




《大学英语 1》 第一单元 课堂笔记

Unit 1 wanting to find success!



1. “no matter + 疑问词”为状语从句,表示“无论„„”、“不管„„”。可与之连用的疑问词有what, when, who,

how, where等。但不包括why。

1)No matter who you are, you have to obey the law.(不管你是什么人都要服从法律。)

2)No matter where you go, I will follow you.(无论你去往哪里我都跟随你。)

3)No matter when they come back, I will wait for them.(无论他们什么时候回来我都等。)

2. seem为动词和系动词,后接to be+形容词、to be+名词或动词不定式,其中to be+形容词结构的to be可以省略。

1)He seems (to be) unhappy.(他似乎不高兴。)

2)He seemed to know the secret.(他好像知道这个秘密。)

3. figure out:计算出, 解决, 领会到,弄明白。

1)We must figure out how to solve the problem.(我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。)

2)I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.(我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。)

4. this thing called:在这个短语中,called是过去分词,做thing的后置定语。英语中的名词后面可以跟短语做后置定语,后置定语有四种形式:

一、介词短语。例如:the man in a black suit(穿黑衣服的男人).


例如:the fruit sold in the market(在市场上出售的水果);

the fruit to buy(要买的水果); the man walking in the street在街上走路 的男人).

三、定语从句。例如: the house that I bought last week(我上个星期买的房子).

四、某些具有特殊用法的形容词比如某些以字母a开始的形容词像alive,asleep等必须放在名词后面做定心系天下求学人 Page 1 of 12 专业 专注 周到 细致



Wanting to find success!


语。例如:the man alive, the baby asleep ,其中定语从句可以简化为分词短语,当定语从句谓语动作表示主动时,将谓语改为现在分词;当定语从句谓语动作表示被动时,用过去分词。这种简化只保留谓语动词,去掉所有的助动词。此处的this thing called的完整形式是this thing which is called,经过简化就成了剩下了过去分词called。

5. as long as 等于 so long as , 意思是“只要„„”,后接从句

You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back.(只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。)

6. have a good idea of:非常清楚。have idea 的意思是“知道”。

1)Do you have any idea of his coming?(你知道他要来吗?)

2)I have no idea of his coming.(我不知道他要来。)

3)I have no idea that he is coming. (我不知道他要来。)

7. a hotel to stay at(下榻的宾馆)= to stay at a hotela house to live in(居住的房子)= to live in a house


I need someone to work with.(我需要一个与之共事的人。)= I need to work with work to which he

was devoted won high praise.(他所为之奉献的工作获得高度赞扬。)

8. picture „ as:把„„描绘成,把„„想像成。

1)It is hard to picture life 200 years ago.(很难想象200年前人们的生活。)

2) She pictured herself at school in a foreign country.(她想象自己在国外上学。)

9. the list can go on forever: 此句的意思是“等等”。英语中表示这个意思的有:etc. and so on and so forth and


10. get: 明白,了解

1)Do you get this question?(你明白这个问题吗)

2)Got it?(明白了吗?)Got it.(明白了。)

11. as:常用的意思有:由于,当„„时,随着,正如,虽然,作为。在句子中既可以作连词又可以作介词。

12. 在know和wonder后面常常使用if/whether连接句子。二者的区别是:if后面不能接or not,而whether则可以与or not 连用。

1)I don’t know whether he agrees or not.(我不知道他是否同意。)

2)I wonder if you could help me.(不知你能否帮助我。)

13. 虚拟语气。有三种形式:

1) 与现在事实相反的假设:从句用一般过去时,主句的谓语用would (could, might)+动词原形。

例如:If I were you, I would not do it.(如果我是你的话,我就不会这样做的。)

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2)与过去事实相反的假设:从句用过去完成时,主句的谓语用would (could, might)+现在完成时。

例如:If I had had his address, I would have visited her(如果我有了他的地址,我是会看她的。)

If it should snow tomorrow, I would go skiing(如果明天下雪,我就去滑雪。)

If it were to snow tomorrow, I would go skiing.

3)与将来事实相反的假设:从句用should (were to) + 动词原形,主句的谓语用would (could, might)+动词原形。

14. this type of 的意思是“这种”,相当于this kind of, this sort of。

15. build on: 建立于; 根据;依赖。

1)His argument is built on facts.(他的论点是以事实为依据的。)

2)We should develop national economy by building on the development of agriculture.(我们要在发展农业的基础上发展国民经济。)

16. excess: 过剩,常搭配为in excess of(超过)。

Don’t spend in excess of your income.(花销不要超过收入。)

