



1). the sinking ship 2). the sunken ship





falling leaves

a sleeping child

I like the girl dancing with that guy.


Unidentified Flying Objects

flying fishes

a promising young man

the exploiting class

an understanding man

Euphemism are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.



1)the broken cup 2) the sunken ship



the exploited class

the oppressed nations

trained employees

boiled water


fallen leaves

a retired general

faded colors

departed friends

a married man







Police hunting the killer of a part-time police officer stabbed outside her home in

northwest London are seeking a man wearing a hooded top(带有兜帽的上衣) seen

running away from the scene.




There are two kinds of participles: one ending with-ing (the present participle), and the other

ending with-ed (the past participle). Which form to use depends on the relationship between the

verb and the noun described. Study the following sentences.

a. The trembling old man stood by the broken window.

b. Frightened by a strange noise downstairs, he went down slowly, holding his gun in his hand.

c. Together the friends followed the trail, picking up the fallen strawberries as they went along.

When we use a verb to describe a noun, there must be a logical relationship between them: the

noun either carries out the action or receives the action. If the noun carries out the action, it is the

logical subject of the verb, and we should use the present participle. If the noun receives the action,

it is the logical object of the verb, and we should Use the past participle.

Complete the following sentences by turning the verbs in brackets into proper participles.

1. _______ (swim) slowly but confidently, he pulled the drowning girl to the shore.

2. It's a paradox that KFC and McDonald's, ________ (compete) all over the world, also help

each other to succeed.

3. ________ (jump) aside, he dodged the stone ________ (throw) at him from a ________

(break) window nearby.

4. Demographic Research, a journal _______ (publish) in Britain but ________ (inform)

scholars all over Europe, celebrated its 50th anniversary yesterday.

5. ________ (have) to score all the papers in three days, the professor closed his door to all

visitors. Three days later, he reappeared, ________ (exhaust) but greatly ________ (relieve).

Complex participle phrases

a. Watching the movie, the boy became very excited.

b. Having watched the movie, the boy became very excited.

c. Hurt in the game, Beckham may not be able to play in the coming World Cup match.

d. Having been hurt in the game, Beckham stayed in hospital for about two weeks.

As can be seen in these sentences, the present participle may appear in three different forms

(Sentences b, c and d) besides its original form (Sentence a). The italicized part in Sentence b is

the perfect aspect of the present participle, which means that the action of the participle verb takes

place before that of the predicate verb. So, Sentence a means that the boy became excited while he

was watching the movie, but in Sentence b the boy be-came excited after he had watched the


Hurt in the game in the third sentence looks like a past participle. However, we can also regard it

as the passive voice of the present participle with being omitted.(In this passive form, being is

usually omitted, and then it becomes the past participle.) In Sentence d, the italicized part is the

perfect aspect of the passive form of the present participle.

Use participles to combine the following sentences.

a. I bought a computer last week.

The computer brings happiness to everyone in my family.

The computer bought last week brings happiness to everyone in my family.

b. I was back in my hometown.

I didn’t know that my professor had assigned another 5,000-word paper.



Being back in my hometown, I didn’t know that my professor had assigned another5,000-word


c. The picture on the wall was painted by a post-impressionist.

Many people were standing in front of the picture.

They pretended that they could understand the picture.

Standing in front of the picture painted by a post-impressionist, many people pretended that they

could understand it. / Many people stood in front of the picture painted by a post-impressionist,

pretending that they could understand it.

d. The boy looked out of the window of the train.

He was amused by the power line.

The power lines are dancing up and down in the air.

Looking out of the window of the train, the boy was amused by the power lines dancing up and

down in the air.

Translate the following sentences into English, using different forms of participle


1. 由于怕被警察认出,他白天从不出去。

2. 如果及时服用,这药是相当有效的。

3. 由于离过两次婚,她不想再结婚。


Look at the following two pairs of sentences and try to tell the differences between them.

a. l) Hurt in the game, I will not be able to go to your party tonight.

2) My best friend hurt in the game, I will not be able to go to your party tonight.

b. 1) My grandma was sitting in her rocker, singing happily in the spring fragrance.

2) My grandma was sitting in her rocker, her radio singing happily in the spring fragrance.

Sentence 2 in both pairs is different from sentence 1 in that the two participles have another noun

before them ( my best friend before hurt, and her radio before singing ). These participles have a

logical subject different from that of the sentence. In English, participle phrases used with their

own logical subjects are called absolute constructions, or simply absolutes.

