


Unit One Layout of Business Letters ............................................................................. 1

Unit Two Establishing Business Relations .................................................................... 3

Unit Three Enquiry 4

Unit Four Offers 5

Unit Five Sales Promotion ............................................................................................. 8

Unit Six Orders and Acknowledgements ....................................................................... 9

Unit Seven Packing ...................................................................................................... 11

Unit Eight Transportation ............................................................................................ 12

Unit Nine Terms 13

Unit Ten Insurance ....................................................................................................... 14

Unit 15

Unit Twelve Complaints 16

Unit Thirteen 18

Unit Fourteen Forms . 18

参考答案...................................................................................................................... 19

Unit One Layout of Business Letters

I. Can you draw a picture like the one above but showing a letter in blocked


In the following picture, each numbered section represents a part of an English letter in indented

form. Can you write beside the number what this part is?

II. The following are different parts that form an English business letter. Please

lay them out into a letter in modified indented form:

写信人:五龙国际玩具公司(Five Dragons International Toys Company)


地址:江苏省扬州市扬子江北路8号 邮编:225008

收信人:A & A 4Kidz Inc

地址:Beursplein 37, 3001 DD Rotterdam, Netherlands

事由:Children Toys


写信人姓名:王新 职务:出口部经理(Export Manager)


We learn your name and address from International Business Daily, and know that you would

like to import Chinese toys.

We are a toy company with customers from both China and abroad. We not only supply to a

number of big chain stores across China, but also receive substantial orders from many major

global retailers such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Sears.

Enclosed is an illustrated catalogue of our products. We are confident that they will be

appealing to you.

If you are interested in any of them, we would be glad to send you some samples for your


Your early reply will be appreciated.

另外,该信件要交由收信人公司的进口部(Import Department)处理。

III. Find out what is not acceptable in terms of format(格式)from the following

letter and make corrections:

Network Foods Limited

42-44 Sheehan Road Heidelberg West Victoria, 3081


ATTN: Mr. Michael Fox

Tianjin Tanggu Foodstaff Company Limited

China, Tianjin, Tanggu District, Hubei Road No. 17

Subject: Soy Source

Dear sirs:

We are very glad to hear from you so soon and learn that you are interested in our soy


Our earliest time of shipment is June of this year. We usually only accept payment by

letter of credit, but considering you are introduced to us by one of our very reliable business

partners, we are willing to allow you to pay us by T/T 30% of the total value before the goods

are shipped, and the rest paid by T/T after the goods arrive.

As to quality, Chinese soy source is always the best.

If you think this arrangement is acceptable, please let us know as soon as you can.

Your Trully.

Wang Bin

Overseas Marketing Manager

Tianjin Tanggu Foodstaff Company Limited


IV. Address the envelope using the name and address provided:


写信人:Hangzhou Copying Equipment Co.

地址:No. 8 Xihu Longwu Industrial Park

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

收信人:Berg Manufacturing Corp.

地址:818 Harrison Street, Suite 206

Oak Park, Illinois, USA 60304

Unit Two Establishing Business Relations

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. import and export

2. specific inquiry

3. favorable price

4. be in abundant supply

5. consumer goods

6. finished product

7. be in short supply


sole agent


joint venture

B. Into English:

1. 建立贸易关系

2. 潜在的买主 / 客户

3. 经营范围

4. 价格单

5. 样品本

6. 国际商会(缩写)

7. 插图目录

8. 中国出口商品交易会

9. 商业信誉


10. 资信情况

11. 财务状况

II. Translate the following letter into English:


从贵国驻北京大使馆的商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是一家食品(foodstuff)出口商。作为一家专营罐装食品(canned food)的零售商(retailer),我们特致函贵方,希望能建立贸易关系。





III. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information:

Write a letter to Foothill Enterprises Trade Development Co. Ltd. (P.O. Box 22789 Taiz Street,

Sana’a, Republic of Yemen) telling them:

1. you are introduced by the Commercial Counselor’s Office of their embassy in Beijing(驻北京大使馆的商务参赞处);

2. you wish to set up business relations with them;

3. the main scope of your business is exporting chinaware(瓷器);

4. samples and catalogues will be sent to them upon receipt of their specific inquiries.

Unit Three Enquiry and Replies

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. make sb an enquiry for sth

2. have sth in stock

3. be out of stock

4. quote sb a price for sth

5. enquire for sth

6. make sb a quotation for sth

7. R&D department

8. immediate delivery

9. immediate shipment

10. confirming sample

11. sample book

B. Into English:

1. 询盘(n.)

2. 现货供应

3. 报最低价

4. 扩展业务

5. 商品目录和样品

6. 一整套

7. 出口部












II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

Digital Cameras

We are interested in your various types of digital cameras displayed at the Guangzhou

Fair in April.

We introduce ourselves as one of the largest importers of electric goods in London and

have been in this line for over ten years. We expect to establish business relations with you

with keen interest.

At present we are enlarging our import business and the said products fit in very well.

Please send us a full range of illustrated catalogues and samples. We will appreciate it very

much if you will quote us the lowest price CIF London for the digital cameras which can be

supplied from stock.

