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victorriid2018,排版多样,word文档(包含该剧的word文档),可编辑,欢迎前来看看(●'◡'●)ノ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………- Can I get you to sign right here, please? - Okay. Here you go.-能麻烦你在这里签名吗? -好的-Thanks. -You're welcome.-谢谢 -不客气(FOOTSTEPS PATTERING)Hi, Will. Package for you.嗨,威尔,你的包裹1

(PEN CLICKING)I don't think anyone ever imagines on their wedding day我想没有人能在自己的婚礼时想像be part of the 46% that doesn't live happily ever after.他们会是那46% 没有过幸福快乐的生活族离婚证书Will?威尔?Just heard we got the Quaker Oats account.听说我们拿到了桂格麦片的合约Way to go. You must be completely psyched.干得好,你一定很开心吧Then again,话又说回来I never thought I'd spend my days,我从未想过weeks and years working in an advertising agency我会年复一年的替广告公司卖命trying to figure out how to get kids to eat Cap'n Crunch instead of Froot Loops.每天在这里想该如何哄骗 小孩子们吃某个牌子的麦片But Tuesdays and Fridays are my favorite days.但星期二与星期五是我最爱的日子I get out of work early, and I go pick up my daughter, Maya, from school.可以提早下班 还可以接我女儿玛雅放学Now, it's a great feeling when you find the right track to go with the day.到能搭配一天心情的歌感觉真好And today, I have found the absolute perfect song.我今天可到了最恰当的歌(HIP HOP MUSIC PLAYING)2

Bitches, they can 们,她们可亲我的The other perfect song.是另一首恰当的歌(EVERYDAY PEOPLE PLAYING)东51街麦迪逊街(CAR HORN BLARING)(MOUTHING WORDS) Thank you.谢谢You're welcome.不客气搁浅!急需$$修理太空船 返回欧顿星球谢谢!But sometimes, no matter how carefully you plan your playlist,有时不管你多小心的编排曲目哈德森梅瑞小学there is no right track for what awaits you.都不到一首适合当下状况的歌(ALL CLAMORING)-Come on, come on! -Hey, what's going on?-走了,走了! -嘿,发生什么事?Will, did you know there was gonna be a sex ed class today?威尔,你知道今天有健康教育课吗?Aren't they kind of young?他们还太小了吧?3

-Yeah! It was a total disaster. -At least it got them reading.-对嘛!真是场灾难 -最起码他们开始阅读There's a book!有书耶!"The 250 million sperm are ejaculated“2亿5千万精子射出"and begin their treacherous journey towards the fallopian tubes!“展开了他们 前往输卵管险恶的旅途!"One hundred million are wiped "“有一亿万即刻死亡…I'm gonna find Maya.我要去玛雅GlRL: Do you still have sex with Daddy?你还跟爸爸做爱吗?-What are you talking about? -Do you?-你在说什么? -还有吗?-You know, we will go home -You do, don't you?-我们应该回家谈… -你还有,对吧?-We will go home and talk about this. -GlRL: I hate you, I hate you!-我们回家再讨论这个 -我恨你、我恨你!(CLAMORING CONTINUES)Stop pulling on me! I am trying to get to the bottom of something!别拉我!我要弄清楚真相!We need to talk.我们得谈谈Which is when the man removes his penis from his pajamas就是当一个男人将他的生殖器 从睡裤中掏出and thrusts it into a woman'并插入一个女人的阴道…4

Okay, but Mrs. Gallagher didn't actually say "thrust."好的,但葛莱格老师 并没有说“插入”-Yeah. -Oh.有啊But what I don't understand,我不懂的是Sammy Boigon's sister said he was an accident.山米柏根的说他是个意外I mean, how do you accidentally thrust a Hi, Luis.你怎能不小心的将生殖器插入… 嗨,路易士-Hey. -How do -嘿 -你怎能不小心的…Stop saying "penis" and "thrust." Just say "tinkle part" or "wee-wee."停止说“生殖器”与“插入” 就说“嘘嘘的地方”或是“弟弟”Something cute.可爱点的-Explain how Sammy was an accident. -That's complicated.-解释山米为什么是个意外 -那很复杂-Penis! Penis. -Okay. All right, that's enough.-生殖器!生殖器 -好了,够了(SIGHING) Okay, 好的,他们…It's not like his dad slipped on a banana peel.他爸又不是踩到香蕉皮The accident was that Sammy's mom got pregnant.意外是山米的妈妈怀了孕If they didn't want a baby, then how come they had sex?他们若不想要小孩为什么要做爱?That's a very good question.这问题很好5

I guess you could say that they were rehearsing.可以说他们是在排练-Was I an accident? -No.-我也是意外吗? -不-I was, wasn't I? -No.-我是,对吗? -不You were completely and totally on purpose. I knew exactly what I was getting into.你绝对是故意的 我非常清楚发生了什么事(SIGHS)易碎品 请小心搬运I think you should tell me the story of you and my mom.我想你该跟我说你与我妈的事Why do you keep saying "my mom" like I've never met her?你为什么一直称她为“我妈”? 好像我从未见过她似的Well, because now that you're getting divorced,因为你要离婚了she's mine, not yours.所以她是我的,不是你的-Is that so? -Tell me how it happened.-是这样吗? -告诉我你们的事And the real story, not the, "Oh, we met, we fell in love,真实的故事,不是什么 “我们相遇并相恋"and we decided to take all that love“然后决定用我们的爱"and make a family, and that's how we made you."“建立一个家庭并生下你”You know something? I'm gonna tell you the real, true story你知道吗?我将会告诉你 我跟你妈相识的6

of how me and your mother met.来龙去脉-When I'm old enough. -Yep.-等我长大时 -没错-Look. I know love isn't a fairytale. -Really?-我知道爱情不是童话 -真的?Really.真的Did you have another girlfriend before you met her?你在认识她之前有别的女友吗?(CHUCKLES)Come on, tell me the truth.拜托,跟我说实情(SIGHS)I had two serious girlfriends.我有两个固定的女友And then some other, a smattering of other women that I dated.还有一些在交往的女人You know.你知道What?什么?What's the boy word for slut?男生的叫什么?They still haven't come up with one yet, but I'm sure they're working on it.他们还没有想到那名词 但我相信他们正在想You a vegetarian this week or not?你这礼拜吃素吗?-Yeah, I am. -Great.7

