
2023年12月20日发(作者:chinese festival)



In all, my family has six people.


Who are they?


My parents, my brother, my sister.


弟弟younger brother 妹妹 yonger sister

哥哥elder brother 大哥 big brother

elder sister 大 big sister

祖父 grandpa 祖母 grandma

曾祖父 great-grandpa 曾祖母 great-grandma

叔叔、伯伯 uncle 姨、姑 aunt / aunty

侄女、外甥女 niece 侄子、外甥 nephew

表、堂兄弟妹 cousin

岳父 father-in-law 岳母 mother-in-law

继母 step-mother 继父 step-father

女婿 son-in-law 儿媳 daughter-in-law

同母异父或同父异母的兄弟妹 half brother / half sister

My dad runs a restaurant and mom is a housewife.


Housewife 家庭主妇

career woman 职业妇女

Do you have brothers or sisters?


I’m the only child.


We have a policy called family planning.


Henry‘s wedding will be on the Valentine‘s Day. And I‘ll

be the best man.


My cousin was born in China and grew up in Australia. So she

is bilingual.


bilingual program 双语节目

My cousin was born in America and grew up in China. She

can speak Chinese and English as well.


I’m looking forward to meeting my relatives in the States.


relatives 亲属

keep in touch 保持联系

look forward to doing sth.

We are looking forward to going to the States.

We all get along together.


My roommate and I get along together.


After grandpa passed away, grandma came to live with us.


pass away 去世

My grandma is still living.


Please give my regards to your family!


Please give my regards to your boss.(老板)

Please give my regards to your colleague.(同事)

Please give my regards to your coworkers.(同事)

I keep in touch with my Canadian friends regularly.


I keep in touch with my family.

I keep in touch with my schoolmate.

I keep in touch with my alumna.

I keep in touch with my classmate.

I keep in touch with my howetownfellows.

Charlie and Joanna broke up. They found they weren‘t

meant for each other.


break up 分手

marry 结婚

marry sb.

marry Peter

marry Zoe

marry Will

They get married.

separate 分居

porce 离婚

remarry 重新结婚

Due to the increasing porce rate, there are more and more

single parent households.


1年纸婚 paper wedding

2年锡婚 tin wedding

结婚纪念日 anniversary

15年水晶婚 crystal wedding

20年瓷婚 china wedding

25年银婚 silver wedding

30年珍珠婚 pearl wedding

40年红宝石婚 ruby wedding

45年蓝宝石婚 sapphire wedding

50年金婚 golden wedding

60年钻石婚 diamond wedding

I partied with my colleagues on the weekend. We really

enjoyed ourselves!


I got to know some new friends through the Internet. It‘s

very exciting!


The buff guy is my friend Jimmy. He is a coach of a fitness



buff guy = strong guy

fall in love 坠入河



Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to

Danny’s birthday party.


You are welcome to ... = Welcome to ...

Welcome home.

Welcome aboard.

Welcome to the New Oriental School.

We welcome your suggestions.

It’s a welcome ceremony.

Nice having you here.


Good morning.

Good evening.


Nice meeting you.

It is nice to see you here.

It is happy to see you here.

It is pleased to meet you here.

Nice to meet you.

Hope you have a good time!


Hope you have fun.

Tony, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. Here is

David Roy. David, Tony Park.

Tony,我想让你见见我的老朋友。这位是David Roy。David,这位是Tony Park。

Tom, come here. I want you to meet an old friend of mine,


Mrs. Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith,

our manager.


introduce sb. to sb.

I want to introduce Alice to you.

introduce sth.

We would introduce the advanced techonology from aboard.


Mr. Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr. White.

The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith.


Nice to talk to you.

--Nice to meet you.

--The pleasure is mine.

Let me introduce myself. I am Susan McDonald.

让我一下。我叫Susan McDonald。

Well, let me make a self-introduction.

I’d like to make a self-introduction.

Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?


Have we met somewhere before?

Excuse me, are you reading the book ...?

Excuse me, what time is it?

Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Sorry, I don‘t think we met before.

I haven‘t seen you in ages. What a small world!

What a coincidence!

You are Susan! What a pleasant surprise!


Sorry, I don’t think we have.


Might be.

Sorry, I don’t think I know you.

Sorry, I don’t think we met before.

Hi, it’s you again! Is this a coincidence or what?


Hi, it’s you!

Hi, is that you?

Hi, you are Susan.

I haven’t seen you in ages. What a small world!

How is your husband?

How are your family?

I am afraid I have to leave now.


I am afraid I have to go now.


Bye-bye. Good-bye. See you. See you later.

See you tomorrow. So long. Until then.

Take care.

I hope to see you again.

Let’s keep in touch.

Call me.

Do you have my number?

Good luck.

Have a nice day.

Have a nice dinner.