We look forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

London Universal Trading PLC

Peter Lee

Import Manager


Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following


写信人:John Smith, Fine Toys Inc.的Import Manager

地 址:22 Granville Street, Fresno, Los Angeles, USA


地 址:中国青岛香港中路100号

事 由:竹制玩具

日 期:20--年12月1日


现介绍我公司是洛杉矶地区最大的玩具进口商。你方在《纽约时报》(New York





Unit Four Offers and Counter-offers

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. make sb an offer for sth


2. by separate mail/post

3. short ton

4. metric ton

5. purchase confirmation

6. take delivery of

7. make delivery of

8. usual terms

9. wholesale price

10. end user

11. take … into account

12. out of stock

13. supply … from stock

14. see one’s way clear to

15. bridge the gap

16. ceiling price

17. reduction in price

18. the best price

19. gap in price

20. break the contract

21. fulfill the contract

22. allow sb a discount

B. Into English:

1. 报盘

2. 报价单

3. 即期装运

4. 最终确认

5. 以…...为准,以…...为条件

6. 另封,另寄

7. 销售季节

8. 虚盘

9. 标题货物

10. 实盘

11. 长吨

12. 向某人订某货

13. 以...为抬头

14. 销售确认书

15. 吸引人的价格

16. 对等贸易

17. 市场坚挺

18. 畅销

19. 取消交易

20. 原材料

21. 生产成本

22. 常年客户/经常的主顾

23. 鉴于

24. 达成协议

25. 签合同

26. 下跌的市场

27. 推销

28. 做出让步

29. 弥补差距

30. 各让一半,互相折衷


31. 起草合同

32. 最低价

II. Translate the following letter into English in a proper form:

Worldwide Trading Pty. Ltd

Level 25

367 Collins Street

Sydney, Australia










出口部经理 高丽



Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 15.

In reply to you enquiry for our Rourou Brand Pillow Cases, we are making you an offer

as follows:

Name of Commodity: Rourou Brand Pillow Cases

Specifications: NJ100

Quantity: 40,000 pairs

Price: at USD22 per pair CIF Copenhagen including 5% commission.

Payment: by a confirmed irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft.

Shipment: during July/August 20--

This offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.

For your information, there is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this

particular offer has lapsed.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Write an English letter based on the following information:

你方向客户作的铁丝(iron wire)的报价,客户4月9日回信中认为价格偏高。给客户回信,包含以下几点:

1. 最近原材料价格上涨;

2. 我们的质量上乘;










Unit Five Sales Promotion

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. leading dealer

2. approach sb for sth

3. competitive offer

4. in large quantities


B. Into English:

1. 属于我们的经营范围

2. 从事.…..业务

3. 详细信息

4. 最新商品目录

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We are glad to make you a competitive offer as follows:

Name of commodity: Seagull Brand Cameras

Quantity: 2,000sets

Price: at USD200 per set CIFC3% New York

Packing: packed in cartons

Time of shipment: for shipment during March/April 20--

Terms of payment: by irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft

The above offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.

Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

III. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following information:

你是一家经营轮胎进出口的国营公司,名叫Yellow Sea Tyre Co. Ltd (中国青岛中山路30号贸易大厦15层进出口部 Tel: 0086-532-2688888 E-mail: yst@)。你从网站上得知澳大利亚一家叫Greenworld Trading Pty Ltd(36 Tower

Street Sydney, Australia)公司正在中国寻求轮胎的供货商,给他们写一封信介绍一下自己的公司,说明消息来源,并报盘目前畅销货物。


Unit Six Orders and Acknowledgements

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. cash against documents

2. duplicate order

3. financial standing

4. initial order

5. first order

6. trial order

7. pave the way for

8. friendly cooperation

9. make out a contract

10. draft (n.)

11. draw up

12. sales contract

13. in duplicate

14. for one’s file r

15. stipulation



18. terms and conditions

19. shipping marks

20. original sales contract

21. name of commodity

22. specification

23. commodity inspection

B. Into English:

1. 订单

2. 执行订单

3. 销售确认书

4. 拒绝订单

5. 一式两份

6. 向某人订购某种货物

7. 续订单

8. 接受订单

9. 付款条件

10. 提交

11. 确认订单

12. 销售确认书

13. 供某人详阅

14. 向某人订某货

15. 随后的修改

16. 一式三份

17. 一式四份

18. 一式五份

19. 与……符合

20. 合同条款

21. 供某人参考

22. 溢短装条款

23. 仲裁


24. 不可抗力

25. 品质和重量检验证书

26. 目的港

27. 对外经济贸易仲裁委员会

28. 总金额

29. 海洋运输货物保险条款

30. 付款条件

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your quotation sheet and samples sent on 7 June. Both the price and quality are

satisfactory, so we now place a trial order for 1,000 dozen.

For your information, women’s cashmere coats are in great demand in Toronto and prices are

much high. But the customers here are very selective. Therefore, we must stress the

importance of quality and design. If these coats are of superior quality and attractive design,

we are sure they will have a good market in Toronto.

As the amount of this order is not big, we recommend payment by T/T.

We look forward to your early confirmation.

