Quality Assurance Agreement 质量保证协议 英文版



Quality Assurance Agreement

Railway Vehicle Industry

Contract No.: Seller Signature:

SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 1 页 共 27 页


1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................................. 4

2 SELLER QUALIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ 4



SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................... 4

.................................................................................................................................... 5




.................................................................................................................................... 6




3 QUALITY PLANNING ............................................................................................................................... 6



PLAN .............................................................................................................................................. 6







CONTROL ........................................................................................................................................... 7

3.3.1 Design Review .................................................................................................................................. 7

3.3.2 Design Validation ............................................................................................................................. 8

3.3.3 Interface Management .................................................................................................................... 8

3.3.4 Technical Change ............................................................................................................................. 8

3.3.5(FMECA) ...................................................................................................................................... 9

3.3.6RAMS Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 9

4 SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................................................. 9

5 FIREPROOF ............................................................................................................................................... 10

6 RECORD ARCHIVES ............................................................................................................................ 10

7 PURCHASING ........................................................................................................................................ 11

............................................................................................................................. 11







SELLER .................................................................................................................... 11



BUYER ........................................................................................ 11

Contract No.: Seller Signature:

SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

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8 PRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 11




REVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 11




PROCESS ................................................................................................................................ 12

............................................................................................................................... 12





TEST ................................................................................................................ 12




PLAN ......................................................................................................................... 14





INSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................. 15






REPORT ............................................................................................................ 15





9.6(FAI) ................................................................................................................................................... 17

9.6.1 Pre-condition of FAI ....................................................................................................................... 17

9.6.2 FAI Implementation ....................................................................................................................... 17



INSPECTION ................................................................................................................................... 18

10 PACKAGING ........................................................................................................................................... 18

11 DELIVERY ........................................................................................................................................... 19

12 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY ........................................................................ 19



IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................... 19


TRACEABILITY ........................................................................................................................................... 20

13 NON-CONFORMITY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................. 20

14 LIABILITY ............................................................................................................................................... 21

15 ACCESS RIGHT, SITE SUPERVISION, PROCESS AUDIT ................................................................. 21

16 AFTER-SALES SERVICE ....................................................................................................................... 22

17 LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT ...................................................................................... 23

18 DISPUTE SETTLEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 27

Contract No.: Seller Signature:

SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 3 页 共 27 页

1 General

In order to promote the supply and demand relations effectively, further clarify

the responsibility of both the supply and the demand parties, meet the procurement

business contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract) and technical specification

requirement, to ensure that the requirements of the railway and urban rail transport

security, comfort and on the dot operation, this agreement was formulated specially.

The enterprises those who are willing to become railway vehicle Co., Ltd.

qualified supplier, must sign the quality assurance agreement, and strictly comply

with them, or can't be company qualified supplier.

2 Seller Qualification

2.1 Quality System

The seller should be approved by the state certificated third part

ISO9001:2008(or the equal standard) quality management system certificate, or the

pass the other quality management system certificate, such as TS16949, IRIS etc.

When the buyer need or required additionally in contract and/or technical

specification, the seller should pass the related professional quality management

certification, such as EN15085, DIN6701 etc.

The quality management system is applied for various stage of the provided

product realization by sellers.

The seller should establish corresponding quality management system and

maintain the validity of the QMS before sign the assurance agreement. As well has

to pass the certification audit by the state approved third party and get the

corresponding certificate, and maintain the validity of the certification.

The establishment, utilize and third party certification has to be finished before

the sign of this agreement. During sign the agreement, the seller has to provide a valid

latest version QMS certificate (copy is ok). Within the effective period of the contract,

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 4 页 共 27 页

if the certificate changed, the seller should provide the latest version certificate to the

buyer (copy is ok).

When the seller’s QMS certification scope does not include its provided product,

the buyer is entitled to organize or authorize the third party to implement special QMS

audit to determine whether the seller has the capability to provide qualified contracted

products, and also entitled to suspend or cancel contract acc. to the audit status. The

audit expense will be borne by seller.