-嗯,吃素 -好I'm guessing you weren't her first boyfriend.我猜你也不是她的初恋Maybe it was some nerdy guy, or maybe he was mean.他可能是个书呆子或是很凶Or maybe或许(FAUCET RUNNING)you were friends for the longest time,你们当了很久的朋友and then just when you were about to put your penis然后正当你准备将你的生殖器into somebody else'放进另一个女人的阴道时…Okay. Good night, Maya.晚安,玛雅...you realized Mom was the only one for you!…你发现妈才是你的至爱!Bedtime!睡觉时间!You still have to tell me the story of why you fell in love with her.你还是得告诉我你为何爱上她I fell in love with her because she was smart and beautiful and fun.我爱上她是因为她很聪明 漂亮又好玩So now she's stupid and ugly and boring?那她现在就又蠢又丑又无聊了吗?-Of course not. -Then what's the problem?-当然不 -那问题出在哪?-It's complicated, Maya. -Everything with you is so complicated.8

-很复杂,玛雅 -你什么都很复杂I bet that if you just told me the story, you'd realize that it's not complicated

at all.我想若是你跟我说了那故事 你就不会觉得一切都如此复杂了That you just love her.你就是爱她I know this is tough for you, but what are you thinking?我知道这事对你来说很艰难 但你在想什么?That I'm gonna tell you this story and it's gonna make everything better?你认为故事说完后就没事了吗?It doesn't work that way.人生没那么简单Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Tell me and we'll find out.也许是,也许不 跟我讲了后我们就知道了No. Game over. It's time for bed.不,玩完了,该睡觉了No, it's not time for bed! It's time for you to tell me the story!不,不是睡觉的时候 是你该跟我说那故事的时候-Maya. -I need to know!-玛雅 -我需要知道!I need to know.我需要知道Fine! Fine!好啦!好啦!I'm gonna tell you the story,我跟你说-but I'm not telling you who your mom is. -Fine.-但不告诉你哪个是你妈 -好You're just gonna have to figure it out for yourself.你得自己弄清楚9

-Good. -And I'm changing all the names-好 -我还会用化名and some of the facts, but I just decided that right now.并更换一些细节 不过这是我现在才想到的-And then we'll see how smart you are. -I like it. It's like a love story/mystery.-然后我们再来看看你有多聪明 -我喜欢,像是爱情兼悬疑故事-Great. Sounds good. You ready? -No.-很好,听来不错,准备好了吗? -没No.没-Take your time. -I will.-慢慢来 -我会的-I know you will. -You go here.-我知道你会 -你来这里-Princess pillow? -Thank you.-公主枕头? -谢谢-You bet. -Okay.-没问题 -好(SIGHS)I'm ready.我好了Once upon a time,很久很久以前before e-mails and cell phones and reality television shows,在还没有电邮、手机与真人秀之前美国青年民主党员in 1992 to be exact, in a little town called Madison, Wisconsin,确切来说是1992年 在威斯康辛州的一个叫麦迪逊的小镇10

there lived a young man named William Hayes.住了位名叫威廉海斯的青年-Hey, Will, man, Happy New Year. -Hey, yeah, you, too.-嘿,威尔,老兄,新年快乐 -嘿,你也是Now, this young man was deeply, deeply in love with his college sweetheart.这名青年深爱着他在大学的女友Let's 就叫她…-Emily! -Emily!-艾蜜莉! -艾蜜莉!Emily!艾蜜莉!-Hey. -Hi.-嘿 -嗨ALL: Ten, nine, 10、9、8…Hey, guess who's gonna be the luckiest guy on planet Earth in about four seconds?嘿,猜猜再过4秒后 谁会是全世界最幸福的人?You.你ALL: ...two, one!…2、1!Happy New Year!新年快乐!They were a perfect couple.他们是金童玉女Except to really understand how this young man除了要真正了解这青年ended up marrying your mother, you'll also need to know最后为何娶了你母亲 你必须要先知道11

that he had a very big, incredibly embarrassing dream.他怀抱着一个又大 又令人难为情的梦想All rise请起立for the President of the United States of America,向美国总统致敬William威廉Matthew马修Hayes.海斯(CHUCKLING) You wanted to be President?你想当总统吗?I'm just, I don't understand why you have to work for Clinton in New York.我只是,我不懂你为何要在纽约 帮克林顿做事Why can't you just work for him in Madison?你为何不能在麦迪逊替他卖命呢?Well, because they don't need me here. They need me in New York.因为这不需要人,他们需要我去纽约They need him, Em. Will's the man. I can't believe you're letting him go.他们需要他,小艾,威尔太屌了 我不敢相信你要让他去I mean, don't you know about New York girls?你没听说过纽约的女孩子吗?Besides being incredibly hot, they have no problem with casual sex,除了长相超辣之外 她们完全不介意which by the way, I totally respect.我可是非常赞同-What if Charlie's right? -Charlie's never right.12

-万一给查理说中了呢? -查理从来没说对过-He's functionally retarded. -I am worried New York's gonna change you.-他是个智障 -我很担心纽约会改变你-Change can be good. -If we change together.-改变也可能是好的 -如果我们一起改变So, we'll change together.那我们就一起改变啊Okay? It's two months in New York. I'll be back before you know it.好吗?不过就去纽约两个月 我一下就回来了Besides, we have a plan, right?况且,我们还有计划,对吗?The other thing I can't believe is that you'd risk Ieaving Emily here with me,另一件事是我不敢相信 你竟然敢把艾蜜莉跟我留在这'cause I gotta tell you, I've always had a thing 我得实说,我对你一直有好感…And I have absolutely no scruples.况且我完全没有道德可言Wait! I almost forgot. You have to give this to Summer.等等!我差点忘了 你要把这个给夏曼She's the only girl I know in New York.她是我在纽约唯一认识的女生-I want you to meet her. -Summer Hartley?-我希望你会会她 -夏曼哈德尼?-Yes. Yes. -That's her name?-对 -她的名字?She was on my exchange program at Cambridge,她是我在剑桥当交换学生时认识的and all the guys wanted to sleep with her, and you probably will, too.所有的男生都想跟她上床 你看到她时或许也会这么想吧13