Yours faithfully,

III. Translate the following letter into English:



我们确认向你方供应1,000台球桌(snooker tables),每台400美元成本加运保费洛杉矶,十月份交货。付款条件为保兑的、不可撤销的、以我方为受益人的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。




IV. Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 1:

1. 经过一番洽谈,各项条件均谈妥,因此我们决定订购1,000台海尔牌微波炉

2. 海尔产品在此地声誉很好,因其品质优良,售后服务也不错,因此希望和海尔建立长期的业务关系,如第一批货销得很好,将大量续订。

3. 期望早日收到销售合同。

Letter 2:

1. 感谢买方5,000只女式皮包的订单。

2. 保证按时优质履行订单,并请对方务必及时开证以免耽误装运。

3. 告知对方,除所订的一款外,我们还经营更多的、各种各样的时装包,并随附插图目录。如有需求,。


Unit Seven Packing

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. cardboard carton

2. seaworthy packing

3. fragile products

4. shipping instructions

5. in transit

6. in perfect condition

7. foamed plastics

8. kraft paper bag

9. in bad condition

10. double gunny bag

11. heat-proof

12. shock proof

13. wind-proof

14. water-proof paper

15. ocean transportation

16. polybag

17. be lined with

18. warning marks

19. indicative marks

20. square meter

B. Into English:

1. 内包装

2. 装箱单

3. 外包装

4. 出口包装

5. 粗鲁搬运

6. 木箱

7. 海洋运输

8. 中性包装

9. 大号

10. 中号

11. 小号

12. 特大号

13. 防潮纸

14. 出口标准

15. 国际标准

16. 装船唛头

17. 毛重

18. 小心轻放

19. 净重

20. 保持干燥

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your letter of July 1st. As requested, we will make packing arrangements as



Women’s eather shoes are first packed one pair in a polybag, then in a paper box, 10 boxes to

a carton lined with water-proof paper, bound with straps outside. S/1, M/6, L/2, XL/1 per

case, with equal assortment of white, red and black. You may rest assured that our cartons are

strong enough and seaworthy.

We hope the above arrangements will turn out to your satisfaction and await your early

confirmation, so that we may have the goods prepared.

Yours faithfully,

III. Translate the following letter into English:







Letter 1:

1. 向卖方订购10,000箱矿泉水;

2. 包装要求:每瓶500毫升,12瓶装一纸箱,2纸箱装一塑料箱,内包装务请美观以利销售,外包装务请坚固以便长途海运;

3. 请卖方按要求包装并按时装运。

Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 2:

1. 感谢买方订购1千台联想(Lenovo)牌电脑;

2. 每台电脑先装一塑料袋,再装一纸板箱,内衬防潮纸,并垫有泡沫塑料,外用两根打包带加固,2箱装一托盘;

3. 希望对方对包装满意。


Unit Eight Transportation

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. shipping company

2. shipping documents

3. liner

4. tramp

5. sailing date

6. port of shipment

7. port of destination

8. port of loading

9. port of discharge/unloading

10. transshipment


B. Into English:

1. 运输方式

2. 装运时间

3. 装运港

4. 分批装运

5. 运输标志,唛头

6. 装运通知

7. 装运要求

8. 舱位

9. 运输代理,货代

10. 海运提单

11. 清洁提单

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter of April 5.

We regret very much to inform you that, despite great efforts made by us, we are still

unable to book space of a direct vessel sailing for Jakarta. The shipping company here told us

that, for the time being, there is no regular vessel sailing between ports in China and Jakarta.

Therefore it is very difficult for us to ship these 10,000 metric tons of sugar to Jakarta direct.

In view of the difficult situation faced by us, please allow transshipment at Hong Kong

where arrangements can easily be made for transshipment. Your agreement to our requests

and your understanding of our position will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Write an English letter based on the following information:


Unit Nine Terms of Payment

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. confirmed irrevocable letter of credit

2. D/P

3. remain valid for negotiation in China

4. check (cheque)

5. promissory note

6. D/D

7. draw (a draft) on sb

8. payment by installment

B. Into English:

1. 定金

2. 凭即期汇票支付的

3. 一般支付条件














II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your Order No.105 for 50 metric tons of groundnuts but regret being

unable to accept your terms of payment mentioned herein.

In our last letter we reiterated our general terms and conditions, i.e. our usual terms of

payment are by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit in our favour, available by draft at sight,

reaching us one month before shipment, remaining valid for negotiation till 15th day after the

prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transshipment and partial shipments.

For your information, several big firms at your end have already done business with us

as per the above terms. We hope you will agree to our terms of payment so as to get the first

transaction concluded.

We look forward to your favourable reply.

Yours faithfully,

III. Translate the following letter into English:







Write an

English letter in a proper form based on the following information:

1. You are Mr. D. Causio, an Italian businessman who has been purchasing business

machines for two years with China National Electronics IMP. & Exp. Corp.

2. Write a letter to the Chinese company, asking for the modification of the terms of payment,

which has always been by L/C payable by draft at sight.

3. Now you are Mr. Wang, manager of the Chinese company. Write back to Mr. D. Causio,

granting his request and proposing an easier arrangement.

