

Description (Mainly)

1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。

The most helpful book for me is the Chinese dictionary. Firstly, our country

have many words we never use them in daily life and so many words always

confuse me. The dictionary can help me get over by offering many detailed

explanations and examples. In addition, I can also learn how to apply the new

words into writing and speaking by studying the examples earnestly.

Furthermore, I can learn a lot of knowledge beside new words. For example, it

is very likely that a good dictionary illustrate a specific animal or plant with a

picture. Thus, we get more information out of the dictionary.

2. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.

The most important decision that I have ever made is when I was 17 years old, I chose

music as my major in my college. It’s of great importance because it determines what I will

learn and what I will do the next four years. What is more, it partly determines my future

career for the rest of my life. After four years of study, I think I made a right decision,

because I do like is so close to god and I feel love give me

faith,give me power to face the real world.

3. 空闲时间用来做什么?

4. What will you do to relax yourself?

(3)I always prefer to go to a coffee house with my friends to relax myself,because I like the

quiet atmosphere and soft music there. There is one such coffee house near my university,

sometimes we go there to enjoy the delicious coffee and cookies on the weekends, and all

the things provided there are not very expansive. We can just sit down and share our

experience with each other. So I think a coffee house is an ideal place to have a good time

with friends.

(4) I always prefer to spend spare time with my friends in a coffee house.

5.当你去restaurant或cafe得时候最care about的features有那些

Actually, when I go to a restaurant or café I only care about some basic features. First of

all, the most important thing I concern with is the sanitary condition. It’s directly related to

consumers’ health, you will feel uncomfortable to sit down in a dirty house and use the

dirty dishware. In addition, I think a good service is also necessary; I don’t want to wait for

a meal for a long time and the waiter/waitress shouldn’t give you a cold face at least.

Besides, the taste of foods provided also plays a crucial role for me to judge a restaurant

or café.

6. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。

The most memorable moment is my graduation dinner party with all my

classmates. It was such a special day that full of happiness and sorrow. We

had studied and lived for 4 years and then we had to say goodbye to our

friends. I will never forget the day we cried together and jointed in embrace.

We were going different places of China and even the world, so we gave best

wishes to our dear friends. Because the day means the end of one part of our

lives and embarks on our promising future.

7. Describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture.

8. Favorite time of a year

(7) Spring Festival may be the most important celebration event in China, which

symbolizes the beginning of a new year. It allows us to depart from bad luck and all

displeasuretogether with the past as well as long for a much better future. In addition, the

festival provides all Chinese people in the world an opportunity to gather with family or

friends, enjoying delicious food, watching TV celebrating programs, sharing experience in

the past year and receive best wishes from each other and so on.

(8) My favorite time of a year is the Spring Festival, which symbolizes----

9. 说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。

10. 描述一件童年很happy的event,然后explain why it is memorable

11. Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood

12. some good news and why

13. Describe an object which is very important to you.

14. Describe a special opportunity given to you

15. What do you miss most when you are away from home?

16. Describe a letter or poem or ...that is important to you

(9) My favorite place is the Lianfeng Mountain Park, which locates the small

Bei Daihe city east of China, abut on Bohai Sea. You can enjoy the fresh air

among the brushy trees as well as the euphonic birds’ singing. More amazingly,

it doesn’t take long to go to the

seaside. Just imagine the blue sky and ocean together with the beautiful

sunshine on the beach. Furthermore, I like to collect rainbow seashells on the

beach. More important, on the seaside I happened to make friends with a

pretty and kind girl with the same favor for seashells. She gave me some

heart-shaped seashells, which are very unique, as a remembrance. The trip to

the small city is really interesting and memorable.

(10,11) The most happy event in my childhood is the trip to my favorite place

Lianfeng Mountain Park, which locates -----

(12) One of the good news for me is when my parents told me we’ll go to the

Lianfeng Mountain Park, which locates----

(13) One of the important object for me is a unique seashell as a gift from one

of my friends. It recalls my member of the trip to Lianfeng Mountain Park,

which locates-----

(14) I once had an opportunity to my favorite place Lianfeng Mountain Park,

which locates----

(15) I miss the beautiful scenery in my hometown the most, especially the

Lianfeng Mountain Park, which locates-----

(16) An important letter for me is from one of my friends I met during my trip to

the Lianfeng Mountain Park, which locates-----. It recalls my memory of the

beautiful scenery,

the fresh air among -----

te room

My favorite room is my bedroom. It’s not very big but I can do many things in the room.

