogazi (Bosphorus), the Sea

of Marmara, and the Canakkale Bogazi (Dardanelles). Anatolia is a high plateau region rising progressively towards the east,

broken up by the valleys of about 15 rivers, including the Dicle (Tigris) and the Firat (Euphrates). There are numerous lakes

and some, such as Like Van, are as large as inland seas. In the north, the eastern Black Sea Mountain chain runs parallel to the

Black Sea; in the south, the Taurus Mountains sweep clown almost to the narrow, fertile coastal plain along the coast. Turkey

enjoys a variety of climates, ranging from the temperate climate of the Black Sea region, to the continental climate of the

interior, then, to the Mediterranean climate of the Aegean and Mediterranean coastal regions. The coastline of Turkey's four

seas is more than 8,333 km long.

Eat, drink and be merry! This epicurean motto never fit a country more perfectly than Turkey that has one of the three biggest

cuisines in the world. The large variety of different dishes and delicacies for gourmet palates will surprise every guest paying a

visit to Turkey. Turkish people are very friendly and hospitable. This is one of the virtues we are really proud of. When you

visit Turkey you will get this warm feeling in every step you make.

Today Turkey is abuzz with life, energy and enterprise. It is a modern, secular country with a booming economy. It embraces

the future as a bridge between the east and West. Its cities teem with vibrant cosmopolitan life. Wherever you travel in Turkey,

the country and its people will amaze and impress the surge of its market forces and the modernization of the infrastructure of

the whole country is impressive. Turkish hospitality and genuine warmth is a tradition. Turks have a certain "Joie de vivre" for

life and enjoy nothing more than sharing their optimism and enthusiasm with travellers over a hot sweep cup of tea served in

the traditional tulip shaped glass.

Turkey is a country located at a very strategic point where the three continents of the old world (Asia, Africa, and Europe) are

closest to each other and where Asia and Europe meet. Because of geographical location, Turkey has always been important

throughout history and is the birth place of many great civilizations.

A spectacular country surrounded by sea on three sides, with more than 300 natural and 130 artificial lakes, and almost %35

of its lands covered by forests and mountains, several rivers cutting the beaches to reach the seas makes the country even

more attractive

Turkey has been called "the cradle of civilization" and by travelling through this historic land, tourists will discover exactly

what is meant by this phrase. The first city ever settled in the world with comparatively modern organizational systems such as

agriculture, animal husbandry, and trading, was a Neolithic city Catalhoyuk, in central Turkey, dating back to 6,500 BC.

From the days of Catalhöyük up to the present, Turkey boasts a rich culture that through the centuries has made a lasting

impression on modern civilization. The legacy of all those admirable cultures make Turkey a paradise of information and

cultural wealth. Hattis, Hittites, Carians, Lelegians Phrygians, Urartians, Lycians, Lydians, Ionians, Persians, Macedonians,

Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, and Ottomans have all made important contributions to Anatolian history, and ancient sites and

ruins scattered throughout the country give proof of each civilization's unique distinction. When you travel by car, within half

an hour you can meet to an ancient city, remaining from those civilizations. Even in the ancient times, this fascinating

country was respected by those ancient people, therefore it has been called as ANATOLIA, which means in ancient Greek,

''The lands, where the sun rises from '' as many vital initial ideas came into existence from her fertile lap. No doubt, people

always have been proud of breathing on this amazing peninsula, combining different cultures, customs and traditions, and she,

once again started to offer her hospitality to new cultures & people, by introducing a new law permitting foreigners to buy

houses, who deserve to meet her affectionate and fertile lands.

Turkey also has a very fascinating recent history. Upon the decline of the Ottoman Empire, a young man named Mustafa

Kemal, who was a soldier by occupation but in character, a great visionary, took the defeat of World War I and turned it into

a shining victory by liberating Turkey from all foreign invaders. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk founded the Republic of Turkey on

October 29, 1923. He led his country into peace and stability, with tremendous economic growth and complete, modernization.

