

速度与激情 The Fast and the Furious (2001)中英剧本

卡车上装满了值钱的货 正朝你的方向开Just packed up a real money load, and it's comir your


在卡车侧面 写着“罗杰”的就是目标Look for "Rodgers" on the side of the truck.

别忘了我那一Don't forget my share of the deal.



去边的鲔鱼三明治,对不对?Tuna on white, no crust, right?

我还没决定,今天的好吃吗?I don't know. How is it?

在过去的三个礼拜中Every day for the last three weeks you've been comir

你天天问我鲔鱼三明治好不好吃and you've been askir me how the tuna is.

昨天很糟糕It was

前天也不怎么样it was crappy the day before, and guess what.

今天还是一样It hasn't changed.

那就来份鲔鱼三明治吧 I'll have the tuna.

要去边吗?No crust?

是的No crust.

谢谢你Thank you.

这部车是有点不对劲 杰西,你看是什么毛病Talk to me, Jesse. This ain't workir, brother.

应该是燃料系统漏油的问题It's your fuel map. It's got a nasty hole.

所以在第三档就上不去It's why you're unloading in third.

我就说是第三档吧I told you it was third.

我把脉冲喷油嘴加长一毫秒I lengthen the injector pulse

再调整氧化亚氮燃油注入器 问题就解决了and just tune the NOS timer, you'll run nines.

这个傻瓜怎么回事 吃三明治好像吃上瘾了What's up with this fool? What is he, sandwich


他才不是为吃而来No, V. He ain't here for the food.

少胡扯 他是哈瑞新雇的销售员Chill out, bro. He's just slingir parts for Harry.

我知道他想干什么I know what he's slingir.

他想和蜜雅上床He's tryir to get in Mia's pants.

你们怎么样?What's up, guys?

蜜雅,你好吗?How you doir, Mia?

你还是活的那么刺激吗?How you livir, girl?

唐,要饮料吗?Hey, Dom. You want somethir to drink?

他挺帅的嘛Ah, he's beautiful.

我喜欢他的发型I like his haircut.




你要吃什么?Can I get you anything?

你今天很漂亮You look good.

谢谢你,蜜雅,明天见Thanks a lot, Mia. See you tomorrow.


明天? Tomorrow?

我最喜欢这一段Oh, I love this part.


从现在起你改吃汉堡Try Fatburger from now on.

只要两块九毛五就能吃一客 双层起司汉堡和薯条,死玻璃You can get yourself a

double-cheese with fries for ., faggot.

我喜欢这里的鲔鱼三明治I like the tuna here.

胡说,没有人喜欢Bullshit. No one likes the tuna.

我就喜欢Well, I do.

天呐!唐,你过来一下好吗?Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there?

烦死人了 告诉你我可不是开玩笑的I'm sick of this shit! I'm not kidding, Dom!

快去呀!Get out there!

你在三明治里放了什么东西What'd you put in that sandwich?

你以为自己很幽默That's really funny.


好啦All right.

他在我面前张牙舞爪He was in my face.

现在是我在你面前I'm in your face.

行啦,少逞强 你太让我没面子了Relax! Don't push it! You embarrass me!

到那边去Get over there!

杰西,把他的皮夹给我Jesse, give me the wallet.

“布莱恩厄尔史皮尼” 像个杀人犯的名字"Brian Earl Spilner." Sounds like a serial killer name.

你是杀人犯吗? Is that what you are?

不是No, man.

以后不准再来这里Don't come around here again.

我有行动的自由Hey, man, you know this is bullshit.

你是替哈瑞做事吗?You work for Harry, right?

对,才刚开始上班Yeah, I just started.

你已经被开除了You were just fired.


唐老大 谢谢你大批的向我买货Hey, Dominic, I appreciate what you did in a big way.

我永远记得你的恩惠Dominic, I owe you.

布莱恩,你想让我关门吗Brian, you're messir with my business.

只要唐老大开车,他就是财神When Dominic drives, he's golden.

大家都跑来买他所用的零件Kids pour in here, want everything he has, every performance

而且都是付现金的and they pay cash!

唐说了些什么?What did Dominic say?

你不会爱听的You don't wanna know.

他到底说了什么?What did Dominic say?

他要你He wants you outta here.

他要我? He wants me outta here?


那你又怎么说呢?And what did you say to Dom?

你想我能说什么?What do you think I said?

我只能说“好帮手很难请”I told him, "Good help is hard to find."


需要氧化亚氮燃油注入系统I need NOS.

我要氧化亚氮燃油注入系统I need NOS.


今早我开到 时速哩时就上不去了My car topped out at miles per hour this morning.

业余的人不用氧化亚氮Amateurs don't use nitrous oxide.

我见过你开车 你的脚不够灵活I've seen the way you drive. You got a heavy foot.

如果不改,迟早会出事You'll blow yourself to pieces.

给我一个这种装置I need one of these.

要大的那种One of the big ones.

等一下,给我两个吧Actually, no. Let's make it two.

还有今晚我就要And, Harry, I need it by tonight.

还有今晚我就要And, Harry, I need it by tonight.

嘿,等一下 居然有个白小子出现Hey, hold up, hold up. Look at this snowman right here, man.

喂,你的车都有什么装备Sweet ride. What you runnir under there, man?

想让我自己去发掘吗?Making me find out the hard way?

当然啦Hell, yeah.

真勇敢,我叫海克特You brave. You brave. They call me Hector.

我也有姓,但太难念,所以„I got a last name too, but I can't pronounce it, so...

我是布莱恩Brian Spilner.

典型的白人名字 你懂我的意思吧Typical white boy name. Know what I'm sayir?

你看到那边那辆车吗?See that over there?

那是我的 不过今晚我不参加赛车That's mine. It's my baby. But I ain't cuttir her loose tonight.

为什么?Why not?

因为我想参加正统赛车'Cause I'm goir legit.

我想参加劲爆拖车赛 你听过吗?Tryir to get on the NI RA circuit. You heard about that?

当然听过Hell, yeah.

你想干什么?So what's up with you, man?

我在等杜洛托I'm just waitir for Toretto.

大家都在等他Shit. Better get in line.

这是你的车?This yours?

是呀,我不正站在它旁边吗Yeah. I'm standir next to it.

妙得很 有几件事或许你还不知道That's funny. You know, Edwin happens to know a few things.

其中之一就是And one of the things Edwin

你站不站在车旁不重要it's not how you stand by your car.

重要的是你怎么赛车 老兄,最好搞清楚It's how you race your car. You better learn that.

喔,他们来了,要开始罗Oh, shit. Here they come. It's on.

唐,你好 Dom, how you doir?

嗨,卡美儿Hey, Camille.

你在练瑜珈吗?You been doir yoga?

真的呀? 当然是真的,蒙妮卡!You did? Of course you did. Monica.

我闻到一股狐骚味I smell skanks.

再不走 小心我在你们脸上留点记号Why don't you pack it up before I leave tread marks on

your face?

莱蒂,我们只是聊聊天Letty, I was just talkir.


海克特Okay, Hector.

