2014年10月自考《英语一》讲义 Unit 10_(含课文、生词表、课后练习及


Unit 10 Media — Blessing or Curse


Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.


——Jim Mo——吉姆·

Jim Morrison (1943 — 1971), American rock singer, poet and songwriter. As the lead singelyricist of the rock band The Doors, Jim Morrison is one of the most legendary and influential

figures in rock music history.

吉姆·莫里森(1943 — 1971),美国摇滚歌手,诗人和流行歌曲作者。吉姆·莫里森作为摇滚乐队“大(The Doors)的主唱者和词作者,是在摇滚乐历史上最富有传奇彩的和最有影响力的人物之一。

Speaking Activity

Talking about Past Events

Sample Dialogue

Read the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers talk about past events.

Dad: How was school today?

Emily: Really fun.

Dad: Good. What did you do?

Emily: We made paper kangaroos.

Dad: You made paper kangaroos? OK. And what did you need to make your paper kangaroos? I mewhat kind of supplies did you need?

Emily: We used crayons, papers and glue. And we had to follow directions.

Dad: Well, good. Mum said you went to the junior high school after school.

Emily: Yes, I rode my bike in the tennis court.

Dad: Did you go by yourself?

Emily: I went with Nathan, Sarah, and Rachel.

Dad: Well, that's great. Now, let's get ready for dinner.

Emily : OK.

Guided practice

Directions: Talk with your partner about what you did at the past weekends. Take turns to sthe conversation. You may use the following expressions to help you.

What did you do yesterday?

Did you go there yourself?

Were you at home yesterday?

I went to watch a movie.

I didn't…

New Words



to tell the public about product or a service in order to encourage people

buy or to use it 做广告;登广告



main; most important; basic 主要的;首要的



a person or company that advertises 广告商;广告公司



to persuade somebody to believe something or do something 说服;使动摇



able to persuade somebody to do or believe something 有说服力的;令人信服 6、locker


a small cupboard that can be locked 储物柜



to try to make somebody to do something, especially when they are unwilling 催促促



to annoy somebody, especially by asking them something many times 打扰;纠缠; 9、suggestion


putting an idea into people's minds by connecting it with other ideas 暗示想



connected with or intended for one particular thing only 特意;专门地 11、campaign


a series of planned activities that are intend to achieve a particular socicommercial or political aim 运动



to give a title to a book, play, etc. 给……命名(或题名)



a large business company (大)公司



extremely 极其



made to look as if they are moving 栩栩如生的;(似)能活动的



lacking experience of life, knowledge or good judgment and willing to believthat people always tell you the truth 缺乏经验的;幼稚的;轻信的



really 真正的;真实地



the clothes worn by actors in a play or film/ movie, or worn by somebody to

them look like something else 戏装;服装



substances used especially by women to make their faces look more attractiveused by actor to change their appearance 化妆品



a group of people 体



not letting you feel physically comfortable 使人不舒服的;令人不舒适 22、moral


concerned with principles of right and wrong behavior 道德的



a problematic situation, often one in which you have to make a very difficulchoice between things of equal importance (进退两难的)窘境,困境



to control or influence somebody/something, often in a dishonest way so tthey do not realize it (暗中)控制,操纵,影响



to put somebody/something in a place or situation where they are not protectefrom something harmful or unpleasant 使面临,使遭受 (危险或不快)



full of something bad or unpleasant 充斥的,充满的



appearing to be true, real or important until you look at it more care表面的;外表的



what you do, say or think as a result of something that has happened 反应; 29、deliberate


done on purpose rather than by accident 故意的;蓄意的;存心的

30、 ploy


words or actions that are carefully planned to get an advantage over somebody




a drug found in coffee and tea that makes you feel more active



in the end; finally 最终;最后;终归

Phrases and Expressions

1、go to any, some, great, etc. lengths to put a lot of effort into doing something, especiwhen this seems extreme 竭尽全力;不遗余力

2、care about to feel that something is important and worth worrying about 关注;在意;担忧 3、act as/like to perform a particular role or function 充当;起作用

4、strike a balance(between A and B)to manage to find a way of being fair to two opposingthings; to find an acceptable position which is between two things 到折中办法;平衡

5、weigh(up)…against… to consider something carefully before making a decision 认真考虑衡;斟酌

6、(it ' s)no/little/small wonder(that)… it is not surprising 不足为奇;并不奇怪

Proper Names

McDonald’s 麦当劳 (大型连锁快餐集团)

Text A Advertising to Children

Pr-reading Questions

you influenced by advertisements when you decide to buy something?

you agree that children often fall victim to advertising?

Advertising to Children

Children are a prime target for advertisers and salesmen across the world. Not only are theeasily swayed by advertising, they are also persuasive in encouraging their parents to buy a

product. If a child wants something in their kid's locker, they will prod and annoy their parenuntil they get what they want. Anyone who has seen a child pester its parents knows the lengthschildren can go to. All it takes is a little suggestion from a single advertisement to send thetheir way.①

McDonald's at one stage advised employees to specifically target children. In a campaign

entitled "Kids are the Star", its employees were encouraged to pay special attention to childreto make sure they had a positive experience while eating at its restaurants. The reason for thinaturally, was not that the McDonald's corporation cared deeply about the well-being of childreeverywhere, but that the pester-power that children have is extraordinarily effective at bringitheir parents back for more visits.②

The way that advertisers target children is simple. Big, bright lights, happy people and

animated characters are all that is needed to encourage children to think a certain product is

something they want. ③ This is because children are naive; they genuinely believe what an

advertiser tells them. They do not realize that Ronald McDonald is just a guy in a costume and

up, and that behind the counter of every McDonald's is a bunch of kids working in uncomfortableconditions for low pay.

