









A mouse looked through a crack (裂缝) in the wall,seeing a farmer

and his wife open a r,he was (1) ______ to discover that

it was a mousetrap (老鼠夹).

Going out to the farmyard,the mouse (2) ______ , "There is a

mousetrap in the house!"

The chicken said, "I can tell this is a big (3) ______ for you,but that

it is nothing to me."

The pig said, "I am sorry,but there is nothing I can do about it."

The cow said, "I'm sorry for you,but it's no skin off my nose."

第 1 页 共 27 页

That very night,they all heard the (4) ______ of a mousetrap snap

(合上).In the darkness,the farmer's wife did not see that it was a (5)

______ whose tail was caught in the reached her hand out for

the mousetrap and the snake bit was taken to hospital and (6)

______ home with a fever.

The farmer needed chicken soup to treat her fever,so he went out to the

farmyard for the ingredients (原料).He killed the (7) ______ to make

the his wife was still sick after having it,so her friends came to

visit treat them,the farmer killed the ,his wife (8)

______ the next people came to her funeral (葬礼),so the

farmer killed the cow to provide enough meat for all of them.

The next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it has

nothing to do with you,( 9) ______ it one of us is in

danger,we are all at (10) ______ because we are all living under the

same sky.

1. A. loved B. excited C. shocked

2. A. danced B. shouted C. jumped

3. A. problem B. bedroom C. achievement

4. A. light B. sound C. wind

5. A. cat B. dog C. snake

6. A. returned B. left C. built

7. A. cow B. chicken C. mouse

第 2 页 共 27 页

8. A. slept B. woke C. died

9. A. think about B. get into C. give away

10. A. birth B. risk C. least


11. New Zealand has a pollution if you visit the country,you won't find it right d,you'll see a beautiful island in the

Pacific Ocean.

Now spend some time hiking the 'll smell the 30

million sheep and 10 million cows move around those green hills and

each one of them is burping (打嗝) and farting (放屁)(.1) ______

But scientists aren't animals burp and fart more than 4

million tons of methane,a greenhouse gas,every year.(2) ______

To solve the problem,scientists have found some can help

cut down on the gas in these most farm animals there move

around free.(3) ______

Farmers can also feed their sheep food to cut down on the burping.(4)

______ Farmers don't want to spend too much money.

There's also a third plan that just might scientists have put

sheep in special cages (兽笼).When they breed (培育) those sheep

together,they get the baby sheep that burp and fart less than others.(5)

______ But those baby sheep just might make the planet a better place

to live.

第 3 页 共 27 页

the food is not cheap.

it's only a small improvement.

's hard to give them medicine one by one.

may sound like a joke.

gas can warm up the earth.



Liu Ying:My favorite book is A Friend like 's about how a family

dog helps a boy deal with his autism (自闭症).When I felt sad,my best

friend gave me the cheered me up.

Jack:Reading in the holiday is an interesting Thousand

Leagues under the Sea is my favorite 's about a captain's travel

under the story is very interesting and the pictures are

book can make you relaxed.

Ben:I like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although I'm a

foreigner from London.I can't wait to tell the story The Romance of the

Three taught me a lot about the three kingdoms of Wei,Shu

and you are interested in history,don't miss it.

Rose:In my opinion,The Little Prince is the best this book,a

young prince falls to earth from a small planet and experiences a 's

not just a fiction story,but tells us about the correct values.

12. What is Liu Ying's favorite book? ______

第 4 页 共 27 页

A. The Little Prince.

B. A Friend like Henry.

C. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea.

13. Why does Ben like reading The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?


A. It can cheer him up.

B. It has fantastic pictures.

C. He can learn a lot about history.

14. What can be the best title for this passage? ______

A. My Favorite Book B. A Family Dog C. My Best Friend


Jenny is a bright-eyed,pretty five-year-old day when she and

her mother were checking out at the grocery store (杂货店),Jenny saw

a plastic pearl necklace priced at $ Jenny loved it!Her mother

bought it for her and she wore it everywhere.

Jenny had a very loving night Jenny's father asked her,

"Jenny,do you love me?"

"Oh yes,Daddy,you know I love you," Jenny said.

"Well,then,give me your pearl necklace," her father joked. "I love it,too."