老大,有什么事?Yeah? What's up, man?

怎么样? What's up?


今晚怎么比? How we doir this tonight?

只赛一场One race.

赌注两千美金,赢的人全拿Two-G buy-in. Winner takes all.

海克特,你来管钱Hector, you're gonna hold the cash.

为什么由海克特管钱?Why Hector?

他的车最慢 就算偷钱也跑不远He's too slow to make away with the money.

祝你们好运 Good luck, guys.

等等Wait. Hold up.

我虽然没现金 但是我有车主证I don't have any cash, but I do have the pink slip to my car.

你以为会拳击 就是拳王阿里的对手吗You just can't climb in the ring with Ali 'cause you think

you box.

他知道我打得好He knows I can box.

我有个提议So check it out. It's like this.

谁赢我,我的车就是他的I lose, the winner takes my car, clean and clear.

但若我赢了,不但拿钱 But if I win, I take the cash,

也希望能赢得你们的尊敬and I take the respect.


对某些人来说尊敬蛮重要的To some people, that's more important.

那是你的车?That your car?

这里有一个空气压缩器I see a cool-air intake.

一个氧化亚氮雾化系统 和四缸涡轮增压引擎It's got a NOS-fogger system and a T-four turbo,


还有AIC控制器I see an AIC controller.

直接接到氧化亚氮的喷气嘴It has direct port nitrous injection.

还有一个独立的燃料控制系统Yeah, and a stand-alone fuel management system.

恐怕要花上一万块美金Not a bad way to spend $,.

你看到了吗?You see that shit?

那么多的氧化亚氮 足够把他炸成碎片He's got enough NOS in there to blow himself up,


你说我值不值?What do you say? Am I won'thy?

现在还不知道 不过你可以参加比赛We don't know yet. But you're in.

咱们走Let's go.

到底发生了什么事?What the hell's goir on around here?

这条路不通,你另外路吧Street's closed, pizza boy. Find another way home.

混蛋的飙车族Goddamn street racers.

注意,这里情况很紧张Iog on , code three. Tension is high.

他们把街道封锁了They've blocked the street.


不管你赢或输,我都是你的this is yours, whether you win or lose.

但是如果你赢了,她也是你的But if you win, you get her too.

你一定会赢You're gonna win.

我绝对会赢I'm gonna win.

接到报告 巴拉肯杂货店发生命案We had a reported homicide, , at Barakian liquor.

格兰岱尔发生命案 警察全部出动I've got a in Glendale. Cops are all over it.

我们可以开始了 We're good to roll.

我再重复一次,可以开始了I repeat, good to roll.

我们开始赛车吧 Let's race!



太棒了!Hell, yeah!

天呀,那家伙可真快Damn, that guy's fast.

我们急起直追“加油呀!”Let's go! "Menage a"!

完了,蒙妮卡泡汤啦No! Monica!


安静点!Shut up!

加油呀!Let's go now, baby!

你要的全在这里 Here's what you want, right here.

给你There you go.

你在和一小鬼头赛车嘛You were racir a bunch of skateboards.

把钱交给我妹妹My sister holds the money.

你要数清楚Count it.

你就是我的奖品And you're my trophy.

蒙妮卡宝贝,怎么样呀?Hey, Monica! What's up, baby?

你有毛病吗,又没有赢What's your problem, nigga? You didn't win.

去你的!Fuck you, then!

你觉得好玩吗?Was that fun?

老弟,麻烦大了Got a problem there, huh, buddy?

你傻笑个什么劲What are you smilir about?

我几乎赢了你Dude, I almost had you.

你几乎赢我?You almost had me?

你没赢过我 连车也不是你的了You never had me. You never had your car.

你换档时乱来一通 哪有那样踩双重离合器的Granny shifting, not double-clutchir like you


好在氧化亚氮 没把空气压缩器给烧掉You're lucky that hundred-shot of NOS didn't blow the

welds on the intake.

居然敢说几乎赢我Almost had me?

现在我和我的天才科学家 得把这部车拆开Now me and the mad scientist gotta rip apart the

好把被你烧掉的活塞环给换掉and replace the piston rings you fried.

你去问问 任何一位真正的赛车手Ask any racer, any real racer.

不管你是赢一英寸或一哩It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile.

赢就是赢Winning's winning.

请注意,接到报告 在哈松区有飙车族在赛车„Available units, we have reported street racing

要命!警察来了Oh, shit! We got cops!


唐,上车,快走!Dom, get in the car! Go!

杜洛托,站住不准走!Toretto, stop right there!

上车!Get in!

没想到居然是你来救我You're the last person in the world I expected to show up.

我想若能得到你的赏识 I thought if I got in your good graces,

或许你会让我保留这部车you might let me keep my car.

你是得到我的赏识 可惜我还是要你的车You are in my good graces, but you ain't keepir your


你车开得不错 以前是开车的吗?You drive like you've done this before. What are you, a wheel



那是偷车贼罗You boost cars?

不是 No. Never.

坐过牢吗?Ever done time?

只进去过夜而已 没什么大不了的Couple of overnighters. No big deal.

你不是曾为了偷车 在感化院待过两年吗?What about the two years in juvie for boostir cars?

在图桑对不对?Tucson, right?

没错,我叫杰西去查你的资料Yeah, I had Jesse run a profile on you, Brian Earl Spilner.

如今你可以在网站上 到任何资料He'll find anything on the Web, anything about anybody.

你何必去骗人?So why bullshit?

那你呢?So what about you?

在隆波克坐了两年牢Two years in Lompoc.

我宁愿死也不要回去I'll die before I go back.

真倒霉 Oh, great.


今晚将是个漫长的一夜It's gonna be a long-ass night, that's what.

跟我们走Follow us.


我们不是已达成协议了吗I thought we had an agreement.

你走你的路,我过我的桥You stay away, I stay away.

大家都高兴Everybody stays happy.

强尼,你要我怎么说呢 我们迷路了We got lost, Johnny. What do you want me to tell you?

他是谁? Who's "we"?

我新请的技工My new mechanic.

布莱恩,这位是强尼Brian, meetJohnny Tran.

穿蛇皮裤的那位是蓝斯 是他的表弟The guy in the snakeskin pants, that's his cousin, Lance.

什么时候能 和你那部本田赛车呢?So when are you gonna give me a shot at that Honda of


这是你的车This your ride?

本来是我的,现在是他的了It was. It's his now.

不是,我还没有验收No, it's not. I haven't taken delivery.

所以是无主的车罗Then it's nobody's car.

有人下了不少功夫嘛Somebody put in the wrench time.

蓝斯,你说呢?What do you think, Lance?

看起来很不错It's an amazing machine.

的确不错Yes, indeed.

我们走Let's go.

下个月摩沙漠见I'll see you in the desert next month.

你一定会输得屁滚尿流Be ready to have your ass handed to you.

就凭这辆摩托车吗?You're gonna need more than that crotch rocket.

到时候你自然会知道I got somethir for you.

这又是怎么回事?What the hell was that about?

说来话长,以后再告诉你 我们快走Long story. I'll tell you later. Let's get outta here.


