

词 word

词素 morpheme

自由词素 free morpheme

粘附词素 bound morpheme

简单词 simple word , morpheme word(单词素词)

词根 root

派生词 derivative

屈折词缀 inflectional affix

派生词缀 derivational affix

前缀 prefix

后缀 suffix

粘附词根 bound root

词素变体 allomorph

原始派生词 primitive derivative

复合词 compound word compounding form


新古典复合词 neo-classical compound

复合连词 compound conjunction

封闭词类 closed class

开放词类 open class

功能词 function word

实义词 content word

调核 nucleus(语调核心,是一个调组中显示音调抑扬变化(降、升、降升ˇ或升降^)的强重读音节。与调组中其它音节相对而言,调核的音调最高,音幅最阔,动态变化最大,因而是语流中听觉效果最显著的音段。一个调组可以没有调冠、调头或调尾,但不能没有调核。

分析性语言 analytic language

强调词 emphasizer

并列连词 coordinator

近似并列连词 quasi-coordinator

从属连词 subordinator

简单从属连词 simple subordinator

即单词从属连词 one-word subordinator

复杂从属连词 complex subordinator

关联从属连词 correlative subordinator

边际从属连词 marginal subordinator

关系词 relative word

副词性指代词 coreference pro-form

句子成分 members of sentences

主语 subject

实义主语 notional subject

真主语 real subject

谓语 predicate

宾语 object

双宾语 dual object

直接宾语 direct object

间接宾语 indirect object

复合宾语 complex object

同源宾语 cognate object

补语 complement

主补 subject complement

宾补 object complement

表语 predicative

定语 attribute

同位语 appositive

状语 adverbial

补足成分 complementation (如宾语,补语,状语等)并列谓语 compound predicate

双重谓语 double predicate

操作词 operator

述谓成分 predication


动词 verb

主动词 main verb

及物动词 transitive verb

不及物动词 intransitive verb

连系动词 linking verb

助动词 auxiliary verb

基本助动词 primary auxiliary

情态助动词 modal auxiliary

半助动词 semi- auxiliary

情态动词 modal verb

规则动词 regular verb

不规则动词 irregular verb

短语动词 phrasal verb

限定动词 finite verb

非限定动词 infinite verb

使役动词 causative verb

感官动词 verb of senses

动态动词 dynamic verb

静态动词 stative verb

感叹词 exclamation

单宾语及物动词 monotransitive verb

双宾语及物动词 ditransitive verb

复杂宾语及物动词 complex transitive verb

实义动词 notional verb

单词动词 single-word verb

词组动词 phrasal verb

复合动词 compound verb

一致 agreement ,concord

主谓一致 subject-predicate(verb) agreement(concord)3

语法一致 grammatical agreement(concord)

概念一致 notional agreement(concord)