"Oh!Daddy,not my pearl necklace!" Jenny said to her father, "But you

can have Rosy,my toy you can have Ribbons,my favorite toy

第 5 页 共 27 页


The next morning,when Jenny's father left home for his office,Jenny

was sitting on the sofa and her lips were trembling (颤抖). "Here you

are,Daddy." she said. "Here is the pearl necklace you like." She put it in

her father's hand.

Dad took the pearl necklace with tears in his e of her love for

both the necklace and her father,how hard it was for her to make this

final decision.

That afternoon,Jenny's father went back home very took out a

blue box from his the box was a real,beautiful pearl necklace.

"Jenny,here is the pearl necklace you like.I love you."

15. What was Jenny's first necklace made of? ______

A. Plastic. B. Paper. C. Real pearl.

16. Why didn't Jenny want to give Daddy her pearl necklace? ______

A. She wanted to give him her toy horse.

B. She didn't love her father.

C. She loved it.

17. How did the father feel when Jenny gave him the necklace?


A. Surprised. B. Moved. C. Interested.

18. What did Jenny's father give her that afternoon? ______

A. A real pearl necklace. B. A beautiful toy.

第 6 页 共 27 页

C. A pencil box.


Thousands of years ago,in the south of ancient China,there lived

Shennong,a man who had an ox (牛) head and human

that local people were suffering from disease,he built ladders and

houses on a high mountain to store hundreds of medical

remember him,people named the place shennongjia.

The legend (传说) makes Shennongjia in Hubei an inviting place for

ing there is a unique experience,as you can see scenery of

the four seasons from different altitudes (海拔). "When the bottom of

the mountain is summer,the top is spring and while the foothill is

autumn,the top is covered with ice," local people say of the special

climate of Shennongjia.

Shennongjia is also home to 5,000 species of animals and

animals in danger live there,such as the golden monkey,the clouded

leopard and the Asian black bear.

One interesting and mysterious thing about Shennongjia is its legend of

wild people once claimed that they saw big prints or big-foot

so far,scientists haven't proved it is true and some say they

are just bears.

The beautiful place has recently received a new July 17,2023,Shennongjia Forestry District was added to United Nations World

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Heritage list as a natural now has 50 world heritage sites (遗址).Second only to Italy in the world.

19. How did Shennongjia get its name? ______

A. Shennong could build ladders and houses.

B. Shennong taught people to plant medical plants.

C. People gave the name in order to remember Shennong.

20. What can we know about Shennongjia? ______

A. There are 500 species of animals and plants there.

B. Scientists have proved that there are wild men there.

C. People can experience four seasons up the mountain.

21. Which of the following countries has the most world heritage sites?


A. China. B. Italy. C. The US.

22. What's the main idea of the passage? ______

A. The amazing Shennongjia. B. The legend of Shennong.

C. The world heritage sites.


Long ago,there was a monster (怪兽).Its name was was big and

looked like a Chinese New Year's Eve,Nian would go

to a village by the would eat its crops,animals,and even people.

Everyone was afraid of ,they would run and hide in the

year,a stranger came to the village.A kind old woman

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gave him something to ,she told him about Nian.

The stranger said, "Let me stay in your house this evening.I could help

you fight against the monster." Soon,night came,and Nian showed

was going to the old woman's r,the monster saw three

red banners (横幅) around the door and they stopped it.

Suddenly,there were loud bangs (巨响) and fires was

the stranger who lighted firecrackers (鞭炮).He was in all

scared Nian,and it ran away.

The villagers copied the stranger's actions year after year,and Nian

never ,people celebrate Chinese New Year the same way.

23. What did the villagers do when the monster came? ______

A. They ran into the mountains.

B. They gave it something to eat.

C. They tried their best to catch it.

24. Who put the red banners around the door first? ______

A. The woman. B. The stranger. C. A villager.

25. How did Nian feel about firecrackers? ______

A. It felt scared. B. It felt surprised.

C. It felt excited.

26. What is the passage about? ______

A. The story of a game. B. The story of a sport.

C. The story of a festival.

第 9 页 共 27 页


27. It was nine on a cold winter night.I hurried to go home from work

on my motorbike.

At the last crossing,while I was waiting for the green light,I saw an old

man walking toward stopped me,and I felt a little

old man said slowly, "Excuse you please help me?" I looked

at him up and looked about 70 years old.