Unit Ten Insurance

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. Taint of Odour

2. T.P.N.D

3. Hook Damage


4. C.I.C.

5. Aflatoxin

6. Strike Risk

7. War Risk

8. risk of shortage

9. risk of leakage


B. Into English:

1. 一切险

2. 水渍险

3. 平安险

4. 一般附加险

5. 额外保费

6. 保险费率

7. 惯例

8. 特殊附加险

9. 淡水雨淋险

II. Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 1:










Letter 2:

1. 通知对方所订20箱摄像机(camcorders)将由“东风”轮于本月底或下月初运出;

2. 告诉对方你将根据此货性质,代对方投保一切险;

3. 如对方有什么异议,请赶紧告知。

Letter 3:

我方将开始定期出口电器元件(electrical components)到新加坡,并从那儿发送到东南亚的客户。由于我们每月都有货发出,写信给保险商要求办理预约保险,险别为一切险,保值为每批5万美元,立即生效,并要求给最优惠费率。

Unit Eleven Agencies

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

behalf of

as a sole agent


4. del credere commission


B. Into English:







II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear sirs,

We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers. We

specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle Eastern market. Our activities cover all types of

household linen.

Until now, we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved

to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are

very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products

in Bahrain.

We look forward to your early reply. `

Yours faithfully,


Translate the following letter into English:






Unit Twelve Complaints and Adjustments

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. survey report

2. settlement of your claim

3. commitment

4. shipping advice

5. arbitration

B. Into English:

1. 向某人索赔

2. 复验














II. Translate the following letter into English:




III. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We are very sorry to know that 10 washing machines were damaged due to broken

packages. However it is not our fault.

First, the cases we used for packing washing machines are specially made for export, as

you may see that they are all labelled “Export Packing” by the authorized surveyors. Second,

the clean bill of lading proves fully the goods in question were loaded in perfect condition.

Therefore, it is clear that the damage to the wooden cases has been caused by rough handling

in voyage or when unloading at your port.

Under such circumstances, we can not be held responsible for the damage. As the

shipment is covered against All Risks, we would rather advise you to file the claim with the

insurance company as soon as possible. We would, of course, do anything in our power to

help you in your insurance claim.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Write English letters based on the following information:


You are making a claim for the bad quality of dried mushrooms. When the goods

arrived you found worms in the plastic bags containing the dried mushrooms. The survey

report shows that they were not properly dehydrated(脱水)before loading. Show your

evidence and ask for compensation.


The shipment of the glassware you ordered has arrived, but a number of the wooden

cases and the contents inside were found broken. The survey report from the Entry-Exit

Inspection and Quarantine Bureau shows that the breakage is due to bad stowage(装货方法)---- the cases containing the glassware were put under machines in the same hold(船舱). You

claim for $8,000. But you need to decide first against whom you should file the claim.


作为进口商,你方买进一批T恤衫,订单号为168。你方于5月15日下订单时已详细说明交货日期不得晚于7月15日。对方也给予了确认。但两个月过去了,你方仍未收到货物也未接到任何通知。由于T恤衫属季节性商品,因此这次迟运已造成很大不 17


Unit Thirteen Electronic Correspondence


Translate the followings into Chinese:







Unit Fourteen Forms of Trade

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. on consignment terms

2. two-way business

3. tender

4. bidder

B. Into English:

1. 计划,方案

2. 独家代理销售

3. 补偿贸易

4. 加工贸易

5. 易货贸易

6. 租赁贸易



Unit One Layout of Business Letters


In the following picture, each numbered section represents a part of an

English letter in indented form. Can you write beside the number what

this part is?



Can you draw a picture like the one above but showing a letter in blocked




The following are different parts that form an English business letter.

Please lay them out into a letter in modified indented form:

Five Dragons International Toys Company

8 Yangzijiang North Road

Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225008 China

August 5, 2004

A & A 4Kidz Inc

Beursplein 37, 3001 DD Rotterdam, Netherlands

ATTN: Import Department

Dear Sirs,

RE: Children Toys

We learn your name and address from International Business Daily, and know that you

would like to import Chinese toys.

We are a toy company with customers from both China and abroad. We not only supply to

a number of big chain stores across China, but also receive substantial orders from many

major global retailers such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Sears.

Enclosed is an illustrated catalogue of our products. We are confident that they will be

appealing to you.

If you are interested in any of them, we would be glad to send you some samples for your


Your early reply will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Wang Xin

Export Manager

Five Dragons International Toys Company



Find out what is not acceptable in terms of format(格式)from the

following letter and make corrections:

Tianjin Tanggu Foodstaff Company Limited

Hubei Road No. 17, Tanggu District, Tianjin, China

May 12, 2004

Network Foods Limited

42-44 Sheehan Road Heidelberg West Victoria, 3081


ATTN: Mr. Michael Fox

Dear Sirs,

Subject: Soy Source

We are very glad to hear from you so soon and learn that you are interested in our soy


Our earliest time of shipment is June of this year. We usually only accept payment by

letter of credit, but considering you are introduced to us by one of our very reliable business

partners, we are willing to allow you to pay us by T/T 30% of the total value before the goods

are shipped, and the rest paid by T/T after the goods arrive.