Please give my regards to sb.




情况 (一) 打电话的人的是你自己


你 (接电话的人)

Is Daisy there? (Daisy 在吗?) Speaking. 我就是。

This is she. 我就是。 (注: 男的用 “This is he.”)

You’re speaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。 (注: 男的用 “You’re speaking/talking to him.”)

This is Daisy. 我就是 Daisy。

That’s me. 我就是。

情况 (二) 打电话的人要的人不在


你 (接电话的人)

May I speak to Mr. Gates? (请问 Gates 先生在吗?)

He’s not here right now. 他现在不在这里。

He’s out. 他出去了。

He’s in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。

You’ve just missed him. 你刚好错过他了。

He’s just stepped out. 他刚好出去了。

情况 (三) 打电话的人要的人不在, 问对方是否要留言


你 (接电话的人)

Can I talk to Mark? (我可以跟 Mark 讲话吗?)

He’s out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to

leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗?

He’s not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以帮你传话吗?

情况 (四) 打电话的人问他要的人何时回来


你 (接电话的人)

Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗?

I’m sorry. I don’t know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

I have no idea. 我不知道。

He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。

情况 (五) 打电话的人问他要的人在哪里


你 (接电话的人)

Do you have any idea Where he is? 你知道他在哪里吗?

Sorry. I don’t know. 抱歉, 我不知道。

He’s at work right now. Do you want his phone number?


情况 (六) 打电话的人要的人不在, 愿意接受对方的留言


你 (接电话的人)

Can I leave a message? 我可以留个话?

Yes. Go ahead, please. 可以, 请继续。

Of course. Hold on for just a second so I can grab a pen and

paper. 当然, 稍等一下让我拿个纸笔。

Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a

piece of paper to write it down.

当然, 如果你可以等我一下下, 让我张纸写下来。

情况 (七) 接受对方留言时听不清楚, 希望对方重复


你 (接电话的人)

When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206)


他回来后, 能不能让他打 (206) 5551212 这个号码给我?

Can you repeat again, please? 能不能请你再重复一次?

(Say) Again, please? 再说一次好吗?

Pardon? 抱歉。(请再说一次)

Come again, please? 再说一次好吗?

I’m sorry? 抱歉。(请再说一次)

情况 (八) 对方希望留话, 怕听错了, 不想接受对方的留言


你 (接电话的人)

May I leave a message? 我能否留个话?

You know what? My English is not that great, and I don’t

want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I’m


你知道吗? 我的英文不是非常好, 我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗? 我很抱歉。

If you don’t mind, could you please call back and leave a

message on the answering machine? My English is not very


如果你不介意的话, 能否请你再打一次, 然后在录音机上留言?


情况 (九) 打电话的人要的人是别人, 请对方稍等


你 (接电话的人)

Is Brandon there? Brandon 在吗?

Yes, he is. One moment, please. 他在。请稍等。

Hold, please. 请稍等。

Hold on, please. 请稍等。

Let me see if he’s here. Hang on. O.K.? 我看看他在不在。等一下, 好吗?

情况 (十) 对方打错电话


你 (接电话的人)

Can I speak to Alexander Walker? 我可以和 Alexander

Walker 说话吗?

Alexander Walker? I’m sorry, but there‘s nobody here

by this name. Alexander Walker? 抱歉, 这里没这个人。

I’m sorry. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. 抱歉,


What number did you dial? 你打几号?

情况 (十一) 跟对方要求跟(打电话的人)刚刚已经通过话的人再讲话


你 (接电话的人)

Can you put Daisy back on? I forgot to tell her something.

你能否请Daisy再来听电话呢? 我忘了跟她讲一件事。

Sure. I’ll go get her. 当然! 我这就去叫她。

情况 (十二) 电话没人接(或录音机)


你 (接电话的人)

Is he there? 他在吗?

No one is there. 没人在。

Nobody answered. 没人接。

No. I got the answering machine. 没有! 是录音机。

情况 (十三) 电话打不通


你 (接电话的人)

Did it go through? (电话)打通了吗?

The line was busy. 电话忙线。

I got the busy signals.. 电话忙线。

情况 (十四) (因自己忙等原因)请别人去接电话

Paul, can you answer the phone? I’m busy. Paul, 你能不能去接电话? 我在忙。

Can you get it, Paul? My hands are tied. Paul, 你能不能去接电话? 我现在不能接。

Yes, dear. 是的., 亲爱的。

情况 (十五) 接到无人电话(就是打来了却不说话的那种)


你 (接电话的人)

Who called? 谁打来的?

No one. He hung up on me. 没人。他把电话挂了。

Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word.

打错了, 我想。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了。

这一篇的「电话对答篇」 整理了几个录音机留言的参考范例。所有的例子都可以按自己的需要混合着用。

范例 (一)

嗨!我是Abby。我现在不在家。请留言。 Hi! This is Abby.