Through decades of change and growth, Turkey still boasts this success, living by its adopted motto of "Peace at Home, Peace

in the World."

The money used in Turkish Republic is the Lira. As of January 2005, the Turkish government has taken the decision to drop 6

zeros from the Lira, the new lira is called 'Yeni Lira- YTL'. The coins is called the 'kurus'. Euros, British Pounds and US

Dollars are very strong currencies towards Turkish Lira, offering foreign citizens a luxurious living at a low cost. Please see

our FAQ's for further information on cost of living. Euros and US dollars are very commonly used currencies while

shopping, you may also exchange at the banks or at the exchange offices. In addition to Turkish Private banks, there are

many international banks such as HSBC, Citibank, ABN Amro in major cities, with sub-branches or correspondent banks in

the districts.

The Turkish language belongs to the Ural-Altaic ,group and has an affinity with the Finno-Hungarian languages. Turkish is

written with the Latin alphabet and is spoken by some 300 million people around the world. Many people from the young

generation especially in the touristic areas speak foreign languages mainly English, German and Russian.

In recent years, Turkey has become a major tourist destination in Europe. With the rapid development of both summer and

winter resorts, more and more people from around the world are able to enjoy the history, culture, and beautiful sites of

Turkey. From swimming in the Mediterranean, trekking in mysterious Cappadocia to skiing in Uludag Turkey has something

to offer every tourist. Oludeniz and Fethiye are wonderfull places of Turkey.

Turkey is a country located at a point where the 3 continents of the old world (Asia, Africa and Europe) are closest to each

other and where Asia and Europe meet. Because of its geographical location, Anatolia has always been important throughout

history and is the birthplace of many great civilizations.

Surrounded by seas on three sides, it is covered by mountains, forests, steppes and all sorts of land genuine

friendliness and traditional hospitality of the Turkish people towards visitors is justly renowned world wide.

Our country includes the famous holiday cities,beautiful resorts, museums, comfortable hotels and motels, sincere people,

magnificent landscapes and etc..

There are many fantastic regions in Turkey

The Hittits, Hellens, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and the Ottomans as well as a great number of other civilisations rose and

fell here through thousands of years, leaving behind a multitude of historical and archeological sites. It is in fact called the

cradle of civilisations, harbouring in its bosom an incredible blend of cultures, history, archaeological sites.

To see this geographical situation and for living this athmoshpere you must be visit in Turkey.

When you come in Turkey you will enjoy..

In Turkey, as a country teeming with heritages of Mouslim,Christian and Jewish religions,much more than any other place in

the world,we have started to organize tours of faith as a travelling agency specialized extensively in this particular field of

tourism when the second millenium is two years ahead of us.

Each year thousands of people discover that Turkey is the home of legends and history taught in classrooms the world

the legendary Troy of Homer's ' Iliad', exotic Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman to the

reputed landing place of Noah's Ark or Garden of the place where Mark Antony and Cleopatra met and married, Saint

Clause lived, Home of Virgin Mary, Seven Churches mentioned in the testament are located.

Travel along the Old Silk Road of Marco Polo,Sail the in comparable turquoise waters of the Mediterranean and sample food fit

for a do it all in style and comfort. Modern,sophisticated resorts and casinos are plentiful.

These things are here to be shared in a way that only the Turkish people people of Turkey are as varied as their

landscape,from black hair to brown eyes to blue;all combine to make Turkey one thing that is uniform

throughout this fascinating country is the hospitality of its people.

We hereby assure you that as devouted visitors of any of the aforesaid religions,you will be guided to so many sites of faith

abounding within the borders of Turkey at a scale unparalled in any other parts of the such cultivating and exiting

tours,you will enjoy the opportunity of visiting following sites,each of which manifests unique features of heritages of different


Ankara - Modern capital of Turkish Republic as declared by Ataturk in back to the Hittites,4000-3000 B.C.