The old man took out a 10-yuan bill and said to me, "You see the old

lady over there?She is selling baked (烤) sweet you

just take the money and buy one from her?" He pointed at an old lady

selling something about fifty meters away in the corner.

"But why don't you go and buy it yourself?" I was puzzled (迷惑的).The old man continued, "That old lady is my wife and it's her first

day to sell baked sweet now I called told me that

there was only one sweet potato left and she wouldn't go home until all

the sweet potatoes were sold I know she can't stand the cold

because her legs hurt.I'm very worried about her."

At that time,I understood why the old man asked me to buy his wife's

sweet potato.I felt really warm and t taking the money,I

rode to the old lady quickly and bought the last one.

As I waved goodbye to the old man,I could see him standing there with a

thankful smile.

第 10 页 共 27 页

(1) When did the story happen? ______

(2) Why did the old man stop the writer? ______

(3) How did the old man feel in the end? ______

(4) 将文中画线句子译为汉语。 ______

(5) 给短文拟一个英文标题(不超过10个词)。 ______


28. A long time ago,there was an old had(1) ______

(second) sons,Qing Shan and Hong old man gave East

Mountain to Qing Shan and West Mountain to Hong Shan.

There(2) ______ (be) many trees in West Shan

worked hard all day to cut down trees(3) ______ years

later,there were not many trees in the mountain,so he started to plant

crops.(4) ______ (unlucky),a heavy rain washed away all the

had nothing to eat and had to go to(5) ______ ( he)

brother in East Mountain.

There were only a few trees in East Mountain at first,(6) ______ Qing

Shan had a first cut down the trees of poor quality and then

planted some planted crops and(7) ______ (feed) cows and

horses, years later,there were many trees,crops,cows,sheep

and horses in(8) ______ heavy rain(9) ______ (can)

not wash away the crops because of the trees in the

people praised Qing Shan,saying, "As long as the green(10) ______

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(mountain) are there,there is no need to worry about firewood."












29. Teenagers should be ______ (鼓励)to learn and spread Chinese

traditional culture.


30. Can you ______ (提醒) me to buy a dictionary after school?

31. He likes m ______ buildings better than ancient ones.

32. A t ______ is a person who is visiting a place for pleasure and

interest,especially when they are on holiday.

33. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet ______ (记忆) in

our hearts.


第 12 页 共 27 页

34. 假如你是李华,今年暑假你的英国朋友Lisa要来参观你的家乡,想提前了解一下。请根据思维导图提示给她写一封邮件,向她介绍一下你的家乡——定陶。


Location:Southwest of Shandong

Population:More than 540,000

Places of interest:Fangshan Park;Zuoshansi Temple;Jinghu Square

Famous food:Dingtao roast chicken;Eight shredded treasures

Dear Lisa,

I'm very glad you're coming to China.


Yours, Li Hua






【解析】(1)考查形容词。句意:然而,他惊讶地发现那是一个老鼠夹。loved被珍爱的;excited感到兴奋的;shocked震惊的。根据句中的"it was a mousetrap "(那是一个老鼠夹)可知,老鼠看到老鼠夹应该是震惊的。故选C。

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(2)考查动词。句意:老鼠跑到农场,喊道:"房子里有一个老鼠夹!"danced跳舞;shouted喊叫;jumped跳跃。根据""There is a mousetrap

in the house!"(房子里有个捕鼠器!)可知,此处是指老鼠大声喊叫。故选B。




reached her hand out for the mousetrap and the snake bit her."(她伸手去抓捕鼠器,蛇咬了她一口)可知,此处是指蛇。故选C。


(7)考查名词。句意:他杀了鸡来做汤。cow奶牛;chicken鸡;mouse老鼠。根据上文"The farmer needed chicken soup to treat her fever,so

he went out to the farmyard for the ingredients (原料)."(农夫需要鸡汤来退烧,所以他到农家院子里去取食材)可知,此处是指杀鸡。

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(8)考查动词。句意:可悲的是,他的妻子第二天就去世了。slept睡觉;woke醒来;died死亡。根据"Many people came to her funeral (葬礼),so the farmer killed the cow to provide enough meat for all of


(9)考查动词短语。句意:下次当你听到有人遇到问题而认为这与你无关时,再想一想。think about思考;get into陷入;give away赠送。根据上文和"The next time you hear someone is facing a problem

and think it has nothing to do with you"(下次你听到有人遇到问题,却认为这与你无关的时候)可知,此处是指仔细思考一下。故选A。