2.2 Welding Certificate

When the product involves welding process, no matter the welding work process

was borne by the seller itself or authorized to the seller’s subcontractor by seller, the

seller has to pass the corresponding level EN15985 “railway application-railway

vehicle and components welding” certification, obtain the certificate and maintain its

validity. When authorizes to the subcontractor of seller, the subcontractor of the seller

should pass the corresponding EN15085“railway application-railway vehicle and

components welding” certification, obtain the certificate and maintain its validity.

The seller or its subcontractor (only when seller authorize to its subcontractor)

should equipped with sufficient quantity welding engineers who have qualification,

welder and welding supervision engineer, implement supervision, inspection and test

during the welded product realization of the manufacturing process.

The seller should provide the valid latest version EN15085 welding system

certificate (copy is ok) to buyer. Within the effective period of the contract, if the

certificate changed, the seller should provide the latest version certificate to the buyer

(copy is ok).

When the seller’s EN15085 certification scope does not include its provided

product, the buyer is entitled to organize or authorize the third party to implement

special welding quality audit to determine whether the seller has the capability to

provide qualified contracted products, and also entitled to suspend or cancel contract

acc. to the audit status. The audit expense will be borne by seller

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 5 页 共 27 页

2.3 Other Qualification

The seller has to obligation to obtain the other certificate, proof and qualification

records and state or industry required compulsory certificate which regulated in the

contract or technical specification by the buyer.

3 Quality Planning

3.1 Quality Plan

The seller should make quality plan acc. to contract or technical specification

requirements, the contract and form of the quality plan should meet ISO10005:2005

standard. The plan should be basic on detail manufacturing and inspection plan. All

listed supply scope in the contract and technical specification should be included in

the quality plan.

The quality plan should be approved by buyer before the fist article production

or 30 natural days whatever occurs first) after the contract was signed.

To the suggestion of the quality plan which the buyer proposed, the seller should

implement necessary modification and re-provide to buyer after 14 natural days from

receive seller’s modification suggestion, until the quality plan was approved. To the

quoted seller’s quality system documents (if there’s work procedure, management

system etc.) in the quality plan, the buyer have right to require the seller to provide it

for audit when they think it’s necessary; have right to propose related suggestions, the

seller should implement necessary change to the involved documents and implement

acc. to updated documents during the contract implementation period.

3.2 Contract Kick-off Meeting

With 15 natural days after the contract signed and put into effect or regulated in

the technical specification additional, acc. to the technical complexity of the purchase

product, the buyer is entitled to require the seller to hold contract kick-off meeting in

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 6 页 共 27 页

seller’s location or the agreed location by both parties.

The contract kick-off meeting includes but not limit the following contents, the

supply and demand party should confirm acc. the contract actual status:

a)Both parties confirm the interface and information transfer procedure together.

b)Review the contract item by item to confirm both parties have the consistent


c)Review the project plan, project implementation master plan, development

process note review plan

d)Evaluate the delivery delay risk and quality risk, analyze the influence of

technical transfer to project schedule

e)Review the first article trial production plan, localization plan, seller product

quality dept etc.

3.3 Design Control

Before signing the contract, the seller has obligation to review the obtained

contract, technical specification and related technical documents from the buyer. If

there’s any error or omission, should inform the buyer in written form in time and

require the buyer to amend the contract or the give explanation to the unclear or

incomplete content. The buyer should give in time response to the seller’s suggestion.

3.3.1 Design Review

The seller carry out the contract product design and development (including joint

design and secondary development), the seller shall implement the design review

process according to the buyer requirements, the buyer is entitled to acc. to demand to

take part in the design review process.

If the buyer needs the seller to execute special form design review (such as

design & quality), it should be negotiated by both parties.

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 7 页 共 27 页

3.3.2 Design Validation

The seller should implement design validation group, the design validation result

should be accepted by the buyer in written form. The buyer is entitled to take part in

the design validation acc. to its demand.

The seller should acc. to contract requirement and technical specification to

create all necessary documents, drawing, calculations and analysis etc.. And the buyer

should acc. to the contract requirement and technical specification or the agreed

period to submit it for the buyer’s approval.

