典范英语8-17Doughnut Dilemma原文+翻译


8-17 Doughnut Dilemma 炸面圈的两难处境


Danny MacDonald lived for football.

He played it, watched it, talked and dreamed about it. It was his best lesson at school and his favourite game

at break. At home lie kicked a football around the garden, and at the park he got together with his friends for a


You want to know if he was any good at football? He wasn’t brilliant, but he wasn’t bad. Sometimes he

was on the school under-twelves team, and sometimes he wasn’t.

When he was, he pretended he was playing for Lowgate United.

Danny had the Lowgate home strip and the away strip. He also had the scarf, the pyjamas, the duvet cover,

the notebook, the socks, and four walls full of posters .

His favourite poster, on his bedroom door, was a shot of Keith Connolly belting in a winner

Keith Connolly was Lowgate’s captain and their star striker. When he joined them, they shot into the

Premier League. He could make stunning goals out of nothing. He could whack a ball into the net with his left

foot from inside his own half.

Written by Margaret and illustrated by Scoular Anderson

Chapter 2

One day in January, after school, Danny hurried through his homework. He wanted to watch TV. Keith

Connolly was doing an interview on the local news programme.

Danny hoped that the television wouldn't go fuzzy or lose the sound when Keith Connolly was talking. It was

an old set, and it did things like that.

It buzzed and flickered a bit, but at last Keith Connolly's smiling face appeared on the screen.

‘What I really like about playing for Lowgate,’he said, ‘is the fans. They’re the best. They always turn out for

us. It’s fantastic running on to the pitch to all that cheering and chanting.’

Danny wished he could be in that crowd at Jam Street, the Lowgate ground, but the price of a single ticket

was way above anything he could afford.

There was no chance of the whole family going, or even just Danny and Gareth, his little brother.

‘You won again on Saturday,’said the reporter. ‘Did the team go out to celebrate?’

‘We went for a meal together,’ said Keith Connolly, ‘but I have to be careful about what I eat, because I want

to stay fit. I love doughnuts…’

Then the sound went fuzzy, and Danny jumped up and thumped the top of the set to make it come on again.

He hadn't missed much. But he had missed something important.

Keith Connolly had been saying, ‘…but I’m not allowed to eat doughnuts.’

Danny hadn’t heard that hit. All he heard was Keith Connolly loved doughnuts. And at the end of Danny’s

street was a bakery. It sold the biggest, stickiest, jammiest gooey doughnuts ever made.


Chapter 3

When Danny went to bed, he lay wide-awake under his Lowgate duvet, making plans. He had to find a way of

getting those doughnuts to Keith Connolly.

In his house on the other side of the city, Keith Connolly was lying awake, too, under his Lowgate duvet. He

was thinking of doughnuts. He wasn’t happy.

He wished he hadn’t said anything on TV about doughnuts. Now,however hard he tried, stop thinking about

them . Enormous gooey, sticky doughnuts, oozing with strawberry jam.

But you can’t be a stop striker and eat doughnuts.

The team lived on chicken, fish, vegetables, pasta, and fresh fruit. Doughnuts were made of all the things

they mustn’t eat –He groaned, pulled the duvet over his head, and tried to sleep.

Danny knew that doughnuts had to be eaten fresh. You can’t send them in the he was going to get

doughnuts to Keith Connolly,he would have to deliver ’d meet Keith Connolly face to face!

He didn’t knew where Keith Connolly lived,so he couldn’t take them to his house. And nobody was allowed

near the team at training sessions.

He’d have to go to ground on a match day, get to players’ dressing room,and hand them to Keith Connolly

himself. He wasn’t going to leave them with a security guard .He might forget about them,or scoff them with

his coffee.

There were two problems.

Firstly,to get into the ground,he’d need a match added it all he used his Christmas money,

saved his pocket money,and got paid for washing the car and walking next door’s Great Dane, he could raise

enough for a would also have enough for the bus fare,and the doughnuts. The second was harder.

Getting inside the players’ changing room at Jam Street was like breaking into a were security

guards, and a dog that looked like its mother was a wolf and its father was a dinosaur. Danny would have to

work out how to get past that lot.