Antalya - A seaport founded by Attalus,King of Pergamum,in 160 a lovely resort city,South Aegean Coast.

Aphrodisias - Named for the Goddness of Love, Aphrodite,in the 6TH century the site of one of the three sculpture

schools in the ancient Aegean Coast.

Aspendos - Roman city of the second century of the best-preserved theater in Asia Minor.

Cappodocia - An area of bizarre volcanic land gh never formally a nation,was regocnized as a kingdom in

600 B.C. Became a Roman province in 17 recognized as a refuge for the early Christians.

Demre - Ancient of as as lived here and was ordained Bishop in the 4th century


Ephesus - By the 11th century swas already a thriving -largest city of the ancient world,with a

population of approximately 300.000.

Hiearapolis - Site of an early therapeutic center with Roman d the height of its prosperity in the second / third

centuries B.C.

Istanbul -The only city to bridge two continents,Europe and ul , or Constantinople, as it was called in the past,is

approximately 2600 years old Muslim capital.

Izmir - Ancient Smyrna, a vital trading port dating back approximately to the tenth century B.C. Homer was born

der the Great a citadel here.

Konya - Home of the whirling Dervishes, a mystical sect founded by the poet Calaleddin Rumi, area has a history

dating to the times of the Hittites.

Kusadasi - Resort town close to ancient g cascades of shallow pools formed by limestone-laden thermal

the "Cotton Castle."

Pamukkale - Discovered by the ancient g cascades of shallow pools formed by limestone-laden thermal

the ' Cotton Castle'.

Perge - Pre-Hellenic city dating to 333 of 's first sermon.

Phaselis - Founded in the 7th century B.C. by settlers from the Island of g port and ancient pirate haunt situated

on three natural harbors.

Trabzon - Founded in the eighth century became the furthest outpost of the Greek trading city in the

Byzatine is on black


During the early days of christianity,this new religion found the territory of Anatolia,where a significant portion of it was

materialized,to be very suitable medium facilitating its expansion and therefore it settled in there. Some of noteworthy events of

this particular period of time are as described below:

Istanbul : In Istanbul which is one of 4 largest patriarchal center of the Orthodox, the 5th meeting Consuls was held. Istanbul

has become quite important because of the Church High Sophia situated there as one of the most well known church which has

managed to remain intact until the present rmore, the Patriarchate of Fener situated presently in Istanbul is of great

interest from the angle of the World of Orthodox.

Içel -Tarsus : The place of birth of St. Paul who was one of the 12 Apostles of Christ and who exerted great efforts in order to

spread out christianity and to make it an internationally recognized religion is Tarsus. The Church of and the Water

Well of St. Paul are located in Tarsus. Besides,in Içel there are many works of arts such as the church of Mary (High

Techia),the church of Olba Temple and the churches of Holy Mother and Alahan Monestry.

Seven Churches : The Seven Churches where the christians,during those period of time when The Chistianity was banned,

gatherd together in order to perform religious services and which were mentioned in the Juanna's Revelations (Apocolyps ) are

all situated in Anatolia (The churhes Ephesus, Symirna ,Bergamus ,Thyatira ,Saint Philedelphia,Laodecea)

Bursa-Iznik : Out of the meeting of the Consuls which were held 19 times ,8 of them took place in Turkey. In particular,the 1st

and the 7th meeting which led to the adoption of the traditon for the Consuls Meetings were held in the High Sophia Church

and the Palace of Consuls located at Iznik


Antakya : In the first century of the Chistianity, Antakya occupies a special position. According to the traditional belief, " The

Bible of Malta " was written here. Those who believed in Jesus Christ was first named as the christians in Antakya.

(The Deeds of the Apostles 11-22-26) Saint Paulus, setting out from Antakya , made three trips in order to proclaim the Bible to

the those facts that Saint Juanna , nicknamed as "The Golden Mouthed "was originally from Antakya ,the school

of the Holy Book was located here and the churh of St. Pierre,one of the first churches of the world being situated here

contribute to the fame of Antakya from religious aspects.