3.3.3 Interface Management

The seller should carry out interface management during design and

development process. The interface management should cover the regular items

(such as mechanical interface, electrical interface, EMC etc.) in of buyer and

seller and seller’s subcontractor interface. After the contract was signed and take

into effect, the seller should create the interface documents within 4 weeks,

identify all the interfaces, point out the partner of the interface, list related

specific specification and establish the joint of inspection & test plan as well. The

interface document has to be reviewed and approved in written form by whom is

related with the interface. The interface documents should be agreed between

buyer and seller, and the agreed interface document should be approved in written

form by buyer.

3.3.4 Technical Change

The seller should establish the process to clarify the change process management,

the seller should keep a technical change list to ensure the effective identification of

change, and implement appropriate review, verification and confirmation to technical

change. The review of technical change should include: evaluate the influence of the

Contract No.: Seller Signature:

SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 8 页 共 27 页

technical change to the components of product and delivered product. And obtain

the approval from buyer before implementation. The related records of technical

change should be kept.


The seller should implement FMECA within the design and development

framework of the provided product, acc. to contract or technical specification

requirement or agreement of both parties, the seller should submit the analysis data to

buyer for vehicle analysis preparation; specific requirement implement acc. to

contract and technical specification.

3.3.6RAMS Analysis

The seller should acc. to contract or technical specification requirement to

implement RAMS analysis, and provide the analysis report to buyer. Details should

acc. to contract and technical specification to implement.

4 Software

When the contract products include software, the seller should acc. to contract

and technical specification requirement or supply and demand parties agreement, and

EN50128 to implement software management.

The seller should acc. to contract and technical specification requirement or

supply and demand both parties agreement to make software quality management

plan which used for software supply and service, and get written form approval from

buyer within 60 natural days after the contract signed and took into effect or acc. to

contract and technical specification requirement or within the agreed period by supply

and demand parties.

The plan should describe the used organization and approach which ensure

software meet the agreed quality requirement during the process of seller creating and

verifying software. The plan should include: software module test, the deadline of

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 9 页 共 27 页

comprehensive test and function test during software in the simulation lab.

The buyer shall have the right to propose suggestion to the content of plan, they

seller shall be fully considered and acc. to the buyers suggestion to carry out

necessary adjustment. And re-provide to buyer after 14 natural days from receive

seller’s modification suggestion, till the quality plan was approved.

The seller shall acc. to contract and technical specification requirement or the

supply and demand both parties agreement to definite the items of quality control,

inspection and test during the software development process. The seller shall invite

buyer to participate in the corresponding note, when it’s necessary, the buyer shall

have right to invite the third party implement supervision to the software development.

When it’s not required in contract or technical specification requirement, all expense

of inviting the third party for supervision will be borne by seller.

5 Fireproof

The seller shall acc. to contract or technical specification requirement to

implement product fireproof requirement, and provide the non-metallic material list,

fireproof rating form and fireproof certificate for buyer’s confirmation.

Unless there’s additional regulation in contract or technical specification, the

seller should choose test institute who has qualification to implement related fireproof

property test, the selected test institute should be declare to buyer and get buyer’s

written form agreement during sign of technical specification.

6 Record Archives

The seller should have necessary description to the category, scope and retention

period of quality records in the quality system documents. Unless there’s additional

regulation in contract or technical specification, the seller is bound to keep quality

records for at least 20 years after products were delivered, but not beyond the

regulated life span of contract product.

Contract No.: Seller Signature:

SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 10 页 共 27 页

7 Purchasing

The seller shall ensure that all buyer’s requirements have been transferred and

can be implemented (include but not limited in related quality system requirement,

inspection and test, incoming inspection, when necessary, audit to subcontractor) by

its subcontractor.

7.1 Sub-contract of Seller

For the work which should be completed by seller is not allowed to subcontract

without prior written form approval of buyer.

7.2 Sub-supplier List of Seller

The seller shall provide the main subcontractor list of its purchased products

after contract was signed and before FAI. The list at least shall include the supplier’s

basic information overview, qualification and supply performance etc. information.

The buyer shall have to right to put forward doubt to the subcontractor qualification,

and the seller should fully affirm its qualification, when necessary, replace with the

supplier who can meet the buyer qualification requirement.