就近原则 principle of proximity

名词 noun

专有名词 proper noun

普通名词 common noun

可数名词 countable noun

不可数名词 uncountable noun

抽象名词 abstract noun

具体名词 concret moun

物质名词 material noun

集体名词 collective noun

个体名词 individual noun

简单名词 simple noun

复合名词 compound noun

派生名词 derivative noun

连词 conjunction

单位词 partitive 又叫单位名词 (unit noun)通性名词 noun of common gender

等级名词 gradable noun

词组 phrase

名词词组 noun phrase

动词词组 verb phrase

形容词词组 adjective phrase

副词词组 adverb phrase

介词词组 prepositional phrase

简单动词词组 simple verb phrase


复杂动词词组 complex verb phrase

限定动词词组 finite verb phrase

非限定动词词组 non-finite verb phrase

分句 clause

名词性分句 nominal clause

关系分句 relative clause 即定语从句 attributive clause

先行项 antecedent

分裂句 cleft sentence

分裂句中心成分 focus element ,focal element

存在句 existential sentence

并列结构 coordinate construction

并列成分 coordinate element

独立分句 independent clause

从属分句 dependent/subordinate clause

简单分句 simple clause

复杂分句 complex clause

限定分句 finite clause

非限定分句 non-finite clause

无动词分句 verbless clause

主句 main clause

从句 subordinate clause

分句成分 clause element

限定从属分句 finite subordinate clause

限制性关系分句 restrictive relative clause

非限制性关系分句 non- restrictive relative clause

双重关系分句 double relative clause

嵌入式关系分句 embedded relative clause

数 number


单数 singular number

复数 plural number

规则复数 regular plural

不规则复数 irregular plural

确定数量 definite quantity

非确定数量 indefinite quantity

格 case

普通格(通格) common case

所有格 possessive case

主格 nominative case

宾格 objective case

属格 genitive case

独立属格 independent genitive

双重属格 double genitive

句子 sentence

简单句 simple sentence

并列句 compound sentence

复合句 complex sentence

并列复合句 compound complex sentence

陈述句 declarative sentence ,又叫statement

疑问句 interrogative sentence 又叫question

一般疑问句 general question

特殊疑问句 special question

选择疑问句 alternative question

附加疑问句 tag question

反义疑问句 disjunctive question

修辞疑问句 rhetorical question

感叹疑问句 exclamatory question


存在句 existential sentence

肯定句 positive sentence

否定句 negative sentence

祈使句 imperative sentence ,又叫 command

省略句 elliptical sentence

感叹句 exclamatory sentence 又叫 exclamation

是非问句 yes-no queation

Wh- 问句 wh-question

附加问句 question tag

基本句型 basic sentence patern

完全句 full sentence

不完全句 minor sentence

主动句 active sentence

被动句 passive sentence

条件句 conditional

含蓄条件句 implied conditional

真实条件句 real conditional

非真实条件句 unreal conditional

拖沓句 trailing sentence

排比结构 parallel construction

深层结构 deep structure

比较结构 comparative construction

独立结构 absolute construction

从句 clause

从属句 subordinate clause

并列句 coordinate clause

名词从句 nominal clause

定语从句 attributive clause

状语从句 adverbial clause


宾语从句 object clause

主语从句 subject clause

同位语从句 appositive clause

时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time

地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place

方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner

让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession

原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause

结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result

目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose

条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition

真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition

非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal


含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition

错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition

句法关系 syntactic relationship

并列 coordinate

从属 subordination

修饰 modification

前置修饰 pre-modification

后置修饰 post-modification

限制 restriction

双重限制 double-restriction

非限制 non-restriction

限定词 determiner

物主限定词 possessive determiner

指示限定词 demonstrative determiner


关系限定词 relative determiner

疑问限定词 interrogative determiner

不定限定词 indefinite determiner

中位限定词 central determiner

前位限定词 predeterminer

后位限定词 postdeterminer

冠词 article

定冠词 definite article

不定冠词 indefinite article

数词 numeral

基数词 cardinal numeral

序数词 ordinal numeral

分数词 fractional numeral

零冠词 zero article

倍数词 multiplicative numeral

量词 quantifier

类指 generic reference

特指 specific reference

所指意义 referential meaning

代词照应 pronoun reference

确定特指 definite specific reference

照应特指 anaphoric specific reference

前照应特指 cataphoric specific reference

语境特指 (照应) situational reference

后照应 anaphoric reference

人称照应 personal reference

指示照应 demonstrative reference

比较照应 comparative reference


代词 pronoun

人称代词 personal pronoun

物主代词 possessive pronoun

反身代词 reflexive pronoun

相互代词 reciprocal pronoun

指示代词 demonstrative pronoun