This poses a real moral dilemma for those who make the advertising decisions, or at least ishould. While manipulating children into believing lies, especially encouraging them to eat

unhealthy foods, is obviously bad, the purpose of business is to make money. How do you say no

opportunity to reach such a wide audience of children, who act as advertisers themselves when tencourage other children and their parents to buy a particular product? ④

One of the problems with today's society is that we think in terms of striking a balance. Tis a belief that the impact on children of being exposed to damaging media can be "weigh up" aghow much money can be made and how much power can be gained.⑤ When thinking like this is involit is no wonder today's world is rife with so many problems.

The superficial reactions children get from eating McDonald's last about as long as they arthe place. This is not a coincidence; it is a deliberate ploy. The goal is that children arriveconsume high amounts of caffeine, salt, sugar and fat. Their bodies have an instant positive

reaction, and by the time they're "coming down", you're on the way home.

If you want what's best for your children, keep them away from the television as much as yopossibly can. It is bad for their brains, and ultimately bad for your wallet! Take them outsideto McDonald's but to the beach or somewhere where they can enjoy life.

Key Sentences

who has seen a child pester its parents knows the lengths children can go to. All

takes is a little suggestion from a single advertisement to send them on their way.


reason for this, naturally, was not that the McDonald's corporation cared deeply abouwell-being of children everywhere, but that the pester-power that children have is extraordinareffective at bringing their parents back for more visits.


, bright lights, happy people and animated characters are all that is needed to encourchildren to think a certain product is something they want.


do you say no to an opportunity to reach such a wide audience of children, who act asadvertisers themselves when they encourage other children and their parents to buy a particularproduct?


is a belief that the impact on children of being exposed to damaging media can be

"weighed up" against how much money can be made and how much power can be gained.



McDonald: a clown character used as the primary mascot of the McDonald's fast-foodrestaurant chain

Text A Advertising to Children


Ⅰ Checking Your Comprehension

ing to the author, why are children a primary target for advertisers?

A)Children spend a lot of time watching TV.

B)Children have strong purchasing power.

C)Children are not very rational in spending their pocket money.

D)Children can influence their parents in making buying decisions.


Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passa




was the real purpose of the campaign "Kids are the Star" launched by McDonald's?

A)To make children want to come back to McDonald's again.

B)To offer children a balanced diet.

C)To encourage children to make their own decisions.

D)To show deep concern for the well-being of children.




is one of the commonest ways advertisers target children?

A)Offering affordable prices.

B)Offering special discounts.

C)Using animated images.

D)Appealing to their parents.




ing to the author, what is one of the problems in today's society?

A)Our society is largely money-driven.

B)Children are spoiled by their parents.

C)Parents spend little time with children.

D)The number of overweight children is increasing.




message does the author try to convey in this passage?

A)Parents should help children spend money wisely.

B)Children are taken advantage of by advertisers.

C)The food offered by McDonald's is not healthy.

D)McDonald's is very successful in managing the company.




Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words gin the brackets.

company is known for its high-quality _____. (products, production)




工品、任何的脑力劳动所创造的产品。production 为抽象的不可数名词,指生产的行为、产量。因此空格处应选products。答案为products。

money is to be used for one _________ purpose: building a new theatre. (specific,





arrest produced an immediate _______ from the press. (react, reaction)




war _________four years before the two parties ceased fire. (lasted, lasting)




candidate is apparently not _________about the interview. (comfort, comfortable)




ment must take _________ responsibility for the strike. (ultimate, ultimately)




Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where icial 表面的 specifically 专门地 moral 道德的 sway 动摇

advertise 做广告 campaign 运动,活动 costume 戏装

deliberately 故意地

's her _________obligation to tell the police what she knows.




法,空格处应填形容词作obligation的定语,moral obligation意为“道义上的责任”,因此应选moral。答案为moral。

have launched a _________to crack down on drug dealers.



【答案解析】题目意思:警方已经开展一个严厉打击毒贩的活动。launch a campaign意

为开展一个活动。crack down on…意为……制裁……;drug dealer意为毒贩。根据句意,空格处应选campaign。答案为campaign。

't allow yourself to be _________by his promises.





no longer _________alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events.




book was written _________ for children.




lly, such visits can provide only the most _________ understanding of prison life.




Section C

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.

goes to extraordinary _______to keep her private life private.




to any/ some/great/etc. lengths意为“竭尽全力,不遗余力”。因此空格处应填lengths。答案为lengths。

job is great _______ terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.




搭配in terms of,意为“就……而言,以……为单位”。因此空格处应填in。答案为in。

was finding it difficult to strike a_______ between his family and his work.



【答案解析】题目意思:他发现在家庭和事业中到平衡是很难的。本题考查固定搭配strike a balance,意为“到折中办法”。因此空格处应填balance。答案为balance。

were mixed reactions _______ the government's proposed tax increases.




a biologist, she cares deeply _______ environmental issues.



【答案解析】题目意思:作为一名生物学家,她非常关注环境问题。本题考查固定搭配care about,意为“关注,担忧”。因此空格处应填about。答案为about。

are always a _______ of kids hanging out at the beach.



【答案解析】题目意思:总有一孩子在海滩上闲逛。本题考查固定搭配a bunch of,意为“一,一堆”。因此空格处应填bunch,答案为bunch。

Ⅲ Bridging the Gap

Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. Youchoose a suitable one from the list given.