Firstly, it’s the place I study, I have a big book shelf with different types of readings,

ranging from scientific books to literature works, newspapers to magazines. In addition,

my bedroom is also the place I relax and exercise myself indoor, I can listen to the music,

surf the internet and doing some boxing to keep fit and healthy. Besides, the room is

decorated all by myself, just the way I like. So my favorite bedroom gives me a lot of fun.

18. The most efficient transportation in your country。

① be free of traffic problem and other factors

② faster than bus and automobiles

③ frequently and punctually

The most efficient transportation in our country is subway. First of all, it can be

free of traffic problems and many other factors that may influence the normal

operation of transportation. In addition, it runs much faster than bus or

automobiles even in rush hours and will never stop for a traffic jam. Besides,

the subway trains come frequently and punctually, thus make it easier for

passengers to make schedule. All these advantages make subway the most

efficient transportation.

19. 说近100年最important的invention之一

①worldwide connection possible;②promote development of science & technology; ③provide entertainment.

The most important invention in the recent century would definitely be the internet, which

has changed our life so tremendously. First of all, it makes the worldwide connection

possible so that it can help human beings to work much more conveniently and efficiently.

In addition, it has greatly promoted the development of science and technology by a

number of websites and databases of information. Besides, it can provide people with

entertainment, such as watching movie, chatting room and even shopping. So the internet

is really an amazing invention.


I like my university, Nanjing university, which locates the center area of Nanjing. We have

dormitories, teaching buildings and refectories named by number and research buildings

named by subject. So you can easily find a specific spot. There is also a large playground

and gym with a number of exercise facilities. Furthermore, it has beautiful scenery in the

campus, and there are lots of trees, flowers and grasses, so you can enjoy the fresh air

and the euphonic birds’ singing in the morning.

21. 学生放假应该做些什么?

Students might have many choices to spend a vacation as long as they can make the

vacation time interesting or helpful. For example, you can visit your families or friends, go

to concerts or do many other things for relaxation. You can also plan a trip to the city or

somewhere you are longing for, which will help to broaden your view and knowledge.

Furthermore, you can also choose to have a vacation internship, and the experience will

increase your income as well as make you familiar with the society. So there is never lack

of choices.


do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?


A good teacher should bear many excellent qualities. First of all, a teacher should have

outstanding teaching ability and an open mind. In other words, it’s important to be good

atencouraging students to think, decide and attempt, and the teacher should be willing to

learn and accept new things. Furthermore, a teacher is supposed to be patient and

sincere to all the students even though they make mistakes in class. A teacher should

also be an honest and humble person, who opens heart to surrounding people and never

refuses to acknowledge her shortcomings, even to her qualities can make

a good teacher.

26. Characteristics of friends

Good friends should bear several qualities. First of all, a friend indeed is a friend in need.

A good friend should be willing to help you when you are in trouble, comfort you when you

are frustrated. Furthermore, good friends should also be honest people, who can open

heart to others and never refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings. I feel comfortable

and safe to get along with these types of friends, and they can always offer their opinions

for your goods. So I think friends like this deserve to be credited as the good ones.


A good leader should bear some necessary qualities. First of all, a leader should own the

ability of team building and help each individual in the team to perform their very best. In

addition, a good leader should master impressive professional knowledge and skills, in

order to decide the direction of team development and help the subordinates to solve

practical problems. Furthermore, a good leader should respect the work and be willing to

work with other team members. These qualities can make a good leader.

28.描述一次challenging experience,以及如何解决这个challenge

I once had a tough experience last semester when I was invited to show my dance with

my friends in a large-scale celebration evening. It was challenging because we had only

less than two weeks for preparation. Even worse, it was the end of the term and we were

all busy with our final exams. In such a short time, as a leader, I investigated new dancing

actions after my work during the daytime and taught other members every night. We

taught and learned together and encouraged each other when we were frustrated. Finally,

we had achieved a fantastic performance.


