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叹世人何苦劳累。不如早日信耶稣。走上灵程路(九月九的酒音)弟兄姊妹呀,咱们要一起走,刚强的拉起软弱人的手。走和# 8222;与# 8222;走啊走,为主而奔走,只要你跟从基督

,福份为你留。走和# 8222;与# 8222;走啊走,同把灵程走,听从主的训诲,不能把真理丢。走和# 8222;与# 8222;走啊走,走上永生路,离恶行善求圣洁,生命才永久。弟兄姊妹呀

,作主工莫退后,为主传福音,奔走在五洲。走和# 8222;与# 8222;走啊走,大胆往前走,天父等待你和我,咱们莫回头。走和# 8222;与# 8222;走啊走,同把灵程走,全家人为主活

,欢乐无忧愁。走和# 8222;与# 8222;走啊走,千万别回头,挺胸昂首往前走,天堂为你留!为什么传道(橄榄树音)不要问我从哪里来,我的故乡在乐园,为什么传道,并到地级




,花草终归要枯干。你要问我为何这样说,神的话儿句句在应验,你要问我现在怎么做,我会告诉你很多、很多和# 8222;与# 8222;善良的神父神你在高天坐。




Save people from the catastrophe, Jesus is the chief helmsman,

as long as the confidence is not money. Bread of life (song for

the kingdom of heaven sound) at any time to cook, Jesus gave

the oil to give rice, and give salt

The pot bowl filled with floating, the gift of rice, eat, don't

give away money grace. Faith raises prayer, Ye Hehua, God's

children, do not be afraid, Jesus has the means to rely on

confidence to cook

The food is not enough, and the family is young and young, and

safe. Happy forever call to the people in the eyes like good

words, do not pessimistic, if encounter unfair things, to

"tolerance" in mind, always remember the Bible lesson,

Love your enemy, the father loves to do everything, calm and

tolerant, wonderful, patience two words, heart knife. Let the

world see the first trick, after suffering a sweet, strong and

courageous with go, not afraid of ten not bitter, knowing that

spirituality is difficult, willing to sacrifice, permanent

Far happiness is in sight. I am a son of God, I am a son of God,

a treasure bought by blood. He has told me not to sin, to do

the will of God, to pray much, to endure patiently, to honour,

to humble, to endure, to be holy,

Lovers love god. Jesus the two time back (99 sun telling Jesus

two) secondary back, the world will be a great disaster, the

disaster is not we meet, escape disaster fled back to paradise.

At the last change

I have mentioned, the new world, Jesus the wedding banquet, see

the world really poor. There are fire, burned people nowhere

to hide, crying crying cry, crying hoarse throat is invalid.

You suffered at that time

Then you think of the Lord Jesus, hurriedly call Jesus and beg

Jesus to save us. Jesus sat in the courtroom, the good and the

evil of two separate, once hardened and disobedient, now the

Lord is in vain. Call the world to listen carefully

At last, foretold in the Bible, if you repent and trust in the

Lord, you will be able to free the fire. I put you in the name

of the Lord to advise you to listen to my words, if you do not

believe the main paradox, after suffering not blame us. The

resurrection of the horn (advised dawn sound) Brethren

And sisters, quickly raised, frightened of the disaster is

coming. The earthquake famine plague is playing against the

national country fraught with grim possibilities. Repent not,

revive not, pray not,

In case of disaster case trial escape punishment. Evil himself,

money does not work, should not anyone cry too. People quickly

understand the resurrection, wake up as early as possible, the

Savior, the lifeboat only backing. Advise people to know God,

repent and be saved

Can man's wisdom and wisdom be higher than the sky? The rivalry

with God against God to their own destruction, natural

disasters from natural calamities and man-made misfortunes.