⑦pay for ③lower ①in favour ②improve

⑧compete with ④without ⑤able ⑥on

⑨leads to ⑩target

There are many contrasting opinions about advertising. Those ① say that advertising educatconsumers about new products and services that can help them ② their lives. It also increases

so that companies can produce goods at ③ costs and make things more cheaply. They say that

adverting helps the economy and provides jobs for many people. ④ advertising some free radio achannels wouldn't be ⑤ to exist.

Sporting and other events are sponsored by ads. Ticket prices would be higher without

advertisements. ⑥ the other side, critics say that consumers ⑦ advertising through higher priThey say that small companies sometimes have to close because they cannot ⑧ larger ones. As a

result of advertising, people sometimes buy products that they do not need and often cannot affThis leads to higher personal debt. It also ⑨ a throwaway society — goods are thrown away andpollution and waste is produced. Children are very often the main ⑩ of advertisers. They sometdon't know which products are good for them and buy unsuitable things. Fast food and snack compshow ads which encourage eating that leads to obesity and diabetes.


【正确答案】①in favor ②improve ③lower ④Without ⑤able ⑥On ⑦pay for ⑧compete with ⑨leads to ⑩target

【答案解析】①本题着重考查文章的综合主旨。联系空格的上下文,上文译为“关于广告,有很多不同的观点。”至第六个空格前,描述的是广告可以给人们生活带来的便利和好处。由此可以判断这是对广告持肯定态度的人的看法。因此空格处应选in favor,意为“赞同、赞成、支持”。答案为in favor。

②根据句意“赞成广告的人认为广告可以帮助人们更好的理解和接受那些可以____生活水平的新产品及服务。”由此可知空格处应选improve。结合固定用法help sb. do


③根据句意“广告可以增加销量,使商家生产成本____,这样一来商品价格也会随之便宜些。”由此可知空格处应选lower。联系空格后的more cheaply,可以得知这里应使用比较级形式,因此空格处应填lower。答案为lower。


⑤阅读第五、六个句子,表述的是广告在广播、电视、体育活动等领域的意义。结合第4题,译为“如果没有广告,一些免费的广播、电视频道将____存在。”运动会及其他一些活动是由广告投资的。“be able to do sth.意为“能够做某事”,因此空格处应填able。答案为able。

⑥通读全文,结合第一个空格,可以知道从第六个空格处开始,文章对持反对态度的观点进行表述。on the other side,意为“另一方面”。答案为On。

⑦根据句意“持反对意见的人认为,消费者已经通过____较高的商品价格为广告 买单。”因此可以判断,空格处应选pay for,意为“支付”。答案为pay for。

⑧根据句意“他们认为,有时因为无法与大公司____,小公司不得不关闭。”空格处需要填入表示竞争抗衡的词,compete with意为“与……抗争”,因此空格处应选compete with。答案为compete with。

⑨根据句意“这也____一个一次性的社会——商品用过即扔,产生了更多的污染和浪费。”lead to意为“导致”,因此空格处应选leads to。本句为时态为一般现在时,主语为单数第三人称,所以空格处应填leads to。答案为leads to。






Ⅳ Translation

Section A

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word or phrases in th


1.I was told that the job_____________(需要在全国各地出差). (involve)


【正确答案】involved business trips all over the country


词、代词、动名词或相当于名词的短语及句子。根据主从句时态一致原则,involve在从句中应使用一般过去式。答案为involved business trips all over the country。

patient_____________(仔细考虑做这种手术的好处与风险). (weigh)


【正确答案】weigh(up)the advantages of the operation against the risks


【答案解析】本题考查固定搭配weigh (up)… against…的用法,意为“权衡,认真考虑”。答案为weigh(up)the advantages of the operation against the risks


father_____________(对他有良好的影响). (positive)


【正确答案】has a positive influence on him

【答案解析】本题考查“对……有良好的影响”,可译为have a positive influence

on…。答案为has a positive influence on him。

_____________ in an international company(担任董事会秘书). (act as)


【正确答案】acts as a board secretary

【答案解析】“担任”可译为act…,因此空格处应填acts as a board secretary。答案为acts as a board secretary。

you think it is moral_____________(针对青少年体做广告)? (target)


【正确答案】to target teenagers in ads

【答案解析】本题考查句型“it is/was + adj. + to do”。在该结构中,it是引导词,作形式主语,不定式是真正主语。答案为to target teenagers in ads。

Section B

Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Research also tries to find out why customers buy a product. For example, advertisers may fout that people buy a certain car because they want to impress their friends or show that they

a lot of money. The age, sex and social status of a consumer may also be important. Advertiserstry to find out when and where it is best to sell a product. Snowboards, for example, can probabe sold more easily in winter and in skiing resorts. It is also important to determine which kimedia is best to use when advertising a product.




Ⅴ Organizing Your Ideas

Directions: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete


ads feature cartoon or product characters.

person may be an actor, a model or a well-known athlete.

do their jobs in many different ways.

many ads a famous person talks about a product and tells why they use it.

characters become well known and people identify them the product.



【答案解析】句子3是全文的概括性语句,译为“广告的形式多种多样”。由此可以推断下文必将列举出广告的几种形式。句子4 的in many ads、句子1的other ads将全文分为两个部分。句子2介绍明星人物与广告,是对句子4的进一步补充阐述,句子5介绍其他形象与广告,是对句子1的进一步补充阐述。







Ⅵ Reflecting on the Text

Advertising has become a rapidly growing industry in modern times. We see advertisements ontelevision every day. Some people think that TV advertising brings us benefits, but others disaWhat is your opinion? Give reasons and examples to support yourself.