At the end of last semester I had a tough experience when I was invited to show my dance

in a large-scale celebration evening, I had less than two weeks for preparation and I was

so busy with my final exams. I told my dilemma to one of my friends who is also good at

dancing and has relatively more spare time. He asked me not to be gloomy and promised

to investigate the dancing actions instead of me. He learned new dancing actions during

the daytime and taught me every night. It did save me a lot of time and I successfully

accomplished both the performance and exams.


The skill I want to command is to repair large-scale machines, which is of great help in my

scientific research. Firstly, if I can repair apparatus in my laboratory all by myself, I won’t

depend on others. Asking others for solution usually cost considerable time and money. I

even have to please them in order to solve the problem as soon as possible. In addition, if

I master the skill of machine-reparation, I’ll be more familiar with the machine and working

principle and can offer help to others. That’s why I want to learn the skill of


31. 理想的职业

32. 你的目标是什么

I prefer to be a leader, because I want to implement my dream and I think I can meet the

qualities required for a good leader. First of all, a good leader should have the ability of

team building, and I believe that I can help each individual in the team to perform their

very best due to my excellent communicating skills. Furthermore, the experience of being

a leader will make me more mature and capable, because I will learn more from the

process of planning, organizing and solving unexpected events. So I prefer the position of

a leader to a follower.

Preference or Selection

33. 和朋友在一起,喜欢在restaurant,café还是在家

34. 你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方?为什么?

35. 你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area。

Similar to No.3

36. 森林,沙漠,平原...你喜欢住在哪种环境里?

Similar to No.9

37. Computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused


Similar to No.19

38. 你是愿意当leader还是当follower

Similar to No.31

39. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。

In my view, television has a positive effect for modern society. Firstly, it offers us an

efficient and convenient way to get the latest news. You can directly see what has

happened around the entire world just in your home. Moreover, television also has

brought us a visual enjoyment and broadened our knowledge by different types of

programs. Finally, television can release job seeking pressure at some extent, by

providing a job chance for people who are willing to be engaged in related career.

40. Which one acts more influence on your newspaper, TV or teachers?

41. 人是被电视,报纸,广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多

I think people nowadays are influenced more by the media rather than their family or

friends. For one thing, people are exposed to information from media much more than

they spend time with family or friends. It is inevitable for one to absorb things from them

and change a previous perception. In addition, modern people are more and more

independent. They are not easy to be affected by another person. But they might believe

what on the media, because these are more factual things. So I think the media influence

people more

42. 你是喜欢自己在家里吃还是去外面餐馆吃?为什么?

(1) cheaper; (2) prepare freely, fun, (3) creative process.

I prefer eating at home to dining out for many reasons. For one thing, It’s much cheaper to

eat at home. For a student as me, it can easily cause budget tension by frequently eating

out. Furthermore, I can prepare the food just the way I like. Sometimes it can be a fun to

experiment on different kinds of food and reason which types suit me. In addition, It may

be a creative process that can provide you a feeling of satisfaction. So I like eating at

home and I seldom eating out unless for special occasions.

43. 喜欢到大城市读书还是小城市读书。

I prefer studying in a big city. First of all, the universities in a big city have more teaching

resources and better available facilities, since they may receive more recognition by

government. Furthermore, in a big city we have more opportunities to broaden our view

and we can get more chances for career and study development. So I’d like to locate my

study area in a big city.

44. 大学是应该向所有人开放还是只对一部分学生开放

45. Should the university education be free?

I don’t agree with the claim about university education for all/for free. First of all, it can

cause tension on teaching resources and available facilities. Without any charge of tuition

for college students, there will definitely be an increasing enrollment, which will result in

great budget and resources pressure. Moreover, the more college students, the less value

of the degree. It may go against the original selective purpose of the higher education. So

I don’t think it’s wise to make university education for all.

46. attend college是否比不读college容易successful in career ,why?

47. 有些人觉得在大学的学习是很重要的,有的人觉得它并不怎么重要,你的观点?

①accumulating knowledge & recognition by the society

②respected by the society & promotion

In my opinion, for general people, attending college is very important to help us gain

success in career. Nowadays, attending college is not only a process of accumulating

knowledge, but also the recognition of your abilities by the society. With a college degree,

you’ll get more chances of future career success. Furthermore, attending college will

make you respected by the society and give you more opportunities of promotion. So

although there are some exceptions such as Bill Gates, I believe attending college will

prepare you much better for future.