The good has the newspaper, the evil has the newspaper, has the

repayment finally, pitiful in the world, the human is ignorant,

does not open the mind. Sodom and Molaming / tell

God is tolerant of God, tolerance is limited. Nineveh to know

God in sackcloth and ashes, God angry people were saved, happy

yo. Looking forward to the way to heaven (we are walking on the

road), we are walking on the spiritual path

The Holy Spirit, feel comfortable, walk through the seas Wuzhou,

often the main words in mind, the gospel to be strong, the main

truth everywhere, forward, God's irresistible, we walk in the

way of the gospel,

Dedicated to feeding the flock, Lord Jesus we established the

benchmark tree model, learn to endure hardship, learn patience,

everything for the will of God, to humble Xue Qian, the heart

is the resurrection of the good shepherd. The road is difficult,

sad and hurt,

All the taste is not the main sour, sweet, bitter, hot, if God,

who has no wife and parents? Left, left the house property,

faithful trust life does not change, brother and sister, sister

to brother Mian, together with limb singing together. We walk

on the road to eternal life,

People love each other as an example, in full uniform, resist

the devil, not afraid of wolves, to change, to be holy, a little

idol can be hidden, head, chest, heart is salvation. People are

looking forward to the way to heaven,

How about your conscience? Live with the Lord and reign with

the LORD; let him be bitter and strong in the sight, and the

Lord Jesus is coming, and the judgment of the world is not empty,

Calamity, misfortune, sorrow, lamentation, destruction.

Looked up (UNISITI tour sound)

I looked up, on the right hand of the father, solemn majesty

holding staff, management world, righteous people in his care,

he saw the evil people, good and evil crime of righteousness

on both sides of the sub theme, never change. Brethren

Sister, or, to pray to Christ, to say that good, that is the

Lord of the anointing, preaching to save is duty, save life have

a reward, not afraid of hardship is not afraid of father, more

love. Pray more, pray more

Well, the power of the Holy Spirit, three foreclosure Christ

tree benchmark, they follow no complaints, not on the things

of earth, always pay attention to bitter sweet, very difficult

to listen to the LORD God, happy forever.

Lord Jesus said to them (River - even Boeing) Lord Jesus said

to them, do not be lazy after preaching to save, on the ground,

hard working with good results. Not greedy rank, success, fame

and riches in the world

And the Lord prepared the blessing in the Holy city. Life, water,

drink, and the fruit of life. Don't see the world lived in luxury,

but under the moneylender God of fire, Lazarus believes in God,

our heavenly Father in permanent joy. Brothers and sisters,

seek more

How many people do not know what earnest prayer consulted the

father, the spirit of God to work Everything goes well and

smoothly. Some believers have fame on the ground, rebellious,

bent, many tricks, selfish desires, sins, and greed, not for

themselves. Some doubt the power of God

The recipient blamed the injection, took the medicine, pleaded

not guilty, had no effect, suffered terribly, was still a

mistake. Natural calamities and man-made misfortunes come to

earth, main instruction can not hear, repent work to live, the

resurrection of the ear trumpet cry. The field crops are ripe,

The LORD called home when the harvest, chaff weeds cast aside,

screening of fine grain in the barn. For the kingdom of God

(tinkling sound) brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters,

are vivid grace; to the world, to the Cape

To the uttermost side of the earth, and my Lord Jesus Christ

loves to boast that we are his children, and that we shall have

the right to produce and to possess. Brothers and sisters,

brothers and sisters, be subject to the will of the Lord

That moment there is peace; many prayers, all prayer, the LORD

hath great power, resist the devil evil all. Brothers and

sisters, brothers and sisters, all be strong; not weak, don't

retreat, improper wandering stars; endurance.

All things, faith, repentance bear fruit; singing spiritual

songs, singing hymns, confidence and strength. Chorus: lord!

Lord! May you come soon so that I may repent and not be greedy.

Seek your kingdom, for your righteousness and mercy, and not

for your insults

Not afraid of ridicule, persuade people into the ark. Lord Jesus

and the Pro Pro (Wanquan water and pure tone) Lord Jesus pro

and pro, I suffered a blood shed, to save the world sinners,

self sacrifice, love people repent.