There was plenty of time . It would take weeks to save the money,so Doughnut Day would be some time in

March or April.


Keith Connolly went to training every day, trying hard not to think about more he tried, the

more he thought about couldn’t concentrate on training .He wondered what warm doughnuts with ice

cream would be like . The very thought made him miss an easy header.

The manager, Big Brian the Boss,noticed it. ‘Twenty press-ups, Connolly!’ he roared.

But he had to roar it twice,because Keith was still thinking about warm doughnuts

The next Saturday afternoon,Danny settled down to watch the Lowgate match on television.

It was watched helplessly as Keith Connolly missed an easy penalty the post,and fell over his own

feet. Low gate lost 3—0.


For the rest of the season, Low gate went from bad to lost pace and failed to score, Every pass

sailed by him.

Big Brian the Boss couldn’t understand what was wrong with Keith.

He asked him time and time again, but Keith, wouldn’t tell.

He couldn’t say,’The truth is,boss,I’m dying for a doughnut,’He’d feel stupid.

Doughnuts followed him into his sleep. He dreamed of scoring in the World Cup by belting a doughnut to the

back of the net. In the mornings ,he drove to the jam Street ground the long way round,so he wouldn’t smell

the doughnut in the bakery.

If he saw the security guards eating doughnuts he had to look away Even the Boss’s head, which was bald and

sun-tanned and often glistening with sweat, made him think of a golden brown doughnut sprinkled with sugar.

His playing became worse and e drew one week and lost the fans talked about free

transfers. Big Brian the Boss worried about relegation.

Everybody at Danny’s school said Keith Connolly should be sold. Danny stuck by his hero.’What he needs is

a doughnut,’ he though, as he washed cars and walked the Great Dane.

Chapter 5

On the morning of 16 March, Danny was up early.

He had a ticket for the Low gate game against Sprint United. Sprint were having a brilliant season. Danny’s

strip was spread out on the bed and he had bought a packet of dog chews. They might come in useful with the

dog at the ground. He was at bakery door before it even opened.

There was no point in getting just one doughnut. He bought four, glistening, puffy, jammy doughnuts Packets

of four were on special offer. He put them in a sandwich box from the kitchen, so they didn’t get squashed, and

so he wouldn’t have to see them all the time. They looked so good.

He was too excited to eat much at lunchtime. All he wanted was to get on the next bus to jam Street.

He was at the front door,with the box under his arm,when he heard a muffled sniff. He looked round.

His little brother,Gareth was sitting halfway down the stairs. He didn’t say anything, but he rubbed his eyes


‘What’s the matter?,kid?’said he knew. ‘Want to come,’said Gareth.

Danny felt really bad.’Look,when you’re a bit older we’ll go to matches together.’He wished he could take

Gareth with him.

He thought of the doughnuts in the of Connolly wouldn’t want four,would he?

‘How about a doughnut?’he said,and he left Gareth,jammy and a bit comforted, sitting on the stairs eating a



At the ground, Danny found his place. He had chosen a spot near to the exit,so that he could nip out at half

had the dog chews ready to bribe the guard ’d have to dodge the security guards somehow.

The cheering and chanting began,and the stamping and had to stand on tiptoe to see,but he


was part of clapped and shouted as the teams ran on to the pitch.

Then the whistle blew and they kicked off.

After that,he thought he’d rather not Connolly wasn’t was on the substitutes’ bench.

After all his efforts,for all those weeks,he wouldn’t even see Keith Connolly he’d been younger he

might have cried. ‘Subs’ bench is the best place for Connolly,’said a man near Danny.’Then should sell him.’

‘They should give him away,’said somebody else.’Free,in a packet of cornflakes.’Everyone laughed except

Danny. Lowgate were playing two other strikers. Their names were Steve Hackett and Jim Mackay,but

everyone called them Hack and Mack.

They did their best,but it wasn’t and Connolly were a good combination. Mack and Connolly

were a killing combination.