7.3 Monitoring to seller’s sub-supplier by Buyer

The buyer shall have right to take part in the subcontractor assurance capacity

review, FAI, on-site supervision audit etc. which organized by seller.

8 Production

8.1 Start Work Review

Before production, the seller shall implement comprehensive review to the

preparation status of production components, provide start review report to buyer for

audit. The buyer shall have right to put forward suggestion and verify the content of

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 11 页 共 27 页

the start review report. As well the seller should ensure that during the whole project

implementation process all components is consistent with the status of start review.

8.2 Special Work Process

The seller internal special process list( include but not limit in welding,

nondestructive test, powder coating, casting, forging, heat treatment, electrical plating,

glueing, adhesive and terminal crimping etc.)and quality control method(include but

not limit in personnel qualification requirement, raw material and parts requirement,

environment requirement, construction process control procedure, equipment

requirement, inspection and test requirement) should be provided to buyer for review,

after obtaining the buyer written approval, then it’s allowed to start production.

9 Inspection & Test

9.1 General of Inspection and Test

The seller should acc. to contract and technical specification requirement to

implement inspection and test and ensure the contract product meet requirement. The

buyer and final user shall have right to implement supervision and inspection to the

production process of product provided by seller.

If the buyer think it’s necessary, the seller shall implement inspection and test

within the vehicle scope at buyer or final user location, test expense should be borne

by seller.

When the buyer take part in inspection and test, the seller should inform buyer in

written form in a reasonable period before the inspection and test, and confirm the

final inspection and test implementation date by both parties. PRC overseas( includes

Hongkong, Macao, Tanwan etc. area) at least in advance 28 work days, in PRC

( excludes Hongkong, Macao, Tanwan etc. area) at least in advance 10 workdays.

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 12 页 共 27 页

During inspection and test, when found the product quality does not meet the

contract and/or technical specification regulation (include the package unsuitable etc.),

the buyer shall have right to put forward suggestion, the seller should fully consider

and implement action to ensure the delivered product quality.

If there’s any change of delivered contract product, the seller should implement

all necessary inspection and test to the changed product.

The seller should be borne all the expense (include travel expense of buyer

journey, corrective action and repeat measurement expenses) caused by failure of

inspection and test and be responsible for it. Due to seller’s responsibility not meet the

requirement and result in buyer implement any repeated inspection and test, all cost

caused cost will be borne by seller.

The buyer shall have right to obtain all inspection and test document (test

records/test report/inspection certificate etc.) of contract product, unless there’s

additional requirement in contract or technical specification, all provided inspection

and test document and related records by seller should be Chinese version or Chinese

and English version.

The seller shall provide related product and service records, detail records should

include but not limited in the following contents:

a)type test report

b)routine test report

c)dimension and manufacturing process inspection report

d)welding seam(X ray and penetration test) inspection report

e)Special process confirmation ( such as : surface treatment, welding and

adhesive) report

f)Material and fireproof test report

g)shock and vibration resistant test report

h)resistant of climate change test report

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i)type test report after component change( if have)

9.2 Inspection and Test Plan

The seller should make inspection and test plan before production or within 4

weeks after signed the contract and take into effect (whichever occurs first).

Inspection plan should cover all regulated product and service which agreed(if have)

in contact and technical specification

The inspection and test plan should be approved by buyer in written form. The

buyer shall have right to put forward suggestion, the seller should acc. to buyer’s

suggestion to implement necessary adjustment to the plan. And re-provide it to buyer

within 14 natural days after receive the buyer’s suggestion, till the plan approved by


The approved inspection and test plan, as the basis of all inspection and test and

related documents, any change of the inspection and test plan have to be implemented

after negotiation with buyer and get its written approval.

Inspection and test plan at least should include the following contents:

a)process flow chart

b)Inspection and test category (type test, routine test, FAI, batch acceptance)

c)Inspection and test objective (name, drawing No. and article No.)

d)Inspection item and test planning

e)basis documents ( necessary doc. , drawing)

f)used test records by internal and user

g)the executive dept or related party of inspection and test

h)inspection and test items taken part in by buyer and user

i)After the inspection and test plan approved by buyer, the buyer will take part in

the listed items in the inspection and test plan

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 14 页 共 27 页

9.3 Inspection & Test Instruction

The seller should create inspection and test instruction of every item listed in the

inspection test plan, include type test and routine test.