1.对当前存在的广告现象做总的介绍和描述,比如可以以这样的句子作为开头Advertisement is omnipin our modern society.或Nowadays, no matter where you go, it is pretty easy for you

2.阐述广告的益处,比如可以以这样的句子作为开头We will start by talking about the merits ofadvertising. Firstly,…或The advantage of the ads is self-evident.

3.阐述广告的弊端,比如可以以这样的句子作为开头However, advertising involves some defects…However, we cannot belittle the disadvantages of ads.

4.阐述你个人的立场,比如可以以这样的句子作为开头,After the above analysis of the pros and

I tend to be in favor of the positive/negative effects.

Text B The Illusion of Perfection

New Words



a false idea or belief, especially about somebody or about a situation 错误的念;幻想



the state of being perfect 完善;完美



the state of feeling insecure 不安全,无安全感



an illness that cause a part of the body to stop functioning correctly 失调; 5、anorexia


an emotional disorder, especially affecting young women, in which there an

abnormal fear of being fat, causing the person to stop eating, leading to dangerous weight loss食,神经性厌食



according to habit or custom 习惯性地



a famous person 名人;名流



in an unhealthy way 不健康地



very thin, especially in a way that you find unpleasant or ugly 极瘦的;皮包 10、flawless


without flaws and therefore perfect 完美的;无瑕的



the opinion or idea you have of yourself, especially of your appearance oabilities自我形象;自我印象



a problem or worry that somebody has with something 问题,担忧



very surprising, especially in a way that makes you feel pleasure or admir令人大为惊奇的;(尤指)令人惊喜(或羡慕、惊叹)的



to show in a silly or exaggerated way that you want or admire somebody/somethivery much (对…)垂涎欲滴,过分痴迷



a feeling of respect and liking for somebody/something 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕



to stick out from a place or a surface 突出;伸出



made to seem attractive, in a way that tricks people 巧加粉饰的;使表引的



the way that somebody appears or behaves, especially when this is very difffrom their real feelings or character (人的)外貌,外表



to copy the way somebody speaks, moves, behaves, etc. especially in order to mother people laugh 模仿(人的言行举止);(尤指)做滑稽模仿



happening in the usual way; showing what something is usually like 一贯的;的



between 13 and 19 years old; connected with people of this age 十几岁的(指至19岁);青少年的



exactly correct or perfect in every detail 精确的;完美的



very beautiful and attractive; giving pleasure and enjoyment 非常漂亮的;愉快的



to not be to fight an attack, an illness, a temptation, etc. 屈服;屈从



the attractive, exciting qualities that somebody/ something, especially a riand famous person or place, seem to have 吸引力;魅力;诱惑力

26、role model


a person that you admire and try to copy 楷模;行为榜样



to admire or love somebody very much 崇拜;热爱



to help something to happen or develop 促进;推动



to try very hard to achieve something 努力;力争



the feeling that you are not good enough 自我怀疑



the qualities that make somebody/something different from other peoplethings个性;个人(或个体)特征



to describe or show somebody/something in a particular way, especially when

does not give a complete or accurate impression of what they are like 描写



a strong opinion or belief 坚定的看法(或信念)



to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a

that is not normal 使痴迷;使迷恋



words that are thought to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work; apiece of magic that happens when somebody says these magic words 诅咒;魔法

Phrases and Expressions

1、live up to to do as well as or be as good as other people expect of you 达到;符合;不辜(他人的期望)

2、give in to agree to do something that you do not want to do 让步;勉强同意

3、fall victim to to be injured, damaged or killed by something 受伤;受损;被害

4、look up to to admire or respect somebody 钦佩;仰慕;尊敬

5、consist of to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由…组成

6、cover up to cover something completely so that it cannot be seen (完全)盖住,遮住

7、in the hope of because you want something to happen 抱着…的希望

8、not necessarily used to say that something is possibly true but not definitely or always不一定;未必

9、in effect used when you are stating what the facts of situation are 实际上;事实上

10、regardless of paying no attention to something/somebody; treating something/somebody asbeing important 不管;不顾;不理会

11、hold fast to to continue to believe in an idea, etc. despite difficulties 坚持(某种思想 12、measure up to to be as good, successful, etc. as expected or needed 达到预期的要求;符合 13、free from/of not containing or affected by something harmful or unpleasant 不含有害物的受…伤害(或影响等)的

Proper Names

1、Mary-Kate Olsen 玛丽·凯特·奥尔森(美国影视明星)

2、Lindsay Lohan 林赛·罗韩(美国女演员兼歌手)

3、Nicole Richie 妮可·里奇(美国时尚偶像)

Text B The Illusion of Perfection

Pre-reading Questions

you agree that being thin is a sign of beauty?

you think the media is often misleading? Can you give some examples?

The Illusion of Perfection

As a high school girl, I am constantly faced with insecurities and the pressure to live up

society's standard of "perfection". However, I believe it is important for teens not to give inmedia pressure. Eating disorders and anorexia are huge problems for young people today. Part ofreason that some women habitually eat too little is that celebrity women are all too often

unhealthily skinny.① The pressure to be flawless in every way is frequently linked to self-imaand weight issues.

As I watch TV, images of famous, beautiful celebrities and their amazing lifestyles are droover. At first I find myself sharing in the admiration of these models with their skinny bodiesprotruding bones. But then I realize what a false and sugar-coated image I am falling victim toBehind the pretty exterior is a lifestyle full of insecurity, eating disorder and self-harm. It

something I shouldn't look up to or mimic in order to be what society considers flawless.

