



第一节 关于奥运会 About the Olympic Games

Olympic Games originated from ancient Greece.奥运会起源于古希腊。

the ancient Greek Olympics, only men were allowed to

participate in it.在古希腊奥运会中,只允许男人参加比赛。

2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing, China.2008年奥运会将在中国北京举行。

Olympics began in 1896 through the efforts of a

Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin.通过法国人皮埃尔•德•顾拜旦的努力,现代奥运会开始于1896年。

Atlanta Olympics were the first to make profits out of

the Games.亚特兰大奥运会是第一届赢利的奥运会。

the opening of the Olympic Games, a torch-lighting

ceremony will be held.在奥运会的开幕式上会举行一个点火仪式。

Olympic Village is built for athletes' accommodation.奥运村是为了给运动员提供食宿而建造的。

Olympics were not held because of world wars for 3

times in history.在历史上,奥运会曾有3次因为世界战争的原因而停办。

a meeting in 1925, the IOC officially sanctioned the

Olympic Winter Games and declared the competition at

Chamonix in 1924 the first Olympic Winter Games.在1925年的一次会议上,国际奥委会正式通过了举办冬奥会,并宣布1924年在法国夏蒙尼举行的比赛为第一届冬奥会。

International Olympic Committee is in charge of the

Olympic affairs.国际奥委会负责奥运会的事务。

selecting the site of the Olympic Games, the IOC

considers a number of among them is which city has,

or promises to build, the best facilities.在挑选奥运会举办地的过程中,奥委会会考虑很多因素,其中最主要的是哪个城市已经有,或者承诺修建最好的设施。

IOC also considers which parts of the world have not

yet hosted the Games.奥委会同时也会考虑哪些地方还没有主办过奥运会。

第二节 奥运精神 The Olympic Spirit

Olympic motto is “Higher, Faster, Stronger.”


most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to

win but to participate.奥林匹克运动会重在参与而不是取胜。

drugs before the Games is considered cheating and

against sportsmanship.赛前服用药物被视为作弊,且违背运动精神。

Olympic oath encourages athletes, coaches, and

officials to observe the rules and to follow the spirit of


understanding, friendship, unity and fair play.相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争。

Olympic Games help promote a better and more

peaceful world.奥林匹克运动会有助于实现一个更美好、更安宁的世界。

most important thing in the Games is not the triumph

but the struggle;not to have conquered but to have fought well.比赛中最重要的不是胜利,而是奋斗;不是征服,而是奋力拼搏。

undergoing the stress and strain of tough competition,

the athletes grow in strength, endurance and discipline.在经历了激烈竞争的压力与紧张之后,运动员在力量、耐力和纪律方面都有提高。

athletes must learn to respect and to cooperate with

people from many nations during the Games.在比赛中,运动员必须学会尊重并与来自许多国家的人们合作。

the hard training of a life time, every athlete

deserves a medal in the Games, no matter whether he won or


-work is essential to a football match.足球比赛最重要的是团队合作。

victory owes to my coach's patient instructions and

the support from my family and friends.我的胜利应归功于教练耐心的指导以及家人和朋友的支持。

lighting and extinguishing of the Olympic Flame

symbolizes the opening and closing of the Olympics.奥运圣火的点燃与熄灭象征着奥运会的开幕与闭幕。

purpose of passing the Olympic torch by way of relay

was to spread the Olympic spirit and make the seeds of peace

and friendship root, grow, bloom and bear fruits in more


de Coubertin drafted the athlete's vows himself.德•顾拜旦爵士亲自起草了运动员宣誓词。

five rings represent the close unity and friendly

meeting at the Olympics between athletes from five continents.五环相连象征着五大洲的运动员紧密团结及在奥运会上友好相聚。

most important thing is to participate.重在参与。

Games have many of the qualities that the ancient

Greeks were trying to encourage, all those centuries ago.奥运会展示了多个世纪之前的古希腊人试图提倡的许多品质。第三节 奥运知识 Knowledge about the Olympics