But Hack and Mack together just couldn’t get it right,and Sprint United were on top form. Danny winced

as the first goal rocketed into the Lowgate the second one floated into the top corner, he shut his

he opened them again,Keith Connolly was slipping away down the players’ tunnel.

Chapter 7

This was his the box of doughnuts under his arm,Danny bolted for the ran round the

back of the players’ changing ducked behind a dustbin. Two security guards stood on duty at the

of them looked big enough to stop a tank with one hand.

One was listening to a radio,and the other was filling in the crossword in his newspaper.

Between them lay The that a dog?Even lying down,it looked half as tall as started at the

dustbin, and stood up, snarling.

‘Shut up,Vinny,’said one of the guards. ‘I’m listening to the match.’

Danny took a dog chew from his pocket and dropped to his held out the took care not to

look The Dog in the eyes. ‘Good boy,’ he whispered. ‘Good lad, Vinny.

Vinny was big, but he wasn’t really much of a guard dog. He trotted up to Danny. Then he sniffed the chew,

decided he didn’t like it, and growled again.

Danny tried a chocolate flavoured one. Vinny still wasn’t interested.

There were three doughnuts in the box. Keith Connolly wouldn’t eat three, would he? If Danny couldn’t get

past this dog, he wouldn’t get any at all.

Danny opened the box. Vinny sat down with his head on one side and his tail wagging.

When Danny put a doughnut in front of him, he took it lovingly between his forepaws. He settled down to

lick off the sugar.

The guards hadn’t even looked up. Danny threw his empty Coke can as hard as he could, and as it clanged

and clattered the guards sprang to their feet. So did Danny.

‘He went that way!’ he yelled, pointing. ‘And the other one went – um – that way!’

The guards raced in opposite dashed for the changing room, and found himself in the

corridor lined with closed doors.


Just as he wondered which one to try, he heard the sound of a footie boot hitting the wall.

He opened the door quietly, just a bit, and looked in. Keith Connolly flung his second boot against the

he slumped down on the bench with his head in his hands.

For the first time,Danny felt shy,In front of him was a miserable, failed he was still the great

Keith Connolly. ‘Excuse me,’ he said. Keith Connolly looked didn’t seem surprised to see a stranger

in the dressing didn’t even seem to care.

‘Excuse me,Mr Connolly-er,sir,-er,Keith,’he said awkwardly.’I’ve brought you some doughnuts.’


‘Doughnuts!You brought me doughnuts!’Keith Connolly stared so wildly that Danny couldn’t tell if he was

furious, or just amazed.

‘You said you like them,’he faltered.’ On television,you said you like I’ve brought you some.’

Keith Connolly went on staring as if Danny were a blue,three-headed monster.

Then Keith laughed.’For three months,I’ve not had a single doughnut, so I’d stay , d’you know what

the Boss said to me just now?He said he doesn’t want me for next ’s putting me on the transfer

it won’t matter now if I eat doughnuts,will it?That’s very kind of you, ’s your name?’

‘Danny,’ He opened the doughnuts looked bigger,stickier and jammier than

Connolly gazed at them as if he’d fallen in love.

‘You choose first,Danny,’he said.

‘No,they’re both for you,’said Danny with a great wished he’ d eaten more at lunchtime. ‘ I’m

sorry there’s only should be four. But I gave one to my little brother,and one to the guard dog to

keep him quiet.’ Keith Connolly laughed again..

‘Just as well,’he said,’I can’t eat more than one at a go. I’ ll eat one if you eat the other,right?’

So Danny sat down beside Keith Connolly and they each bit into a Connolly closed his

eyes,and a blissful smile spread over his face.

Then neither of them said anything, except ‘Wow!’ until they were licking jam and sugar from their fingers.

Keith told Danny how much he had longed for a doughnut. Danny told Keith all about his family and

playing footie at school. They were still talking, when the team came in.


‘Two rotten nil!’yelled Hack, banging the door.

‘You’re useless!’shouted Mack.’Who’s that kid,and what’s the dog doing in here?’

Vinny had followed them,looking for was hoping to get another and the dog

were sent Brian had to say to the team wasn’t fit for them to hear.