A typical morning of a teenage girl such as myself consist of painting a not so immaculate

with expensive makeup to cover up any imperfections, continuing with a strict diet in the hope

losing more weight, and dressing in clothes I don't necessarily like in a desperate attempt to

more like the gorgeous women I see every day.② This is part of daily life. However, seeing theincreasing problem of eating disorders, especially in the celebrity world, has opened my eyes timportance of not succumbing to the influence of the glitter of Hollywood. Every day there are

images of celebrities such as Mary-Kate Olsen, Lindsay Lohan, and Nicole Richie, who are viewedrole models, even idolized, although they continue to live unhealthy lives for the whole world

see. Such celebrities in effect promote eating disorders in young people.

I believe in striving towards being happy with my own self-image and in resisting pressure

the world's standards of perfection. Instead of being filled with self-doubt and dissatisfactiohave come to feel the need to be full of self-confidence and pride in my individuality and

appearance, regardless of the media and the way celebrities are portrayed. I feel sure that I snot allow myself to be defined by the expectations of others but rather hold fast to my own

standards and convictions. I have come to realize just how much our media has become obsessed wthinness and weight-loss and how I have been in danger of being affected by it as a teenage girFalling under this spell could easily lead to serious self-image issues as well as the stress omeasuring up to the all too thin role models of today.③ This is why I now try to live my life

of the constant worry to be something I'm not, and to live a healthy life.④

Key Sentences

of the reason that some women habitually eat too little is that celebrity women are

too often unhealthily skinny.


2.A typical morning of a teenage girl such as myself consist of painting a not so immaculatface with expensive makeup to cover up any imperfections, continuing with a strict diet in the

of losing more weight, and dressing in clothes I don't necessarily like in a desperate attempt

more like the gorgeous women I see every day.


g under this spell could easily lead to serious self-image issues as well as the stof measuring up to the all too thin role models of today.


is why I now try to live my life free of the constant worry to be something I'm not,to live a healthy life.



ood: A district in Los Angeles, California, United States situated northwest of dowLos Angeles. Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical centre of movie studios anmovie stars, the word

Hollywood is often used as a metonym of American cinema.

Text B The Illusion of Perfection


Ⅰ Checking Your Comprehension

Section A

Directions: Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees witinformation given in the text; N (for No)if the statement contradicts the information given itext; NG (for Not Given)if the information is not given in the text.

( ) young people are on a diet so that they can be healthy.




( ) lifestyle of beautiful celebrities is perfect.





( ) author has been suffering from serious eating disorders.





( ) teenage girls spend a lot of time mimicking celebrities.




( ) author realizes that having a perfect appearance is the most important thing inlife.




( ) media are to blame for misleading today's young people.




Section B

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text.

disorders and________ are problems young people are faced with.




skinny celebrities, some young people habitually ________.


【正确答案】eat too little

【答案解析】阅读文章第一段第四个句子可以知道,此处应填eat to little。答案为eat

too little。

girls wear expensive makeup to________.


【正确答案】cover up any imperfections

【答案解析】阅读文章第三段第一个句子可以知道,此处应填cover up any

imperfections。答案为cover up any imperfections。

author realizes the importance of________ rather than conforming to the world's stand


【正确答案】being happy with her own self-image/being full of self-confidence

and pride in her individuality and appearance

【答案解析】阅读文章第四段第一个句子可以推出答案。答案为being happy with her

own self-image/being full of self-confidence and pride in her individuality and


author has come to realize that the media focus too much on _________.


【正确答案】thinness and weight-loss

【答案解析】阅读文章第四段第四个句子可以推出答案。答案为thinness and weight-loss。

author decides to________ rather than try to be something she is not.


【正确答案】live a healthy life

【答案解析】阅读文章最后一个句子可以推出答案。答案为live a healthy life。

Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words gin the brackets.

sense of humour _________ to him enormously. (appealed, appealing)



【答案解析】题目意思:她的幽默感深深吸引了他。空格处需要填入动词作整个句子的谓语,因此应选用appealed。appeal to…意为“对……有吸引力”。答案为appealed。

more expensive articles are not _________ better. (necessary, necessarily)




_________ among young people remains as strong as ever. (popular, popularity)




was _________that her husband was still alive. (amazed, amazing)



【答案解析】题目意思:她很吃惊的是她的丈夫竟然还活着。本题考查amazed与amazing 的区别。amazed和amazing都是amaze的形容词形式,所不同的是amazed多用作表语,表示人的感受,其主语通常为人,而amazing多用作定语修饰事物,其主语通常为事物。因此应选用amazed。答案为amazed。

ing is about giving your child_________ and love. (security, insecurity)




handling of the crisis fills me with_________. (admire, admiration)




Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where l平常的,典型的 perfection 完善;完美 illusion 幻想

promote 促进;推动 disorder 失调;疾病 flawless 完美的

celebrity 名人;名流 obsess 使痴迷;使迷恋

creates the_________ that you can own things without paying for them.





need to produce the most exciting newspaper story_________ most journalists.



【答案解析】题目意思:制作最令人兴奋的新闻故事的需求____记者。空格处需填入 动词充当这个句子的谓语。所以应在promote和obsess中选择。promote后一般不用人作宾语,obsess,意为“使着迷、迷住”,由此可知空格处应选obsess。该句时态为一般现在时,主语为单数第三人称,因此空格处应填obsesses。答案为obsesses。

3.A number of stadiums were closed because of crowd_________.





meeting was held to_________ trade between China and the UK.




a _________ day, our students go to classes from 7: to



【答案解析】a typical day是“典型的一天”的意思,相当于“一般来说”。答案为typical。

his quest for physical _________, he spends hours in the gym.




Section C

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.

hiring committee consists _________ ten members.



【答案解析】题目意思:招聘委员会由十名成员组成。本题考查固定搭配consist of,意为“由……组成(或构成)”。答案为of。

house looks very old, but _________ effect it's quite new.





you feel the urge for a cigarette, try not to give _________ to it.



