



RetUrning to a book you,ve read many times Can feel Iike drinks With an Old friend. There,s a

WelCOme familiarity — but also SOmetimeS a Slight SUSPiCiOn that time has Changed you

both, and thus the relationship・ BUt books don't ChangeZ p∞ple do.

And that S What makes the act Of rereading SO rich and tranSfOrmatiVe・

再次翻开你读过很多遍的书,感觉就像和老友小酌几杯。有一种愉悦的熟悉感一但 有时也会有一丝轻微的怀疑,感觉时间已经改变了人与书,还有彼此的关系。但是书 是不会变的,会变的是人。这就是重读行为如此有趣多彩并有变革意义的原因了。

The beauty Of rereading IieS in the idea that OUr bond With the WOrk is based On OUr PreSent

mental register. It,s true, the OIder I get, the more I feel time has WingS・ BUt With reading,

it's all about the PreSent. It,s about the now and What OneCOntributes to the now, because

reading is a give and take between author and reader. EaCh has to PUlI their OWn weight.

重读的美妙之处在于某种观念,即认为我们与作品的联系是建立在当前精神状态的基 础之上的。这是真的,我年龄越大,越感觉时光飞逝。但对于阅读来说,它是关于当 下的。它是关于现在以及一个人对现在所起的作用,因为阅读是作者和读者之间的一 种交流,每一方都要尽力而为。

There are three books I reread annually. The first, WhiCh I take to reading every SPring is

EmeSt Hemningwayz S A MOVeable Feast. PUbliShed in 1964, it' S his ClaSSiC memoir Of 1920s

Paris. The IangUage is almost intoxicating

(令人陶醉的),an aging Writer IOOking back On

an ambitious yet SimPler time. AnOther is Annie DiIlardr

S HOly the FirmZ her POetiC 1975


(随笔)about everything and nothing. The third b∞k is JUIiO COrtaZarZ S SaVe

Twilight: SeleCted POemSZ because poetry. And because COrtaZar.

有三本书我每年都会重读。第一本是海明威的《流动的盛宴》,这是我喜欢每年在春 天里读的一本书。出版于1964年,这本书是欧内斯特•海明威对他二十世纪20年代在 巴黎生活的经典回忆录。书中的语言令人陶醉,这是一位年老的作家回顾过去那充满 雄心壮志却又简单的时光。另一本书是安妮•迪拉德的《神圣的坚实》,是她1975年 的随笔,用充满诗意的语言描述了万物与虚空。第三本书是胡里奥•科塔萨尔的《拯救 黄昏》诗选,(喜欢这本书)因为是诗选,因为是科塔萨尔。

WhiIe I tend to buy a IOt Of books, these three Were given to me as gifs, WhiCh might add to

the meaning I attach to them・ BUt I imagine that, While money is indeed WOnderful and

necessary, rereading an author's WOrk is the highest CUrrency a reader Can Pay them・ The

best books are the OneS that OPen further as time PaSSeS・ BUt remember, ifs you that has

to grow and read and reread in Order to better UnderStand your friends.

尽管我常常买很多书,但这三本却是别人送给我的礼物,这一点也许增添了我赋予它 们的意义。但我认为,虽然金钱确实是奇妙的、必需的,但重读一个作家的作品却是 读者能付给作家的最高币值货币。最好的书是那些随看时间的流逝向读者展示更深远 内容的书。但要记得,是你要去成长,去阅读,还有重读,从而去更好得理解你的 (书籍)朋友们。



RetUrning to a book you've read many times Can feel Iike drinks With an Old friend.

解析:本句中"returning to a book"是"doing短语做主语",意为"再读一本书或 重读"。"you've read many timesM是定语从句做定语,修饰主语,意为"你读过 很多次的"。

本句中"drinks"此处为名词,意为"酒宴、酒会",此处可以结合下文翻译为"和朋 友小酌几杯"。


There's a WelCOme familiarity — but also SOmetimeS a Slight SUSPiCiOn that time has

Changed you bothz and thus the relationship.

解析:本句中,,that time has Changed you both, and thus the relationship/*

为同位 语从句,对"suspicion"进行解釋说明,即对时间改变人和书以及二者之间关系有点 怀疑。


And that' S What makes the act Of rereading SO rich and tvnSfOrmative.

解析:本句中"what makes the act Of rereading SO rich and transformative.H

为表语 从句,作表语,对主语进行说明,意为"使重读行为变得丰富多彩和有变革意义的东 西"。

本句中主语that指上文中的nbooks don't ChangeZ PeOPle do.(书未变而人变)", 整个句子可以翻译为"那(书未变而人变)就是重读行为如此有趣多彩并有变革意义 的原因”


The beauty Of rereading IieS in the idea that OUr bond With the WOrk is based Orl OUr PreSent

mental register.


"that OUr bond With the WOrk is based On OUr PreSent mental register/*

为同位语从句,对"idea"进行解释说明,即"idea"的内容为"我们与作品的联系是 建立在当前精神状态的基础之上的"。

本句中短语,"lie in"为动词短语,意为"在于","mental registerH为名词短语,

意为"精神或D理状态"。整句话的意思为"重读的美妙之处在于某种观念,即认为 我们与作品的联系是建立在当前精神状态的基⅛之上的。”


ItZS about the now and What One COntribUteS to the now, because reading is a give and take

between author and reader.