17. 在debt-free这个词语中,free表示“免除”“不受„„约束”“不含”“不受„影响”,常与名词构成合成词,放在名词的后面作为形容词。

tax free 免税

alt free 不含盐的

worry-free 无忧无虑的

lead-free petrol 无铅汽油

18. not because„but because:not„, but„是英语的一种句型,意思是“不是„而是„”, “not because„but


We don’t give the job to you, not because we don’t trust you, but because you are inexperienced.(我们不把这份工作交给你,不是因为不信任你,而是因为你缺乏经验。)

19. growing up是一个现在分词短语。分词短语可以放在句子前面表示前提、原因、条件、时间等。当句子主语能够执行分词动作时,使用现在分词,当主语不能主动发出该动作时,使用过去分词。也就是说,分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。

1)Seen from space, the earth looks like a blue ball.(从太空看,地球象个蓝球。)

2)Holding a fan in his hand, he lay on the sofa, relaxing himself. (他手握扇子,躺在沙发上放松。)

20. a few修饰可数名词,表示肯定意义,few则表示否定意义。其对应的词语为 a little和little,他们修饰不可数名词。

21. enjoy后接名词和动名词,具有这种用法的动词包括:admit(承认), avoid(避免), advise(劝告), allow心系天下求学人 Page 3 of 12 专业 专注 周到 细致


(允许), appreciate(感谢), consider(考虑), delay(延误、耽搁), deny(否认), dislike(不喜欢), escape(逃脱、逃避), excuse(宽恕、原谅), feel like(很想,真想), finish(结束), forbid(禁止), forgive(宽恕、原谅、饶恕), imagine(想象), involve(涉及、包含), mind(在乎、介意), miss(错过、误了), permit(允许), postpone(推迟、拖延), practice(练习), prevent(阻止), propose(提议), risk(冒险), give

up(放弃), can’t help(不禁), suggest(建议)。

22. Achieve my dream working there: working前面省掉了介词by。动词加by加动名词短语是英语的一种句式,其中by短语可以放在句首,也可以放在句末。

He earned money by working part time in KFC.(他在肯德基做兼职工作赚钱。)

23. having在此处的用法前面已经说过,表示前提,相当于when I had a list of jobs that would fill this page.

a list of: 一系列的,一连串的。

1)They made a list of requests.(他们提出了一系列的要求。)

2)I must make a list of things to buy.(我得列个购物单。)

24. look back: 回顾,停滞不前。

1)Let’s look back on the past and look to the future.(让我们回顾过去,展望未来。)

2)I like to look back on my high-school days, which were the happiest in my life.(我喜欢回顾我的中学时代, 那是我生命中最快乐的时光。)

25. realize:实现、认识到、领悟。

1)He realized his mistake.(他认识了自己的过错)

2)The man laughed when he realized what had happened.(当那个人意识到是怎么回事时,便笑了起来。)

3)The personnel manager doesn't seem to realize the immediacy of the problem.(人事部长似乎还没有意识到这个问题的紧迫性。)

26. to have a job you enjoy: 动词不定式放在句首表示目的。

To be able to travel, he keeps saving money.(为了能够旅行,他不断地攒钱。)

27. look forward to的意思是“盼望”、“期待”。此处work是名词。英语中有一些含有介词to固定搭配,后接名词和动名词,这些搭配包括:look forward to(盼望), be devoted to(献身于,投身于), be committed to(承诺、致力于), be opposed to(反对), object to(反对)。

1)I’m looking forward to seeing you in the near future.(盼望在不远的将来见到你。)

2)He is devoted to developing rural education.(他献身于发展农村教育。)

3)China is committed to maintaining world peace.(中国致力于维护世界和平。)

4)He is opposed to purchasing another TV set.(他反对再购买一台电视机。)

28. a third of: 三分之一。英语中分数的表达法为“基数词+序数词”,当基数词大于2时,序数词用复数,例如心系天下求学人 Page 4 of 12 专业 专注 周到 细致


two thirds(三分之二)。分数做定语修饰名词时,单复数的使用取决于名词。

29. be able to: 能够。 able与capable的区别是,able后接动词不定式,capable后接of doing。

1)She is able to swim 1000 meters.(她能够游1000米。)

2)She is capable of swimming 1000 meters. (她能够游1000米。)

30. cop-out: 逃避;躲开;放弃;临阵退缩。

31. matter在此处是动词,意思是“重要”、“有关系”。

1)It doesn't matter if I miss this bus. I can walk.(如果我错过了公共汽车不要紧,我可以步行。)

2)It doesn't matter if you are late.(你如果迟到也没关系。)

3)What matters is your support. (重要的是你的支持。)

32. among的意思是“在„„之间”,用于三者以上。

They divided the task among them.(他们之间对任务进行了分配。)

33. keep: 保持,坚持。后面的接续方法有三种:

1) 后接动名词,例如:keep learning;

2) 后接形容词,例如:keep healthy;