As to quality, Chinese soy source is always the best.

If you think this arrangement is acceptable, please let us know as soon as you can.

Yours truly,

Wang Bin

Overseas Marketing Manager

Tianjin Tanggu Foodstaff Company Limited


Address the envelope using the name and address provided:

Hangzhou Copying Equipment Co.

No. 8 Xihu Longwu Industrial Park

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Amsterdam Commodities NV

Beursplein 37

3001 DD Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Unit Two Establishing Business Relations

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 进出口

2. 具体询盘



4. 大量供应

5. 消费品

6. 成品

7. 供应短缺

8. 独家代理

9. 合资企业

B. Into English:

1. establish / enter into trade relations

2. prospective buyers / client

3. business scope

4. price list

5. sample books

6. ICC

7. illustrated catalogue

8. The Chinese Export Commodities Fair

9. business standing /status

10. credit standing /status

11. financial standing /status


Translate the following letter into English:

Dear Sirs,

We learn from the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of your embassy in Beijing that you

are an exporter of foodstuff. As a retailer specializing in canned food, we are writing to you in

the hope of setting up business relations with you.

From your circular we note that you are able to supply various kinds of canned food. We

shall appreciate it if you will supply us with your latest price lists and illustrated catalogues.

We shall buy large quantities if your goods are favourable in price and superior in quality.

We await your early reply.

Yours faithfully,


Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following


Date: 20th April 2004

Foothill Enterprises Trade Development Co. Ltd.

Taiz Street

P.O. Box 22789

Sana’a-Republic of Yemen

Dear Sirs,

Your company has been introduced to us by the Commercial Counsellor’s Office of your

embassy in Beijing as prospective buyers of arts & crafts.

In order to expand our products to the Middle East, we are writing to you in the hope of

establishing trade relations.


The main line of our business covers the export of chinaware of superb quality, fashionable

design and competitive price, which enjoys a good reputation all over the world. For your

information, we are enclosing an illustrated catalogue and the latest price list. Samples and

quotations will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiries.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Unit Three Enquiry and Replies

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 向某人询购某货

2. 有 .….. 现货

3. 无货,缺货

4. 向……报……的价格

5. 询购某物

6. 向……报……的价格

7. 研发部门

8. 立即交货

9. 立即装运

10. 确认样品

11. 样品本

B. Into English:

1. enquiry

2. supply ... from stock

3. quote the lowest price for

4. to enlarge business

5. catalogue and sample

6. a full range of

7. export department

8. specific enquiries

9. buying sample

10. correspond with

11. counter-sample

12. irrevocable sight L/C

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:










Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following


Fine Toys Inc.

32 Granville Street, Fresno

Los Angeles, USA

December 1, 20--

Shandong Arts and Crafts Imp/Exp Corporation

100 Hong Kong Road

Qingdao, China

ATTN: Mr. Wang, Manager of Export Dept.

Dear Mr. Wang,

Bamboo Toys

We introduce ourselves as the biggest importer of toys in Los Angeles. The bamboo toys

you have advertised on “New York Times” suit our needs very much.

We are now making you an enquiry for approximately 200,000 bamboo toys in order to

meet the market demand.

We have sent you separately our buying samples for you to have an idea of the quality

and models we need. Please send us by airmail your samples corresponding with our buying

samples and quote us the best price CIF Los Angeles.

We shall be obliged if you will give us your immediate attention.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith

Import Manager

Fine Toys Inc.

Unit Four Offers and Counter-offers

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 向某人报……

2. 另邮,另寄

3. 短吨

4. 公吨

5. 购货确认书

6. 提货

7. 交货

8. 通常的条款

9. 批发价

10. 用户

11. 把……考虑进去

12. 脱销

13. 供…...现货

14. 设法做某事

15. 弥补价格上的差距

16. 最高价

17. 降价

18. 最好的价格

19. 价格差距


20. 违反合同

21. 履行合同

22. 给…...折扣

B. Into English:

1. offer

2. quotation sheet

3. prompt shipment

4. final confirmation

5. subject to

6. under separate cover

7. selling season

8. non-firm offer

9. captioned goods

10. firm offer

11. long ton

12. place an order with sb for sth

13. in one’s favour

14. sales confirmation

15. attractive price

16. counter-trade

17. The market is strong.

18. sell fast

19. cancel the deal

20. raw materials

21. cost of production

22. regular client

23. in view of

24. conclude/close/complete/finalize a deal

25. sign the contract

26. the declining market

27. push the sales of

28. make some concessions

29. close the gap

30. meet each other halfway

31. draft/draw up/prepare the contract

32. rock bottom price


Translate the following letter into English in a proper form:

Golden King Candle Co. Ltd

11th Floor, Futai Plaza

100 Hong Kong Road

Qingdao, China

November 10, 2004

Worldwide Trading Pty. Ltd

Level 25, 367 Collins Street

Sydney, Australia

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your enquiry of December 5 for Christmas candles.

As requested, we are offering Article No. 202 candles you require at USD 340 per case on

CIFC2% Sydney subject to our final confirmation.

It’s known that our products are superior in quality and moderate in price, and are very

popular in the international market. We hope you will agree to our quotation.