到底是怎么回事?So, what the hell was that all about?

那是个很长的故事It's a long story.

反正有二十哩的路要走 你就慢慢说吧We got a -mile hike. Humor me.

一个变质的交易A business deal that went sour.

再加上我不应该和他妹妹上床Plus, I made the mistake of sleepir with his sister.

嘿,布莱恩Yo, Spilner.

要喝啤酒吗?You want a beer?

喔!糟糕Oh, shit.

我们全都落在后面,对不对?We were all there, right? Falling behind.

载着那些氧化亚氮With all that nitrous.


唐,我们正想去你Yo, Dom. We were just about to go lookir for you, brother.

你到哪里去了?Where were you?

那里有一大堆的警察There were mass cops there.

他们像排练过的一样 从每个方向开进来They came in from every direction. Their shit was


这是你的啤酒? This your beer?

对Yeah, that's my beer.

我的大天才,带她到楼上去Yo, Einstein. Take it upstairs.

穿着衣服怎么享受嘛You can't detail a car with the cover on.

连这种小事也搞不定Can't even get that right.

你没事吧?You all right?

你看我像没事吗?Am I all right?

我只不过问问罢了It was just a question.

唐,你把那菜鸟带来这里干嘛Yo, Dom! Why'd you bring the buster here?

因为那个菜鸟救了我'Cause the buster kept me out of handcuffs!

他没有忙着逃跑He didn't just run back to the fort!

是他带我回来的The buster brought me back.

只要是可乐娜,啤酒随你喝You can have any brew as long as it's a Corona.

谢谢你Thanks, man.

那瓶是文斯的,好好享受吧That's Vince's, so enjoy it.


老大,厕所在哪里?Hey, bro, you got a bathroom?

楼上右边第一间Yeah, upstairs. First door on the right.

他没资格来这里He's got no call beir up in here.

你对他一点也不了解You don't know that fool for shit!

唐,他说的不错He's right, Dom.

文斯 别忘了当初我也不了解你呀Vince, there was a time when I didn't know you.

拜托那时候我们才小学三年级That was in the third grade!

那些女人是你来的吗?Yeah, so, what girls are here?

什么样的都有,要我的吗?You name it. You want mine?

你最好闭上„You need to shut

你什么都没有You don't have anything?

你看起来有点累You look a bit tired.

最好到楼上去替我按摩I think you should go upstairs and give me a massage.

可是这些客人怎么办Look at all our guests.

那就到楼上去由你替我按摩How about we go upstairs and you give me a massage?

疯女人Crazy lady.

记住你还欠我一部十秒内 能跑四分之一哩的极速车You know you owe me a ten-second car,



有他好看的Oh, shit.

马桶座垫你有擦干净吗?Did you wipe the seat?

好啦,你别惹事好吗Oh, Jesus Christ! Would you cut the shit already?

别这样!Come on!

走,替我拿点饮料Come on. Let's go get me a drink.

别走嘛 我们正在渐渐进入情况Come on, man. We were just about to get along.

你要哪种饮料So, what do you want?

只要是冰的都行Anything, long as it's cold.

我哥哥喜欢你 通常他谁也不喜欢My brother likes you. He usually doesn't like anybody.

对,他蛮难懂的Yeah, he's a complicated guy.

是吗?那你呢?Yeah? What about you?

我简单多了I'm simpler.

你连撒谎都不会You're a shitty liar.

我认为那是恭维Well, I'll take that as a compliment.

现在有个问题But there's a problem.

什么问题?What's that?

你得好好去睡一觉You need to get some sleep.

而且肯定需要洗澡And you definitely, definitely need a shower.

走,我送你回家Come on. I'll take you home.

把手伸出来,很好 现在把车门打开Show me your hands. Very good. Now open the door.

把手放在头后 放在你头后Put your hands on your head. Behind your head.

面向车子,向后倒退到车尾Face the front of the vehicle, walk backwards towards the rear.

向右走两步,停在那里Take two steps to your right. Stop right there.

我做了什么?What'd I do?

闭嘴 警官,他没武器Shut up. He's clean, Sarge.

慕斯,拜托你把手铐拿掉Damn! Muse, will you take these things off?

要命,弄得那么紧Shit. You put 'em on so tight.

要玩就玩真的I like realism.

玩真的You like realism.

否则万一被人看到就糟了You never know who's watching.

真漂亮 比上次被充公的房子要好多了Nice crib, Sergeant. It's a lot nicer than that last place

you confiscated.

这是艾迪费雪在五零年代 替伊丽莎白泰勒盖的Ain't it? Eddie Fisher built this house for

Elizabeth Taylor in the 's.

连好莱坞的警察都有明星架势See? Even the cops are Hollywood in Hollywood.

才把他从 杜洛托极速车天堂带过来Here he is, fresh from Toretto's hot rod heaven.

那可是部八万美金的车子That was an $, vehicle, officer.

等等,你告诉他了吗?Wait. You tell him what happened?

他早就知道了He knows what happened.

最好把帐单交给强尼Send the bill toJohnny Tran.

你居然跟我耍嘴皮子The kid's givir me attitude?

这会影响到 警方和FBI之间的关系That doesn't speak very well for police-FBI relations, Tanner.

我一走进来,他就„I walk in, the guy's

好了All right, all right.

我们慢慢谈,好吗?We'll talk, okay? Let's talk about it.

慕斯 请你给我们四杯冰卡布其诺Muse, why don't you make us four iced cappuccinos, please.

走吧Come on.

要普通的还是低的Regular or decaf, Sarge?

低的吧Decaf, I think.

两个月内有四件抢劫案 我们一点线索都没有Four hijackings in two months, and we don't

have anything.

单是DVD放映机 和数位照相机就值一、两百万DVD players and digital cameras alone are


加起来总值超过六百万美金which brings the grand total to six million plus.

我们的官方压力非常大We're in the political crosshairs now, Brian.

所以才让你去卧底That's why you're undercover.

告诉你一件事 若你能帮我们结案You want that detective badge fast, kid. And you wanna know


升官这件事就包在FBI身上The FBI can help, if you come through for us.

卡车司机是怎么说的?What does the truck driver say?

他给我们同样的描述He gave us the same M.O.

一共三辆本田喜美 驾驶技术高超Three Honda Civics,

车身底盘有绿霓虹灯the same green neon glow from under the chassis.

根据化验室的报告 刹车痕全都一样Lab says the skid marks came back the same:

是藤原正统ZX轮胎Mashamoto ZX tires.

所以一定是那些极速车So we know that it's somebody in the street racing world.

我们若不能尽快解决We don't make this

卡车司机们 就会自己采取激烈的手段the truckers will take matters into their own hands.

我告诉他们已经快结案了I tell 'em we're close.

难道你要我变成说谎的人You gonna make me a liar?

先看看我们已有的资料Look, what do we know?

我们都知道这和杜洛托有关We all know this world revolves around Toretto, right?

虽然不见得是他亲自下的手I'm not sayir that he's necessarily the one that's poppir these

但我保证他绝对知道是谁干的but I can guarantee the both of you that he knows who is.