【答案解析】题目意思:如果你觉得犯烟瘾了,尽量不要抽。本题考查固定搭配give in


people think that the new policy may_________ to a huge disaster.



【答案解析】题目意思:一些人认为,新的政策可能会导致巨大的灾难。本题考查固定搭配lead to…,意为“导致……,把……带到”。答案为lead。

doesn't view herself_________ a success, although she has received many awards.



【答案解析】题目意思:尽管已经取得很多成就,她仍不认为自己是个成功人士。本题考查固定搭配view… as…,意为“把……看作,认为……是……”。答案为as。

carried out the plan _________ of the terrible weather.



【答案解析】题目意思:尽管天气不好,我们还是实施了计划。regardless of 意为“尽管”,表转折。答案为regardless。

Ⅲ Translation

Section A

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in tbrackets.

new technology _________(不符合我们的预期).(live up to)


【正确答案】does not live up to our expectation

【答案解析】本题主要考查固定搭配live up to… 的用法,意为“达到……,符合……”。答案为does not live up to our expectation。

encourage all members to_________(为达到最高标准而努力).(strive)


【正确答案】strive for the highest standard

【答案解析】本题着重考查strive的用法。strive to/for“努力,力求,追求”,通常to后接动词,for后接名词或名词性短语。答案为strive for the highest standard。

came to the island _________(希望到一种更简单的生活方式).(in the hope of)


【正确答案】in the hope of finding a simpler lifestyle

【答案解析】本题考查固定搭配in the hope of… 的用法,意为“抱着……的希望”,of后接名词或名词性短语。答案为in the hope of finding a simpler lifestyle。

was several weeks before _________(他的疼痛完全消除). (free of)


【正确答案】he was free of all the pains

【答案解析】本题考查固定搭配free of… 的用法,意为“不受……的伤害”,of后接名词或名词性短语。答案为he was free of all the pains。

government launched a campaign to_________(提高环保意识). (promote)


【正确答案】promote people's awareness of environmental protection

【答案解析】本题考查promote的用法,当意为“促进、推动、提高”时,其后接名词或名词性短语。答案为promote people's awareness of environmental protection。

Section B

Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

The media have a great deal of influence, but we all have free will. We can submit to the

influence of the media or we can create our own path. Moreover, as parents, we have a duty to sour children in the direction of what is wholesome and away from what is detrimental. If childrdon't have good role models, they may easily succumb to harmful media influence.

We need to set them healthy examples early on and involve ourselves closely in their lives

to be aware of what is influencing them both negatively and positively.


【参考译文】尽管媒体有着巨大的影响力,但我们也有自己的自由意志。我们可以接受来自媒体的影响,也可以遵循自己的方式。再者,作为父母,我们有责任引导孩子选择那些 有益健康的、远离有害的事物。如果孩子没有一个好的行为榜样,他们将更容易被媒体的不良影响所感染。我们需要在他们的生活中,以我们或包括我们为他们的榜样,来让他们知道哪些是对他们有既消极又积极的影响的。

Ⅳ Writing

Section A

Directions: The following sentences are not concise. Try to improve them.

Example: Due to the fact that access to Internet resources are actually at the present timeeasy to access in many places, the vast majority of users seek to have those kinds of devices tare most easy to carry around with them wherever they go.

Revision: Because the Internet is available in many places, users often prefer portable dev . Smith usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.


【正确答案】Mr. Smith likes to drink all kinds of wines produced in France.


简化定语从句为过去分词作后置定语即可。答案为Mr. Smith likes to drink all kinds

of wines produced in France.

grandpa is a strong and energetic man.


【正确答案】My grandpa is strong and energetic.

【答案解析】本题用系表结构即可。答案为My grandpa is strong and energetic.

the early part of the month of January, the students will have their winter holiday.


【正确答案】In the early January, the students will have their winter holiday.

【答案解析】in the early part of the month of January表述不够简洁,可简化为in

the early January。答案为In the early January, the students will have their

winter holiday.

that time, many women preferred dress that are red in colour and made of silk.


【正确答案】At that time, many women referred red silk dresses/red dresses made

of silk.

【答案解析】dresses that are red in colour and made of silk不够简洁,可简化为red silk dresses或red dresses made of silk。答案为At that time, many women

referred red silk dresses/red dresses made of silk.

are four students who failed the English exam.


【正确答案】Four students failed the English exam.

【答案解析】此句可以简化为一个简单句。答案为Four students failed the English


Section B

Directions: Choose from the following transitional expressions and insert them into the blain the paragraph.

③other ⑤thus ②likewise

①for instance ④furthermore ⑥therefore

What is most certain to be found objectionable today is sexist language. Sexist language reto expressions that demean females in some way. ① , when someone refers to a grown woman as a

"girl", the implication is that she is still a child. ② , instead of an employer saying, "I'llmy girl type that," he or she should say "I'll have my assistant (or secretary)type that ." ③offensive expressions include "young thing", as in "She's a cute young thing". The proper term

"girl" should be used in this case, since the "thing" is a young female. ④ ,the titles of manjobs suggest that women should not fill these positions. ⑤ we should use "chair" or "chairpersinstead of the sexist "chairman". ⑥ , a "foreman" should be called a "supervisor".