48. 杂志,小说,诗歌,喜欢哪个

I like fictions the most. They can relax me when I’m tired and want to have a little break,

you just need to sit down to enjoy the story in a fiction, just imagining what has happened

according to the description, as if you are watching a movie. For other types of reading

materials, although poems may be of great literature values, but sometimes they are

difficult to understand. When I turn to them, I’m just looking for a way of relaxation rather

than another type of learning. Magazines are always expensive and contain lots of

advertisements. So I really prefer fictions to the others.

49. 喜欢一个人住还是和室友住

I prefer to live with others. First of all, living with someone else won’t make you feel alone,

it’s a good way to make friends by sharing experience, opinions and feelings with your

roommates. Moreover, living with others helps in teaching you how to get along with

different groups of people and how to care and offer helps to others, which will benefit

your communication skills. I also believe that living with roommates will make life more

alive and interesting. So I’d like someone to live with me.

50. 是说愿意在办公室工作还是在家工作,为什么。

①can’t be fully devoted; ②convenient to communicate

I rather prefer to work in an office. Firstly, although working at home may be comfortable,

it’s difficult for me to be fully-devoted to work. Maybe I’ll want to watch TV, surf the internet

or even want to have a sleep during the work time. So it isn’t efficient to work at home.

Moreover, it’s more convenient to communicate with your co-workers or boss when you

work in an office, thus you can get the assignment more directly and solve problems by

negotiating with other employees, which helps you do better and learn faster. So I prefer

the traditional way to work in an office.

icate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone?

I usually communicate with family or friends by telephone. Firstly of all, I feel more close to

my family or friends by directly talking to them. Hearing their voices gives me a sense of

intimacy, especially for a student far away from home. Furthermore, it’s more efficient to

communicate by telephone. I can directly describe my life and receive information about

my family or friends in just several minutes, while transferring information by letter or

e-mail cost time and energy. So I’d like to choos telephone.

52. Whether parents should lead their children to watch TV or the children should


I think parents should lead their children to watch TV. First of all, children are not mature

enough to realize which TV programs are suit for them. Without a proper guide, children

may have been misled by some unhealthy TV programs. Moreover, parents play an

important role in helping children distinguish true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugly

by comparing the situation in TV programs and reality,. Besides, parents are also

responsible for preventing children from been obsessed in watching TV. So I agree with

that parents should be able to lead their children to watch TV.

advice from family and friends or learning through personal experience

I think it’s more important to learn from personal experience, although advices from others

are helpful and sometimes necessary. First of all, when you have problems or get into a

dilemma, you are the person most familiar with what you really want and it’ll promote you

to develop the ability to solve. Advices from others may be just the opposite with your

expectation. In addition, more personal experience will make one more mature and

capable. You can realize the society more comprehensive and objective. So I ‘d like to

learn from personal experience.

54. Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic


55. 你选择online courses还是traditional courses

Actually, both of internet and academic books are helpful in doing research. But nowadays

I think internet is much better. Firstly, internet contains such a tremendous amount of

information that academic books can never compare with. You may also raise a question

about a topic and ask for help on the internet. Furthermore, it’s more efficient and

convenient to use the internet; all you need is a computer, while carrying books around

here and there can be very heavy. So I’d like to search online.

56. Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in


57. 同意或不同意students will learn more when they have discussions

I prefer to study in a group. Firstly, it’s inevitable for each of us to encounter problems

when we study on work assignment. At this time group discussions will be very helpful

because we can share our knowledge and learn a lot from others. Furthermore, group

members will help you to find out and overcome your shortcomings. Besides, group study

is also a chance to communicate with others and exercise how to express ourselves. So I

prefer to study in a group.

58. Is it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself?

I think it’s more important for students to study by oneself. Firstly, classes given by

teachers are designed for most of the students. You may find you are not getting enough

from the class or you can’t catch up with the class. In such a case, studying by oneself is

crucial to improve your learning efficiency. Furthermore, studying by oneself will help you

to find out your weak points as well as what you are good at, which is benefit to you to

make schedule and formulate your study plans. So I hold that study by oneself is more



I tend to support that freshmen live with students of different grades. Firstly, freshmen

usually choose almost the same common courses, so they have communicated enough

with others in classes, it’s not necessary to make them live together for more

communication. Furthermore, mixed-type living style can also absorb students since

freshmen can obtain more experience and suggestions from students of higher grades.