(10)考查固定短语。句意:当我们中的一个人处于危险之中时,我们所有人都处于危险之中,因为我们都生活在同一片天空下。birth出生;risk危险;least最少的。根据"because we are all living under the

same sky"(指生活在同一片天空下,)可知,生活在同一片天空下,当我们中的一个人处于危险之中时,我们所有人都会处于危险之中,短语at risk意为"处于危险之中"。故选B。



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(1)根据"But scientists aren't laughing."(但科学家们并没有笑。)可知,绵羊和牛打嗝和放屁污染环境听起来很好笑,选项D"这听起来像个笑话。"符合语境。故选D。

(2)根据上文"These animals burp and fart more than 4 million tons of

methane,a greenhouse gas,every year."(这些动物每年打嗝和放屁超过400万吨甲烷,一种温室气体。)可知,这些动物打嗝和放屁会释放甲烷,一种温室气体,会使地球气温升高。选项E"这种气体可以使地球变暖。"符合语境。故选E。

(3)根据上文"To solve the problem,scientists have found some

can help cut down on the gas in these most farm

animals there move around free."(为了解决这个问题,科学家们已经到了一些药物。它可以帮助减少这些动物体内的气体。但那里的大多数农场动物都是自由活动的。)可知,给每只羊或每头牛喂药是困难的,因为大多数农场动物都是自由活动的。选项C"给它们逐个地喂药很难。"符合语境。故选C。

(4)根据上文"Farmers can also feed their sheep food to cut down on

the burping."(农民也可以喂他们的羊食物,以减少打嗝。)和下文"Farmers don't want to spend too much money."(农民不想花太多钱。)可知,此句会谈到食物不便宜。选项A"但是食物并不便宜。"符合语境。故选A。

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(5)根据上文"When they breed (培育) those sheep together,they

get the baby sheep that burp and fart less than others."(当他们把这些羊养在一起时,他们得到的小绵羊打嗝和放屁比其他的少。)可知,这是科技的进步,选项B"也许这只是一个小小的进步。"符合语境。故选B。




【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段"My favorite book is A Friend like


(2)细节理解题。根据第3段"It taught me a lot about the three

kingdoms of Wei,Shu and you are interested in history,don't miss



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【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据"One day when she and her mother were

checking out at the grocery store,Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace

priced at $2.50."(一天,当她和妈妈在杂货店结账时,珍妮看到一条标价2.5美元的塑料珍珠项链)可知Jenny最初买的项链是塑料的。故选A。

(2)推理判断题。根据"Because of her love for both the necklace and

her father,how hard it was for her to make this final decision"(因为她对项链和父亲的爱,做出最后的决定对她来说是多么困难)可知因为她对项链和爸爸的爱使她做出最后的决定是艰难的,所以推断Jenny因为对珍珠项链的喜爱,所以不想把项链给爸爸。故选C。

(3)推理判断题。根据"Dad took the pearl necklace with tears in his

e of her love for both the necklace and her father,how hard

it was for her to make this final decision."(爸爸含泪拿起珍珠项链。因为她对项链和父亲的爱,做出最后的决定对她来说是多么困难)爸爸的眼泪是感动的眼泪。故选B。

(4)细节理解题。根据"That afternoon,Jenny's father went back home

very took out a blue box from his the box was a real,

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beautiful pearl necklace."(那天下午,珍妮的爸爸很早就回家了。他从口袋里拿出一个蓝的盒子。盒子里是一条真正的、美丽的珍珠项链。)可知那天下午爸爸给Jenny带回一条真正的珍珠项链。故选A。




【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段"To remember him,people named

the place shennongjia."(为了纪念他,人们把这个地方命名为神农架。)可知,为了纪念神农,人们把这个地方命名为神农架。故选C。

(2)细节理解题。根据第2段"Traveling there is a unique experience,as you can see scenery of the four seasons from different altitudes."(在那里旅行是一种独特的体验,因为你可以从不同的高度看到四季的景。)可知,人们可以在山上体验四季。故选C。

(3)推理判断题。根据第5段"China now has 50 world heritage sites

(遗址).Second only to Italy in the world."(中国现在有50处世界遗产,仅次于意大利。)可知,意大利国家拥有最多的世界遗产。故选B。