Maybe you should mail it to her.或许你该寄给她-That might be a better idea. -No.-可能好些 -不What is it?是什么?Something I should have sent her a long time ago.一样我很久以前就该给她的东西I love you, William Hayes.我爱你,威廉海斯(CAR HORN HONKING)Okay. Go, go, go. Go be your brilliant self.好吧,快走、快走,好好做Emily sounds like she would make a good mom.艾蜜莉听来像是个好妈妈-I just don't know if she's my mom. - Why not?-我只是不确定她是不是我妈 -为什么?Everyone knows that the girlfriend大家都知道in the beginning of the story always gets dumped.在故事最初的女朋友一定会被甩Which means maybe Summer Hartley is my mother.这表示夏曼哈德尼可能是我妈I'll never forget that day.我永远忘不了那天There I was, arriving in the city I always dreamed about我来到了梦寐以求的城市to work on a campaign that I believed in with all of my heart.来为我深信的竞选活动尽一份力14

And on top of that, I was positive that in just a few hours,更何况,我深信在几个小时后the campaign manager would realize how brilliant I was.活动的负责人就会发现 我有多么的优秀And then I'd be writing speeches,然后我将负责写讲稿and then I'd be coming up with strategy, and 然后负责研发战略,不久后…GARETH: Will Hayes?威尔海斯?-Hey. Gareth Henderson. -You're Gareth.-嘿,盖瑞斯亨德逊 -你是盖瑞斯-Hey, how are you? -Nice to meet you. We're walking, Hayes.-你好吗? -幸会,我们走吧,海斯I brought my C.V. and a sample of some speeches I wrote for Congressman Sweeney.我带了我的履历表还有一些 我帮史威尼议员写的演讲Fantastic. I cannot wait to peruse these in my abundant spare time.很好,我在空档时 一定会好好拜读一番In the meantime, here's a sample of the coffee and bagel order在那之前,这些咖啡与培果订单I'll need filled immediately.需要补齐Wait!等等!You want me to get coffee?你要我去买咖啡?At some point in our lives, we all get coffee. Your time's now. Come on.每人都有某时期要买咖啡 现在轮到你了,快点We're still walking, Hayes.海斯,我们还在走15

Have the coffee here by 10:00, or Arthur's gonna kill me!咖啡早上十点要到 不然亚瑟会杀了我!That means I'm gonna have to kill you. I've killed before, Hayes.就表示我就得杀了你 我以前可是下过手,海斯-You should know that. -What is this?-你应该要知道 -这是什么?That is a cellular telephone这是手机so I can get a hold of you wherever, whenever, for whatever.让我可随时随地为了任何事到你-Can somebody get me an aspirin, please? -Watch it!-谁帮我拿些阿斯匹灵好吗? -小心点!Glad to have you aboard, Hayes!欢迎你加入,海斯!-Hi. -What? Hi.-嗨 -什么?嗨ARTHUR: Four weeks from now, voters of New York State4周后,纽约的选民will select their next Democratic nominee for President.将选出下一届的民主党总统候选人Now, if Bill Clinton wins,若比尔克林顿赢了I want you to all understand that it's gonna be as a direct result我要你们知道那将是of the commitment and the energy of every person in this room.在座每一个人的心血所产生的结果And I mean that. That's just a fact.我是说真的,那是事实Now, that's how important the work is.16

这工作就是如此重要That each and every one of 在座的每一位…(WILLIAM SCREAMS)(CRASHING)(SHOUTING) What am I doing here?我在这做什么?It's the new guy.新来的-Hey. -Hey, is that the toilet paper guy?-嘿 -嘿,那是送卫生纸的人吗?-Can I get a pack of Morley Red, please? -3.25.-可以给我一包摩利红烟吗? -三块两毛五3.25? These are $2.15 in Madison, Wisconsin.三块两毛五? 在威州麦迪逊才卖两块一毛五So go back to Madison.那你就回麦迪逊啊-Don't forget to write. -That's right. Don't forget to write.-记得写信 -没错,记得要写信Hold it! Stop. Stop right there!等等!停止!You smoked?你曾抽烟?No. Yeah.不,是啦But I didn't mean to tell you that.但我本来不打算跟你说的Listen. I was young, and I was stupid, and I haven't smoked in years.听着,我那时很年轻并很蠢 我很多年没抽了17

I promise you.我发誓Is there anything else you should tell me?还有什么应该跟我说的?Probably not.大概没有吧-Can I get 10 copies? -Put them on the pile.-能帮我影印十份吗? -跟那叠放在一起No, they're for Arthur. I need them like, 15 minutes ago.不,是亚瑟要的 我15分钟前就该拿到了So if you wouldn'你若不介意的话…You're the toilet paper guy.你是送卫生纸的那家伙Wait. Who's that? That's April.-慢着,那是谁? -那是艾波Yes. I am, in fact, the toilet paper guy,没错,我正是送卫生纸的那家伙but feel free to call me the bagel-and-coffee guy.但你也可称我为送培果与咖啡的家伙Or Todd in Accounting calls me Crystal, which I'm pretty sure is a girl's name.会计部的陶德叫我克莉丝朵 我很确信那是女生的名字-How many copies? -Ten. Please.-几份? -请印十份-These? -Yeah, both of those.-这些? -对,两面都要What made you become a Bill Clinton supporter?你为什么会支持克林顿?I'm not. This is a money gig. I get paid 12 an hour,18

我没有啊,我是支薪的,一小时12块which is better than babysitting, which is what I've been doing way too much of.比看小孩好赚多了 我当褓母已当到腻了You're a Democrat, right?你是民主党员吗?Why does everyone have to be a Democrat or a Republican?人为什么非得是 民主党或共和党员才行呢?I'm struggling with the copy machine.我连影印机都搞不定No, hold on. You're an Independent, aren't you?等等,你是独立党的?I am nothing. Why am I obligated to be something?我什么都不是 我为什么一定要跟从某个党派?Why do I have to have an opinion about everything anyway?我为什么要对每件事都有立场?I mean, really, what do I know about missile systems说真的,我对飞弹系统or Social Security, or the tax code?或社会安全或税法又了解多少?What about civil rights or women's rights?那民权与女权呢?A woman's right to do what she wants with her body? What about that?女人堕胎的权力呢?这件事呢?I do what I want with my body.我主导我的身体That's apathetic.那样太冷漠了-I'm not apathetic. -Yes, you are.-我才不冷漠 -你是19