Brothers and sisters pro and pro, the gospel of peace tramp over

mountains and through ravines, everyone, every family has

Hongen, knelt down and prayed to the Lord asked not. The

resurrection of the bugle horn shout, quickly raised not to

criminals, love your neighbour love your enemies

Remove the poison from your heart is the key. Brothers and

sisters in one body, the LORD set a benchmark model, people

should love each other, understand the mind of the Lord, and

then come out. There is not in the eyes of the beam, an eye for

an eye should not, don't let the size of

Do not be guilty of sin, but know that the Lord is coming, repent.

Chorus: God is love, everyone repent. Advise a weak man (a light

voice), advise a weak brother, advise a weak sister, and ask

your conscience

Why should we be weak? Maybe you were all wear, the gospel come

to your house, you have peace. Brothers and sisters come to pray,

did not say the leg kneels soft, you hear the truth at home,

why should put difficult? The gospel of heaven has spread for

many years

Your former character may not be ordinary. Jesus Christ has done

evil and sins for us, and he has suffered from the world, and

has been repeatedly imprisoned.

Will not these principles come to light? Be modest, accept the

truth, and you will be complete.

Christ as people kneel before the father, by his wounds, shed

blood, put all the forgiveness of sins. Relatives and friends

of his generation who, when the devil catch, mountain Wayao

accommodation, often on the outside. In order to show the truth,

the flesh suffers,

Discipline often appears in the flesh. Weak brothers and

sisters, do not delay any more, the flashing spiritual journey,

the prophecy of the bible. A resurrection of the dead, the

living will change, eternal crown, please do not doubt, not

difficult. Realistic reason

Real work, more listening, more reading. Good and evil, true

and false, all things speak, day by day, the reaction shows.

Weak brothers and sisters, do not be weak; write, and say, there

are many. The Lord's spiritual course is rugged, and he calls

all living,

Grace, peace, blessings, testimony, like clouds. Quickly

recognize the road, live not only for yourself, but touch it

with your own hands, and see it with your own eyes. Weak brothers

and sisters, listen to me, and say more and persuade less. no

man can do two things at once

Keep your feet on two boats. Who can protect you?. The world

is a kaleidoscope, evolving at all times, true and false, good

and evil, the LORD God in judgment. Calling the lost sheep

(wandering song) in this obscure world

Lost sheep, where are you hiding now? Is it safe, healthy and

strong? Break milk, leave flock sheep, whether in the heart

panic? In order to find the lost sheep

The shepherds' tears are flowing, the lost ones! The lost sheep!

May you look back and Shepherd people beckon to you and return

to the herdsman. Jesus calls out all the fans; the sheep will

leave the wolves, and forget what you did in the past

The foundation is not stable, spirituality is not long, and

the devil from the Holy Spirit to you, come back to him in. The

lost man! A lost sheep! Why don't you think, Lord, come, the

world will perish, the world will perish

For every sign, consider, do not wallow, but what if the Lord

is angry, and whips, and is hurt? Chorus: the lost man! The lost

sheep! Don't look around, now people searching for, hurry into

the cabin.