Saint Pierre Church : This is one the oldest churches in the world. Those who believed in Jesus Christ were named as " The

Christians" in this church . This place was proclaimed as a site for pilgrimage in 1963 by the Pope 6th Paul . Every year on 29th

day of June , ritual ceremonies are organised by the Catholic Church to be performed here. Furthermore,works of arts such as

the stilist Monastry of and the ruins of Seleucia Port from where Saint Pavlus has set sails in order to proclaim the


Izmir- Ephesus House of Virgin Mary : Located at 9 kilometers away from Selcuk town on the top of Bullbul Mountain with a

height of 420 meters, the holy place called " Panaia Capulu" by the Christians is thought to have been built in IV. Century A.D.

Following crucifixation of Jesus Christ, his close friend and apostle St. Jean brought the Holy Mother to Ephesus by arranging

her flight from Jerusalem and concealed her in a hut that he constructed in a corner at the outskirts of Bulbul Mountain under

the cover thick woods. It is known that the Holy Mother lived until she was 101 years of age and died at this place on Bulbul

Mountain. After the christianity has spred out, a church in the shape of cross was built at this location by the Christians.

In the house of Holy Mother which was proclaimed as a sacred site in 1967 by the popedom, on first Sunday following 15th

day of August every year a special ritual ceremony is performed and the visitors then become pilgrims.

Besides, situated in the vicinity of Izmir, are ancient works of arts such as the Basilica of (The tomb of St. Jean who

was one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ ) , the Seven Sleepers, three of the Seven Churches (Church of Symirna, Church of

Ephesus ).


Capodocia :Capodocia as an interesting valley which combines the natural beauty with the abundance of historical background

and an influential region is one of the most interesting locations of Turkey as one of the sites where stopped during his

30 years trip of missionary and selected as a site to set up the first church, being the most attractive stop in Turkey with the

biggest number of churches and murals decorating these number of churches carved into stones as situated at

Nevsehir, particularly around Goreme valley, at Zelve Chavushin, Ortahisar, Acikhisar, Mustafapasha, Yesiloz and Aciksaray

is over 200.

Isparta : The church of St. Paul situated in the ancient city of Antiochelia in Yalvac is one of the first churches of the

Christianity. Saint Paul, after he was awarded with the right of citizenship of Rome, he was baptized by Soul and Hanania. St

Paul came to visit this city accompanied by St. Barnabas in the year 46 A.D. and gave his first formal sermon in the sinagogue

located in here. Later on, over this sinagogue was built the church of Saint Paul.


St. Nicholas who is known as Santa Claus in the world of the christianity lived at Demre and died here. Every year international

festivals of Santa Clause are held at Demre and at Kas on 6th and 7th days of December . Additionally, there exist many more

interesting religous sites for the Christians such as the Monastry of Der - Ul-Zaferan at Malatya, Surmeli monastry at Trabzon,

Akdamar Island and Chapanak Churches at Van , Deyne and Derbe and Binbir Churches at Karaman , Ani ruins and Mount

Ararat at Kars.

Anatolia with Interesting Sites for the Jews

When Ottoman sultan Orhan Gazi conquered Bursa in year 1324, permission was granted to the community of Jews to build the

sinagogue of Et- Ahaim (The three of life). The Jews who were expelled from France by Charles VI in 1324 took asylum in


In 1492, King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isebellan of Castilia banished the Jews out of Spain. The Jews who were

expelled from Spain because of their faiths and traditons and thus were turned out to be people belonging to no country , were

embraced by Bayazid , the sultan of Ottoman Empire, being accepted for settlement in Anatolia.

In the meantime, the jews have since been maintaining their way of worshiping until present times in their own sinagoguers

situated in Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara


The God called Abraham and asked him to leave his father's house,his relatives,his country and start his journey Why ?