honor of holding the Olympic Games is entrusted to a

city and not a country.主办奥林匹克运动会的荣誉是授予城市而非国家。

1912, the IOC decided to allow women to compete in

the Games.1912年,国际奥委会决定允许妇女参加奥运会的竞赛。

ne who wishes to participate in the Olympics must

be an amateur.任何想参加奥运会的人都必须是业余选手。

one can be kept out of the Olympics because of religion,

color or political ideas.任何人都不能因为其宗教信仰、肤或政治观点而被排除在奥运赛场外。

each event, each country can have only three entries in

the Summer games, and four entries in the Winter Games.在夏季奥运会上,每个国家在每个项目当中只能有3个参赛队员;而在冬季奥运会上则可以有4个。

athletes in a World Cup are professionals, while those

who play in the Olympics must be amateurs.参加世界杯的运动员是职业运动员,而参加奥运会的运动员必须是业余运动员。

ic events are divided into two broad categories-track

and field.田径项目被分为两大类———径赛和田赛。

IOC Medical Commission has approved a test to detect

the use of the banned synthetic hormone erythropoietin, or EPO.国际奥委会药物委员会已经通过了一项测试来检测违禁使用合成激素红细胞生成素(简称EPO)的情况。

-to-man defense and zone defense are alternatives to

a basketball team in a match.篮球队在比赛中可以选择人盯人防守和区域联防。

professional boxers, the amateur boxers have to

wear protective devices such as headgear.与职业拳击手不同,业余拳击手需要戴上护具,比如头盔。

lly the Games are awarded several years in advance,

allowing the chosen city time to prepare for the Games.通常奥运会举办地会在几年前就已定下,以便举办城市有时间准备。

12.A program of gymnastic competition consists of the

horizontal bar, parallel bars, pommel horse, vaulting horse, rings

and floor exercise events for men and the balance beam, uneven

parallel bars, vaulting horse, and floor exercise events for women.男子体操比赛项目包括单杠、双杠、鞍马、跳马、吊环和自由体操;女子项目包括平衡木、高低杠、跳马和自由体操。

host city treasures the Olympic flag after it receives it.主办城市接过奥运会会旗后都把它珍藏起来。

Olympics is improving better and better.奥运会越来越完善。

15.“Swifter, Higher and Stronger” is one of the Olympic


nment protection has become a slogan for bidding

the Olympic Games.保护环境已成为申办奥运的一个口号了。

doping is a cancer on the ideal of the Olympic Games.兴奋剂是奥运会的理想相违背的。

hosting the 2008 Olympics, Beijing will reveal its

tradition, present and future to the people of the world.通过主办2008年奥运会,北京将向世人展示它的传统、现在和未来。

g has a long history, splendid culture and a fast

developing hi-tech environment.北京有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化和迅速发展的高科技环境。

rings are linked together to represent the sporting

friendship of all people.五环互相套接表示所有人在体育上的友谊。

flame symbolizes the continuity between the ancient

and modern Games.圣火象征着奥林匹克运动丛古至今的延续性。

oath and the creed of the Olympics were composed

by Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Games.奥林匹克


Olympic Games are an international sports festival

held every four years.奥运会是每四年举行一次的国际性体育节。第四节 中国奥运 Olympics in China

g's success, economically, will be as big a boost to

Beijing as it was in the run up to the Games in Tokyo in 1964, and

Seoul in 1988.北京申奥的成功,从经济上来说,将是一个极大的促进,正如1964年的东京奥运会和1988年的汉城奥运会带来的经济腾飞。

will be the first time that Beijing holds the Olympic


's successful bid for the 2008 Olympics has given the

country the international prestige it has been seeking in recent


2008, the environmental quality in Beijing will be

comparable to that of major cities in developed countries.到2008年,北京的环境质量将可以和发达国家主要城市的环境质量相媲美。

dynamic growth of Beijing reflects that of China as a


g's second bid again has the full support of the

people of China and the Beijing Municipal Government.北京第二次申办奥运会依然得到了北京市政府和中国人民的全力支持。