It is the main person (Liuyang River sound) of the gospel, rough,

Christ the savior to rescue you, poor people do not know the

world is a worry, they bustle. The path of blood is covered with

suffering, and the flash of a spiritual process

How valuable! Dear brothers, dear sisters, why do you still

sleep in Egypt when you recall the tears of the spiritual

process? The kingdom of the road, looking at the country, above

the boat back to repentance is specified, the father of heaven

and hell and the kingdom of God,

He who is worthy of the heart is the Lord's man. Brother sister

send send send send (bell sound) brothers and sisters, two

silent tears, heard the voice of the Lord, to preach the gospel

to endure much, apart from his wife and children,

Ling Cheng Road was smooth, dear brothers, sisters, spirit cell,

strong hope of saving lives, all the more. Send a brother, send

a sister, despite the spiritual process, many ups and downs,

and never live up to the upbringing of grace, people love, the

Lord has grace

Though not a mother, a spirit is better than a sister's

affection, a brother, a sister, a dear soul, until the spring

wind sends good tidings, and the spirit meets again. Send

brothers and sisters, two tears today, but I hope that the Lord

is sad, the road is far away,

To meet each other for limb rest connected to the heart, love

each other brothers and sisters to go in the end, ah, my dear

Ling cell, until after the completion of redemption, the

kingdom of God forever. Preaching saves people is an important

task (shooting back sound), preaching is a mission to save


Brothers and sisters, when the alert, heart way to witness, work

arrangements to remember not according to the flesh, to

remember the work schedule. Spiritual hymns to sing, sing the

sound of praise to God, he can give people sorrow solution

That can make one long spiritual Hallelujah, can make one long

spiritual. Pray, pray, have faith, that the foundation is firm,

steady, and urge the Lord to open the door, and that patience

will prevail, watch, and pray more,

Patience will prevail in the end. Healing demons witness,

The spirit of evil spirits to recognize the Holy Spirit,

know-it-all, under fire failed to distinguish the corrupt evil

spirits, corrupt under fire. It is foolish to burn incense and

bow, but an idol is not an old man, but the custom of the East

is not overthrown

How can a true God deny you an idol? How can a true God recognize

you?. Song of life, my friend! Listen to me, listen to me sing

the song of life, on the road of life,

What are you after? Money and fame, and enjoy the pleasures in

the world, this short material, can satisfy the hunger in your

heart? Alexander, who conquered Europe in the past, knows no

glory for a few days

The disease took him away, although fame and fortune, the palace

Enron lie, life is not ruled by himself, just waking up on the

deathbed. How much is the feeling of sadness, how much more

knowledge more worry, boring, this is why? Vast universe

The sea, vast, you just like a boat, so cool in the waves drift.

Who will be able to retain the unforgiving time loss such as

rivers, life is like a meteor flying, even if there is knowledge,

ability is good, and the hero,

Have you ever seen what they got? Life is a joy, but a busy life,

get up early in the morning to go to work until sunset, for the

mouth and all, abdominal rushing seasons daily flies, and is

so wasted. Flowers bloom in spring,

The autumn leaves fall, and the life is weak, poor you free

operation, advise you to consider repeated fine thoughts,

ancient and modern heroes are more and more, but the foam on

the surface. Life is hard to think of

How many people seek and explore and glorify the wise Solomon,

and tell you and me that life is nothing. Only by faith in God

and by eternal life, can we satisfy the hunger of your heart

by the Lord who can redeem all the people. The Old Testament

song catalog (99 sun day)

A Joshua, Shen Limin, judges Ruth, Sa Sa, and the kings of the

upper and lower generation and generation, with J Rani Cilmi,

Esther and Job, poetry, song AI Thayer Pro node but what joel


And Obadiah, Jonah Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah, Haggai,

Zechariah and Malachi. The New Testament song catalog (flood

sound) Matthew mark, Luke John, acts of Rome book; Lin Qian Lin


Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians; and posted

the first post, ahead of Tim Titus; Philemon, Hebrews, James

and Peter John, John II; three books, the book of Judah and


The ten commandments, the commandments of Mount Sinai, and God

says, Mose, hear, one by one, and write, and God's children be

done. The first to God, because God is the only one, God is not

God, all idols are false. Second statues,

Do not bow down to worship does not burn incense, incense is

a fool, don't put the clay when the father and mother. Third

shall not misuse the name of God, the most respected, if the

ancients when God worship, and worship idols with evil. Fourth

keep the sabbath, the rest day

When all work is done, go to church and worship god. The Fifth

Commandment is not filial piety, promise and filial piety, pass

the heritage, live long on the earth. Sixth not to kill, not

hate do not curse, curse Henren such as murder

Future trials are difficult to escape. Seventh do not commit

adultery, see the woman is not tempted, from a lewd reading,

count adultery, far from the children reported close to the body.

Eighth if he does not steal, if he steals, God knows that the

property is large and small, and the private will take it away

and steal it.

Ninth do not false evidence, true and false to distinguish

between, if false evidence trap people, trap people into sin,

sin is not light. Tenth if not greedy, greedy to curse,

ill-gotten gains is the major pest killed, destroyed the ten

commandment prodigal God set,

He that is subject to the LORD shall do it; and Jesus shall be

punished for me, repent quickly, and live forever.

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