I’m not home right now. Please leave a message.

范例 (二)

嗨!这里是555-5555。我们现在不在。请留言。谢谢! Hi!

This is 555-5555. We’re not here. Please leave your message.

Thank you.

范例 (三)

嗨!我是Brenda。我现不能接电话。请你留言。我会尽快回你的电话。 Hi! This is Brenda. I can’t come to the phone at this time.

Please leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as possible.

范例 (四)

嗨! 我是Aaron。我现在不是不在办公室里, 就是在电话中。请你留言。我会马上回你电话。 Hi, this is Aaron. I’m either away

From my desk, or on the phone. Please leave a message and

I’ll get right back to you.

范例 (五)

嗨! 我是Ivy。对不起! 我错过你了。请在「嘟」声后留言。等我进来后就会回你电话。谢谢。 Hi, this is Ivy. Sorry. I missed you.

Please leave a message at the tone. I’ll get back to you when I

get in. Thanks.





I get along well with him. *get along (well) “和……合得来”、“和睦相处”。

What's John like? (约翰是个什么样的人?)

I get along well with him. (我和他很合得来。)

I get on well with him. *英式英语。


I don’t get along well with her.

I don't get on well with her. *英式英语。


I respect him.

I highly respect him. *强调说法。

I look up to him.


I despise him.

I look down on him.


I want to get along with everyone.

I hope I will get along with everyone. (我希望能和大家和睦相处。)


Are you getting along with her? *get along“合得来”、“和睦相处”。


She ignored me. *ignore“不放在眼里”、“不理”、“假装看不见”。

What did she do? (她怎么了?)

She ignored me. (她不搭理我。)

She gave me the cold shoulder.

She didn’t pay any attention to me (at all).


I don't know what he’s really thinking.

I‘m not sure what he is thinking about.

I don't really know what is on his mind.


I have no reason to be envied. *envy“羡慕他人或物”,“嫉


There is no reason to be jealous of me.

There is no reason to envy me.


I don‘t like brownnosers. *brownnoser俚语,“讨好别人的人”、“阿谀逢迎的人”。

They’re helping our boss again. (他们又去帮上司的忙了。)

I don‘t like brownnosers. (我可讨厌拍马屁的人了。)

I don’t like flatterers. (我不喜欢爱说恭维话的人。)

I don‘t like ass-kissers. *俚语,不太文雅的说法,使用时要注意场合。


I’m neglecting my family. *这是种相当严厉的说法。neglect


I put my work before my family. (我是工作第一,家庭第二。)*比较温和的说法。

I should treat my family better. (我该重视我的家庭。)


Which side are you? *side“(竞争、谈判等的)一方,自己人”。

Which side are you on?

Who are you rooting for?

Which side do you support? (你支持哪一方?)


I‘m on your side. *on one’s side“站在……一方”。

Whose side are you on? (你是站在哪一边的?)

I‘m on your side. (我是站在你这边的。)

I will support you. (我支持你。)

I agree with you. (我同意你的意见。)


He’s very hard on me. *be动词+“蛮横,野蛮”。

Do you like your boss? (你喜欢你的上司吗?)

No, he‘s very hard on me. (不,他对我很严厉。)

He treats me unkindly. (他对我一点儿都不友好。)

He’s mean to me. (他对我很刻薄。)

He‘s very strict. (他很严厉。)


He always treats me like an enemy. *enemy“仇人,敌人”。

He was rude to say that. (他这样对你说话也太无礼了。)

He always treats me like an enemy. (他总把我当作眼中钉。)

He acts like I’m an enemy.

He treats me as if I‘m his enemy.


He treated me badly.

I was badly treated by him.

I received bad treatment from him.

He treated me unkindly. (他对我很粗暴。)


I’m obligated to him. *obligate“让某人负有法律或道义上的义务”。

I‘m under obligation to him.

I owe him. * owe“欠……的情”。

I have an obligation to him.

I’m deeply indebted to him. (我非常感激他。)

I‘ve received kindness from him. (他对我很好。)

I owe him a lot for everything he has done for me. (我非常感谢他为我所做的一切。)


We’re on a first name basis. *表示“之间关系好,很亲密”。

We‘re on first name terms.



What do you think of the winter weather here?


I + like / don’t like / dislike / love / hate / can’t stand

+ sb / sth / to do sth / doing sth

What do you think of your boss?

What do you think of Beijing?

What do you think of your job?

What is it you don’t like about driving?


I don’t like driving.

What is it you don’t like about Beijing?

I don’t like its pullution.

I don’t like its traffic.

What is it you like about Beijing?

I like its culture environment.

I like its culture atmosphere.

I like its plenty of work opportunities.