Olympic games in Beijing will be a bridge of harmony

between countries and cultures.北京奥运会将成为国家与国家之间、文化与文化之间交流的桥梁。

8.“Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's

Olympics” are our themes.“绿奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运”是我们的主题。

the minds of millions of young Beijingers, the year 2008

represents dreams, pride and wealth.在许多年轻的北京人心目中,2008年代表着梦想、骄傲与财富。

g was competing against Toronto, Osaka, Istanbul

and Paris for the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.北京与多伦多、大阪、伊斯坦布尔和巴黎争夺2008年夏季奥运会的主办权。

results of a Gallup poll showed that 94.9 percent of

Beijing's residents supported the city's Olympic bid.一项盖洛普民意调查的结果表明,有94.9%的北京市民支持北京申奥。

evaluation team of the IOC will visit all the candidate

cities to decide which city can host the Olympics.国际奥委会的评估团将访问所有申办城市以决定哪一个城市能够获得主办权。

would the 2008 Olympic Games be hosted in Beijing?


can the Olympic Games bring to Beijing?


China applies for the Olympic Games successfully, as a

host country, which gymnasiums will you prepare for the Olympic





A(Page 1-4)







7)I'd like to know what this is all about.我想知道这到底是怎么回事。How about a fish sandwich? 来一块鱼肉三明治怎么样?What about me? 我怎么样?I'm not about to go in that old house.我是不会进那幢旧房子的!Yes I remember that about

it? 是的,我记得那个晚上,那又怎样?What's this all about? 这到底是怎么回事?It's about time you showed up!差不多是你该露面的时候了。


2)Above all, I want everything quiet.首要的是:我要一切保持。Tom thinks he's above hard work.汤姆认为自己没必要努力工作。






6)Would you please act out what happened? 你能把发生的事演示一下吗?Watch sometimes likes to act up in class.注意里基,他又是喜欢在课堂上捣蛋。That profane comedian needs

to clean up his act.那个爱说粗言秽语的喜剧演员应该净化一下自己的言行。We need to get our act together and come to see you.我们需要统一意见后来见你。The newspapers called the earthquake an

act of God.报纸上称那次地震为天灾。Masa is a class act.玛莎是位杰出的女性。




4)We're going to bring action against our debtors.我们打算控告我们的债务人。Did you see any action in yesterday's ballgame?

昨晚的棒球比赛中你看到有什么有趣的精彩场面吗?Our community

is going to take action against the proposed waste dump.我地区要采取行动反对那项垃圾处理场的提案。Jim wants to go where the

action is.吉姆想去有刺激性的地方。



2)Our opponents have a height advantage on us.我们的对手在身高上比我们占有优势。Nobody likes to be taken advantage of.没有人喜欢被捉弄(或:被欺骗、利用)




4)I think that girl is after you.我想那女孩是在追你。It looks like

things are gonna work out after all.看起来事情终会解决的。This

soft drink has a nasty aftertaste.这软饮料有种让人难受的余味。I

see your point, but don't you think it's way after the fact.我明白你的意思,但你不觉


1)I could go to Japan again and again.我可以一而再、再而三地去日本。(注:意指不会感到



2)Would you please act your age!请你做事要有一个与自己年龄相称的样子。This is a “coming of age” movie.这是一部成人影片。









9)I need to go outside and get some air.我需要出去呼吸点新鲜空气。I don't know what's wrong, but can feel it in the air.虽然我不知道到底是出了什么差错,但我能隐隐约约感觉到。Mike was

sad when they took his favorite program off the air.当迈克喜欢的节目被取消时,他感到很伤心。The sale of our house is still up in

the air.我们的房子出勤率售一事还没有最后定下来。After winning

the championship, I felt I could walk on air.获得冠军后,我。Your sister is such an airhead.你真是来个没有头脑的人。Janet Jackson's new song is getting lots of airplay.珍妮〃杰克逊的新歌到处都在不断地播放。That last time I took a plane, I got

airsick.上次我乘飞机时晕机了。I hope there's no bad air between














13)It's looks like we won't be going after all.看起来最后我们还是不能去。We've all but finished the project.我们已几乎完成了那个项目。All in all I'd say it's been a very productive day.总的来说,我认为这一天过得很充实。Let's go all-out and win this game!让我们尽全力来打赢这场比赛。We knew it was all over when we saw