The inspection and test instruction should include but not limited the following


a)scope and purpose

b)the hardware and software which consist of test equipments

c)the measure instrument and sample

d)the detail description of inspection and test method

e)the data obtain and analysis method

f)Inspection and test documents which have traceability

g)acceptance and reject standard

h)Inspection time, location, inspector

The inspection and test instruction should obtain buyer written approval in

advance 30 natural days before test.

9.4 Inspection Records & Test Report

The inspection records shall specify the corresponding relation with product each

other clear, record the comparable data, actual data, and tolerance of performance

parameter, any nonconformities shall be recorded.

The test report shall at least include the following contents:

a)test basis;

b)location, data, person in charge ;

c)type of inspection and test ;


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第 15 页 共 27 页

e)Equipment of inspection, measure and test;

f)test condition, configuration, environment( eg. temperature);

g)test result;

h)Conclusion and advice;

Type test report and first article routine test report should be provided to buyer

within 14 natural days after test was finished

The seller should provide product or system certificate which accord with

EN10204 standard 3.1 term requirement.

The regulated retention period in Chapter 6 is applied for the inspection and test

document which regulated in inspection and test plan.

9.5 Implementation of Inspection and Test

Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract or technical specifications, when

buyer may wish to participate in a quality control and inspection /test process, need to

request seller in advance, acc. to the agreed schedule to implement. If the seller

implement in advance without written notice to buyer, the buyer shall have right to

request re-implement related processes, and the related expense shall be borne by


The seller shall provide necessary support to the preparation and implementation

of inspection and test.

When the buyer need, the seller shall provide to the buyer the suitable inspection

and test location, the necessary measurement charts, inspection and test procedures,

measuring and test equipment and other necessary resources.

The seller must carry out inspection and measuring work, and ensure that the

inspection and test be implemented by the qualified personnel, these staff should have

necessary knowledge and skill for the inspection preparation and inspection,

evaluation test and report creation.

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

第 16 页 共 27 页


9.6.1 Pre-condition of FAI

The FAI product must be produced under batch production condition.

Quality plan, inspection and test plan has already been submitted and approved

by the buyer.

Product design has been frozen, drawings and technical specifications has been

submitted to buyer design dept for confirmation.

The welding qualification and welding document has been confirmed by buyers.

Project contract and required test in its accessories has been completed, and the

test report has been submitted to buyer.

Type test planning has been approved by buyer and (or) stated related dept, and the

type test report has been confirmed by buyer, for the delay of type test has to be

approved by buyer.

The stipulated routine test planning has approved by buyer and state related dept,

and the routine test has been completed, and routine test report has been confirmed by


The seller’s pre-FAI has been finished, and the existing problem has been solved,

and the report has been submitted to buyer.

9.6.2 FAI Implementation

The seller should ensure that the quality status of batch production product is

consistent with the first article. The seller should submit the written form FAI

application to buyer in advance 20 natural days before FAI; and submit all related

documents listed in the term 9.6.1 of the agreement. After the buyer review all

submitted documents and proof and confirm that there’s FAI condition, only the seller

receive the written form notice form buyer, then can implement FAI, otherwise the

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SAP No.:A12162003 Buyer Signature:

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FAI can’t be implemented.

The product which didn’t pass the welding FAI by buyer, any process such as

painting and anti corrosion which influence the FAI can’t’ be implemented.

The buyer shall not receive the batch product which didn’t pass the FAI.

If due to the seller’s responsibility and the FAI not passed, all expense (include

the travel expense of buyer related staffs) caused in the re-FAI will be borne by seller.

9.7 Release Inspection

Whether need to implement release inspection or not will be confirmed by

contract and /or technical specification. If the contract and technical specification is

unclear, whether need release inspection or not will be decided by buyer.

Before the delivery of the products which need the release inspection, the seller

should apply and pass the release inspection. The buyer shall have right to reject the

product which not implement or pass release inspection.

The release inspection application should be submitted to buyer in advance 7

natural days before delivery date of every batch.