Couldn't God called on him before he departed his country. The answer to this question is in the 11th verse written in the Letter

to the Hebrews.

'By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance:he went out,not

knowing where he was to faith he sojourned in the promised land as in a They did not receive what had

been promised but saw it and greeted it from afar and acknowledged themselves to be strangers and aliens on earth,for those

who speak thus show that they are seeking a they had been thinking of the land from which they had come, they

would have had opportunity to now they desire a better homeland, a heavenly ore, God is not ashamed to

be called their God,for he has prepared a city for them.'

So, Abraham left the place he used to live,he was now looking for a new as described in the Bible this homeland

was a heavenly one ruled by r,in order to reach this mentioned land they were asked to leave behind everthing they

owned and Abraham listening to the voice of God, for love of God and faith, Abraham left behind everthing without

fact,doesn't Jesus Christ wants you to fallow him leaving everthing behind that carrying only the cross. Because it

is written,where ever your treasure is,your heart will be did God invited Abraham to this journey and Why Abraham

left everthing behind and took up the road ? Because great loves start on journeys!

'It was on that occasion that the Lord made a covenant with Abraham,saying'

To your descendants I give this land,from the Wadi of Egypt to the Great River, Euphrates, the land of the Kenites, the

Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hitites, the Perrizites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Gigashites, and Jebusites'

Genesis,15/18-21 It is here the New Testament mentions about the land of Hitites for the first time Holly Book at least said a

few things about the Hitites while the Greeks and Roman world stood complete fact,excavations in Anatolia. So,in

the verses of Genesis we meet the shadow of God's spirit on this spirit will later surrender this land and would freely

travel from one end to another and glorify this all,the God had promised this land to its own people. During the

expansion period of the Bible and even before that we have information about the colonies of the Jewish societies in

Anatolia, is one of them.

When the holly spirit has coasted its spell on the Apostles it guided them towards Anatolia, the spirit of Jesus Christ showed

them the way which was like a wind whose voice was heard from everywhere which did not know where it come from and

where it headed this wind has blown on his travelling on this land say that they still hear the

Apocalypse and certain letters were written directly to communities in other letters and in the acts of Apostles

Anatolia is again frequently the followers of Jesus Christ were named as ' Christians' for the first time in

Anatolia. (The Acts of the Apostles )

A lot has changed in Anatolia since the day of Apostles,but the spirit here has never the warm and sensitive

Muslim people the Anatolia still breath the air that the Apostles have left on his same mystical winds blows on the

mountains and plains of Anatolia,it is true that the sipirit here has not e Jesus Christ is very much the same in

yesterday, today, tomorrow and the infinitive.

God called Abraham then,hundreds year later Apostles are called and today Gods call you; ' I,Jesus,sent my angel to give you

this testimony for the churches.I am the root and offspring of David,the bright morning star. The Spirit and the bride

say,'Come.'Let the hearer say,'Come'. Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of

life-giving water. Revelation, 22/16-17.

Today,those living in Anatolia like the very first believers call on you to join and embraces in the Christian Love,they are your

Christian Brethren in Anatolia that has listened to the echoing call on this land since the last 2000 can share the joy

and happiness with these brethren that still bare the excitement that resembles to the one that was witnessed in the period when

the God's massage was first e we drank from the same not forget that this is not a commercial ar

touristic but is a spiritual er,the revenues to be gained from this journey will be used for the realization of

the similar spiritual services.

Abraham,and Apostles 100 years later..what was the reason that blow them from one corner to another and today,the

s a song gives us the reply that is frequently sang in Anatolia today'They do not have addresses,they do not

have any sanctuaries except love,yet they still live in four corners of the this journey you will fallow the footsteps

of Apostles and you will be able to listen the message with a new understanding in places where the Bible was first

will have around you brothers and sisters that enjoy the same spirit. the same in yesterday,today,tomorrow and

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