the building burst.当我们看见那座建筑突然起火时,我们知道一切全完了。We wish you all the best.我们大家祝福你一切如意。If it's all

the same to you, I'd just as soon not go.如果这对你都是一回事的话,我就不想去了。They were running from the police like all get-out.他们以极快的速度逃脱警察的追赶。I didn't see them come in

at all.我根本高没有发现他们的进来。Let's settle this matter once

and for all.让我们来把这个问题一次性地彻底解决掉。Mark is an all-around athlete.马克是一个全能运动员。Did you get to play in the

all-star game? 你入选全明星队的比赛了吗?He bloke the all-time

record in the 100-meter run at his school.他打破了他所在的学校


1)Working on cars isn't up my alley.修理汽车不是我拿手的活儿。


2)I just wanna be left alone.我只是想一个人呆会儿。Can't you

just leave well enough alone? 你不能少管一些闲事吗?


2)You knew all along what was going on.你从一开始就知道所

发生的事。Debbie doesn't get along with Steve.戴比和史蒂夫相处得不好。





5) came here searching for the American dream.帕克先生来到这儿寻求他的“美国梦”。Some foreigners become

Americanized while living in the U.S.一些外国人在美国居住时被美国化了。Not having any job freedom would be totally

unAmerican.没有选择职业的自由是完全违背美国精神传统的。Bill is

an all-American quarterback.比尔是全美(橄榄球)明星赛的四分卫队员。I just can't go on the American way.我无法适应美国方式。


2)Water-skiing really brings out the animal in Tom.滑水运动真正激发出了汤姆的活力与激情。The young actor emits a lot of

animal magnetism on the screen.那个年轻演员在荧幕


1)I called Emi but there was no answer.我给埃米打了电话,但是没人接。





5)Have you ever been to the Big Apple? 你去过纽约吗?Do I

sense an apple of discord between you two? 你问我有没有感觉出你们两人之间的不和,是吗?Heather is the apple of my eye.希瑟是

我的掌上明珠。Rita likes to keep everything in apple-pie order.丽塔喜欢把一切都弄得井井有条。Dennis has always been an apple





4)You don't have to twist my arm to get me to go with you.用不着你强迫我跟你走。My father is a hopeless armchair

quarterback.我爸爸是一个没救了的纸上谈兵的人。The suspects

are armed and dangerous.嫌疑犯带有武器,十分危险。Every

spring the park is filled with lovers walking arm in arm.每到春天公园里到处都是



2)Coach Johnson has been around for 30 years.约翰逊教练已有三十年的经验了。Someone is on duty here around-the-clock.有人在这里昼夜值班。






6)It looks as if someone has already been here.看起来在人来过这里了。As for me, I'm going home.至于我,我准备回家。Marty

is acting as if nothing happened.马蒂表现得像什么也没发生过一样。I want this room left as is.我希望这间房子保持原样。The changes

will begin taking place as of tomorrow.变动从明天开始实施。

Police are baffled as to the whereabouts of the kidnappers.警察局搜寻者的工作受





4)Our gas bill average about $50 a month.我们每个月的煤气费平均50美元。On the average, I'd say we eat chicken once a

week.我们平均每周吃一次鸡肉。Kent describes himself as just an

average Joe.肯特视自己为一名普通的美国人。On the average day,

over 100,000 kids bring guns to school in the U.S.在美国平常日






5)What makes you think you're gonna get away with this? 是什么使你认为你可以免受处罚?I wish they'd do away with these

complicated tax forms.我希望他们能费除掉这些复杂的税务表格。We're planning a weekend getaway for our anniversary.我们正在为庆祝我们的纪念日而安排一次周末的外出活动。Tom wants to run

away from home.汤姆想从家里出逃。Dave and Kathy are going to

steal away on vacation.戴夫和凯茜计划在假期里偷偷跑出




发热门诊Have Fever主治医师Doctor-in-charge 供应室Supply

Room谢绝入内No entering 红灯亮时谢绝入内No entering when

red light

彩超、心电图Colorful Cardiogram/ECG住院楼Inpatient

Building 透析血磁EndoscopeDept.护士Nueser康复理疗科RehabilitationPhysiotherapyDept.中药计价China medical price