The seller should make separate quality certificate in every release inspection

application. The quality certificate content shall be consistent with the product in the

packing list.

Only when all inspection, test and non-conformity of product was solved

efficiently, then buyer can make release quality certificate.

10 Packaging

Packing confirmation as one of the FAI items, the buyer shall have right to put

forward reasonable opinion, the seller should fully considered and implement

necessary action to ensure meet buyer’s requirement.

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The packing confirmation of buyer will not cause the transfer of quality


The buyer has right to reject the provided product if the packing not meet buyer’s


11 Delivery

During product delivery, the seller shall submit the following documents under

the premise that it is conformity with contract requirement:

Declaration of conformity which is conformity with term3.1of DINEN10204;

Quality records and test report (the item put forwarded by buyer acc. to

inspection and test plan the content)

Technical change implementation list (especially the change from buyer)

If individual or some of the delivered product has defects, the buyer shall have

right to reject the whole batch of product.

12 Product Identification and Traceability

12.1 Product Identification

The product which will be provided to buyer, the seller should use the unique

identification. The seller should provide a detail identification and traceability control

plan to buyer for confirmation.

The identification of product must be clear and permanent. The position of the

identification should be in clear position and is not easy to be moved and removed.

Unless otherwise stipulated in contract and/or technical specification, the

identification language should be Chinese or Chinese and English.

The identification should at least include the following contents:

a)Product name, manufacturer, production date;

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b)Product Version (hen necessary, software version);

c)Product article No., Serial No., Specification, batch No.

d)The main technical data of product

As a result that product size or structure causes identification can’t reach the

above requirement, the seller should put forward detail statement in advance 10 work

days before the first delivery and get the buyer’s written approval.

12.2 Traceability

The seller should establish traceability management system of product to ensure

it has the ability to provide the following records at any time:

a)Recorder bills

b)Reliable traceability (recorded in seller’s own documents)

c)Related document name, content and location which used for product


d)Manufacture date of main part;

e)Change records;

f)Record the way of accepting non-conformity;

g)Inspection and test content, test certificate

The seller should keep related serial No. and batch No. list of all delivered

product, when the buyer request, it can be submitted to buyer at any time,

corresponding retention period acc. to chapter 6 of the agreement to implement.

13 Non-conformity Management

The seller shall provide the product which without defects and be conformity

with contract and technical specification, and related standard requirement, these

product should have pass complete inspection and test, and be conformity with

requirement and specification.

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If it can’t conform to the specified requirements, the buyer shall have the right to

acc. to non-conformity situation (quality and influence degree) to return all or part of

the delivered product. The isolated or reworked products, when re-delivery, have to

use special method to identify.

The buyer should acc. to quality system requirement to deliver product and

check whether the product has obvious damages during the transportation. This kind

inspection can be supplemented irregularly during incoming or the delivery inspection

before the goods leave seller’s location.

For the nonconformity mentioned by buyer, the seller should give response

within 2 work days since receive the notice, analyze the root cause of problem and

take active action to eliminate nonconformity. Take necessary action to avoid the

nonconformity happen again.

When the buyer put forward that it is necessary to take corrective/preventive

action to the nonconformity, the seller should make complete corrective/preventive

action solution within 3 work days and submit to buyer for approval. After

implementation of corrective/preventive action, the buyer shall have right to check the

implementation status of corrective/preventive action.

14 Liability

When applied, in order to allow product batch production and supply and service,

the seller should undertake technical responsibility in its supply & service scope.

The inspection and test and its result can’t remit the product quality liability

stipulated in the contract. And the seller has no right to request any refund fee and

compensation to the buyer.

15 Access Right, site Supervision, Process Audit

During the valid period of contract, within advance notice, the seller shall have

right to access seller or its subcontractor area which is related to the contract product

realization process in normal work time. And should also allow buyer to inspection

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the product, service and document which is related to contract.

The buyer shall have right to implement supervision at contract product

production location. As earlier as possible to find the possible existing quality

problem or risk during production. The seller should coordinate actively to ensure

qualified purchased product access buyer’s location for vehicle assembly and use.