(4)主旨大意题。根据第1段"To remember him,people named the

place shennongjia."(为了纪念他,人们把这个地方命名为神农架。)和结合全文可知,本文主要介绍神农架名字的起源、独特的气候条件

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【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段"Everyone was afraid of ,they would run and hide in the mountains."(每个人都害怕年。所以,他们会跑去藏在山里。)可知,怪物来的时候,村民们都跑进了山里。故选A。

(2)细节理解题。根据第三段"The stranger said,… the monster saw

three red banners (横幅) around the door and they stopped it."(陌生人说,……怪物看到门周围有三面红的旗帜,他们拦住了它。)可知是,陌生人先把红的条幅挂在门上。故选B。

(3)细节理解题。根据第四段"Suddenly,there were loud bangs (巨响) and fires everywhere. …That scared Nian,and it ran away."(突然,到处都是巨响和火光。…...那吓坏了年,它跑掉了。)可知,年对鞭炮的感觉很害怕。故选A。

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(4)主旨大意题。根据最后一段"The villagers copied the stranger's

actions year after year,and Nian never ,people celebrate

Chinese New Year the same way.(村民们年复一年地模仿陌生人的动作,年再也没有回来。今天,人们以同样的方式庆祝中国新年。)"和本文主要讲述了中国春节的来历。由此可知,选项C"本文是关于一个节日的故事。"正确。故选C。



27.【答案】【小题1】On a cold winter night.

【小题2】To ask for help.



【小题5】A deep love

【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段"It was nine on a cold winter night.I

hurried to go home from work on my motorbike."(那是一个寒冷冬夜的九点钟。我骑着摩托车匆忙下班回家。)可知,故事发生在一个寒冷冬夜的九点钟。故填On a cold winter night.

(2)细节理解题。根据第2段"He stopped me,and I felt a little

old man said slowly, 'Excuse you please help me?'"(他拦住了我,我感到有点紧张。老人慢慢地说,"对不起。"你能

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帮我一下吗,")可知,他为了寻求帮助。故填To ask for help.

(3)细节理解题。根据第段"As I waved goodbye to the old man,I could

see him standing there with a thankful smile."(当我向老人挥手告别时,我看到他站在那里,带着感激的微笑。)可知,老人最后很感激。故填Thankful.

(4)英译汉题。分析句子可知,句子是宾语从句,at that time意为"在那时";understood意为"理解";why意为"为什么";ask do sth.意为"要求某人做某事";sweet potato意为"红薯"。故填:就在那时,我明白了为什么老人要我买他妻子的红薯。

(5)标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲了在等绿灯的时候,一位老人让买妻子烤的红薯,因为这是妻子第一天卖土豆,最后老人面带感谢的笑容和挥手告别。因此文章的标题可以是"一份深深的爱"。故填A deep love






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(2)考查系动词。句意:西山上有许多树。根据下文"worked"可知,事情发生在过去,因此此处用一般过去时,由"many trees"可知,此处be动词用"were"。故填were。





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(8)考查冠词。句意:五年后,山里有了许多树、庄稼、牛、羊和马。in the mountain意为"在山里"。故填the。









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【解析】根据"a person who is visiting a place for pleasure and interest,"及首字母可知此处说的是tourist"游客",可数名词,由"a"可知此处应填其原形。



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34.【答案】Dear Lisa,

I'm very glad you're coming to I want to tell you

something about my hometown.(点明主题)

My hometown is a small city in the southwest of Shandong,which

has a population of more than 540,000.【高分句型一】(介绍地理位置和人口)There are many places of interest here,such as Fangshan park,Zuoshansi Temple and Jinghu Square.(介绍景点)What's more,you can

eat many delicious and famous most famous food are Dingtao

roast chicken and Eight shredded 's really a good place to live.(介绍著名的食物)People are very friendly and we're always ready to

help others.

Come here soon!I'm looking forward to seeing you again.I'm sure

that you'll have a good time.【高分句型二】

Yours, Li Hua

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My hometown is a small city in the southwest of Shandong,which has a

population of more than 540,000.




I'm sure that you'll have a good time.





第 27 页 共 27 页

本文发布于:2024-09-22 10:30:36,感谢您对本站的认可!



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