我需要时间„It's just a matter of

你需要时间?You want time?

我们已经没有时间啦Buy the magazine. We don't have time.

尽快给我一些可以用的资料Just get me something I can use.

哈瑞有没有好好合作?Is Harry cooperating?

有,否则就叫他为收购赃物 Yeah, like a guy who's gonna do time

到牢里去蹲个三、五年for receiving stolen property if he doesn't.

他对杜洛托有什么评语What kind of vibe is he getting from Toretto?

他很怕他,可是不认为 He's scared of him, but he doesn't think

杜洛托会在闲暇时去抢卡车he's jackir trucks in his spare time.

因为杜洛托很有自制力He's too controlled for that.


不是我不相信哈瑞的观察力Not that I want to contradict Harry's fine judge

但当初杜洛托 是因为差点打死人才去坐牢的but Toretto did hard time for nearly beating a

guy to death.

他血液里充满了氧化亚氮 脑袋里则充满了汽油He's got nitrous oxide in his blood and a gas

tank for a brain.

他绝非善类Do not turn your back on him.

泰勒,我还需要一部车Hey, Tanner. I'm gonna need another car.

泰勒,我还需要一部车Hey, Tanner. I'm gonna need another car.

那零件和服务怎么办?What about parts and service?

先拖延一下Hold off on that.

我真不知道该怎么办?What should I do with this?

在搞什么呀All right, what the hell is this?

那是什么玩意?What do you got there?

你的车呀 This is your car.

我的车?My car?

我要的是 十秒能跑四分之一哩的车I said a ten-second car, not a ten-minute car.

这家伙只能用推的 或用拖车拖过终点线You could push this across the finish line, or tow it.

恐怕连拖都拖不过终点Couldrt even tow that across the finish line.

这么没信心呀No faith.

我对你有信心 对这堆垃圾可没有I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard.

我们这里是汽车修理厂This is a garage.

把车盖打开Pop the hood.

把车盖打开? Pop the hood?

对,打开它Pop the hood.

哇!JZ引擎TwoJZ engine.

这么厉害No shit.

我不是早就告诉你了吗?And what did I tell you?

我收回刚刚说的话I retract my previous statement.

依我看You know what?

如果投资一万五 若需要隔夜送到的日本零件时This will decimate all after you put about


可能要花更多的钱 但保证能打败所有的跑车or more, if we have to overnight parts from


叫哈瑞先记在我的帐上好了We'll put it on my tab at Harry's.


我得让你再去参加赛车 好从你身上赚上一笔钱I gotta get you racing again so I can make

some money off your ass.

你就去参加在加州 摩沙漠举行的极速大赛There's a show in the desert called Race Wars,

and that's where you'll do it.

以后你下班后就过来帮忙Tell you what. When you're not workir at Harry's, you're workir here.

如果在这里 还不到顺手工具的话If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr.

那你根本没资格拥有车子you don't belong near a car.

那你根本没资格拥有车子You don't belong near a car.

你是他的人了He owns you now.

告诉我你的想法Tell me what you think about this.

换成可调整的哥尼牌避震器Koni adjustables.

就能帮我减少两磅的重量Gonna save us about two pounds.

而且还能增加车轮的防滑性能And they're gonna give us better traction for the hole shot.

好All right?

这是这部车的基本设计This is your basic layout of

而那就是整理好后的成品and that's pretty much what it could look like when it's finished.

红绿相间Red, green.

天呐,你该进麻省理工学院Man, you should be goir to MIT or somethir.

想得美Yeah, right.

我得了„他们叫什么来着?No, I Oh, what's it called?



对,就是那玩意Yes, that shit. Yeah.

其实我的代数很好You know, I was good in algebra and, like,

也很喜欢数学and shit.

可惜其他科目全都一塌糊涂Everything else I failed.

最后惨遭退学Dropped out of school. I don't know.

但是不知道为什么It's just somethir

只有引擎能够使我平静下来that calms me down, you know?

我走了 I'm outta here.

别这样嘛Come on, dog.

文斯,来这边帮我们一下Vince, get over here and give us a hand.

老大,你根本不缺帮手嘛Looks like you got all the help you need, brother.

蜜雅! Mia!

来啦All right already.

鸡肉都烤干了 The chickers dry.

我马上就来I'm comir out already.

等一等Hey, hold up.

因为你是所有人中Because you were the first out of

第一个拿烤鸡的 所以由你说祈祷文to reach in to get the chicken, you say grace.

亲爱的神圣的„Dear heavenly, uh...


圣灵,谢谢你Spirit. Thank you.

嗯,谢谢你供应给我们Uh, thank you for providing us with a

氧化亚氮喷气嘴nitrous, uh,

还有进气冷却器 和滚珠轴承涡轮增压器four core intercoolers and

还有,嗯,镀钛活门弹簧and, um, titanium valve springs.

谢谢你 Thank you.


很不错 Not bad.


他根本是在向车神祈祷He was prayir to the car gods, man.

这些烤鸡真好吃These are the best.

你要什么?What do you want?

练习呀 Practice.

谢谢你,宝贝Thank you, girl.

看是谁回来了Look who it is.

咱们的老朋友Old Coyotes 'R' Us.

我还以为你不饿呢I thought you werert hungry, pumpkin.

总得吃东西嘛You know, I gotta eat.

他永远吃不饱He's always hungry.

好,快坐下来All right, sit down.

蜜雅,你好吗?How you doir, Mia?

杰西,把烤鸡给我Jesse, hand me that chicken.

让咱们吃个够Let's eat some grub.

还要不要再来点烤鸡?Want some of that chicken?

有没有租录影带?Did you rent a movie or somethir?

你需要帮忙吗?Need a hand?

不用了 你去和他们一起看录影带吧No, I'm good. You can go join the boys watchir the movie.

在我家是不让厨子善后的Well, the cook doesn't clean where I come from.

那我真希望能去那里I'd like to go there.

其实我们应该出去走走I think we should go out sometime.

我不和我哥哥的朋友约会No, I don't date my brother's friends.

不会吧That sucks.

看来我得踢他几脚I guess I'll have to kick his ass then.

那我倒想看I'd love to see that one.

就算要付钱我也心甘情愿No, I would pay to see that one, actually.

你忙完后就去替我洗车Wash my car when you get done.

你是什么意思?What was that?

蜜雅,我不是说你No, Mia.

我是指那个讨厌鬼I'm talkir to the punk.

还有把你最好的洋装穿上And wear your favorite dress, 'cause when you'

因为等洗完车后你就该去接客了I'm puttir you on the street where you belong, cutie.

这个微波炉坏了吗?Is this thing broken?

到底是怎么搞的What's wrong with this thing?

文斯,你要带我去的 那家古巴餐厅叫什么名字?V, what was that Cuban restaurant you

wanted to take me to?

就是那间很有特的餐厅The one with the peccadillo

有木头桌子上面放着红蜡烛Red candles and the wooden table?

对,还有芭蕉树Yeah, the plantain too.