They sat outside and Danny gave Vinny the doughnut box to the team ran out for the second half.

Danny had never seen a man so changed as Keith looked on fire with energy.

‘I hope they bring you on,’said Danny.’I’ll have to get back to my place now.’


‘There’s room on the bench,’said Keith.’You can sit by me.’

‘Oh,wow!’said everything started to happen.

They security guards had been racing all over the that moment they both ran in from different

directions and walloped into Mack. Vinny thought he should do something on to the pitch,and tripped him up.

The two guards and two players lay rolling and shouting on the trotted away and away and ate

the doughnut box. ‘Anyone hurt?’gasped Brian the Boss.

‘I’m all right.I landed on him,’said one guard.‘Ouch,’said the other. ‘I’ve broken my leg,’wailed Hack.

Hack’s leg wasn’t broken at all,but he wasn’t fit to hobbled about and said he could manage.

‘I suppose I’ll just have to play you,Keith,’ muttered the ran onto the pitch with such a great

smile,that everyone wondered what had happened to ,sitting on the bench,was the only one who



People still talk about the way Keith played that day,Every touch on the ball was a penalty kick

was run past three defenders was stunning. And the goal that hit the top corner stuck so fast,they

had to knock it out with the corner flag.

Thirty seconds before the final whistle, one more impossible goal soared in from his left foot.

Keith was carried shoulder-high from the pitch.

‘Where’s Danny?’he shouted,as they disappeared down the ran behind them to the changing

Brian the Boss appeared.

The team put Keith Boss took Danny’s collar in one hand and Keith’s in the other as he marched

them to his office. ‘Now tell me,’he said.’What’s going on?’ So they told him.

‘Well,if doughnuts make you play like that,you must have them,’said the Boss.’As long as you don’t eat too

many. Say, two a week? I’ll write it into your contract.’

‘What contract? You said you were sacking me,’ said Keith.

‘Don’t talk so daft.’ The Boss glared at Keith.’ You’re my star player.’

‘They have to be doughnuts from the bakery near Danny’s house,’said Keith,smiling.

‘And I want two free season tickets,every season,for Danny and his make it four,so they can

bring their mum and dad. Or a couple of their mates. In the Director’s Box,if that’s what they want .

‘Is there anything else you’d like?’said the Boss. ‘Yes,’said Keith.’The Cup.’

Did they win the Cup?Of course they did.

Keith was on top form,and Danny and Gareth cheered them on .The bakery won the Doughnut of the Year

has queues around the corner, every Saturday Danny and Keith don’t have to

doughnuts are delivered to their saw to that.

By the way,after Keith scored four goals in that match against Sprint, he was given the match ball to keep.

And I don’t need to tell you who he gave it to.


典范英语 8-17Doughnut Dilemma炸面圈的两难处境


Danny MacDonald 为足球而活,他踢足球,看足球,聊足球,梦想足球。 在学校,足球是他最好的课,在休息时,足球是他最喜爱的活动,在家里,他绕 着花园踢足球,在公园,他和朋友们聚在一起时踢几脚。 你想知道他球是否踢得好吗? 他并不出,但是也不差。有时他是在学校的十二岁以下球队里,有时他不 是。当他是时,他假装他是为娄盖特联队踢球。 Danny 有娄盖特主场队服和客场队服,他还有围巾、睡衣、被罩、笔记本、 袜子,四面墙都贴满了海报。 他最喜爱的海报,在他的卧室门上,是 Keith Connolly 的一个射门得分的 镜头。Keith Connolly 是娄盖特队的明星前锋,当他加入球队时,他们一下子就打 入超级联赛。他能在毫无机会的情况下精彩破门,他能在自己的半场用左脚把球 踢进对方球门。


一月的一天,放学后,Danny 匆匆忙忙写完作业,他要看电视,Keith Connolly 正在当地新闻节目接受采访。 Danny

希望在 Keith Connolly 讲话时,电视不会变得模糊不清或者没声音, 这是一台老电视,会出现这种情况。 电视嗡嗡和闪烁了一会儿,但是,最后 Keith Connolly 的笑脸出现在屏幕