皮肤、肛肠、男性科、泌尿科候诊Dermatology、Ano-proctology、male Urology Clinic 皮肤科、肛肠科、男性科、泌尿科Dermatology、Ano-proctology、male Urology Dept 中医科Traditional Chinese Medicine五官科ENT Dept.男性科、泌尿科

Male urology Dept.安全出口Exit

预防保健科Medical center for health preventionand care

后勤科、药库Logistic Room、Seore入院登记In-patient

Admisson 高压氧Hyperbaric Oxygehation Therapy碎石中心ESWL Center 急救中心Emergency Center挂号收费Registration

中心药房Cenreral Pharmacy内科门诊Internal Medicine Clinic会议室Meeting Room手外科Hand Surgery 产科Obstentrics Dept.骨外科Orthopedics Dept.神经、烧伤外科ic

surgey Dept.麻醉科Anaesthesiology手术室Operation Room 泌尿、肿瘤外科urgery Dept.妇科Gynecology Dept.内二科Internal 2产房及爱婴中心Delivery Room内一科Internal 1洗手间Toilet

普外、胸外科Surgey、Thoracic Surgey Dept.皮肤科Dermatology Dept.中医骨伤科Traditional Mediaine or

Thopaedics餐厅Dining Room 配餐室Pantry Room后勤科Logistics

Dept.电工室Electrician Room接待室Dermatology Room 内、儿科候诊 Internal rics功能检查候诊Function Exam 中医科候诊TCM Clinic放射科候诊Radiology Clinic 妇科门诊Gynecology Dept.产科候诊Obstentrics Clinic 肛肠科候诊Ano-proctology妇科候诊Gynecology Clinic 产科门诊Obstentrics Dept.五官科候诊 外科候诊Surgery Clinic输液中心Transfusion

Center 皮肤、泌尿科候诊 Urology Clinic检验候

诊Clinical Laborotories 家属休息Relation Rest Room口腔科门诊Stomatology Clinic 内儿科Internal rics镜检科Endoscope Dept.外科Surgrey Dept.检验中心Laboratory Center 功能检查Function Exam Dept.登记处Registration 预防保健门诊Hygine & Public Health Dept.收费处Cashier 美容科、镜检科门诊

Cosmetology ope Clinic

收费健康发证Gharge lssue Bill of Health试敏观察室Scratch

Espial Room




共轨系统包括以下几个主要的部分: ①低压部分,包含燃油共轨系统组件。
























① 曲轴转速和转角; ② 燃油轨道的压力; ③ 进气压力;

④ 进气温度、冷却液温度和燃油温度; ⑤ 进气量; ⑥ 车速等。






① 废气在循环控制; ② 增压控制; ③ 巡航控制;

④ 电子防盗控制系统等。(6)控制单元结构。

由于发动机控制单元通常最多有8个喷油器输出口,所以超过八缸的发动机需要两个控制单元。它们通过内置高速CAN网络的“主/从”接口进行连接,因此也拥有较高的微控制器处理能力。一些功能被 分配给某个特定的控制单元(如燃料平衡控制),其功能根据需求情况(如检测传感器信号)可以动态地分配给一个或多个控制单元。

The Common Rail Calls for lower fuel consumption, reduced

exhaust-gas emission, and quiet engines are making greater

demands on the engine and fuel-injection demands

placed on diesel-engine fuel-injection systems are continuously

pressures, faster switching times, and a

variable rate-of-discharge curve modified to the engine

operating state have made the diesel engine economical, clean,

and a result, diesel engines have even entered the

realm of luxury-performance demands can only be

met by a fuel-injection the same time the injected

fuel quantity must be very precisely metered, and the rate-of-discharge curve must have an exact shape, and pre-injection and