那家叫什么名字?What was it called?

叫恰恰恰餐厅Cha Cha Cha.

对,就是那家Yeah, that's it.

你可以带我去那里Well, you can take me there.

星期五晚上十点,可以吗?Friday night at :. Is that good for you?

绝对没问题 Yeah, it's perfect.


怎么没有爆米花There's no popcorn?

要吃自己去做Make your own goddamn popcorn!

好啦 这比代客泊车还方便All right. Now that's valet parking.

哈瑞 Harry.

你最近好吗?What's up, dog?

托你的福,很好,快请进Excellent, brother. Come on in, man.

这些货你看喜不喜欢Check it. It's yours.

这位又是谁呀What do we got here?

新雇的帮手吗?Hired some new help, huh?

少挖苦我了Don't even think about it.

海克特,近来好吗?What's up, Hector?

你怎么样?How you feelir?

很好,你需要些什么?Pretty good. What do you need?

你帮我照着这张单子 每样要三个I need you to hook me up. Three of everything. I made a


你先看看Why don't you look that over.

什么时候要?When do you need this stuff by?

明天,今天也行Tomorrow. Today.

现在更好 Now.


白小子动作蛮快的 贝多,把钱给我White boys work fast, don't they? Beto.

很好That's right.

“本田喜美” 你说每样要三个吗?You said you need three of all this?

对,每样要三个,有办法吗?Yeah, three of everything. What do you think about that?

对,每样要三个,有办法吗?Yeah, three of everything. What do you think about that?

你先看我手里的东西Check this out.

他连呻吟都像警察He moans like a cop.

布莱恩,这是关键时刻Brian, this is one of

要非常注意你所说的话when you need to be very clear about what you say.

如果懂的话就点头Nod if you understand me.


坐起来Sit up.

你到这里来干什么Tell me what the hell you're doir down here.

我之所以来这里„Oh, shit. What I'm doir.

是因为我还欠你一部极速跑车 I owe you a ten-second car.

并且和极速大赛有关And what this is about, this is about Race Wars.

我在里面发现I just went in there, and Hector is gonna

海克特有三部本田喜美 而且装上史普恩牌的引擎three Honda Civics with Spoon engines.

除此之外,他还到哈瑞那里And on top of that, he just came into

订购三个T涡轮压缩引擎 加上氧化亚氮燃料注入器and he ordered three

和莫德克牌电脑控制系统with NOS, and a MoTeC system exhaust.

照你这么说So, what are you saying?

你要偷进每个人的车库里You're gonna go around and check everybody's

去查他们将要开什么车吗?one garage after another?


因为老大,你是知道的„Because Dom,

我不能再输了I can't lose again.

他是警察He's a cop.

一定是警察He's a cop!

你是警察吗?You a cop?

咱们出去逛逛Let's go for a little ride.


杰西,你守在这里All right, kid, stand watch.

喂,老大Hi Boss

全都没有引擎There's no engines.

那他们拿什么来比赛? 希望和梦想吗?What are they plannir on racir with? Hopes and


不知道 我只知道他们狡猾得很I don't know, but I know they're sneaky

而且钱也不是问题and they've got enough money to buy anything.


唐,他们来啦Dom, we got a wolf pack.

强尼和他那伙人 朝你那里去了,速度很快It's Johnny Tran, and he's comiryour way really fast!

有人来了,快躲All right, we got company.


走,快走!Come on. Move!

泰德,让我问你一个问题Let me ask you a question, Ted.

你有没有看出那里不对劲Do you see anything wrong here?


这里有没有引擎?We got no engines, do we?


有没有? Do we?


不是说在极速大赛前一个礼拜 Nissan SR-Twenty motors will pull a premium one week

就能拿到日产SR-的引擎吗before Race Wars, huh?

有可能Yeah, probably.

你真会讲话 或许是太会讲话了You're a smart fence, Ted. Maybe too smart.

蓝斯,你觉得哪种好?What are you feelir, Lance?

密度四十的机油?Forty weight?

还是密度五十的机油?Fifty weight?

四十的应该不错A forty weight sounds nice.

它们到底在哪里? 你最好说实话Where are they, Ted? Where are they?


它们在哪里?Where are they?

在仓库里They're in a warehouse.

它们在仓库里They're in a warehouse, man!

泰德,过来亲我的鞋子Kiss my shoes?

咱们去拿引擎Let's go get our engines.

后天我的上司 会从华盛顿到这里来My superiors are flying in from D.C. Day after tomorrow.

我一定得拿些成果给他看 到现在为止我们手上的资料是I want somethir to show. Now, we

have a

一个嘴塞润滑剂管 油嘴滑舌的人,一些自动武器with a lube hose in his mouth, automatic

一亚裔帮派a jacket full of priors on every one of these

满满一车库的DVD放映机 还有一堆发疯的行为a garage full of DVD players and generally

psychotic behavior.

何不先向强尼下手 等尘埃落定后再决定下一步Why not move on Tran now, see where we are

when the dust settles?

因为我们只掌握到情况 并没有有力的证据Because all we have is behavior. Let me get some

我们手上所有的 都不是主要的证据because what we have now

我们已经知道动机What we have is probable cause and truckers

和卡车司机准备自己组织 对抗暴力的自卫队for some good old vigilante mayhem.

告诉我们海克特这个人Tell us about Hector.

他是拉丁人,一个小角Latinos with spear guns. Give me a break.

他仍在替车子装引擎Hector's still working on the engines for

但是轮胎不合but the tires don't match.

谁有香烟,给我一根Will someone just give me a cigarette?

快给他一根香烟Get him a cigarette.

别给他香烟Don't get him a cigarette.

你不是戒烟了吗I thought you quit.

是戒了Yeah, I did quit.

给我一根烟行不行Just give me a cigarette.

快给他香烟Get him a cigarette.


杜洛托这个人呢?Tell me about Toretto.

他不像会做这种疯狂事情的人He's too controlled for this.

他应该不会做这种 自杀式的卡车抢劫行为I mean, what? Going suicidal on semi trucks? No


文斯也许会做 但他不够聪明去策划它I mean, maybe his buddy Vince, but he's too stupid to

pull it off.

我想那家伙的妹妹 蒙住了你的眼睛I think the kid sister's blurring your vision.

你是什么意思?What do you say?

我不怪你I don't blame you.

监视她也是我的一大享受I'd get off on her surveillance photos too, buddy.

别打了,你也喜欢动粗了吗?Knock it off. What? Are you going native on me, Brian?

你最近看过杜洛托的档案吗Have you read Toretto's file lately?

我已经全都记住了Yeah. I memorized that file.

再看一遍吧Yeah, well, read it again.

你最好看看这些资料No. Better still. Take a look at these.

记得我曾经告诉过你 他几乎打死一个人吗?Remember I told you about the guy he nearly

beat to death?

他是用三分之四英寸的扭力板手 打伤那个人的Toretto did this with a /-inch torque wrench.

这就是他的典型自我控制力He's a model of self-control.

再给我几天时间I need a few more days.

我还需要几天时间I need a few more days.