上。“我真的很喜欢娄盖特,”他说,“是粉丝们,他们是最棒的,他们总是为我 们到场,跑到赛场上,伴随着那么多的欢呼和喝彩声,感觉棒极了。 Danny 希望他能在果桨街的人中,娄盖特的球场,但是一张票的价格就 远远超出了他的购买能力。 整个家庭是不可能办到的,即使只有 Danny 和他的小弟弟 Gareth。 “在周六你又赢了,”记者说,“球队出去庆祝了吗?” “我们集体下了顿馆子,” Keith Connolly 说,“但是我不得不操心我吃的 东西,因为我要保持身材,我真的很爱炸面圈…” 接着,声音变得模糊不清,Danny 跳起来砸电视顶部,使它接着播放。 他不能错过太多,但是他错过了重要的部分。 Keith Connolly 说,“…但是我不被允许吃炸面圈,炸面圈在我的健康计划 里是被禁止的” Danny 没有听到那一小段,他听到的全部是 Keith Connolly 喜欢吃炸面圈。 Danny

的街道的头上有一家面包店,它销售最大,最黏,果酱最多最稠的炸面 圈。


当 Danny 睡觉时,他毫无睡意地躺在他的娄盖特被子里,制订着计划。他 想到一个让 Keith Connolly 得到那些炸面圈的办法。 在城市的另一边,Keith Connolly 的房间里,Keith Connolly 也正在躺在 他的娄盖特被子里睡着,他正在想炸面圈,很不高兴。 他希望他在电视里没有说任何关于炸面圈的话。现在,不管他怎样努力,他

都不能止住去想它们。奇大无比的,粘稠的炸面圈,慢慢流出草莓酱。 但是你不能成为一头号中锋还吃炸面圈。 球队以鸡肉、鱼肉、蔬菜、意大利面和新鲜水果为主食。炸面圈是所有制品 中绝对不允许吃的—— 轻巧、金黄、酥脆;白面粉、糖、果酱;油炸 他呻吟着,拉起被子遮住他的的头,努力去睡。 Danny 知道炸面圈必须趁热吃,你不能邮寄它们,如果他要让 Keith Connolly 吃到炸面圈,他必须去递送它们,他要当面见到 Keith Connolly! 他不知道

Keith Connolly 住在哪儿,因此他不能把炸面圈送到他房间,在 训练期间,没有人被允许接近球队。 他不得不在比赛日去球场,到队员的更衣室,把它们递给 Keith Connolly 本人,他不会把它们留给保安那儿,他可能会忘记它们,或者他会伴着咖啡狼吞 虎咽吃掉它们。 有两个问题。 第一个,进入赛场,他需要一张球票,他加了加。 如果他用他圣诞节的钱,存下的零用钱,洗车和给隔壁邻居遛他们的大丹麦 犬挣到的钱,他能凑足钱买一张球票。他也要有足够的钱付车费和炸面圈。 第二个比较困难。 在果酱街进入队员的更衣室像钻进一块大岩石里。有保安和一条看起来像母 亲是狼父亲是恐龙的狗。Danny 必须想出办法混过那伙人。

还有大量的时间,要花好几个星期的时间去挣钱,因此送炸面圈的日子将在 三月或四月的某个时间。


Keith Connolly 每天去训练,努力不去想炸面圈,但他越努力,就越想它们。 他不能集中精力训练,他幻想着热的炸面圈带冰淇灵味的一定很好吃。 这个念头使他没接住一个很容易的头球。 经理, Big Brian 老板注意到了,“20 个俯卧撑,Connolly!”他吼道。 但是,他不得不吼两遍,因为 Keith 仍在想着热炸面圈。 第二个星期六下午,Danny 舒舒服服坐下来看电视上娄盖特队的比赛。 很糟糕,他看到 Keith Connolly 错过一个很容易的罚球,一副无肋的样子。 踢在门柱上,半跪在地上。 娄盖特队 3:0 输了 其余的赛季,娄盖特队变得越来越糟糕,Keith