解析:本句中"now"用作名词,意为"目前、当下"。MWhat One COntribUteS to the now"为what引导的表语从句,对主语it (reading )进行说明,意为"一个人对 现在所起的作用"。

本句中"give and take"是固定短语,意为"双方让步、互相迁就",此处可理解为 作者和读者之间的交流。

整个句子可以翻译为"阅读是关于现在以及一个人对现在所起的作用,因为阅读是作 者和读者之间的一种交流(付出和获取)"O


The IangUage is almost intoxicating

(令人陶醉的),an aging Writer IOOking back On an

ambitious yet SimPler time.

解析:本句中MagingM意为"变老的、年老的"。WlOOking back Orl an ambitious yet SimPIer

time.H为现在分词做后置定语,修饰前面的"an aging writer"



整句话可翻译为”(书中的)语言令人陶醉,这是一位年老的作家回顾过去那充满雄 心壮志却又简单的时光。”


While I tend to buy a IOt Of books, these three Were given to me as gifs, WhiCh might add to

the meaning I attach to them.

解析:本句中"which might add to the meaning I attach to them."为非限制定语从 句,"which"指前面所述情况(这三本书被作为礼物送给我),可翻译为"这一点"。 整个定语从句意为"这一点也许增添了我赋予它们的意义",对前面进行补充说明。

定语从句中"I attach to them"仍旧是一个定语从句,修饰前面的"meaning"。

MattaCh to"意为"把......附加到……上面",此处可理解为"赋予"O

整句话可翻译为"尽管我常常买很多书,但这三本却是别人送给我的礼物,这一点也 许增



BUt I imagine thatz While money is in deed WOn derful and necessary, reread i ng an author's

WOrk is the highest CUrrency a reader Can Pay them.

解析:本句中"while money is indeed WOnderfUl and necessary"为


引导的让 步状语从句。

主句中"wading an author's work"为


短语做主语;"a reader Can Pay them.M为省略了


Mthe highest CUrrenCy (最高币值货币)"。

整个句子翻译为"但我认为,虽然金钱确实是奇妙的、必需的,但重读一个作家的作 品却是读者能付给作家的最高币值货币。”


BUt remember, it,s you that has to grow and read and reread in Order to better UnderStand

your friends.

解析:本句中含有f 强调句型,强调"you"



整个句子翻译为"但要记得,是你要去成长,去阅读,还有重读,从而去更好得理解 你的(书籍)朋友们。"


time has Wings.



PUII their OWn weight.

固定短语,意为"尽本分、尽职责"。文中指作者和读者都要各尽本分,或者尽力而 为。


take to

固定短语,意为"开始喜欢、开始沉湎于、养成……习惯"。文中指喜欢读的,或者开 始沉浸(读书活动)其中。


24. Why does the author Iike rereading?

A. It evaluates the Writer-reader relationship・

B. It,s a WindOW to a WhOle new WOrld・

C. It"s a SUbStitUte for drinking With a friend・

D. It extends the Understanding Of Oneself・


答案解析:推理判断题。根据文童第二段中间部分"It's true, the Older I get, the more I feel

time has WingS・ BUt With reading, it,s all about the PreSent. It,s about the now and What

One COntribUteS to the now, ...............................


飞逝,但重读却可以让我们留在当下,并且理解一个人(即自己)对现在所起的作用。 所以说,重读拓展了我们对自己的理解,故答案选择DO

25. What do We know about the book A MOVeable Feas!?

A. It"s a brief account Of a trip・

B. It's about Hemingway,s Iife as a young man.

C. It⅛ a record Of a historic event・

D. It's about HemingWayZS friends in PariS・


答案解析:细节理解题。根据文童第三段第三句"it' S his ClaSSiC memoir Of 1920s Paris/1

(这是他的对于二十世纪二十年代巴黎的经典回忆录)。以及第四句"The IangUage is

almost intoxicating

(令人陶醉的),an aging Writer IOOking back On an ambitious yet SimPler

time.(—位年老的作家回顾过去那充满雄心壮志却又简单的时 光)"可知,这是一本描述海明威年轻时候在巴黎生活的回忆录,故答案选择BO

26. What does the UnderIined WOrd ,l CUrrency ,, in ParagraPh 4 refer to?

A. Debt

B. ReWard・

C. AIIOWance.

D. FaCe ValUe・


答案解析:推理判断题。根据文童第四段第二句"while money is indeed WOnderfUl and

necessaryz rereading an author's WOrk is the highest CUrrency a reader Carl Pay them.M

(虽然金钱确实是奇妙的、必需的,但重读一个作家的作品却是读者能付给作 家的最高币值货币。)。此处最高币值货币指的就是读者能付给作者的奖励。

27. What Can We infer about the author from the text?

A. He IOVeS POetry・

B. He"s an editor.

C. HeZS Very ambitious・

D. He teaches reading.


答案解析:推理判断题。根据文童最后一段最后一句"The third book is JUIiO CortaZar, S

SaVe Twilight: SeleCted POemSZ because poetry. And because COrtaZar.M

作者每年 都会重读的三本书中的第三本是胡里奥•科塔萨尔的《拯救黄昏》诗选。(作者喜欢这 本书)因为是诗选,因为作者是科塔萨尔。由此可知,作者是喜欢诗歌的,所以答案 选择A。

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