疑问代词 interrogative pronoun

关系代词 relative pronoun

不定代词 indefinite pronoun

物主代词possessive pronoun

名词性属格代词 nominal genitive pronoun 在本书中仍

限定性属格代词 determinative genitive pronoun

形容词性物主代词 adjectival possessive pronoun

名词性物主代词 nominal possessive pronoun

复合代词 compound pronoun

关系代词 relative pronoun

性 gender

阳性 masculine

阴性 feminine

通性 common

中性 neuter

人称 person

第一人称 first person

第二人称 second person

第三人称 third person

形式 form



单数形式 singular form

复数形式 plural form

限定动词 finite verb form

非限定动词 non-finite verb form

原形 base form

反身形式 reflexive form

缩略形式 contracted form

综合形式 synthetic form

分析形式 analytic form


体形式 variant form 3、替换形式

用法 usage

感情彩 emotional coloring

褒义 commendatory

basic form 2、变alternative form


贬义 derogatory

幽默 humorous

讽刺 sarcastic

挖苦 ironic

强调性用法 emphatic use

非强调性用法 unemphatic use

假设意义 hypothetical meaning

非事实意义 non-factual meaning

推测性 epistemic

非推测性 non-epistemic

时态 tense

过去将来时 past future tense

过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense

一般现在时 present simple tense

一般过去时 past simple tense

一般将来时 future simple tense

现在完成时 past perfect tense

过去完成时 present perfect tense

将来完成时 future perfect tense

现在进行时 present continuous tense

过去进行时 past continuous tense

将来进行时 future continuous tense

过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense

现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense

过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense

历史性现在时 historic present

语法形式 grammatical form

时 tense

现在时 present tense

过去时 past tense

体 aspect

进行体 progressive aspect

完成体 perfective aspect

态 voice

主动态 active voice

被动态 passive voice

不定式被动态 passive infinitive

式 mood

陈述式 indicative mood

祈使式 imperative mood

虚拟式 subjunctive mood

Be-型虚拟式 be-subjuctive

Were-型虚拟式 were-subjuctive


不定式 infinitive

带to 不定式 to-infinitive

不带to 不定式 bare infinitive

-Ing分词 -ing participle

现在分词 present participle

动名词 gerund

-ed 分词 -ed participle

过去分词 past participle

悬垂分词 dangling participle 又叫无依着分词(unattached participle)

依着法则 attachment rule

形容词 adjective

单词形容词 one-word adjective

复合形容词 compound adjective

中心形容词 central adjective

外围形容词 peripheral adjective

动态形容词 dynamic adjective

静态形容词 stative adjective

等级形容词 gradable adjective

非等级形容词 non-gradable adjective

原级 positive/absolute degree

比较级 comparative degree

最高级 superlative degree

可等级的 gradable

副词 adverb

方式副词 adverb of manner


程度副词 adverb of degree

时间副词 adverb of time

地点副词 adverb of place

修饰性副词 adjunct

连接性副词 conjunctive adverb

疑问副词 Interrogative adverb

关系副词 relative adverb

简单副词 simple adverb

派生副词 derivative

频度副词 adverb of frequency

解说副词 explanatory adverb

复合副词 compound adverb


地点状语 locative adverbial

时间状语 temporal adverbial

修饰性状语 adjunct

评注性状语 disjunct

连接性状语 conjunct

同时性 same time

先时性 earlier time

后时性 later time

介词 preposition

复合介词 compound preposition

简单介词 simple preposition

复杂介词 complex preposition

双词介词 two-word preposition

三词介词 three-word preposition

四词介词 four-word preposition


否定 negation

否定范围 scope of negation

全部否定 full negation

局部否定 partial negation

转移否定 shift of negation

双重否定 double negation

直接引语 direct speech

间接引语 indirect speech

自由直接引语 free direct speech

自由间接引语 free indirect speech

引述动词 reporting verb

修饰 modification

前置修饰语 premodifier

后置修饰语 postmodifier

限制性修饰语 restrictive modifier

非限制性修饰语 non- restrictive modifier

偏斜修饰语 squinting modifier

对比含义 contrastive meaning

分隔修饰 discontinuous modification

同位语 appositive

限制性同位语 restrictive appositive

非限制性同位语 non- restrictive appositive

替代 substitution

替代词 substitute

名词性替代 nominal substitution

动词性替代 verbal substitution

分句性替代 clausal substitution


名词替代词 nominal substitute

动词替代词verbal substitute

分句替代词 clausal substitute

省略 ellipsis

情境省略 situational ellipsis

语序 order

词序 normal order

自然语序 natural order

倒装语序 inversion

全部倒装 full inversion

部分倒装 partial inversion

后置 postponement

句尾焦点 end focus

句尾重心 end weight

传递信息单位 information unit

旧信息 old information

已知信息 given / known information

新信息 new information ,the storm

信息焦点 information focus

前置 fronting


语篇 text

粘着性 cohesion

连贯性 coherence

统一性 unity

交际功能 communicative function

正确性 correctness

适合性 appropriacy


过渡词语 transitional words / phrases

逻辑纽带 logical connectors

语法纽带 grammatical connectors

词汇纽带 lexical connectors

语段 sentence group

段落 paragraph

单语段语篇 Single-Sentence-Group Text

多语段语篇 Multi- Sentence-Group Text

辅助句 supporting sentence

辅助语段 supporting sentence group

层进法 climax

意译 paraphrase


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