secondary injection must be performable.A system that meets

these demands is the common-rail fuel-injection

main advantage of the common-rail system is its ability to vary

injection pressure and timing over a broad was

achieved by separating pressure generation(in the high-pressure

pump)from the fuel-injection system(injection).The rail here acts

as a pressure ple of the Common Rail The

common-rail system consists of the following main component

groups: ① The low-pressure stage, comprising the fuel-supply

system components;② The high-pressure system, comprising

components such as the high-pressure pump, fuel-rail, injector,

and high-pressure fuel electronic diesel control(EDC),

consisting of system modules, such as sensors, the electronic

control unit, and key components of the common-rail system are the are fitted with a rapid-action

valve(solenoid valve or piezo-triggered actuator)which opens

and closes the permits control of the injection

process for each the injectors are fed by a common

fuel rail, this being the origin of the term “common rail”.In the

common-rail fuel-injection system, the function of pressure

generation and fuel injection are injection pressure

is generated independent of the engine speed and the injected

fuel electronic diesel control(EDC)controls each of

the components.(1)Pressure re generation and

fuel injection are separated by means of an accumulator

under pressure is supplied to the accumulator

volume of the common

rail ready for injection.A continuously operating high-pressure pump driven by the engine produces the desired

injection re in the fuel rail is maintained

irrespective of engine speed or injected fuel to

the almost uniform injection pattern, the high-pressure pump

design can be much smaller and its drive-system torque can be

lower than conventional fuel-injection results in a

much lower load on the pump high-pressure pump is

a radial-piston commercial vehicles, an in-line fuel-injection pump is sometimes fitted.(2)Pressure Control The

pressure control method applied is largely dependent on the

way of controlling rail pressure is to control the high-pressure side by a pressure-control not required for

injection flows back to the low-pressure circuit via the pressure-control type of control loop allows rail pressure to react

rapidly to changes in operating point( the event of load

changes).Control on the high-pressure side was adopted on the

first common-rail pressure-control valve is mounted

preferably on the fuel some applications, however, it is

mounted directly on the high-pressure r way of

controlling rail pressure is to control fuel delivery on the suction

metering unit flanged on the high-pressure pump

makes sure that the pump delivers exactly the right quantity of

fuel rail in order to maintain the injection pressure required by

the a fault situation, the pressure-relief valve prevents

rail pressure from exceeding a -delivery control on

the suction side reduces the quantity of fuel under high pressure

and lowers the power input of the has a positive

impact on fuel the same time, the temperature

of the fuel flowing back to the fuel tank is reduced in contrast to

the control method on the high-pressure two-actuator

system is also a way of controlling rail pressure, which combines

pressure control on the suction side via the metering unit and

control on the high-pressure side via the pressure-control valve,

thus marrying the advantages of high-pressure-side control and

suction-side fuel-delivery control.(3)Fuel injectors

spray fuel directly into the engine’s combustion

are supplied by short high-pressure fuel lines connected to the

fuel engine control unit controls the switching valve

integrated in the injector to open and close

the injector injector opening times and system

pressure determine the quantity of fuel a constant

pressure, the fuel quantity delivered is proportional to the

switching time of the solenoid is, therefore,

independent of engine or pump speed(time-based fuel

injection).(4)Potential Hydraulic ting the functions

of pressure generation and fuel injection opens up future

degrees of freedom in the combustion process compared with

conventional fuel-injection systems;the injection pressure at

pressure at present is 160 MPa;in future this will rise to 180

common-rail system allows a future reduction in

exhaust-gas emissions by introducing pre-injection events or

multiple injection events and also attenuating combustion noise

le injection events of up to five per injection

cycle can be generated by triggering the highly rapid-action

switching valve several nozzle-needle closing action is

hydraulically assisted to ensure that the end of injection is

rapid.(5)Control and engine control unit detects

the accelerator-pedal position and the current operating states

of the engine and vehicle by means of data collected


① Crankshaft speed and angle;② Fuel-rail pressure;③

Charge-air pressure:

④ Intake air, coolant temperature, and fuel temperature: ⑤

Air-mass intake: ⑥ Road speed, electronic control unit

evaluates the input sync with combustion, it calculates

the triggering signals for the pressure-control valve or the

metering unit, the injectors, and the other actuators( EGR

valve, exhaust-gas turbocharger actuators, etc.).The injector

switching times, which need to be short, are achievable using the

optimized high-pressure switching valves and a special control

angle/time system compares injection timing, based

on data from the crankshaft and camshaft sensors, with the


state(time control).The electronic diesel

control(EDC)permits a precise metering of the injected fuel

addition, EDC offers the potential for additional functions

that can improve engine response and basic

functions involve the precise control of diesel-fuel injection

timing and fuel quantity at the reference this way,

they ensure that the diesel engine has low consumption and

smooth running onal open-and close-loop

control functions perform the tasks of reducing exhaust-gas

emissions and fuel consumption, or providing added safely and

examples are:

① Control of exhaust-gas recirculation;② Boost-pressure

control;③ Cruise control;

④ Electronic immobilizer, etc.(6)Control Unit

the engine control unit normally has a

maximum of only eight output stages for the injectors, engines

with more than eight cylinders are fitted with two engine control

are coupled within the “ master/slave ” network via

an internal, high-speed CAN a result, there is also a

high microcontroller processing capacity

functions are permanently allocated to a specific control

unit(-balancing control).Other can be dynamically

allocated to one or many of the control units as situation

demand( detect sensor signals).


AEROFLEX “亚罗弗”保温 ALCO “艾科”自控 Alerton 雅利顿空调 Alfa laval阿法拉伐换热器 ARMSTRONG “阿姆斯壮”保温

AUX 奥克斯

BELIMO 瑞士“搏力谋”阀门 BERONOR西班牙“北诺尔”电加热器 BILTUR 意大利“百得”燃烧器 BOSIC “柏诚”自控 BROAD 远大

Burnham美国“博恩汉”锅炉 CALPEDA意大利“科沛达”水泵

CARLY 法国“嘉利”制冷配件 Carrier 开利 Chigo 志高

Cipriani 意大利斯普莱力

CLIMAVENETA意大利“克莱门特” Copeland“谷轮”压缩机

CYRUS意大利”赛诺思”自控 DAIKIN 大金空调

丹佛斯自控 Dorin “多菱”压缩机

DUNHAM-BUSH 顿汉布什空调制冷 DuPont美国“杜邦”制冷剂 Dwyer 美国德威尔 EBM “依必安”风机

ELIWELL意大利“伊力威”自控 Enfinilan 英国“英菲尼兰“阀门

EVAPCO美国“益美高”冷却设备 EVERY CONTROL意大利“美控”

Erie 怡日

FRASCOLD 意大利“富士豪”压缩机 FRICO瑞典“弗瑞克”空气幕 FUJI “富士”变频器

FULTON 美国“富尔顿”锅炉 GENUIN “正野”风机 GREE 格力

GREENCOOL格林柯尔 GRUNDFOS “格兰富”水泵 Haier 海尔

Hisense 海信 HITACHI 日立

霍尼韦尔自控 Johnson 江森自控 Kelon 科龙

KRUGER瑞士“科禄格”风机 KU BA德国“库宝”冷风机 Liang

Chi 良机冷却塔 LIEBERT 力博特空调 MARLEY “马利”冷却塔

Maneurop法国“美优乐”压缩机 McQuary 麦克维尔 Midea 美的


Munters 瑞典“蒙特”除湿机 Panasonic 松下 RANCO “宏高”自控

REFCOMP意大利“莱富康”压缩机 RIDGID 美国“里奇”工具

RUUD美国“路德”空调 RYODEN “菱电”冷却塔 SanKen “三垦”变频器 Samsung 三星 SANYO 三洋

ASWELL英国森威尔自控 Schneider 施耐德电气 SenseAir 瑞典“森尔”传感器 SIEMENS 西门子

SINKO ",28商机网;新晃“空调 SINRO “新菱”冷却塔 STAND

“思探得”加湿器 SWEP 舒瑞普换热器 TECKA “台佳”空调

Tecumseh“泰康”压缩机 TRANE 特灵

TROX德国“妥思”风阀 VASALA芬兰“维萨拉”传感器 WILO德国“威乐”水泵 WITTLER 德国”威特”阀门 YORK 约克


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