As Christmas is approaching, please send us your orders without any delay.


Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Golden King Candle Co. Ltd


Export Manager


Translate the following letter into Chinese:














IV. Write an English letter based on the following information:

10th April,…

Dear Sirs,

We learn from your letter of 9th April that our price for iron wire is found to be on the

high side.

Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we regret that we can’t

entertain your counter-offer, since the price of raw materials has advanced 5% and our quality

is superior to any other similar products.

In addition, for minimum quantity of one ton we usually don’t grant any discount.

For your information, our products are enjoying fast sales both at home and abroad, so

the stocks are getting low. On account of a limited supply available at present, we suggest you

accept our offer without delay.

If you have any further enquiries please contact us, and we assure you that they will

receive our prompt attention.

Yours faithfully,

Unit Five Sales Promotion

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 主要经销商

2. 就某事联系某人

3. 有竞争力的报盘

4. 大量的

B. Into English:






fall within the scope of our business activities

be in ... line

detailed information

latest catalogue

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:




数量:2,000 台








III. Write an English letter in a proper form based on the following


Yellow Sea Tyre Co. Ltd

15 Floor, Trade Mansion, 30 Zhongshan Road

Qingdao, China

Tel: 0086-532-2688888

E-mail: yst@

thMay 1,2004

Greenworld Trading Pty. Ltd

36 Tower Street

Sydney, Australia

Dear Sirs,

We learn your name and address from the Webside that you are

looking for a tyre supplier in China.

Our company is a state-operated corporation handling both the import and export of tyres.

We are one of leading dealers in the tyre business in China.

As your requirements fall within our business scope, we would like to take this

opportunity to approach you. In order to let you have more detailed information about our

probucts, we are sending you under separate cover the latest catalogue.

In the meantime, we are glad to make you a special offer for tyres of the following models

that are very popular at present.

Model XXX, at USD 50 each FOB Qingdao

Model XXX, at USD 52 each FOB Qingdao

Model XXX, at USD 54 each FOB Qingdao

Shipment can be made in 30 days after receipt of your order.

Payment is made by irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft.

Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Unit Six Orders and Acknowledgements

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 凭单付现

2. 重复订单

3. 财务状况

4. 首笔订单

5. 第一笔订单

6. 试订单

7. 为……铺平道路

8. 友好合作

9. 缮制合同

10. 草案

11. 草拟,起草

12. 销售合同

13. 一式两份

14. 以便某人存档

15. 规定

16. 国家质量监督检验检疫总局

17. 中国国际贸易促进委员会

18. 条款

19. 装船唛头

20. 正本合同

21. 商品名称

22. 规格

23. 商品检验

B. Into English:

1. order

2. fulfill an order

3. S/C (Sales Confirmation)

4. decline an order

5. in duplicate

6. place an order with sb. for sth.

7. repeat order

8. entertain an order

9. terms of payment

10. submit

11. confirm an order

12. S/C (sales confirmation)

13. for one’s perusal

14. book sth. with sb

15. subsequent amendment

16. in triplicate

17. in quadruplicate

18. in five copies

19. conform (to)

20. contract terms

21. for one’s reference

22. more or less clause

23. arbitration

24. Force Majeure

25. Certificate of Quality and Weight


26. port of destination

27. Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

28. total value/total amount

29. Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses

30. terms of payment

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:








Translate the following letter into English:

Dear Sirs,

We have received your Order No. 123 of Aug. 1st with thanks.

We confirm supply of 1,000 snooker tables at USD400 per set CIF Los Angeles for shipment

in October. Our terms of payment are confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in our favor,

payable by draft at sight.

We are sure that the superior quality of our products will be satisfactory to you.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any other requirements.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 1:

Date: …

Dear Sirs,

We are glad that we have agreed on all the terms and conditions after a series of negotiations.

Now we decide to place an order with you for 1,000 Haier Brand Microwave Ovens.

Haier products enjoy a very good reputation here for their high quality and good after-sales

service. So we wish to establish a long-term business relationship with Haier Group. If the

first shipment sells well, we will place many repeat orders.

We look forward to your sales contract at an early date.

Yours faithfully,

Letter 2:


Date: …

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your order for 5,000 women’s leather bags.

We assure you that we will execute your order promptly and to your entire satisfaction.

Please note that your relative L/C should be established in due course to avoid delay in


Besides the model you order, we also handle a wide range of fashion bags. Enclosed please

find a latest illustrated catalogue. Please do not hesitate to let us know if any of them are of

interest to you.

We await your favourable reply.