输掉比赛没能得分,传给他 的球都从他身边飞过去了。 Big Brian 老板不明白 Keith 到底怎么了。 他一次又一次地问他,但是 Keith 不想告诉他。 他不想说,“事实是,老板,我想吃炸面圈想得要命。”他感觉很沮丧。 炸面圈伴随他入梦,他梦见世界杯比赛得分,他带着炸面圈进网。 在早晨,他开车绕远路去果酱街广场,这样他就闻不到面包店里的炸面圈。 如果他看见保安在吃炸面圈,他就转移开视线。甚至老板那光秃秃,被晒黑 的,并且因为出汗而发亮的的头,也使他想起洒上了糖的金棕炸面圈。 他的球踢得越来越糟糕了,娄盖特队一个星期平局,一个星期输球,粉丝们谈讨着球员的免费转让,Big Brian 老板担心球队的降级。 Danny 学校的每个人在说 Keith

Connolly 必须卖掉。Danny 支持他的英雄, “他多么需要一个炸面圈啊,”当他洗车、带大丹麦犬散步时想。



在 3 月 16 日的早晨,Danny 起得很早。 他有了一张娄盖特队与斯普林特联队对决赛的球票,斯普林特队这个赛季表 现非常出。Danny 的队服就摊在床上,他带了一包狗咬胶,入场后它们可能 对赛场的狗会有用。 在面包店开门前他已经在门口。 仅送一个炸面圈没有意义。他买了四个,光闪闪的、胀鼓鼓的、果酱多的炸 面圈。四个的盒装是特价,他从厨房把它们放进一个三明治盒子里,那么它们就 不会被压瘪,他也不用整个时间去看着它们,它们看起来真是不错。 午饭时他激动得没怎么吃饭,他一心想乘车去果酱街。 他胳膊底下夹着盒子来到前门时,听到隐约的抽泣声,他扭头一看。 他的小弟弟,Gareth,正坐在楼梯半中央,他没说什么,但他迅速地揉了揉 眼睛。“小家伙,你怎么了?”Danny 说,但是他知道。 “我也想去,”Gareth 说。 Danny 真的觉得非常难过,“看,当你再长大些我们一起去看比赛。”他希 望他能带上 Gareth。 他想炸面圈在盒子里,四个,Keith Connolly 不需要四个,是吧? “一个炸面圈怎样?”他说,他离开 Gareth 时,看着他坐在楼梯上吃炸面圈,很舒适,得了一点儿安慰。


在赛场,Danny 到他的座位,他了一个靠近出口的地方,因此他可以 在中场休息时很快出去。他拿着狗咬胶准备贿赂巡逻的狗。他不得不想方设法躲 开保安。 场上开始爆起掌声,跺脚的,挥手的欢呼一片,Danny 不得不踮起脚尖看, 成为欢呼人的一部分。当队员们跑上赛场时,他又鼓掌又欢呼。 接着,哨声响了,他们开球了。 然后,他想他宁可不观看球赛,Keith Connolly 没有出场,他在替补席上。 那么多个星期所有的努力之后,他竟然看不到 Keith Connolly 出场。如果 他年龄再小一点,可能早就哭了。 “替补席最好的位置是 Connolly。”Danny 旁边一个人说,“他们要出售他 了。”“他们要把他白送给人家。”另一个人说,“免费,装在玉米片盒子里。”大 家笑了起来,除了 Danny。 娄盖特队参赛的是另两位中锋,他们的名字是 Steve Hackett 和 Jim Mackay,但是人们称呼他们是 Hack 和 Mack. 他们做到了最好,但是没有什么效果。Hack 和 Connolly 是一对儿极佳组 合,Mack 和

Connolly 是一对儿杀手组合。 但是,Hack 和 Mack 在一起就是不对劲,而斯普林特联队表现优异。 Danny 在第一个得分球像火箭一样射进娄盖特队球网内时皱了皱眉。 当第二个球飘进球门上角时,他闭上了眼睛,当他睁开眼睛时,Keith Connolly 正在顺着球员通道悄悄溜走。