I'm not. I just know that these bozos you're working for,我没有,我只知道 你在卖命的那蠢蛋they don't care about anything more than their own ambitions.除了他们自己的野心之外 什么都不在乎That's absolutely not true.才不是那样You think this guy, Bill Clinton, is gonna make a huge difference?你真的觉得比尔克林顿这家伙 能做什么大改变吗?-I do. -He's gonna do what's already inevitable.-我相信 -他将做的都是无可避免的-Okay, that's where you're wrong. -Don't make me staple your head!-你错就错在这 -别逼我用钉书机钉你的头!You're wrong. He's gonna make a difference with African Americans.你错了,他将改善黑人权益He's gonna make a difference with women. He gets women.也将改善妇女权益,他了解女性-My God. -I mean, look at his record in Arkansas.-天啊 -我是说,看看他在阿肯的政迹Read his plans on health care. Read his plans on education.去读一下他的保健计划 去读一下他的教育计划-Okay, or don't. You know, yeah. -Oh, my God, I'm sorry.-好吧,别读,嗯 -天啊,真抱歉-Yeah, I'm sorry. -I just fell asleep.-嗯,抱歉 -我睡着了-I'm really sorry. -Yeah. That's fine.-很抱歉 -没关系Wake up to a new America.醒来时就是个新美国了-I believe you. -This has been really interesting.-我相信你 -这次交谈真有趣20

-Fine. You convinced me. You're nothing. -I'm nothing.-很好,你说服了我,你是无党籍 -我无党籍FLOWERS ON TV: So I'm here to repeat in front of all 我在诸位前再度重申…Hey! Listen up! Look up, everybody!嘿!听着!大家快看!珍妮佛芙劳尔斯 号称克林顿Yes, I was Bill Clinton's lover for 12 years.是的,我当了 比尔克林顿的超达12年Hey, somebody turn it up.嘿,谁开大声点For the past two years, I have lied to the press about our relationship to protect

him.过去的两年中,我为了保护他 而对媒体隐瞒我俩的关系The truth is, I loved him.事实上,我爱过他(PEOPLE EXCLAIMING)Now he tells me to deny it.但他现在要我否认Well, I'm sick of all of the deceit, and I'm sick of all of the lies.我厌倦了这所有的欺瞒与谎言Well, you're right about one thing. He certainly gets women.你倒是说对了一点 他的确很了解女人-This has been fun. Yeah. -(LAUGHING) Bye, toilet paper guy.-这次谈话很有趣 -再见,卫生纸家伙Bye, copy girl.再见,影印小妹Oh, my God. It never ends.天啊,真没完没了21

They just keep playing it over and over and over again.他们就一直不停的重复播放- It's gonna bIow over. -Right.-会过去的 -是喔PeopIe don't really care about this stuff.人们不在乎这种事情-That's the thing. -What I don't understand,-这是重点 -我不懂的是I've heard Bush has a mistress.我听说布什也有Everybody's talking about it, so why is it okay for him and not for Clinton?大家都在讨论 为什么他可以而克林顿就不行?She's trashy.她很随便I mean, her hair alone is enough reason to go after Clinton.光看到她的发型 就足以用此来攻击克林顿Big deal. Everyone has their weaknesses, you know?有什么大不了的 每个人都有弱点,了吗?Those chubby redheads with the long, fake fingernails?那些顶着假指甲,肉肉的红发女人?-That's what Daddy likes. -That's just nasty.-老子就喜欢这种 -好恶喔Gareth, you are unfailingly repugnant.盖瑞斯,你有够讨厌Hey. That is a coincidence. I love women that say "unfailingly repugnant."嘿,太巧了,我最喜欢会说 “有够讨厌”的女人You know what I love?知道我喜欢哪类的吗?I love long-haired brunettes with horn-rimmed glasses.22

我喜欢棕长发 并戴着粗框眼镜的女人I have no idea why. They're like kryptonite to me.我也不知道为什么 她们就像是我的死穴I got that one, too.我也是I got a thing for guys who've got a thing for me.我抗拒不了会被我吸引的男人You might wanna look at that. I'm gonna propose a toast.你或许该看看心理医生,我要举杯I am fine with that.没问题-To Bill and his weaknesses. -Yes.-敬比尔与他的弱点 -对-To Bill. -To Bill.-敬比尔 -敬比尔(HIP HOP MUSIC PLAYING)(PHONE RINGING)Hello?喂?Hey! It's me!嘿!是我!-Is that Emily? -Is that Emily?-是艾蜜莉吗? -是艾蜜莉吗?-Hi, Emily! -Hi, Emily!-嗨,艾蜜莉! -嗨,艾蜜莉!What's all that noise?怎么那么吵?Nothing. That's just a couple of idiots I work with making fun of me没什么,我的几个白痴同事在取笑我23

because they don't have a beautiful girlfriend that they're eternally devoted to!因为他们没有一生至爱的漂亮女友You're drunk.你喝醉了You're beautiful.你好美-You're horny. -You might be right.-你发情了 -可能被你说中了(EMILY LAUGHING)Emily? Come to New York.艾蜜莉?到纽约来You'll love it here. It's the energy, the people. It's amazing.你会很喜欢的 这里的活力与人真的很棒Whoa, did you just say "energy"? Will, you did not just say "energy."等等,你刚刚说“活力”吗? 威尔,你刚刚没说“活力”吧?What?什么?You're never coming back.你不会回来了Hey, come on, now. I just want you to come for a weekend.嘿,拜托 我只是想要你过来度一个周末You're right. I'm sorry.你说得对,抱歉Did you call Summer?你有联络到夏曼吗?No. I left her a message. She didn't get back to me.没有,我留了言,她没有回我Hey. You okay?嘿,你还好吗?24