【正确答案】①For instance ②Likewise ③Other ④Furthermore ⑤Thus ⑥Therefore

【答案解析】①联系上下文,上文对语言中性别歧视的概念做了阐述,下文举例说明这个概念,因此空格处应选for instance ,意为“例如,比如,拿……来说”。答案为For



③空格处需要填入一个形容词来修饰其后的名词短语offensive expression, Other意为“另一个的,其他的”,因此空格处应选other。答案为Other。




Practical Writing

Application Letter

The process of applying for job, internships, and graduate/professional programmes often

requires an application letter. This is a letter that accompanies a résumé or CV (curriculum


In an application letter you should outline your strengths confidently and concisely, drawiclear connection between the job you are seeking and the qualifications you list in your résuméSample

Flat K, 30/F

Block 5, Fulrich Villa

Shatin, HK, China

January 14, 2010

Mr. Tony Lee

Personnel Manager

Thomas Green Ltd.

Room 383, Hang Fung Building

112-114 Prince Road

Kowloon, HK, China

Dear Dr. Lee,

I am writing to apply for the position of Research Assistant (position # E3467)as

advertised on November 1 at the Loyola New Orleans Counseling & Career Services Center. Ienclose my résumé.

I believe that the position fits well with my education, experience, and career interestsHaving majored in biology, I have training in a variety of experimental modeling

techniques as well as experience of working with many types of lab equipment. My practicaexperience on the research team of Dr. Gerber has given me valuable exposure to date

collection and statistical analysis methods. Additionally, I have worked as a statistics

tutor for the past two years.

I am confident that I can be an effective member of your research team. I have a great

interest in your current work on nanosensor development for monitoring biochemical

processes. It would be honor to work with you and your team.

I would very much welcome the opportunity of meeting with you to discuss this opportunityShould you wish to reach me, please feel free to call me at 555-555.

Thank you again for your consideration. I hope I may look forward to talking with you.

Yours sincerely,

Brandon Frank

Guided Practice

Directions: Write a job application letter in response to the following advertisement in HaDaily(海南日报).

Computer teacher wanted in Hainan Middle School

Qualification: BSc

Contact Zhou Wen

You may use the following expressions to help you.

I have read your advertisement in …, and should be grateful if you would consider me

favourably as an applicant for this position.

I wish to apply for the position of …which you advertised in …I am very interested in

exploring the possibility of obtaining a position as…with your school.

I graduated with a BA degree in…from…

Upon graduation, I worked as…, and currently I am working for…

I am experienced in teaching computer science. I have a good mastery of three computer


I would very much appreciate the opportunity of meeting with you to discuss these mattersat your convenience.

I am available for interview at any time convenient to you.


(1)开门见山,指出要应聘的职位。比如,I wish to apply for the position of Computer Teacherwhich you advertised in

Hainan Daily.

(2)简单介绍学习经历(一般是最终的学历)。比如,I graduated with a BA degree from Qinghua/Tsinghua University.

(3)简单介绍工作经历(最重要部分)。比如,upon graduation, I first worked as a computer

software engineer, and currently I am working for a computer business company.

(4)特长、优势(重要部分)。比如,I am experienced in teaching computer science. I have a

mastery of three computer languages.

(5)感谢和期待。比如,I would very much appreciate the opportunity of meeting with you to

discuss these matters at your convenient.

Grammar in Focus

指代和一致(Reference and Concord)





we sit at the table,

we must wait for everyone before we start eating. Sometimes

we hawait until the head of the family begins eating.

It is required by law that a husband must

pay the debts of his wife

until he receives formanotice that he no longer has to pay


二、one, that, those的指代用法

one, that, those常常用来指代前文已经提到过的名词,以避免重复。one常用于替代上文中出现的可数的单数形式,that常用于替代上文中出现的不可数名词,those常用于替代上文中出现的可数名词的复数形式


"Have you got a computer?" "Yes, I've got

one (= a computer)."

Heavy objects are more stable than light


His handwriting is like


of a much younger child.

The oil output this year is much higher than

that of last year.

These machines are better than


we turned out last year.



The results of the examination


that you have all made good progress. (语法一致)

The theory put forward by them at the meeting

is not

quite sound. (语法一致)

The government

have asked

the country to decide by a vote. (意义一致)

Fifteen miles

seems like a long walk to me. (意义一致)


is a pen, a few envelopes and some paper for you. (就近原则)

Either you or he

is to do the work.(就近原则)



Learning foreign languages is

not easy, especially for an adult.

That we have made amazing achievement

is an undeniable fact.

●如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有with, together with,as well as, no less than, like, but, ex等引导的短语,谓语动词仍旧用单数形式。例如:

An expert, together with his assistants,

was sent

to help in this work.

No one except my parents

knows anything about it.

The teacher as well as the students

likes this novel.

●由or, either… or, neither… nor, not only… but also 等连接的名词或代词作主语时,通常要近原则,也就是说,谓语动词要与邻近的主语保持一致。例如:

Either you or he

is to do the work.

Neither my wife nor I myself


able to persuade my daughter to change her mind.

Not only he but also his family members

are interested in football matches.

●当主语是more than one, many a +单数名词时,尽管从意义上来说是复数形式,但它的谓语动词仍然单数形式。例如:

Many a man

has sacrificed

his life for the cause of revolution.

●在one of +复数名词 + who(that, which)引导的定语从句中,关系代词指代的是靠近它的复数名词是one,因此,定语从句的谓语动词应使用复数形式。但当one之前有the或the only时,关系代词指代的one,而不是靠近它的复数名词,因此,定语从句的谓语动词应使用单数形式。试比较:

She is


of the students

that have been praised

by the president.

She is

the only one

of the students

that has been praised

by the president.

●如果名词词组的中心词是all, most, half, the rest, the remainder等,其主谓一致关系一般要遵义一致的原则,也就是说,如果所指的是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式,如要所指的是单数意义,谓语动词数形式。例如:

A large proportion of the texts


original works.