3)后接宾语+宾语补足语,例如:keep me happy, keep me in the dark。

34. be burnt out: 精疲力竭的意思。

1)You must not burn yourself out in a blaze of energy.(你可别一个劲儿地干,把自己累垮了。)

2)Stop working so hard – you'll burn yourself out.(不要这样拼命地干了,你会累坏了的。)

35. by the time I graduate high school: by+时间名词的用法:当by后接将来时间时,主句谓语往往使用将来完成时,当by后接过去时间时,主句谓语使用过去完成时。

1)By the end of this month, we will have built two bridges.(截止这个月底,我们将修建两座大桥。)

2)By the end of last month, we had built two bridges. (截止上个月底,我们已经修建了两座大桥。)

36. anymore:当用作副词时合起来书写。当做宾语或定语时分开书写。

1)We promised not to quarrel anymore.(我们答应再也不争吵了。)

2)I don’t want to eat any more meat.(我不想再多吃肉了。)

3)I don’t want to drink any more.(我不想再多喝了。)

37. prove: 证明(是)。当后面跟不定式to be+名词或形容词时,可以将to be省掉。

1)His suggestion proved (to be) practical.(他的建议证明是切实可行的。)

2)She proved herself (to be) a qualified secretary.(她证明了自己是个合格的秘书。)

38. practice: 练习、实践。当用作动词时,后接名词或动名词,不能接动词不定式。

You should practice writing English.(你应该练习英文写作。)

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39. quit的意思是“放弃”,后接名词和动名词。

1)She quit her job last week.(她上周辞去了工作。)

2)I have quit smoking.(我已经戒烟了。)


40. be tired of:厌倦,厌烦。

1)He was tired of running errands for his sister.(他已厌倦给当跑腿了。)

2)I am tired of waiting. (我已经等得厌烦了。)

41. feel: 感觉。后接形容词或名词,意义上没有区别。

He felt thirsty. (他感到口渴)

He felt thirst. (他感到口渴)

42. let sb. down: 使某人失望,使某人沮丧。

1)They felt the school system had let them down.(他们感到学校制度令他们失望。)

2)His not answering the phone let her down.(他没接电话,使她感到沮丧。)

43. understand: 理解,明白。它有一个特殊用法:

make oneself understood(把话表达清楚)

Am I understood?(我说明白了吗或者听懂了吗?)

44. till:“直到...为止”,介词和连词,相当于until, 当位于句首时使用until,不使用till。

1) Wait till I return.(等到我回来!)

2) We can't start the job till / until we have the approval from the authority concerned.(没有有关当局的批准我们不能开始这项工作。)

3) Until we have the approval from the authority concerned, we can't start the job.

45. abuse:滥用, 虐待, 辱骂。

abuse one’s power(滥用职权) abuse a child(虐待孩子) abuse each other verbally(互相谩骂)

46. it is„that是强调句式,它可以用来强调句子中的某些成分,例如主语、主语从句、宾语、宾语从句、状语、状语从句等。如果强调主语或者宾语,可以使用that, who , whom, which(指物或者组织);如果强调状语,只能使用that。

1) It was my uncle that sent me the parcel.(是我的叔叔寄给我这个包裹的。)

2) It is this article that we discussed just now.(我们刚刚讨论的是这篇文章。)

3) It was because he was too careless that he broke all the glasses.(是因为他过于粗心才打碎所有的玻璃杯子。)4) It was in this house that we used to live in.(我们以前居住的就是这所房子。)

5) It is you who are wrong.(错的是你。) is to improve English that we hope.(我们希望的是提高英语水平。)

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47. in my recovery是介词加名词形式。“介词+动作名词或与活动有关的名词”表示处于一种活动中。

in my recovery(在我的康复过程中)

in class(在上课)

in my research(在我研究的过程中)

in hospital(住院)

under discussion(在讨论中)

on the flow(在流动)

at church(在做礼拜)

at dinner(在吃饭)

at rest(在休息) on the run(在奔跑)

48. shed tear的意思是“流泪”,类似的说法有shed blood(流血)。

49. because of为复合介词结构,后接名词和动名词,而because则是连词,后接从句。

1) He failed because of his carelessness.(由于粗心大意,他失败了。)

2) He failed because he was careless. (由于粗心大意,他失败了。)

50. If„, then„是英语常使用的结构,then是副词。该结构与because和although不同,例如不能说 “because„,

so„” ,也不能说 “Although„, but„” ,原因是在英文中两个句子之间最多需要一个连接词进行连接,如果每个句子全面都各有一个连接词,那么这两个句子就无法组成一个并列句或复合句。

51. a dozen:后接复数名词,例如:three dozen eggs(三打鸡蛋)。但是如果dozen用了复数形式,则后接of,再接复数名词,例如:dozens of people(数十人)。

52. hope与wish的区别:

1) hope后接两种形式,动词不定式和句子。注意在后接不定式时不能有名词即动作执行者存在,如果有名词出现,则需改为句子,不能使用不定式。例如:I hope to see you again in the future.(我希望将来能再次见到你。)I hope that I can see you again in the future.(我希望将来能再次见到你。)

2) wish后接三种形式:动词不定式,名词+动词不定式,句子。后接句子时表示虚拟,句子谓语的时态变为过去时态,包括过去将来时,一般过去时和过去完成时等。例如:I wish I knew her.(但愿我认识她。)I wish

I had had her address. (但愿我当时有了她的地址。)

53. every now and then:时常;有时。

1) She comes to visit us every now and then.(她时常来看望我们。)

2) I meet him every now and then on the campus.(我有时在校园里可见到他。)

54. search的意思是“寻”,有时与介词for搭配。

The police are still searching for the missing child.(警察仍然在寻失踪的孩子。)

55. raise与rise的区别:在表示“提高”这个意思时, raise为及物动词,rise为不及物动词,在使用时需加以注意。

He raised his voice.(他提高了声音)

His voice often rises in volume. (他的声音经常抬高。)

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56. fight在表示“与„„作斗争”时,后有三种接续方法,一是介词against, 二是介词with, 三是不使用任何介词。

The government has taken necessary measures to fight with the disease.

The government has taken necessary measure to fight against the disease.

57. as far as: 就„„而言,至于。

As far as we know, they will arrive at nine.(就我们目前所知,他们将在九点钟到。)

58. be measured as:“被视为„”。英文中有很多类似的说法。

be viewed as be considered as be taken as

be regarded as be thought of as be seen as

59. got it published:这是一个get something done的结构,意思等于have something done, 表示“让人„„”

I had my report typed.(我让人把报告打了成字。)

get 与have的区别在以下结构中:

have somebody do something 和get somebody to do something。

I had John type my report.(我让约翰替我把报告打成字。)

I got John to type my report. (我让约翰替我把报告打成字。)

60. go to help others:英文中趋向动词可以表达被动的含义。

Coal travels south by train.(煤炭被用火车运往南方。)

This table should go to the corner.(这张桌子应该搬到墙角。)

61. enough用法:放在形容词和副词后面,放在名词的前后即可。

quick enough good enough enough room room enough

62. change into: 变成, 把„„变成。

1) The next morning, the water had changed into ice.(第二天早晨水变成了冰。)

2) The witch tried to change iron into gold.(那位巫婆试图把铁变成金。)

63. with proceeds going to:这是由with引导的伴随结构,具体形式是:with+名词+其他 (现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式、介词短语等),表示对主句的补充或者说明主句动作的前提。

1) With three days left before the exams, should he play instead of study?(离考试还差3天,他应该玩而不学习吗?)

2) With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.(随着火箭的出现,太空时代开始了。)

3) She walked in front, with her dog behind her.(她在前面走,她的狗跟在后面。)

64. trying:伴随动作,表示一连串的动作。其结构是:谓语动词,现在分词。

He came into the room, turning on the lights and closing the window. (他走进屋子,打开灯,关上了窗户。)

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It has been raining for a week, causing severe floods.(雨下了一个星期,造成严重水灾。)

65. my dream is that:这是主语+系动词+that+表语从句结构,表语从句需要使用that引导。

1) 当表语从句含有疑问词时,用疑问词引导。

What I want to know is why he is still here.(我想知道的是他为什么还在这里。)

2) 英文中有些特定情况需要用that引导而不用which,例如同位语从句:

He has fulfilled his dream that he would become a lawyer in the future.(他实现了将来当律师的梦想。)

3) 以thing构成合成词比如something, anything, everything, nothing等后面需要使用that引导从句,不使用which,当然也可以不使用连接词。

I have something (that) I want to show you.

66. with the help of:在„„的帮助下。

With the help of the neighbors the fire was at last brought under control.(在邻里们的帮助下, 火势终于被控制住了。)

67. with sobriety:with+抽象名词结构有时相当于该抽象名词的形容词的副词形式。

with rapidity = rapid + ly = rapidly(迅速地)with violence = violent + ly = violently (猛烈地)

68. what I have discovered是名词从句,当名词从句做主语时谓语为单数。

What he said is true. That he will be the new director has not been decided yet.

69. achieving success是动名词短语。动名词做主语时,谓语用单数。动词不定式做主语时谓语也是单数。

Working 12 hours a day is too much. To be on time is a must.

70. not„but rather的意思是“不是.....相反.....”、“不是„..而是„„”。

1) It is not what he said specifically, but rather that he said it at all. (重要的不是他说了什么,而是他说出来了。)

2) The patient was not better but rather got worse.(患者情况不但没有好转,反而进一步恶化了。)

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