Translate the following sentences into English, using different forms of absolute


1. 所有学生坐好之后,讲座开始了。

2. 向导领着路,我们毫不费劲的走出了森林。

3. 上千只眼睛看着他,露西感到紧张。

Now look at some other sentences.

a. The man stood in the street corner, his hands put in his pockets.

b. The man stood in the street corner, hands put in his pockets.

c. The man stood in the street corner, hands in pockets. (逻辑主语+介词短语)

Sentence a is exactly the same as the above kind of absolute constructions, but sentence b omits

the personal pronoun his, and Sentence c further omits the participle word put. As a result, the

three sentences are different in structure. However, since the italicized parts in Sentences b and c

perform the same function as in Sentence a, we can regard them as absolute constructions.


Many gifts were sent out, some of them books.



Many people come to visit the city, most of them foreigners.


Nobody to come tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week.

So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.

Using absolutes with purpose

A. Adding descriptive details

Try to combine sentences a and b, and sentences c and d.

a. The manager sat quietly in his office, his eyes closed.

b. The manager sat quietly in his office, a cigarette burning in his hand.

c. Sam walked slowly off the playground, his face streaked with tears.

d. Sam walked slowly off the playground, his left leg bleeding.

B. Indicating cause-effect relationships

Besides adding descriptive details, absolutes are used for another purpose. Try to figure it out by

looking at the following sentences.

a. His notebook stolen, Larry is certain to fail in the coming exam.

b. Wallet lost, I had to go home on foot.

c. His housework done , the night movie having ended, Mr. Strong could do nothing but go to


In most cases, when the absolute is used for description, it is put at the end of the sentence; when

it is used to suggest a cause-effect relationship, it is put at the beginning of the sentence.

Absolutes are similar to participles in functions and positions. However, absolutes are usually used

with their own logical subjects. What’s more, besides the “n.+ participle” type, absolutes may also

take the form “n.+ prep.”.

We can sometimes put a conjunction before a participle to make the meaning more colorful.

Conjunctions can express the following meanings.


a. While chasing the cat, the dog hurt its feet.

b. Before setting off, she spent two hours on her hair, face and clothes.

c. After meeting those people, I started to doubt the feasibility of my plan.


a. Though holding important positions and earning big money, he is not happy.

b. Although having finished his homework, the boy is not allowed to go out to play.

c. She doesn't plan to go to the party, even though invited.


a. If found guilty, he will have to stay in prison all his life.

b. When heated, this material will give off a very bad smell.

c. These animals will not attack human beings unless corned. .

Rewrite the following sentences, using the “conjunction + participle” structure.

a. Kate fell asleep when she was reading Bob's letter.

b. She started to chat with her friend after she had finished her work.

c. The old man still watches the video from time to time although he has seen it a thousand and

one times.



d. The prisoner plans to escape though he is closely watched by the guards.

e. Many people believe that if an article is read many times, it will naturally be understood.

Simplified subordination

The following are some rules regarding the simplification of subordinate clauses.

 A subordinate clause can be simplified if its subject is the same as that of the main clause.

 If the predicate of the subordinate clause is be+ prep. or be+ participle, you can remove the

subject and the verb be.

 If the predicate of the subordinate clause is a common verb, you can use a participle phrase.

Simplify the following subordinate clauses.

a. Although beepers were very common about ten years ago, they have almost disappeared now.

b. If they are produced on the same assembly line, these products probably have the same


c. If you had tried harder, you might have persuaded your boss to postpone the deadlines for

your project.

d. When terrorists attacked civilians, they were blinded by their misguided devotion.






1. “it”作形式宾语

I think it essential to reserve air tickets.

I made it a rule to do shadowboxing every morning.


I never knew him do anything without a very good reason.

I have never known that man ( to ) smile.

That man has never been known to smile.

类似的:judge/suppose/consider/discover/imagine/ prove/understand, etc.


It is better to give than to take.

We ought to read more and have more practice.

I haven’t decided whether to quit or to study.


This is the question having been discussed for thousands of years.

This is the question discussed for thousands of years.

This question, having been discussed for thousands of years, has now been solved.


Anyone being fit for this job can sign your name here.

Anyone ( who is ) fit for this job can sign your name here.

Most of the people being invited to the party were famous scientists.

The music (being) played on the piano sounds very familiar.


They will take stiffer measures to help (to) fight terrorism.

This charity aims to help people (to) help themselves.

Green tea can help you (to) feel relaxed and refreshed.

; being done; having been done作状语的区别:三者都可以表示被动

⑴表示伴随用being done,但一般被done取代。

The boy was running along the street, (being) followed by a dog.

(Being) Led by the local guide, we went further into the virgin forest.

⑵having been done 往往强调发生在主句谓语动作完成之前,或已持续一段时间。如不强调,可直接用done.

Brought up abroad, he knows little about his hometown.

Having been well tended for half a year, the patient became far better.


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