The thing I don't like about driving is all the traffic on the



driving 开车,驾驶

driver’s licence 驾驶执照

traffic 交通

traffic jam 交通堵塞

traffic lights 红绿灯

rush hour 上下班高峰期

For me, I can't stand the heat in the summer.


For me, I can't stand my boss.

He is so bossy.

For me, I can't stand the noise.

Can you be quiet?

I like Beijing. I don't like Beijing. I dislike Beijing.

love 酷爱

I love this game. I love ping-pong.

I love swimming. I hate other people’s being late.

I hate being late. I hate you. I can’t stand noise.

For me, I can’t stand the coldness in winter.

Do you enjoy playing sports in your free time?


free time = spare time

I like to play tennis, but I'm not good at it.


I am (not) good at sth.

I am good at math.

I am good at English.

I am good at writing.

I don't like spinach even if it’s good for me.


I don't like yoghourt even if it’s good for me.

I’m afraid you're being too particular about your food.


I’m afraid you're dismissed.

I’m afraid you're late.

I’m afraid you have no change.


You are too picky about clothes.

You are too picky about your food.


My boss is very cocky.

cock your ears 请注意听

I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听

one ear in and on ear out 左耳朵进,右耳朵出

Jessie always finds fault with everything, and she doesn’t

like anything I do or say.


She finds fault with my work.

She finds fault with me.

I like American movies, and I love science fictions in



I like English 900 in particular.

I like this teacher in particular.

I like Shanghai in particular.

I hate the taste of the medicine, but I took it anyway.


味道 taste 酸 sour 甜 sweet

苦 bitter 辣 hot / spicy 咸 salty

糖醋sour and sweet 糖醋排骨sour and sweet chops

taste品味 You have a very good taste.

I have pool taste in classical music.

tasteful有品味的 tasteless没品味的

tasteful book tasteful movie

a tasteless job a tastelss person

香味 color fragrance smell / taste

You have a wonderful taste in clothes.


I feel like taking a walk this evening.


I feel like learning English in New Oriental School.

Ladies in general fancy fashionable clothes.


in general 大体上

In general this book is pretty good.

In general this movie is just so so.

In general we are satisfied with your work.

fancy 酷爱,喜欢

I fancy hot food.

What’s your favorite pastime?


I + like / don’t like / dislike / love / hate / can’t stand

+ sb / sth / to do sth / doing sth



I have lived at 24 University Street for 20 years.


Where do you live?

district municipality

24 University Street Chaoyang District Beijing municipality


He lives at 10 Downing Street.

Great changes have taken place in the neighborhood for the

past decade.


decade 十年

century 百年

millennium 千年

something take place in somewhere

A robbery took place in the corner of the street.

Ever since China adopted the reform and opening up policy

great changes have taken place all around China.

There used to be a mom-and-papa store on the corner.


Now it is replaced by a supermarket.


A replace B

He replaces his team member.

Now a supermarket replaced the mom-and-papa store.

There are clinics, schools and other services in this



services = facility

neighborhood community 社区

neighboring country 邻邦 China town

clinics dentist’s

school primary school middle school

community college kindergarten

movie theater church

community garden convenient store

around the clock store laundry bakery

Lots of evergreen trees have been planted along the roads.


pine 松树

cypress 柏树

holly 冬青

deciduous trees 落叶树

larch 落叶松

poplar tree 杨树

Chinese scholar tree 槐树

gingko 银杏树

birch 白桦树

oak 橡树

linden 椴木

willow 柳树

They are setting up a 20-story tower building up the street.


Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡

Petronas Twins Tower

Chicago 芝加哥

The Sears Tower

slab-type building 板楼

high-rise building 高层

skyscraper 摩天大楼

low-rise building

set up a building

Mr. Wyatt is my neighbor. We live on the same street.


live on the Downing Street

live at 10 Downing Street

We live on the same block.

We live in the same building.

We live on the same floor.

The apartment next door has been vacant for a long time.


house = building + yard

town house

apartment 公寓

condominium 公寓

vacant adj.

vacancy n.

There is a vacancy in this company.

vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器

next door neighbor

He is my next boor neighbor.

My neighbors would drop in on me from time to time.


drop in on sb = visit sb

Kevin has a green thumb. His garden is a sea of flowers.


He has a green thumb.

Mrs. Cooper is very hospitable and always keeps her house



keep one‘s door open

He‘s pleasant to be around.

My neighbors are very congenial.

My neighbors would take care of our house if we take a

vacation out.


The kids in the neighborhood always jump across the fence

into his garden.


pick up flowers = pluck flowers

Jackie is a hi-fi junkie and always keeps his stereo on as loud

as possible.


You are a TV junkie.

You are a coke junkie.

You are a computer junkie.


the intellectual community

the business community

the international community

Better a neighbor that is near than a brother far off.



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