我还需要几天时间I need a few more days.

它将会从下向上卷What it's gonna do is it's gonna spool up.

我把最大操纵压力设在I got this set up for psi.

听说你今晚有个大计划?You got big plans tonight?

对,我邀蜜雅去吃晚餐Yeah. We're going out to dinner.

你若伤她的心 我就扭断你的脖子You break her heart, I'll break your neck.

那种事绝对不会发生That's not gonna happen.

我给你看样东西I wanna show you something.


是我和我爸爸改装的Me and my dad built her.

九百马力的大马力跑车 它是个野兽 horses of Detroit muscle. It's a beast.

你知道她在棕榈谷跑多快吗?Know what she ran in Palmdale?

多快?No. What did she run?

九秒跑四分之一哩Nine seconds flat.

天呀 God.

是我爸爸在开My dad was driving.

扭力是那么的强 车身的底盘差点就脱离了So much torque the chassis twisted coming off the


而且非常难控制她Barely kept her on the track.

那你能开多快?So what's your best time?

我从来没开过I've never driven her.

为什么?Why not?

因为她让我害怕Scares the shit out of me.

那是我爸爸 当时他参加职业改装车大赛That's my dad. He was coming up in the pro stock car


是那一季的最后一场比赛Last race of the season.

一个叫肯尼的家伙 在最后转弯时从内线冲出来A guy named Kenny Linder came up from

inside in the

碰到他的保险杠 让他在时速时失控撞墙and clipped his bumper and put him into the wall at .

我亲眼看着我爸爸被烧死I watched my dad burn to death.

我还记得他的呼喊声I remembered hearing him scream.

那里的人说 在油箱着火前他已经死了The people that were there said he had died before the

tanks blew.

而喊叫声是出自于我They said it was me who was screaming.

事后大约一个星期我看到肯尼I saw Linder about a week later.

手上刚好有个扳手 就用它去揍他I had a wrench, and I hit him.

我并无意拼命的打他And I didn't intend to keep

但当我停下来时 手臂连举都举不起来but by the time I was done, I couldn't lift my arms.

他在中学里做工友He's a janitor at a high school.

每天搭巴士上下班Has to take the bus to work every day.

从此以后 他们不准我参加任何赛车比赛And they banned me from the tracks for life.

如今我是今朝有酒今朝醉I live my life a quarter-mile at a time.

其他都无关紧要Nothing not the mortgage, not

什么贷款、店的生意 和我的那帮人,全都不重要not my team and all that bullshit.

只有赛车时的短短十秒钟For those ten seconds

刹那间我彻底的解脱了I'm free.

这个帮派是怎么组成的?So how is it, anyways, that the gang came to be?


这个帮派The gang.

他们不把它叫做帮派The gang? No, they don't call themselves a gang.

那该怎么称呼呢?What do they call themselves?

他们称之为团队They're a team.

他们叫自己为团队They call themselves a team.

这个团队是怎么组成的呢?How is it the team came to be?

说来话长Well, that's a whole lot of history.

我有的是时间I've got time.

文斯和我哥哥一起长大Vince grew up with my brother.

可惜他一直不成熟He didn't ever actually grow up, as you can tell.

他们从小就是朋友 至于莱蒂是我们的邻居But they were friends as kids. And Letty, she lived

down the street.

早在她十岁时就对车子着迷了Always into cars, though, ever since she was ten years old.

所以我哥哥自然引起她的注意So, naturally, my brother always had her attention.

当她十六岁时„And then she turned ...

她却引起你哥哥的注意And then she had Dom's attention.

对,这种事是不是很好玩Yeah. Yeah, it's funny how that works, isn't it?


杰西又是怎么加进来的呢?How is it thatJesse fits into the whole thing?

杰西和李昂这两个家伙Well, Jesse and Leon just sort of showed up

有天突然出现后就不走了and never ever left.

其实这和我哥哥有关 他像是„It's just the way my brother is. Dom'

他像是一块磁铁He's like gravity.

把大家都吸引进来Everything just gets pulled to him.

你也一样Even you.

不是No, no

吸引我的是你The only thing that pulled me in was you.

和你哥哥做朋友是额外的奖金Being friends with your brother is just a bonus.

很好That's good.

偶尔能排在第一位 感觉上倒是很棒That's good. That's nice to come first every once in a while.

我们去兜风好吗?You wanna go for a drive?


又发生抢案了The hijackers have hit again.

比金已经决定在下午五点Bilkins made his decision. We're gonna move

向强尼和他的手下动手 除非你有异议and his guys at hours, unless you say otherwise.

如果同意就说“是”If you agree, just say yes.

是 Yeah.

那是谁呀?Who is that?

打错号码的Just a wrong number.

是的,长官,我知道,可是„Yes, sir. Yeah, I know,

是„长官Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yes, sir.

是的,我知道了Yeah. I got it.

DVD放映机都是合法购买的The DVD players were purchased legally.

我们只能告强尼和他的党羽 非法持有武器All we've got on Tran and company are a couple of

和几张超速罚单而已and some outstanding speeding tickets.

所以他们都出狱罗So they're out.

是他爸爸来保释他们的Yeah. Father bailed 'em out.

奥康纳 你的智商只有这么一点吗?Is this the kind of intelligence I can expect from you,


你想怨到我头上You're gonna put this on me?

我想怨谁就怨谁I can put it on whoever I want to.

这是我的权力Perks of the job.

你根本怨不到我No way you're gonna put this on me.

安静点,你最好听清楚Wait a minute. Let me tell you.

不管你用什么方法I don't care if you have to put a gun to someone'

就算暴露身份我也不在乎and blow your cover to smithereens.

限你在小时内把案子了结You got hours to crack

否则请你另就高明or you might wanna be thinkir about another career.

是杜洛托,绝对是杜洛托It's Toretto, Brian. It always has been Toretto.

强尼和海克特只是烟雾而已Tran and They're just fumes.

我知道你一直在骗我 问题是Well, I know you've been lying to me. My question is this:

你有没有因为 蜜雅的关系也在骗自己Have you been lying to yourself because you can't see

past Mia?

他绝不愿意再回牢里去He won't go back to prison.

坐不坐牢要他自己去决定Well, that's a choice he's going to have to make.

世上有各式各样的人There's all kinds of family, Brian.

而你必须做个选择That's a choice you're gonna have to make.

紧张大师,准备好了吗?You ready for this, jumpy?


好车,市价是多少?Nice car. What's the retail on one of those?

老兄,你可负担不起 这可是法拉利More than you can afford, pal. Ferrari.

赢过他Smoke 'im.

有什么事不对劲吗?So what's wrong, Brian?

没什么,我很好Nothir, man. I'm fine.

少装蒜了 显而易见的你有心事Come on. Obviously something's off.

我也和别人一样 心情有好有坏Look. I have my good days, and I have my bad days, like

anybody else.

别失去你那股酷劲 那才是你的饭票Brian, don't lose that cool. That's your meal ticket.

我的饭票 我连自己的车都负担不起My meal ticket? What? I can't pay for my own shrimp?