During on-site supervision, if the purchased product have continuous failure (the

consecutive failure is : 10% or more product have failure in same type goods or parts

in the same production batch) or quality problem and affects the project schedule, all

expense(include but not limit in cost of labor, travel and accommondation) caused

during site supervision will be borne by seller.

The seller shall provide the necessary inspection and test equipment, staffs,

traffic equipment, office location etc. which used for the implementation of process


When the buyer think it’s necessary, the buyer shall have right to implement

process audit in seller and its subcontractor location, and acc. to result of process

audit to decide whether suspend the contract or cancel the seller’s supply


16 After-sales Service

Since the delivery of product, the seller should provide enough after-sales service

resource, include staff, equipment, measure instrument an sample, spare parts etc. the

related after-sales staff should have sufficient skill to ensure the effective

implementation of after-sales service.

The buyer shall have right to acc. to its own inspection and test result to request

the repair or replace defected parts. Except for the agreed situation, the seller should

arrive the required location within 24 hours after receive the buyer’s inform. And

finish the repair or replacement work within 2 natural days after arrive the required


For the case that the seller didn’t arrive or finish the failure handling within

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required date, the buyer shall have right to arrange its own staff or other person to

deal with the failure, all caused expense will be borne by seller.

If it belongs to new product, when the product arrive the buyer’s factory, at the

same time, the seller after-sales service staffs have to arrive buyer’s location with

necessary tools and components to ensure the buyer can implement normal production,

and acc. to contract requirement to provide corresponding mounting training.

Due to the seller's reason appeared quality problem, if the seller can’t provide

immediate remedial work, the buyer shall have right to set a reasonable grace period.

If the seller can’t finish stipulated work within required period, or give up the

following work, the buyer shall have right cancel all or part of the order which have

problem, or reduce the purchasing price. In this case, the buyer will correct the

problem by itself, or arrange other person to correct problem, expenses shall be borne

by the seller. And depending on the influence degree of the problem to buyer, the

seller will bear at least 1000 penalty (upper limit acc. to contract requirement)each


In case of continuous failure, the seller shall repair the damaged products by

itself within the life cycle of product, and replace all same type of parts, include those

good performance parts. Besides, the seller should also bear at least 2000RMB

penalty (upper limit acc. to contract requirement) each time.

If within the quality warranty period, any contract seller’s product leads to the

buyer’s product have accident, and the used claim the buyer, the seller should make

up for the deficiency immediately and bear all loss and expense.

17 Liability for breach of Contract

When the amount of liquidated damages, losses, expensed, fine etc. agreed in the

above terms occurs, the buyer can deduct the deposit of quality warranty directly.

When the quality warranty deposit is not enough, if the contract price was not paid,

then it will be deduct from the contract price. If the contract money was paid, the

deduction will be required to pay from seller, till the termination of contract and

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cancel the seller’s supply qualification. When deduction, the buyer will notify the

seller in written form as the basis of penalty. If the seller has an objection to the

contents of the notice, must feedback within three natural days after receiving the

notice. Or will be considered have accepted. The deducted money, the seller shall not

be further recovery.

The specific penalty rules as following:

a)Due to the seller’s liability caused special major accident, serious accident,

larger accident and general class A accident, will acc. to authorized administrative

institute relevant decision to investigate responsibility.

b)Due to seller’s responsibility caused general class B accident, the buyer shall

have right to decide to impose 500,000 RMB penalty for each item to the seller; or

acc. to the caused economic loss and the economic claim compensation required by

final user from buyer, and acc. to the proportion of the responsibility of seller to

calculate the economy punishment to seller.

c)Due to seller’s responsibility caused general class C accident, the buyer shall

have right to decide to impose 300,00RMB penalty for each item to the seller; or acc.

to the caused economic loss and the economic claim compensation required by final

user from buyer, and acc. to the proportion of the responsibility of seller to calculate

the economy punishment to seller.

d)Due to the seller’s responsibility caused general class D accident, the buyer

shall have right to decide to impose 200,00RMB penalty for each item to the seller; or

acc. to the caused economic loss and the economic claim compensation required by

final user from buyer, and acc. to the proportion of the responsibility of seller to

calculate the economy punishment to seller.