Yeah. I'm just really lonely here,嗯,只是很寂寞and I miss you like crazy, and it's really hard.我想死你了,真的很难熬Yeah. I know what you mean.嗯,我懂你的意思-Hey. What are you doing up? - Mr. McCormack.-你怎么还没睡? -麦克迈先生Come on, you've been staring at that package for about a week now.拜托,你已经盯着那包裹一个礼拜了How was the rest of your evening? Successful, I take it.你今晚怎么样?看来很成功Oh, my goodness. I'm in big trouble. I love this girl!老天,我惨了,我爱上这女孩了!You know, that's usually a good thing.那通常是件好事It's hard enough to get elected the first black President要当第一位黑人总统就已经够困难了without having Julia Roberts on your arm at the inauguration.真的不需要在就职典礼时 还搂着茱莉亚罗勃兹That is an impressive mental leap, Russ,你的想像力真丰富,小罗going from a one-night stand to being sworn in as President.从跳到总统宣誓Open it.打开它I know you're dying to know what's inside.我知道你很想知道里面是什么Just her name alone, Summer Hartley, is 25

光是她的名字,夏曼哈德尼 就让我快…Look it! You got a tear right there! I see it.你看!这边破掉了!我看到了Come on through. You can do it.快点,你可以的Thank you. Yes.谢谢你,对-It's a diary. -Sweet Jesus. Let me see.-是本日记 -老天,我看看No! Stop! Stop right there. We're not gonna read this. We can't.不!住手,我们不能读这本日记"The boys' dorm is across the quad, their windows visible from ours.“男子宿舍在对面 窗口正对着我们的窗户"The evenings are hot and sticky.“晚上又热又黏"We are all half-dressed, pretending we can't be seen by the boys.“我们都衣衫不整的 假装对面的男生看不到我们"Some of us are bold. My new friend“有些女孩很大胆,我的新朋友"Emily is sweet“艾蜜莉人很好"and embarrassed by it all, always waiting to see what I will do."“并对这一切感到难为情 她永远都在等我下一步会怎么做”Don't stop! This is good stuff. Where were you? Okay.别停啊!这很劲爆,你刚念到哪?好"It's our last night, and the plan has been in place for days.“这是我们的最后一晚 已经计划了好几天"Emily and I are the last to leave,“艾蜜莉与我是最后离开的26

"and as we reach the stairs, I grab Emily firmly by her wrist.“当我们走到楼梯口时 我抓住了艾蜜莉的手腕"She looks up at me expectantly and I know what will happen next."“她抬头以期盼的眼光看着我 我知道接下来将发生什么事”-Do you? -I think I have a pretty good idea.-你知道吗? -我想我知道吧Oh, my goodness!我的天!What are you doing? This is good stuff, man!你在干嘛?这可是好料的,老兄!Wait a minute.等等Is that your Emily?是你的艾蜜莉吗?Good night, Russell!晚安,罗素!She is a freak!她好狂野!Put the picture back!把照片放回去!Wow.哗-HAMPTON: Who is it? -Will Hayes. I called earlier.-谁啊? -我是威尔海斯,之前打过电话(CLEARS THROAT)HAMPTON: You a Jehovah's Witness?你是耶和华见证会的?No.不27

Christ, you're tall.老天,你好高(LATCH UNLOCKING)Hi.嘿(BLUES MUSIC PLAYING ON PHONOGRAPH)-Come in. -Okay.-进来 -好CIose the door behind you.把门关上HAMPTON: Lock it!锁起来!Summer said to hang tight. She'll be back. She wants you to wait.夏曼要你等等 她会回来,要你等一下-What do you got in there? -I don't know. Are you Summer's father?-你手上拿着什么? -不知道,你是夏曼的父亲吗?Yeah. I'm her daddy.对,我是她的老子-Drink? -No. No. It's a little early for me.-喝酒吗? -不,有点太早了Early. You're fresh off the boat, aren't you?早,你才刚来不久,是吗?So tell me about yourself. What's your deal? What do you aspire to?谈谈你自己吧,现在怎么样? 有什么理想?What are your dreams? What are your fancies?有什么梦想吗?你喜欢些什么?What do you want to be when you grow up?长大后想要做什么?-Sit down! -Okay.28

-坐下! -好What do you do now? 你在哪里高就?你…Wait, don't tell me. You work for your daddy.等等,让我猜,你帮你爸做事-No. -No, don't tell me!-不 -不,别跟我说!Wall Street. No!华尔街,不!You kiss ass to some fancy uptown law firm.你在上城某家大律师所拍马屁- -No! I give up. What do you do?-其实… -不!我放弃,你是做什么的?I'm working for Bill Clinton. He's running for President.我帮比尔克林顿做事,他在竞选总统No.不是吧I know who Bill Clinton is.我知道比尔克林顿是谁Yeah, in fact, I know more about Bill Clinton than his own mother.事实上,我比比尔克林顿他妈 还要了解他-Really? -Yep.-真的? -嗯-What do you do? -What do I do?-你在哪高就? -我在哪高就?I drink!我喝酒!Drink!喝!29

Be a man.当个男人There you go! Isn't that better?就是这样!好多了吧?Swallow!吞下它!So tell me about Bill Clinton.跟我谈谈比尔克林顿Hey. Wake up.嘿,醒醒You want some aspirin?你要阿斯匹灵吗?-You must be Will. -Hi.-你一定是威尔 -嗨I see you drank my boyfriend under the table.看来你灌醉了我男朋友- He's not your father? -(CHUCKLES) Is that what he told you?-他不是你爸? -他这样跟你说的吗?'s my thesis advisor.他是我的论文指导 else did he tell you?他还说了什么?He was telling me how to be a real man, as opposed to the sort of他教我如何做一个真男人,而不是-boy-man I seem to be. -Did you learn anything?-像我现在这小毛头样 -你学到了什么?Yeah, there's a lot of drinking involved.30

嗯,要喝很多酒AIso cursing and fighting.还有骂脏话与干架-Sex? -Yes.-性? -对Although that's not what we real men call it.不过我们真男人不会用那个字眼What do you call it?那你们会怎么说?I have something for you. This is from Emily.我有东西要给你 是艾蜜莉要我转交的-Haven't talked to her in ages. -We'll be moving in together in the fall.-我好久没跟她联络了 -我们今年秋天就要同居, please! Daddy.拜托!老爸(LAUGHING)Oh, come on! No.拜托!不Oh, 这是…她等待着我的回应而我屈服了 我吻了她Did you read this?你看过了吗?I didn't.没有-I read a page. -A page.-我看了一页 -一页31