我已经替你改装了一部车I got your shrimp.

你看这就是我的毛病That's one thing about me.

我不接受别人的施舍You don't understand. I don't need handouts. I don't take handouts.

我要自己去赚I earn my way, every step.

我必须另外赚些外快 就像你一样I just gotta make a little something extra on the side, like you.

像我一样,这是什么意思?What do you mean, like me?

你言下之意是什么? What's that supposed to mean?

那就是我的意思That's what I mean.

像我一样,你在说什么What does that mean, like me?


我不是傻瓜I'm not stupid, all right?

你改装车子所花的那些钱„I know there's no way you paid for all that shit under

老实说你改装车子所花的钱There's no way you paid for all that shit under the hood of those

光靠替人调整引擎 和卖杂货绝对不够by doing tune-ups and selling groceries.

不管你的副业是什么 我要参加一Now, whatever it is you're in on, I want in on it too.

这是什么? What is this?

你自己看Read it.

这是干什么?What is this for?

那是地图It's directions.

到极速大赛场的地图 先看你的表现To Race Wars. We'll see how you do.

别的以后再谈Then we'll talk.

{c&HDEAEA&}(不准进入——基地关闭 美国政府资产)

兄弟,你好吗? How's it goir, bro?

你好What's up, man?

欢迎参加极速大赛Welcome to Race Wars.

很好,谢谢你Great. Thanks a lot.

嘿,宝贝Baby. Hey, baby.

美女,你应该到观众席上去 You should watch from the side.

否则会被排气喷得满身都是I wouldn't want to get exhaust on you.

少贫嘴,有钱再说话Put your money where your mouth is?

那咱们就赌你的美臀如何?How 'bout I race you for that ass?

想女人好莱坞大道上多得是You want ass, why don't you hit Hollywood Boulevard?

若想来一小段刺激赛 赌注是两千You want an adrenaline rush, it'll be two large.

就在此时此地,你敢吗?Right here, right now. What's it gonna be?

好,就这么决定You got it.

又一个送财美人Another one bites the dust.

让我看看你有什么本事Come on. What do you got? What ya got?

等会儿见See ya.

布莱恩,怎么样?Whoa. Bri, what's up?

杰西,你怎么了? 你手里拿着什么?What's up, Jesse? What do you have in your hand?

学你呀,这是车主证Throwing down the pink slip, just like you.

车主证?是那辆捷达车吗?The pink slip to what? TheJetta?


你不能拿你爸爸的车来赌You can't bet your dad's car.

没关系It's all right.

我一定会赢 那家伙开的是本田I ain't losir. This fool is runnir a Honda . I'll win.

我赢的话 等我爸出狱后手上就会有点钱That way, me and my dad can roll together when he

gets out of prison.

等他杀了你后,又得回牢里去They're gonna throw him right back in prison after he kills you.

放心,我一定会赢Shit. I'm up.

想像你得到胜利 杰西,一定要想像你得到胜利Visualize the win. Visualize the win, Jesse.

这很重要,你一定要听我的话I'm serious. Listen to me, man.

你的对手是谁?Who you racir?

别和他赌,我保证他绝对 投资了好几十万在那部车上Don't do it. I bet you he's got more than

a hundred grand under the hood.

小子你太早了Too soon, junior.


喔,天呀!Oh, God.

快来,我们有麻烦了Heads up, bro. We got problems.



他要去哪里?Where's Jesse goir?

他刚拿车主证和强尼赛车He just raced Tran for slips.

真要命Oh, shit.

他到哪里去了?Where's he going?

他去洗车He went to the car wash.

去把我的车子拿来Whatever. Go fetch my car.

你的车? 现在可不是在你的地盘上Go fetch your car? We're not on your block anymore.

看清楚你在和谁说话You'd better watch who you talk to like that.

霹雳小组突击我家 使我家族受辱SWAT came into my house, disrespected my

那是因为有人出卖我because somebody narced me out.

出卖我的人就是你!And you know what? It was you!

放开他!Go! Let him go!

把他拉走,别打了!Get off of him! Get off of him!

唐,冷静点,咱们走Dom, chill out, man. Come on. Let's go.

我从没出卖过任何人I never narced on nobody! I never narced on nobody!


求求你不要去I'm asking you not to go.

我这么做是为了我们俩I'm doing this for both of us.

胡说,是为了你自己Don't give me that crap. You're doing this for you.

为什么你不让我去呢?Why are you asking me to stay?

你为什么一定要去呢?Why do you insist on doing this?

唐,求求你别去Dom, please, don't.

蜜雅,怎么回事?What's goir on?


你知道我在说什么You know what I'm talkir about.

不,我不知道No, I don't, Brian.

难道每次唐开车走时 你都会眼眶红红的吗?So what? You always have tears in your eyes

when Dom drives away?

你是怎么搞的嘛?What is the matter with you?

别装了Come on.

半夜三更你哥哥会去哪里呢?What's your brother racir off in the middle of the night for?

是不是和卡车有关 你说是不是?I'm talkir about the trucks. You know about the trucks?

什么卡车,你在说什么?No, Brian. What trucks?

烦死人了Jesus Christ.


你听我说Listen to me.

蜜雅,我是个警察Mia, I'm a cop.

你在胡言乱语什么What are you talking about, Brian? What is this?

当我们第一次见面时 我就是卧底警探Ever since the first time I met you, I've been undercover.

我真的是警探I'm a cop.

你这个混蛋You bastard.

去你的You bastard.

放开我!Get off of me, Brian!

你听我说Listen to me!

我可以对天发誓 我对你的感情是真实的Everything I ever said I felt about you was real, I

swear to God.

你一定要相信我 但现在的问题是你哥哥You have to believe me. But right now, this isn't about

you and me.

你哥哥正要去做案 而我们的时间不多了Your brother's about to pull a job, and we're almost

out of time.

那些卡车司机 不会再束手就擒Those truckers, they're not laying down anymore.

也许今晚他们能得手They may make it through the night, but every law

但是加州所有的执法人员 都会盯上他们in California is comir down on 'em.

如果你希望你哥哥、莱蒂 李昂、文斯都能安全无恙If you don't want anything to happen to

your brother,

最好现在就和我一起走to Leon, to Vince, you have to just get in that car with me right now.

你一定要帮我You have to help me.

你是唯一能帮我的人Mia, you are the only person that can help me right now.

求求你帮助我Please, Mia. Please help me.

本田车藏在 某处加热锅炉厂的外面Civics are stashed somewhere outside ofThermal.

他们是不开回头路的 而十号公路上又有警察在巡逻They wouldn't double back. And Highway


那我们得到什么结论so what does that leave us with then?

这就是我们的结论That leaves us with all this.


我是奥康纳警探Yes, this is Officer

编号是serial number .

我需要追踪一个手机号码I need a cell phone trace.

手机号码是什么?What's the cell number?

蜜雅,手机号码呢?Mia, what's the cell phone number?

她现在需要唐的手机号码Come on, Mia. She needs Dom's cell phone number now.


谢谢你,你听到了吗?Thank you. You get that?