Yours faithfully,

Unit Seven Packing

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 纸板箱

2. 适合海运的包装

3. 易碎品

4. 装船指令

5. 在运输途中

6. 状况完好

7. 泡沫塑料

8. 牛皮纸袋

9. 状况不好

10. 双层麻袋

11. 防热的

12. 防震的

13. 防风的

14. 防水纸

15. 海洋运输

16. 塑料袋

17. 内衬

18. 警告性标志

19. 指示性标志

20. 平方米

B. Into English:

1. inner packing

2. packing list

3. outer packing

4. export packing

5. rough handling

6. wooden case


7. ocean transportation

8. neutral packing

9. large (size)

10. medium (size)

11. small (size)

12. extra large

13. damp-proof paper

14. export standard

15. international standard

16. shipping marks

17. gross weight

18. Handle With Cares

19. net weight

20. Keep Dry

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:






III. Translate the following letter into English:

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your quotation of June 1st for apple wine. We are pleased to order 10,000

bottles. Please note our packing requirements as follows:

10,000 bottles of apple wine, each bottle put in a foamed plastic bag first, then in a thick,

exquisite paper box, 10 boxes to a cardboard carton padded with foamed plastic. The cartons

should be strong enough to withstand rough handling and long ocean transportation.

Please pack the goods strictly according to our requirements to avoid damage during

transit. As Christmas is approaching, please expedite shipment to catch the selling season.

Yours truly,

IV. Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 1:


Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to place an order with you for 10,000 cases of mineral water. Please note our

packing requirements to be 500 ml to a bottle, 12 bottles to a carton and 2 cartons to a wooden

case. The inner packing should be exquisite to be helpful to sales and outer packing strong to

facilitate long ocean transportation.

Please pack the goods accordingly and effect shipment on time.

Yours faithfully,


Letter 2:


Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your order for 10,000 Lenovo Brand Computers. Our packing arrangements

are as follows:

10v000 Lenovo Brand Computers are packed one set in a polybag, then in a cardboard carton

padded with foamed plastic, two cartons on a pallet. All the cartons are lined with

water-proof paper and bound with double straps outside.

We hope the above arrangements are satisfactory and look forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Unit Eight Transportation

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 运输公司

2. 运输单据

3. 班轮

4. 不定期船

5. 启航日期

6. 装运港

7. 目的港

8. 装货港

9. 卸货港

10. 转船

B. Into English:

1. mode of shipment

2. time of shipment

3. port of shipment

4. partial shipment

5. shipping mark

6. shipping advice

7. shipping instructions

8. shipping space

9. shipping agent / forwarding agent / forwarder

10. ocean B/L

11. clean B/L

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:








Write an English letter based on the following information:


Dear Sirs,

Your Contract No. 65

We have for acknowledgement your letter dated June 10th in connection with the

subject contract.

Immediately upon receipt of your letter, we contacted the shipping company and regret to

inform you that there is no container ship sailing from here to your port prior to August 15th.

We are extremely sorry for our inability to advance the shipment. However, we can assure

you that special care will be given to your order and we shall do everything possible to ensure

shipment of the goods within the contracted time.

Yours faithfully,

Unit Nine Terms of Payment

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 保兑的不可撤销的信用证

2. 付款交单

3. 在中国议付有效

4. 支票

5. 本票

6. 票汇

7. 向某人出具汇票

8. 分期付款

B. Into English:

1. down payment

2. payable by draft at sight

3. usual payment terms

4. T/T (telegraphic transfer)

5. credit card

6. collection

7. payment in advance

8. M/T (mail transfer)

9. find a ready market for…

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:








Translate the following letter into English:


Dear Sirs

We are pleased to inform you that we can supply 1,000 kegs of iron nails under your

Order No.507 dated June 17th. In accordance with our usual terms of payment for overseas

buyers, we enclose our draft at 30 days for acceptance by your bankers.

Upon receipt of the accepted drafts, we will arrange shipment. We are now holding the

goods for you.

We appreciate your immediate attention to the matter.

Yours faithfully


Write an

English letter in a proper form based on the following information:


Dear Mr. Wang,

Our purchases of business machines from you in the past three years have as a rule been

paid by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.

This arrangement has cost us a great deal of money. From the moment we open the credit

till our buyers pay us, normally the tie-up of funds lasts a long period. This is a great

financial burden to us in view of the difficult economic situation and the prevailing high bank

interest rates.

If you agree to offer us easier payment terms, it would be conducive to an increase in

business between us. So we propose either by D/P or your drawing on us at three months


We hope our request will meet with your approval and look forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Mr. D. Causio,

Thank you for your letter of May 25th asking for a change in payment terms.

After careful consideration with my colleagues, we have come to the conclusion that it’s

now time to expand the business between our two firms. In order to do this, we think an

easier mode of payment could be very helpful. So we propose that for each transaction, when

the goods are ready for shipment, we fax you and you pay us 30% of the total value by T/T,

after receiving which we’ll dispatch the goods and fax you a copy of the Bill of Lading. The

rest of the proceeds then will have to be paid by T/T within 20 days of shipment.

We hope this arrangement will be acceptable to you and will lead to the increase of trade

volume between us.

Yours truly,

Unit Ten Insurance

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 串味险

2. 偷窃、提货不着险

3. 勾损险

4. 中国保险条款

5. 险

6. 罢工险


7. 战争险

8. 短量险

9. 渗漏险

B. Into English:

1. All Risks

2. W.P.A.

3. F.P.A.

4. General Additional Coverage

5. extra premium

6. insurance premium rate

7. usual practice

8. special additional risks


II. Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 1:


Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of the 3rd November enquiring about insurance, we wish to give

you the following information.