-Two pages at the most. -Two?-最多两页 -两页?And the part about you and Emily touching each other and kissing.你与艾蜜莉接吻与互抚的那段-Oh! That part, yeah. -Incredibly descriptive. I felt like I was there.-那段,嗯 -很细致的描述,像是身入其境You're a great writer. 你的文笔很好,我是说…I think you should keep it. You should read it when you're lonely.我想这应该给你,你寂寞时可以看看-I can't. It's your diary, so I can't do that. -No, really, really. I just, I don't

need it.-我不能,是你的日记,我不能留着 -不,真的,我不需要它I've already got it memorized, so I'll just leave it on the table.我已经背起来了,我就留在桌上Keep a hard copy. That might be nice for me.原版的你就留着吧 这样对我来说比较好(BOTH LAUGHING)I wonder why Emily gave it to you to give to me.我很好奇艾蜜莉为何要你来给我n?汉普顿?-Hampton? -Are you gonna join us?-汉普顿? -你要加入我们吗?That's Hampton Roth. He's an incredible writer.他是汉普顿罗斯,知名作家-His book on the McGovern -Yeah.-他那本关于麦高文竞选活动的书… -是啊32

- -Yeah. We do.-你… -是啊,我们做了Look, have you ever actually had sex with a sexagenarian?听着,你有跟年过六十的人 上床过吗?-I haven't. -Well, then you shouldn't really judge.-我没有 -那你就不该批判Well, actually, I'm not judging. Look at you.我没有在批判,你看你You're beautiful. You're sophisticated. You're a very talented writer.你很美、很世故 又是个很有才华的作家Thank you.谢谢I mean, to please a woman like you, it would obviously 能满足你这样的女人的人一定是个…-Real man. -Exactly.-真男人 -正是-Hard to compete with that. -Well, unless you're the competitive type.-很难成为他的对手 -除非你是竞争心很强的那种人-Yep, nice to meet you. -Yeah, it was great meeting you, too.-嗯,幸会 -嗯,也很高兴认识你I feel horrible about 我真的很抱歉拿了…Sorry.抱歉I was just curious.我只是好奇Hampton encourages me to cultivate my curiosity.汉普顿鼓励我去发掘我的好奇心He says it's the key to being a good journalist.他说这对成为一名好记者非常重要33

Yeah.是啊HAMPTON: Summer! Daddy's hungry!夏曼!老子饿了!-Speak of the devil. Better go. Yeah. -Hmm.说曹操,曹操到,我得进去了HAMPTON: Where the hell are you?的在哪?-Okay, bye. -Bye.-好,再见 -再见Yeah, give us a call sometime. We should all go out for dinner.嗯,有空打个电话来 我们可以一起出去吃晚餐 Yeah, I'd love dinner.我…好啊,晚餐听来不错-Yeah. -HAMPTON: Hey!-嗯 -嘿!-Are you gonna call her? -Are you insane?-你要打给她吗? -你疯了吗?-Well, what are you gonna do? -What am I gonna do?-你要怎么做呢? -我要怎么做?(DANCE MUSIC PLAYING)I'm gonna keep my eye on the ball. Emily and I have a future. We have a plan.我要专注在目标上 艾蜜莉与我是有未来的,我们有计划Which may involve some type of threesome now.现在可能还包括3POr foursome if that old dude is still in the picture.若那老家伙还在的话就是4P了You're not helping.你这是在帮倒忙34

I never should have opened that diary. It's like Pandora's hot, sexy box.我根本不该打开那本日记的 它就像是个潘朵拉又辣又性感的箱子What's a threesome?3P是什么?-What? A threesome.-什么? -3PThat's a game that adults play sometimes when they're bored.那是大人们无聊时玩的游戏Whatever. So what happened with Emily?随便啦,那艾蜜莉怎么样了?Nothing. I wanted to wait till she came for a visit,没怎样,我想等到她来看我and then I decided to do something really dramatic.然后我决定做一件很戏剧性的事It was just one week before the primary, and I had graduated那时离初选只剩下一周了from bagels and toilet paper to signs and bumper stickers.我也从培果与卫生纸 升级到布告与汽车帖纸(SCREAMS)Jesus! Mercy!老天爷!Hold, please.请稍等What am I doing here?我在这干什么?Move over! Another foot! Go, another foot. Move over!过去!再过去一尺!再一尺,过去!Over, over, over!过去、过去、过去!35

Just want to let everyone know that the new signs are ready.我只想让大家知道新的布告准备好了They're looking good.看来很棒I wrote three speeches for Congressman Sweeney.我帮史威尼议员写过三次演讲稿(STAPLING CONTINUES)How's high school?高中上的怎样?He's from Texas. His name's George Bush. But he is not the President.他是德州人,名叫乔治布什 但他不是总统Instead, he's the eldest son of George and Barbara他是乔治与芭芭拉的长子and considered a key political advisor of the White House.也是白宫内的参谋之一Bryant, well, you forgot to mention the Texas Rangers.布莱特,你忘了提德州巡逻队BRYANT: Oh, okay.喔,是的Man, if this guy's smart, he'll go back to baseball.这家伙要是够聪明,就会回去打棒球-No kidding. -Anybody see Hayes?-真的 -有人看到海斯吗?-No. -No.-没 -没Hayes! Where is Hayes? Hayes!海斯!海斯呢?海斯!Is it true you graduated first of your class at Madison?你是你们麦迪逊毕业的高材生 是真的吗?36

-Yeah. -All right.-嗯 -好吧-Come on. We're walking. -We're walking.-过来,我们去散步 -我们去散步Here's a list of Madison graduates in the New York area.这是目前居住在纽约的麦迪逊校友These people earn 200 grand plus a year.这些人的年收入都超过20万We have a $10,000-a-plate fundraiser on Monday with 15 empty tables.我们星期一的募款晚宴还剩15席 一万块一人头的位子I can't have that, Hayes. I need you to sell five of them.这可不行,海斯 我需要你推销五席出去Hold on. No more coffee, bagels?等等,不用买咖啡与培果了?-We'll see how this goes, okay? -Gareth.-那得看你这次表现如何,好吗? -盖瑞斯-What? -Thank you. I'm really happy right now.-什么? -谢谢,我现在很高兴-Okay, Hayes. -Okay.-好的,海斯 -好的-There's the desk. -Look at that. Yeah.-桌子在那 -你看看,好Yeah, that's funny, the toilet paper.嗯,很好笑,卫生纸That's good because it's ironic.很讽刺,很棒Yeah, that's right, everybody. My desk.没错,大家,我的桌子Right here, I got a desk, and I got a list.37