我们少了一个人 所以莱蒂你要开车All right. We're one man short. Letty, I need you on the left


你妹妹说的没错 似乎是有点不对劲Your sister's right about this one. This don't feel good.

别这么说Don't do that.

真的好像有问题 Something's wrong.


我们应该等杰西的We shouldn't be doing this withoutJesse.

这是个大金矿 我们已经盯了三个月Look. This is the mother lode. We've been on this for three


做完这次,大家都可以放长假After this, it's a long vacation for everyone.

走吧 Let's go.

希望如此I hope so.

有一天晚上我做了个梦Listen. The other night I had a dream that you

梦见我们俩在墨西哥的海滩上were on a beach in Mexico.

真的吗? Really?


走,先把这件事搞定Come on. Let's make this happen.

注意扫瞄器 Keep on those scanners.

知道了Copy that.

好,我们出发吧All right. Let's go.


那个手机号码在号公路北向We traced the number to the northbound ...

在科切拉之外 哩程标的地方mile outside Coachella.

我们会继续追踪We'll keep the trace open.

我来看一下地图Let me see this.

我们离他们大约哩All right. I think we're about miles away.

你打算怎么做呢?What are you gonna do?

你到底想怎么做What are you gonna do?

好,开始行动Okay! Go time!

情况不错 扫瞄器上什么也没有We're all good, man. I got nothir on the scanners.

继续注意Keep goir.

文斯,快回来!Don't! Get back in!

司机居然有猎He's got a damn shotgun!

退后,把他弄下来Back off! Get him off of there!


把我弄下来,靠近点Get me off this thing! Pull up!

你先把钩子松开 Unook yourself!

回来Come back!

快松开 Do it!

靠近点!Pull up!

我不能„ I

你能的You can do it!

你一靠近我就跳Pull up! I'll jump!

快点!Come on!

我去分散他的注意力I'm pullir up to distract him.

你们加油呀Come on, boy.

开哪有赛车刺激Shot doesn't get better than this.

混蛋,你居然真开Son of a bitch!

帮我离开这里 我先把金属线松开Take me off of here. I'm gonna unook the wire.

再试一次,一、二、三Try it again. One, two, three!

先把线松开Unook yourself!

我的手臂被缠住了I can't get my arm free!

你抓住我的手Vince, grab my hand!

我的手臂!My arm!

听着,把你的手给我Listen! Give me your hand!

我的手被缠住了I can't get my hand free!

我会拉你过来I'm gonna pull you off!

唐老大,千万别放弃我Dominic, hold on! Listen to me!


坚持下去Hold on!

你走开,我去帮他Move out of the way! I'm comir to get him!


李昂,你回去帮莱蒂Pull back for Letty.

把她带走 Get her out of there!

我马上去I'm on it! Go!

我去帮她,你把文斯救下来I got her! You get Vince off that truck!

莱蒂Come on, baby.

你没事吧You okay?

你还好吗?让我看看Come on, girl. You all right? Come on. Let me look at you.

快,我们得走了Come on. We gotta go. Let's go.

你来开车Take the wheel!

你是什么意思?What do you mean?

把脚踩在油门上Put your foot on the gas!

你想干什么?What the hell are you gonna do?

我去救他I'm gonna get him.

快踩油门 Put your foot on the gas!


稳住车子 All right. Keep it steady.

可以了I got it!

文斯,坚持下去All right. Hold on, Vince!

他的情况不好,再靠近点He's having a hard time holding on! Get me a little closer!

好All right!


我正在接近I'm moving in!

好,保持这个距离Hold it right there!


你要和我合作You gotta hang in with me!

我们会把你弄下去 把你的手臂给我We're gonna get you off this thing! Give me your arm!

看着我,千万别放手Look at me. Don't let go.

文斯,用手臂抱着我Come on, Vince! Throw this arm around me!

别放手Don't let go.

文斯!靠近点Come on, Vince! Get closer!

再靠近点Vince, get closer! Come on!

好了,你先下去Here we go.

我要跳了Gotta jump.


宝贝,不会有问题的,我爱你It's gonna be okay, baby. I love you.

你去照顾她Watch her.

文斯,撑下去Come on, Vince. Hang in there!

救护车得在十分钟内到达 否则他就死定了If we don't get him to an ambulance in ten minutes,

he's dead.

你按着这里 Hold this. Hold the pressure.

我会的I got it.

别放手,把他的手臂抬高Don't let go. Hold his arm up.

我是奥康纳警探Yeah. Yeah, this is Officer Brian O'Conner.

现在不在职勤中I'm off-duty M.A.P.D.

我立刻需要一架救护直升机I need a life flight rollout right away.

我的位置是在号公路 哩程标My twenty is Highway , mile marker .

这里有一位重伤遇难者 I got one trauma victim,

大约岁、六尺高、磅about years of age, maybe pounds.

右臂的割口很深、动脉出血He's got a deep laceration to his right arm with arterial bleeding.

他的左脚被猎近距离射伤And he's got a shotgun wound, close-range, to his left leg.


他刚进入休克状态Yeah. And he's going into shock.

唐,把放下来Put the gun down now!

把你的车开走 放屁,Move your car.

把放下来Bullshit. Put it down now!

不要再逃了 No more running.

我没有逃I'm not running!

李昂和莱蒂呢?Where's Leon and Letty?

他们早就走了They're long gone.

一切都结束了,我没叫警察 但别逼我Then it's over. I didn't call the police, but don't push me.

把放下来,我发誓„Put the gun down! I swear

你就是警察You are the cop!

你就是警察呀!You're a cop!

我必须在他们之前到杰西Brian, I gotta find Jesse before they do.

这孩子只能靠我I'm all the kid's got.

我可以叫警方寻他的车牌I'll call in the plates.

一定会在强尼之前到他的P.D.'ll pick 'im up way before Johnny even gets near 'im.

把你的车开走Move your car.

拜托你们别吵了Dom, stop it! It's over! Please!

蜜雅,没你的事,把你的„Mia, stay out of it.

唐,对不起 我不知道自己在做什么I am so sorry. I don't know what I'm doir.

我吓得要死,不知道该怎么办I'm so scared right now. I don't know what's goir on.

杰西,你的脑袋在想些什么?What were you thinkir, man?

我吓呆了I don't know. I panicked.

我真不知道自己在干什么 求求你帮帮我I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing. Will you

please help me?


叫救护车,你去叫救护车Call . You, call !

当我念高中时常来这里I used to drag here back in high school.

从这里到平交道是四分之一哩That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter-mile away.

绿灯一亮我就会冲过去On green, I'm goir for it.

我没料到会是这样的结果That's not what I had in mind.

你知道自己在做什么吗?You know what you're doir?

我还欠你一部极速跑车I owe you a ten-second car.

我是今朝有酒今朝醉I live my life a quarter-mile at a time.

其他都无关紧要Nothing else matters.

只有赛车时的短短十秒钟For those ten seconds

刹那间我彻底的解脱了I'm free.

本文发布于:2024-09-22 03:57:40,感谢您对本站的认可!



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