e)Due to seller’s responsibility caused the delivered vehicle return to factory (8

or more), will acc. to the caused economic loss and the economic claim compensation

required by final user from buyer, to the proportion of the responsibility of seller to

calculate the economy punishment to seller.

f)Due to seller’s responsibility caused 50,000 or more direct economic loss, to

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the proportion of the responsibility of seller to calculate the economy punishment to


g)Due to the provided product have batch nonconformity/unqualified (every

time due to seller’s responsibility cause 10% of the delivered batch unqualified, the

same below) during inspection (include incoming inspection, release inspection, the

same below), the buyer will impose 5000—10,000 RMB penalty to seller, if the

penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the buyer, the seller should compensate

the balance.

h)Due to the provided product from seller still have batch nonconformity after

repair, the seller will be imposed 10,000—20,000 RMB penalty for each time. If the

penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the buyer, the seller should compensate

for the balance.

i)Due to quality problem during last inspection appears again in this inspected

batch of the provided same products from seller, the seller will be imposed

10,000—20,000 RMB penalty for each time. If the penalty is not enough for the

caused loss to the buyer, the seller should compensate for the balance.

j)Due to the provided product from seller have same quality problem and lead to

be transacted (twice or more) special release continuously, the seller will be imposed

10,000—20,000 RMB penalty for each time. If the penalty is not enough for the

caused loss to the buyer, the seller should compensate for the balance.

k)Due to the related inspection and test report, quality certificate etc. quality

assurance documents which provided by sell are not complete, and affects the

production and quality inspection, the seller will be imposed 5000RMB penalty, if the

penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the buyer, the seller should compensate

for the balance.

l)Due to seller provide false test and inspection report, quality certificate etc.

technical quality documents, the buyer will impose 50,000RMB penalty from the

seller for each time and cancel its supply qualification. If the penalty is not enough for

the caused loss to the buyer, the seller should compensate for the balance.

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After the FAI have been confirmed, when the buyer arrived seller’s site to

implement FAI and found it doesn’t have FAI condition, the seller will be imposed

5000RMB penalty for each time, if the penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the

buyer, the seller should compensate for the balance.

n)Due to seller’s liability and caused FAI not passed for continuous two times,

the seller will be imposed 1,000RMB penalty, if the penalty is not enough for the

caused loss to the buyer, the seller should compensate for the balance.

o)Due to the seller didn’t acc. to plan to correct the problem which mentioned

during the FAI by buyer, the seller will be imposed 1000RMB penalty for each item,

if the penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the buyer, the seller should

compensate for the balance.

p)After the seller’s product delivered to buyer site, the mentioned problem

during FAI still exist, the seller will be imposed 10,000 RMB penalty for each item, if

the penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the buyer, the seller should

compensate for the balance.

q)Due to the seller didn’t acc. to plan correct the problem which mentioned

during process audit, the seller will be imposed 1000RMB penalty for each item, if

the penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the buyer, the seller should

compensate for the balance.

r)Due to the seller’s liability caused by the product batch scrap, but the direct

economic loss is less than 50,000 RMB, the seller will be imposed 5000—10,000

RMB penalty for each time, if the penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the

buyer, the seller should compensate for the balance.

s)Due to seller product appears quality problem during vehicle operating, and

the seller didn’t handle in time. The seller will be imposed 10,000—20,000RMB

penalty for each time. If the penalty is not enough for the caused loss to the buyer, the

seller should compensate for the balance.

If the seller products exists quality problem which regulated in this agreement

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and delay the delivery to the buyer, and this lead to the buyer delay the delivery to

final customer, then the undertaken liability for breach of contract by buyer because

of the delivery delay, the seller shall compensate for it.

The above penalty rules refers special major accident, serious accident, larger

accident, general class A/B/C/D accident: see MoR 《Railway Traffic Accident

Handling Rules》, non-railway passenger accident punishment rules acc. to this

standard to implement.

18 Dispute Settlement

All arising disputes of the quality assurance agreement will be solved through

negotiation. When negotiation doesn’t work, acc. to dispute resolution clause of

purchasing business contract to settle the dispute.

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