就在这,我有桌子,还有名单And I have a phone. And this empty basket.我还有电话与这个空篮子No, no, no, I really don't agree不、不、不,我不认为that the Governor has a character problem, Mrs. Perleman.州长的人格有问题,波尔曼太太Did you know that 50% of Americans believe that您知道全美有50%的人认为marijuana use should be legalized?应该合法化吗?(PHONE LINE DRONES)Hello?喂?No, no, no, he wasn't a draft dodger.不、不、不,他并未逃避征兵Besides, did you know that the majority of Americans believe况且,您知道大多数的美国人都认为that the Vietnam War was just a terrible idea?越战是个很糟的点子吗?Both legs.两条腿Wow, I am sorry. You must miss them.哗,抱歉,您一定很想念它们(PHONE LINE DRONES)Yes, I understand your concern, but I think you should remember是,我了解你的顾虑 但我想您应该要记得that the Governor comes from a town called Hope.州长的家乡是个名为希望的小镇38

And hope is exactly what he stands for, so...他也象征着希望,所以…No, no, I know it's corny, but I also think不、不,我知道那很土,但我也认为that sometimes corny is exactly what this country needs.有时这国家所需的正是一点土气That would be wonderful. No, thank you.那太好了,不,谢谢您Two seats.两个位子Okay, great. Thank you, Mr. Bishop.好的,谢谢您,毕雪先生Yeah, the dinner's next Thursday.是的,餐会在下星期四Yes, when I spoke with Hillary this morning是的,我今早与希拉里通过话she said that she wanted to get to know our most important supporters.她说她想要更深入认识 我们最重要的支持者No, I think you'd definitely enjoy meeting her.不,我相信您会很高兴认识她的Yeah.嗯An entire table? No, that is very possible.一整桌?不,那绝对有可能I'll put you down for one table, then. That sounds great.我就帮您订下一桌,太好了Okay, I look forward to seeing you next Thursday.好的,我很期待下星期四与您会面Okay, thank you.39

好的,谢谢I just sold an entire table for $50,000.我刚卖了一整桌5万(ALL CHEERING)That's my guy, Will. My guy.那是我的人,威尔,我的人ALL: (CHANTING) Toilet paper guy! Toilet paper guy!卫生纸家伙!卫生纸家伙!Good evening, gentlemen. Pack of Reds, please.先生们,晚安,请给我一包摩立红烟3.60. New tax and a new warning.三块六毛,多了新税与警示Christ.老天警告: 吸烟将导致漫长并痛苦的死亡Tell us the truth, my friend.说实话吧,朋友-Did that Clinton inhale or not? -What does it matter?-克林顿到底有没有抽? -有差吗?That's like if your girlfriend catches you in bed with another woman, then you say,那就像是你女朋友抓到你 与另一个女人在床上,然后你说"But we didn't do it."“可是我们没做”-What, is that gonna matter to her? -Yeah, it does. Hi.-对她来说有差吗? -有差啊,嗨-Hello. -Pack of American Eagles, blue, please.-哈罗 -请给我一包美鹰蓝烟4.25.四块两毛五40

4.25? You pay $4.25 for a pack of cigarettes?四块两毛五? 你花四块两毛五买一包烟?They don't put as many chemicals in them.里面的化学物品比较少-So those are healthy cigarettes. -Something like that.-所以是健康的香烟 -算是吧So if there's not as many chemicals in them,若没有那么多的化学品they should cost less, not more, don't you think?你不觉得应该要比较便宜才对吗?They put saltpeter in your cigarettes,你的烟里渗有硝酸钾which make them burn faster, which make you smoke more.让它们烧得比较快,也让你抽更多Which means, at the end of the day, your cigarettes actually cost more, not less.意思就是,你的烟其实比较贵Copy girl, what I think you're actually paying for影印小妹,我觉得你买的is the picture of the eagle and the pretty pastel colors.是一个有漂亮粉系老鹰的图像Some reassuring idea about your lifestyle. The rest is pretty much crap.一个让你对生活方式放心的说词 其余的都是狗屎-You wanna bet? -Sure.-要赌吗? -好啊-20 bucks. -I got 20 bucks.-20元 -我有20元Easiest 20 bucks I ever made.最好赚的20元-Really? -Yeah.41

-真的? -嗯That's funny. In a minute, I'll have 40.很有趣,等会我就有40元了Okay, we have to inhale at the same time for the same amount of time.好,我们要同时吸入同样的份量-Yep. -Ready, steady, go.-对 -预备,开始-It's my birthday today. -Happy birthday.-今天是我生日 -生日快乐Why aren't you out celebrating?怎么没出去庆祝?My boyfriend, Lucas, was taking me out for dinner and then to a party.我男友卢卡斯本来要带我去吃饭 然后去参加派对But at last minute, he gets a gig in Philly, which, of course, he takes '但他临时有工作要去费城 当然,他接下了这工作是因为…Truth is he's far more interested in being老实说,他对成为下一个the next Kurt Cobain than being my boyfriend.柯特寇本的兴趣比当我男友要大多了Who's Kurt Cobain?柯特寇本是谁?You're kidding me!你在开玩笑吧?What?什么?Smoke.抽烟Oh.-Look at that. -Look at that.42

-你看 -你看(CLICKING TONGUE)(GROANS)(LAUGHING)-All right. -No, come on.-好吧 -不,别这样The satisfaction of me being right光是知道我是对的and you being wrong is more than enough for me.而你错了的满足感就足够了Well, I never welsh on a bet, so I'll tell you what.我从来不耍赖的,不如这样吧I'll take you out for dinner, for a birthday dinner.我请你吃晚餐,当是生日晚餐-What do you say? -Like a date?-怎么样? -像是约会吗?No, I didn't mean it like that.不,我不是这意思Like an "I feel sorry for you像是“我可怜你"because it's your birthday and you have no plans" dinner.“过生日竟然还没计划”的晚餐-You know, one of those. -Well, I'll tell you what.-那种的 -嗯,那这样吧You can take me to this party I have to go to,你可以带我去我原本要去的派对because there's no way I can face going alone.因为我可没法单独去面对43