For these two reasons, I support mixed-type living manner.

60. 应该选择工作好的专业还是应该选择自己感兴趣的专业

61. Subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested.

62. 赚钱的工作还是personal satisfaction高的工作

I agree with that one should choose a major that suits his/her interests. First of all, if you

force yourself learn something you don’t like, than you can’t be fully devoted to learn it well

and may even feel boring. As a result, it will low your study efficiency and can’t prepare

you very well for future development. Furthermore, the demand of job market definitely

changes more frequently than your interests do. You may find a job popular after you

graduate, although it may receive poor recognition by the society when you entered

college. So it’s wise to choose a major you are interested in.

63. Take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year?

I support the idea of students having several short vacations throughout a year. Firstly,

short vacations are a great relaxation after busy final exams. We can be with family, visit

friends, go to concerts and do many other things besides classes. Furthermore, students

wouldn’t forget what they have learned and will be more focused on their classes when

they return to school if their vacation time is divided up throughout the year. And I also

think short vacations are safe for students who have a travel plan. So I find many

advantages of short vacations compared with a longer one.


I prefer to take my time and enjoy the scenery along the way. Firstly, there can be some

surprisingly beautiful sights on the way, and I don’t want to miss it. It can be even better

than my destination. In addition, trip is a way of relaxation instead of a job. So you don’t

need to rush yourself, otherwise I may already feel tired when I get to my destination. I’d

like to relax from the moment I set out. So, that’s my reason for sight-seeing along the


65.城市建设中应该保持old building呢还是应该用new building replace old building

I support that old buildings be preserved because they are valuable for educational

purpose and tourism. An old building usually can serve as educational sites for kid to

learn the past culture of the city, or as reference for students of architecture. In

addition, it also boosts the development of tourism, especially if the place is a

historical heritage, which can bring a considerable income. And people have some

place to go on weekends. So I don’t think it’s not wise to erase the old building for

the sake of new ones.

65.若果有一大笔钱,你会做practice thing or happy thing?

If I have a great amount of money, I prefer to do some practical things. For example,

maybe I’ll donate the extra money to charitable foundation in order to help the poor. I’ll be

glad to see them happy. Besides, I also want to fulfill my parents’ dream or employ the

best family nursing and healthy instruction. They have been always working hard for me

and it’s a good chance to pay back them if I have enough money. So I’m glad to do more

practical things with a plenty of money rather then just for my fun.

66. 喜欢看那种电影,为什么:Comedy, drama…

I prefer watching a film of comedy. First of all, it can give me a break from tedious work,

you don’t need to think much about the deep meaning, because it’s not so serious as

drama. Furthermore, it can always make you laugh and get rid of your sadness, it will

empower you with good mood and energy for future work. All you need is to lean back and

enjoy the shows. So I’d like to watch a comedy.

67. 人们往往认为应该在危急时刻帮助别人,但另一种观点认为你首先应该看清楚情况

I definitely agree that one should observe before helping others when there is a danger.

Firstly, you must keep a clear mind if you are able to help solving the emergency,

otherwise you may do nothing but even put yourself in danger. For example, if the rescue

needs more people or other tools, you should stop and think about where to get them. In

addition, some imprudent actions may even deteriorate the situation. If you move a patient

with heart attacking frequently, it can even cause death. So I think one should observe

before helping others.

68.如果有机会你会选择job or career?

Agree or Disagree

69. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic


70. 学校应不应该在普通课程中加入Sport courses?

I agree with that music and art classes should be offered in high school. Because there

are a group of students that are interested in this area and plan to choose either of them

as their future career. In addition, music and art would make the day more alive and

interesting, which in turn leads to more learning. It may serve as the major source of joy

and relax students during their endless scientific classes. I also think music and art

education can develop creativity and personality (spirit of diligence and perseverance)

which will benefit your study and career.

you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?

I tend to disagree that students need to wear uniform in school. Firstly, wearing uniform

doesn’t represent a better performance in school. I think it doesn’t matter what students

wear as long as they are doing fine. In addition, school should encourage students to

express themselves or develop their personality. School can make some restrictions to

prevent certain inappropriate clothes. Asking students to dress the same everyday may

have a negative influence on their psychology. So I don’t support uniform wearing.

72. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?

I think it’s necessary to forbid using mobile phone in some cases. For example in classes

or meetings, the ringing is very disturbing. Although you may turn your mobile phone into

the mute mode, it will distract you from classes thus reduce your study efficiency. And

sometimes it’s impolite to use a mobile phone in some public occasion such as important

conferences. Furthermore, the microwave radiation of a mobile phone will disturb the

normal operating of special machines in some places such as hospital and laboratory. So

forbidding using a mobile phone in some cases is good for you as well as the people

surrounding you.

73. 政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。说出你的观点和理由。

I definitely agree with that government should help in artistic places building such as

museums and theatres. For one thing, these types of places are excellent for promoting

appreciating for art. It can help us to regain the passion for beauty and depth in life, which

is much better than being an internet addict or a couch potato. Furthermore, visiting

museums and theatres will help understand much better in history and art, which will in

turn benefit enhancing people’s culture. So I support government invest money to build

more museums and theatres.

74. 同不同意People should always tell the truth .

I don’t’ agree that people should always tell the truth, because sometimes lying

doesn’t definitely mean to harm others and is even necessary. For example, if

you are taking care of a patient suffering from serious illness, it’s important to

give the patient hope, in such a case, in order to help the patient to release

psychological pressure, modest lying is useful. Another example is in business

or politics, people always adopt acceptable lies as negotiation strategy to win

more benefits for their own side. So not telling the truth is ok and sometimes


75. Do you agree that we can judge a person by the appearance at the first glance?

I don’t think it’s reliable to judge a person by the first glance. Firstly, appearance doesn’t

represent all. The information of a person you can get from a glance is very limited. You

can’t tell many things just from the appearance, such as the past, hobbies, eating habits

and so on. Furthermore, appearance lies, it may trick you. What you can get is partial,

which may even lead to prejudice. A person who dress decently and talk sincerely doesn’t

imply he’s definitely guiltless and kindly. So I support that one shouldn’t judge a person

just from the appearance.

76. Have a relaxed and unhurried life, yes or no?

I don’t support having a relaxed and unhurried life. First of all, pressure engenders

impetus. If you always keep living a relaxed life, you can learn nothing and even find life

tedious, because you have no idea what you are living for. Furthermore, it’s impossible for

one to be relaxed forever. Life is full of chances and challenges. If you are used to an

invariable and easygoing life style, you’ll be not able to deal with the chances or

emergencies in your life. That’s why I oppose the relaxed and unhurried life style.

77.学生在工作之前应该做part-time job或者summer intern来确定自己是否合适那份工作,同意否?

I agree that it’s beneficial for students to have a part-time job or summer intern before

applying for an occupation. Firstly, the importance for their future career is obvious, it

helps students to be more familiar with the society. In addition, students will learn a lot that

they can’t obtain from academic books. They may be more concerned with the experience

and knowledge accumulated outside school. Besides, students can develop their

communicating skills with different groups of people in the society. So I support the idea to

have a part-time job or summer intern.


I tend to agree that students having a one-year break before entering college. First of all,

so many years of study and exams before college really cost energy, after graduating

from high school, a long-term break will be beneficial for students both physically and

mentally. Students can use the break to enjoy life and decide their future development. In

addition, it’s also a good chance for poor students to use the break to earn a certain tuition

for their college study. So I support the one-year break before college.

you agree or disagree: ”The most important lesson can’t be learned in class.”

I highly agree that the most important lesson can’ be learned in class.

Sometimes practical experience is more important. For example, a student

major in chemistry may know the textbooks or chemical principles very well,

but still can encounter numerous problems and difficulties in a real chemical

experiment without any practice. In addition, practice is the only criteria of truth.

What you have learned in class are very limited and even false, so you

shouldn’t be superstition about textbooks. Practice need to be paid more

attention to.

80. Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling

I tend to disagree with cutting the recycling in school. Firstly, recycling can remind

students of the importance of environmental protection. With a recycling system, students

will discard garbage into the special recycling garbage boxes instead of throw them away

randomly in campus. In addition, school can employ workers to deal with the garbage

regularly, it can also provide a job chance for people with low-income. So for these two

reasons, I support that the recycling in school should continue.

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