他的机会来了,Danny 将放着炸面圈的盒子夹在胳膊下,向出口奔去。他 绕过看台的后面跑到队员更衣室,他猫在垃圾箱后面,两个保安在门口站岗,他 们俩个看起来大的足以用一只手可以阻止一辆坦克。 一个人正在听收音机,另一个在报纸上玩儿填字游戏。 他们之间躺着一只狗,那个叫狗吗?仅仅躺着看起来就有 Danny 的一半高, 它盯着垃圾筒,站起来,呲着牙低吼。 “闭嘴,Vinny,”一个保安说,“我正在听比赛。” Danny 从口袋里拿出一块狗咬胶,跪下来,他伸出咬胶,小心翼翼地不去 看狗的眼睛。 “好孩子,”他低语道,“好小伙,Vinny 。” Vinny

很大,但它算不上一条真正称职的看门狗。它小跑到 Danny 的跟前, 然后闻了闻咬胶,决定不吃它,又低吼了起来。

Danny 试了试一块巧克力味的,Vinny 仍不感兴趣。 有三块炸面圈在盒子里,Keith Connolly 吃不了三块,是吧?如果 Danny 不能通过狗这一关,他不会做到任何事。 Danny 打开盒子,Vinny 在一边低下头摇着尾巴。 当 Danny 在它面前放了一块炸面圈时,它欣喜地把它放到两只前掌中间, 添掉上面的糖。 保安竟没有抬头看一眼。Danny 用尽全力将他的空可乐缺罐扔了出去,当 它发出叮当哐啷的声音时,保安们跳了起来,Danny 也是。“他朝那边去了!”他喊着,并指着,“另一个朝那边走了!” 保安朝相反的方向跑去,Danny 奔向更衣室,发现自己来到一个走廊,两 边的门都紧闭着。 正当他想着试哪个门时,他听见鞋砸在墙上的声音。 他平静地打开门,只是一点儿,往里瞅了瞅,Keith Connolly 把另一只鞋砸 到墙上。然后,他一屁股坐在凳子上,双手抱着头。 破天荒头一次,Danny 感到害羞,在他面前是一个痛苦的、失败的球员。 但他仍是了不起的 Keith Connolly。 “打扰了,”他说。 Keith Connolly

抬头看了一眼,他看起来并不吃惊于在更衣室看到一个陌生 人,他甚至没仔细看。 “打扰了,Connolly 先生,先生,呃,Keith,”他笨嘴笨舌地说,“我给你 带了些炸面圈。”


“炸面圈!你给我带了炸面圈!” Keith Connolly 开始发疯一般,Danny 说不出他是暴怒还是吃惊。 “你说过你喜欢它们,”他结结巴巴说。“在电视上,你说过你喜欢它们,因 此,我给你带了些。” Keith 继续盯着看,好像 Connolly 是一个蓝的,有三个脑袋的怪物。 然后,Keith 笑了起来,“三个月了,我没有吃过一个炸面圈,因为我要保持 身材,那么,你知道刚刚老板对我说了些什么?他说下个赛季他不想要我了,他 把我放到转队名单里了。因此,如果我吃炸面圈不会有什么麻烦的,不是吗?太感谢你了,小伙子,你叫什么名字?” “Danny。” 他打开盒子,那些炸面圈看起来更大、更粘、果酱更多,Keith Connolly 凝视着它们仿佛坠入了爱河。 “你先选,Danny,”他说。 “不,它们都是你的。”Danny 鼓足了勇气说。他希望他在午餐时多吃点儿。 “对不起,只有两个,本来有四个,但我给了我弟弟一个,给了看门狗一个,为 了让它保持安静。” Keith Connolly 又笑了起来。 “那好吧”,他说,“我一次吃不能超过一个,我吃一个如果你吃另一个,好 吗?”于是,Danny 坐在 Keith Connolly 身边,他们都咬了一口炸面圈。Keith Connolly 闭上眼睛,陶醉的笑容荡漾在他的脸上。 然后,他们除了“哇!”一声,什么话都没说,直到他们舔掉手指上的果酱 和糖。Keith 告诉 Danny 他多么渴望一个炸面圈,Danny 告诉 Keith 他的家庭和 在学校踢球的全部事情。当队员们进来时,他们仍在交谈着。 第九章“二比大臭零!”Hack 喊道,锤着 8