(TRIP HOP MUSIC PLAYING)Yeah, I'm gonna go 嗯,我想我该去…Whoa.I think I'm a little out of my league here.我感觉很突兀Yes, you are.你是啊So Emily is what, like, your college sweetheart?艾蜜莉是你的大学女友?-It's amazing how you do that. -What?-你这种做法真的很厉害 -什么?The way you take the simplest statement,你可以将一句很简单的话and then you twist it with a completely negative connotation.扭曲成一个很负面的话-It's really, actually, impressive. I'm amazed. -I didn't mean to do that.-真的很厉害,我很佩服 -我不是那意思-But I understand. I get it. -I actually think it's very sweet.-但我懂,我了 -我其实觉得那很感人-See, you did it again. -Really?-看,你又来了 -真的?-Yeah. -I don't even know I'm doing it.-嗯 -我自己都没察觉It's probably hard for you to imagine a relationship based on mutual respect你或许很难想像 一个基于互相尊重的恋情without even the slightest hint of whatever you call it, masochism.而不包括一丝丝你所谓的被虐倾向Well, if your deal with Emily is so gosh darn wonderful,44

你与艾蜜莉的关系 若真像你说的那么完美then why don't you just marry her?你为什么不娶她呢?What's stopping you?什么阻止了你?Nothing.没有啊-Wow. -Wow.-哗 -哗She gets it tomorrow. I made a reservation她明天就会收到了,我订了位at some fancy French restaurant on the Upper East Side.在上东区一家很高档的法国餐厅Oh, my God. You're doing it in front of a room full of strangers?天啊,你要在一 不认识的人面前求婚?-Yeah, I am. What's wrong with that? -No, nothing. I think it shows confidence.-是啊,有什么不妥吗? -没有,这表示你很有自信What are you gonna say?你要说什么?-I'm still working on it. I don't know. -Oh, you should work on it with me.-我还在想,不知道 -你应该跟我练习You should practice with me. I'm really good at that. I will be Emily.你该跟我练习,我在这方面很厉害 我来演艾蜜莉I'm Emily, your college sweetheart. Is there something you wanted to ask me?我是你的大学女友艾蜜莉 你有什么要问我的吗?- -Wait! You've got to get down on your knee.-艾蜜莉… -等等!你要跪下来No, I'm not getting down on my knee.不,我才不要跪下来45

She'll like it. She'll like seeing you down on your knee.她会喜欢的,她会希望你跪下-I'm not getting down on my knee. -Such a mistake. Okay.-我不要跪下 -那真是错大了,好吧-Emily. -Yes, William.-艾蜜莉 -是的,威廉Don't make me laugh. Emily,别惹我笑,艾蜜莉will you,你愿意um,marry me?嫁给我吗?-No. -Oh, my God.-不 -我的天Well, what do you mean, "Will you, um, marry me?"什么叫做“你愿意嫁给我吗?”I haven't seen you in weeks!我好几个礼拜没见到你了!You don't look happy or excited about the prospect of our marriage!你对我们的婚姻前景 看来一点都不开心与兴奋!You're asking me to give up my freedom,你要我放弃我的自由my joie de vivre我无忧无虑的生活for an institution that fails as often as it succeeds?为了一个成功与失败率参半的制度?And why should I marry you, anyway? I mean, why do you wanna marry me?我为什么要嫁给你? 你又为什么想要娶我呢?46

Besides some bourgeois desire to fulfill an ideal that society embeds in us唯一理由就是能满足社会 深植在我们心中的理想中产阶级欲望from an early age to promote a consumer capitalist agenda?与自小就灌输在我们心中的 消费资本主义Oh!(CHUCKLING) Oh, my God!我的天啊!-You should've got on your knee! -Just shut up!-你应该要跪下的 -闭嘴啦!Here.这样I wanna marry you because you're the first person我想娶你,是因为你是我一早起来that I want to look at when I wake up in the morning第一眼就想要见到的人and the only one I wanna kiss goodnight.并是我每晚睡前唯一想要吻的人Because the first time that I saw these hands,因为当我第一次看到那双手时I couldn't imagine not being abIe to hold them.我就无法想像不能牵着它们的日子But mainly, when you love someone as much as I love you但最主要的,当你爱一个人 像我爱你一样getting married is the only thing left to do.唯一剩下的就是结婚So 所以你愿意…Um...marry me?47

嫁给我吗?Definitely. Maybe.绝对是,或许I have to think about it.我得考虑一下Walk me home?能送我回家吗?(INDISTINCT CHATTERING)-Do you want a cup of tea? -Yeah. I'd love one.-要不要喝杯茶? -嗯,好啊Hey.嘿How come you have so many copies of Jane Eyre?你为什么有这么多版本的《简爱》?-It's a long story. -Really?-说来话长 -真的?It seems to be about 300 pages or so.看上去好像只有三百多页(LAUGHS)Seriously, why?说真的,为什么?For my 13th birthday, I wanted a pair of gold stud earrings,我13岁生日时,想要一副金耳环and instead my dad bought me a hardcover copy of Jane Eyre.但我爸却帮我买了精装版的《简爱》And inside, he wrote a beautiful inscription, which I could care less about at the

time里头还有他很美的题词 但我当时根本不在乎seeing as I was so pissed about the earrings,48

因为我还在为了耳环的事生气which was tragic as it turned out 'cause it was the last present he ever gave me.真的很遗憾 因为那是他给我最后的一份礼物What do you mean?什么意思?He died three weeks later in a car accident.他在三周后因车祸身亡Jesus. That's awful.老天,太惨了I'm sorry.我很抱歉-Have you ever read it? -No.-你看过这本书吗? -没有I read it every year or two. Each time it's different.我每一、两年就读一次 每次都不一样It tells me different things.每次都得到不同的讯息Anyhow, when I went away to college, my mom sold our house我去上大学时,我妈把房子卖了and somewhere along the way, Jane Eyre got lost.在这之间,那本《简爱》弄丢了Now, every time I pass a second-hand bookstore,现在我只要一经过二手书店I look for the copy that my dad bought me for my birthday.就会我爸买给我的那本(COME AS YOU ARE PLAYING)I know I'll never find it.我知道我不到了It's stupid, but it's become this, like, weird 49

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