A large proportion of the country

is desert.

One third of the population here



The population of this country


very large.



At school he found that he hated


in the dining room,


for his chemistry clas


doing his laundry.

Mr. Brown

cooked, cleaned, mended, and

went to meeting of the sewing club; he did everythinjust to please his wife.


Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

sold most of his belongings. He has scarcely _________ left in the house.







【答案解析】题目意思:他卖掉了大部分家当。他家里几乎没剩什么东西了。scarcely意 为“几乎不,简直没有”,是否定副词,如果用nothing,则双重否定表示肯定,不合题意;everything意为“一切东西”,和something一般用在肯定句中,不合题意,anything可以用于否定句中。答案为D。

2.I have to get_________ about the subject before I write the paper.

A)a few more informations

B)a little more information

C)a few more information

D)a little more informations




information是不可数名词,不能用复数形式,A和D错;且不可数名词不能用a few修饰,要用a little修饰。答案为B。

3.I have been to the doctor about my headache. He says there is _____, but I must lie in bea few days.

A)something serious

B)anything serious

C)not serious

D)nothing serious




几天。显然A和B不合题意,要是用B的话前面要加not;本空用在there be句型中,因此本空要用名词。答案为D。

4.A good writer is________ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way.







【答案解析】题目意思:一个好的作家应该能用一种不平凡的方式表达出那些司空见惯的 事情。分析句意可知本空后面是由who引导的定语从句,但是缺少先行词,he和this不能作先行词,that指代不可数名词,one指代可数名词,即前面的a good writer,四个选项中one符合题意。答案为C。

bread eaten by man is so sweet as________ earned by his own labour.








面的bread, one也有此种指代用法,但是只能指代可数名词单数。such和what无此种用法。答案为B。

amount of pressure which materials are subject________ the quality of the products.



C)to affect

D)to affects



【答案解析】题目意思:材质所能承受的压力影响产品的质量。本题考查主谓一致。分析 句子结构可知本题主句缺少谓语,且主语为the amount of pressure,是单数,谓语动词也要用单数,A和C错;又定语从句中的are subject后面要接介词to表示“承受,遭受”,B错。答案为D。

outside the ruins________ a magnificent building surrounded by tall trees.







【答案解析】题目意思:废墟外围是一幢壮丽的大楼,这幢大楼被高大的树木环绕着。本 题考查主谓一致。本题是一个倒装句,副词just用在句首,其后要进行倒装,真正的主语是a magnificent building,谓语要用单数is。即本题的正常语序应该是A magnificent

building surrounded by tall trees is just outside the ruins。答案为A。

president of the college, together with the deans, _________a conference for the purpof laying down certain regulations now.

A)is planning

B)are planning

C)was planning

D)were planning



【答案解析】题目意思:这所大学的校长以及院长现在正在为落实某些规章制度筹划一个 会议。本题主语是the president of the college,是单数,尽管其后接了together

with the deans,但谓语仍然要用单数;且句中出现了now这样的时间状语,要用现在进行时。答案为A。

's only got one shirt because all the rest ________ being washed.

A)is to be


C)will be





的原因状语从句的主语all the test指的是all the rest shirts,是复数意义,谓语也要用复数,且wash几乎与get同时发生,不必用将来时。答案为D。

is said that John's two daughters or his wife________ to the city where he had an



B)are going

C)were going

D)is going




考查就近原则。首先分析句子结构知本题缺少谓语,A错;且谓语动词要与or后面的名词保持一致,his wife是单数,谓语也要用单数。答案为D。

the end of last term, he had written to a number of colleges, received three letters

acceptance, and________ two campuses.




D)to see



【答案解析】题目意思:上学期结束的时候,他已经给很多大学写过信,收到了三封录取 通知,参观过两所大学校园。本题考查结构一致。为了保持句子结构协调,and前后要用同类句子结构,and前面的谓语是had written,其中received前面省略了had,因此本空要用had seen,且省略had。答案为B。

of the statements________ to be untrue.

A)is turned out

B)have been turned out

C)has turned out

D)have turned out



【答案解析】题目意思:其中一项声明是不真实的。根据句意可知本题主语是单数意义,谓语也要用单数,且one of the statements 和turn out 之间是主谓关系。答案为C。

likes the candies with hard centres but she prefers______ with soft centres.


B)the ones





【答案解析】题目意思:他喜欢硬质夹心糖,但是她喜欢软质夹心糖。根据句意可知本空应该填the candies,但是为避免重复,可以用the ones来指代。答案为B。

close parents are to their children ________ a strong influence on the character of





D)to have




结构可知本题缺少谓语,且主语是how close parents are,是单数意义,谓语动词也要用单数。to their children 是插入语。答案为B。

best neighbours are those who mind_______ own business and do not invade other peoplprivacy.








本空要填的是the neighbours',这个答案选项中没有,但是可以用第三人称的物主代词来代替,D错;且要用复数,A错;C不符合题意。答案为B。

Tips for English Learning

Getting to Know Your Learning Style (1)

We are all individuals and we absorb new information in different ways. Several models of Elearning styles have been investigated at length and now most researchers agree that there are

basic types of learning style, namely, visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic.


Students who learn in this way often profit from a quieter approach. Written instructions ademonstrations will make the most sense to them, and they retain a lot of information from videand flash cards.


Students who learn in this way benefit from spoken instructions from lectures, tapes, etc.

learn faster by listening, speaking and story games.


Students who learn in this way are the least likely to respond to traditional methods. Tactlearners benefit most from hands-on instruction. Kinesthetic learners like to use their whole bto complete learning exercises. Games may play an important part in their learning process.




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