门。 “你真没用!”Mack 大喊。“那个小孩是谁?狗在这里做什么?” Vinny 跟着他们,看着 Danny,它希望再得到一个炸面圈。Danny 和狗被带 出去,Brian 和队员说的话不适合他们听。他们坐在外面,Danny 给 Vinny 炸面圈盒子去舔。接着,队员们跑出去开始下半场。 Danny 从来没有看到过像 Keith Connolly 如此变化的人。他看起来精力十 足。“我希望他们派你上场,”Danny 说,“我现在必须回到我的座位上去。” “凳子上有位置,你可以坐在我旁边。” Keith 说。 “oh,哇!”Danny 说,然后,每件事都变得愉快起来。 保安们已经跑遍了整个运动场,突然,他们从不同的方向跑来猛地撞上了 Mack。Vinny 认为它必须做些有用的事,于是它跑到球场上,,扑向 Hack,把他给 绊倒了。 两个保安和两个队员躺在地上打滚喊,Vinny 叼着炸面圈盒子跑掉了。 “有人受伤了吗?”Brian

老板喘着气说。 “我没事,我倒在他身上了,”一个保安说。 “哎唷!”另一个说。 “我的腿断了,”Hack 哭喊道。 Hack 的腿根本没有断,但他不能踢球了,Mack 一瘸一拐地走来走去,他 说他还行。 “我想我要让你上场了,Keith。”老板咬着牙说。Keith 面带喜悦地跑进运 动场,每个人都想知道他发生什么事情。Danny 坐在长凳上,只有他知道。


人们仍在谈论 Keith 那天踢球的技巧,球一到他脚下就能赢,点球同魔术一 般,带球通过三个防守令人惊叹。射在球门上角的那上得分球死死地卡在那里,

他们不得不用角旗把它敲出来。 离结束的哨声吹响还有 30 秒的时候,他左脚飞射,又完成一个看似不可能 的进球。 Keith 从球场被举过了肩膀。 “Danny 去哪儿了?”当他们淹没了通道时,他大喊。Danny 跟在他们后 面跑进更衣室,Brian 老板出现了。 队员放下 Keith,老板一只手拎着 Danny 的衣领,一只手抓着 Keith 的衣领, 把他们押进了他的办公室。 “现在告诉我,”他说,“到底怎么回事?” 于是他们告诉了他。 “好吧,如果炸面圈让你踢出那样好的成绩,你必须吃它们,”老板说,“但 是你不能吃太多,说吧,一个星期两个?我把它写进你的合同里。” “什么合同?你说过你要解聘我,”Keith 说。 “别说这样的傻话。”老板瞪了 Keith 一眼,“你是我的明星队员。” “它们必须是 Danny 家附近面包房的炸面圈。”Keith 微笑着说。 “我还要两张免费的赛季票,每个赛季,给 Danny 和他的弟弟,最好是四 张,那么他们可以带他们的妈妈爸爸来,或者是几个他们的同学。在经理席,如 果那是他们想要的。” “你还有其它想要的什么吗?”老板说。 “是的,奖杯,”Keith 说。 他们赢得奖杯了吗?他们当然赢了。 Keith 在领奖台上,Danny 和 Gareth 为他们喝彩。面包店赢得炸面圈年度

奖,每个星期六早晨,顾客排队排到拐过街角。但是 Danny 和 Keith 不必去排 队,他们的炸面圈递送到他们家里,这是 Keith 安排的。 顺便,Keith 在那场斯普林特对决赛中进了四个球,他赠送了比赛用球作记 念,我不需要告诉你他把它赠了谁。


本文发布于:2024-09-24 23:30:36,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:炸面   面圈   队员   吃炸   果酱   不能
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