For transactions concluded on CIF basis, we usually effect insurance with the People’s

Insurance Company of China against All Risks, as per their Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of

January 1, 1981. Should you require insurance to be covered as per the Institute Cargo

Clauses, we would be glad to comply but if there is any difference in premium between the

two, it will be charged to your account.

We are also in a position to insure the shipment against any additional risks if you so

desire, and the extra premium is to be borne by you. In this case, we shall send you the

premium receipt issued by the underwriter.

Usually, the amount insured is 110% of the total invoice value. However, if a higher

percentage is required, we may do accordingly but you have to bear the extra premium as


We hope the above will provide you with all the information you wish to know and we

look forward to receiving your order.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Sirs,

Please be informed that we will be shipping your order for 20 c/s camcorders per s/s

“Dongfeng”, due to leave here at the end of this month or the beginning of the next month.

Unless otherwise instructed, we will arrange to take out an All Risks insurance policy

for you on the above cargo. This type of coverage is, in our opinion, necessary for a cargo of

this nature.

If you have any different opinion, please let us know as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Letter 3:


Dear Sirs,


We are about to start exporting our electrical components to Singapore in regular

consignments, which will then be distributed to the customers in Southeast Asia. Since our

consignments will leave on a monthly basis, would you please arrange an open cover against

All risks for an amount of US$50,000 per consignment, effective immediately, at the most

economical rate you can provide?

Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully,

Unit Eleven Agencies

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:




4. 货价保付佣金

B. Into English:

1. the general agent

2 .the sole/ exclusive agent

3 .the buying agent

4. commission

5. distributor

6. principal

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:



与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关业务合作之情况。 盼望能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。



III. Translate the following letter into English:

Dear sirs,

Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our

household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage, such an arrangement would be rather


We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the

arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our products at you end.

You would also have to build up a much larger turnover to justify a sole agency.

We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing

from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


Unit Twelve Complaints and Adjustments

I. Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. 检验报告

2. 处理你方索赔

3. 承诺

4. 装船通知

5. 仲裁

B. Into English:

1. lodge a claim against sb.

2. re-inspect / re-inspection

3. accept full responsibility for

4. accept a claim

5. insurance company

6. reject a claim

7. cancel the order

8. present stock

II. Translate the following letter into English:

Dear Sirs,

We are here to inform you that the canned fruits under our Order 203 arrived us

yesterday. Upon their arrival, we found that the quality is far below the samples and the fruits

are no longer suitable for consumption. We immediately had them re-inspected by our

surveyor, Tianjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. Our experts are of the

opinion that it was the inferior material used that caused the quality deterioration. This

mishap has caused us a great loss. Therefore, we shall ask for a compensation of $5,000.

Please give this matter your prompt attention.

Yours faithfully,

III. Translate the following letter into Chinese:




IV. Write English letters based on the following information:



Dear Sirs,

Dried Mushrooms

We are here to inform you that the captioned goods have arrived here. Yet upon their

arrival, we found some worms in the plastic bags containing the goods. We immediately had

them re-inspected by a public surveyor. They are of the opinion that the mushrooms were not


properly dehydrated before loading. This is apparently negligence on your part. Therefore we

have to lodge a claim against you for an amount of USD ….

Enclosed is a copy of the survey report. Your prompt attention to this matter would be


Yours Sincerely,


Date: …

xxx Shipping Company

Dear Sirs,

We received your shipment of glassware. However, we found a number of the wooden

cases and the contents inside were broken. Our surveyor, the Entry-Exit Inspection and

Quarantine Bureau, re-inspected the whole shipment. The survey report shows that the

breakage is due to bad stowage, as it is a fact that the cases were put under machines in the

same hold. This mishap has caused us great inconvenience. For this, we shall ask for a

compensation of $8,000.

Your prompt attention would be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sirs,

Our Order No.168

We are referring to our Order No.168 for T-shirts. When we gave you our order on May 15

we stated explicitly that we wanted delivery not later than June 15 and you have confirmed

this accordingly.

Two months have passed since then but we are surprised that we have not yet received the

goods or any advice from you when we can expect delivery.

We must point out to you that T-shirts are seasonal goods. As this delay has caused us very

serious inconvenience, we are compelled to cancel the order. Meanwhile, we request you to

give a reason for the non-execution and make compensation for our loss totaling $5,000.

Yours faithfully,

Unit Thirteen Electronic Correspondence

I. Translate the followings into Chinese:

1. 你7日电悉,报LA634号蜂蜜550公吨实盘,桶装,每公吨成本加运费伦敦价人民币1395元,佣金2%,15日前电复有效。

2. 你11日电悉,仅有WL-5002型微波炉可供,CIF悉尼价145美元,需求甚殷,请尽早来电决定。

3. 你22日电悉,报350公吨书写纸最低价,CIF哥本哈根价95英镑,3%佣金,5月装运。需求甚殷,请即来电接受。

Unit Fourteen Forms of Trade


Translate the following terms and expressions:


A. Into Chinese:

1. 以寄售条件

2. 双向贸易

3. 招标

4. 投标者

B. Into English:

1. blue print

2. exclusive sales

3. compensation trade

4. processing trade

5. barter trade

6. leasing trade


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